thumbnail of Homework Hotline; 1992-12-09
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<v Gordon Dorway>Hi, welcome to Homework Hotline. I'm Gordon Dorway <v George Wolfe>And I am George Wolfe, and you are, I don't know, nature just seems to be cooperating <v George Wolfe>with us tonight because you are looking at a live picture of a almost gone <v George Wolfe>heavenly display, a very rare full lunar eclipse happening right <v George Wolfe>now live in our nighttime sky. <v Gordon Dorway>Pretty exciting, George. You know, the last full lunar eclipse visible from Rochester was <v Gordon Dorway>in 1989. And, you know, we're not going to see another one until November of next year. <v George Wolfe>Yeah, that's right. And, you know, a lot of people wonder why are lunar eclipses so where <v George Wolfe>rare now, although the moon regularly orbits around the earth? <v George Wolfe>There's a little bit of a wobble in that orbit and it makes the moon pass slightly above <v George Wolfe>or slightly below the earth's shadow. <v Gordon Dorway>That's right <v George Wolfe>Now, Gordon, you've got kind of a demonstration. <v George Wolfe>You brought sort of a demonstration, you brought for us tonight. <v Gordon Dorway>That's right. That's right. It's a really nice demonstration. <v Gordon Dorway>You're gonna get a kick out of it <v George Wolfe>I'm looking forward to it. <v Gordon Dorway>Alright, let's watch this. OK, guys, this <v Gordon Dorway>is an example of our planetary system. <v Gordon Dorway>Here's the sun, here's the moon, and here's the Earth. <v Gordon Dorway>Now notice what happens when the sun casts a shadow because the sun is larger <v Gordon Dorway>than the Earth. The shadow is broken up into two distinct parts.
<v Gordon Dorway>The penumbra, which is the larger part of the shadow. <v Gordon Dorway>And finally, the Umbra, which is a very cone like part of the shadow. <v Gordon Dorway>The umbra is much darker than the penumbra. <v Gordon Dorway>Now, what happens? You know, the moon goes around the earth. <v Gordon Dorway>What's going to happen is this for a lunar eclipse, the moon will rotate around the earth <v Gordon Dorway>and it will pass into first the penumbra. <v Gordon Dorway>At that point, it will start to fade out, kind of get a dark, deep red kind of color. <v Gordon Dorway>Then as it passes into the umbra, it will start to fade out completely. <v Gordon Dorway>And then what you might see may be either a dark red color or no color at all, <v Gordon Dorway>because we're not quite sure what the effect of the atmosphere, the volcanic eruptions <v Gordon Dorway>that we've been having. We're not sure what the effect of that atmosphere is going to <v Gordon Dorway>have on what the lunar eclipse looks like. <v Gordon Dorway>After a period of time, the moon will pass out of the umbra into <v Gordon Dorway>the penumbra. They'll start to come back into into our view and then <v Gordon Dorway>it'll pass out of the penumbra and back out of the shadow completely
<v Gordon Dorway>again. <v Gordon Dorway>Hey, we're back again and George, you know, I think we're running into totality now. <v George Wolfe>Tot- That sounds cosmic. What's that mean? <v Gordon Dorway>It means that the moon is completely passing now into the penumbra. <v Gordon Dorway>It's darkening completely. And then in a little while, I think in about another 15, 20 <v Gordon Dorway>minutes that will begin passing into the umbra. <v Gordon Dorway>And then it's going to be completely gone if you can't see anything right now. <v Gordon Dorway>In a couple minutes, you won't be see anything at all. <v George Wolfe>Wow. And we certainly don't want to tell people to run outside and look at it cause then <v George Wolfe>they won't watch us. That's right. That's right. So you get to watch it live right here <v George Wolfe>on the Homework Hotline. <v Gordon Dorway>And you won't be cold. <v George Wolfe>That's true. And you know, when you think about it, how many shows in this country can <v George Wolfe>show you a live lunar eclipse? <v Gordon Dorway>I tell you. <v George