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<v Keano>What's the story Amigos? This is Keano with some cool stories for today's story <v Keano>time. <v Narrator>Today, Keano meets Isabel and together they enjoy a <v Narrator>Tale of tamales. <v Maura>Help me, Maria cried. They looked at each other. <v Maura>Danny Piped up first. <v Maura>What do you want us to do? <v Maura>eat them, She said. <v Narrator>Isabelle only speaks only Spanish, so when uncle Ruben visits, It's The Little Red Hen <v Narrator>with a twist. <v Ruben>[Ruben in spanish]. <v Narrator>And Edwardito loses his teddy bear in the woods. <v Ruben>[Ruben in spanish] <v Narrator>Major funding for storytime para ti is made possible by a grant from Helen <v Narrator>and Peter Bing so that families can share the joys of reading with their children. <v Narrator>Additional funding is provided by the California Community Foundation, serving <v Narrator>the communities of Greater Los Angeles by Arko Clean
<v Narrator>Fuels for today and tomorrow and by Toyota <v Narrator>[spanish] working hand in hand with the community. <v Narrator>Toyota. <v Narrator>Storytime para ti. <v Keano>Storytime for you. <v Maura>Well, you know, I wanted to bring you here because this looks like a lot of the <v Maura>churches in Spanish speaking countries do, do you like it? <v Keano>Oh, I like it. All right. Especially the bell tower. <v Maura>Haha. When I was little, I used to go to a church just like this one. <v Keano>Yeah.
<v Keano>Hey, look, Maura. <v Keano>That girl's looking at us. <v Maura>Maybe you could invite you to join us. <v Keano>Oh, okay. <v Keano>Hey, come on over here and talk to us. <v Keano>Do you want to? <v Keano>Hmm. I think she doesn't want to come. <v Maura>Well, that's OK. <v Keano>Yeah. <v Keano>Oh Maura, what did you do for Christmas when you were a little girl? <v Keano>Did did you have a party with lots of present? <v Maura>Oh, we used to do so many different things. <v Maura>First, we went to church on Christmas Eve and then we would go and have dinner and <v Maura>we ate delicious tamales that my mother made and my aunts and <v Maura>I helped, of course. <v Keano>Well, I love Tamales. <v Keano>Yum, yum. <v Keano>Hey, is that book you have there about tamales by any chance? <v Maura>Yes, it is, in this book a little girl is making <v Maura>Tamales with her mother on Christmas Eve and she gets in to a little bit of trouble. <v Maura>Should we read it?
<v Keano>Oh, hi. You changed your mind. <v Maura>Oh, hi. Do you want to listen to a story? <v Isabelle>[isabelle in spanish]. <v Keano>Hola amiga. <v Isabelle>[Isabelle in spanish]. <v Keano>What's she say? <v Maura>She thinks you speak Spanish. <v Keano>I wish I did. That'd be so cool. <v Keano>I just know how to say Hola amiga and a couple other things. <v Isabelle>[isabelle in spanish] <v Keano>What did she say, Maura? <v Maura>She asked you your name. <v Maura>You can say Me llamo Keano. <v Keano>Me llamo, yeah OK. <v Keano>Me llame Keano. <v Isabelle>[Isabelle in spanish]. <v Maura>[Maura in spanish]. <v Isabelle>[Isabelle in spanish]. <v Keano>Is she going to stay for the story? <v Maura>Yes she is but she's going to look at the pictures. <v Maura>[Maura in spanish] <v Isabelle>[Isabelle in spanish].
<v Keano>Muy Bien, That means very well. <v Maura>That's right. <v Maura>And here we go with Too Many Tamales by Gary Sorto. <v Maura>Illustrations by Ed Martinies. <v Keano>OK <v Maura>Snow drifted through the streets. <v Maura>Now that it was dusk, Christmas trees littered in the window. <v Maura>Maria moved her nose off the glass and came back to the counter. <v Maura>She was acting grown up now, helping her mother tamales. <v Maura>Their hands were sticky with masa. <v Maura>That's very good, her mother said. <v Maura>Maria happily kneaded the Masa. <v Maura>She felt grown up wearing her mother's apron. <v Maura>Her mom had even let her wear lipstick and perfume. <v Maura>If only I could wear mom's ring. <v Maura>She thought to herself. <v Maura>Maria's mother had placed her diamond ring on the kitchen counter. <v Maura>Maria loved that ring. <v Maura>She loved how it sparkled like their Christmas tree lights. <v Maura>When her mother left the kitchen to answer the telephone, Maria couldn't help herself.
