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<v Susan>I believe every person and has the right to live in the community and <v Susan>I certainly don't believe in shipping people off to a institu-institution <v Susan>because it's the most easiest thing to do. <v Susan>And um I feel like that each person should, you know, triy <v Susan>to work and become, as, you know, as much as they can. <v Andrea Berry>Georgia's mentally retarded citizens and their struggle for dignity are a major <v Andrea Berry>story on this edition of Georgia Digest. <v Andrea Berry>[music] Welcome to Georgia Digest. I'm Andrea Berry. <v Andrea Berry>Mental retardation is a condition that's often pitied, laughed at or just ignored.
<v Andrea Berry>But it's an issue that involves both moral obligations and legal rights. <v Andrea Berry>But more important, it's the story about people with hopes and needs, just like yours and <v Andrea Berry>mine. One of their greatest needs is to live their lives with dignity and self-respect. <v Andrea Berry>That is the focus of our story by Gerald Bryant. <v Gerald Bryant>These are Georgia's retarded citizens. <v Gerald Bryant>They work. <v Gerald Bryant>They play. <v Gerald Bryant>They create. <v Gerald Bryant>They laugh. <v Susan>Well [laughs] yes. <v Gerald Bryant>They get into trouble. <v Ben>I didn't rea-read-realize it was against the law but uh I learned it was. <v Gerald Bryant>They have ambitions. <v Robbie>'Cause that's one thing about me I just-I want to
<v Robbie>to do things. <v Gerald Bryant>And they have outspoken friends like Pat Smith of the Georgia Association <v Gerald Bryant>of Retarded Citizens. <v Pat Smith>The biggest problem is what we ourselves do to retarded people, because <v Pat Smith>we we want to feel sorry for retarded people and we want to feel that they <v Pat Smith>are somehow uh uh that something terrible, <v Pat Smith>this is a terrible affliction that they have. <v Pat Smith>And so we're going to take care of them and we're going to be very maternalistic or <v Pat Smith>paternalistic and we're going to going to love them and care for them, <v Pat Smith>which is which is fine. <v Pat Smith>Except that what we very often do in that process is to deny them the dignity <v Pat Smith>of risk. <v Gerald Bryant>The quest for dignity may began at a service center for the mentally retarded. <v Gerald Bryant>They are state funded, but community operated. <v Gerald Bryant>This particular one is in Douglas County. <v Gerald Bryant>Here, daily living skills are taught. How to do the laundry, clean the house, make <v Gerald Bryant>change, write checks. Pre vocational skills are taught here too.
<v Gerald Bryant>That means not just how to work, but how to get along, how to react to criticism. <v Gerald Bryant>All programs are geared to what center director Bill Legge calls the principle of <v Gerald Bryant>normalization. <v Bill Legge>And very, very simply put is that these people have the same basic rights, <v Bill Legge>privileges, feelings that you and I have. <v Bill Legge>Uh, if there is a problem, it's in the rate at which they acquire new skills. <v Bill Legge>They um are entitled to make mistakes. <v Bill Legge>They are entitled to have the same freedoms. <v Bill Legge>Um, they have the same rights under the Bill of Rights that you and I have. <v Bill Legge>In all respects, except perhaps the speed at which they acquire <v Bill Legge>new skills, they are just like you and I. <v Gerald Bryant>Hazel Roberts oversees all mental retardation programs in Cobb and Douglas counties. <v Gerald Bryant>She talks of maximum results and minimum restrictions. <v Hazel Roberts>Our hope is that the person will uh <v Hazel Roberts>be less dependent on the system as we keep him in the <v Hazel Roberts>community program.
