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<v Mark Russell>In attempting to make a year long presidential campaign funny, I always try to use <v Mark Russell>the time honored method of describing exactly what happened and quoting the participants <v Mark Russell>directly, and no political party has a corner on quirky behavior. <v Mark Russell>Well, maybe Ross Perot's Reform Party has an edge, but that's it. <v Mark Russell>So now get ready for the 1996 presidential campaign squeezed into <v Mark Russell>a half an hour. The only thing missing is the name of the winner. <v Mark Russell>The man who will occupy the White House for the next four years in spite of himself. <v Mark Russell>[Yankee Doodle plays] <v Mark Russell>The nominee is Bob Dole. <v Mark Russell>He it's his turn. <v Mark Russell>Uh, that's it. Forget the it's gonna be Bob Dole. <v Mark Russell>And I I guess it it should be. And I say that with full knowledge of the fact that
<v Mark Russell>Senator Dole leads the fight against federal funding of public television. <v Mark Russell>But we are not narrow minded here. <v Mark Russell>[laughter] We are not single issue ideologues. <v Mark Russell>We simply ask you all to double up on your pledges so we can <v Mark Russell>put that money to its best use in the form of a bribe <v Mark Russell>to Senator Dole. [laughter] [applause] ?inaudible?. His <v Mark Russell>principal opponent of course, is Senator Phil Graham of Texas. <v Mark Russell>Uh Graham is the Rottweiler in the campaign. This makes Dole Bambi, and I never <v Mark Russell>thought we'd live to see that. There are many, many unanswered questions about Phil <v Mark Russell>Graham. <v Mark Russell>Uh questions, can a boy from Texas who flunked out of the 3rd, 5th <v Mark Russell>and 9th grade, which led directly to a PhD from <v Mark Russell>Texas A & M [laughter]. <v Mark Russell>All true, become president, whose media adviser is obviously Gomer
<v Mark Russell>Pyle? <v Mark Russell>Phil Graham, whose charisma is only in evidence during those moments when he <v Mark Russell>stands next to Newt Gingrich. <v Mark Russell>Phil Graham, whose nation wide appeal will be questioned from <v Mark Russell>the moment he arrives in New York City, asks for barbecue sauce to go on <v Mark Russell>his bagel [chuckles] and ask the question, where <v Mark Russell>are the Bronx? <v Mark Russell>[laughter] Phil Graham, who thinks that Hanukkah <v Mark Russell>is a duck call. [laughter] <v Mark Russell>Well, the presidential election, it's just around the corner, isn't it ah? <v Mark Russell>That's that idiotic Iowa straw poll where they bus <v Mark Russell>in people from out of state to vote more than once. <v Mark Russell>I've seen more honest elections incessantly, for heaven's sake. <v Mark Russell>And so Bob Dole didn't do very well and he has to move further <v Mark Russell>over toward the right to appease them.
<v Mark Russell>We saw the other day he returned a contribution uh from the <v Mark Russell>uh uh gay Republicans, yeah. <v Mark Russell>Both of them to send him a thousand dollars [laughter]. <v Mark Russell>Trent Lott said that Democrats and Republicans use a different <v Mark Russell>part of the human brain. <v Mark Russell>And, you know, the senator is absolutely correct. <v Mark Russell>Use different parts of the brain. You have the brain washed side. <v Mark Russell>That's the Republican. <v Mark Russell>You have the brain dead side. [laughter] That's the Democrat. <v Mark Russell>Now, we have uh added knowledge of the brain last 10, 20 years because of <v Mark Russell>the technology, the computers, that PET scan. <v Mark Russell>You can you doctors know about this. <v Mark Russell>You can see a a a living brain on a PET <v Mark Russell>scan and you can see dormant brains on C-SPAN. <v Mark Russell>[laughter] Dole goes <v Mark Russell>to Hollywood. He has one of those big Hollywood fundraisers.
