By The Year 2000; Speaking of Young Black Men

- Transcript
<v Vester>All Black men are not dangerous. <v Vester>All Black men are not crooks, robbers, thieves, and <v Vester>whatever else you would hear. They say we are this, they say we are that. <v Vester>We're not dangerous. We're not going to be extinct people. <v Vester>That's a lie. You know? <v Val Zavala>The media speaks of dropout rates, gangs, young men in prison. <v Val Zavala>Tonight, on By the Year 2000, we bypass the stereotypes, and young Black <v Val Zavala>men speak for themselves. <v Narrator>Major funding for By the Year 2000 is provided by the Michael <v Narrator>J. Connell Foundation and the James Irvine Foundation. <v Narrator>Additional funding is provided by Kaiser Permanente working with Southern California <v Narrator>for a healthier tomorrow. <v Narrator>And the Norris Foundation, which is pleased to recognize public television <v Narrator>as an important and vital community resource. <v Narrator>With a supporting grant from the Earth Technology Corporation. <v Val Zavala>There are 13 million African-American men in the United States, and it's a rare
<v Val Zavala>day when there's good news reported about their lives. <v Val Zavala>Newspaper articles and many television broadcasts claim they are approaching extinction <v Val Zavala>because of societal ills and racial wrongs. <v Val Zavala>I'm Val Zavala. <v Joseph Benti>And I'm Joseph Benti. <v Joseph Benti>We've all seen the statistics about young Black men, unemployment rates double those <v Joseph Benti>for whites, higher percentages in American prisons than in South African prisons. <v Joseph Benti>Nearly 50 percent drop out of urban high schools. <v Joseph Benti>As many experts continue to study and analyze and speak for Black America, <v Joseph Benti>we might forget that young African-American men are fully capable of speaking for <v Joseph Benti>themselves. <v Val Zavala>We talked to a sampling of them to get their views on a spectrum of subjects and current <v Val Zavala>events. They're from various socio economic backgrounds and hold a variety of opinions. <v Val Zavala>In the next half hour, 10 Southern California African-American voices will be <v Val Zavala>speaking of young Black men. <v Darryl>[Singing, laughter]
<v Darryl>Originally from South Central Los Angeles, I went to school in San Fernando Valley, part <v Darryl>of the voluntary busing program. <v Darryl>My name is Darryl. I'm a senior majoring in public policy at Stanford University. <v Darryl>And a lot of people ask me what public policy is. It's a major that incorporates <v Darryl>political science, mathematics, statistics and economics. <v Darryl>What it's designed to do is give a student a qualitative and quantitative background <v Darryl>in policymaking and having being raised in South Central Los Angeles <v Darryl>and having gone through the foster care system, I see a lot of needs that I would like to <v Darryl>give myself to implementing and changing policy <v Darryl>from the negative...[Singing] <v Malcolm X>I was raised on this earth
<v Malcolm X>to be a man to be a human being, to be the respected as a human being, to be given the rights of a human being. <v Nazzar>The <v Nazzar>Nation of Islam, use the bowtie because a long tie was symbolizing <v Nazzar>a cross. So they tried to reject theirselves from <v Nazzar>other beliefs, made up their own qualities of dressing. <v Nazzar>So that's where the bowtie sprung up from. My name is Nazzar Abdul Maraqman Abdulaziz <v Nazzar>and I attend Masjid [inaudible] in Inglewood, and I also attend <v Nazzar>Washington high school and I'm 17 years old. <v Nazzar>Yes, mainly, a <v Nazzar>lot of drugs and a lot of gangs over there. <v Nazzar>It's due to the fact is that <v Nazzar>the society that has been destroyed mentally instead of physically <v Nazzar>mainly because the system is the main factor
<v Nazzar>because a lot of Blacks have to go through the systems as far as law, court <v Nazzar>and the county system, more or less made to really to keep the society <v Nazzar>down instead of helping it. <v Nazzar>See the way you come about. <v Albert>When you get a tattoo on, that means you putting a tattoo on your body, and you supposed <v Albert>to love whatever that is, you know. <v Albert>This is a girl's name. I love her still when as I did when I put that on here. <v Albert>The same with with with this one. <v Albert>This is my neighborhood. I love that when I put it on there and I wanted everybody to see <v Albert>it and notice it. You know, DLB, Denver Lane Bloods. <v Albert>That's what I used to be from. <v Albert>UBN - United Blood Nation, that's all I'll say about that. My <v Albert>name is Albert, I'm 24 years old.