<v Hazel Roberts>We would hope that we would do this through various training programs that <v Hazel Roberts>we would offer. <v Gerald Bryant>Robbie is one of several of the women who spend their week days here at the Douglas <v Gerald Bryant>County Service Center. But now she's on her way to where she lives, not a state <v Gerald Bryant>institution, but a group home. <v Gerald Bryant>Group homes are considered by many. The alternative to institution one in <v Gerald Bryant>Douglas County is often called the best in Georgia. <v Gerald Bryant>Here, House parents Doug and Shirley Rainwater offer guidance, but the women make the <v Gerald Bryant>rules and share the household responsibilities. <v Gerald Bryant>Robbie has been here about four years. <v Gerald Bryant>Before that, she was in a state institution for 37 years. <v Gerald Bryant>But she's not bitter. Instead, she sees her chance for dignity in the training she <v Gerald Bryant>receives. <v Robbie>One day if-if I get this job <v Robbie>done, the way I plan it and everything <v Robbie>I can do- just go on about my business. I want to learn how to do the typewriter. I hadn't ever typed or nothin', but I wanna
<v Robbie>learn how to do that. <v Gerald Bryant>And her philosophy is his tried and true as the Old Testament. <v Robbie>It's in the Bible that you, that <v Robbie>you love your neighbors, like you love yourself <v Robbie>and if you treat your neighbors like you love yourself, <v Robbie>you can love more people that anybody else. <v Robbie>'Cause it's in your heart and you know what God can do for us <v Robbie>and he's looking down on people, like, if you blind or <v Robbie>something like that, you can help 'em out. And ain't no sense in a <v Robbie>people getting around and not do nothing. <v Robbie>But I wanted do things like that. <v Robbie>[piano music] <v Gerald Bryant>Katrina also lives at the Douglas County Group home.
<v Gerald Bryant>She spent 17 years in an institution. <v Gerald Bryant>Her expressions of dignity are made with brush and canvas, for Katrina is an <v Gerald Bryant>artist whose paintings have achieved both critical and commercial success. <v Gerald Bryant>And she has become a statewide symbol of what the mentally retarded can achieve. <v Gerald Bryant>[piano music continues] But of course, not all mentally retarded people have artistic <v Gerald Bryant>talent. Most of them must seek other more commercial roads to their goals of <v Gerald Bryant>dignity and self-sufficiency. <v Gerald Bryant>Dignity, for many people means making your own way, having a job. <v Gerald Bryant>And among the employment opportunities for the mentally retarded are sheltered workshop <v Gerald Bryant>programs like this florist shop in Columbus, which i a fully licensed, taxpaying <v Gerald Bryant>business.
<v Gerald Bryant>Most of the employees at Happy Plants and Things are mentally retarded. <v Gerald Bryant>Here they have the opportunity to receive health benefits and they are paid for their <v Gerald Bryant>work. Not a lot, but enough to afford them a degree of economic dignity. <v Gerald Bryant>You come to work? <v Peggy>Uh-huh. <v Gerald Bryant>And what do you do around here? <v Peggy>Waterin' plants. <v Gerald Bryant>Work with the plants? <v Peggy>Mm-hm. <v Gerald Bryant>And uh what if a customer comes in looking for something? <v Gerald Bryant>What do you do? <v Peggy>I help them. <v Gerald Bryant>You help 'em find it? <v Peggy>Mm-hm. <v Gerald Bryant>And what do you like to do for fun? <v Peggy>To make money. <v Gerald Bryant>You like to make money? <v Peggy>Mm-hm. <v Gerald Bryant>That's a lot of fun. Yeah, I agree. <v Connie McDermott>I think through working. Being able to make their own money, money is <v Connie McDermott>the [laughs] thing that gives people the chance to say I can do for myself. <v Connie McDermott>They don't need to go to all service organizations for everything they need. <v Connie McDermott>They don't need that dependent support system behind them that keeps them just more <v Connie McDermott>and more and more dependent on something else. <v Connie McDermott>Money is where it's at. That's what you know, if you didn't have a job, where would you <v Connie McDermott>be?
<v Gerald Bryant>Many of the plants and flowers sold at this florist shop come from another related <v Gerald Bryant>program, this Columbus nursery and greenhouse. <v Gerald Bryant>The workers here, too, are retarded but if it wasn't for them, these plants would not <v Gerald Bryant>exist. This was a city run operation due to close because of budget cuts. <v Gerald Bryant>Now there is growth here. <v Gerald Bryant>Growth of two kinds. Growth brought about by nurturing and similar <v Gerald Bryant>growth can be seen elsewhere in the state. <v Gerald Bryant>Albany, Georgia is an old fashioned town with a modern approach to mental retardation. <v Gerald Bryant>That's due in large part to Project Arc, a program which has produced success stories <v Gerald Bryant>many people would call amazing. <v Gerald Bryant>Project Arc is a state funded community run program serving the mentally and physically <v Gerald Bryant>handicapped in eight counties. <v Gerald Bryant>The programs are wide ranging, but director Annette Bowling has a special interest in one <v Gerald Bryant>tragic aspect of mental retardation, potential involvement with crime. <v Gerald Bryant>While only 3 percent of the general population is classified as mentally retarded, <v Gerald Bryant>as high as 25 percent of the prison population in Georgia may fall in that category. <v Gerald Bryant>Why is it that the mentally retarded have a tendency to get involved with the criminal
<v Gerald Bryant>justice system? <v Annette Bowling>Mentally retarded individuals are people <v Annette Bowling>that can be easily led because if you take up time <v Annette Bowling>with them, uh if you accept them in, they they think of you as <v Annette Bowling>their friend and uh they could be easily led. <v Annette Bowling>And a lot of times people will bring the mentally retarded people into <v Annette Bowling>crime because they can control them. <v Annette Bowling>And most of the time these are the people who would be the victims because they'll be <v Annette Bowling>left holding the bag. <v Annette Bowling>Um, they don't know how to defend themselves. So most of the time I feel like it's poor <v Annette Bowling>representation in the courtroom. Them not knowing how to deal with the system and <v Annette Bowling>so therefore they're convicted. <v Gerald Bryant>Annette is talking about people like Ben, to all appearances and average guy with average <v Gerald Bryant>pursuits. But Ben is retarded and got involved in some activity. <v Gerald Bryant>He says he didn't know was wrong. <v Gerald Bryant>A non-retarded companion got 5 years probation. <v Gerald Bryant>Ben got a sentence of 62 years.
