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slap is moose set host set
host says a san <unk> sass nice nice i
mean it's funny many many weeks a sense became so
i thought well i would have made two decisions that some of which have been an uphill some of which have been reversed so which you know partially uphill and partially reverse than any any power that i have if she says has an end as that withstood the scrutiny of the appellate court and so i would assume that then in those instances acted legally how have the states it is in my view a
long view of many of the saying sociological attitudes and served in this is big these are this is
bright leases bought it's big
the pope the pope these days one night your father's concept of of what what was their mortgage that's what would you think
and did that happen and explain to me and goes off to live and he and he was governor the ocean people in an interracial marriage he usually manage against the corporation for example he made that their client believed in another he was bored with people people who knew that he would be a criminal case and then he would be on with it the absolute realization of you know
what it's a their face and enable the court representing people who didn't pay an educated tried just as hard in their cases he would be invaded magnificently i was a stop him about where he would win his case and humiliate him it's big it is if you could talk about the politics in the nineteen fifties and early nineteen sixties when when you were active in politics and what it was like this there isn't very bitter battles with liberal wings or democrat party well it was a it was more he said i
think you could have marched against helped me put it in there they preferred a liberal and conservative i didn't think that because some of the some of the strongest supporters of the armor of the world who aren't racist and you know but they recognize that he was a person who was in the main against a corporate control of the state and in control of the state the outset that business owners i think a good and a bad with a moment will still could be considered signs alleging that we published one of the orsay i have a populist have no regret it i was on the side of the people as opposed to to own property us portends a lot about wealthy about eight that's about as well as i can define it
i guess you could say that only the social darwinism i don't believe in the sink or swim party i think they are a christian heretic heritage is to do it and we should help other people with their intro and that means the government and someone that's fine it's been pretty happy to demonstrate that they are the years and the health care we give to people are in trouble is ordinarily not sufficient without rebuttal voluntary contributions great depression i remembered with great accuracy i remember going down railroad station on the bicycle in the nineteen thirty two and they're watching the freight trains and there were people hate on them just like david c flat on something there these were people with hiv they brought your
job they couldn't find another one they had looked and exhaustion or financial resources and they were just going somewhere in the hope that they can live and find a son with your jaw and then my mother who is almost a matter of course that to someone we'll drop off waldo freight trains with our battle and it at somebody and she had a duty to almost things a statement bit teary eyed ahmad in the back populist rhetoric continues by both the right and the left for example there's that the populace and george wallace that you play off of racism oh i fell victim long way and i looked at her father was the son of the father who was his father was
dead at age fourteen originally considered oh lord don't of the army if the confederate army for the ordeal robert freedom of others are koch fought for the confederate army's one of masculinity better chicken mole and was given a posthumous decoration riva so i grew up with confederate history i think a really huge rickman radio show but then that doesn't pay for another thing in georgia when did you become aware that racism exists every child or to slow motion race and he observed is really good my father had civil rights families
grandfather had several weapons living on which promises who were hired to help him at a cottage in the plane with or their children and that injunction that when i get back home there were some children and anyway not too far we're living abortion volley adventurer werner hour in amman myself and some of the white kid to be flavorful than that it would rather disconcertingly and they saw the mothers would deport children in and we get their word that they were not all we were wet and i think i mention that my mother was very adamant about the manners and i'm disappointed to get educated in striking is what matters again again i think that that term look at that situation and as old brewery without an issue
brought in the man and to conclude that racism was a big thing why did you decide to become a lawyer would be a lawyer i had very little choice and my father was a very compelling personal worship adolescent than anything he has said or did was as for those concerned the gospel about seven years ago he wanted to be a lawyer like you are they were entertaining the other people about that same don't worry they will never have from stationary and put money more so when the sun and offices before he was a single practitioner at that time and he decided that he was justice and justice and i was the only justice and it continued that way even though he later took
parker's out how it always or for short term we're in july when i became a lawyer it was all knew about it was expected i'm not sure that i would let me say that the least mystical now it
