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<v Speaker 1>?inaudible? And cultural barriers in this heavily spent. <v Speaker 1>[music plays] Live from the studios of KLRU-TV, Austin At Issue, Primetime
<v Speaker 1>Public Affairs for Austin, featuring a special help-wanted Citizens <v Speaker 1>Education Project Town Meeting. <v Speaker 1>Tonight's program focuses on cultural values and what American society is communicating <v Speaker 1>to its youth about education. <v Speaker 1>Now, here is moderator Tom Spencer. <v Tom Spencer>Welcome to the la--fifth and last in our week-long series of Citizens' Education <v Tom Spencer>Project forums. <v Tom Spencer>The focus for this evening's program is on cultural values and education. <v Tom Spencer>We'll be asking a question that goes to the heart of the debate about American education, <v Tom Spencer>and that is how much does this society truly value our educational system? <v Tom Spencer>We'll examine the roles of families and parents as role models for youth. <v Tom Spencer>And we'll also talk about the often negative impact of television and the mass media. <v Tom Spencer>For these have truly become the dominant voices of American culture. <v Tom Spencer>And finally, when you discuss American culture, you really have to discuss American <v Tom Spencer>cultures, because we are a multicultural nation.
<v Tom Spencer>That multicultural heritage presents unique challenges, as well as opportunities, <v Tom Spencer>and is the focus of tonight's video report. <v Tom Spencer>We'll be going to one area's school that is overcoming the challenges. <v Tom Spencer>That is Sanchez Elementary School. <v Tom Spencer>Over 90 percent of the youth that attend Sanchez are Hispanic. <v Tom Spencer>Now, these are the kids that many would be tempted to write off as future dropouts. <v Tom Spencer>But by reaching out to parents, Sanchez is finding many partners in success. <v Tom Spencer>Following this report. We'll be taking your call-in questions and comments. <v Tom Spencer>Our telephone number is 476-1818, and tonight <v Tom Spencer>really is family night, uh in terms of the Citizens Education Project, this is your <v Tom Spencer>opportunity, the moms and dads who can't make it down to the university campus <v Tom Spencer>to participate in our live discussions. <v Tom Spencer>This is your opportunity to add your voice to our conversation Right <v Tom Spencer>now however, let's go to Sanchez Elementary School. <v Tom Spencer>We'll be taking your calls right after that. <v Tom Spencer>Failure in school is often the direct result of a poor home environment, but
<v Tom Spencer>what is meant by poor is a relative thing. <v Tom Spencer>Many families that live under great economic stress beat the odds by getting <v Tom Spencer>involved in their children's education. In East Austin Sanchez Elementary School, <v Tom Spencer>over 85 percent of the students qualify for some sort of public assistance. <v Tom Spencer>Yet, despite the poverty and cultural barriers in this heavily Hispanic neighborhood, <v Tom Spencer>the children are learning. <v Tom Spencer>The schools administrators credit parental involvement and reaching out to families <v Tom Spencer>as the keys to their success. <v Schoolchildren> now that you've heard about Sanchez School, just come and join us, and you too can be cool. <v Ed Leo>All of us here, the-the faculty and staff, make it a point to-to make parents uh <v Ed Leo>feel like they're-they're welcome. No longer can-can school be uh <v Ed Leo>just uh the basics. It has to-to be much broader. <v Ed Leo>We have to teach uh children and uh how to get <v Ed Leo>along with each other, and we work with parents to try to get this message across.
<v Ed Leo>And they're realizing some of the benefits that ca-that can come by them being uh <v Ed Leo>here in the school on a-on a daily basis or as frequently as they can get up here. <v Yolanda Maldonado>Research shows that there are certain factors that help show <v Yolanda Maldonado>us that a-a student will um achieve success, and that is if <v Yolanda Maldonado>the parents are involved in the-in their child's life. <v Yolanda Maldonado>If a parent comes into the school, places a lot of importance in that, they're going to <v Yolanda Maldonado>see that education is very, very important. <v Yolanda Maldonado>Um If they-if parents are involved like in PTA activities, again, <v Yolanda Maldonado>they're showing the student, their child, how important it is. <v Yolanda Maldonado>When you communicate with your child, there's a high chance, a high probability <v Yolanda Maldonado>that there will be success. You might have your-your bumps along the way because parents <v Yolanda Maldonado>uh will experience problems; it's difficult being a child. <v Yolanda Maldonado>But um with consistent uh discipline, if you talk about <v Yolanda Maldonado>the values that you have at home, uh again, your involvement,
<v Yolanda Maldonado>the degree of involvement, um all of those things will help ensure-ensure <v Yolanda Maldonado>their success. <v Tom Spencer>The Pardos, who have three children in attendance at Sanchez, serve as a role model <v Tom Spencer>for other families. Both parents work long hours and come from families where educational <v Tom Spencer>achievement was the exception, not the rule. <v Tom Spencer>But through their involvement, they have inspired not only their own children, but the <v Tom Spencer>entire school community. <v Carolyn Pardo>I'm involved with Sanchez Elementary. <v Carolyn Pardo>I'm vice president of the PTA. <v Carolyn Pardo>I am also in the Scouts program and I serve in several <v Carolyn Pardo>committees with the school, with the faculty, as well as in the PTA thing. <v Carolyn Pardo>Um I've been doing this for four years and <v Carolyn Pardo>I enjoy it and my benefits are...I first started for the benefit <v Carolyn Pardo>to my children, to better my kids. <v Carolyn Pardo>But in the long run, we all win. <v Carolyn Pardo>You know, the envir- the surrounding of the school, the children's, and every, <v Carolyn Pardo>you know um, I have a lot of friendship that I've grown
<v Carolyn Pardo>to really enjoy with the teachers, the faculty, I mean, the custodians, <v Carolyn Pardo>you know, we even know the custodians and personal basis, one to one on. <v Carolyn Pardo>You know an- and you come in here and you're not an outsider. <v Carolyn Pardo>You're welcome here. That's what I enjoy. <v David Pardo>Best I can accomplish, hope for my kids, is for them to see what their parents are doing. <v David Pardo>You know, they're getting involved and uh help out as much as they can. <v David Pardo>And hopefully when they get a little older, they want to do the same thing. <v David Pardo>You know, maybe first- my first goal is to put them through college, of course, uh <v David Pardo>especially nowadays. It's just kind of hard nowadays. <v David Pardo>You know, most spouse have to work to make it, and I just don't want them to work- have <v David Pardo>to work as hard as I do to accomplish what they want. <v David Pardo>But at the same time, I want them to feel that uh there's nothing they can't do, you <v David Pardo>know, especially when they get older, they see how involved we were at the school and <v David Pardo>they want to do the same thing and you know, just help other kids out. <v David Pardo>Just keep, you know, keep it going and just get involved and help other kids. <v David Pardo>That's one of the goals I hope for them to accomplish here at school by seeing me here at <v David Pardo>the school.
<v Carolyn Pardo>I want them to better their life so that they don't have to struggle as much as we did. <v Carolyn Pardo>I grew up as a migrant worker and up north. <v Carolyn Pardo>So it's a big difference versus my kids don't have to work in the fields. <v Carolyn Pardo>And this is something different, you know, the education and having the parent <v Carolyn Pardo>involvement, because when I grew up, my parents were always working and <v Carolyn Pardo>they were never around, you know, for my education. <v Tom Spencer>The kids at Sanchez Elementary are easily categorized as at-risk for <v Tom Spencer>many of the problems that plague our society. <v Tom Spencer>Just around the corner from the school, graffiti-stained <v Tom Spencer>buildings serve as a backdrop to gangs and idle, jobless youth. <v Tom Spencer>But for the moment, thanks to a caring school and involved parents, <v Tom Spencer>some of these at-risk students have learned to dream. <v Child 1>I wanna be a teacher. <v Child 2>I wanna be a doctor when I grow up. <v Child 3>I want to be a policeman. <v Child 4>When I grow up I wanna be a lawyer. <v Child 5>When I grow up I wanna be a nurse.