<v Maura>She wiped her hands on the apron, looked back at the door. <v Maura>I'll wear the ring for just a minute. <v Maura>She said to herself, the ring sparkled on her thumb. <v Maura>Maria returned to needing the massage, her hands pumping up and down on her thumb. <v Maura>The ring disappeared, then reappeared in this sticky glob of dough. <v Maura>Her mother returned and took the bowl from her. <v Maura>Go get your father for this part, she said. <v Maura>Then the three of them began to spread Masa on to corn husks ideas. <v Maura>Father helped by plopping a spoonful of meat in the center and folding the <v Maura>husk. He then placed them in a large pot on the stove. <v Maura>They made 24 Tomales as the windows grew white with delicious <v Maura>smelling curls of steam. <v Maura>A few hours later, the family came over with armfuls, bright presence. <v Maura>Her grandparents, her uncle and aunt and her cousins,
<v Maura>Doloris, Theresa and Danny. <v Maura>Maria kissed everyone Hello. <v Maura>Then she grabbed Doloris by the arm and took her upstairs to play with the other cousins, <v Maura>tagging along after that. <v Maura>They cut off pictures from the newspaper, pictures of toys they were hoping were <v Maura>wrapped and sitting underneath the Christmas tree. <v Maura>As Maria was slipping out a picture of a pearl necklace, a shock <v Maura>spread through her body. <v Maura>The ring she screamed. Everyone stared at her. <v Maura>What ring? Doloris asked <v Maura>Without answering, Maria ran to the kitchen. <v Maura>The steaming tamales lay piled on a platter. <v Maura>The ring is inside one of the tamales. <v Maura>She thought to herself. It must have come off when I was <v Maura>kneading the masa. <v Maura>Doloris, Theresa and Danny skidded into the kitchen behind her. <v Maura>Help me, Maria, I cried. They looked at each other. <v Maura>Danny piped up first. <v Maura>What do you want us to do?
<v Maura>Eat them, she said. If you bite something hard, tell me. <v Maura>The four of them started eating. <v Maura>They ripped off the husks and bit into them. <v Maura>The first one was good, the second one. <v Maura>Pretty good. <v Maura>But by the third tamale they were tired of the taste. <v Maura>Keep eating. Maria scolded. <v Maura>Corn husks littered the floor. Their stomachs were stretched till they hurt. <v Maura>But the cousins kept eating until only one tamale remained <v Maura>on the plate. <v Maura>This must be it, she said. <v Maura>The ring must be on that one. <v Maura>We'll each take a bite. You first. <v Maura>Danny. Danny was the youngest, so he didn't argue. <v Maura>He took a bite. Nothing. <v Maura>Doloris took a bite. <v Maura>Nothing. Thersa took a big bite. <v Maura>Still nothing. <v Maura>It was Maria's turn. <v Maura>She took a deep breath and slowly, gently bit into
<v Maura>the last mouthful of tamal. <v Maura>Nothing. <v Maura>Diidn't any of you bite something hard. <v Maura>Maria asked. Danny frowned. <v Maura>I think I swallowed something hard, he said. <v Maura>Swallowed it? Maria cried. <v Maura>Her eyes big with worry. She looked inside his mouth, Theresa said. <v Maura>I didn't bite into anything hard. But I think I'm sick. <v Maura>She held her stomach with both hands. <v Maura>And of course, Maria didn't dare look into Theresa's mouth. <v Maura>She wanted to throw herself onto the floor and cry. <v Maura>The ring was now in her cousin's throat or worse, his belly. <v Maura>How in the world could she tell her mother? <v Maura>But I have to. She thought she could feel tears pressing <v Maura>to get out as she walked into the living room where the grown up sat talking. <v Maura>They chattered so loudly that Maria didn't know how to interrupt. <v Maura>Finally, she tugged on her mother's sleeve. <v Maura>What's the matter? Her mother asked.