<v Albert>I'm from South Central Los Angeles. <v Albert>I'm presently in a county jail for assault with a firearm. <v Albert>The neighborhood was, I I love my neighborhood. <v Albert>I still do today and I did when I was growing up because <v Albert>like, uh, you know, my father, he was well-known in neighborhood. <v Albert>Uh, you know, like he had the business. Everybody come in, you know. <v Albert>He was well respected and I am too now, but in a different type of way, you <v Albert>know, um, what I mean? <v Albert>In a different type of workforce, my father, he he was well respected by, <v Albert>you know, being a nice guy and, you know, fair, honest, straight, you know, straight. <v Albert>I was respected but I had to go get my respect, you know, I had to say. <v Todd>[Car honking] Hi, my name's Todd. I'm 14 years old and I use, I started
<v Todd>I lived in Beverly Hills until I was about 6 years old and then I moved to Encino, which <v Todd>I live now. <v Todd>I grew up in a very normal environment. <v Todd>I mean, the only thing special was that I had a whole bunch of nannies, <v Todd>like six or seven of them. My first real nanny was really pretty and we'd be <v Todd>in car all the time and all those guys would pull up and like wave at her and smile at <v Todd>her and try to put up their number for her. <v Todd>And then when I went on, I had all different kinds. <v Todd>I had a, I had a hippie as a nanny. I had a vegetarian which would give with total <v Todd>herbal. She'd use. <v Todd>She'd never take any medicine, she'd never eat any meat. <v Todd>And that was like a big problem with my dad. <v Todd>Um, I think I remember them discussing over if I should eat <v Todd>meat or not once, and, um, <v Todd>I always wanted to be very rich. <v Todd>Not I mean rich as to the point that I have a great house, a really <v Todd>nice house, not like a multi-million-dollar house, but a really nice house.
<v Todd>Maybe in the one or one to three billion doll- I mean, one to three million dollar house. <v Todd>Um, as I said, I want to I want to be at a state in my life where <v Todd>I don't I could start working right then. <v Todd>And I never have another that's never have to work another minunte in my life. <v Todd>That's what that's how rich I want to be when I get to it. <v Todd>Maybe in my 30s or 40s. <v Nazzar>Until the community is together, <v Nazzar>success is not really, it's it's not really a <v Nazzar>word that I can really express. <v Nazzar>The way I can I would be successful was for when I see my community rise along with me, <v Nazzar>now that's success. <v Darryl>In a lot of ways, um, you do have to sell out quote unquote, <v Darryl>to make it in white America. <v Darryl>And I say that because, you know, <v Darryl>the system in which we exist has been shaped and formulated by
<v Darryl>a Western Eurocentric perspective. <v Albert>You, you know, people if they keep if people would still be selling <v Albert>out, I'm talking Hispanics and Blacks and, you know, minorities. <v Albert>If they keep doing that, then it's only going to be one type <v Albert>of person. I mean, you know, as you know, the world is going to be stereotyped. <v Albert>You know it well, it's this like it's like rap music, you know? <v Albert>There was different and they successful at it, you know, it's making money. <v Albert>You know, they they didn't go out singing country. <v Def Jef>[Music] My name is Def Jef, otherwise known as the poet with a soul. <v Def Jef>[Rapping] I'm a I'm a <v Def Jef>rap artist and I write what I feel. <v Def Jef>So I'm not this this this Black leader who's gonna stand
<v Def Jef>up and like free my people or nothing. <v Def Jef>I'm not Moses, you know what I'm saying, but I'm a rap artist and I choose when I find <v Def Jef>out things that I think are wrong, I write about 'em. <v Darryl>You know, there were there were models for me and people who I looked to <v Darryl>throughout history, people like Martin Luther King and Malcolm X <v Darryl>who have presented, who have espoused.... <v Nazzar>To where as Malcolm X came, you know, to be hope <v Nazzar>for a lot of Blacks. You know, he tried to. <v Nazzar>He was also, uh, one of the Islamic <v Nazzar>world leaders looked upon in United States of America. <v Nazzar>He was a dangerous brother, you know. <v Nazzar>So that's basically. <v Nazzar>I have another one, which is Imam Khomeini, and he was, um, uh, <v Nazzar>one of the imams over in Iran and he taught all Muslims, <v Nazzar>Black, white, Latino, because Muslims are in every race. <v Albert>There was a guy that came to my neighborhood and, uh, he started making