<v Tom Spencer>Uh some beautiful faces and Sanchez Elementary School and kids, stick <v Tom Spencer>to your dreams, you can make it and everybody here in Austin hopes that you will. <v Tom Spencer>Right now, we-I'm going to open up the program to the folks who have come here to the <v Tom Spencer>studios this evening. And again, I'd like to remind the audience at home <v Tom Spencer>that tonight is your night. We understand at KLRU that often it's difficult <v Tom Spencer>for moms and dads and all the other folks who really do care about <v Tom Spencer>the children and who care about education, to make it down to the studios. <v Tom Spencer>So call in and express your comments. <v Tom Spencer>Now the- the subject for tonight that our partners in this <v Tom Spencer>media project are dealing with and we're dealing with here in the studios, uh <v Tom Spencer>is cultural values. And this year the word values comes <v Tom Spencer>very heavily-laden uh with political freight, <v Tom Spencer>and what we're going to be doing this evening maybe is uh touching on some subjects that <v Tom Spencer>uh might uh really cause concern for some individuals. <v Tom Spencer>But I think this is a subject that we all really need to think of, not necessarily as
<v Tom Spencer>one tha-where we can point fingers and say that these people over there have a problem <v Tom Spencer>and that these folks over there have a problem. <v Tom Spencer>But we need to look in a mirror and really think about what we are commuting- <v Tom Spencer>communicating as individuals and as families to <v Tom Spencer>the young people about education and the role of education and the choices they face. <v Tom Spencer>So that's what we hope to be talking about this evening. <v Tom Spencer>One gentleman who is uh joining us this evening is Dr. Norval Glen. <v Tom Spencer>He's a sociologist from the University of Texas. <v Tom Spencer>Uh Norval, you study uh, as your uh <v Tom Spencer>your profession, you scientifically study the value systems of American <v Tom Spencer>families. If you would, could you share with us some of the uh the <v Tom Spencer>changes that you have seen occur? <v Tom Spencer>Um the Pardos, uh the family that we just profiled, are rather exceptional, are <v Tom Spencer>they not? <v Norval Glen>Yes, they're very exceptional. <v Norval Glen>Um it's-it's hard to overemphasize the extent to which the values of the family impact <v Norval Glen>on the educational achievement of their-their offspring.
<v Norval Glen>What families have to do, they have to overcome the-the effects of the-the popular <v Norval Glen>culture, and that's-that's a very difficult job. <v Norval Glen>So the parents have to be uh highly-dedicated. <v Norval Glen>They have to be uh committed. They have to put in a lot of time and energy, and that's <v Norval Glen>something which a lot of parents have a dearth of these days, in order to <v Norval Glen>um uh encourage the educational uh attainments of their-their offspring. <v Norval Glen>And uh many families do this and many other families fail. <v Norval Glen>It's uh it's very variable. <v Tom Spencer>Very variable indeed, given the results that we see not only in the schools, but of <v Tom Spencer>failed lives throughout our community. <v Tom Spencer>Uh the-the of the things that um I've--I had read about <v Tom Spencer>your work is, is that is it considerably less willingness on the part of <v Tom Spencer>uh moms and dads and families these days to make serious commitments <v Tom Spencer>of time, whether it's to each other, if it's the parents, uh obviously the <v Tom Spencer>divorce rate is something there. Um share with us a little bit of your findings. <v Norval Glen>Well, there's-there's been overall uh a trend toward uh adults being less
<v Norval Glen>willing to make sacrifices for the-the sake of children. <v Norval Glen>Now, it is, of course, true that uh that uh adults can make too much sacrifice. <v Norval Glen>If they sacrifice too much to the extent that they impair their own mental health, this <v Norval Glen>is certainly not good for the children. <v Norval Glen>But uh on the other hand, uh a lot of Americans today uh don't sacrifice enough. <v Norval Glen>They're-they're too much involved with their own self-actualization, their own private <v Norval Glen>goals, their quite-often materialistic goals, and uh they simply are not <v Norval Glen>willing to uh spend the time and the energy that's necessary to <v Norval Glen>uh ?hoister? the proper development of their-their children. <v Tom Spencer>I think that will certainly spur a reaction from some of the people at home. <v Tom Spencer>Uh thank you very much, uh Dr. Glen, for sharing uh your insight there. <v Tom Spencer>Another individual who's joining us uh right now is uh Wilson Andrews. <v Tom Spencer>Uh Wilson, welcome to the studios of KLRU-TV. Uh I know you're a leader <v Tom Spencer>with Austin Interfaith. Your reaction to the whole question of family values? <v Wilson Andrews>Usually when I think of family values, I have to consider the fact
<v Wilson Andrews>that we're talking about communities. <v Wilson Andrews>We're talking about neighborhoods. <v Wilson Andrews>And normally each individual in the neighborhood has a very important <v Wilson Andrews>part to play in making that neighborhood and community self-sufficient <v Wilson Andrews>as far as our families is concerned. <v Wilson Andrews>We don't feel a part of that dream-making and we don't feel a part <v Wilson Andrews>of being of that part of the ritual or <v Wilson Andrews>exercises that the community do normally. <v Wilson Andrews>But what we do, we try very hard to make our community and our neighborhood <v Wilson Andrews>acceptable. Number one, to our families, number one. <v Wilson Andrews>Number two, to our kids that's growing up. <v Wilson Andrews>Yes, the media, the radio and TV, does play a very important role <v Wilson Andrews>in uh community values. <v Wilson Andrews>But now each individual in that community has a very important role to play <v Wilson Andrews>while he or she must contribute as much as possible each day to the values
<v Wilson Andrews>that they consider good morals, good standards, so that our kids <v Wilson Andrews>livin' day by day would look at us and say, well, this is good. <v Wilson Andrews>So what I think personally is that uh we have to live in <v Wilson Andrews>such a way that we have to make our community such a great <v Wilson Andrews>place to be that we can say that we'll be very proud of our community <v Wilson Andrews>and everybody else will look on our community and say, well, we envious of it because <v Wilson Andrews>they've started as individuals first and then continued on to family. <v Tom Spencer>Thanks, Wilson. Uh Hector Montenegro's joining us. Hector, you're a principal at Johnston <v Tom Spencer>High here. Uh something that-that uh everybody has talked about this week as <v Tom Spencer>we've had these forums, and that is the importance of parental involvement. <v Tom Spencer>And ?inaudible? we just- we just highlighted that. <v Tom Spencer>But there are a awful lot of families out there that are not uh so <v Tom Spencer>caring, so loving as the Pardos. <v Tom Spencer>There a lot of bad parents, uh folks who either abuse <v Tom Spencer>or neglect their-their children.
