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<v Announcer>The New Tech Times, a video magazine for the electronic age. <v Announcer>In this edition. Old timers in a young industry gab about the hobby they love. <v Announcer>Also, micros at Boston's Gait Lab help the handicapped walk. <v Announcer>Later, meet the "Vidkid" Rawson Stovall, and visit a Southern Ham, spending his time <v Announcer>tuned to the world via shortwave radio. <v Announcer>This and more in this edition of The New Tech Times. <v Announcer>[music plays] <v Announcer>The New Tech Times is brought to you through a grant from Wausau Insurance Companies. <v Announcer>Times change Wausau works. <v Announcer>And by the collective voice of the Consumer Electronics Industry. <v Announcer>C.E.G. A Consumer Electronics Group. <v Announcer>An Electronic Industries Association. [theme song plays] <v Mort Crim>Hello, I'm Mort Crim. Welcome to this edition of The New Tech Times.
<v Mort Crim>This week, we focus on young and old in the world of electronics. <v Mort Crim>We'll travel to Boston, where technology is helping a handicapped boy. <v Mort Crim>Spend time in Texas watching micros and software challenge the gifted. <v Mort Crim>Visit Atlanta for a review of advances in amateur radio with a longtime ham <v Mort Crim>and take time out with Tim ?Anosco? for an update on Apple's Macintosh. <v Mort Crim>We begin in San Francisco, where some of the young computer industry's old timers got <v Mort Crim>together recently to touch base with the past, present, and future. <v Different Speaker>The theory behind this is it's meant to allow people to identify who you are and get an <v Different Speaker>idea for why they would want to talk with you or why they would want to avoid you. <v Mort Crim>It was like this back in the old days, the mid 1970s. <v Mort Crim>Then the informal gatherings were dedicated to the ethic that free information <v Mort Crim>be freely shared. Those gatherings produced what we call the Personal <v Mort Crim>Computer Revolution. These men represent 3 generations of revolutionaries. <v Bruce Baumgart>My name is Bruce Baumgart and I'm formerly of the Artificial Intelligence Lab Stanford
<v Bruce Baumgart>and I my hacks include uh Robot Cart, ?GeoMed?, Micro Planer, <v Bruce Baumgart>List. Uh <v Mort Crim>The pioneering generation stayed up all night exploring massive <v Mort Crim>mainframes. <v Doug Carlston>The liberal arts majors who whose only computer time was available as if they gummed <v Doug Carlston>up the locks and snuck into the building late at night because they weren't allowed to <v Doug Carlston>sign up for the stuff. <v Richard Stallman>I would write programs. <v Richard Stallman>All night. And around 7:00 in the morning, I go to sleep, perhaps <v Richard Stallman>at 3:00 a.m., we go out and have another meal. <v Richard Stallman>I've seen so many sunsets. <v Richard Stallman>Well, sunrises while coming back from Chinatown. <v Richard Stallman>It was really beautiful. <v Mort Crim>The next generation built the hardware. <v Mort Crim>This man, Lee Felsenstein, developed the Osborne. <v Mort Crim>Steve Wozniak's electronic offspring is the Apple. <v Steve Wozniak>I don't know who I am from what I read all the time. [audience laughs] I'm trying I'm <v Steve Wozniak>trying to live up to my image, my idol, the designer of the Macintosh, Burrell Smith. <v Steve Wozniak>[audience applauses]
<v Mort Crim>The latest generation are the software authors. <v Mort Crim>Together, they are hackers. <v Mort Crim>This weekend convention just across the Golden Gate Bridge at the Yosemite Institute was <v Mort Crim>a celebration of their success and an expression of their concern about the course <v Mort Crim>the revolution has run. These days, hacker is synonymous with criminal activity. <v Mort Crim>It hasn't always been that way. <v Richard Stallman>What hacking is, is having the attitude of playful cleverness. <v Stewart Brand>Of several sub subcultures of the 60s that I can think of the dopers, <v Stewart Brand>the new left, uh revolutionaries, and the artists. <v Stewart Brand>I was involved with the dopers and the artists, and we did all right. <v Stewart Brand>But I don't think we had anything like the effect and the continuing effect and still <v Stewart Brand>being creative the way this group is is doing. <v Steve Wozniak>Now in school, a lot, you have the courses that teach you the problem and the solution, <v Steve Wozniak>whereas the hackers tended to be a ?sprite? <v Steve Wozniak>enough to take the little starting blocks, the mathematical tools, and build up a <v Steve Wozniak>solution of their own and they could discover the optimum solution of the day. <v Hacker>Anybody wants breakfast, now is the time.