Wolfe>And those. How do you do that? <v Gordon Dorway>Oh <v George Wolfe>What a great demonstr- <v Gordon Dorway>Too get complicated, to even begin to tell you. <v George Wolfe>I'm amazed and very impressed. You have to teach me that trick from my classroom. <v Gordon Dorway>I'll let y- I'll give you some secrets after the show. <v George Wolfe>All right. Sounds good. Nice Job. That was interesting. <v Gordon Dorway>It was great. Now, you know, George, I started a call yesterday and we had that this call <v Gordon Dorway>was actually from the day before yesterday. <v Gordon Dorway>But Mary Seatback asked us if we could do this problem algebraically. <v Gordon Dorway>And I still have that problem on the board. And now you're going to solve it for us
<v Gordon Dorway>algebraically. Oh, I am. I think are. Oh, a little. <v Gordon Dorway>Let me head over to the board, OK. <v George Wolfe>All right. And by the way, hi, Mary. I realize you're a parent of one of my former <v George Wolfe>students, Kate. Make sure you say hi to Kate, too. <v George Wolfe>But anyway, here, here's what Gordon's problem was. <v George Wolfe>And it was for a sixth grader. <v George Wolfe>So we had to use estimation. We couldn't use algebra, but it would make a great algebra <v George Wolfe>problem. He had a number that rounded to 5.3 . <v George Wolfe>The sum of the numbers is 18, and the thousandth place is 4 times the hundredth <v George Wolfe>place. Now, what's need about this is it's a problem a sixth grader can do, but it's also <v George Wolfe>a problem that a more advanced math student can do. <v George Wolfe>And at the end of the show yesterday, we challenge some of your more advanced math types <v George Wolfe>to see if you can get this done. Now, this tells us something with a thousandth place <v George Wolfe>that mean that this number has to be 5 point something, something, <v George Wolfe>something. Now, there are only two choices for <v George Wolfe>this number here. This can be a two a- or it can be <v George Wolfe>a 3 .
<v George Wolfe>Now, here's the clue. And here's where the algebra can come in, and it's this clue right <v George Wolfe>here, the thousands place is 4 times the hundredths place. <v George Wolfe>Now, that means I am going to put this is X or this <v George Wolfe>is X, right. The thousands place is 4 times the hundredths place. <v George Wolfe>That means this would be 4 X or this would be 4 X, depending on which <v George Wolfe>two choices we take, which of the two choices we take. <v George Wolfe>All right. Now we go to our second clue. <v George Wolfe>The sum of the numbers is 18. <v George Wolfe>Now, let's look at this first choice right here. <v George Wolfe>If this is 5 and this is 2, that's 7. <v George Wolfe>That means the total of X and 4 X has to be equal to <v George Wolfe>11 Y. Well, 5 and 2 is 7 and 11 is 18. <v George Wolfe>So watch Y, this is immediately going to be eliminated. <v George Wolfe>All right. If we say X and 4 X is equal to 11 X <v George Wolfe>plus 4 X equals 11. <v George Wolfe>Well, we're in trouble now. Why?
<v George Wolfe>Because 4 X and X is 5, X equals <v George Wolfe>11. There is no digit or there is no even answer <v George Wolfe>for for this problem because we come out to X equals 11 over <v George Wolfe>5. And there is no such digit that's gonna fit into this spot for X. <v George Wolfe>What that does then is it completely eliminates the choice of 5.2. <v George Wolfe>Well let's hope 5.3 works. <v George Wolfe>OK, well once again now we see 5, 3 X and 4 X. <v George Wolfe>These numbers have to add up to 18. <v George Wolfe>All right, Will 5 and 3 is 8. <v George Wolfe>That means X plus 4. X must equal 10, 10 and 8 are 18. <v George Wolfe>So here's what we do. <v George Wolfe>We say X plus 4 X equals what? <v George Wolfe>10. <v George Wolfe>5. X equals 10. <v George Wolfe>Therefore, X equals 2. <v George Wolfe>Well, let's see if this works. <v George Wolfe>We cross these di- these lines out and let's plug our numbers in 2. <v George Wolfe>And therefore, the thousands places 4 times the hundredths place.
