Pro-Con with Charlayne Hunter-Gault; Abortion

- Transcript
<v Announcer>Funding for this program has been provided by the Pennsylvania Public Television Network. <v Joyce Holiday>Abortion is a form of violence to women. <v Joyce Holiday>I believe that's very real from women I've talked with who have had abortions. <v Kathryn Kolbert>This bill will not stop abortion. <v Kathryn Kolbert>It will make it more difficult and harassing for a woman. <v Kathryn Kolbert>Submit her to tremendous psychological and emotional trauma. <v Announcer 2>The focus of the national debate on abortion is now shifting to the states. <v Announcer 2>And nowhere is the legislation tougher, the issue more heated than in Pennsylvania. <v Announcer 2>Tonight, Pro-Con looks at abortion and whose business is it anyway? <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>Good evening. I'm Charlayne Hunter-Gault. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>After months of some of the most passionate and emotional debate ever heard on the floor <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>of the U.S. Congress, the thorny issue of what to do about abortion
<v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>is now being taken up in statehouses all over America. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>The intensity of the debate remains high, fueled by armies of activists <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>on both sides of the issue. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>On the one hand, a new political movement operating under the egis of pro-life <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>is trying through a constitutional amendment or a federal statute <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>to either override or go around the 9 year old Supreme Court ruling <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>that says a woman has a constitutional right to abortion, at least in the first <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>3 months of pregnancy. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>Both efforts are stalled in Congress at the moment. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>On the other hand, the so-called pro-choice side is fighting to maintain the ruling, <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>arguing that abortion is not a matter of state, but a matter of choice. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>Here in Pennsylvania, legislation regarded as the country's toughest set of anti-abortion <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>proposals so far was narrowly defeated earlier this month by <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>a House committee in Harrisburg. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>In addition to defining life as beginning at conception, its
<v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>more controversial proposals included the requirements of a 72 hour <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>waiting period before the abortion, before the abortion. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>The option that a patient be shown abortion literature and color photographs <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>of aborted fetuses, death certificates for aborted fetuses, <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>and the presence of a second physician in case it was determined that the fetus <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>could live outside the womb. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>Opponents charge that the proposals were vague and unconstitutional. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>Supporters have vowed to press the fight. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>Tonight Pro-Con examines that legislation and looks at the broad range <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>of medical, legal and moral questions that have so inflamed this <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>issue. First, though, to our public station in University Park WPSX <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>and one of the 2 main sponsors of the anti-abortion legislation. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>He is State Representative Greg Cunningham, a Republican from Center County. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>Representative Cunningham, your bill didn't make it out of committee, but you have vowed
<v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>to bring it back. Why? <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>Simply stated, because the issue is too important. <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>The problem is too pressing to keep it from reaching the floor of the House. <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>We've had difficulty traditionally with this kind of legislation in the House Health <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>and Welfare Committee, as was illustrated in 1978 when a <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>piece of pro-life legislation was defeated by that committee and was ultimately forced <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>to be discharged before it could reach the full House, it was ultimately passed <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>into law. The same phenomenon occurred just last session when an abortion funding cutoff <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>bill that passed both the House and the Senate by better than a two thirds majority <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>was very nearly defeated in that committee. <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>We don't think it's equitable for 5 percent of the members of the House to be able to <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>keep that kind of legislation from reaching the full chamber. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>Well, what's your response to opponents who have charged that your bill is vague <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>and unconstitutional? <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>I would submit to you that the people who have
<v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>made those allegations have either not read the bill carefully or it's clear that they <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>have a philosophical ax to grind. <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>And, of course, we respect that. <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>This bill was drafted very, very carefully by a team of attorneys from all over the <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>country. Steve Freind and I, the other prime sponsor of the bill, <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>who are both attorneys, worked very, very hard on the drafting of it. <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>And it's fair to say that in in every instance in which we were moving into a marginal <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>area, constitutionally, we worked very hard to be sure that the <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>provisions of the legislation were consistent with current federal case law as regards <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>abortion. So we're very confident that this legislation will stand the test of <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>constitutional scrutiny. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>In 10 seconds or less, can you tell me what makes this the state's business? <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>The same thing that made the issue of slavery the state's business. <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>You had a situation in which a group of people were saying that Black people were, in <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>fact, not people. They were attempting to justify the institution of slavery on <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>the notion that it in fact, there was nothing morally reprehensible about <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>abusing a Black person because that person was not a person.