<v Gerald Bryant>How did you feel when you heard the judge saying that you may have to spend several years <v Gerald Bryant>in prison? <v Ben>I re-was hurt. Feelings was hurt <v Ben>and everything else. And my family wasn't satisfied <v Ben>what the judge said. <v Ben>They have a sister or somebody got in touch with Annette Bowling and <v Ben>she kinda helped me, and sister a whole lot <v Ben>about shortenin' uh, get me out, out of prison. <v Gerald Bryant>What did you do when you came to Albany? <v Ben>At first I came here, wasn't really doin' it all that much, but about every few weeks <v Ben>I start doin' a little more and all. <v Ben>Like going to the Y, I'll get my groceries, and go <v Ben>to the male group home down the road here where I live at. <v Gerald Bryant>Ben's looking for work now. Maybe in a restaurant.
<v Gerald Bryant>And he does have hope and a pretty normal lifestyle. <v Gerald Bryant>But his brush with the legal system has left him with some resentment and the feeling <v Gerald Bryant>that not everyone understands mental retardation. <v Gerald Bryant>Do you think, looking back on all the things that that happened, <v Gerald Bryant>that you uh were treated fairly? <v Ben>No. <v Gerald Bryant>What could have been better? <v Ben>Uh I think the sentence, I woulda thought if they were, if he woulda thought <v Ben>about it more, if I had a better lawyer, I think my sentence mighta been shorter. <v Ben>And uh <v Ben>probation should be shorter. <v Gerald Bryant>Do you think that most people understand the problems that retarded people <v Gerald Bryant>have? <v Ben>No. <v Annette Bowling>I wonder how we would come out of what Ben came out of, had society gave us the low <v Annette Bowling>blow that it gave him. <v Annette Bowling>But yet he came out. He accepted it. <v Annette Bowling>He has no bitterness.
<v Annette Bowling>He said that he taken it as a lesson, that it was something <v Annette Bowling>that he learned from from that system, that he doesn't want to be a part of it no more. <v Annette Bowling>Um, also, he said that maybe had be not have gotten into that he wouldn't be able to <v Annette Bowling>accomplish some of his goals that he's already accomplishin' now because with that, it's <v Annette Bowling>helped him set back and take a look at really what he wants out of life. <v Annette Bowling>He's making decisions for himself instead of somebody else making the decisions for him. <v Annette Bowling>And to me, that's dignity. <v Gerald Bryant>Another product of Project Arc is Susan, although retarded. <v Gerald Bryant>She functions efficiently as the program secretary receptionist. <v Susan>Good afternoon, Project ARC. <v Gerald Bryant>She too is a little bitter <v Gerald Bryant>over past experiences. She says a vocational counselor once told her that an <v Gerald Bryant>institutional training program would be just like going to college. <v Susan>Bye Bye. It wasn't with other patients, it wasn't it like going to college at all. <v Susan>And they um like to sing in our
<v Susan>our um homes. <v Susan>We had to have permission from our counselor to leave the grounds. <v Susan>And uh, which I didn't like, I'm <v Susan>surprised that I tolerated it as long as I did. <v Susan>I was very angry with her for doing me that a way because I really <v Susan>trusted her. I didn't feel like I was a mentally ill person. <v Susan>I just wanted to get training so I could go back to work. <v Gerald Bryant>Meeting Susan shatters many of the myths about mental retardation. <v Gerald Bryant>She is expressive and articulate and she has an understanding of her situation. <v Susan>Well, I I believe every person has the right to live in the community and <v Susan>I certainly don't believe in shipping people off to instita-institution <v Susan>because it's the most easiest thing to do. <v Susan>And um I feel like that each person should, you know, try <v Susan>to work and become, as you know, as much as they can.