<v George Wolfe>Now this should work. Let's see if it works. <v George Wolfe>The number rounds to 5.3 . <v George Wolfe>Well, sure enough. 5.3 . <v George Wolfe>You look to your right, That's a 2 that keeps this number is 5.3 . <v George Wolfe>The sum of the numbers is 18. <v George Wolfe>18 5 and 3 is 8 plus 2 is 10 plus 8 is 18. <v George Wolfe>And the thousands places 4 times the hundredth place. <v George Wolfe>So it just goes to show you sometimes if you try to look for another answer, you might <v George Wolfe>get it. Mary, thanks a lot for that problem. <v George Wolfe>That was a neat one. <v Gordon Dorway>Great <v George Wolfe>Back to you Gordon <v Gordon Dorway>You know, once again, we've shown that there's more than one way to answer math problems. <v Gordon Dorway>A number of methods that you can use to answer any number of problems. <v Gordon Dorway>Anyway, it's time for a nightly academic trivia test. <v Gordon Dorway>And we're looking for a description and a year for a world event. <v Gordon Dorway>And here are your 3 clues. <v George Wolfe>All right. Well, this argued for a new currency standard. <v Gordon Dorway>This was delivered by William Jennings Bryan. <v George Wolfe>And here is your last clue. This arose from conflict between farmers <v George Wolfe>and industry.
<v Gordon Dorway>If you think you know the name of this world event now, operators standing by to take <v Gordon Dorway>your call. The number is 4 to 454-6922. <v George Wolfe>And of course, the first correct caller will get to give the answer live on the <v George Wolfe>air. So good luck. <v Gordon Dorway>That's right. I'm not sure I know this answer. <v George Wolfe>Well, you know, that clue of this clearly eliminates a person. <v George Wolfe>And you know this guy, William Jennings, William Jennings Bryan. <v George Wolfe>He just keeps popping up in history all the time. <v George Wolfe>He was a great orator. He was an he was a lawyer. <v Gordon Dorway>I'm lost here. <v George Wolfe>Yeah, well, I don't know the answer either, but I at least heard of William Jennings <v George Wolfe>Bryan. <v Gordon Dorway>Well hopefully somebody will know the answer. <v George Wolfe>Yeah, I know some of those brainteaser guys out there are looking up right now. <v Gordon Dorway>Let's go to our next caller. Hello. <v Gordon Dorway>Hello. <v George Wolfe>I know you're out there. I hear you turnin your pages. <v Lamar>Hello. <v George Wolfe>Hey, there you are. <v Gordon Dorway>Hi. <v George Wolfe>What's your name? <v Lamar>Lamar <v George Wolfe>Hi, Lamar. How you doing tonight? And you go to Flower City Elementary School, don't you? <v George Wolfe>Yup. <v Gordon Dorway>And you're thr-. <v George Wolfe>Third grade? <v Gordon Dorway>Right. <v George Wolfe>We're both pretty psychic, you know. <v Gordon Dorway>[Laughs] It's the moon. <v George Wolfe>It's the moon. What's your question, Lamar? <v Lamar>Rounded to the nearest ten, this number is 50.
<v Lamar>If you add its digits you get 9 . <v Lamar>It is an even number. <v George Wolfe>Beautiful <v Gordon Dorway>Even- Even or? <v Lamar>Its odd. <v Gordon Dorway>Odd number, OK. Lamar, let me go to the board and I want you to give me those clues again <v Gordon Dorway>so I can try and write them down. We can discuss what the answer might be. <v Gordon Dorway>OK, Lamar? OK. <v Gordon Dorway>OK. Let me see if I remember this. Right. <v Gordon Dorway>This number rounded to the nearest ten is 50? <v Lamar>Yup. <v Gordon Dorway>OK. So let's see, number rounded <v Gordon Dorway>to the nearest ten is 50. <v Gordon Dorway>That's our first clue. What's our second clue? <v Lamar>If you add its dig- digits. <v Gordon Dorway>Uh-huh add its digits, you get what? <v Lamar>You get 9. <v Gordon Dorway>OK. Add digits, you get 9. <v Gordon Dorway>Add digits, you get 9 and what?. <v Lamar>It is, it's <v Gordon Dorway>It's an odd number.
<v Lamar>It's an odd number <v Gordon Dorway>OK. It's an odd number. <v Gordon Dorway>OK, Lamar. I'm going to need your help for this, OK? <v Gordon Dorway>All right. Now, I want you to try and tell me what numbers, <v Gordon Dorway>if you round them, will get you 50. <v Gordon Dorway>And remember, it's an odd number. <v Gordon Dorway>Do you know how to round? <v Lamar>Yes. <v Gordon Dorway>OK, let me see if you'd if I take 41 and I wanted to round <v Gordon Dorway>41 to the nearest ten. What would that round to? <v Lamar>40. <v Gordon Dorway>40. So you don't know how to round. OK. <v Gordon Dorway>Now I want you to tell me any numbers and we can start with something in the 40s <v Gordon Dorway>when we rounded to the nearest ten, we get 50. <v Gordon Dorway>Start with me. Give me a number that when you round to the nearest ten, you get 50 <v Lamar>46. <v Gordon Dorway>OK. How about 45? <v Gordon Dorway>Does that when you round that, do you get 50? <v Lamar>Yeah. <v Gordon Dorway>OK. Now 46. Is that an odd number? <v Lamar>No. <v Gordon Dorway>No, it's not. So remember our third clue, it's an odd number, so we start with 45. <v Gordon Dorway>What comes after 45 that's an odd number? <v Lamar>47.
