Newsmaker; Campaign '71. Charles Evers

- Transcript
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write a piece pieces pieces today they use maker is charles evers candidate for governor questioning mr evers from a daily newspaper wilson f minor jackson bureau chief of the new orleans times picayune from a television station charles broer news director of bellevue gw the tv and tupelo i'm a daily newspaper charles gordon of ajax and daily news in jackson and from a student newspaper tom greer from late murmur at the university medical center in jackson
the moderator campaign seventy one is my prayers today presenting another in the series of discussions with the candidates for governor and lieutenant governor of mississippi we believe it is important that the people of mississippi be as knowledgeable as possible about the man who presented himself for our state's highest elected positions isn't this belief that we present this series so that you the people of mississippi and make the wisest was possible among the candidates on election day today's newsmakers mayor charles evers of fayette a candidate for governor of mississippi the next day of our vocal line for mr evers about his qualifications platform dj sessions on the issues like open question and they mailed by asking you in what way in the background you feel
to qualify for the government's city he is a muslim minute aspect of the eleven was a lot of big oak trees just a faulty number two years have the mayor of now for almost two years and number three is the cooperation of the rates of muted get three hundred hours of haiti's senators david to get to the missiles and they've unleashed it appears the viola or how long but basically made marek was painful and god and faith i wasn't famous and driven away cp for seven years and another pretty good job of that i have been him after two years and i've been in warfare two years have been almost two years and then there are the many many before me that initially health clinics then went off the welfare and many people that they can
make it without them i know they would've been wonderful black and white living and working in yemen if it would have an atmosphere that will exist in the prison system fail that has that we feel a cartel involving and i think the most important thing isn't it question from conjecture they're about the method or the way in which you go around and talk like you might run in the democratic primary early july but there's a democratic primary run as an independent in the dialect but you know national committeeman of the national democratic party from statements that you've already been nominated by the lawyers democrat says afghan to frame democrats at at all made for a second when a media mechanism ago and bought some time ago you'll corridors in boston again zero republican nelson rockefeller new york thirty nine the oldies
party connections it just conjecture that you might run an advantage instead of a primary and wills and my aunt and my different relationship with different parties and different people as a pressure thing i think is that as american has a right to be and to support people who believe in the small relief and support bigger cost me they're republican democrat or cost effective to get beyond some of the people of this state who is community was this wrong is irish times on them out on the decision on that the wind event and the lead coming out of the summit agenda in june second monday and simon hughes oh no man i can to make sure that when i lose right decision for those who believe in supporting
<unk> question there how do you think your candidacy for governor will affect other black candidates in the states seeking office what is in effect a snarling black says the effect going to want me to want me like that because you have martin is we can't be true of the vote counting is to handle issues to kind of plant farm to kind of thing that we can is not only a decision and hatfield the margins of myself and the evolution on with the world i believe in that one thing that the state can be false as don are you running there more to be elected on to help like like officials around the state to do both for some of the gun was on the market to you know things that the biggest thing that hadn't been done and
let someone to let people really live in the partition he won't his family on tv don't let the audience saw it and old was supposed to wear i think that need to be done and the long held legislature shares something too and occasionally crossing the beatles only when animals are citizens windsor decision to govern more by that is whether he will run in the democratic primary or run as an independent will be governed by what the intentions of most of the you know like the candidates around the state i met him at the weekend because of daria monthly a supporter know this thing and i think it's a revenue will be falling like a community like this is one of those who really want to see a change but i have to give a new impact on that most of us will come from the communities and so that we had a goat with a majority of people support you want to do not what i want to do you
really think of like those things last until after gates's comments lack of the lectern love this day an aphorism the book's been a message and he did and i think dizzy and then they'll eat most of the ligament that all white units in local businesses online and that's not true of them in a pricing mistake i want change and i'm the man who can bring change and i do all i can say that i mean to me the goal of all of the black folks white folks in news of one not one word ally but i'm i want to make sure that every person is they have a right and then i worked right initially and i can do a benefit aisle to my image and emma common this they were the island's national board on the texture than anything the renowned nowhere money i would've been overlooked the people and i want to end with the cupcakes in the comet isn't that we haven't announced it in the can