<v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>We were forced to enact the 13th Amendment to the Constitution to say, in effect, Black <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>people are people. You cannot define humanity in terms which exclude them <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>and then brutalize them, which is exactly what's happening today with unborn babies who <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>have been defined in terms that fall outside of the definition of humanity. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>All right. We'll come back. Even if the anti-abortion proposal is passed <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>by the House, it will still have to be passed by the Senate. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>1 senator who opposes the legislation is with us this day at Station WLBT. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>in Allentown. He is Senator Henry Messinger of Lehigh County and the <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>Democratic policy chairman in the Senate. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>Senator, why do you think the bill was defeated? <v Sen. Henry Messinger>Defeated in the committee? <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>Yes, sir. <v Sen. Henry Messinger>Well, I, I, I believe that many of the members of the committee felt that <v Sen. Henry Messinger>there had too many parts that probably were unconstitutional. <v Sen. Henry Messinger>And I don't believe that they wanted to be in a position of having to release <v Sen. Henry Messinger>it to the floor.
<v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>You just heard the argument that Representative Cunningham made in terms of the what he <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>thinks is that gives him confidence that it is constitutional. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>What's your response to that? <v Sen. Henry Messinger>Well, you can have arguments on both sides of any question and on a question <v Sen. Henry Messinger>of constitutionality, the final word, and that will be the Supreme Court. <v Sen. Henry Messinger>But I do believe that in past rulings, this <v Sen. Henry Messinger>bill is patently unconstitutional because it takes personhood rights <v Sen. Henry Messinger>away from women and attempts to give them to fetuses. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>Is that why you believe this isn't the state's business? <v Sen. Henry Messinger>I don't believe that ?inaudible? <v Sen. Henry Messinger>governments should enact the moral ideas of any particular <v Sen. Henry Messinger>group, because we have in our society a <v Sen. Henry Messinger>society of all types of people, all many, many different <v Sen. Henry Messinger>ideas, many religions.
<v Sen. Henry Messinger>We have the so-called Moral Majority. <v Sen. Henry Messinger>Some people call it the moral mob. <v Sen. Henry Messinger>So we have so many differences of opinion. <v Sen. Henry Messinger>And I don't think that it's a duty of ?inaudible? <v Sen. Henry Messinger>government to enact the moral ideas of any religious <v Sen. Henry Messinger>group. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>Briefly, Representative Cunningham, could you just respond to that last point? <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>I would simply like to say that this bill has been terribly, terribly distorted in the <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>press. And when we talk about conferring personhood on unborn babies, it's very important <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>to emphasize that this legislation prohibits abortion in 1 case, in 1 case <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>only. And that is a situation in which we have a baby that is so fully developed <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>that he can live outside his mother's body if the abortionist aborting that pregnancy <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>does not overtly kill him. <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>The second class of, of subclass of, of baby in <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>which an abortion is prevented is 1 in which the baby is born alive. <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>As a result of a botched abortion, we then confer personhood and we say you cannot <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>kill that baby or allow that baby to die.