<v Susan>[piano music]. <v Gerald Bryant>To become <v Gerald Bryant>as much as they can. Georgia's retarded citizens are trying to do that <v Gerald Bryant>and do it with dignity. They do not ask for pity. <v Gerald Bryant>They ask for understanding. They do not beg for charity. <v Gerald Bryant>They merely request the chance they feel they deserve. <v Susan>Unless you have a member in your family or some <v Susan>person that's close to you that's retarded or has some kind of disability, <v Susan>you're not gonna be as uh recep-receptive to a handicapped <v Susan>person. <v Andrea Berry>You know, those of us who live in Georgia sometimes forget just how diverse some of the <v Andrea Berry>areas of our state really are.
<v Andrea Berry>Janet Martin has this story about one of Georgia's Golden Isles. <v Andrea Berry>[ocean wave sounds] <v Janet Martin>Of all Georgia's Golden Isles, one of the most enticing is tiny, remote <v Janet Martin>Blackbeard Island. <v Janet Martin>East of Sapelo Island, blackbeard is 18 miles from the mainland. <v Janet Martin>It's almost inaccessible. <v Janet Martin>Well, except to those intrepid souls who own or rent a boat. <v Janet Martin>We managed to do that one bright July day last summer. <v Janet Martin>Our guide, Karen Kicklider, coursed the water with a steady hand, telling us bits of <v Janet Martin>history along the way. <v Janet Martin>Blackbeard Island gets its name from the 18th century Pirate Edward Teach. <v Janet Martin>Legend has it that Blackbeard buried his loot there. <v Janet Martin>[music] <v Janet Martin>So you might say we went looking for treasure.
<v Janet Martin>We didn't find it. <v Janet Martin>What we discovered was the richness of an island left mostly to itself. <v Janet Martin>Traveling the sand levees that are the only roads. <v Janet Martin>We were almost swallowed by the lushness here. <v Janet Martin>Live oak trees count the centuries. <v Janet Martin>In 1880, the island was used as a quarantine station. <v Janet Martin>Ships were unloaded and sprayed for the dreaded yellow fever before embarking again for <v Janet Martin>Savannah. While there is no yellow fever today, there are mosquitoes, <v Janet Martin>along with friendlier insects.
<v Doug Baumgartner>Blackbeard Island has a variety of habitats, it has the beach areas, <v Doug Baumgartner>it has the marsh lands, it has the Savannah <v Doug Baumgartner>areas, it has a live oak palmetto areas. <v Doug Baumgartner>Uh this variety and habitat is necessary for a variety <v Doug Baumgartner>of wildlife. <v Janet Martin>Doug Baumgartner is a refuge manager with the U.S. <v Janet Martin>Fish and Wildlife Service. <v Janet Martin>Doug was our guide for the day and he seemed to enjoy the experience. <v Doug Baumgartner>Of all the barrier islands that I have <v Doug Baumgartner>been on Blackbeard is definitely my favorite. <v Doug Baumgartner>You can get the feeling of uh of being alone out there, such <v Doug Baumgartner>a vast area with so few people. <v Janet Martin>In 1914, President Wilson designated this 5,000 acre island as a federal <v Janet Martin>wildlife refuge.
<v Janet Martin>It remains just that, a stronghold for deer, raccoon <v Janet Martin>and the ever watchful alligator. In <v Janet Martin>the winter, waterfowl of all types nest here. <v Janet Martin>They settle for a spell as if on vacation. <v Janet Martin>But vacations here are strictly for the birds you might say, because with rare exception, <v Janet Martin>overnight stays are prohibited. <v Janet Martin>But those who visit for the day can still find the beach. <v Janet Martin>Rugged, isolated, captivating. <v Janet Martin>There is a rhythmical order to life here on Blackbeard Island. <v Janet Martin>The winds and ocean currents tear down the North Shore line and build up the south. <v Janet Martin>Even this graveyard of trees serves a function, retarding erosion for a while, <v Janet Martin>providing a haunting beauty in the meantime. [music]. <v Doug Baumgartner>There's a magical feeling when you uh stroll under the live oaks in the Spanish
<v Doug Baumgartner>moss and wander among the tall meadows, <v Doug Baumgartner>especially in the evening when the shadows start to fall. <v Janet Martin>Blackbeard Island, one of Georgia's natural treasures. <v Andrea Berry>From Blackbeard Island, we take you north to Summerville, Georgia, for a story about a <v Andrea Berry>man who was a former preacher, banjo player, bicycle repairman <v Andrea Berry>and a very successful artist. <v Andrea Berry>We'd like you to meet Howard Fenster. <v Howard Finster>God has taken me and lifted me up and he gave me the kind of art that the people love. <v Howard Finster>That's not Howard Fenster art, that's art from wisdom from another world, from God.
