Getting On; Zoo

- Transcript
<v Speaker>[music] We're getting on in years. We're getting on just ifne. We're getting on with the beautiful business of living. We're gonna do new things. We're gonna view new <v Speaker>[music] skies. We're gonna rise to the billion surprises of living. We're free to see what we never had time to see. Free to learn. Free to grow.
<v Speaker>[music] Free to be ourselves and build on what we know. We're getting on in age. We're getting on the ball by getting old and we can <v Speaker>[music] from the wonder of living. We know what's good. We know it's fine. It's a new road we're getting on. <v Speaker>I'm Alice Brophy and this is a television series for and about older people.
<v Speaker>And I'm Paul O'Dwyer. <v Speaker>We'll be bringing you some remarkable people who are getting on and well worth knowing. <v Speaker>Paul, have you noticed the very negative stereotypes of older people <v Speaker>that are expressed on the media today? <v Speaker>I have, but uh happily the National Association of Broadcasters were required <v Speaker>to change their code by that wonderful organization, the Gray Panthers. <v Speaker>Good for the Gray Panthers. I'm glad that they were there on their media watch and doing <v Speaker>something about it, because many of us were offended with what was happening. <v Speaker>Later on today's show, we'll be joined by Neil Hickey of TV Guide <v Speaker>and Olivia Bragger of the Gray Panthers Media Watch Committee to talk about <v Speaker>the way older people are portrayed on television. <v Speaker>We'll also introduce you to some free spirits who like to be on the road. <v Speaker>Coming up right now, a woman who has developed an extraordinary second career <v Speaker>at the age of 72.
<v Speaker>All my life, I wanted to be an actress. <v Speaker>I was down to living on my Social Security when I started this. <v Speaker>And I didn't know what risks I was taking, but I had a terrific urge. <v Speaker>It took a lot of pounding of pavements at first, but now it'll be six years since I <v Speaker>had my first commercial. <v Speaker>I just came in to show you what your store has done for me. <v Speaker>I became an actress at the age of 72 and they wanted a little <v Speaker>old lady for a commercial. <v Speaker>So I came in here and I bought this hat for 50 cents. <v Speaker>One of our famous hats and that has that became that <v Speaker>helped to establish my image. <v Speaker>And I'm gonna put it on for you in a minute and show you just what happened. <v Speaker>Later I had to have a fur for a modeling job. <v Speaker>And I came in here and I got this fur from you.
<v Speaker>So - a fur and a chapeau for $2.50 right? <v Speaker>I pinned this yard of lace down the front to look like a Grabow, you see. <v Speaker>And um this cameo, you didn't find your cameo in the <v Speaker>thrift shop, did ya? <v Speaker>No, I didn't get that here. <v Speaker>But everybody says, oh, what a beautiful antique. <v Speaker>I paid $2 for it. <v Speaker>That's fine. And it isn't an antique at all, of course. <v Speaker>There we are. That's it. I shop at thrift shops, because you can find everything <v Speaker>here, anything that you might need. <v Speaker>There's such a variety of everything under the sun.
<v Speaker>It's amazing. How much is this dress? <v Speaker>Today, it's half price. It'd be $2. <v Speaker>That's really quite good. <v Speaker>I think I'll take this. <v Speaker>Now, sometimes I have to go out and look for something they say well bring <v Speaker>so-and-so. And they just leave it up to me they don't - so <v Speaker>knowing what they want and using my imagination and intuition, <v Speaker>I go out and go to a thrift shop like this and get them. <v Speaker>It's just what they want. <v Speaker>I like to play the old lady. I like to - some years ago, about <v Speaker>10 years ago, I was hoping so that I might get into commercials. <v Speaker>I didn't um I met a gal here at the club and I said, how does <v Speaker>one get into commercials? <v Speaker>And she said, Well, cause she did commercials, she's younger than I am <v Speaker>and I said how do you do it?