<v Maura>She took Marai's hand. <v Maura>I did something wrong. <v Maura>Maria sobbed. <v Maura>What her mother asked. <v Maura>Maria thought about the beautiful ring that was now sitting inside Danny's belly <v Maura>and got ready to confess. <v Maura>Then she gasped. <v Maura>The ring was on her mother's finger, bright as ever. <v Maura>The ring Maria nearly screamed. Maria's mother scraped off a flake of dried <v Maura>masa. <v Speaker>You were playing with it, she said, smiling gently. <v Maura>I wanted to wear it. Maria said, looking down at the rug. <v Maura>Then she told them all about how they've eaten the tamales. <v Maura>Her mother moved the ring a little on her finger. <v Maura>It went to silvery light. Maria looked up and Andros had winked <v Maura>at her too. <v Maura>Well, it looks like we all have to cook up another batch of Tamales Rosa <v Maura>said cheerfully. Maria held her full stomach as everyone <v Maura>filed into the kitchen, joking and laughing.
<v Maura>At first, she still felt like crying. <v Maura>She needed a great bowl of Masa next to cross. <v Maura>She thumped her hands up and down. <v Maura>A left over tear fell from her eyelashes into the bowl and for just a second. <v Maura>Rested on her finger, sparkling like a jewel. <v Maura>Then Rosa nudged her with her album and said. <v Maura>Hey, Nina. <v Maura>It's not so bad. Everyone knows that the second batch of Tamales always tastes <v Maura>better than the first right when Dolaris, Theresa and Danny heard <v Maura>that from the other side of the room. <v Maura>They let off a groan the size of twenty four tamales, then Maria couldn't <v Maura>help herself. She laughed. <v Maura>And pretty soon everyone else was laughing, including her mother. <v Maura>And when Maria put her hands back into the bowl of Masa, the leftover tear <v Maura>was gone. <v Maura>The end, interestante? <v Isabelle>Si. <v Keano>That was good. You know, I like to help my mom cook, too, especially
<v Keano>brownies. Yum, yum, yum. <v Keano>I wonder, does Isabelle cook tamales with her mom? <v Maura>Why don't you ask her? <v Keano>I don't know. <v Keano>I guess I could try. <v Maura>Or just say it slowly. <v Keano>Do you cook tamales with your mom? <v Isabelle>Tamales? <v Isabelle>Mama? <v Isabelle>Oh, Si [isabelle in spanish] <v Keano>Oh, I know she said yes because she said si. <v Maura>That's right. <v Isabelle>[Isabelle in spanish] <v Maura>Oh, she's gotta go now. <v Keano>Gee, well, maybe maybe you could invite her to story time. <v Maura>Oh, sure. <v Maura>[Maura in spanish].
<v Isabelle>SI, quando? <v Keano>When is she coming Maura? <v Maura>I don't know. I'll ask her if she can come tomorrow. <v Maura>[Maura in spanish] <v Isabelle>[Isabelle in spanish]. <v Maura>Well she's got to ask her parents. <v Maura>[Maura in spanish]. <v Isabelle>[Isabelle in spanish]. <v Isabelle>Adios <v Maura>What a nice girl. Hope she can come tomorrow. <v Keano>Yeah, manana <v Keano>Right Maura? <v Maura>Si Keano. <v All>[singing in spanish] <v Maura>That was great. You guys did a great job learning that song.
<v Maura>You did. I'll tell you what. <v Maura>Later I'm going to get some tamales and a pinata for a Christmas party. <v Keano>Oh, that sounds really cool. <v Keano>What's a pinata? <v Keano>You'll see Keano <v Isabelle>Hola Keano. <v Keano>Hola, Come sit down with us. <v Maura>Bienvenidos Estas tu papi? <v Ruben> Oh, no. I'm her Tio, I'm her uncle, Ruben <v Ruben>But I like stories, too. <v Ruben>So we decided we both come in for a couple little gifts. <v Keano>Wow. Did he say gifts? <v Keano>I understand that in any language. <v Keano>Gracias. What are they? <v Ruben>Why don't you open them, open. <v Maura>Oh, need some help there? <v Keano>Hey, they are a couple of books. <v Keano>Hey wait a minute. <v Isabelle>[Isabelle in spanish] <v Keano>Faverito, Hey, favorite.