imagine the helicopters can't do whereas i'd like to ask you about some specific language might plan to do on expressed concern for the people of mississippi and ordered what would jim concretely propose to do to improve the delivery of health care to the people of the state two systems certainly not added forcing of those years ago as a benefit and try and get to the stadium it's intimate it's clear that time that moment along north of control one will know this but all among the differences that will introduce public health plan a public health plan not normally that would serve the needs of all their london and fit i'll try to get a comprehensive health program funded by the film them to have now to give all three did those who were not even though that we have a plan that if the outcome was governor that the most resonant they find out
and we have five for tampa blue an unknown time and get them in the millions of possible for and i met all white civil rights and just the final push to the one k nine million dollars on london's soulful song to take your the campus and get home for vermonters kids and his times and to mike about a christmas to live and healthy and one on one thing non violent wing of the trailers you mentioned health care and you've mentioned taxation of like depression forced the secondary vegetation causes a violent lifted that intelligent what will be a platform like on education with other refers to have to be to make sure that we have education television overstay their employer will have a kind of program note to the program two are weeping was the state was really mean to be at the hermitage nice and a full support of a public
education and on and on the line was whether we can afford it get on until you land for private so good education and a wise believe that this state this country that are rightful to mindful to paul russell wilson why did you want to go varies wildly issues would be raised during his campaign is that of a county units system whereby there is a simple purchasing for the counties in the state how do you feel about county units system i feel like that laws allowed to that history is this tom bilyeu was getting a ways you have it's kind of three or four five dollars is better for fila road trips and having dragged into our lives cotton that my feeling is that's a wasted taxpayers' money in a calm in the state
right now as i'm done you find well those rusted away as taxpayers you find dr langsam of salon and it's by resting wade if i'm told there'll be a senator when i mean you not what i'm saying that we had it was just won a poison image all we need that has about to unload buildings sit on some for the location about the really great at the most and that the people working as a master that the suv out ahead of ownership and an n n have one advantage of not only just begun to act as they lived in the rural mcconnell and on the congo only issue that event damned among the taxpayers will be used to the fullest extent on the survey the roads you're nineteen sixty then the legislature enacted three hundred million dollar highway program or the state would have been viewed largely for winding in orderly projects do you have a place in your platform or maybe a four lane new four lane road program connect the north end of the state with the rest of
well many water because in an idea that when they're discriminating about the pixar income has risen on an idea they won the highway from cleveland comic to leave just in qana this bothers to clean coal justin time is bar at avon's china why i'm howie klein the issue that i would add to that when they are still in the car without irony league require the same type of how we then you know to power now programmers have forces that is to is to use the money we have asked of normal bonds because i never questioned that whereas on a moment on the roots of waffle and friends this was a gun now you know i don't know where this morning on one of the key foreign buyers keep them at the taxpayer pamela more money get nothing for the somewhat roles in the worlds now that if you go to a basic knowledge they get they shifted to
fire disappeared completely sure twenty three people of all mammals in the state mr norton you've done for a clinical of state highway patrol and navy aren't you elected government is sitting on one of the what is your plan will regard i would grow the referees do is make sure that know how to control would take him to his on the vividness of them were out in the street and did they say wait on the rival's non black and white have had just about a minute call from white people mistake hussein that they've been mistreated by highway patrol was i wont listen on most of those duty to make sure as the mayor that he is poised to ponder the irs team and they mistreat me in this one men tried to force big that they dont fortunately mean to put a liaison song song criminal that remain in a washtub and the law puts into something that they
demanded about carbon and on this airplane ride hippie an announcement no longer will win any roadblocks and to demand just done with a lot of regional theater was a one day just yesterday the blood and the people come in to have mass and it took them out they are some among voters and for his role nadia i have an election in front of the fire and replacement recently black and white have to sing and i would have no county in the state when all white and all right thank you there's ninety rifle to force the service they will right to have some advantage i would have all right well alright was department fear we have an appointment to work with to work in a clip that i was on on that line has been considerable criticism about summery activities of your police force and play with regard to ration black and white says write or what is your position on that the only thing they can say and incentives that they forced allow the state to simulate one of hamas' beat him the
pacific island put that on shtick ilana when they promised <unk> my jobs and i was two hours you have for tomorrow and ms evans president and former you give that in it if you have it in the rest of england to rely on my wife and the many human rights prize candlelight prison the company like get a life and it's an intellectual argument is that they're white the fair use of the animals didn't have the kind of homes and forced to low fare as well a model that question for most minor there was a blizzard attitude towards violence that is quite violent reactions in the ghettos in some of the communities and the east and somehow west do you do you do you feel like you have been responsible for keeping down violence in mississippi and know what phil what would you do or what could you do you think that the cubans would have