<v Howard Finster>Like followin' a blueprint. <v Janet Martin>Howard Fenster is Summerfield, Georgia's self-proclaimed man of visions as <v Janet Martin>he punched into the art world in 1971 at the age of fifty five, <v Janet Martin>beginning construction on his paradise garden discouraged one night <v Janet Martin>after a 30 year career as a Baptist preacher and bicycle repairman. <v Janet Martin>He started looking for a way to get his message across. <v Howard Finster>That night in the service as I called out over my audience, they quietly sat and listened <v Howard Finster>to me. I said, "How many of you people remeber what I preached on this morning at <v Howard Finster>eleven o'clock. Hold your hand up. All of ya that remember what I preached on at eleven <v Howard Finster>o'clocl this morning." And you know their wasn't but one man that hold his hand up in the <v Howard Finster>whole congregation. They forgot my message from one service to another. <v Howard Finster>And I thought to myself, Lord, they like me. They've kept me here 15 years and 3 months. <v Howard Finster>I'm a good pastor from it but they're not listening to me, God. <v Howard Finster>And I come home. I close the church up and I come home. <v Howard Finster>And I sat down there and I think to myself, I've got to build this garden. <v Howard Finster>I built that garden and I started, I started putting my messages down with tractor and
<v Howard Finster>animal and now two of 'em went in the Library of Congress. <v Howard Finster>One went in the Governor's office in California and the paper get that message today, <v Howard Finster>it's a hanging there in the morning. And uh people aren't gonna pay 500 dollars for a <v Howard Finster>message and hang it up there and do away with it. It's gonna be there from now on when <v Howard Finster>Jesus come. <v Janet Martin>Five years later while repairing a bicycle, Howard discovered his talent for painting <v Janet Martin>through a vision. <v Howard Finster>One day I dipped my finger in white paint to rub it on that place and patch that bicycle, <v Howard Finster>and I looked on my finger and in that paint was a human face right on the ball of my <v Howard Finster>finger and my finger's round just like a face too. <v Howard Finster>And as I looked under my finger, there's a face looking out of my finger into my face, in <v Howard Finster>that paint. And there's a warm feeling just flashed all over me, said, "Paint sacred <v Howard Finster>art." And I said to that feeling I said, "I can't do that. <v Howard Finster>I know professionals can, not me." And then it come to me again says, "Howard, how do <v Howard Finster>you know you can't?" and then thought come to me, how do I know I can't? <v Janet Martin>Howard found that he could. He paints almost exclusively with tractor enamel <v Janet Martin>on plywood, metal and plexiglass. <v Janet Martin>In the past seven years, he's turned out nearly 3800 paintings selling for up to 4,000
<v Janet Martin>dollars a piece. <v Janet Martin>His art has been shown in some of the nation's most prestigious galleries and in <v Janet Martin>international exhibits. <v Janet Martin>Such fame has brought a steady stream of welcome visitors to his world's folk <v Janet Martin>art church and garden in Summerville. <v Howard Finster>Everybody is welcome to come to the garden. <v Howard Finster>A garden is for people to come and enjoy. Uh like miss down there a while ago, that lady <v Howard Finster>right over she must've eat a gallon of muscadines. <v Howard Finster>I never said-she enjoyed them! I bet you she'll eat a meal on as a much enjoyed more than <v Howard Finster>a muscadine, just pickin' 'em off the vine. <v Howard Finster>And I've seen babies, you know, pick their first fruit down there off them vines. <v Howard Finster>That's a beautifulest picture I've evern seen in my life. <v Howard Finster>Is to see a little kid being been living out of a paper poke all of his life and don't <v Howard Finster>even know where a muscadine come from, and see him pick his first one off of a vine. <v Howard Finster>And then I had the apples. I had all kinds of grapes. <v Howard Finster>I had raspberries, black raspberries, and the people and the birds eat something. <v Howard Finster>That's what I planted them for. <v Howard Finster>This is where when I want a full time artist, I molded one of my bicycle tubes to show <v Howard Finster>the world that I'd quit fixin' bicycles.