<v Mort Crim>It was a return to a time of sharing project information, borrowed computer time, <v Mort Crim>and all night hacks. There was an ample supply of the haute cuisine of true hackers. <v Hacker>A lot of sugar. <v Hacker>A lot of sugar. Good stuff. <v Hacker>I don't have any idea why it hasn't- <v Mort Crim>These computer veterans are still pumping up products for their infant industry. <v Mort Crim>Things like this new computer board. <v Mort Crim>It sends a videotape image to the Macintosh where it can be digitized, flipped, <v Mort Crim>multiplied, and stored. <v Richard Woodhead>And I could say, you know, you do all the standard, you know, make a negative out of it <v Richard Woodhead>or uh. <v Mort Crim>They're producing new games like Richard Woodhead's Wizardry. <v Richard Woodhead>Uh, we fully expect that anybody who gets to play this game will never, ever play the <v Richard Woodhead>Apple version again. <v Mort Crim>True to the hacker profile, men like Woodhead would be glad to share the programing <v Mort Crim>tools which helped him develop new software products. <v Mort Crim>This competitive development in the hacker's eyes produces better program. <v Mort Crim>They don't want their programs, machines, or game designs stolen. <v Richard Woodhead>The product. That's that's my soul is in that product. <v Richard Woodhead>I don't want anyone fooling with that. I don't want anyone hacking into into that product
<v Richard Woodhead>and changing it because then it won't be mine. <v Mort Crim>The need for protection and secrecy is anathema to the hacker ethic, advocating <v Mort Crim>a shared pool of acquired knowledge. These men whose ideas and fantasies <v Mort Crim>spawned an industry were looking for a way to keep the current electronic creativity <v Mort Crim>flowing. <v Steve Wozniak>Well, sort how I got my positive feedback in the world. <v Steve Wozniak>I felt that I was something, the rest of the world didn't think microcomputers would <v Steve Wozniak>amount to anything. I just thought I had a neat one for my house. <v Steve Wozniak>I'm going to show others. I'm going to even help them build their own. <v Hacker>When I talk to people who are interested in uh taking high school kids and turning them <v Hacker>into us. [audience laughs] <v Mort Crim>It's good to see that the hackers who ushered in the micro revolution are as excited <v Mort Crim>about it today as they were when those first mainframe overnights began more than a <v Mort Crim>decade ago. The micro technology hackers invented is being used <v Mort Crim>today in a variety of applications. <v Mort Crim>How about helping people walk? Here's Tom Tomaszewski's report. <v Tom Tomaszewski>[music plays] [kid laughs] In 6 years, Jonathan Venskus has developed the refreshing
<v Tom Tomaszewski>laughter of someone who enjoys life with a relish far beyond his years. <v Tom Tomaszewski>The boy that lives at number 34, ?Ludlum? <v Tom Tomaszewski>In Lowell, Massachusetts, has cerebral palsy. <v Tom Tomaszewski>Operations and plastic braces help him walk. <v Tom Tomaszewski>There's no way to quantify the effect that fact has on the joy reflected in his face. <v Joe Venskus>A child with the ability now to walk freely that he did, whereas before he couldn't. <v Joe Venskus>Um, how do you describe that? <v Marcia Venskus>Just recently he has started coming in and saying, I can't do it. <v Marcia Venskus>Uh, he couldn't keep up with the kids. Why? <v Marcia Venskus>And that kind of hit me because I've been, you know, knowing that it's going to happen <v Marcia Venskus>and it did. <v Tom Tomaszewski>Videotape and computer technology analyze Jonathan's progress here in the Gait <v Tom Tomaszewski>Lab at Boston Children's Hospital. <v Tom Tomaszewski>Gait refers to the manner in which Jonathan walks. <v Dr. Sheldon Simon>Your foot looks very good, but you see what happens, it turns down and in. <v Jonathan Venskus>Alright. <v Dr. Sheldon Simon>So if we let you free of the brace, where we're concerned about is. <v Joe Venskus>20 years ago, they wouldn't have had this technology. <v Joe Venskus>So, there would have been a lot of exploratory surgery and a lot of guesswork.
