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fb the letter of poor relations chapter three that's twenty six faith and freedom for through faith your sons of god in union with christ jesus up ties into union with him you have oil poured on christ as a dominant
there is no such thing as a jew and greek slaves and free men male and female for you or one person in christ jesus but if you're less belong to christ you are the issue of abraham and so errors by promise this is what i mean so long as the air is a miner he's no better off than a sleeve even though the hall estate is his he is under guardians of trustees until the deed fixed by his father and so it was with us during our minority we were slaves to the elemental spirits of the universe but when the dam was completed god sent his own son born of a woman born under the law to put
his freedom from the subject of the law in order that we might detain the status of science to prove that us arms broad has sent into our hearts the spirit all these seven crank up our father you are therefore no longer a sleeve but a son and if a son then also by guards only act imam formanek when you did not acknowledge god you are the sleeves of being switch in them a check and no guards but no but you do acknowledge god or rather no that he has acknowledged you how can you turn back to the meantime they go to the spirits of the elements i do you propose to enter the service all over again you keep special days and months and seasons years you make me fear that all the games i
spent on you may prove to be labor lost put yourselves in my place my brothers i beg you what i've bought myself a new us it is not that you did me any wrong as you know it was bubbly illness that were originally led to my bringing you the gospel and you resisted any temptation to show scorn or disgust at the state of michael body you welcomed me as if i would i mean joerg on as you might have welcomed christ jesus himself have you forgotten how happy you saw your sales in having me with you i can say this for you you would have torn know give any eyes and given them to make have that be possible and have i know made myself your enemy by being honest with you the persons i have referred to on envious of you but
not with an honest and they what they really want just above the door to you so that you become to envy them it is or was a fine thing to deserve an honest and they always and not only when i am president with you dear children all my children you are and i am impressed him with you all over again and do you take the shape of christ i wish i could be with you know then i could modify my tone as it is i'm at my wits' end approach to tell me no you're so anxious to be under more we're not listened to what losses it is written there that aig had two sons one by his sleeve and the other by his free born wife the slave woman son was born in the course of nature the free woman's through god's promise this is about a great the two women stand for two governments the one
burying children into slavery is the covenant that comes from mount sinai that is he got sinai is a mountain in arabia and it represents the jerusalem of today where she and her children are in slavery but the heavenly jerusalem is the free woman she is our mother for scripture says rejoice all but a woman would never more child break into a show of joy you who never knew her mother's pangs of the deserted wife shall have more children than she who lives with her husband and you my brother's like isaac are children of god's promise but just as in those days the natural born son persecuted the spiritual sound so it is today but what the scriptures say dr of the slave woman and her son of a son
of a slave shall not share the inheritance with a free woman's sounds you see them my brothers we are no slave woman's children our mother is the free woman christ set us free to be free man stanza of them and refuse to be tied to the yoke of slavery and in mark my words i poll say to you that if you receive circumcision christ will do you know once again you can take it from me that every man who receives circumcision is under obligation to keep the anti animal when you seek to be justified by way of all your relation with christ is completely severed human form of the domain of god's grace for us our hope of attaining that righteousness which we eagerly await is the work off the spigot through faith if
we out in union with christ jesus circumcision makes no difference at all nor does the water that the only thing that counts is faith active in love you're running well who was it hindered you from following the truth whatever persuasion he used it did not come from god who is calling you a little evan remember leavens all the duo united we view and the lord i am confident that you will not take the wrong view but the man who is unsettling your mind's whoever it may be must bear god's judgment and i my friends if i am still advocating circumcision it is that i am still persecuted in that case my preaching of the crosses a stumbling block the law as from these agitators they had their table or we i made units of
themselves you're my friends were called to be free man only do not turn your freedom and the license for your lawn nature but be servants to one another into for the war could be summed up in a single come on don't love your neighbor as yourself but if you're born fighting one another to the mail or you can expect is mutual destruction i mean this if you are guided by the spirit you will not fulfill the desires of your mortgage that nature sits its desires against the spigot while the spirit fights against it they are in conflict with one another so that what you will to do you cannot do but if you aren't made by the city that you are not under law anyone can see the kind of behavior that belongs to the lawmaker
fornication impurity and indecent say ideology and saucily morals a contentious temper and that fits of rage selfish ambitions decisions about the intrigues and jealous he's drinking boats orgies and the like i warned you as i warned you before that those who believe in such ways will never inherit the kingdom of god but the harvest of the spit it is love joy and peace patience kindness goodness fidelity gentleness and self control there is no war dealing with such things as these and those who belonged to christ jesus crucified the lord nature with its passions and desires is the spirit is the source of our life met the spirit also direct our course we must not be conceited challenging one another daughter rivalry jealous of one another in a
man should do something wrong my brothers on a sudden impulse you had both with the spirit must set it right the game very gently looked yourself each one of you you may be tempted to help one another to carry these heavy loads and in this way you will fulfill all of christ for if a man imagines himself to be somebody ready is nothing is due to himself each man should examine his own conduct for himself then he can measure of his achievement by comparing himself with himself and not with anyone else what everyone has his own problem in tibet when anyone is under construction in the faith he should give this teacher i share of local things he has make no mistake about this book is not to be
fooled a mavericks what he sold as if he's so seed in the field of his lawyer nature he will read from it a harvest of corruption but in these solos in the field of the spirit the spirit will bring him our harvest all the eternal life so it has never tired of doing good fun if we do not select from our efforts we shout in due time reap our harvest that for as opportunity offers that does work for the good of low especially members of the household of the faith you see these big letters i am no writing till you're in my own hand it is all those who want to make a fan i'll put them bodily shoal what trying to force circumcision upon you this or object is to escape persecution for the cross of christ for even those who do receive circumcision i'm not thoroughgoing observers of the law they only want you to be
circumcised in order to boast of your having submitted to that oakland right but god forbid that i should boast of anything by the cross of our lord jesus christ through which the world is crucified to me and i to the world circumcision has nothing on circumcision is nothing the only thing that counts is new creation whoever they are to take this principle for that buried peace and mercy be upon them and upon the whole israel of god in future that no one may trouble for me but i bear the marks of jesus branded on my body the grace over our lord jesus christ be with your spirit my brothers oh man reading has concluded that the eighteenth last of the sixth chapter of the letter
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The New English Bible
Episode Number
Galatians 3:26-Galatians 6:18
Producing Organization
WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Contributing Organization
The Riverside Church (New York, New York)
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Episode Description
A religious sermon.
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Producing Organization: WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Speaker: McCracken, Robert J. (Robert James), 1904-1973
AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Riverside Church
Identifier: cpb-aacip-f005529f250 (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:13:52
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “The New English Bible; 68; Galatians 3:26-Galatians 6:18,” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 16, 2024,
MLA: “The New English Bible; 68; Galatians 3:26-Galatians 6:18.” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 16, 2024. <>.
APA: The New English Bible; 68; Galatians 3:26-Galatians 6:18. Boston, MA: The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from