<v Tom Spencer>Where do you see the role of public institutions like the schools in <v Tom Spencer>terms of meeting the needs of those kinds of kids? <v Hector Montenegro>Well, first of all, I think it-it's very important that uh the parents do understand that <v Hector Montenegro>they are the first teachers that the children have there, and the fact, whether they <v Hector Montenegro>accept the role uh model or not, they are an example of values. <v Hector Montenegro>And this is where the cultural impact uh begins and that begins at birth. <v Hector Montenegro>Um looking at it from uh an educational standpoint, that what we saw at San- Sanchez <v Hector Montenegro>really is not um uh a kind of uh <v Hector Montenegro>example that exists uh in-in many cases, primarily because the educational <v Hector Montenegro>institution, in many cases, has not been friendly to certain <v Hector Montenegro>populations. And this is an example in which the institution has opened <v Hector Montenegro>the doors to the immediate community and accepted all parents in spite of their <v Hector Montenegro>background or socio-economic status. <v Hector Montenegro>And I think this is an example that I think the rest of the country needs to take a <v Hector Montenegro>serious look at, because we as educators need to understand that our relationship
<v Hector Montenegro>to the community and the community to ours, is one of a very close and <v Hector Montenegro>very delicate relationship. And we need to open the doors in education and accept <v Hector Montenegro>that community in. Uh the values of educational institution impact <v Hector Montenegro>on the values of the family. And in spite of the cultural differences, <v Hector Montenegro>I think if a school is receptive and sensitive to the different cultures and the <v Hector Montenegro>different values that the community has, I think you'll have a greater amount of <v Hector Montenegro>participation. And I've seen it across the country, that the more that the school reaches <v Hector Montenegro>out to the community, accepts the community into the school, it becomes more of a <v Hector Montenegro>responsive and I think a very uh a successful relationship, once <v Hector Montenegro>the schools learn how to do that, on a better-better scale. <v Tom Spencer>You know what you say; you're- you're obviously talking about the fact that, again, <v Tom Spencer>that we are a multicultural nation and we have- we have to respect the different cultures <v Tom Spencer>and make them fully participatory. <v Tom Spencer>And I was talking with an individual here in Austin about education <v Tom Spencer>um on the phone earlier this week, and this particular gentleman said...was talking about
<v Tom Spencer>um who's going to save the kids and who's going to save American education, and he said, <v Tom Spencer>"if you're talking about the kids in East Austin, Tom, it isn't gonna to be you, and it's <v Tom Spencer>not gonna to be me. It's gonna be somebody named uh Sonia Martinez <v Tom Spencer>or uh um something like that. <v Tom Spencer>You have to get those people and you have to make those folks the role models and give <v Tom Spencer>them the opportunity to lead those kinds of institutions and, you know, communities." <v Hector Montenegro>You know, the parents have to feel accepted into the school and the schools have to make <v Hector Montenegro>provisions for them to be involved. <v Hector Montenegro>It's not good enough just to say come and be involved with your child's education. <v Hector Montenegro>Uh the school systems and the individual schools really need- need to make provision such <v Hector Montenegro>as the volunteers at Sanchez. They give 'em a purpose. <v Hector Montenegro>They give them responsibility. And they also give 'em decision making power to impact on <v Hector Montenegro>the lives of their children as well. So it becomes a a partnership. <v Hector Montenegro>It-it can't be idle rhetoric saying that parents have to be involved, they have to be <v Hector Montenegro>involved. It really does have to be a design in which the parents are included.
<v Tom Spencer>Well, well, part of what we're trying to talk about this evening is, you know, why don't <v Tom Spencer>we recognize these facts? Why don't we act on, you know, uh <v Tom Spencer>these different kinds of things uh we...Throughout the course of the <v Tom Spencer>week, uh people have said, "We know what works. <v Tom Spencer>We know what works. We know what works. Let's highlight what works." And yet these things <v Tom Spencer>are not being done. The resources are not there. <v Tom Spencer>The will doesn't seem to be there. <v Tom Spencer>Why not? That's- when we talk about values, I mean, here we <v Tom Spencer>are an talking about our kids, all of our kids. <v Tom Spencer>Why are we not acting? Is there anybody who wants to respond to that <v Tom Spencer>challenge, talking about why American society has not found that will? <v Tom Spencer>Yes, ma'am. This is Robin Enes from St. Edward's University. <v Tom Spencer>Robin? <v Robin Enes>Well, I- like you said, I think it is happening all over the country. <v Robin Enes>It's happening uh, these innovative programs are happening in schools all over Austin, <v Robin Enes>really all over Texas, and all over the country.
<v Robin Enes>And uh what needs to happen now is <v Robin Enes>to reward those innovative programs uh <v Robin Enes>financially with um incentives, and it <v Robin Enes>really comes down to in terms of our cultural values <v Robin Enes>in our capitalistic society, that what we value <v Robin Enes>is where we spend our money. <v Robin Enes>And I think that um it's happening, <v Robin Enes>but it's happening very slowly. <v Robin Enes>I was disheartened earlier this year when the school <v Robin Enes>finance reform system was put in place. <v Robin Enes>And I heard people say things like, "you know, it really burns <v Robin Enes>me up to have to pay more taxes when I don't even have kids <v Robin Enes>in school, "and uh, "when this money isn't even going to schools <v Robin Enes>in Austin." I was taken aback when I hear things <v Robin Enes>like this, and ?you know?, my response is that every child
<v Robin Enes>in the state of Texas is my child. <v Robin Enes>I don't have any children of my own except for my goddaughter, Lauren. <v Robin Enes>But other than her, I consider every child in the state <v Robin Enes>of Texas to be my child, and I'm more than willing to <v Robin Enes>pay today for the education of all these children, <v Robin Enes>because they're the ones who are going to be the leaders in charge <v Robin Enes>and the decision makers in charge tomorrow when I'm in my <v Robin Enes>golden years and I need to be taken care of. <v Robin Enes>And I guarantee you, I want them to get the best possible preparation they can get right <v Robin Enes>now so that um <v Robin Enes>when that time comes, they will be ready. <v Robin Enes>Now, one more thing I want to say about, you know, why- why haven't we responded? <v Robin Enes>And that is uh I think that education for so many years in this <v Robin Enes>country was a luxury, wasn't really a necessity of life. <v Robin Enes>Uh we have rested on the bounty of our natural resources
<v Robin Enes>for, you know, literally the entire span of our history. <v Robin Enes>And we're now coming to the realization that those limit- <v Robin Enes>those resources are limited. Um you know, Japan has <v Robin Enes>had that realization for quite some time now. <v Robin Enes>They have no natural resources. <v Robin Enes>They don't even have any land. All they have are their people. <v Robin Enes>And so they have learned how to cultivate the minds of their people, which is <v Robin Enes>their only resource. And I think we're finally coming to the realization in this country <v Robin Enes>that our resource of the future are the minds of our children. <v Robin Enes>And I can see it happening in communities all over the country, that we're <v Robin Enes>ready to pay for it. But- but really, until every citizen is eager <v Robin Enes>to pay for taxes the way they pay for a <v Robin Enes>concert ticket or a baseball game ticket or a lottery ticket, <v Robin Enes>that it's not gonna happen on a widespread basis. <v Tom Spencer>Jeff Trevelyan, please jump in.
<v Jeff Trevelyan>Don't say lottery ticket [audience laughs]. But- but I think um <v Jeff Trevelyan>multi-culturalism oftentimes takes us out of our- out of our comfort <v Jeff Trevelyan>zone. I think it- it makes us realize that we've had some serious <v Jeff Trevelyan>inadequacies uh that have been with us for a long period of time that we <v Jeff Trevelyan>haven't corrected. Uh for example, uh the first African-American police <v Jeff Trevelyan>officers in Austin joined the force in 1871. <v Jeff Trevelyan>Yet this year, we were still fighting the battle of having <v Jeff Trevelyan>an African-American officer moved into a supervisory position for <v Jeff Trevelyan>the first time in seven years. <v Jeff Trevelyan>Uh we- we uh still have to deal with the problem that uh the <v Jeff Trevelyan>police department, and many other departments in the city, don't reflect the diversity <v Jeff Trevelyan>of the community. A lot of people that haven't read a lot about the city of Austin <v Jeff Trevelyan>don't realize that Sixth Street um in the early 20th century <v Jeff Trevelyan>was the black business district and that a deliberate city plan
<v Jeff Trevelyan>moved African-Americans in Austin to East Austin with the threat <v Jeff Trevelyan>of not getting city services if you didn't move. <v Tom Spencer>Premium among those education. <v Jeff Trevelyan>Exactly. Education, and your water, and lights, and whatever the case may have <v Jeff Trevelyan>been. And- and it tells us things about ourselves that <v Jeff Trevelyan>we aren't comfortable with. Uh at the risk of- of namedropping, <v Jeff Trevelyan>uh Lady Bird Johnson once said to me uh what the 60s did for <v Jeff Trevelyan>us, what the civil rights movement did for mainstream America, was it made <v Jeff Trevelyan>us realize some of our inadequacies and take steps to <v Jeff Trevelyan>deal with them, and- and we've got to realize what has happened to the educational <v Jeff Trevelyan>system over the last 12 years and take mo- and take steps, uh <v Jeff Trevelyan>make momentum uh to correcting those problems, and I think this is a part of that. <v Jeff Trevelyan>Looking at our resources, bringing in our human resources, and trying to find <v Jeff Trevelyan>real answers uh and develop substantive programs which <v Jeff Trevelyan>can be taken to the community for its benefit.