<v Dr. Sheldon Simon>We had to have some time to put it together. <v Dr. Sheldon Simon>Certainly, these are not the kind of applications that are the first thought <v Dr. Sheldon Simon>for such sophisticated cameras and other kinds of devices. <v Dr. Sheldon Simon>They're used for many other purposes and very often used first for those. <v Doctor>OK. Jon, all right. Can you come and step on that middle plate just like you did last <v Doctor>time? <v Tom Tomaszewski>The laboratory is a simple combination of technologies. <v Tom Tomaszewski>Infrared strobe lights make the 21 reflective tape dots glow. <v Tom Tomaszewski>The dots mark key points of Jonathan's body. <v Tom Tomaszewski>Sensitive videotape cameras capture the session from 6 angles. <v Doctor>OK. Just walk down towards your mom. <v Dr. Sheldon Simon>All those little things that are look like buttons on the <v Dr. Sheldon Simon>child's skin, those are tiny now. <v Dr. Sheldon Simon>Years ago, they would have been much, much bigger than they are now. <v Dr. Sheldon Simon>And they would have been very obtrusive in terms of his walking, in terms <v Dr. Sheldon Simon>of how we looked at it. <v Tom Tomaszewski>The resulting computer analysis prints out a series of stick figures. <v Tom Tomaszewski>There, you can see them on the computer screen. <v Tom Tomaszewski>Those figures are a graphic illustration analyzing motion and velocity.
<v Tom Tomaszewski>The pressure sensitive floor Jonathan walks on records the force and motion and each <v Tom Tomaszewski>step. That floor is sensitive enough to detect the fetal heartbeat <v Tom Tomaszewski>within an expectant mother. <v Dr. Sheldon Simon>You could ask the same question of x-ray years ago. <v Dr. Sheldon Simon>Why do you need an x-ray if you know it's a broken bone? <v Dr. Sheldon Simon>Until we have the objectivity of seeing exactly all the little <v Dr. Sheldon Simon>innuendos of that of those two broken bones, could we make advances in treatments <v Dr. Sheldon Simon>that would would subdivide the whole area of treatment of that <v Dr. Sheldon Simon>and refine it so that we have better treatments today than we had then. <v Joe Venskus>He's decided that when he comes down here and gets all dressed up with his wires and all <v Joe Venskus>the little dots and stuff, that he's a robot. He's a pretty remarkable kid. <v Tom Tomaszewski>These hospital films hold a visual record more accurate than a doctor's notes or memory. <v Tom Tomaszewski>They show Jonathan's gradual improvement. <v Tom Tomaszewski>They show, too, just how tough it is to make such judgments, particularly when your <v Tom Tomaszewski>subject is cute and giggly and wants to know when the braces will <v Tom Tomaszewski>come off.