<v Gordon Dorway>47. Good. Continue. Go ahead. <v Lamar>48. <v Gordon Dorway>Ah- odd number. <v Lamar>49. <v Gordon Dorway>49. Give me another one. <v Lamar> 51. <v Gordon Dorway>51, because when you round 51, what do you get <v Lamar>50. <v Gordon Dorway>That's right. Give me another one. <v Lamar>53 . <v Gordon Dorway>53 . Give me another one. <v Lamar>58. <v Gordon Dorway>OK. Now, 50- after 53 , let's see if we go to 55. <v Lamar>55 <v Gordon Dorway>if you round 55. What do you get? <v Lamar>60 <v Gordon Dorway>60, right. And remember, we've got around the number to get 50. <v Gordon Dorway>So 55 is too high so we can get rid of that. <v Gordon Dorway>So these are our possible choices. <v Gordon Dorway>Now, these are odd. If we round any of these numbers, we get 50. <v Gordon Dorway>But what's the second clue? Tell us. <v Lamar>Add digits to get 9. <v Gordon Dorway>OK, we got to add these digits to see if we get 9. <v Gordon Dorway>Well, let's start. What's 5 plus 3 ? <v Lamar>5 plus 3 is 8. <v Gordon Dorway>That doesn't work. What's 5 plus 1? <v Lamar>6 <v Gordon Dorway>That doesn't work. What's 4 plus 5? <v Lamar>9
<v Gordon Dorway>Ahh, 4 plus 5 gives us 9 . <v Gordon Dorway>You round it will get 50. And it's an odd number, 4 plus 7 doesn't work and 4 plus <v Gordon Dorway>9 doesn't work either. I think he hit on the right answer, Lamar <v Lamar>How come I wasn't on TV? <v Gordon Dorway>You are on TV. You're talking right now. <v Gordon Dorway>And I'm on TV also. We're both on TV. <v Lamar>Oh <v Gordon Dorway>Okay, Lamar? I wi- if you want to be a TV again tomorrow, you give us a call. <v Gordon Dorway>You know the number. <v Lamar>OK. Thank you. <v Gordon Dorway>Thank you. Bye bye. Back to you, George. <v George Wolfe>And not only that, Lamar, you're world famous now. <v George Wolfe>Now, you know, you guys may have been noticing Gordon and I talking a lot this week about <v George Wolfe>obviously what's going on in the news with Somalia. <v George Wolfe>And if you've been listening to the news on the radio, you certainly don't have to guess <v George Wolfe>what our top story this week is going to be. <v George Wolfe>You know, the events in Somalia lead our hotline headlines and an unusually humorous <v George Wolfe>event at the White House. We'll complete tonight's look at what's going on around the <v George Wolfe>world. Humorous. [Hip hop music playing] <v News Reporter>Leading our version of the news this week is the start of a ?mercy?