<v Speaker>And she said, oh, it's a difficult thing. And she tossed it off and I never gave it <v Speaker>another thought. What I wanted to do was to make people laugh. <v Speaker>I wanted to be a comedian. I wanted to be a character, actress, comedienne. <v Speaker>That would give people pleasure and laugh, whether it was a commercial or on <v Speaker>the stage or in a movie or whatever. <v Speaker>I wanted to be that. <v Speaker>So when I was called to um by two different agents the same day <v Speaker>to go to two different places as an old lady, I went to the thrift shop <v Speaker>and bought the little hat for 50 cents and got the specs <v Speaker>and the um thing. And so that's how I became established uh <v Speaker>established, that is the image that I like best. <v Speaker>Outside what? So very properly, you will pick up your checks and you will go <v Speaker>like [rips paper] right to the camera, okay?
<v Speaker>I brought up three children. <v Speaker>And then I was in the real estate business in Baltimore. <v Speaker>But I became an alcoholic and later joined a group of people <v Speaker>working on bettering themselves. At 72 <v Speaker>I thought it was about time that I try to do what I always wanted to do. <v Speaker>All right. Let's go. Roll body. <v Speaker>Settle down, please. Rolling. <v Speaker>And action now. Right. <v Speaker>Uh-huh. Fine. Good. Right. Good. Fine and go. [pretend crying] Good and cut it. <v Speaker>Uh give me uh condensing. <v Speaker>All right, condense it for me. <v Speaker>Yeah. Because it's it's it's uh only a six or a five or a seven second bit. <v Speaker>Yeah. It's not a long time. So I got to have everything within that framework, Okay. <v Speaker>So it's one, two, three.
<v Speaker>And [ch-ch-ch-ch sound] like that, okay? Roll. Rolling. Action. <v Speaker>Good. Right. Right. Right. Right. <v Speaker>Right. Right. Let's get disgusted now, just disgusted. <v Speaker>Right. That's terrific! Now rip rip rip. [pretend crying] Good. Good and throw it over your shoulder. <v Speaker>Right and cut. <v Speaker>It's for a South Carolina bank for all over the <v Speaker>state. <v Speaker>And action. <v Speaker>Good. Uh-huh. That's nice. <v Speaker>I love that. Now look at them. <v Speaker>And you got the checks in your hand? Mm-hm. And go crazy. <v Speaker>Right. Just rip it. Right. <v Speaker>Good. That's terrific. <v Speaker>Rip. <v Speaker>Uh uh. Good and cut it. <v Speaker>That's it. Thank you very much. <v Speaker>I've had them tell me that I take direction very well and that pleases me. <v Speaker>To think that starting this late in life that I can [audible pause] just <v Speaker>do exactly what they want me to do, you know?
<v Speaker>I only feel old when I'm made to feel old by other people. <v Speaker>When I'm a principal in a commercial, they treat me like a celebrity. <v Speaker>But when I'm an extra they say <v Speaker>bring that old woman over here. <v Speaker>I'm the old woman. <v Speaker>It's hard not to be self-centered in this business, but when I'm thinking <v Speaker>too much about myself, I just get out and get active. <v Speaker>That's what's important to me, that I'm active and finally doing what <v Speaker>I always wanted to do. <v Speaker>My granddaughter is helping me to write my autobiography now. <v Speaker>I want to let people see that being old doesn't have to mean being inactive. <v Speaker>See, I didn't have that manuscript in front of me and I'd forgotten I said that. <v Speaker>But alas, all you have to do is just sing this little ditty. <v Speaker>This is in quotes.