<v Albert>money in my neighborhood. <v Albert>He wasn't no punk, you know. <v Albert>And people thought he was. They think when you start making money, you get soft? <v Albert>But he wasn't. And I knew he wasn't, you know, because I talked to him on many occasions <v Albert>and, um, he had to go out and get his respect, basically. <v Albert>You know, he had. <v Craig>I'm the only child my grandmother raised me and she had eight other kids. <v Craig>We were poor, but, uh, we got you know, we got along. <v Craig>We don't remember a day of us starving, but we were poor. <v Craig>My grandmother, she's a very, very humble woman. <v Craig>She's not argumentative. <v Craig>But if you need your butt whipped, you gonna get your butt whipped. <v Craig>My name is Craig. I originally from Birmingham, Alabama. <v Craig>I come here to South Central Los Angeles. <v Craig>I've been here about 20 some odd years, um, I lived in the projects <v Craig>for all those years and enjoyed it, actually. <v Craig>I would say that that that that coming up through through the projects,
<v Craig>I was, um, we had a lot of good people that lived in it, that lived in the area. <v Craig>You can for you to go hungry, uh, would be your fault because you can always go to <v Craig>a neighbor's house and get you something to eat. <v Todd>I mean, I just grew up in a totally white neighborhood. I, uh, all <v Todd>my all my friends were white. I had really only Black people <v Todd>I knew were my aunts, my uncles and my relatives, and that's I'd seen them more maybe <v Todd>once a month. I go to their house in Pasadena and go hang out with them for a while. <v Nazzar>But in L.A. or as far as in America, we have, as far as <v Nazzar>Black women, they want to take on an independent role, you know? <v Nazzar>I want to work for theyself. They want to demand, uh, <v Nazzar>rules, or, or, different rights for an independent <v Nazzar>woman to where as when a man comes together with them, they they have to <v Nazzar>learn to cut them rules off, or them ways off in order to work together. <v Nazzar>And, um, it might take letting the man lead,
<v Nazzar>you know. So I think our women have to realize that when they get married, <v Nazzar>the man should automatically be the leader. <v Darryl>My brother Quincy, um, who's five years younger than me at the time, he was a year and a <v Darryl>half, um, back when my mother's male companion, um, physically <v Darryl>abused him. <v Darryl>And so, and if I can recount that experience, it was more you know, <v Darryl>we were summoned in to take a bath, and I think, um, my mother's companion <v Darryl>had been, um, high on whatever drugs he was using. <v Darryl>And so when we got in the house, he was, his temper was already flared, and what he did <v Darryl>was just ran a tub of hot water, um, completely hot water. <v Darryl>And he just took my brother's clothes off and put him in the tub. <v Darryl>And all I remember is just a screamy of of Quincy, a <v Darryl>year and a half, you know, 18 months is not very old. <v Darryl>And, and, be, taking him out of the tub and setting him on the table and seeing the <v Darryl>skin on his legs kind of peeling off because of being burned scald, um, that's
<v Darryl>a that's an experience I'll never forget. <v Darryl>And as a result of that abuse. <v Drill sergeant>About face. <v Anthony>The uniforms. I always love the uniforms and I <v Anthony>always wanted to be one of those soldiers, they say put it out there helping to <v Anthony>make this country a better place. Fight for freedom. My name is Anthony. <v Anthony>I'm 17 years old. <v Anthony>I'm a commanding office in JROTC at Locke High. <v Anthony>And after high school, I plan on going into the military. <v Anthony>And I plan on leaving in probably the summertime. <v Anthony>Colin Powell. <v Anthony>He's a great guy. <v Anthony>He's always involved with the troops. <v Anthony>He's always visiting Saudi Arabia. <v Anthony>And it's nice because it's about time that the high ranking officers got off that stool
<v Anthony>and came down to the lower guys and at least shook their hands and say, hi, you know, <v Anthony>you're doing a great job. <v Def Jef>When you got Black people in the military saying, yeah, we gonna go over and <v Def Jef>kick his ass and all of that, they just brainwashed by Uncle Sam, you know, USMC, Uncle <v Def Jef>Sam's misguided children, you know what I'm saying, because we've been dealt, you <v Def Jef>know, you have to you have to agree we've been dealt a raw deal by the government, you <v Def Jef>know what I'm saying. We haven't been dealt a raw deal by the white man. <v Def Jef>The white man is cool. The white man who live next door to you, he most of, most of the <v Def Jef>times he's cool, when I say, it's the white power structure of the country <v Def Jef>that has brainwashed us into... <v Nazzar>As far as Blacks and the military, I don't view the Blacks as being wrong <v Nazzar>because that's the only door they have to enter once they get out <v Nazzar>high school. You have these low, they have minimum wage jobs <v Nazzar>that are not enough to to make it. <v Nazzar>We know a 100 dollars or 200 dollars every 2 weeks is not enough to make it in this <v Nazzar>world.