<v Tom Spencer>Thanks, Jeff. We have a lot of people now- at home and here in the studio- wanna jump in. <v Tom Spencer>Before we take that first call, we wanna recap a couple things and just <v Tom Spencer>make it common, if I may, Dr. Enes, you mentioned two things that I wanted to touch on. <v Tom Spencer>One was that, you're talking about your golden years, and I think that American society <v Tom Spencer>doesn't think about investments today, and they're not gonna be golden years for- for <v Tom Spencer>the generations growing up. Uh, quite literally, uh <v Tom Spencer>they talk about the Blade Runner future, that kind of nightmarish film, and <v Tom Spencer>it's- it's a possibility. <v Tom Spencer>Um also talking about, we've been kind of resting on the bounty of our natural resources; <v Tom Spencer>there is a joke I read that was circulating around um, in a <v Tom Spencer>nation abroad, saying that in the future, America will be our farm. <v Tom Spencer>I won't mention which nation this was being used in, but Europe will be our Disneyland <v Tom Spencer>and America will be our farm was that the idea that was being shared in one of <v Tom Spencer>the uh rapidly-growing industrial nations of the east, let's say. <v Tom Spencer>We do have some people at home right now. Let's go ahead and get some of those moms and
<v Tom Spencer>dads and other folks involved in our conversation. <v Tom Spencer>Please go ahead. <v Caller 1>Hello, Tom? <v Tom Spencer>Yes, good- <v Caller 1>Yes uh thank you very much for giving us this opportunity for parents that have not been <v Caller 1>able to make your uh, you know, your shows out there. <v Caller 1>We appreciate; we've been watching every one of them. <v Caller 1>And uh the comment that I would like to make, this is ?Raul Rosa?. <v Caller 1>I would like to make the comment because I was listening to Mr. uh Hector Montenegro. <v Caller 1>We were talking about the culture specifically here in the East Austin <v Caller 1>Hispanic side. One thing that I feel that we have lacked; the <v Caller 1>administrators have done a tremendous job for us here in East Austin, but <v Caller 1>again, in the community, we tend to look for the best-qualified <v Caller 1>volunteers to lead our PTA programs, while we <v Caller 1>have a culture here in Austin, keep in mind that we have some people from <v Caller 1>Mexico that have a stronger, stronger culture. <v Caller 1>That's what I compare simply because I'm from the border on this side of Texas, and we <v Caller 1>have failed to integrate those parents to come in to support our PTAs
<v Caller 1>and to support our classrooms. <v Caller 1>There is a tremendous amount of people out there that could participate, but because of <v Caller 1>the lack of uh the language, they tend to be left out from the community <v Caller 1>overall in the churches and the schools and everywhere else. <v Tom Spencer>That's ?right?. <v Caller 1>Our message is our PTAs need to be very strongly bilingual to reach <v Caller 1>to those people, because a tremendous amount of those kids are in our school systems <v Caller 1>at this time. <v Tom Spencer>Alright. <v Caller 1>I thank you very much, Tom. <v Tom Spencer>Alright, thank you, Raul. And I know Hector wants to jump in here real briefly <v Tom Spencer>[Montenegro laughing]. <v Hector Montenegro>No, he- he is correct, and I think he was just uh reinforcing the point that the school <v Hector Montenegro>really has to be community-friendly. <v Hector Montenegro>And that is, is that the- the kind of services, the kind of outreach that a school does, <v Hector Montenegro>has to be, uh um I think, irrelevant to the <v Hector Montenegro>parents' needs and the kind of things that- that are going on into- into the community. <v Hector Montenegro>Uh the school has a tremendous impact on setting the values of- of the home. <v Hector Montenegro>And I think that we in education need to continue to explore that reality,
<v Hector Montenegro>that we do have an impact on the values of home. <v Hector Montenegro>But when it comes to different cultures and languages, it's- it's uh an area that I don't <v Hector Montenegro>think we're doing enough. We're doing a lot, uh and Sanchez is an example of that. <v Hector Montenegro>But I don't think we're doing enough. <v Tom Spencer>Alright. We had a lady over who wanted to add a voice. Please stand up, ma'am. <v Misty White>Yes, my name is Misty White, and I'm the director of learning and literacy projects here <v Misty White>in Austin, and we do have a program to help parents become more involved with <v Misty White>their children's education. <v Misty White>Um two points that I have found with the parents um not becoming <v Misty White>involved is one, that mist- uh like Mr. Rios said is that <v Misty White>there is um a problem when it comes to having um students <v Misty White>come up to the school who are not fluent in the English language, and <v Misty White>it can often be very intimidating for the parents. <v Misty White>So because we have such a- a um regard for <v Misty White>the institution of education, most- a lot of parents are intimidated uh <v Misty White>and shy away from becoming involved.
<v Misty White>Another factor is that parents often aren't very well-trained <v Misty White>in effective methods of becoming involved with their children's education. <v Misty White>Um oftentimes their um educational uh experiences <v Misty White>have left them with limited abilities to be supportive and helpful <v Misty White>in their own child's education. <v Tom Spencer>Or their- their educational experiences have been negative and uh-. <v Misty White>Absolutely. <v Tom Spencer>Right. <v Misty White>Absolutely. <v Tom Spencer>And their- uh anything having to do with that is- is something that they don't really <v Tom Spencer>want to get involved with. We have another lady over here who wants to join the <v Tom Spencer>conversation. Let me move over there. As I'm coming over to you, I would like to take <v Tom Spencer>another phone call right now. We have another individual waiting. <v Tom Spencer>So please go ahead and ask your question or make your comment. <v Tom Spencer>Again, if you can hear me on your phone, you're next, so please go ahead. <v Caller 2>Okay uh, I'd like to address the issue of <v Caller 2>sports in public schools. I think at a time when uh Texas is having a difficult <v Caller 2>time coming up with the money to uh keep teachers on a payroll,
<v Caller 2>that we shouldn't be <v Caller 2>a farm club for professional and college athletics. <v Tom Spencer>Alright. Thank you for your comments, sir. Ma'am. <v Roberta Carnes>My name is Roberta Carnes and I have taught in Mexico, <v Roberta Carnes>so I understand the problem that Mr. Rios mentioned. <v Roberta Carnes>Um I would also like to say that uh ?Dell? <v Roberta Carnes>Valley School District employs someone who is bilingual <v Roberta Carnes>and who actually makes visits in homes in order to encourage <v Roberta Carnes>uh families who don't speak English to become active in their school system. <v Tom Spencer>Alright. <v Roberta Carnes>They go out and find people to make sure...I did have one more. <v Tom Spencer>Alright. Go ahead. <v Roberta Carnes>Alright. Um tonight, we're talking about our um cultural values <v Roberta Carnes>and um we seem to be um <v Roberta Carnes>pussyfooting around the idea of minorities, something that you touched on <v Roberta Carnes>or went into great detail Wednesday night, and I think that <v Roberta Carnes>caused a lot of us to understand better that we aren't different at all,
<v Roberta Carnes>that we're very much alike in our values and in what we're trying to <v Roberta Carnes>accomplish. Um as an American, I feel <v Roberta Carnes>very embarrassed when I'm asked to fill out a form and fit myself <v Roberta Carnes>into one of the categories, and I was hoping someone here tonight might be able to <v Roberta Carnes>respond to that so that some day we could take advantage of our diversity <v Roberta Carnes>instead of our differences. <v Tom Spencer>Alright, thank you for your comments. Is there anybody who wanted to respond to that? <v Tom Spencer>Anybody in the audience here? Rosalie? <v Rosalie>I just want to say that I think we need to begin to look at differences as just being <v Rosalie>difference. That it's not wrong, it's not bad, and that's one of the values we must teach <v Rosalie>our young people. And I think what has happened is that our young people have this <v Rosalie>concept of that something is different is wrong, it's bad, and very often they ridiculed <v Rosalie>that. We have to understand that in our diversity, we bring different strengths. <v Rosalie>We diff- we bring different understanding of our world and our reality, and that's really <v Rosalie>important. Another thing I wanted to say was that sometimes we think because parents do