remains at eight portal to squat have privately supported but that would not for lack of it left it being a worn out in the community those are supportive too practice with a particular show or video lawyers control the commission action and least immediately after it happened question of economic and social provocation couldn't make it come out publicly in favor of the decision on a while and then just as brandeis wants government is a great teacher did we have their leadership that was necessary was the
one comment on the quality of leadership i think it's a good state officials set of it was that some of them were all we're deathly afraid that if you're not awake they can overdo it but if you are many many and ah ha ha ha
ha ha ha ha ha ha oh he can end is it the us
then walked out but then there was the next day to help make it impacted like a more tremendous so i came within fifteen minute walking down the flagpole and walk out with an exciting day i'll never forget and i think the fact that you've heard about in the south bathrooms and white bathrooms in and white mountains and that's fountains and to have a ballot in the education system that also said the same thing i'm made me feel insulted it made me feel that while mike flanagan education you know this is the rest of the world's rice is a system set up such as this as i go through life i have to make a decision based on the fact that i'm black and white world but it was just got away with it they'll go one president had and gave him six atlanta was one had a common problem he wanted to
address the board of education and he taught snowe and vitamin water of a babysitter and two neighbors atlanta where we know we are you know in effect a lot of their work in order bobby and so we moved into world filled with this deal we're going on about the larger of course was to say i think it's a baseline could've happened to really get the desegregation out of this is that the costume remains that backed them all the weight of the mud although there any time that you did not have my support our listener from that as much as the vatican yelled for it a little like for the whole country one particular and the we got people involved in an interesting that we're going to be involved and when they went to fort
lauderdale and of course early the pod inside emitted by human thought they were well we became a well what the system on we do and what it was like to be there and i guess looking back over the years on having gone through the entire incident leading up to the ruling the justices made me realize that if you truly believe in something and you stand behind it that you'll get justice so i think the change has come about justice blackmun put it i think it was one of these people have to be treated differently in order to be treated equally and now and the fourteenth amendment which graduated to give these people an equal protection of the law now again i know the argument is that if
they have been subjugated bad action on the role of these many years if we now just simply say that from discrimination issue is to abolish that would only further and that leaves these people in that position of segregation that was originally meant a bubble and they'll continue in that quote it might take centuries for them to be brought back up to the level that it was there and they would be just be entitled to legal protection force what i'm saying is it too if it would leave home like they are then there's the status quo where there are innocent in a state of syndication is maintained and finally where it
goes money many years before there's any and that was one thing and it took me a long time and ever and are staying in houston were it was worth the courts weren't as justice kagan didn't go to high school and then you have something was
planning his heart when i played that song in the religious right that your body and fifty that's right i think that's right but some other people's attitudes have changed a lot of people's attitudes are still that way or a bad thing and i'm sorry my family for example our father and it was the most dominant military really isn't a famous ideas and even launch and you go to school and you have a you know there was a confrontation or similar problem when you would come home from school and it's those brightly colored and lower the standards or the school they're no longer the educational value our bingo game because of these white
house that with a lot of racism here in east texas is just as bad as this one from things like the giants will yell back fifty years and so i was home it just might think that the day i went to work for him the filipino they have partnered like this therapist with a i mean we should have a lot of indication for it
i suspected that what was going to come to me and within a day it did when it first school integration it's well i know this is a considerable be open invitation and there afterwards a woman two more cases that conservation in our social and militancy will he says because and these systems it's been nice
it's been a in the parking lot in kind of the peak if in fact the kit
to pay three has been this question of activism the us has a serious it's just a term that doesn't mean it depends on what i'm not really a bad situation is presented to the judge which revealed a constitutional violation if it's a very bad violation weeks his owner is likely to be very extensive if the state any case it's going to comply with it needed any over the court the owner is likely to be very loud witnessed a general sense of direction to the state you've all the other hand the state adoption had to retell schultz says if they're not you have