<v Jonathan Venskus>When don't I have to wear my braces anymore? <v Dr. Sheldon Simon>I think when you get a little bit older. <v Dr. Sheldon Simon>This brings a little bit more objectivity into it, helps me balance the two sides of the <v Dr. Sheldon Simon>coin better and <v Dr. Sheldon Simon>um stays away from allowing me to color my feelings when I immediately see him in a <v Dr. Sheldon Simon>good mood like that. <v Dr. Sheldon Simon>We'll see if we can take a walk. Maybe in a little while. <v Jonathan Venskus>Hey, ma! In a little while! <v Dr. Sheldon Simon>Maybe. Maybe. <v Tom Tomaszewski>The lab can be used to deal with a number of different walking problems, ranging from <v Tom Tomaszewski>imparities from strokes to simple infirmities of old age. <v Tom Tomaszewski>The value in this blend of technologies is something you can't begin to quantify. <v Tom Tomaszewski>Just appreciate. [music plays]. <v Jonathan Venskus>In a little while, guys! <v Host>If you have story, ideas, suggestions or comments about The New Tech Times, get in touch <v Host>with us electronically through The Source, log on with public 125 direct <v Host>on CompuServe use go NTT or contact us directly through our 300 <v Host>?board? New Tech Times Electronic Bulletin Board by dialing 6 0 8 2 6 3
<v Host>2 7 8 4. <v Mort Crim>That young boy's smile is all we need to realize the good work technology is helping <v Mort Crim>accomplish in Boston. We too, hope those braces come off soon, Jonathan. <v Mort Crim>Technology helping the young in Boston is challenging the young in Texas. <v Mort Crim>So much so that one 12 year old we ran into recently is fast becoming a national <v Mort Crim>figure in software and video game circles. <v Mort Crim>Here's our report produced by Al Warmon. <v Mort Crim>[music plays] <v Narrator>Living in the part of West Texas called the Big Country, smack dab in the city of <v Narrator>Abilene, is an influential video games and software critic who carries <v Narrator>clout with some very big companies. <v Narrator>He's 12 year old Rawson Stovall, a.k.a. <v Narrator>the Vid Kid. Professional and articulate, Rawson Stovall is the youngest <v Narrator>member of the working press, writing a syndicated newspaper column about video games
<v Narrator>and software. <v Rawson Stovall>I'm syndicated now by Universal Press Syndicate and they they name they chose <v Rawson Stovall>the name The Vid Kid, which wasn't my original title. <v Rawson Stovall>My original title of my column was The Video Beat that <v Rawson Stovall>when I saw my column to the San Jose Mercury News in San Jose, <v Rawson Stovall>California. They nicknamed it The Vid Kid. <v Rawson Stovall>And that's how it got the name. <v Narrator>The Vid Kid's writing style is witty Erma Bombeck and helpful Ann Landers. <v Narrator>It can be read weekly in 22 newspapers around the country. <v Narrator>Being a video game connoisseur and an expert game player, Rawson's <v Narrator>opinions count and are taken seriously. <v Narrator>That's why he is inundated daily with packages from Calico, Atari, Epics, <v Narrator>and other video game companies that contain the newest video games for him to test and <v Narrator>review. <v Rawson Stovall>Ooh, this looks neat. ?Break Street? And it's also for the Commodore 64. <v Rawson Stovall>Golly.
<v Rawson Stovall>If I liked the game, I'll review it. <v Rawson Stovall>That's what I do on my column. I don't, I try not to review bad games. <v Rawson Stovall>Since there are so many games out there, I can't really afford wasting time on a bad <v Rawson Stovall>game. A lot of people think that uh to be a critic, you have to review good <v Rawson Stovall>and bad games. That's not true. I keep a positive attitude and write about <v Rawson Stovall>games that I like in that manner. <v Rawson Stovall>I'm suggesting the games. <v Rawson Stovall>Well, like you just saw, Ghostbusters. <v Rawson Stovall>Yeah, the sound is great, but after a while it kind of <v Rawson Stovall>becomes annoying. <v Kids>[singing] An invisible man, sleeping in your bed. <v Kids>Who you gonna call? <v Kids>Ghostbusters. <v Kids>I like it. Yeah. <v Interviewer>What is the hardest thing about writing your column? <v Rawson Stovall>I think just doing it. <v Rawson Stovall>Um, finding the time or there's so many diff- other things that I <v Rawson Stovall>could be doing than writing this column. <v Rawson Stovall>That's that's what I think of. You know, MASH is on reruns of MASH
<v Rawson Stovall>uh Gilligan's Island. There's so many things that are on TV or my friends are calling. <v Rawson Stovall>No, I've gotta do my column. That's the-. <v Rawson Stovall>Tell them I can't play, I've got to do a column. <v Rawson Stovall>It's one of the hardest things for me to do. <v Narrator>When Rawson completes a column, his editor-in-chief and mother, Kay Stovall, <v Narrator>a former high school English teacher, puts the blue pencil to his copy. <v Kay Stovall>Are you sure of this? <v Rawson Stovall>What? <v Kay Stovall>Dave Johnston. ?inaudible? <v Rawson Stovall>Yeah, yeah. <v Rawson Stovall>Mhm. <v Kay Stovall>Okay. <v Teacher>[typewriter] Okay, give me the name of the- <v Kathy Aldridge>I know that junior high for him is going to be exciting this year because he can take <v Kathy Aldridge>speech, debate, foreign language, work on computers, <v Kathy Aldridge>something different that he hasn't been exposed to before. <v Narrator>Kathy Aldridge is a close friend of the Stovall family and was Rawson's 6th grade Gifted <v Narrator>Studies teacher. <v Kathy Aldridge>Rawson always downplays any of the stardom that <v Kathy Aldridge>he might have. Any appearances that he's made, he doesn't usually share that with his <v Kathy Aldridge>friends, and so therefore he remains one of the kids.
