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it's been gospel according to john chapter ten that's fourteen victory over death jesus with drew again across the jordan to the place where john had been bugged ties in an air there he stayed while growers came to him they said sean davis no
matter activists sign but already said about this man was through many came to believe in him there there was a man named lazarus who had fallen below his home was the best to make the village of mandate and her sister martha this mandate whose brother lazarus had formed a deal was the woman who anointed the lord with orange mound and white his feet with her hair sister sent a message to him sir you should know that your friend lies ill when jesus had this he said this sickness will not end in death it has come for the glory of god to bring glory to the son of god and therefore no he loved martha and her sister and lazarus after hearing of his illness jesus waited for two
days in the place where he was after this he said to his disciples let us go back to judy a rabbi his disciples said it is not long since the jews that were wanting to stone you are you going there and in jesus replied either not twelve hours of daylight anyone can walk in daytime without stumbling because he sees the light of this world but if he walks after nightfall he stumbles because the light fails him after seeing this he headed our friend luz of us has fallen asleep but i shall go and wake him the disciples said moscow if he has fallen asleep he will recover jesus however had been speaking of these days but they thought that he meant natural sleep then
jesus spoke openly lazarus is dead i am glad not to have been there it will be for your good and for the good of your face but let us go to him thomas called the twin said to his fellow disciples meadows also go that we made dire with him on his arrival jesus found that lazarus had already been four days in the tomb bethany was just under two miles from jerusalem and many of the people would come from the city to martha and mary to condo with them on their brothers did as soon as she had that jesus was on his way mauss that went to meet him while many state of corn masa said to jesus if you had been here said my brother would not have died even know i know that whatever you
ask of gone god will grant oh jesus said your brother will rise again i know that he will rise again said martha at the resurrection on the last day jesus said i have members of asia and i am the life if a man has faith in me even though he died he shall come to life and no one who is alive and has faith show ever die do you believe this lord i do she answered i know believes that view of the messiah the son of god who was to come into the world with these words she went to call a systematic and taking her side she said the masters here he is asking for you when may have this she rose up quickly and went to him
jesus had not yet reached the village but was still at the place where martha left him the jews who were in the house on doing with merely when they saw a start up and leave the house went after her for this oppose that she was going to the tomb to weep there so many came to the place where jesus was as soon as she caught sight of him she's staring at his feet and said olsen if you had only been here my brother would not have died when jesus saw her weeping and the jews have companions weeping he sighed heavily and was deeply moved where have you made him he asked then applied come and see serve jesus wept the jews said how did it he must have loved him but some of them said could not this man
all the blind man's eyes have done something to keep allows us from dying jesus a game sighed deeply then he went over to the tome it was a cave with a stone placed against that jesus said take away the storm martha the dead man's sister said to him set by know there will be a stage he has been there for days jesus said did i not tell you that if you have faith you will see the glory of god so they removed the storm then jesus looked up words and said father i frankly though has tapped me i knew already that though always hear is me but i spoke for the sake of the people standing around but they might believe that though did send
me then he raised his voice and a great cry lazarus come forth the dead man came out his hands and feet swayed in latin bands his face wrapped in a cloth jesus said let him go now many of the jerusalem come to visit may and had seen what jesus did build their faith in him but some of them went to the pharmacies and reported what you have done then upon the chief priests and the father sees convened a meeting of the council what action are we taking they said this man is performing many signs if we leave him alone like this the whole populist swill believe in him then the romans will come and sweep away our temple and our nation
but one of them caiaphas who was high priest that he had said you know nothing whatever you do not use your judgment it is more to your interest that one man should die for the people then that the whole nation should be destroyed he did not say this of his own accord but as the high priest in office that year he was gruff a sign that jesus would die for the nation die not for the nation owed but to gather together the scattered children of god so from that day on they plotted his death accordingly jesus no longer went to vote publicly in judea butt lift that region for the country bordering on the visit and came to a town called a free him where he stayed with his disciples the jewish passover was now at hand and many people went up from the country to jerusalem to
purify themselves before the festival for jesus and as they stood in the dead they asked one another what do you think perhaps he is not coming to the festival no the chief priests of the pharmacies have given orders that anyone who knew where he was should give information so that they might arrest him six days before the passover festival jesus came to bethany where lazarus lived whom he had raised from the dead they're as supper was given in his honor at which martha served and laws of a set among the gates with jesus then manet brought a pound of very costly perfume or you of pure nod and anointed the feet of jesus and wiped them with their hair tilda house was filled with the fragrance at this judas iscariot a