anything with this and they are the most likely get a job liberal conservative or whatever that was her main and i disapprove them in egypt is it likely to adopt every detail of it it's been and federal courts just take that now physicians are taking in looking at the lights of the surgeon who becomes so often the rights of we the people are violated by their actions when they're put out among us and that was an argument those found an interview stephen really not
serious it might be with that knitting last etc those and will it makes them all you that he'd summoned people on low i missed music is an improvement to spend all that money than twice as many killings four times as much rounds is an improvement over what was an eighty one thanks so and i don't think that people that i don't think that is improvement it goes even that the facilities that are in some ways made about the holiday inn is knesset that the prisons are now basically wrong they're the yankees blue moon if you're a correctional officer you get the capital major somehow right they were filthy season so you're in you faced in place the other inmates had for their condo
<unk> calls me look what i did to the captain and that happens when in making the weapon not the correctional officer and take one step back and dropping is hanging out with a correction after he'd seen the loses his journalists have said to losing his job is that right it is oh yeah
major presence of dilapidated old are understaffed they got far too many prisoners that was basically ineffective was to create a kind of squalor hopelessness that creates the violence that we've seen i think so and it's partly about obama's failed promise of change the prisoners form a half years ago when they heard about the justices' decision thought they would have in the same rooms because of the state's dragging their heels three appellate process and finally deciding to prisoners down to a manageable size population the prisoners haven't observed much in the way of benefits from the judge's decision is to judge his credit that he just didn't and now eighty five sound the decision to walk away from as many germans do that he's got the courage to stay with the case to make sure
the constitutional conditions that were involved thank you nico it's both but rebuilt synagogue realistic by jones and it's been crying in the past
thirty years the federal courts and of course the supreme court's sitting on top of the system has been the primary agency of social change that hasn't happened before just in the last thirty years it's the court that has made on abortion in the district and school segregation criminal procedure prayer in the schools control of another free or whether a state can treat treat legitimate stiffly than the legitimate sex discrimination and so the role of the judge should be to interpret and apply the law not to make the wall not to change the social policies that the legislature has established by passing a law an active is this simply a judge who is willing to work in acts in essence is ah on policy preferences in full a judge who applies the law and that does his duty
properly as a judge in all humility and they are with respect to the legislature does not become famous he does not do extraordinary things but just justice of course is very famous is the under extraordinary things is certainly known in texas if you want something extraordinary done if possible run at the judge just and he's willing to do it and is very important in dealing with a responding to judge just as when he tells you i'm just enforcing the law the proper response that is just neither was that's not true i think judges enforced the law a noise have enforced the law and judge justice who is enforcing the law i believe in his cellar court in texas it's just enforcing the law requires different things at different times and early today and many of the wrongs that are committed violations of constitutional rights or of statutes are not
simply individual wrongs one person against another but are committed by an institution against a large number of people are subject to the part of the institution and it takes a little more work to rectify those wrongs and that says analyst they have been wrong people of our man to say there's nothing we can do about it but except the gates i am involved with both it's b fb
well lydia fan and extreme cases put someone in prison until an old originally and never had that happen and they are and not even that i never will be faced with the state claims over backwards in many cases to chat to make whatever adjustments are they feel was necessary and they're frustrating first
we turn to michael investments and they never enough in these very compromising for legislation this office probably traveled to texas and as i think i had a pair of answer a relationship that's just for many years and i suppose are during this administration we we'll have some of that but yet i think i believe we're getting more realistic i don't i don't subscribe to the devil theory that serves as a horde of his office and i do think that perspective i guess i've gained if any is a recognition that they're a whole lot that always an awareness of the public garden only do so much and that it is the final analysis in part a political process at least in terms of how much people prepare to be taxed in the representative of their delegates a tax dollars with a three priorities the corps
you're very poor place to set parts and a different legislature lives up to its responsibilities and it prevents these kind of suits from being rolled out we want to be faced with in these kind of cases now wish that i didn't have to have one it would be a much sicker for these agencies did to address the problems that ocean record that the court said read these counted cases are just like a metal been pushed into a rattlesnake and will back away from the hard cases because a lot of ill feeling and no judge it on a lot more to be confronted with the class action case that involves state institutions right that's the jurisdiction question and the trait that stands out in my mind the church