<v Keano>Oh, wait a minute. <v Keano>I know that book. <v Keano>It's. It's the little red hen. <v Keano>And I know that one, too. It's where's my teddy? <v Keano>Only it's in Spanish huh? <v Ruben>I've been reading these books to Isabelle since she was a little tiny girl <v Ruben>and she still likes them. So we decided that we would share them with you and with your <v Ruben>friends at home. <v Isabelle>[Isabelle in spanish] <v Keano>[Keano in spanish] <v Keano>Is that what she said? <v Ruben>Roja means red. <v Keano>Oh. <v Maura>Well is everyone ready for a story? <v All>Yeah. <v Maura>Keano, will you help our friends at home who maybe haven't heard this stroy? <v Keano>Oh yeah. Sure thing. Okay. <v Keano>Well see this is the story of the little red hen. <v Keano>She finds some grains of wheat and then she asks her friends, the <v Keano>goose and the cat and the pig to help her to plant the grains and then to cut the wheat. <v Keano>And the next thing that happened, is that she she she she she she. <v Keano>What else, Maura?
<v Maura>She grinds the wheat into flour. <v Keano>Oh, yeah. Right. Right. And so on. <v Keano>See, she keeps asking for help, but none of her friends helps her. <v Keano>So she keeps working by herself. <v Keano>The little red hen that is. <v Isabelle>Roja <v Keano>Right. <v Keano>Roja, Roja and then. And then. Well, you'll see what happens. <v Keano>OK. <v Isabelle>[Isabelle in spanish] <v Keano>Yeah. I don't know what you said, but gracias anyways. <v Keano>Go ahead Tio Ruben <v Ruben>OK, here we go. <v Ruben>[Ruben in spanish] by Margo Zimmek. <v Ruben>[Ruben in spanish] The end. <v All>Bravo. <v Maura>I'll tell you what.
<v Maura>While you read your other book. <v Maura>I'm going to go and get Christmas party stuff. <v Ruben>OK. <v Ruben>And and when you come back, we will open the other gift we brought. <v Maura>Oh. I'll hurry back. <v Keano>Oh, are are we going to read the other book, you know. <v Keano>Where's my Teddy. <v Ruben>[Ruben in spanish]. <v Ruben>But you know, before we start, Keano. <v Keano>Yeah. <v Ruben>You want to help us with our friends home. <v Keano>Oh, okay. Sure. Gracias. <v Keano>This is the story of a boy who lost his teddy bear. <v Keano>Osito? Is that right. <v Ruben>Osito. <v Keano>Osito. He losses it in the forest. <v Keano>See, and he goes looking for it, but he finds a huge teddy bear instead. <v Keano>And then he sees a huge real bear carrying the little teddy bear. <v Keano>And then, well, you'll see what happens. <v Keano>You'll see. <v Ruben>OK, here we go. The name of the boy is Edwardito. <v Ruben>[Ruben in spanish]
<v Keano>Boy, you know, it's so cool that I kind of knew where the story was going.
<v Keano>Even without being able to speak Spanish. <v Isabelle>[Isabelle in spanish] <v Keano>Gee, I understood some of the story, but I still wish I could speak Spanish. <v Keano>Oh, man, that'd be so great. <v Keano>Do you guys know words in Spanish? <v All>Yes. <v Keano>You do. Like what? <v Guest>Half of the numbers, not most of it. <v Keano>You know the numbers? <v Keano>Let's hear it. <v Ruben>Let's hear it. <v Guest>Try it. <v Guest>Uno Dos Tres Quatro Cinco Seis Siete Ocho Nueve That's very good. <v Keano>What about you, Lenne? Can you say any Spanish words? <v Guest 2>I how to say the alphabet. <v Keano>Let's hear it. I don't believe it. <v Guest 2>[Lenne in spanish] <v Keano>That's very good. <v Ruben>That's really good.