<v Speaker>This is you and this is her? <v Speaker>Yes. When I tell people that I'm helping my grandmother writing uh her her <v Speaker>life story in her autobiography, they go, Oh, really? <v Speaker>And I go oh wait a minute you don't know my grandmother. <v Speaker>You know? Like uh she's got quite ya know - one hell of a story to tell. <v Speaker>I wanted to write it more than anything to sort of <v Speaker>let other people see that age makes no difference. <v Speaker>Get out and be active and really do things no matter what your age. <v Speaker>[motorcycle engine] [music] Go! I'm gonna wake up early 'cause I'm gonna take a ride with you. <v Speaker> [music] We're going down to the Honda shop.
<v Speaker>I'll tell you what we're gonna do. <v Speaker>[music] Put on a ragged sweatshirt. I'll take you anywhere you want me to. <v Speaker>First gear, it's alright. Second gear, I'll lean right. Third gear, hang on tight. Faster, it's alright. It's not a big motorcycle. Just <v Speaker>a groovy little motorbike. It's more fun than a barrel of monkeys, that two-wheeled bike. We'll ride on out of the town to any place I know you like. First gear, it's alright. <v Speaker>Second gear, I'll lean right, Third gear, hang on tight. Faster faster. <v Speaker>OK, well, let's let's back up a little bit, who are we talking to here?
<v Speaker>My name is Dave ?Coutier? and this is Lucy, my wife. <v Speaker>My name is Nat Zimmet. That's my po-my ride, Nelly, Nelly Zimmet. <v Speaker>And you call yourselves the Angelic Hellions. <v Speaker>Well, whose idea was it? <v Speaker>Well, my idea. <v Speaker>I had a small one. <v Speaker>A 350, a Honda and I sold it to Dave. <v Speaker>Dave had it for six months. He got rid of it, he got a 550. <v Speaker>And I got to see a Harley a twelve-twelve-twelve <v Speaker>?inaudible? When did you start riding motorcycles? <v Speaker>Well I've been riding since 1920-23. 1923. And you <v Speaker>started riding in 1923? <v Speaker>No, no. I was sixty years old rather when I started riding. <v Speaker>I began riding about two years ago. So you're a newcomer? <v Speaker>Yeah. Yeah. Well I um, I enjoy it. <v Speaker>We have a lot of fun. We go places every day and my wife loves it. <v Speaker>Where do you ride? Oh we go to Montauk and we go all through the countries. <v Speaker>It's exploring all the time new roads.
<v Speaker>Fishing stations and all that. <v Speaker>See what they catchin'. <v Speaker>I mean, how does it feel on a-on a motorcycle? <v Speaker>It's really enjoyable. You're in a different world. You're up on cloud 99 when you're <v Speaker>riding a motorcycle, it's really a lot of fun. <v Speaker>What about other motorcyclists, what do they think about you? <v Speaker>They think we're uh we're youngsters. <v Speaker>Uh you know, there's a sort of courtesty on the road when you pass one motorcycle <v Speaker>another, you just wave to one another. <v Speaker>You know, when you feel like you have something in common, you know, something that no <v Speaker>one else has. It's sharing something that uh. <v Speaker>Tell them about the movies. Yeah, well. You got a couple of good stories about meeting <v Speaker>young motorcyclists? Oh, well, we went to the movies one night. <v Speaker>My husband and the four of us went to the movies. <v Speaker>And uh we want to find out whether they would accept recognize our <v Speaker>um senior citizen card. I had my helmet on so you couldn't tell what age I was. <v Speaker>But when I took my helmet off and the kids at the ticket booth saw me, they were <v Speaker>hysterical. They just couldn't answer me. <v Speaker>Senior citizen? You?