<v News Reporter>mission to Somalia. We told you last week about President George Bush's <v News Reporter>decision to send troops to protect supply routes and deliver aid to the Somalians. <v News Reporter>U.S. soldiers will lead a joint United Nations task force with France, Canada, <v News Reporter>Egypt, Italy and other member nations. <v News Reporter>Taking part in the first wave of troops came ashore yesterday to secure the port <v News Reporter>and airfield of the capital city of Mogadishu. <v News Reporter>This is the first step in safeguarding the desperately needed food and medical supplies. <v News Reporter>300,000 people have died in the past year due to the drought and clan warfare in <v News Reporter>Somalia. The U.N. hopes to feed the starving and stop the fighting. <v News Reporter>This is the largest military operation the U.S. <v News Reporter>has mounted since last year's Operation Desert Storm in Kuwait. <v News Reporter>But the Somali mission is different in one important way. <v News Reporter>The object is to help people, not fight them. <v News Reporter>Usually there is a military, political or economic reason for a U.S. <v News Reporter>president to send our military to foreign countries. <v News Reporter>But this time, the only reason is humanitarian to help feed and protect starving
<v News Reporter>Somalians. It's part of the retooling of the U.S. <v News Reporter>armed forces since the end of the Cold War and the dissolving of the Soviet Union <v News Reporter>with no potential enemy to fight. The troops can be used in relief and civil defense <v News Reporter>situations like the recent Hurricane Hugo. <v News Reporter>But the U.N. relief force may unintentionally harm those they've been trying to help. <v News Reporter>Since the 1800s European countries have tried to control <v News Reporter>Somalia and other African countries as their colonies since World War <v News Reporter>2, the U.S. and the Soviet Union competed with each other to influence African countries <v News Reporter>like Somalia and Ethiopia. <v News Reporter>When the Soviet Union ended, both the Russians and Americans withdrew their financial <v News Reporter>support and as a result, these countries fell apart. <v News Reporter>Now the United States and its allies may find they'll have to rebuild a Somali government <v News Reporter>to get the country running again. <v News Reporter>That support may not be able to be withdrawn as quickly as the U.N. <v News Reporter>would like. Somalia may still be in trouble after the U.N. <v News Reporter>mission has ended and the troops have gone home. <v News Reporter>And finally, after a disappointing year, outgoing President George Bush has some things
<v News Reporter>he can feel good about. The Somali mission returns some prestige. <v News Reporter>And he was also able to set aside his serious job this week and enjoy himself, <v News Reporter>at least for one day. Saturday Night Live and Wayne's World star Dana Carvey <v News Reporter>visited the White House Christmas party to entertain and offer tips on how to impersonate <v News Reporter>the president. <v Dana Carvey>The way to the president is to start out with Mr. Rogers. <v Dana Carvey>"It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood." [Laughter] Then you add a little John Wayne <v Dana Carvey>here. "?Well yeah,? let's go over the ranch." You put them together. <v Dana Carvey>You got George Herbert Walker Bush. That's the thing there [Applause] <v Dana Carvey>Now, now I did use the hand, the hand there's a lot of hands with the president using a <v Dana Carvey>lot of different gestures that, you know, the first one I noticed was sort of the <v Dana Carvey>hitchhiker, this one, those people down over there. <v Dana Carvey>[Laughter] And then there's two 6 guns up here and that thing. <v Dana Carvey>[Laughter] Then the wandering index that fella down there. <v Dana Carvey>[Laughter] Put them together.
<v Dana Carvey>Then the steeple. [Laughter] Ya kinda got <v News Reporter>It was an unusual event, since Carvey has earned his living by making fun of George <v News Reporter>Bush. Bush admitted that he enjoyed the jokes. <v News Reporter>[Hip hop music playing] <v George Wolfe>You, uh do any imitations? <v Gordon Dorway>Actually, funny, you should ask that questions,George. <v George Wolfe>Funny?. <v Gordon Dorway>I do a great imitation of a science high school teacher. <v Gordon Dorway>Oh, do you? I do. Well, let's see it. I've been doing it all day. <v George Wolfe>Oh, you're doing it your whole life. <v George Wolfe>Well, I think we've got a brainteaser winner on the line, let's see if he's there. <v George Wolfe>Hello? <v Peter Endres>Hello <v Gordon Dorway>Hi. What's your name? <v Peter Endres>Peter Endres. <v Gordon Dorway>Hi, Peter. We talked to you earlier this week, didn't we? <v Peter Endres>Um <v Gordon Dorway>Or was it last week? <v Peter Endres>Last week. <v Gordon Dorway>How are you doing today, Peter? <v Peter Endres>Good. <v Gordon Dorway>And what school do you go to? <v Peter Endres>Uh, Sodus Intermediate. <v Gordon Dorway>And you're in grade?