<v Todd>Hey, I went last weekend I went to a place where they have guns <v Todd>and what they do is you fill with about marble size paint balls with little <v Todd>paint in them and they shoot about 300 feet per second. <v Todd>And what you do is you go into those big forces, it's capture the flag. <v Todd>And you try to grab the flag and bring it back to your territory without getting shot. <v Todd>And while we are sitting in the ground, it was very scary for me to realize that <v Todd>this could be really a war. It really scared me every time I've gone. <v Todd>I've only gone twice. <v Vester>My name is Vester. I come from Los Angeles. <v Vester>I go to a Los Angeles city school. <v Vester>I've come from a very large family, a family of 12. <v Vester>My first role model is my father. <v Vester>Him being a pastor of a church and having 12 children, you know <v Vester>going out there, working hard everyday was not something easy to come home <v Vester>to and then have 12 screaming children run around the house breaking things and have
<v Vester>to go back and parent all the time. <v Craig>Coming through the projects, we were definitely raised in a holiness <v Craig>type of church. So we we on Sundays and Wednesdays and Monday nights, we just <v Craig>go to we would go to church. <v Craig>Um, man, I miss those those those were those were the best days. <v Craig>I used to have fun at church. [Laughter] <v Def Jef>When I grew up, my grandmother was a Jehovah's Witness and I did, uh, take <v Def Jef>time to study what the Jehovah's witness believe. <v Def Jef>My father was a Muslim, so I did take time to listen to what the Muslims believe. <v Def Jef>And my mother was Catholic. <v Todd>Because the religion is that when your mom is Jewish, you become Jewish. <v Todd>I chose to have a bar mitzvah because it was something that I felt I needed <v Todd>to have something in my life. I mean, I had a contribution. <v Todd>My favorite things were to have play soccer. <v Todd>And I took a big commitment to that. But I felt that I had like a really, really <v Todd>important commitment to something that I could remember through my whole entire life. <v Todd>That is something that was really special. <v Todd>So I started to study Judiasm. <v Nazzar>I grew up as a Muslim, <v Nazzar>okay?