<v Kathy Aldridge>He jokes with them. They play together and they all admire him and they want him for <v Kathy Aldridge>their friend. <v Interviewer>When I asked him 3 wishes. One of his wishes was a 4 story house with an elevator that <v Interviewer>goes up and down. Can you elaborate on that a bit as he talked to you about that? <v Kathy Aldridge>No, he hasn't. But I'm sure he could fill every floor. <v Kathy Aldridge>[laughing]. <v Interviewer>With what? Video games or just books? <v Kathy Aldridge>Well, probably I would think he would have different things on each floor depending on <v Kathy Aldridge>the mood he was in. Uh I bet he would probably have a library of books. <v Kathy Aldridge>He'd have a section where he could write. <v Kathy Aldridge>Uh certainly he would have his entertainment area because he enjoys music and video <v Kathy Aldridge>games. I would think he would have a variety of things. <v Kathy Aldridge>His interested in meteorology, probably have a telescope up there. <v Kathy Aldridge>And then he would definitely need a corner for cooking so he could try out his favorite <v Kathy Aldridge>recipes. <v Narrator>One of Rawson's favorite recipes, Pac-Man Cookies, is included in his first book <v Narrator>published by Doubleday. The Vid Kid's Book of Home Video Games, a collection of his <v Narrator>newspaper columns. <v Rawson Stovall>Actually, the recipe is not what matters, it's the idea <v Rawson Stovall>of it. You can use any sugar cookie recipe, but the idea
<v Rawson Stovall>of the Pac-man and the yellow icing and the red lips and <v Rawson Stovall>the raisin for the eye. That's what I think makes the uh recipe unique. <v Girl>I think the icing is good. <v Rawson Stovall>You think the icing is the best part? <v Rawson Stovall>Huh? <v Rawson Stovall>Mm. <v Narrator>Rawson Stovall, cook, video game expert, newspaper columnist, published <v Narrator>author. Your typical 12 year old? <v Rawson Stovall>I think I am a typical uh 12 year old. <v Rawson Stovall>I like to talk on the phone and read typical 12 year old books and watch typical <v Rawson Stovall>12 year old television shows. [music plays] <v Mort Crim>Isn't he great? And Rawson's reviews carry clout, software and video game <v Mort Crim>industry executives take his calls and they listen to what he thinks about their <v Mort Crim>products. We're pleased to report Rawson's clout will be available to you <v Mort Crim>beginning next week as he becomes a contributing columnist to the New Tech Times.
<v Mort Crim>Computer technology captured Rawson Stovall's interest and imagination, <v Mort Crim>but it was amateur radio technology that caught another young man's eye in Atlanta some <v Mort Crim>53 years ago. Here's our report produced by Jim Carr. <v Mort Crim>[music plays] <v Narrator> It was 1895 <v Narrator>when Marconi sent signals through the air using radio waves. <v Narrator>Since then, amateur radio operators have been working to find better ways to communicate <v Narrator>with colleagues around the world. <v Narrator>Amateurs or hams, as they're called, have seen a lot of changes over the years, <v Narrator>but very few have witnessed as many innovations as 69 year old ham, Byron Lindsey. <v Byron Lindsey>?inaudible? This is W4BIW. <v Byron Lindsey>Okay, uh. <v Narrator>Byron got into ham radio in 1931 when he was 16. <v Narrator>Today, his house in Atlanta is decorated with more than half a dozen antennae. <v Narrator>The basement is filled with examples of both old and new ham radio technology.