<v Peter Endres>6. <v George Wolfe>Oh. Now Gordon is doing an imitation of a TV host. <v George Wolfe>What's the answer, Peter, for today's brainteaser? <v Peter Endres>Uh, it's the Cross of Gold speech. <v Peter Endres>And it took place in 1896. <v George Wolfe>Cross of Gold, speech. Very famous speech by William Jennings Bryan. <v Gordon Dorway>And this was to do what? <v Gordon Dorway>Do you know what it was about? <v Peter Endres>Switch to the gold. <v Gordon Dorway>Gold standard, right? <v George Wolfe>That's right. Didn't he say something about I don't want to be crucified on a cross of <v George Wolfe>gold in that speech. <v Peter Endres>Yeah <v George Wolfe>Do you know that? Is that what he said? <v Peter Endres>Yeah. <v Gordon Dorway>That's why it's called, I guess, the Cross of Gold speech. <v George Wolfe>Yes and it was apparently a very famous speech. <v George Wolfe>Now, how did you find that out? <v Peter Endres>Well, my brother told me to look it up and while I was di- dialing it, <v Peter Endres>I've looked it up real fast. <v Gordon Dorway>Great. Congratulations to your brother for not giving you the answer. <v George Wolfe>Really <v Gordon Dorway>That's excellent. And if any parents are watching that, I hope they're learning a lesson <v Gordon Dorway>that sometimes it's better to teach somebody how to look something right rather than to <v Gordon Dorway>give them the answer. <v Gordon Dorway>Well, Peter, thanks for the answer. You know, keep up the good work. <v Gordon Dorway>You only got a couple more weeks before the brainteaser challenge is over. <v Peter Endres>OK. <v George Wolfe>And then we put your name in on the new one.
<v Gordon Dorway>That's right. <v Peter Endres>OK. <v George Wolfe>Take care. <v Peter Endres>Bye. <v George Wolfe>Bye-Bye. Let's do a call shall we? <v Gordon Dorway>OK. <v George Wolfe>Hello? <v Darnell Fontaine>Hello. <v George Wolfe>Hi <v Darnell Fontaine>My name is Darnell. <v George Wolfe>Hi, Darnell. <v Darnell Fontaine>Yeah, and I need help on this problem. <v George Wolfe>OK. Why don't read the problem to us? <v Darnell Fontaine>It's blank seconds is equals 6 minutes. <v George Wolfe>OK, let me go to the board. All right. <v George Wolfe>And let's. Let's talk about these. <v George Wolfe>So you've got you're converting, aren't you? <v George Wolfe>This is something that's very important to do in science and math. <v George Wolfe>You're gonna be doing this for years. <v Darnell Fontaine>Units in time <v George Wolfe>There you go. Blank seconds equals how many minutes? <v Darnell Fontaine>6 minutes. <v George Wolfe>6 minutes. You know how to do this? <v Darnell Fontaine>Yes <v George Wolfe>OK. Look, let's. How are you going to do it? <v George Wolfe>Help me teach this thing. Go ahead. <v Darnell Fontaine>I think you got to put it 6 minutes. <v Darnell Fontaine>They want you to put 6 seconds. <v George Wolfe>6 seconds. Is that what you said? Yes. <v George Wolfe>Now, are you telling me then that 6 seconds is the same as 6 minutes? <v Darnell Fontaine>No. <v George Wolfe>No. OK. What do I do? <v Darnell Fontaine>It's 6 minutes, 6 seconds on the clock.
<v George Wolfe>6 seconds on the clock? You go ahead <v Darnell Fontaine>And then, then it equals 6 minutes. <v George Wolfe>All right. I see what you're doing. Watch that 6. <v George Wolfe>You're getting your 6s mixed up here. I'll draw a clock for you. <v George Wolfe>I'm a good artist. How's that? That's a clock. <v George Wolfe>Now it's missing some things. Right. But this clock is, you know, has. <v George Wolfe>Let's write it instead of ours. Let's write it in. <v George Wolfe>And let's make this one like. <v George Wolfe>All right. How we gonna do this? Let's make this a minute clock. <v George Wolfe>OK. So if you go all the way around the clock, you're gonna go one <v George Wolfe>full minute. OK. <v George Wolfe>All right. Now, if I were gonna divide this up into seconds, how <v George Wolfe>many seconds would I have in that clock? <v George Wolfe>Do you know how many seconds are in one minute. <v Darnell Fontaine>Oh. <v Darnell Fontaine>3 . <v George Wolfe>Careful. How many seconds in one minute? <v Darnell Fontaine>60. <v George Wolfe>Very good. OK. So I'm gonna write that down. <v George Wolfe>60 seconds equals 1 minute.