<v Nazzar>I was in a Nation of Islam, and, um, <v Nazzar>basically, it was pretty strong in the household, <v Nazzar>as far as when I was younger. <v Nazzar>But it got lighter and, you know, pretty much broke up <v Nazzar>and that that guidance wasn't there, so I looked for other <v Nazzar>means of, uh, looking up to, you know, certain people with gangs. <v Nazzar>They were like a brother to me, you know, so that they pretty much got me <v Nazzar>up into it. So it had to be some stronger to get me out of it. <v Nazzar>In Islam, you know, was it. <v Def Jef>Religion was the basis of slavery. <v Def Jef>When in the 1500s, when the slaves came from Africa, <v Def Jef>they took the information to the pope said, look what we found, and the pope was like, <v Def Jef>yo, go with it. <v Def Jef>You know what I'm saying, you have my blessing to do this, to make this money this big, <v Def Jef>you know money rich money rich scheme. <v Def Jef>So religion is crazy. <v Robert>My friends, the majority of my friends are, um, they're
<v Robert>white, but that's simply because that's just simply because <v Robert>they are not because I just chose them for those reasons. <v Robert>And, um, it's not like I just branch to like only white friends or whatever <v Robert>because I'm like, racist against my own race. But it's because it's just because we have <v Robert>things in common. My name is Robert. <v Robert>I'm 17 and, um, I attend Beverly Hills High School. <v Robert>I live with my mother, my stepfather, my sister and my <v Robert>stepbrother. <v Robert>Um, let's see, where I live is Ladera Heights. <v Robert>Racism, I've I've experienced racism, but not to a large <v Robert>scale. It's like racism is more subtle, like it will come out <v Robert>like in conversation. They'll say, something like this. <v Robert>Oh, no offense. No offense. But I had this joke. Well, of course, I'm going <v Robert>to take offense. Oh, OK. OK. Now, that you've said, no offense. <v Robert>Never mind, know what I mean like, you know, that sort of thing. <v Robert>They'll like try to cover it up and then do something, or they'll become buddy buddy with
<v Robert>me. Say, yo, what's up or something like that, and it's like, OK, you can just say hi or <v Robert>something like that. But I mean, it's just <v Robert>it's more subtle. It's not just blatant where they'll just call you out, hey boy. <v Robert>I mean, it's like more subtle, where, it's um that they'll they'll <v Robert>like try to relate. <v Robert>But they're always border lining offense all the time when they try to relate, they're <v Robert>borderline. <v Darryl>The beauty standard in America, you know, and does it focus so much on this white <v Darryl>standard of beauty? But what about Black women or other people who can't who who <v Darryl>obviously can't attain blonde hair and blue eyes? <v Darryl>Except through artificial means. <v Todd>Some kids asked me at school, are you mixed? <v Todd>And I say, yes, I have absolutely no problem talking about that. <v Todd>Um, I've I've thought about it a lot to the difference of me. <v Todd>I mean, that my mom was my mom was white my dad was Black. <v Todd>I mean, I have no problem with that.
<v Todd>Of, and no, it's actually it's sorta it's sometimes <v Todd>I mean, I feel like a person right in the middle. <v Todd>I'm not, I mean... <v Def Jef>Affirmative action, isn't that where you have to hire? <v Def Jef>I think that's cool. You know what I'm saying? <v Def Jef>Yo, so many so much blood, sweat, and tears <v Def Jef>that we've paid to be in this country. Yeah! <v Def Jef>Affirmative action. I don't know the drawbacks of it, though, but I think it's cool. <v Def Jef>You know, safe to say you you have to hire this person because he's Black. <v Def Jef>Why not? <v Vester>I went to Knotts Berry Farm with, uh, my church group, and when I got there, <v Vester>me and my friends were walking around, so we was walking, going this way, and the <v Vester>peoples coming this way at us and there was a couple of people, and was one man, he's <v Vester>like, you know I could feel the the tension on him you know, he walks past me, he's like <v Vester>like, he's scared of me, you know? <v Vester>Does that and he goes way around you know, you can feel them things, <v Vester>you know? Then there was a lady that came by, she had her purse and she was coming on <v Vester>my side, coming this way, and she had her purse on the same side.
<v Vester>And she no, I can I can feel the same thing coming from her. <v Vester>She's like like she's scared of me or something. <v Vester>So she moved her purse and she's like, you no walking, and I just go, boo! <v Vester>You know? And no, she's like, ahh. <v Vester>You know, so, you know it's like just you know just it just made me just do that, cause it's like, <v Vester>well, you don't have to be afraid of me. <v Vester>I'm not nobody dangerous, I'm not gonna pull out a gun, and say hey give me your purse. <v Vester>No, I'm not. <v Mark>I guess I can kind of say that my life started in 1987, although I <v Mark>was born in 1965 on July 31, <v Mark>I was walking out 32nd street market. <v Mark>A young man stopped me and asked me for my help. <v Mark>I was faced looking down the barrel of the 12 gage double barrel shotgun <v Mark>and he said, You better have $100, man. $100. <v Mark>You better have at least a hundred dollars. <v Mark>I threw all the change out of my pocket. I had change coins and he shot me.