<v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>All right. We'll come back. As I said earlier, the 2 sides in this abortion <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>argument are clearly drawn. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>But because the issue involves questions of law, medicine and morality, <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>there are many facets to the argument on both sides. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>Tonight, in 2 separate documentaries, Pro-Con looks at some of the arguments <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>on each side. First, Pro-Con producer Alan Miceli looks at the pro-life <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>side. Some of the scenes are quite graphic. <v Narrator 1>The Romans knew what was inside the mother's womb during a pregnancy. <v Narrator 1>That's why they called it a fetus, the Latin word for unborn child. <v Narrator 1>If you were an unborn child today, the chances of you getting out of your mother alive <v Narrator 1>would not be very good. For every 3 children born in this country, 1 <v Narrator 1>child is aborted. An astonishing 1 and a half million abortions were performed <v Narrator 1>in the United States last year, making that operation the most common medical procedure
<v Narrator 1>for adults. Abortion has become a form of birth control, a way of eliminating <v Narrator 1>mistakes. And most Americans are disturbed by that fact. <v Narrator 1>73 percent of Americans polled by the Gallup organization, want abortion either strictly <v Narrator 1>limited to such cases as rape, incest and the life of the mother or outlawed <v Narrator 1>entirely. Abortion on demand, that is abortion for any reason at all, is <v Narrator 1>legal in this country. It should be outlawed. <v Narrator 1>Pennsylvania should have an abortion control bill that encourages women to have their <v Narrator 1>children for 2 good reasons. <v Narrator 1>Abortions are killing unborn children and they are inflicting physical and psychological <v Narrator 1>wounds on a large number of women. <v Anonymous woman>I'm 29 years old. <v Anonymous woman>I had an abortion at the age of 19 and a half. <v Narrator 1>This woman has 5 children, a normal child born before her abortion and <v Narrator 1>4 premature children all born after the abortion. <v Narrator 1>Her first child does well in school. Her premature children have learning problems. <v Anonymous woman>I don't know at this point if there are any learning disabilities.
<v Anonymous woman>But I know they're slow. <v Interviewer>And you blame that on the prematurity? <v Anonymous woman>Yes, I do. <v Anonymous woman>On the abortion. <v Interviewer>Have your doctors blamed it on premature babies? <v Anonymous woman>Yes. <v Narrator 1>If you have an abortion, you are 3 times more likely to have premature babies than if you <v Narrator 1>do not have an abortion. An international study has shown that abortion on demand <v Narrator 1>has resulted in an abrupt increase in the rates of premature birth, premature rupture <v Narrator 1>of membranes, spontaneous abortion, perinatal mortality and fetal damage, <v Narrator 1>as well as other complications. <v Narrator 1>Other studies have shown that a woman whose first pregnancy ends in abortion has <v Narrator 1>twice the chance of a miscarriage, twice the chance of a baby born dead, 8 times <v Narrator 1>the chance of a tubal pregnancy. <v Narrator 1>Last year, 15,000 women had major complications after an abortion, <v Narrator 1>and up to 10 percent of all women who have abortions will be unable <v Narrator 1>to ever again become pregnant. <v Narrator 1>Last year alone, that would have been 150,000 women. <v Sandra Haun>A friend of mine, she was about 39 at the time, found herself pregnant.
<v Narrator 1>Sandra Haun is president of the Pittsburgh chapter of Women Exploited. <v Narrator 1>It is part of a national organization whose members have had abortions and have regretted <v Narrator 1>them. A friend's death led Sandra Haun to Women Exploited. <v Sandra Haun>Well, she did have the abortion and she talked to my sister about it, my sister asked <v Sandra Haun>not to have an abortion, but to come and talk to her, to stay with her, whatever she <v Sandra Haun>could do to help. She said no, it just is going to tamper with my life too much. <v Sandra Haun>She had the abortion. She tried afterwards to talk to many people about it because she <v Sandra Haun>was so upset. Nobody seemed to want to talk to her about it. <v Sandra Haun>And she started getting more and more depressed. <v Sandra Haun>And 1 night she went into her garage, she locked the garage, she locked the car doors, <v Sandra Haun>she turned the car on and she just sat there. <v Sandra Haun>And I'm sure her death certificate doesn't mention the word abortion, <v Sandra Haun>but that abortion killed her, that abortion destroyed her very life and it was ironic <v Sandra Haun>because the time she chose to take her life with the month of her baby would have been <v Sandra Haun>born. <v Narrator 1>Over ninety 95 percent of abortions are performed, supposedly to protect emotionally <v Narrator 1>troubled women like Sandra's friend.