<v George Wolfe>OK. Now before we go any further, let me stop and make sure you're OK. <v George Wolfe>Do you know how to do this yet? Because we've got to get rid of that six. <v George Wolfe>Good. When you say 6 seconds, we're going to abandon that. <v George Wolfe>What should I do next? Do you know? <v Darnell Fontaine>I think you should multiply. <v George Wolfe>Good. Because what am I going to multiply? <v Darnell Fontaine>6 times 60. <v George Wolfe>Beautiful. And here's why. <v George Wolfe>If you think about it. If I said to you, if you had two minutes, you would just multiply <v George Wolfe>this times two right here and you get 120 or 3 minutes, you'd get 180. <v George Wolfe>But you're smart. You're saying, aha. <v George Wolfe>It's 6 minutes. So I'm going to multiply 6 <v George Wolfe>times that. <v Darnell Fontaine>6 is 360. <v George Wolfe>Beautiful. So that's our answer. There are 360 seconds <v George Wolfe>in 6 minutes. <v George Wolfe>OK. Darnell, you got any others you want to do? <v Darnell Fontaine>Um no, that's it <v George Wolfe>Let me give you one that then. Alright?
<v George Wolfe>How are you in hours and days? <v Darnell Fontaine>How many hours? 24 <v George Wolfe>All right, good. Now let's try one then. How many hours <v George Wolfe>equals 5 days? <v George Wolfe>How you gonna do this one guy? <v George Wolfe>It's my best one. See if you can get me. <v Darnell Fontaine>24 what you said? <v George Wolfe>Go ahead, 24 hours equals one day. <v George Wolfe>Go ahead. What are we going to do next? <v Darnell Fontaine>Times it. <v George Wolfe>Times what? <v Darnell Fontaine>By 2 <v George Wolfe>Why, where'd would you get the number 2? [Darnell answers inaudibly] How many days am I <v George Wolfe>talking about? A day. <v George Wolfe>How many days? Can you see it on TV? <v George Wolfe>Oh, OK. I said, how many hours in 5 days. <v George Wolfe>So what are you going to times 24 times <v Darnell Fontaine>60. <v George Wolfe>Whoop. Careful. How many days. <v Darnell Fontaine>5 <v George Wolfe>5 days. So what are you going to multiply 24 times? <v Darnell Fontaine>5 <v George Wolfe>There you go. So let's try that. <v George Wolfe>OK, times 5 days.
<v George Wolfe>All right. <v Darnell Fontaine>120 <v George Wolfe>Whoa, you're fast. All right. 5 times 4 is 20, 5, 10 <v George Wolfe>add 2, 120 hours. <v George Wolfe>So just think from Monday to Friday. <v George Wolfe>You live 120 hours. <v George Wolfe>Now, if you really want a challenging question, figure out how many seconds that is. <v George Wolfe>But I'm not going to do that now because we'll be here for a while. <v George Wolfe>All right, Darnell. Thanks for calling. <v Darnell Fontaine>Ok <v George Wolfe>OK, bye bye. <v Gordon Dorway>OK, tis two weeks before Christmas and all around here, lots of creatures are stirring in <v Gordon Dorway>search of good cheer. So we drew up a list of things you can do. <v Gordon Dorway>So pay close attention. This calenders for you. <v Gordon Dorway>[Song: Never Can Say Goodbye] <v George Wolfe>And we're back. Gordon, that poem was so bad.
<v George Wolfe>It made our audience sad <v Gordon Dorway>Oh, gosh, let me go to our next caller. <v Gordon Dorway>Hello? <v Nicole Scott>Hello. <v Gordon Dorway>Hi. What's your name? <v Nicole Scott>It's Nicole Scott. <v Gordon Dorway>Hi, Nicole. And you're at School #28? <v Nicole Scott>Yeah. <v Gordon Dorway>And you're in fifth grade, right? <v Nicole Scott>Yeah <v George Wolfe>What are you doing tonight, Nicole? <v Nicole Scott>Multiplication. <v Gordon Dorway>OK, let me go to the boy. I'll see if I can give you a hand. <v Gordon Dorway>OK. Nicole, what's the problem? <v Nicole Scott>4,175. <v Gordon Dorway>Oh, my goodness. 4,175 <v Nicole Scott>Times 568. <v Gordon Dorway>Now, if we don't get chance to finish this, I want you to work on this on your own. <v Gordon Dorway>How do we start? <v Nicole Scott>With the 8 and the 5. <v Gordon Dorway>Good. With 8 and a 5. What's 8 times 5. <v Nicole Scott>40. <v Gordon Dorway>40. What do we do with the 4? <v Nicole Scott>Put it over the 7. <v Gordon Dorway>Put it over the 7. Very good. <v Gordon Dorway>8 times 7. <v Nicole Scott>56. <v Gordon Dorway>56. Plus the 4. <v Nicole Scott>60 <v Gordon Dorway>60. Another 0. <v Gordon Dorway>What do we do, the 6? <v Nicole Scott>Put it over the 1.