<v Rosalie>not come to schools, that they do not care. <v Rosalie>A lot of our parents cannot come to school, they're working. <v Rosalie>They have other things that they are obligated to do. <v Rosalie>And maybe they need advocates such as you and I, who can then speak on their behalf and <v Rosalie>be there for them on behalf of their kids. <v Rosalie>I do understand the importance of parents because I know that somehow when teachers <v Rosalie>see parents there, they are more likely to treat those kids a little differently, better <v Rosalie>than when parents are not there. <v Rosalie>And so perhaps we need to be advocates on behalf of those parents who cannot be there <v Rosalie>as opposed to say they don't care. <v Rosalie>We should, you know, they don't wa- they don't love their kids and all those things that <v Rosalie>we often put on our children. <v Tom Spencer>Rosalie, something that you said makes me think about a couple of different issues and <v Tom Spencer>it- you're talking about respect for diversity, and I was thinking about <v Tom Spencer>um teaching values in schools. <v Tom Spencer>And we know how explosive the i- the notion is of- of mentioning values <v Tom Spencer>and trying to teach values in schools. <v Tom Spencer>But recently I- I read a book about Japanese educational system and in every
<v Tom Spencer>class what they underscore is the im- the im-, you know, the importance of that <v Tom Spencer>individual's contribution to the group. <v Tom Spencer>In fact, that's the ut- the primary lesson in a lot of the classes and a lot of the <v Tom Spencer>academics come after-hours actually in catch-up classes. <v Tom Spencer>But it's your responsibility to your society in a certain ?hall?. <v Tom Spencer>Well that may not suit Americans very well, but it would seem to me that if we were going <v Tom Spencer>to talk about teaching values in schools and a lot of people are urging that we do that <v Tom Spencer>in one way or the other, what is more American than <v Tom Spencer>to perhaps teach the value of respect for diversity? <v Tom Spencer>If we can't agree that you should be teaching this particular value, at least we can <v Tom Spencer>teach the value of respect for the differences that exist <v Tom Spencer>in this particular nation. <v Rosalie>Well, I really think that a lot of times teachers and other people are not comfortable. <v Rosalie>I think that's what was already said. <v Rosalie>And so as we become more aware of the fact of our own prejudices and biases, <v Rosalie>of our own baggages that we bring to this arena, and then we can then deal with <v Rosalie>what's in front of us. But you can't do that if you gonna live in denial, that I'm not
<v Rosalie>prejudice, or racism doesn't exist, that we don't treat people differently <v Rosalie>as long as we say, oh, everyone is equal in words only. <v Rosalie>But the way we treat them really indicate that they're not o- not only are they not <v Rosalie>equal, but they are second-class citizens. <v Rosalie>And so we have to really deal with that front right on, right on. <v Tom Spencer>Well, we have a number of other folks who want to get involved. <v Tom Spencer>Folks at home, uh if you're waiting on line right now and you can hear me, please go <v Tom Spencer>ahead and ask your question. <v Caller 3>Well, I guess it's a combination of a question and a statement. <v Caller 3>Uh cultural diversity is something that I think America should be proud of, and <v Caller 3>we should realize that it's cheaper to educate our youngsters than to incarcerate <v Caller 3>a youngster. <v Caller 3>Uh the last time I looked at the figures, they were, uh it was 5 or 6 <v Caller 3>or maybe 10 times more expensive to <v Caller 3>incarcerate an individual than to educate this person, so this person could go into <v Caller 3>the workfur- force and be a productive individual in society. <v Tom Spencer>Right.
<v Caller 3>That's basically all I'd like to say. <v Caller 3>I really do think that the last two speakers spoke directly <v Caller 3>to, in my opinion, what is wrong with people <v Caller 3>uh as educators, and as parents, with youngsters in the schools today. <v Caller 3>We should pay attention to the fact that we are different and there's nothing wrong with <v Caller 3>it. <v Tom Spencer>Alright. <v Caller 3>There's a lot to be gained by being different, especially if you bring out the best in <v Caller 3>each and every one of us. <v Tom Spencer>Thank you for calling in. <v Caller 3>Thank you. <v Tom Spencer>Alright. Let's- let's move on to our next phone caller now as well. <v Tom Spencer>We do have a long line of folks who are waiting there. <v Tom Spencer>Again, if you can hear me on your phone at home, your next in line, please go ahead and <v Tom Spencer>ask your question or make your comment. <v Caller 4>Um hi, uh I wanted to um make um y'all aware <v Caller 4>of something that I think is real important. Um, I think a lot of the parents <v Caller 4>that want to get involved now, and I think the schools have done um <v Caller 4>a wonderful job, and even in the workplaces, you know, some of the employers have done a <v Caller 4>wonderful job of encouraging parents to get involved. <v Caller 4>And I think it's something that needs to be taken into consideration, is that a lot of
<v Caller 4>those parents have very low self-esteem and it's <v Caller 4>difficult for them to get involved uh in the school with educated <v Caller 4>teachers or even in PTAs and have to socialize with <v Caller 4>um anyone who has a degree, whether they're an attorney or a teacher, and <v Caller 4>they do need to be made to feel welcome, um and- and that does need to be <v Caller 4>taken into consideration. <v Caller 4>Um and, you know, when you're sorting, you know, whether the parent is a bad parent or a <v Caller 4>good parent, or whether they're- they're working or they have too many things to do, I <v Caller 4>really believe that self-esteem um has a lot to do with the parents <v Caller 4>getting involved. <v Tom Spencer>Alright. Thank you for your comment, ma'am. <v Tom Spencer>We have another person here in the studio. <v Gayle Timkin>Yeah, my name is Gayle Timkin. I'm president of Touchcare Systems Inc., and I'm in <v Gayle Timkin>partnership with a special education teacher at Becker Elementary School. <v Gayle Timkin>And today, we were talking about setting up a program at Meadowbrook <v Gayle Timkin>Projects that we could bring a health clinic in, we can do tutorials with the children,
<v Gayle Timkin>we can work with the parents, because a lot of times the wo- parents are too scared to <v Gayle Timkin>leave. I mean, they're intimidated. <v Gayle Timkin>So someone has to go in and work with the parents to know <v Gayle Timkin>that they're wanted and they're cared for, whoever they are and whatever they're doing, <v Gayle Timkin>to work with that. That's one thing. <v Gayle Timkin>But there I was reading a book today that just shocked me into facing reality. <v Gayle Timkin>And it's very- I- I can't recall your name, but you were just talking about Sixth Street. <v Gayle Timkin>I didn't know the history of Sixth Street. <v Gayle Timkin>And I can't remember if I got this place right. <v Gayle Timkin>It's either sum-zero or zero-sum marketing, and it talks about the polarization <v Gayle Timkin>of America, that the middle class is diminishing. <v Gayle Timkin>And yesterday or the day before, there was a woman who was here who was the first <v Gayle Timkin>person to integrate one of the schools. <v Gayle Timkin>And she ?says? what's happened, we've been here how many years and we're still in the <v Gayle Timkin>same problem. Well, when you look at it in an historical perspective, <v Gayle Timkin>maybe there's a plan here. <v Gayle Timkin>Maybe there's something going on that we're not ahead, because if we know what to do
<v Gayle Timkin>and it ain't being done, something's wrong. <v Gayle Timkin>The money is not going where we need it to go. <v Gayle Timkin>And it scares me. And I think maybe this is something that we really need to address <v Gayle Timkin>as a coalition to really make this thing work now, because if we don't, we're <v Gayle Timkin>all down the tubes, except- I know ?to stop? <v Gayle Timkin>in a second- [Spencer laughs] that the polarization is, is that there's the very rich and <v Gayle Timkin>the very poor, and if you've ever lived in India, that's where we're headed for, and <v Gayle Timkin>that's not where I want to be in America. <v Tom Spencer>Alright, the lady next to you in the shirt. Thank you for your comments. <v Tom Spencer>Ma'am. <v Isabel Wheeler>I'm Isabel Wheeler. I work with Delta Kappa Gamma, an organization of ?continuing? <v Isabel Wheeler>educators, 487 members in Austin. <v Isabel Wheeler>I would like to say that in a poll of one of our chapters, the <v Isabel Wheeler>tet- teachers express themselves as being concerned with overcrowded classrooms <v Isabel Wheeler>with business within the school day actually robbing them of teaching time <v Isabel Wheeler>and then a desire for a partnership with parents.