<v Mark Russell>The audience consisting of the moguls of the entertainment industry, and they describe <v Mark Russell>their products as, quote, nightmares of depravity. <v Mark Russell>You think Dole would've waited for their checks to clear in the first place. <v Mark Russell>[laughter] Yeah, well, everybody loves Colin Powell. He has- you love Cole? <v Mark Russell>I love 'em. Why? He's great. <v Mark Russell>Well, tell me why. Why? He's just great. <v Mark Russell>Well, the issues, his opinions. Yeah. <v Mark Russell>What are they? He's great. He's great. <v Mark Russell>That's good enough for me. [laughter] [playing piano and singing] <v Mark Russell>So cast your vote for Colin Powell. <v Mark Russell>He'll tell it like it is. <v Mark Russell>Maybe someday we'll find out exactly what that is. <v Mark Russell>He's in military mode like Eisenhower or Haig. <v Mark Russell>In General Powell, we have a man who's daring to be vague. <v Mark Russell>None of the other candidates have his brilliant ploy turning <v Mark Russell>on voters just by being called Republican or <v Mark Russell>Democrat. That's anybody's guess.
<v Mark Russell>Well, which one are you, General? His answer is always yes. <v Mark Russell>Perhaps next summer we'll find out when it goes to both conventions <v Mark Russell>and makes us mates don't void of all opinions and intentions. <v Speaker>Did you ever stop to think that maybe Colin Powell never wanted to run <v Speaker>for president in the first place? <v Speaker>Maybe we have just witnessed the best orchestrated publicity <v Speaker>for a book tour since the New Testament. <v Speaker>Think about this and not any joining the Republican Party. <v Speaker>I can't figure he joined the Republican Party today. <v Speaker>Paul is like joining the country club. <v Speaker>After they ask you to leave. I can understand that. <v Speaker>So Ross Perot forms an independent party and he calls it the Reform <v Speaker>Party. That's imaginative, isn't it? <v Speaker>I mean, if if Powell had or if if Perot had any imagination, he would name his party <v Speaker>after the party of the greatest independent of them all. <v Speaker>Teddy Roosevelt, the Bull Moose Party.
<v Speaker>You know, if if Ross Perot called his party the Bull Moose Party, he'd be <v Speaker>half right anyway. <v Speaker>Now, I've got some advice for our president. <v Speaker>I know it has been a terrible week for him. <v Speaker>Actually, yesterday on that, federal judge rules that Paula Jones can <v Speaker>sue a sitting president for sexual harassment. <v Speaker>So what Clinton normally do is use this campaign song I've written for him <v Speaker>and use the following slogan, Reelect Bill Clinton. <v Speaker>He's been bimbo free for four years. <v Speaker>Hurrah, hurrah! <v Speaker>Bill Clinton. That is for me. <v Speaker>Hurrah, hurrah! <v Speaker>He has for years been both. <v Speaker>He shook the hand of Kennedy when he was just a lad. <v Speaker>When the ladies swooned all over Jack, Bill said, hey, this ain't bad. <v Speaker>From that day, father, he dreamed of being president someday.
<v Speaker>Snaking ladies and now just like JFK. <v Speaker>Then on the Yale where he earned a fancy law degree, having print <v Speaker>the answers from a girl named Hillary. <v Speaker>They learned their lessons well. They sue what the law professors and the like, the <v Speaker>vacuuming of documents. That's a legal term for shred. <v Speaker>Hurrah! Hurrah! <v Speaker>Bill Clinton. That is for me. <v Speaker>Hurrah! Hurrah! <v Speaker>He's four years bimbos. <v Speaker>In the war in Vietnam, Bill fought for me and. <v Speaker>In the stinking rice paddies of far off ox for new. <v Speaker>This war hero was then elected governor, it's true. <v Speaker>Which shows us all a thing or two about Arkansas IQ. <v Speaker>Now's the time to reelect Bill Clinton presidentis because <v Speaker>his opposition seems so suicidal Dems
<v Speaker>unless they break the shackles of that Falwell's zealotry. <v Speaker>They'll reelect the man who is now foriegners. <v Speaker>It's over with. It's all over the election of nineteen ninety six is over <v Speaker>with. We know who the nominees are going to be and we also know the <v Speaker>results of next November's election. <v Speaker>One of them will win, but share up. <v Speaker>One of them will lose. <v Speaker>So anyway, Bob Dole's got the nomination and now he's free to resume his duties in <v Speaker>Washington, presiding over the Senate and making sure that the government <v Speaker>stays nice and comatose until November. <v Speaker>Got a nice audience here in Buffalo, certainly a lot bigger than an audience I had the
<v Speaker>other night at a very small audience. A tiny, minuscule audience was a political rally. <v Speaker>Gay and lesbian Mexican Jews for Pat Buchanan. <v Speaker>Now you can and he started out in Alaska. <v Speaker>He won the Alaska caucuses area, declared himself to be the king of the Klondike. <v Speaker>And then he went to Iowa. And in the debate and I owed you remember Buchanan and I think <v Speaker>it was Bob Dole got into this thing about whom Mother Teresa liked best <v Speaker>was all Mother Teresa of Dalen, both to go to hell. <v Speaker>Well, then then they went to Louisiana and Buchanan won <v Speaker>in Louisiana. And now we could focus on his hard core constituency. <v Speaker>We could see who they are. <v Speaker>He got that Cajun trailer park vote. <v Speaker>Yeah, he got cut the ribbon at the dedication of a tattoo parlor. <v Speaker>And meanwhile, Senator Phil Gramm started to decline <v Speaker>in the polls. Graham never got more than single digits. <v Speaker>Often the middle one.