<v Byron Lindsey>I got the classic radio he on my right and the future <v Byron Lindsey>radio on my left. So uh I guess I'm on the <v Byron Lindsey>fence. <v Narrator>If something new hits the market, you can bet Byron will try it. <v Byron Lindsey>Cause I'm afraid I'll miss something. After all, I'm 69 years old. <v Byron Lindsey>If I don't try it in a hurry, I'll never get to try it. <v Narrator>When Byron started out, radios ran on ?crystals not tubes?. <v Narrator>He's watched as transceivers evolve through the transistor age to the era of integrated <v Narrator>circuits. And he's bought it all. <v Byron Lindsey>That's a new Yaesu 757. I just bought it yesterday. I had a FT 101 ?ZD? <v Byron Lindsey>sitting in there, uh which I still got, put it over there. <v Narrator>Byron's wife, Billy may have mixed feelings about his enthusiasm for miniaturized <v Narrator>ham radio. On their honeymoon, Byron kept a bulky radio <v Narrator>under the bed. <v Byron Lindsey>It was kind of my security blanket. <v Byron Lindsey>After all, marriage was new to me.
<v Byron Lindsey>And I and I'd been talking to hams a long time and I figured I'd better stay in touch <v Byron Lindsey>with him, you know, just in case things didn't work out. <v Narrator>Today, Billy remains discreetly out of sight when Byron's using one of his many <v Narrator>radios scattered around the house. <v Byron Lindsey>If she was into it, she'd be down here while talking on my Globe King. <v Byron Lindsey>And I'd wanna use that. And now she says, one ham in the family is enough. <v Carol Schrader>But not all women shy away from ham. <v Carol Schrader>Byron has heard more and more women like Carol Schrader fill the airwaves as equipment <v Carol Schrader>has become small enough to keep in the kitchen. <v Carol Schrader>The Rick here is the Kingwood TS 430. We're running it barefoot right now. <v Byron Lindsey>Well, the men uh we have more in common. <v Narrator>No doubt men have much more interest in the material often received on this new tech <v Narrator>addition to ham radio. It's called slow scan TV. <v Narrator>Ham operators can transmit a still frame television picture line by <v Narrator>line.
<v Byron Lindsey>The Italians, they send back nude pictures to ya all the time. <v Byron Lindsey>And although I enjoyed them, <v Byron Lindsey>I wasn't sure that I was supposed to- that it was legal for me to even be on the <v Byron Lindsey>receiving end of such material. <v Narrator>Slow scan is a big improvement from the days when pictures could only be received on <v Narrator>teletype machines like this. <v Narrator>[radio plays] Byron traded in his slow scan TV <v Narrator>for yet another new tech development, satellite transmission. <v Byron Lindsey>?inaudible? Five Echo. This is W4BIW. <v Narrator>The trick in satellite transmission is to keep one's antenna aimed at the moving target. <v Byron Lindsey>They go over, and zip over and in about <v Byron Lindsey>15 minutes, they're gone. And a old guy like me, about time I got ready, it <v Byron Lindsey>was half gone. <v Narrator>Perhaps the most significant new influence on amateur radio is the computer. <v Narrator>So of course, Byron managed to squeeze one into his basement. <v Narrator>[beeping] Byron just types words onto his screen and the computer translates and
<v Narrator>transmits each letter in Morse code. <v Narrator>The latest computer contribution to hams is called Packet Radio. <v Byron Lindsey>It's data communication but you can uh have an outfit just go [loud noise] <v Byron Lindsey>you could send a stack of messages that high or a whole book. <v Byron Lindsey>in a minute or less. And uh I'd just like to try it. <v Byron Lindsey>I'm not sure I'd like it. <v Narrator>Byron enjoys experimenting with new technology, but says the old fashioned way of <v Narrator>sending with Morse code is more comfortable and more reliable. <v Narrator>[beeping] When he started tapping out code more than half a century ago, Byron's father <v Narrator>wanted him to spend more time helping out in the family store and ask him to quit. <v Narrator>Byron kept hamming it up. <v Narrator>Now retired, he attributes a long and successful career in television <v Narrator>to those ties to ham radio at an early age. <v Byron Lindsey>Just a little drink and uh a big dose of ham radio will make you <v Byron Lindsey>forget all your troubles til the end of the morning.