<v Isabel Wheeler>I think teachers who are overworked and underpaid really show their value <v Isabel Wheeler>in their students because they invest their life in them. <v Isabel Wheeler>And I'd say that a mentoring program that certain educators <v Isabel Wheeler>do have really worked wonders, and that we do feel <v Isabel Wheeler>that the future looks bright because of community, the students <v Isabel Wheeler>developing self-esteem, teachers working together. <v Tom Spencer>Alright, ma'am, if you would share the microphone with the gentleman there, and sir, <v Tom Spencer>before you speak, le- I would like to work in another phone call. <v Tom Spencer>Again, if you can hear me on your phone at home, you're next in line, so please go ahead. <v Caller 5>Hello? <v Tom Spencer>Yes, please go ahead. <v Caller 5>Uh yes. Um I'm a teacher and also a parent, and I had a couple <v Caller 5>of comments. One is that um in addition to the teachers <v Caller 5>and the employees of schools reaching out to parents, <v Caller 5>I think that other parents need to really make a concerted effort to reach out, <v Caller 5>because when you have someone new coming in to any group,
<v Caller 5>organization, whether it's a church, a school, a community, a city, a street, a <v Caller 5>neighborhood, sometimes they don't feel comfortable coming forward <v Caller 5>first. And so I think one of the things that the parents coul- can <v Caller 5>do is to get to know the other parents in their child's classroom <v Caller 5>and get to know the people in the schools and uh <v Caller 5>maybe take advantage of any and all opportunities to go to the school <v Caller 5>and do that. You know, the other thing I wanted to say is a comment ?uh?. <v Caller 5>Two or three people have mentioned valuing schools and education <v Caller 5>by putting resources there, and I think that our- our society is <v Caller 5>only beginning to understand that we need to <v Caller 5>put some resources into training our people, giving them the time resources, because <v Caller 5>we're dealing with a lot of change, and change is not an easy thing to deal with in <v Caller 5>society, in schools or any other way.
<v Caller 5>And to do that, we need to uh educate and <v Caller 5>just re-educate even the teachers and the people who are working with the students, and <v Caller 5>you can't do that after 3 o'clock, and on weekends <v Caller 5>and in, you know, mini workshops in the summer. <v Caller 5>You need to really have a plan for doing that, and I don't think we have that yet. <v Tom Spencer>Alright. Thank you for your comment. But I would like to throw out <v Tom Spencer>an- an uh kind of a reaction to that and to a lot of the things I've heard this week, and <v Tom Spencer>that is that we've heard about getting parents involved, getting them into the <v Tom Spencer>classrooms, making the schools welcome, letting the parents get, you know, have bilingual <v Tom Spencer>PTAs, all these different things to involve the families, and yet, it seems to me <v Tom Spencer>that there's so many families out there where folks have just kind of abdicated <v Tom Spencer>even the simple day-to-day responsibilities. You- we talk about <v Tom Spencer>uh latchkey kids and things like that. <v Tom Spencer>Sometimes this is forced by economic necessity. <v Tom Spencer>But there are a lot of people out there in the United States, it seems to me, that let <v Tom Spencer>the mass media, for example, raise their children, that do not really get involved on <v Tom Spencer>a daily basis. You know, a lot of the times when we- we talk about these problems, we
<v Tom Spencer>think of folks in dire economic straits. <v Tom Spencer>But in- in everyday households where moms and dads <v Tom Spencer>really don't get involved on a basic level and get involved in their children's <v Tom Spencer>education, seems to me there's- there's- there's something fundamentally wrong there <v Tom Spencer>and we haven't really begun to address it, and I think that may be the toughest thing to <v Tom Spencer>address, and that is that moms and dads and what they're communicating, <v Tom Spencer>even the best quote-unquote households might be value- with the <v Tom Spencer>values their kids might be learning, might necessarily be materialism and those <v Tom Spencer>sorts of things and not necessarily any kind of commitment to a larger whole. <v Tom Spencer>Sir, if you don't mind, if you would share your microphone with the gentlemen here and <v Tom Spencer>then I'll have uh we'll come right back to you. <v Tom Spencer>Mr. Glen. <v Norval Glen>Uh yes, I agree very much with what you're saying. <v Norval Glen>We've been talking so far about the um uh the children of the <v Norval Glen>underprivileged, and uh we have made some progress in that respect in recent years. <v Norval Glen>But uh what has happened in recent years also is that the academic achievements
<v Norval Glen>of children from privileged families uh have gone down. <v Norval Glen>So here we have uh not a matter of uh parents not having the resources <v Norval Glen>to be involved, which is certainly the case with many of the underprivileged, it's people <v Norval Glen>who uh apparently lack the will. So I think this is another part of the- the total <v Norval Glen>picture. <v Tom Spencer>Now, talking about lacking, ?well?, I think that's really critical. <v Tom Spencer>We have with us a couple of people who would like to get involved in the conversation, <v Tom Spencer>some individuals who are visiting from abroad, and I just want to ask a couple of <v Tom Spencer>short questions, if I may, some of the folks who are here with us. <v Tom Spencer>We have David Myllet uh from France, <v Tom Spencer>um bon soir [Spencer laughs]. Uh David, if you would, tell us a little bit about <v Tom Spencer>your own family in France and what your mom and dad communicated to you about education <v Tom Spencer>and the importance of education, and maybe some of the things that you picked up from <v Tom Spencer>French society about that same subject. <v David Myllet>Um, in France, um the school it's um very important <v David Myllet>because um the teacher um wants uh to do
<v David Myllet>a selection of the best student very early. <v David Myllet>My si- sister ?inaudible? <v David Myllet>and uh it's um her teacher want to know <v David Myllet>who i- the best um student. <v Tom Spencer>Right. <v David Myllet>And uh so um... <v Tom Spencer>What was- how did your mom and dad get involved in your education? <v Tom Spencer>Did- were they, we- did they let you know that this is the most important thing in your <v Tom Spencer>life? <v David Myllet>Um from my parents, yes <v David Myllet>?the school is very? ?inaudible?. My mother helped me very every day. <v David Myllet>Um not now, but um fewer ?years? <v David Myllet>ago. Yeah. <v David Myllet>Very. My grandparents helped me, um all the family <v David Myllet>um is uh with the student, help him, and uh <v David Myllet>from...from
<v David Myllet>?he do the best?. <v Tom Spencer>Right. And in France, it's my understanding that really school is the key to unlock <v Tom Spencer>of careers for the future, is it- is it? <v David Myllet>Yeah it's uh the French school, it's just study, nothing else. <v David Myllet>?Here? I'm in ?SNI? and there is um uh <v David Myllet>team- sport team. <v David Myllet>We have a lot of fun. <v David Myllet>It's very ?inaudible?. And in France, no, you come at school <v David Myllet>and you must study, that's it. Nothing else. <v Tom Spencer>Well it- I think that's a contrast in itself. <v David Myllet>We don't have um relationship with a teacher, it's just student and teacher. <v Tom Spencer>Very formal--. <v David Myllet>Yes. <v Tom Spencer>--compared to the United States. <v David Myllet>And uh I- I like the relationship between the student and the teachers because it's- <v David Myllet>it's not friendly, but um, it's very ?sympatic?. <v Tom Spencer>Mhm. Very good.