<v Speaker>Well, by the time Buchanan got to the Southern primaries on Super Tuesday, he was in <v Speaker>full rebel mode, wrapping himself in the Confederate flag, <v Speaker>singing Dixie. <v Speaker>Door to door coming out against the seven day waiting period and the purchase <v Speaker>of a slave. Well, never. <v Speaker>What a call his constituents, he said, my people are peasants <v Speaker>with pitchforks storming the castle. <v Speaker>And with that, Steve Forbes called his wife at home and said, better raise <v Speaker>the drawbridge. <v Speaker>Flat tax really catching on. Done exactly. <v Speaker>Kill all the lawyers. But it knocks off the accountant. <v Speaker>So at least that's a start. <v Speaker>And it does away with the charitable deduction. <v Speaker>And that ought to put the prayers back in the church as well because <v Speaker>of his wealth as well. Steve Forbes has been compared to Ross Perot. <v Speaker>That's a little inexact. There are a number of differences between Forbes and Perot, A,
<v Speaker>about $20 billion, B, about a foot and a half. <v Speaker>And C, one. Forbes, his daughter was married. <v Speaker>There were no Martians at the wedding. <v Speaker>Just a couple of weeks ago, they were writing a movie about the Dole campaign. <v Speaker>Dead Man Walking. <v Speaker>Sort of door reaches the presidency, the White House will be known as the tomb <v Speaker>of the well-known soldier. <v Speaker>But that was all that changed because between the South Carolina primary on a Saturday <v Speaker>and the Georgia primary on a Monday, he made a dramatic comeback <v Speaker>and went on to win 12 consecutive primaries. <v Speaker>It was the first resurrection in three days. <v Speaker>Since, you know, when at all at all acolytes sang <v Speaker>a hymn, a phrase gave me that old time curmudgeon. <v Speaker>Give me that old time curmudgeon. <v Speaker>Give me that old time curmudgeon.
<v Speaker>My votes for Robert. <v Speaker>Oh, the Purple Heart. He bore for the wounds received in war <v Speaker>in New Hampshire. There were three more. <v Speaker>Bob Dole is on a roll. <v Speaker>Buchanan's views are just a mess. <v Speaker>And Alexander flunked the test. <v Speaker>Bob Dole is just the best halo's that Clinton by much less. <v Speaker>He is the innovative one. <v Speaker>He's got ideas by the ton. <v Speaker>Give him a week. Go on. <v Speaker>Just don't ask him why he run. <v Speaker>They gave me that old time. Come on, give me that old time. <v Speaker>Come on, give me that old time. <v Speaker>Curmudgeon Michael. Oh, Robert. <v Speaker>No. <v Speaker>Right about that time, Senator Phil Gramm was really getting desperate. <v Speaker>And so he got into this ploy of telling what he would do when his hand <v Speaker>came off the Bible when he was sworn in. <v Speaker>Your memory did the Grammys.