<v Speaker>Now what about other people your age? <v Speaker>Do they think you're a little unusual riding around on motorcycles? <v Speaker>No, not really. Is it really gotten a lot of recognition. <v Speaker>How do you mean? Well, I mean, we've gotten a lot of mail and apparently they're doing <v Speaker>the same thing. <v Speaker>And you found other older motorcyclists through the mail? <v Speaker>Yes, that we never really knew about. <v Speaker>You know, we thought maybe we were the only ones that ones really that ventured out to do <v Speaker>something like this but uh now he's gotten a lot of mail, <v Speaker>so have we, 60 and over. <v Speaker>People from uh oh every part of the states. <v Speaker>We have mail from Florida. Old friends of Nat who hadn't seen him for the last <v Speaker>25 years or more than that, maybe 40 years from his old motorcycle <v Speaker>club and he received mail from them. <v Speaker>Glad to hear that he's still alive and riding a motorcycle. <v Speaker>There's a member strict - uh membership restrictions in your club? <v Speaker>Well, you had to be over 60 years old and you had to have a pretty good bike. <v Speaker>But we have a few prospects now.
<v Speaker>Join- guy uh joining the club. I see. Are you really plan to expand it, eh? <v Speaker>Only in this vicinity. <v Speaker>Oh, yeah. It's nice when you go out with a group, six, eight couples. <v Speaker>It's really a lot of fun. <v Speaker>Is it more fun to ride by uh together? <v Speaker>Oh, yes, yes. Yes. It's a lot of fun. <v Speaker>What's the fun in it? <v Speaker>Well ya got company. I break down he uh pulls me out. <v Speaker>That's no fun, that's no fun, breaking down. Yea, well you can't help some-break down, ya gotta flat. <v Speaker>They still tease at the wheel. That's why they pass each other. <v Speaker>Or one hides and the other one looks for uh either way. <v Speaker>You know the fun is your drive 25 miles some place just to get a cup of coffee and <v Speaker>uh and when you stop you uh everybody gets together and <v Speaker>uh enjoy yourself. <v Speaker>We had our place here out here in ?inaudible? <v Speaker>which is since we used it as a summer place and then now converted to all <v Speaker>year round home. And we just enjoyed and we looked forward to this. <v Speaker>We built this house with that intention of retiring here and <v Speaker>we really looked forward to it.
<v Speaker>Yeah. They're only youngsters. <v Speaker>Only 68 years old. <v Speaker>He is. They're still babies yet. <v Speaker>So I think we're looking forward to a lot of good years. <v Speaker>Well, regardless of where we go, people think it's so unusual for such a couple old <v Speaker>fogies like us riding motorcycles, which actually there's nothing to it. <v Speaker>You just sit on you turn on your switch and put it in gear and off <v Speaker>you go. Terrific. <v Speaker>Having something to do is the most important thing and anybody, young <v Speaker>or old, having something to do, something to get involved in. <v Speaker>Doesn't necessarily have to be motorcycles, anything. <v Speaker>But just so as you don't-don't become sit back, sit on a rocking <v Speaker>chair is right. Sit back in - that's important. <v Speaker>That's important. I think that is the secret. <v Speaker>Yes. [music] Spirit of America x 3. The Bonneville salt flats had seen some strange things, but the stra- <v Speaker>I'd like to introduce today's guest, Neil Hickey of TV Guide
<v Speaker>and Lydia Bragger of the Mediawatch of the Gray Panthers. <v Speaker>Lydia, tell me what uh made the Gray Panthers decide to do <v Speaker>this kind of project? <v Speaker>What happened? Well, I think I can probably that last segment that we saw <v Speaker>um and this program uh says something to it. <v Speaker>When the woman said uh that everyone was surprised that there were older people, when <v Speaker>they saw that when they took their helmets off, they were surprised they were older <v Speaker>people. <v Speaker>We're tryin, the Mediawatch, is trying to change the image of older people in society. <v Speaker>And this is one of the things that people wouldn't be surprised if uh because people of <v Speaker>all ages like to do things. I ride on the back of my grandson's motorcycle. <v Speaker>I don't think I'd want to go cross country on it, but I-I ride and enjoy it. <v Speaker>And it's fun. <v Speaker>And uh it's uh these are some of the things the Mediawatch <v Speaker>We decided that the image of the older person in television <v Speaker>was really damaging to all ages.