<v Byron Lindsey>[music plays] <v Mort Crim>Byron's philosophy about life no doubt was influenced by his radio sets. <v Mort Crim>He certainly looks at home with them, but listening to folks from around the world has <v Mort Crim>another advantage. It's a good way to make a lot of interesting friends. <v Mort Crim>Chips may lead us to friends or be friendly themselves. <v Mort Crim>Apple made a promise of user friendliness last year when it introduced the Macintosh. <v Mort Crim>Tim Onosko reviewed the Mac for us earlier. <v Mort Crim>He's back this week with a progress report. <v Mort Crim>Tim? <v Tim Onosko>Steve Jobs, one of Apples founders, said that the company's new Macintosh computer, <v Tim Onosko>introduced earlier this year, had just 100 days to prove itself. <v Tim Onosko>Well, how has this innovative machine fared since we last looked at it? <v Tim Onosko>Well, we know a few more things about it after some months of road testing. <v Tim Onosko>We found out, for instance, that a second floppy disk drive isn't an option. <v Tim Onosko>It's a necessity. There just isn't enough space on a single desk for a program, all
<v Tim Onosko>of the Mac's systems software, and your files as well, data, documents or pictures. <v Tim Onosko>And Apple's confirmed what we thought all along. <v Tim Onosko>The Mac needs more memory. To that end, version with an incredible 512 <v Tim Onosko>K, that's a half a megabyte hit the market last month. <v Tim Onosko>I suspect it could eventually replace the original 128k version. <v Tim Onosko>This thing is a real hog for memory. <v Tim Onosko>I'm a little bewildered by the slowness of the image writer printer. <v Tim Onosko>Still the only one that the machine supports. <v Tim Onosko>But since the Macintosh is so graphically oriented, there's no other solution until <v Tim Onosko>technology gives us a cheap laser printer. <v Tim Onosko>That flood of software that Apple promised has been slow to arrive. <v Tim Onosko>The Mac still needs several key programs, like a good word processor and a database <v Tim Onosko>to make it a practical professional tool. <v Tim Onosko>But the Macintosh software that has seen the light of day has been very impressive, <v Tim Onosko>and much of it is showing the same kind of innovation that the computer itself is based <v Tim Onosko>on. Even the basic programing language, this one is Microsoft's, <v Tim Onosko>looks and feels different on the Mac.