<v Tom Spencer>Alright. Thank you so much, David, for coming in, and don't feel awkward about your- <v Tom Spencer>your language. According to a lot of studies, American students don't do [Spencer laughs] <v Tom Spencer>that much better with their [Spencer laughs] the Am- the English language. <v Tom Spencer>Another uh- uh f- uh individual that we have with us is <v Tom Spencer>uh ?Greta Naci?, who is joining us from Italy this evening. <v Tom Spencer>Greta, um you're in school here in the United States. <v Tom Spencer>Now, I know that you find a lot of things that you like about American schools. <v Tom Spencer>But uh tell us what the biggest differences between school in the United States and in <v Tom Spencer>Italy. <v Greta Naci>I think that the biggest difference is <v Greta Naci>just here, people thinks more <v Greta Naci>about having fun in high school than studying. <v Greta Naci>I think that in our high school we have to study like <v Greta Naci>you are in college here, and you have to be really prepared every <v Greta Naci>morning, and uh you have ?inaudible? <v Greta Naci>but you have to be
<v Greta Naci>involved and you have to participate every morning in <v Greta Naci>all your subjects. And it's not the kind of fun, but <v Greta Naci>you have a ?nicer vocation? <v Greta Naci>when you get out from high school. <v Tom Spencer>All right. Yes, if you- go share your microphone with the lady sitting next to you. <v Maria Wells>Yes. Uh my name is Maria Wells. I'm a professor, curator and also the president <v Maria Wells>of the Fulbright Association of Central Texas. <v Maria Wells>I've been education all my life and I have seen a great deal of the foreign system. <v Maria Wells>And what we see here tonight, I which- quite a coincidence we have these two student from <v Maria Wells>Europe. And uh what I think it is very important for us <v Maria Wells>to understand, to try to reach out, to try to really question. <v Maria Wells>Uh these student are good. <v Maria Wells>They are very bright. They have discipline. They have uh good study habits. <v Maria Wells>Uh you heard how s- how hard they study. <v Maria Wells>But one question that we should ask ourself is what kind of education system <v Maria Wells>has produce this kind of student and why can't we have the same
<v Maria Wells>kind of education system? They education system, it's based on a lot of things. <v Maria Wells>But two very important things are a consolidated education uh <v Maria Wells>academic program. That is how it uh organize and mandate by the Ministry of Education. <v Maria Wells>And another thing is choices. Now, it seem to be a contest uh here, but it is <v Maria Wells>not. What I mean by choices is that a student, after he or she has <v Maria Wells>completed their third year of uh middle school, has the choice <v Maria Wells>of about six different kind of high school. <v Maria Wells>By different I mean high school that offering different training, six of <v Maria Wells>them, uh technical high school, uh nautical marine science high <v Maria Wells>school, business and uh high school, teacher-training high school, and then the classical <v Maria Wells>high school and their ?scientifics? high school. <v Maria Wells>They are college oriented, but important thing is, in my opinion, choices <v Maria Wells>everywhere. Give the student a sense of sel- uh self-respect. <v Maria Wells>Give the student the possibility of making his own decision.
<v Maria Wells>And if he doesn't want to go to school for a very long time or if he can't, he knows <v Maria Wells>that after those five years of this special high school, he's going to have a degree, a <v Maria Wells>diploma in his hand. <v Maria Wells>It's going to put him directly into the work force, and this is extremely important. <v Maria Wells>Also another thing, ?too?, there is a class. <v Maria Wells>The student can change the high school, preferably within the first or second year. <v Maria Wells>Let's say somebody has aim too high and want to do something different and he can do <v Maria Wells>that. You know, frankly, as a parent and as ?a educator?, I'm very <v Maria Wells>tired of being told every day that our school, our ?inaudible? <v Maria Wells>at our school are bad- are bad, our student are poor achiever, their score are bad, <v Maria Wells>and ironically, the people who tell us those things are the very one who have it in they <v Maria Wells>power to change this. I think we should give a very close look of some of <v Maria Wells>the system that produce this kind of student. <v Tom Spencer>Wonderful. Thank you for your comments. <v Tom Spencer>And uh we have a young gentleman over here who'd like to say a few words. <v Deshaun Wingate>Um yes, my name is ?Deshaun Wingate?, uh I'm a graduate of ?Stanford?
<v Deshaun Wingate>University. I spent uh a year or so overseas in uh- in France and <v Deshaun Wingate>different countries. Uh and a- after observing the different the- their <v Deshaun Wingate>education system, it's kind of hard to- to compare their education system with ours <v Deshaun Wingate>because our cultures are so different. <v Deshaun Wingate>Um I've listened t- listened to the discussion tonight, and there's been a number of <v Deshaun Wingate>different issues touched, and I want to emphasize that the uh the cultural value <v Deshaun Wingate>in America has- is- is so rich in- in the- in the diversity of <v Deshaun Wingate>its cultural value, and- but they- they need to realize that it's diverse. <v Deshaun Wingate>They need uh the teachers and- and the parents need to take a more active part, uh <v Deshaun Wingate>especially the parents. I can't emphasize enough, my- my mother, Docto- Dr. Rosie <v Deshaun Wingate>Wingate, uh he- helped me, foster me, and my- both my parents <v Deshaun Wingate>work. So I can't uh emphasize enough the importance of parents out <v Deshaun Wingate>there to- to- to uh reach- reach out to their kids, even if they're working two jobs <v Deshaun Wingate>to uh help them along. And uh in terms of- in terms of comparing systems, <v Deshaun Wingate>I think that it's a somewhat difficult.
<v Deshaun Wingate>It's good to look at it from maybe a uh a plan, but I think that it needs to be uh um uh <v Deshaun Wingate>uh drawn out for more for our particular culture. <v Tom Spencer>Alright. Thank you very much for being here, Deshaun. And I'm gonna pass the microphone <v Tom Spencer>over here. As I do that, I'd like to just turn to our home audience for a moment <v Tom Spencer>and address them. Unfortunately, we are running out of time for this program <v Tom Spencer>and for the whole series of forums that we've been holding throughout this week on <v Tom Spencer>Citizens Education Project. <v Tom Spencer>Uh we'll be saying good night to you in a moment. I'm sure the discussion will continue <v Tom Spencer>as it has every single evening here in the studios, uh and <v Tom Spencer>we'll get some good interaction, some networking going on. <v Tom Spencer>We would like to thank you for watching this evening. <v Tom Spencer>And we'd also like to alert you to some things that are gonna be taking place over the <v Tom Spencer>course of uh the next few hours and the next few weeks. <v Tom Spencer>Starting later this evening on the commercial affiliates here in town, uh <v Tom Spencer>Channel 7, CBS, is going to be running a feature on parents <v Tom Spencer>at risk, and uh reaching out, and involving parents, and giving them skills they need.
<v Tom Spencer>On KVUE 24 tonight on their 10 o'clock report, they're going <v Tom Spencer>to be talking about an- some of the very same issues that we have here in our studios. <v Tom Spencer>KXAN is doing a piece on citizenship class, which is one of the subjects we talked <v Tom Spencer>kind of briefly about here earlier this evening. <v Tom Spencer>Of course, we are not going to be on the air tomorrow night with Austin at issue, <v Tom Spencer>but we are going to have uh several more programs where we follow up on the whole <v Tom Spencer>help-wanted project. The next program is one that I'm tremendously excited about. <v Tom Spencer>This is gonna be happening on October the 17th. <v Tom Spencer>It's going to be kind of the conclusion for this whole project, and it's going <v Tom Spencer>to be simulcast by all of Austin's television stations at once. <v Tom Spencer>You won't be able to escape. It's going to be happening on 8 p.m., and it should <v Tom Spencer>uh look very intensely at the issues that have been discussed in the community- hopefully <v Tom Spencer>have some re- uh some news to report about results in the community as well. <v Tom Spencer>Uh tomorrow here in Austin, Saturday, uh the 26th,
<v Tom Spencer>there's gonna be a pep rally for education that you can attend at the convention center. <v Tom Spencer>It's happening from 10 to 1. <v Tom Spencer>Uh there'll be a lot of speakers, uh Wilhemina Doko, one of the keynote speakers there, <v Tom Spencer>uh well-known figures like Willy Kaseric and Jake Pickle, I believe will be on hand as <v Tom Spencer>well. And I hope that you will attend that. <v Tom Spencer>Very important that you do. And finally, if you'd like to get more information about the <v Tom Spencer>whole project, the Citizens Education Project, there is a speakers bureau that will <v Tom Spencer>send somebody to your club or organization and a telephone number with an <v Tom Spencer>office if you're interested. <v Tom Spencer>838-2437 is that telephone number. <v Tom Spencer>We have some time left here in the studios again. <v Tom Spencer>Good night to the folks at home. We're going to continue our conversations, ma'am. <v Tom Spencer>We have a couple of people waiting. So if you don't mind, briefly, uh go ahead and make <v Tom Spencer>your comment. <v Nancy Puentes>My name is Nancy Puentes. I work for a educational research laboratory here in <v Nancy Puentes>Austin. Uh I wanted to say two things real quickly. <v Nancy Puentes>One is that one minority we haven't touched on is Native Americans, and I've had <v Nancy Puentes>the good fortune of doing some research.