<v Speaker>Uh in commercials older people are shown as experts <v Speaker>on pain and ache remedies, on um insomnia, and <v Speaker>constipation. All of these things that have to do with illness so that <v Speaker>old age and illness are synonymous. <v Speaker>In comedy they're shown as a shuffling and uh <v Speaker>disheveled and uh sexless and tasteless and toothless and you could go on <v Speaker>and on. And this is the way old people are shown. <v Speaker>So that when um young people are watching these things <v Speaker>uh subliminally-ly, I always have trouble at word, but they are accepting <v Speaker>this fact that this is the way old people are. <v Speaker>So when they see old people on the street, they connect them with this image that they <v Speaker>have seen and they don't respect them. <v Speaker>And older people are always saying, well, they don't get respect from younger people but <v Speaker>this is one of the reasons. <v Speaker>Uh middle aged people watching this are saying, I'm getting old, <v Speaker>you know, and this is the way I'm going to be.
<v Speaker>So it's-it's devastating to them. <v Speaker>And older people are watching it and they many of them and many of them have accepted <v Speaker>this image of themselves and they just sink further and further into despondency. <v Speaker>Uh the Harris polls, the report from Harris polls uh <v Speaker>showed that older people are not concerned about their image in the television. <v Speaker>The majority of older people are not concerned. <v Speaker>There were only very few which didn't discourage us. <v Speaker>We realize that people need to have a consciousness raised and need to be made aware, <v Speaker>because when we go out speaking, we speak to older people, younger people, but <v Speaker>we ask older people if there's anything in the media that bothers them. <v Speaker>And they always say violence, too much sex or something. <v Speaker>So I say, well, what about the portrayal of older people, the way older people <v Speaker>are shown? And they say, well, it doesn't bother us too much. <v Speaker>And then I said, do you realize what happens? <v Speaker>And I relate what I've related to you. <v Speaker>And we talk for a while. And after about a half hour, they're all asking for <v Speaker>the sheets, we have a criteria, we have three uh things that we look for
<v Speaker>and they're all asking for that and they want to participate in the program. <v Speaker>But isn't it strange that older people aren't aware of the fact that uh if this is <v Speaker>the attitude toward them, that it's going to affect the way uh programs are funded <v Speaker>and the way allocations are made to them? <v Speaker>If uh - if we don't have very much respect for older people, then we're not going to do <v Speaker>well by them. Uh Neal, didn't uh didn't TV Guide do an article <v Speaker>recently on uh this whole uh business of attitudes toward aging? <v Speaker>Yes, we did. Yes. In fact, we we talked to Lydia's group at some <v Speaker>uh extent. And we we tried to make the point that the uh that the television <v Speaker>networks do, in fact, have sometimes sometimes a rather peculiar way of going about <v Speaker>uh uh displaying the aged. The um- there is, of course, a kind of benign neglect, <v Speaker>I think that happens in television much more so than um stereotyping, I <v Speaker>personally feel. I think it's simply that television is in the business uh Like like any <v Speaker>other corporation of of maximizing its profits.