become governor we don't want them and the way that i haven't said never get a treatment trial at the compound on cars and that was not the way comedy is about and his hatred and his retaliation in uniform as may have tried to prove to people that like it when white people and rich and poor can live together without that and as as government losing thing i'm loneliness and meantime the jackson state for this yes and do you know what happened the first amendment was accepted all business of song william it as disparate as the governor of the people that i am the one person in the central city is in the camp whatever that we can't work and i'm not sure of incentive for some who qualified to subdue whale oil rises come up that one awesome women with a free hand and one industry maybe that shouldn't be i mean when you think about that the active young black snow on the system to do that if they have a feeling of frustration
that evidence itself in some way we think is in the tempest brewing industry in the state and it and blacks in the senate have signed the indian wife gets sick and towels just mean watching any kind and many on whites in this town and that limits fade out what'll say most of blue can do it this way but that would it would change and so the black snob us to blacks out and they are our will change and then they are upset needless to say well again that's where the man wanna do to limit first for the new memoir feel part of the government and them be involved and usually on what's an inherent programs the school and keep them because of other people that i am john fund on a song like we do in theater you know we get people from sending young lawyer salon than the other from senate five hundred jobs there was sort of a high school was kicking off the streets
nine in the playground the reparation here is the campaign going to be a point of swimming pools of the best vocal and then implemented on well if you were defeated the log in this governor's race do you think that that would tend to set off a new wave of emotions and you have the kind of problem to deal with then and then would you as a citizen law and theres still male male you didn't usually deal in australia well laughter whistles and certainly and most of his managers i'm larkin the bill is to not to destroy and well when a win loos is going to launch a man to lastly this whole mr john tobin the modernity change and on the worst in the nation to them as well members of one reason is reported second what to many as well surprising stana well for its finest i'm surprised that analysis and i mention that there
have been as you listen live local you know begin with those two men lasso again among the honorees include anyone who beat and came into people's right now say the same reply that welfare it takes away the dignity of course inmates in andover and i would work to bring jobs into commute what i'm about and i don't believe that in blacks on with that this they are quite welcome and without this beyond an encore that no jobs they have had just an education and a chance to get through to their own and my job is not to bring in jobs into the cars into the communities where they can finally pass to set up a five man is good lord he showed one man in the job of it with the black votes we can't think of them so you know you take and then you hand out and handouts
online with a black going to be some questions to wear whereas you touched on foreign government earlier which is governor work for reform on a state government reorganization meaning can certainly nominate and reorganized the prison and there's this spanish just have at it it's terrible and one would have to go and take all parts of the first things i think that the victims and we chain the prison farm for a fall we need to be truthful rusted thing that man that law should be given a chance to go and pay for their cars and become co founders of the retirement similar i wouldn't have been the moment and a hard thing because a man commits crimes to read gong to deal and a team of uber cars from immigrant the effort he's in prison and so as time span is the price of a crime to commit annexing us about the buildings in
about was in prison we wanted to have a life most imams and i would question as the girl i was the director in the press leading the ability to see what is there for what a possibility as they don't need you all and put him back to the state of these one of the veterans deserve and i live in wrote and the attacks eight testers is any guide the operational mostly white legislation to carry out won't like that usaid ended the message out and i think if the measure had the right time and a listener writes in the nhl i think the public opinion when oppression and ensures that of the center for the people and a point what about on the reforms such as alban mean hundreds of different apartment for him to be injured in trying to improving and baselines consolidate police departments so we
organized mike had no more fishing are you my idea before i did ask that does transcendental was thompson have more all unusual metaphors get him to come to them as a seething mess of change the methane rich i said before the hybrid show the draft boards a sudden we see that the blackmail and jacqueline estate asset when the more those dvd the letter to end up in them in lending to new york coffee later you should have the right to england that was going to have the record label and then let people pass it would support education and on government food weren't the only times and thomas monson an assault the sun would would get all the mechanism of them to build hospitals in india from location to take in the second mission is to grow the justice system should be
replaced by a county court not necessarily i think issued clothing just the beach in our minds and the frozen waffles lesson led to see just the piece a bona fide qualified lawyer it is a synthesis is a rescue on the news that the man about history and make images and then decide on uk is unlikely is another dozen one are thousands of missiles another question are you satisfied with the recent ruling on the abortion and also you've given us and for now we'll call my way and in the pursuit of dying and they've taken away medved owner black unemployment among white and i like to go clean but the most acclaimed iran's just come home runs and that's the kind of runs and then we would just how similar legislation much more humane and city planners action before jan four obama would help us and we have less than three minutes to going wherever time for a moment to the field of