<v Tim Onosko>Listings appear in one window, commands and another and the program operates in yet a <v Tim Onosko>third. Now this program is called FileVision. <v Tim Onosko>It's an entirely different approach to a database manager and uses pictures, kind of like <v Tim Onosko>intelligent maps instead of words to organize information. <v Tim Onosko>Right now, though, it's a little bit like a hammer looking for a nail. <v Tim Onosko>And it's going to require some imaginative users. <v Tim Onosko>The Da Vinci Graphics disks, really aren't programs, they're picture files you can use <v Tim Onosko>with Mac Paint, the Mac's clever drawing program. <v Tim Onosko>They contain architectural elements. <v Tim Onosko>Habadex is probably one of the most practical desktop programs around. <v Tim Onosko>It gives you a rolodex, an appointment calendar, and a phone dialer all in one. <v Tim Onosko>It's fast and easy to use. <v Tim Onosko>Among the games for the Mac are the Infocom Adventure series, an arcade game <v Tim Onosko>called Mouse Stampede, and here's Millionaire. <v Tim Onosko>It's a nifty stock market simulation that uses all of the machine's features. <v Tim Onosko>Now here are a couple of sneak previews. <v Tim Onosko>These are programs that aren't quite ready yet, but they're worth giving you a glimpse <v Tim Onosko>of. Professional Composer promises to do for musicians with the word processor
<v Tim Onosko>did for writers. It's miles beyond the other music programs, quite powerful <v Tim Onosko>and is aimed at serious music writers. <v Tim Onosko>Finally, Helix is an extremely inventive approach to database management using <v Tim Onosko>icons, pictures, to portray the relationships among data. <v Tim Onosko>The best and most welcome thing about the Macintosh is how it continues to break ground <v Tim Onosko>and personal computing. <v Tim Onosko>Exciting is a word that's often misused, but if there is any excitement to be found in <v Tim Onosko>computers today, I think it's right here. <v Mort Crim>The Mac now sports a 512 K memory and some new capabilities. <v Mort Crim>Apple's pushing it for business. Only consumers and time will tell whether Mac becomes <v Mort Crim>the success it set out to be. <v Mort Crim>From Macintosh to hackers with a pair of extraordinary young men in between. <v Mort Crim>This week's program has been another look at the people and technology that are changing <v Mort Crim>our lives. Next week, we return to bring you more reports, including <v Mort Crim>these. <v Narrator>In the next edition of The New Tech Times, Silicon Valley.
<v Narrator>What are the costs of pleasure and prosperity? <v Narrator>Also, take a detour through space as you travel by car and ?do? <v Narrator>Battle on the Planet Photon as you become part of a living video game. <v Narrator>This and more in the next edition of The New Tech Times. <v Mort Crim>For the New Tech Times staff, I'm Mort Crim. <v Mort Crim>Thanks for watching. <v Narrator>The New Tech Times has been brought to you through a grant from Wausau Insurance. <v Narrator>Times change. Wausau works. <v Narrator>And by the collective voice of the Consumer Electronics Industry, the CEG, <v Narrator>the Consumer Electronics Group. <v Narrator>Electronic Industries Association. <v Narrator>For a transcript of this program, send 3 dollars to The New Tech Times Program 212.
<v Narrator>821 University Avenue Madison, Wisconsin, 5 3 7 0 6.
The New Tech Times
Episode Number
No. 212
Producing Organization
WHA-TV (Television station : Madison, Wis.)
Contributing Organization
The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia (Athens, Georgia)
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip-526-w37kp7w14v).
Episode Description
In this program, advancements in technology are discussed. Topics include hackers, the Gait Lab in Boston's Children Hospital, a 12-year-old who writes newspaper columns on video games, ham radio, and Apple's Macintosh computer.
Series Description
"THE NEW TECH TIMES is broadcast weekly on public television and is currently in its second season. Each program focuses on new technology and consumer electronics with 5-6 minute segments in a half-hour program. The mission of the series is to help the consumer cope by presenting the products, services and issues that are pertinent to the public for moving comfortably into the electronics age. "Underwriters for the series are Wausau Insurance Companies and the Electronic Industries Association/Consumer Electronics Group. "The second season is hosted by veteran broadcaster, author and [lecturer] Mort Crim and is produced on location around the country and in the studios of WHA-TV in Madison, Wisconsin. Executive Producer is Jeff Clarke. "THE NEW TECH TIMES ONLINE is an information service that gives viewers the unique opportunity to suggest ideas for future programs and to obtain more information about a product or person featured on a show. The service[,] found on CompuServe, The Source and THE NEW TECH TIMES Bulletin Board[,] can be used by anyone with access to a home computer. "Programs #204 and #212 are enclosed that represent the series along with format sheets which describe each segment of the program in detail."--1984 Peabody Awards entry form.
Broadcast Date
Asset type
Media type
Moving Image
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Host: Crim, Mort
Producing Organization: WHA-TV (Television station : Madison, Wis.)
AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia
Identifier: cpb-aacip-941258084ea (Filename)
Format: U-matic
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “The New Tech Times; No. 212,” 1984, The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed February 22, 2025,
MLA: “The New Tech Times; No. 212.” 1984. The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. February 22, 2025. <>.
APA: The New Tech Times; No. 212. Boston, MA: The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from