<v Speaker>Now that's unfortunate many being in a business like television, but it does happen to be <v Speaker>true. Um they see the aged as as a kind of a new <v Speaker>miracle minority since they are not going to contribute that terribly much to the <v Speaker>ratings of any particular show. <v Speaker>And they see it as a kind of an economic minority as well, because <v Speaker>the segment of our society that spends the most amount of money on advertised <v Speaker>products that they see on television is the 18 to 49 year old group. <v Speaker>So I think that the the elderly, unfortunately, or squeezed out of that. <v Speaker>And I think you're you're perfectly right about the the commercials on television as <v Speaker>well. The fact uh that the sort of punative wisdom <v Speaker>of old people is uh is exploited by making them uh <v Speaker>experts upon all kinds of remedies that might be either useless or perhaps even <v Speaker>even harmless. Also, the commercials that uh that deal with cosmetics <v Speaker>that insisted that there's a kind of if you haven't got a good grip on a perpetual middle
<v Speaker>age or youth, that there's something wrong with you. <v Speaker>Well, those were some of the things that we talked about. <v Speaker>But the the uh watching people watching television, this is changing. <v Speaker>The age group is changing because uh people are getting you know, the <v Speaker>aging population is growing. <v Speaker>And uh it's not it is true, of course, that the people that you mentioned <v Speaker>in that age group have more money to spend and they spend more money but older people are <v Speaker>spending money, too. And as far as viewers are concerned, I think you'll find that uh <v Speaker>that that is going up with older people. <v Speaker>All these things are changing. Yes. <v Speaker>Paul, have you found any of the uh any of the material you watched on television <v Speaker>offensive or have you noticed it? <v Speaker>Has it been that sharp to you? <v Speaker>I think that what I found was that this attitude sort <v Speaker>of works downwards, you know. So that they uh in- in <v Speaker>the works to the detriment of the 50 year old because <v Speaker>the employer looks at him as a potential old person.
<v Speaker>Also, he has arrived at a point or she has arrived at a point at this time where <v Speaker>their salary is high and they can and the tendency is to get rid of them. <v Speaker>And so that it gets further and further down the scale. <v Speaker>So the 50 year old looks down and says, well, you know how much the 40 <v Speaker>year old begins to think in terms of uh how useful can he be in continued <v Speaker>uh um productivity if the one 10 years older than him is let go. <v Speaker>So that the whole attitude, I think, a-affects uh the employment <v Speaker>of uh older people and employment of the middle aged. <v Speaker>And you find that uh at this point in time, the person with 40 <v Speaker>years of age has a tough job getting a job. <v Speaker>If he winds up the one he has for a variety of reasons, including <v Speaker>the attitude of the pension fund towards him or her and the attitude <v Speaker>of the insurance possibilities with respect to his continued employment, <v Speaker>workman's compensation and otherwise.
<v Speaker>And they also have they suffered, too, from the fact that <v Speaker>it is suggested that they are more likely and more prone to accidents than uh <v Speaker>younger people. <v Speaker>Well, if that is so, then the point that uh Lydia made uh the very <v Speaker>realistic and I would like to push this a little bit, <v Speaker>Lydia. Did you go to the media? Did you talk to the-uh producers? <v Speaker>Oh sure. What happened? What was their recepetion of your ideas? <v Speaker>We had been monitoring and watching programs uh for clusters and for <v Speaker>patterns, not just for one isolated case, because we don't have time for that. <v Speaker>But we found in one program, particularly and all the media is guilty <v Speaker>of this, I mean, all of the networks are guilty of this. <v Speaker>But we found one particular program and major network uh that was <v Speaker>blatantly um guilty. <v Speaker>So um I uh it was my job. <v Speaker>I was watching this program and uh this actress asks her <v Speaker>audience for questions. She asked the audience. <v Speaker>One of the questions was, what will you be doing when you're 70?
<v Speaker>And she said, what I'm doing now? When she assumed this condition of being toothless and <v Speaker>uh sort of decrepit and uh I was watching that I was sitting by myself and I'm <v Speaker>71 years old and believe me, I almost broke my television. <v Speaker>I was just angry. I said this is the end because I had been watching these things and <v Speaker>been getting steamed up and that was the end. <v Speaker>So I'm glad that you were able to have some effect, Lydia. <v Speaker>And our thanks for joining us today to Lydia Bragger, <v Speaker>the Gray Panthers Media Watch Committee, and to Neil Hickey of TV Guide <v Speaker>magazine. We hope you've enjoyed today's speeches and discovered some fresh <v Speaker>insights about getting on. <v Speaker>And we hope you'll join us again. Alice Brophy and Paul O'Dwyer. <v Speaker>Next time we're getting on.