<v Speaker>When my hand comes off the Bible, when I'm sworn <v Speaker>in as president, I will cut the funding <v Speaker>of the arts. <v Speaker>The arts. <v Speaker>That's the arts in Texas. <v Speaker>That Buchanan got into the act and he said, when my hand comes off the Bible, my <v Speaker>friends, when I'm sworn in as president, I will put Rottweilers <v Speaker>and pit bulls on the Mexican border and numbers and the public <v Speaker>schools. <v Speaker>Or was it nuns on the Mexican border? <v Speaker>Now, it came down to writing a song about Steve Forbes. <v Speaker>I thought of this parody, but you're going to have <v Speaker>to use your imaginations, ladies and gentlemen, because this song is <v Speaker>always sung by a woman. <v Mark Russell>And so the scene, is we see a very sexy,
<v Mark Russell>attractive woman as she spots Steve Forbes at a party. <v Mark Russell>[piano playing] And she starts hitting on him. <v Mark Russell>She starts coming on to Steve Forbes. <v Mark Russell>As I said, you're really going to have to use your imagination. <v Mark Russell>[laughter] [applause] And she says <v Mark Russell>the minute you walk in the room, harump, I could tell you were real <v Mark Russell>big spender, real big spender. <v Mark Russell>More money than I've ever seen. <v Mark Russell>Could I be the centerfold in your magazine? <v Mark Russell>The minute I heard your last speech, I just knew I won, you were the <v Mark Russell>man for me. That's that. <v Mark Russell>Hey, big spender. <v Mark Russell>Your tax ain't all that's flat. <v Mark Russell>Would you like to have fun, fun, fun? <v Mark Russell>Tell me all about polls you've won. <v Mark Russell>Girls like me will make passes at rich guys with
<v Mark Russell>thick glasses. <v Mark Russell>Is that how it is, Mr. Forbes? <v Mark Russell>You buy the nomination and your time begins. <v Mark Russell>Hey, big spender. <v Mark Russell>The highest bidder didn't win. <v Mark Russell>Could you wipe out the def- i- cit? <v Mark Russell>Could you write out a check for it? <v Mark Russell>10 commercials an hour? <v Mark Russell>Is that how you got power? <v Mark Russell>And your magazine, Mr. Forbes, it is by far the most distinguished <v Mark Russell>one. It's true. <v Mark Russell>Including Hustler, but <v Mark Russell>the real hustler is you. <v Mark Russell>The real hustler is you. [applause] <v Speaker>Well, you know, the big nose. But Senator Dole resigning from the Senate. <v Speaker>Does that change anybody's mind? Traditionally, our audiences here in Buffalo are divided
<v Speaker>right down the middle. There's a screening. We don't let anybody just in here. <v Speaker>So how many of you were not inclined to vote for Bob Dole until today when he resigned? <v Speaker>You remind us, Jane. <v Speaker>Well, that settles it, then. <v Speaker>Right. <v Speaker>It's it's all well now. He's resigned in the Senate. <v Speaker>So now this gives him time to spend full time and attention losing. <v Speaker>You know, my opening line was going to be the only line I was going to ask the question, <v Speaker>what Pat Buchanan have named a female running mate? <v Speaker>Or do you think Marge Schott is just too controversial? <v Speaker>Did you ever notice that when Bill Clinton makes a speech at a funeral, he goes way up in <v Speaker>the polls? It happens every time Clinton is at his best at a funeral. <v Speaker>Dole is at his best when the funeral isn't his. <v Speaker>It is the middle of summer in an election year. <v Speaker>The two political conventions are just weeks away. <v Speaker>This show is as neutral as is humanly possible.
<v Speaker>I like Bill Clinton. I like Bob Dole. <v Speaker>I like his campaign slogan. <v Speaker>The smoking lamp is lit. Now he has now with his visa and education. <v Speaker>He's got a new slogan, Hooked on phonics. <v Speaker>I like that. <v Speaker>And now it appears that General Colin Powell won't be any more help <v Speaker>to the Dole campaign than Dole is, <v Speaker>because as Colin Powell says that he will vote for Bob Dole, but he won't campaign for <v Speaker>him. <v Speaker>He'll speak at the convention. Or maybe he won't. <v Speaker>He will play a role, but he doesn't know what kind General Powell qualifies. <v Speaker>So many statements. The stars on his shoulders are asterisks. <v Speaker>Bill Clinton is ahead of Bob Dole in the polls. <v Speaker>However, Bob Dole has gone up 10 points in the polls since he left the <v Speaker>Senate. So he plans to leave the Senate three more times before the summer is over. <v Speaker>You remember when he left the Senate and all of a sudden this was the new Bob Dole, a <v Speaker>very casual open next shirt, powder blue blazer, beige slacks,