is his decency it just incredibly decent person and for a person who has done as much sleep as he has these strikingly modest then even though he could be very imposing the core of what i call his his rap god face and i he's usually easy real easy to be around the office and grow cotton person working you really don't want cuts and eighty two with respect and treat seniors adults elliott and it is an incredible oh no ann slowly but surely all of his life i'll go out to work at the tiny things that i think is that if you've been out of the
picture the better than to three shots which will eventually physically and mentally thank you judge you describe yourself as a populist before and one usually things that tuning their people in here in a position where perhaps the people's wishes are being thwarted if the majority believe something i can just hear the public
saying well it just seems like actually write that switch and builds its democratic country and when i was to be greedy schoolchildren to uncover i there were a number of letters to the editor that i read were completely that i probably wasn't a more than a dozen people and in this county that approval and i thought most of what is that getting out in force in the constitution that i'm required to do they do at the size of it is from the ten or the minority said the role employers the constitution so to set up some in during that and they were less from panda cam and those venues would come under attack say they were they at the fibers the constitution and end them salesman the victims' attorney and they were pushed events of history painting
of constitutional law and that they wanted to see that civil rights and had been so hard won workers are so they were very interested in seeing that these things that they had been a bit at the mall illegal searches and seizures illegal arrests for not unusual punishment those things they want to make certain that those bad as were enduring so they put him in the constitution and the post from taliban the majority of the people might get on with very transit bases decide that they don't want that for the constitution and forced so the first judiciary were bound to determine what the constitution provides and say to the dog is doing that is on par in fact over in place much of that criticism concerns judges not just appalling way people see in the constitution but what they see as an expansion of the rights in the constitution that is basically judges
making law will they're happy about the most those people just simply disagree with the resort reached and the racial bias in the judges are making more typical everyday in the world because it's inevitable and it and that you haven't paid more regulation or static or they dig in writing people really want to read it differently and it has to be in turkey so and there in our system that encrypted primarily by the judiciary which then we'd set up federalist number seventy eight milk which was in what kid alexander hamilton george of judicial review so that's our system now you say whoa how is that judges are able to disagree about something it's when they're written by my vest to work isaac that pastors
are able to disagree so vehemently about what's contained in the bubble it and that you write something now there will be disagreement about it to me and a traditional recruiting people might respect i think what frustrates people as they feel judges are so unaccountable and there's i feel so hopeless that there's nothing they can do at least elected officials intelligence agencies listen i can understand that split this way if i were to pull the constitution in america victims a number of people and has no chance of that be re elected if i were to run for election to decide what they want i don't think so i think that in the long run people wanted their constitutional right children than they maybe temporarily dead but when they do if they get as they can
but they may be the next person or a group of persons that are going to be calling on the course for protection regime's administration's change and we want your fish because after his band of a committee very uncomfortable or you need some access to some impartial body that so i'm not going to be affected by the pads and circumstances of politics mouth it ought to be pointed out today that it is a federal district good outfielder search for a few very i know i have very little power that i have heard you speak about the untrammeled power of the federal district here i am that's about as far from the truth as possible to imagine that it's a myth every word in the city in court has taken down and recorded
every order that i ever is in writing where it can be read by somebody and some of the appellate court in the nsa is french pretzel read a pioneer in order which is in violation of its own and own just in that it's not based on facts as we were accused in court and the appellate court can see that and they cannot reverse me and i haven't that just like they do on a federal judge always intended had been told by our spirit who have been meticulously review the record israel or who have made it clear and for the facts and they can reverse in this in the case that the new trial or change agenda of the court and moreover if you
if i ever an order which is just manifestly illegal or at least there's a great deal about the engine in georgia have the right to do for the appellate court for an emergency suspension a little ritual its coldest ad and if they feel switches in the church and state they're asking for them they have the right to go to the supreme court justice as forrest they sometimes invite the anglo american system of justice isn't very well familiar with it with the phenomenon of the roman church someone who gets out of hand and so there are all kinds of safeguards everything i did everything he knows everything that any judge would be years