<v Howard Finster>And I just <v Howard Finster>molded my tube here in the walks <v Howard Finster>and down here it said, you can't read it all, but it said <v Howard Finster>Howard's joinin' the art world. Holding in his tools here. <v Howard Finster>I've done this little batch here and uh and down in Florida on a vacation, I done <v Howard Finster>these out on the beach, looking out over the ocean. <v Howard Finster>Done 'em on a table with a pace knife and a teaspoon. <v Howard Finster>Uh this here is a old fashioned baseball player. <v Howard Finster>That's my wife and that's my wife and this. <v Howard Finster>I now this is an Italian. Here in is an ape man. <v Howard Finster>And uh there is a German uh German soldier, <v Howard Finster>and this is one of the earlier baseball players and this is a baseball player. <v Janet Martin>The garden's strange beauty hasn't gone unnoticed outside the art community. <v Janet Martin>Howard appeared on The Tonight Show in 1983 and R.E.M., an Athens, Georgia Rock
<v Janet Martin>group, made a music video here [music] [Song: Radio Free Europe by R.E.M.] <v Howard Finster>R.E.M. singers come here and they went through my garden they loved it, they visited it. <v Howard Finster>They like to come here when they get more out. Get back from England or somewhere. <v Howard Finster>They just want to get in Paradise Gardens. <v Howard Finster>Get down there in some of them trees andlay down and rest. <v Howard Finster>And they come, and so they had to make an album cover for 'em. <v Howard Finster>And it's out on the record now and people have sendin' it in to me to autograph. <v Howard Finster>I make up songs. I've made up around 100 lyrics, I've probably sang. <v Howard Finster>[banjo music] [sing] <v Howard Finster>And that's all a wonderful, beautiful dream and I never have got finished.
<v Andrea Berry>On the next edition of Georgia Digest, Dean Mallisine looks at some of the ways Georgia <v Andrea Berry>is trying to attract, keep and evaluate competent teachers. <v Teacher 1>[class repeating French from teacher] I <v Teacher 1>love to teach. <v Teacher 1>I think I'll always be a teacher. <v Teacher 1>But for a young person who has to make a living, <v Teacher 1>I don't think that they should go into teaching. <v Teacher 2>What would Georgians, what did Georgia- if we are competent teachers, we should say bring <v Teacher 2>on the tests. <v Andrea Berry>Thank you for being here for Georgia Digest. <v Andrea Berry>I'm Andrea Bery. [music]
Georgia Digest
Episode Number
No. 203
Dignity Of the Mentally Retarded
Producing Organization
Georgia Public Television
Contributing Organization
The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia (Athens, Georgia)
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Series Description
"'Georgia Digest' is a weekly public service/feature television magazine program aired by Georgia Public Television. "It is designed to take a serious look each week at a specific problem or area of public concern in the state of Georgia. This segment is designated as the 'major story,' and generally takes up half of the 30 minute program. The balance of the show is devoted to feature stories, often dealing with the diverse cultural, historical and scenic offerings in Georgia. "The major story in this episode deals with the 'Dignity of the Mentally Retarded.' Through the stories of four retarded individuals, we seek to make the public aware of not only their plights, but their rights. We show the training, housing and career opportunities available to the retarded, but also seek to show how they are struggling, often against very high odds, to become accepted into society. "The other show segments deal with Blackbeard's Island, a wildlife refuge off the coast of Southeast Georgia and Howard [Finster], a successful folk artist who paints his religious visions through the unusual medium of tractor enamel."--1984 Peabody Awards entry form.
This program contains language that may be offensive to some viewers.
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Producing Organization: Georgia Public Television
AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia
Identifier: cpb-aacip-e43e3ee5352 (Filename)
Format: U-matic
Duration: 0:30:00
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Chicago: “Georgia Digest; No. 203; Dignity Of the Mentally Retarded,” 1984, The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed February 22, 2025,
MLA: “Georgia Digest; No. 203; Dignity Of the Mentally Retarded.” 1984. The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. February 22, 2025. <>.
APA: Georgia Digest; No. 203; Dignity Of the Mentally Retarded. Boston, MA: The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from