<v Speaker>looking like he was either taking a Carnival cruise to the Bahamas or showing up for <v Speaker>the early bird special at Denny's. <v Speaker>Well, maybe he was going to speak at the NAACP, but he went to the all star game <v Speaker>and said it. And he sees that they set him up and he was grouchy about that. <v Speaker>He could have used the old dole humor. He could have said that the reason he went to the <v Speaker>All-Star Game instead of the NAACP is because the All-Star Game is integrated. <v Speaker>And he said that tobacco is not addictive, but milk can <v Speaker>be harmful to children. <v Speaker>So I guess the check from the dairy lobby got lost in the mail. <v Speaker>And there's all of us with all the things going on in the country, same <v Speaker>sex marriage has become the big issue of the campaign. <v Speaker>Right. Look, I don't care if your marriage is same sex or opposite sex after 30 years <v Speaker>is gonna be no say. <v Speaker>Struck a nerve there, didn't we, anyway, to talk about your timing. <v Speaker>You know that Maurice thing. You know that a presidential campaign is officially
<v Speaker>underway when a story like this breaks. <v Speaker>So just immediately after a White House sex scandal, we bomb Iraq. <v Speaker>Goodness knows how many hookers notified Saddam Hussein in advance. <v Speaker>So I went to both conventions, I was there in San Diego. <v Speaker>I was there in Chicago. And when the Republicans were getting ready to have their <v Speaker>convention, Bob Dole still hadn't picked a running mate. <v Speaker>And at one point he said perfect 10s are in short supply. <v Speaker>They had not ruled out three threes and a one, <v Speaker>and then they picked Jack Kemp. <v Speaker>So the ticket is in effect. Kemp and all the long ball and the short fuze. <v Speaker>If you watch the convention in San Diego, you probably figured out that most of the black <v Speaker>delegates were rented and in fact, <v Speaker>the most authentic African-American presence at the Republican convention was when <v Speaker>Mrs. Dole did her Oprah Winfrey impersonation.
<v Speaker>Bill Clinton kind of diluted the character issue, the so-called character issue when he <v Speaker>signed on to the Republicans welfare bill. <v Speaker>So now, if anybody brings up Caird, I mean, Clinton can say character. <v Speaker>Hell, if I had any character witness around your welfare bill. <v Speaker>But here is a direct quote. <v Speaker>Ladies and gentlemen, before he signed the welfare, Bill Clinton <v Speaker>said, you can put wings on a pig, but you can't make him an <v Speaker>eagle. <v Speaker>I have no idea what that means. <v Speaker>But it's about as close to the Gettysburg Address as we're going to get. <v Speaker>Ninety six here came the delegates checks. <v Speaker>Go check, go. <v Speaker>We're back once again. We're back once again. <v Speaker>Chicago. Chicago. <v Speaker>Remembering where crack and had some tear gas in six. <v Speaker>The eight jack Chicago cops dragging
<v Speaker>the hippies off to this city pan. <v Speaker>They do it again on State Street, that great street. <v Speaker>The potheads prevailed. The potheads prevailed. <v Speaker>They lit up. And yes, it was inhaled. <v Speaker>They were jailed. <v Speaker>They brought to Chicago riots in grief. <v Speaker>And one of them now is commander in chief and Fair Game, <v Speaker>a watchdog. <v Speaker>Chag. Go. <v Speaker>Go. As time passes, as time passes. <v Speaker>Jack, go, Jack, go. <v Speaker>The old crowd is gone. <v Speaker>Rostenkowski's going off to summer work camps from Jack. <v Speaker>Jack, go. <v Speaker>The cops are smiling. The whole scene looks all wrong. <v Speaker>Bailout plan support. <v Speaker>We're so proud to be, so proud to be.
<v Speaker>We'd like to express our loyalty. <v Speaker>We agree he's corrupt and a liar and slick as can be, but he's much <v Speaker>more than that. He's our nominee. <v Speaker>Chicago, where one's vote count for three vote early and often. <v Speaker>Chicago for one vote count for three. <v Speaker>But deep. <v Speaker>All right. Now here's our poll. <v Speaker>I remind the viewers around the country the result you see here tonight <v Speaker>in Buffalo will be duplicated by the rest of the nation on <v Speaker>Election Day. To pay close attention, you're not going to hear anything. <v Speaker>We ought to have the election tomorrow because you're not going. <v Speaker>You're anything else. We've heard it all. <v Speaker>That's it. We started our poll by going back four years to 1992 <v Speaker>and we asked how many of you in here in 1992 with your applause, please. <v Speaker>How many of you in 1992 voted for George Bush <v Speaker>or.