<v Mark>He ran. <v Mark>And here I am today with one leg handicap, a victim of gang violence. <v Mark>My name is Mark. I'm 25. <v Mark>Recent graduate of USC, originally from New Haven, Connecticut, and probably the son <v Mark>of Floyd Little, a former Denver Bronco and Hall of Famer. <v Mark>I formed my own nonprofit organization called Fight the Good Fight. <v Mark>And I'm real serious about letting kids know what <v Mark>gang violence is all about, why it's not good for them. <v Albert>I think if it was whites killing whites it'd be a big thing. <v Albert>I think it would be National Guards on every corner. <v Def Jef>See, the police in Beverly Hills are different from the police in Watts. <v Def Jef>The police in Beverly Hills, they'll say hey Joe going bowling tonight? <v Def Jef>The police in Watts are like yo, get out the car. You know what I'm saying? <v Def Jef>You know, when you stop me for a traffic light, it's not routine to make me kiss the <v Def Jef>concrete and kneel on the ground and people riding past me and this happens to me
<v Def Jef>all the time. And I'm a respected rap artist. <v Def Jef>You know, it's like, you know, when I'm driving down the street, if I did something <v Def Jef>wrong, just, why can't you just question me about what I did or come see my license and <v Def Jef>registration? I'm not gonna give you any problems. <v Darryl>Black on Black crime in the inner city, it's no different than what we see in South <v Darryl>Africa in Black on Black fighting. <v Darryl>And that a lot of that has been created and inspired, <v Darryl>incited by the powers that be. <v Nazzar>The police have the habit of doing this as far as <v Nazzar>getting gang members out of gang, <v Nazzar>gang um hoods as far as speaking , and dropping them in the enemy <v Nazzar>territory, you know? <v Nazzar>You know, that results to easy killing them or beating them up. <v Anthony>You get to become paranoid after a while after so much media hype. <v Anthony>Cause it's like, well, if you drive on the street and you see someone, a Black guy in a <v Anthony>nice car and there's music on and go, well, he's a gang banger, so
<v Anthony>let me get away from before you start shooting. <v Vester>All Black men are not dangerous. <v Vester>All Black men are not crooks, robbers, thieves and <v Vester>whatever else you would hear. <v Def Jef>You're the media, right? Well, nothing personal, but the news, I think the news <v Def Jef>are the biggest advocates of violence because, you know, if I <v Def Jef>tell you a story. OK. <v Def Jef>And I'll tell you the story graphically, you're going to go [gasps]. So in the news, <v Def Jef>they have a person sitting in a chair. <v Def Jef>And if it's a gangland killing, they'll have a little graphic box right by the person's <v Def Jef>head with bl-, with killing written in blood like someone wrote it in blood to make <v Def Jef>it very graphic, to make the public say, wow. <v Vester>We had a peace march at my school. <v Vester>They don't come down there to see things like that. <v Vester>You know, they just come down there to see, well, if a gang killer went there or who got <v Vester>robbed.
<v Craig>They're in the closet, the gay people, they're in a church singing in the church. <v Craig>Giving them praise every Sunday, but yet still they still deny it. <v Craig>A lot of churches will still deny it. <v Vester>I myself know wouldn't want to get to know, next <v Vester>to no one gay or anything but knowing that's a sin before God and God doesn't <v Vester>like homosexuality. Homosexuality, is a sin. That's a sin before God. <v Craig>I knew I was a Black gay man when I was in high school, but I never acted upon <v Craig>it. It was never something that I'd act upon. <v Craig>But it was when I became more self-aware of who I <v Craig>am when I was about 21. <v Craig>Then that's when I chose, that's when I made a decision. <v Todd>A law was passed 2 days ago that said you can legalize your relationship with <v Todd>being gay or lesbian. <v Todd>And I have no problems with it. I mean, I feel that everybody has a right to <v Todd>to like whoever they want to like, but to show it in public, <v Todd>that's the 1 thing that bothers me. <v Craig>2 men or 2 women can love each other just the same as a man and a woman.