- Series
- Getting On
- Episode
- Zoo
- Producing Organization
- WNYC-TV (Television station : New York, N.Y.)
- Contributing Organization
- The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia (Athens, Georgia)
- cpb-aacip-526-n872v2dk4r
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip-526-n872v2dk4r).
- Description
- Episode Description
- Getting On features retiree Jack Goodman, a volunteer guide for school children at New York's Bronx Zoo where he has been a frequent and thoughtful observer since childhood. The Getting Even Comedy Players take off on prescription drugs and volunteering, and the Getting Together Group talk about relationships between young and old."--1976 Peabody Awards entry form.
- Series Description
- "The 'Getting On' television series consists of 9 [half-hour] magazine style programs about older people who speak for themselves in profiles, group interviews, documentary reports, and comedy sketches. The series was intended for general audience viewing and was aired originally in March, 1976 in New York City by WNYC-TV/31 and WNET-TV/13, and nationally on the Public Broadcasting Service beginning October, 1976 for 12 weeks including a second airing with captions for the hearing impaired. Hosts are Alice Brophy & Paul O'Dwyer, both distinguished public servants and over 65. The series was produced under a federal Model Projects Grant from the Administration on Aging, U.S. HEW [Health, Education and Welfare Department] to the N.Y.C. Department for the Aging in association with WNYC-TV and the facilities of the New York Network (S.U.N.Y.) at Albany. Some additional funding was provided by the Equitable Life Assurance Society for the group discussion feature produced in cooperation with Getting On by Martha Stuart Communications, Inc. Part of a subsequent grant from the Administration on Aging has made cassettes of the series available to interested community groups, educational organizations and social agencies. "SHOW # 1 -- MEDIA- This edition of Getting On profiles a woman who became a successful actress at 72 'playing the old lady,' and two couples in their sixties who are motorcycle buffs. Guests Lydia Bragger of the Gray Panther Media Watch and Neil Hickey of TV Guide review the way older people are seen on television. The hosts begin the program by discussing negative stereotypes of older people in media and the work of the Gray Panther Media Watch Committee. The first profile is of Harriet Sappington, a 72 year old woman who has found a successful second career as an actress. She discusses how she got into acting and her life now as an actress. The next profile is of two couples in their sixties, the Angelic Hellions, who ride motorcycles together. They talk about what got them into motorcycles and the places they go together. The rest of the program is made up of an interview with Neil Hickey of TV Guide and Lydia Bragger of the Gray Panthers, who discuss the portrayals of older people in media. "SHOW # 2 -- ZOO- Getting On features retiree Jack Goodman, a volunteer guide for school children at New York's Bronx Zoo where he has been a frequent and thoughtful observer since childhood. The Getting Even Comedy Players take off on prescription drugs and volunteering, and the Getting Together Group talk about relationships between young and old."--1976 Peabody Awards entry form.
- Broadcast Date
- 1976
- Created Date
- 1976
- Asset type
- Episode
- Media type
- Moving Image
- Duration
- 00:30:21.019
- Credits
Associate Producer: Storey, George
Director: Seidman, Jules
Guest: Hickey, Neil
Guest: Bragger, Lydia
Host: O'Dwyer, Paul
Host: Brophy, Alice
Producer: Scott, Patricia Reed
Producer: Clarke, Matthew
Producer: Soulliere, Kathleen
Producer: Steinbach, James
Producing Organization: WNYC-TV (Television station : New York, N.Y.)
Writer: Scott, Patricia Reed
Writer: Dooley, Paul
- AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the
University of Georgia
Identifier: cpb-aacip-334f1dea707 (Filename)
Format: U-matic
Duration: 0:29:05
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
- Citations
- Chicago: “Getting On; Zoo,” 1976, The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed March 31, 2025,
- MLA: “Getting On; Zoo.” 1976. The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. March 31, 2025. <>.
- APA: Getting On; Zoo. Boston, MA: The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from