<v Speaker>All right. <v Speaker>All right. Now, remember that sound as <v Speaker>we asked you. <v Speaker>Bush people, how many of you this time around. <v Speaker>Plan to vote for Bob Dole? <v Speaker>OK. <v Speaker>It stayed about the same. <v Speaker>But the fact that there was this annoying silence, a second of silence while you thought <v Speaker>it over. <v Speaker>Did not escape me, all right. <v Speaker>How many of you plan to vote for Ross Perot? <v Mark Russell>Thank you, sir. I know you don't mean it. <v Mark Russell>It's just a sympathy thing. [laughter] To get me <v Mark Russell>out of this hole that I have dug for myself. <v Mark Russell>Have you no respect? I should vote for Perot because of the material he has given me and <v Mark Russell>the fact. <v Mark Russell>That he won the nomination from the Reform Party.
<v Mark Russell>What a cliffhanger that was when he came for my head and <v Mark Russell>fended off a field of one. <v Mark Russell>How many of you plan to vote for Harry Brown? <v Mark Russell>He- what do you mean, who? <v Mark Russell>He doesn't know you either. [laughter] He <v Mark Russell>is of the Libertarian Party. We don't put the libertarians in there. <v Mark Russell>We get three angry letters from Fairbanks, Alaska. <v Mark Russell>Uh Ralph Nader, Green Party. We don't mention him. <v Mark Russell>We get three angry letters from Ralph Nader. <v Mark Russell>Um and finally, Bill Clinton. Bill Clinton. [applause] What <v Mark Russell>is it? What is it? It's close. <v Mark Russell>There's no there's no 20 percent point spread. <v Mark Russell>Now, let me get the Clinton vote again. <v Mark Russell>Clinton once again. [applause] Uh ?ladies and gentlemen? we <v Mark Russell>have folks in here from Chicago. And they like to vote twice. <v Mark Russell>Thank you very much, ladies and gentlemen, thank you indeed. <v Mark Russell>Thank you. [music plays]
<v Narrator>The Mark Russell comedy special was produced by WNED Buffalo, which is solely <v Narrator>responsible for its content. <v Narrator>Funding for this program was provided by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, <v Narrator>and annual financial support from viewers like you. <v Narrator>For 19.95, a VHS or for 7 dollars an audiocassette of this program <v Narrator>is available. Please send a check or money order to Mark Russell Offer program number <v Narrator>2187. Post Office Box 4000, Buffalo, New York 1 4 2 4 0. <v Narrator>[PBS theme]
Mark Russell
Episode Number
No. 2107
Campaign '96
Producing Organization
Contributing Organization
The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia (Athens, Georgia)
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Episode Description
Mark Russell shares his takes on the 1996 presidential campaign, scandals, and current events all while telling jokes and playing satirical songs on the piano.
Series Description
"MARK RUSSELL has been described as 'The funniest man on television' by TV Guide Magazine. He is also unique as a humorist in a number of ways. His comedy is not only funny, it is meaningful. It provides ironic insight into the world of national and international politics and the society in which we live. For over twenty-one years he has single-handedly raised political satire to a popular form reminiscent of Mark Twain and Will Rogers. He has built a large and loyal audience for his humor. "Since MARK RUSSELL has spent most of his adult life in the nation's capitol, his observations offer an insider's perspective. His commentary and song parodies, written exclusively by himself and presented 'live' on the PBS TELEVISON NETWORK, have provided his viewers with laughter and substance. He does not play down to his audience. He treats his viewers as thinking people, capable of appreciating the absurdities that surround [them] and affect their lives. "The MARK RUSSELL COMEDY SPECIALS are presented live in order for the [content] to be as up-to-the-minute as possible. His humor is as timely as the news itself. It requires the viewer to be informed, knowledgeable, open-minded and willing to appreciate the ironies presented to them. As proof of his success his programs have been consistently among the highest rated national programs on the network, usually in the top ten and often the top three. "For his courage and his belief in the intelligence of his audience, MARK RUSSELL is sincerely recommended for the prestigious PEABODY AWARD."--1996 Peabody Awards entry form.
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The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia
Identifier: cpb-aacip-b247385e360 (Filename)
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Chicago: “Mark Russell; No. 2107; Campaign '96,” 1996, The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed March 31, 2025,
MLA: “Mark Russell; No. 2107; Campaign '96.” 1996. The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. March 31, 2025. <>.
APA: Mark Russell; No. 2107; Campaign '96. Boston, MA: The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from