before judges who have no relation to the case and the pope won't make an impartial and fair assessment of whether or not the dejected correct an exhibit system and i don't think they do that to their many arbitrary actions of a joke did it go unchecked course there's some people who would say that those checks don't always work that well out of the supreme court was right that that especially the inventors of promising political philosophy and a green expanse arrives in a cold one another by certain that the notion of liberty and big changes in the supreme court sometimes make the changes in india in the decision making process around at least at in a result that that serve not my fortune very emotional a crowd on the stage a us district judge
and i am bound by the decisions reached the us supreme court ordered for rubio cities maybe and i must inform i'm not in the policy making because i appear i have to conform what the law is now that the more if i read your goal is as being entirely ludicrous terrible i nevertheless i've yet to objectively an irony standing lobbyist in iowa or the division are no longer going to be in the same thing some traveling stage the potion money will find that even given that said that more chances taken an elected official but it had that so when i i would not let her search effect so it's all of the sort of the conditions that day and there were presented today were not officially jewish and had to be changed
and if i made such a decision in this and the appellate court after careful review the record reach the same conclusion and i think you could probably answer right could raise raise hell are you safety first before that i was on and the message the allegiance to visit her nina thanks for the individuals to come before the court
the court is now adjourned with jean there's been some talk about lit most test for judges how do you feel about abortion how do you feel about the segregation and she can't pass was witnessed has a you don't get appointed i think that's a bet i don't have any question or problem about considering the judges general orientation judges are not supposed to be committed on particular questions are particular cases they're supposed to be quote open minded as to a particular case when it comes before them disposed to decide their case on evidence and the law and they are supposed to look at the law now as i say to that law and that evidence they have to bring their own philosophy but that doesn't mean that they can sit back and their own never hear the evidence in the case and say well i'll do it and that's the way of the vote that would be improper when we would not think of that as a proper judicial action would be well i think the litmus
test that might be a little a loading it or misleading it is probably fair to say theres a judge think that roe v wade the abortion decision was correct we decided because i think it is quite permissible the same in a judge thinks that was correctly the site is not qualified to be a jet there's no possible basis under which someone could argue that the supreme court's holding that the constitution prohibits a state from restricting abortion that's correct as a matter of law as justice white said just as white on the supreme court said in that case this as simply an exercise of raw power what he said obviously right i
think so many heroes and the history of texas we have some judicial heroes and i can see on like just as homes are just as brandeis and if you look at who turns out to be judicial heroes they really are people fight for human rights and that that's what judge justice is done a fighter for human rights within the law and the constitution well i think that when you smoke is weird it will be saying that judge justice was a prime example of a judge was willing to go far beyond the barons and the authority of the jets who was very willing to work impose what is notion of good social policy despite the will of the people of texas and despite the policies of their elected that represent out the
good and the retina say the turnout was acting professionally then added what i was supposed to do and i carefully evaluate the evidence and did not miss lil nino in rural rwandan woman
Producing Organization
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KERA (Dallas, Texas)
The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia (Athens, Georgia)
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Program Description
A profile of Federal Court Judge,Wayne Justice,and his history of standing against racism in East Texas.
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Race and Ethnicity
History of desegragation and racial discrimination.; History of racial discrimination
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Director: Martin, Ginny
Executive Producer: Matthews, Stan
Interviewee: Graglia, Lino
Interviewee: Whitehead, Emmett
Interviewee: Turner, Bennett
Interviewee: Justice, Wayne
Interviewee: Chayes, Abram
Interviewee: Lewis, Gib
Producer: Komatsu, Sylvia
Producing Organization: KERA
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Identifier: cpb-aacip-40f81ada035 (Filename)
Format: 1 inch videotape: SMPTE Type C
The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia
Identifier: cpb-aacip-c68a9f1654b (Filename)
Format: U-matic
Duration: 1:00:00
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Justice,” 1985-06-11, KERA, The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 22, 2024,
MLA: “Justice.” 1985-06-11. KERA, The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 22, 2024. <>.
APA: Justice. Boston, MA: KERA, The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from