<v Maura>Well we're back. <v Maura>And look what I brought. <v Isabelle>[Isabelle in spanish] <v Keano>Oh. What's the matter. <v Maura>Well Isabelle wants to know if it's a problem that they brought tamales and I brought <v Maura>tamales. <v Keano>Oh well that's not a problem because you can't <v Keano>ever have. <v All>Too many tamales [laughing]. <v Ruben>[Ruben in spanish] <v Maura>Well, I'll tell you what. While you munch away, I'm going to go hang the pinata. <v Ruben>I'll go help you. <v Maura>Okay. <v Isabelle>Mira Keano [Isabelle in spanish] <v Keano>Well, si, I guess that these can be our story picks. <v Keano>Well, I'd like to recommend this book right here. <v Keano>It's called Margueritte and Marguerita, and it's in Spanish and English <v Keano>about two girls who learned to play together. <v Isabelle>[Isabelle in spanish]
<v Keano>This is when we say keep a story in your heart. <v Keano>Are you ready? <v Isabelle>Keep a story in your heart. <v Keano>Oh, that was real good. OK, everybody, all together now. <v All>Keep a story in your heart. <v All>Hasta la vista, amigos. <v Maura>OK, everybody come break the pinata. <v Isabelle>Vamos, vamos. <v Maura>Keano this is the pinata. <v Keano>Cool. And we, we are going to cover your eyes. <v Keano>Uh oh. <v Maura>Wait a minute, wait a minute. <v Maura>Let me have the stick. <v Keano>Yeah. <v Maura>OK. Now you-. <v Keano>I can't see anything. <v Maura>I know. That's the point. Now you try to break the <v Maura>with this stick. OK. <v Ruben>Inside it has some surprises. <v Keano>I don't know about this. <v Maura>Go Keano [music plays]
<v Narrator>Today's books are Too many Tamales. La Gallinita Roja. <v Narrator>Margaret and Margarita, margaretia. <v Narrator>Y Margaret. And El Tapez De Abuela. <v Narrator>You can find these and other books at your local library.
<v Narrator>Major funding for Story Time para ti is made possible by a grant from Helen <v Narrator>and Peter Bing so that families can share the joys of reading with their children. <v Narrator>Additional funding is provided by the California Community Foundation, serving <v Narrator>the communities of Greater Los Angeles by Arko Clean Fuels <v Narrator>for today and tomorrow. <v Narrator>And by Toyota, [Spanish] <v Narrator>working hand in hand at the community, Toyota. <v Narrator>Storytime is a production of KCT Los Angeles.
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Episode Number
No. 211
Para Ti
Producing Organization
KCET (Television station : Los Angeles, Calif.)
Contributing Organization
The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia (Athens, Georgia)
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip-526-xs5j961m35).
Episode Description
Storytime's "Para ti" tells Spanish children's stories through the introduction of Isabelle to Keano and Maura. Isabelle is Keano's new Spanish-speaking friend who brings her uncle Ruben to the Storyplace to share her favorite Spanish stories, eat tamales and break pinatas.
Series Description
"Storytime, a popular PBS series, encourages children and adults to read together by showing actors and other talented performers sharing stories with a small group of children. The series is hosted by Kino, a lively, story-loving puppet with the personality of a seven-year-old boy, and his adult Latina friends, Mara and Lucy, who support and encourage Kino's love for books. Together they spend time at the Storyplace and receive visitors, who arrive with books and read to Kino and a small group of children. "Storytime merits Peabody consideration because of its two-fold mission: to spark in the young child an early passion for books, and to encourage adults to read aloud to children. Storytime also strives to broaden appreciation for other cultures through the way its characters are portrayed, the decisions made when selecting books and guest readers. "The production philosophy guiding the series is a simple one: clear, direct communications without distracting from the stories. This is a departure from what is usually thought of as 'effective' television, which relies on video and sound effects and constant motion. However, the age-old power of a good story well-told is effective, soothing the viewer into listening and reflecting."--1995 Peabody Awards entry form.
Broadcast Date
Asset type
Media type
Moving Image
Producing Organization: KCET (Television station : Los Angeles, Calif.)
AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia
Identifier: cpb-aacip-1639d7982ac (Filename)
Format: U-matic
Duration: 0:29:00
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Storytime; No. 211; Para Ti,” 1994-06-01, The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed January 3, 2025,
MLA: “Storytime; No. 211; Para Ti.” 1994-06-01. The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. January 3, 2025. <>.
APA: Storytime; No. 211; Para Ti. Boston, MA: The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from