<v Gordon Dorway>Good. 8 times? <v Nicole Scott>8 <v Gordon Dorway>8 times the 1, we stil got the 1 to multiply by, which is 8. <v Gordon Dorway>And then what do we do with that to the 6? <v Nicole Scott>14. <v Gordon Dorway>OK. 14. Carry the ones 8 times 4. <v Nicole Scott>24. <v Gordon Dorway>Ahh, 8 times 4? <v Nicole Scott>32 <v Gordon Dorway>32. Good. Plus the 1 <v Nicole Scott>33 <v Gordon Dorway>33. OK, Nicole, I think you're pretty much on track. <v Gordon Dorway>You know what you have to do for the rest of this problem? <v Gordon Dorway>OK. Now you remember you did the first line. <v Gordon Dorway>You had to put a number down the hole you space, and then you've got to multiply by 6 <v Gordon Dorway>times 5, 6 times 7, 6 times 1 and 6 times 4. <v Gordon Dorway>Write down all the answers. And when you're done, that's that you've got to put two <v Gordon Dorway>zeroes down to hold your space and then multiply by the 5. <v Gordon Dorway>Now, if you get stuck, you give us a call back at Homework Hotline cause there will be <v Gordon Dorway>there to take a call. OK, Nicole? <v Nicole Scott>OK <v Gordon Dorway>OK. Bye bye. <v George Wolfe>All right. Well, you know, so you might have questions you think that Gordon and I can't <v George Wolfe>answer and sometimes you can't get em on the air on the phone so you can send us these
<v George Wolfe>questions, call em a stump question, send it on a piece of paper with the answer <v George Wolfe>and your phone number so we can contact you and send it to Homework Hotline, P.O. <v George Wolfe>Box 21, Rochester, New York, 14601 <v Gordon Dorway>And remember, if you have any problems with homework, science, math or whatever subject <v Gordon Dorway>matter, give us a call at Dial a Teacher 262-5000, Monday through Thursday, <v Gordon Dorway>4 to 7 p.m.. <v George Wolfe>And I got to tell you, Gordon, you you've amazed us tonight. <v George Wolfe>You've brought in special effects. <v George Wolfe>You've made poetry. <v Gordon Dorway>Well, George, I'm a well rounded kind of guy. <v George Wolfe>You are well-rounded. And I don't mean in this stunning sense. <v George Wolfe>I certainly mean in the Renaissance way. <v Gordon Dorway>I want to get out here so I can go watch the rest of this lunar eclipse <v George Wolfe>As it goes away <v Gordon Dorway>Yeah, bye bye. <v George Wolfe>Bye bye [Hip <v George Wolfe>hop song playing]
Homework Hotline
Producing Organization
WXXI (Television station : Rochester, N.Y.)
Contributing Organization
The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia (Athens, Georgia)
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip-526-gh9b56f864).
Episode Description
Hosts George Wolfe and Gordon Dorway talk about what lunar eclipses are as one is happening live. Wolfe and Dorway also take callers with various math questions and help them work through their problems on air.
Series Description
"School & learning can be cool! This program assists youngsters in solving difficult home assignments; parents are counted among loyal viewers. Show is entertaining & engaging. It demonstrates WXXI's commitment to educational programming. Many resources in terms of personnel & facilities are committed to this project. "Other programs have this name, but this approach & commitment is unique."-- 1992 Peabody Awards entry form.
Broadcast Date
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Moving Image
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Producing Organization: WXXI (Television station : Rochester, N.Y.)
AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia
Identifier: cpb-aacip-c501a7f712e (Filename)
Format: U-matic
Duration: 0:27:40
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Homework Hotline; 1992-12-09,” 1992-12-09, The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed February 22, 2025,
MLA: “Homework Hotline; 1992-12-09.” 1992-12-09. The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. February 22, 2025. <>.
APA: Homework Hotline; 1992-12-09. Boston, MA: The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from