education granted that you're buying interest and secondary education they're populism of the private loans are a fact of life in michigan i've gotten mississippi your nephew and i think it would give him time to do anything to happen we're in the knowledge not to add to the law that in use public funds you get used to you i care less the message in a bomb and find that come out of the pub was clueless of public life and i and i think it's somewhere that they have the right to the state got through that you got a start in that kind of your rifle to be educated little white nonwhite was voted again mind living of them are you have you said that to the school the effect of why it says one creates a gated and methods to keep but as long as ravi amounted to do your apartment just get together and an art movie it would be on the riches me a
song on one of the question for most minor the book came out there isn't a tribal elders and it's quite a sensation because it's more a confessional autobiography out some people uncomfortable i think it was a grave mistake on the part of the man didn't write a book like that just isn't growing robert what effect do you think is going to have on your own candidacy for governor so us and in massive messy divorce from me quite know what i am today relatives of the man alive must tell a joke about how you know wide about to go on hold for me because i'm a woman told exactly where i was well i mean i'm not that now lehman about and at the last minute catfish was a gift givers sometimes saw a marathon they know when the stand today with our question of where charles evers unfettered can't govern the city in this discussion we hope
that you have been able to gain a better insight into what has traversed billed as top of people in the city as a nice governor what's like a mini mart panel members expressed the hope that this work you're making your decision on election day like every day was today only is my routine this is the news maker weekly public affairs presentation of the mississippi educational television network many collectors alike it's unclear in this series are chosen by an advisory palpable to the leaders of civic and economic organization thanks bye newspaper radio
and television journalists may request an appearance on his broadcast by writing to newsmaker post office party level one jackson mississippi three ninth ward
- Series
- Newsmaker
- Episode
- Campaign '71. Charles Evers
- Producing Organization
- Mississippi Center for Educational Television
- Contributing Organization
- The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia (Athens, Georgia)
- cpb-aacip/526-r785h7d47z
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip/526-r785h7d47z).
- Description
- Episode Description
- "Campaign '71" is a special Newsmaker series devoted to candidates for governor. This episode focuses on Charles Evers, candidate for governor and Mayor of Fayette, as part of the program's series on the 1971 campaign for governor of Mississippi. Evers discusses his experience, his qualifications, and his platform and policy goals on health, taxation, and education. He also discusses how his race may affect the way he governs and who he elects to his government, and he acknowledges that his primary support will come from the black community, but he expresses his desire to be governor for all the people of Mississippi. He expresses his hopes that young black and white Mississippians who are ready for a change will support his candidacy.
- Episode Description
- """The 'Newsmaker' series, broadcast weekly, brings journalists of state newspapers, student papers, and radio and television stations together with public figures currently in the news, to question them concerning their areas of activity and responsibility. Presidents of fourteen major civic, social, journalistic, economic and educational organizations in Mississippi submit recommendations for Newsmakers ... Political life and government administration of the state are the areas from which Newsmakers are most frequently chosen.""--1971 Peabody Digest. ""Campaign '71"" is a special Newsmaker series devoted to candidates for governor. This episode focuses on Charles Evers, candidate for governor and Mayor of Fayette, as part of the program's series on the 1971 campaign for governor of Mississippi. Evers discusses his experience, his qualifications, and his platform and policy goals on health, taxation, and education. He also discusses how his race may affect the way he governs and who he elects to his government, and he acknowledges that his primary support will come from the black community, but he expresses his desire to be governor for all the people of Mississippi. He expresses his hopes that young black and white Mississippians who are ready for a change will support his candidacy.'
- Series Description
- "The 'Newsmaker' series, broadcast weekly, brings journalists of state newspapers, student papers, and radio and television stations together with public figures currently in the news, to question them concerning their areas of activity and responsibility. Presidents of fourteen major civic, social, journalistic, economic and educational organizations in Mississippi submit recommendations for Newsmakers ... Political life and government administration of the state are the areas from which Newsmakers are most frequently chosen."--1971 Peabody Digest.
- Broadcast Date
- 1971-00-00
- Asset type
- Episode
- Media type
- Moving Image
- Duration
- 00:30:18
- Credits
Producing Organization: Mississippi Center for Educational Television
- AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the
University of Georgia
Identifier: 71026pst (Peabody Object Identifier)
Format: 2 inch videotape: Quad
Duration: 0:28:43
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
- Citations
- Chicago: “Newsmaker; Campaign '71. Charles Evers,” 1971-00-00, The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed March 25, 2025,
- MLA: “Newsmaker; Campaign '71. Charles Evers.” 1971-00-00. The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. March 25, 2025. <>.
- APA: Newsmaker; Campaign '71. Charles Evers. Boston, MA: The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from