disciple of his the one who was to betray him said why was this perfume not so forth that the bones and gives them to the poor he said this not out of any care for the poor but because he was a thief he used a profile of the money pulled into the common purse which was in his charge we roll and said jesus letter to keep it till the day when she prepares for my burial four you have the money you always but you're not always agree a great number of the jews have that he was there and came not only to see jesus but also as a us army and raised from the dead the chief priests then resort to do away with lazarus as well since on his account many jews were going over to jesus and putting their faith in
him the next day the great body of pilgrims would come to the festival hearing that jesus was on the way to jerusalem to calm branches and went out to meet him shouting osama blessings on him though comes in the name of the lord god bless the king of israel jesus found a donkey and mounted it in accordance with the text of scripture feared omar daughter of zion see your king is coming mounted on a nasa is colt at the time his disciples did not understand this but after jesus had been glorified they remembered that this had been written about him and that this had happened to him the people who were present when he called lazarus opened the tomb and raised him from the dead toward what they had seen and had that is why the crowed went to meet him they had
had this sign that he had performed the pharmacies said to one another you see you're doing no good at all quiet although world has gone after him among those who went up to worship at the festival where some greeks they came to philip who was from bissinger in galilee and said to him sir we should like to see jesus so philip went and told them to go and the two of them went to jail jesus the man jesus replied the army has come far the son of man to be glorified in truth in the very truth i tell you a grain of wheat remains a solitary grade i miss it flows into the ground and dies but if it dies it bears are rich harvest the man who loves himself he's lost but
he will kate's himself in this world will be kept safe for eternal life if anyone serves me he must follow me where i am my seventh will be whoever service me will be honored by my father know my soul is in turmoil and what i might just say father save me from this hour no it was for this that i came to this our father glorified i name a voice sounded from heaven i have glorified it and i will glorify again the crowd standing by said it was thunder while others said i'm angel has spoken to him jesus replied this voice spoke for usa not mine no is the hour of judgment for this way you know show the prince of this world be
driven out and i shall grow or man to myself when i am lifted up from the earth this he said to indicate the kind of death he was to die the people i've said oh it teaches us that the messiah continues forever what do you mean by saying that the son of man must be lifted up what son of man is this jesus acid them the light is among you still owe but not for a mormon oh on your away while you have the light so the darkness may not overtake you huge mac and the doctor does not know where he is going where you have the light crust to the light but you may become man of light after these words jesus went away from them into hiding in spite of the many signs which jesus had performed in their presence they would not
believe in and for the prophet isaiah as actors had to be fulfilled martin who has believed what we've reported and to whom as the market's power been revealed so it was that they could not believe i thought that is another saying advise ayers he has blinded that eyes and go into their minds messed they should see without eyes and receive with their minds and turned to me to heal them eyes i i said this because he saw his glory and spoke about him for all that even among those enough thought it a number believed in him what would nod of knowledge him on account of the fantasies for fear of being banned from the synagogue or the value of their reputation with me rather than the army which comes from
corn so jesus carried a load when a man believes in me he believes in him was sent me robert man in me seeing me he sees him who sent me i have come in to the world as a light so that no one who has faith in me should remain in darkness but if anyone is my words and bays no i got to them i am not as judge i have not come to judge the world but to save the world that he's a judge for the man who rejects me and does not accept my words the words that i spoke will be as judge on the last day i do not speak on my own or thought it but the father who has sent me as himself come on that may flock to save and how to speak i
know that his come ons op eternal life what the father has said to me therefore well it is i speak reading has concluded with the fiftieth that's all the twelfth chapter of the gospel recording ms bee
The New English Bible
Episode Number
John 10:40-John 12:50
Producing Organization
WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Contributing Organization
The Riverside Church (New York, New York)
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Episode Description
A recitation of bible passages John 10:40-John 12:50
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Producing Organization: WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Riverside Church
Identifier: cpb-aacip-a9a82f74cff (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:18:25
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Chicago: “The New English Bible; 40; John 10:40-John 12:50,” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 16, 2024,
MLA: “The New English Bible; 40; John 10:40-John 12:50.” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 16, 2024. <>.
APA: The New English Bible; 40; John 10:40-John 12:50. Boston, MA: The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from