<v Nancy Puentes>And in particular, I wanted to say that the U.S. <v Nancy Puentes>Department of Education funds a whole network of Indian educational- Indian <v Nancy Puentes>education technical assistance centers, and for Texas and Oklahoma that <v Nancy Puentes>center is located in Norman and is called the American Indian Research <v Nancy Puentes>and Development Incorporated. <v Nancy Puentes>And I wanted to do this over the air, because uh one problem in Texas <v Nancy Puentes>is that Native Americans tend to be scattered. <v Nancy Puentes>But uh that center informed me that there are moneys going <v Nancy Puentes>under-utilized in Texas uh under what's called Title 7. <v Nancy Puentes>The second thing I wanted to say was sort of to repeat a point I heard on one of the <v Nancy Puentes>radio stations yesterday, which is uh that I think our society <v Nancy Puentes>is making a mistake to put so much emphasis on requiring a college degree. <v Nancy Puentes>And one of the points was made that uh one woman was saying <v Nancy Puentes>she had a college degree, but she learned so much more on the first year of a job <v Nancy Puentes>than she did in four years of college, and I would just like to say, as a person that has
<v Nancy Puentes>a PhD, that I would have to reiterate that uh it seems like every job <v Nancy Puentes>I've had, I've had to learn so much on the first year of the job anyway. <v Nancy Puentes>And uh I've also supervised people that do not have a college degree that I think are <v Nancy Puentes>just excellent. And maybe that's uh one thing we should consider. <v Tom Spencer>Thank you for your comments. All right. We have a gentleman over here who's been waiting <v Tom Spencer>quite some time. And sir, I haven't been trying to avoid you, ?is? <v Tom Spencer>trying to juggle things around. Thanks for being here. <v Larry Abram>Thanks. My name's Larry Abram and I uh work at the University in the Kinesiology <v Larry Abram>Department and also I'm active at Blanton Elementary School here. <v Larry Abram>[music begins] And you asked much earlier a question about why is it that the situation <v Larry Abram>is the way it is. Um and I think that there's a strong historical <v Larry Abram>um that we need to look at um- historically, our education <v Larry Abram>has been uh very different. <v Larry Abram>It's been controlled by uh people who um have really <v Larry Abram>run schools for less than all of the people in our country. <v Larry Abram>And uh classrooms are much more homogeneous.
<v Larry Abram>And uh the uh workforce was, I think, <v Larry Abram>to some extent exploited, and uh we're looking at change- [music ends] <v Larry Abram>Um in uh bringing more and more uh concern about <v Larry Abram>educating everyone, and so we see teachers with classrooms of much more diverse students, <v Larry Abram>it's not surprising that they have more difficulty. <v Larry Abram>Um and we have uh- I think that we need to keep in mind that when we talk about <v Larry Abram>multicultural situations, that uh we're not just talking about [music begins] ethnic <v Larry Abram>differences, but uh there are cultures within ethnicities that are strong. <v Larry Abram>We see that in the city. <v Larry Abram>And uh- when whenever people that are so diverse are tryin- being <v Larry Abram>educated, it presents new problems. <v Larry Abram>And yet, for the most part, education is still being run by people who either [music <v Larry Abram>ends] um overtly believe in a [music begins] much more limited
<v Larry Abram>system or perhaps uh because of their own background think what should education be like <v Larry Abram>when they think back to their own experiences? <v Larry Abram>?inaudible? be like when I was in school, we were all in school. <v Larry Abram>It was very different for very different reasons, and to make it be like that again would <v Larry Abram>be uh wrong. <v Tom Spencer>A teacher I spoke with um last week um <v Tom Spencer>referenced this. <v Larry Abram>Can I just? Can I- <v Tom Spencer>Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. <v Larry Abram>The last thing I want to say was that um a major problem that our schools face <v Larry Abram>today is uh a lack of resources. <v Larry Abram>And yet, if we would all come together and recognize that we need to <v Larry Abram>change things and to make things, make a new kind of school for a new kind of society <v Larry Abram>with new goals, uh there are resources available. ?inaudible? <v Tom Spencer> <v Tom Spencer>?inaudible? And I'm as guilty of that as the next person.
<v Tom Spencer>But if you think if we'd spent- invest- just the amount we spend on athletic footwear, on <v Tom Spencer>our youth, we'd be in good shape. <v Speaker>[inaudible discussion and music continues]
Austin at Issue: Help Wanted
Episode Number
No. 5
Cultural Values
Producing Organization
KLRU (Television station : Austin, Tex.)
Public Broadcasting Service (U.S.)
Contributing Organization
The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia (Athens, Georgia)
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip-526-t72794253n).
Episode Description
In this episode, Tom Spencer leads a studio audience discussion considering how cultural norms and values play a role in education in Austin and the United States. Topics include a parent's influence on a child's education, community member involvement, international education systems, and shifting civic and governmental goals for schools. Throughout the program, Spencer alternates between speaking with studio guests, community leaders, international students, experts, and callers.
Series Description
"Austin At Issue: Help Wanted was produced as KLRU's unique contribution to a collaborative multi-media project conducted in Austin, Texas in the autumn of 1992. The 'Help Wanted' project involved all of Austin's major print and electronic media outlets. 'Help Wanted' focused on the critical role of education in this community's future economic and social well-being. "Throughout the week of September 20th, the media partners provided blanket coverage on issues affecting our schools. All information was presented in a coordinated fashion. KLRU utilized [its] weekly local public affairs program, Austin At Issue, as an open forum that allowed citizens and community leaders an opportunity to react to the information being provided and to express their own concerns. Special effort was made to insure minority representation in these live forums. KLRU pre-empted its regular primetime programming on the weeknights of the Help Wanted project to present five hour-long programs. Our partnership with the commercial news stations and our local paper was highlighted throughout the campaign thanks to cross-promotion and sharing of news features. "KLRU also produced an hour-long 'electronic town meeting' program that concluded the Help Wanted project on October the 17th. This program was simulcast by all of the commercial network affiliates in Austin and featured live-feeds from three remote locations. Because of the deep and total commitment of all of our strong media resources, our team work approach, and our efforts to involve and engage all Austinites in this critical discussion, we believe Austin At Issue: Help Wanted merits consideration in the public service category of The Peabody Awards."-- 1992 Peabody Awards entry form.
Broadcast Date
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Moving Image
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Producing Organization: KLRU (Television station : Austin, Tex.)
Producing Organization: Public Broadcasting Service (U.S.)
AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia
Identifier: cpb-aacip-933b2456af0 (Filename)
Format: U-matic
Duration: 1:00:00
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Austin at Issue: Help Wanted; No. 5; Cultural Values,” 1992-09-21, The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed March 12, 2025,
MLA: “Austin at Issue: Help Wanted; No. 5; Cultural Values.” 1992-09-21. The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. March 12, 2025. <>.
APA: Austin at Issue: Help Wanted; No. 5; Cultural Values. Boston, MA: The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from