<v Craig>There's no difference. Love is love. <v Craig>You know, whether you like to play with play-dough while I like to play with rocks. <v Craig>Love is love. There's no different. <v Robert>5 years I'll be in graduate school. <v Todd>You said something about an Ivy League school. <v Todd>Hopefully I'll try to get into one of those. <v Nazzar>Probably take on college just once you get out of high school because you need more <v Nazzar>knowledge. <v Darryl>If there are more Black men in jail than their Black men on college campuses, <v Darryl>then that's a path to self-destruction. <v Vester>They say we're this. They say we're that. <v Vester>We're not dangerous. We're not going to be an extinct people. <v Anthony>When I come back out of the military, I was planning on being a police officer. <v Albert>I'm gonna stay in South Central. They're going to have to actually run me out of there. <v Albert>You know, police then told me, you know, straight <v Albert>leave town. I'm going nowhere. <v Albert>I'll be there. <v Def Jef>I would like to be successful, but still <v Def Jef>5 years is not a very long time, and I don't see me being comfortable at all in 5 years.
<v Def Jef>I see me being 5 years older than what I am. <v Mark>We have to begin to change the tide and we have to begin to pull ourselves up, <v Mark>which we are doing very proudly and begin to achieve on our own, which we <v Mark>are doing, and just say, hey, the system is set up against me. <v Mark>Yes, I am in danger not only in the workforce, but in the family structure and <v Mark>that I've got to begin to change this. <v Mark>And I like to think that that's happening. <v Val Zavala>Next week, By the Year 2000 updates a previous report on euthanasia. <v Val Zavala>There is a new urgency to this controversy coming from AIDS patients. <v Joseph Benti>Many desperate for death are opting for assisted suicide. <v Joseph Benti>By current societal standards, that's murder. <v Joseph Benti>Many say the time has come to change those standards. <v Joseph Benti>Join us next week for The Last Rite. <v Narrator>Major funding for by the year 2000 is provided by the Michael <v Narrator>J. Connell Foundation and the James Irvine Foundation.
<v Narrator>Additional funding is provided by Kaiser Permanente working with Southern California <v Narrator>for a healthier tomorrow and the Norris Foundation, <v Narrator>which is pleased to recognize public television as an important and vital community <v Narrator>resource.
- Series
- By The Year 2000
- Episode
- Speaking of Young Black Men
- Producing Organization
- KCET (Television station : Los Angeles, Calif.)
- Contributing Organization
- The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia (Athens, Georgia)
- cpb-aacip-526-np1wd3r60c
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip-526-np1wd3r60c).
- Description
- Series Description
- In the final months of KCET's weekly, documentary series, BY THE YEAR 2000, four programs stood out because they dealt with THE single most exciting, challenging, frightening difficult issue facing our region: the multi-cultural, multi-lingual, people-reality of Southern California. Taken together, these programs, produced by Myra Ming, Valerie Zavala and Patrick Perez, probed, celebrated and gave voice to those intimately engaged in forging a more tolerant society. "SKIN DEEP follows three teenagers back to their families and communities after an intense weekend 'camp' experience exploring racial bigotry and gender discrimination with hundreds of their peers. SPEAKING OF YOUNG BLACK MEN features the opinions and experiences of ten, young African-American men. Simple and straightforward, the documentary lets the men speak for themselves. WE ARE FAMILY explores the changing definition of family in the lives of five groups of people. And, COLOR OF POWER reflects the changing demographic realities in Compton, a once all-white, then mostly black, in raw numbers, an increasingly Latino city. Focused on a hotly contested City Council election, the documentary reveals new political realities. "These four programs, just a small part of the overall BY THE YEAR 2000 series, merit consideration because they represent excellence..."--1991 Peabody Awards entry form excerpt.
- Broadcast Date
- 1991-03-29
- Asset type
- Episode
- Media type
- Moving Image
- Duration
- 00:32:26.144
- Credits
Producing Organization: KCET (Television station : Los Angeles, Calif.)
- AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the
University of Georgia
Identifier: cpb-aacip-f021682e1a4 (Filename)
Format: U-matic
Duration: 00:30:00
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
- Citations
- Chicago: “By The Year 2000; Speaking of Young Black Men,” 1991-03-29, The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed March 31, 2025,
- MLA: “By The Year 2000; Speaking of Young Black Men.” 1991-03-29. The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. March 31, 2025. <>.
- APA: By The Year 2000; Speaking of Young Black Men. Boston, MA: The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from