<v Narrator 1>An extensive study, however, comparing women with psychological problems who had <v Narrator 1>abortions to women with similar problems who had their babies indicates <v Narrator 1>that having the baby is less stressful than having the abortion. <v Narrator 1>According to the study, if society does not push abortion at women, most will go to <v Narrator 1>term satisfactorily. <v Marci Meenan>Many of the women that are out there are trying to tell people that abortion is is is <v Marci Meenan>the right thing for women cry when they talk about their own abortion. <v Narrator 1>For 3 years, Marci Meenan was an obstetrical nurse at a Pittsburgh hospital. <v Narrator 1>She assisted at 700 second trimester abortions. <v Narrator 1>The abortions she saw were stressful not only for the women, but for the doctors and <v Narrator 1>nurses as well, especially when the dead child was delivered breech and the head <v Narrator 1>was trapped in the mother. <v Marci Meenan>Doctors showed it to me that they just hated this part of the abortion. <v Marci Meenan>It seemed easy to kill the baby with assault downstairs where you couldn't see the baby, <v Marci Meenan>but they didn't want any part of the baby when it was being delivered. <v Marci Meenan>And the doctors would get upset many times and they would rip the body
<v Marci Meenan>away from the child's head that was still inside the mother. <v Marci Meenan>They would write orders to send this mother to the operating room so <v Marci Meenan>that the head could be removed. <v Marci Meenan>The head had to be chopped, if you will, and <v Marci Meenan>remove that way, or she would have a violent infection. <v Marci Meenan>But I would watch these women's blood pressures and they were bouncing around and <v Marci Meenan>dangerous levels to get a doctor there. <v Marci Meenan>They weren't prepared for this by any means. <v Narrator 1>The handicapped child most commonly aborted is the Down's syndrome child. <v Narrator 1>David has Down syndrome. He is the youngest child of Philadelphia gynecologist Dr. <v Narrator 1>Dorothy Czarnecki. <v Dr. Dorothy Czarnecki>We assume, for example, that mentally retarded people aren't happy, can't <v Dr. Dorothy Czarnecki>be happy, can't learn. <v Dr. Dorothy Czarnecki>We assume that they're not worthwhile. <v Dr. Dorothy Czarnecki>But there are so many people that that have dealt with handicapped people, retarded <v Dr. Dorothy Czarnecki>people, physically ill or incapacitated people who tell you that that's not <v Dr. Dorothy Czarnecki>so. David may not be a doctor.
<v Dr. Dorothy Czarnecki>He won't be a lawyer or a teacher. But he's going to be successful because he's going to <v Dr. Dorothy Czarnecki>be independent and he's going to be independent because of the educational <v Dr. Dorothy Czarnecki>process that he's been through with all of us. <v Ann Altamar>I don't know what they think it is, what we all were before we were born. <v Ann Altamar>Is, is- does that mean we were nothing? I don't understand that at all. <v Ann Altamar>I think it's tragic. I think it's absolutely tragic. <v Narrator 1>59 percent of the women in this country agree with Ann Altamar that the life of a human <v Narrator 1>being begins at conception. <v Narrator 1>A majority of all Americans, male and female, believes life begins at conception. <v Dr. Bernard Nathanson>And I must say that it was only biologic enlightenment, not anything spiritual. <v Dr. Bernard Nathanson>I'm an atheist and I have no religious convictions, whatever. <v Narrator 1>A decade ago, Dr. Bernard Nathanson, a prominent New York obstetrician gynecologist, <v Narrator 1>supervised 60,000 abortions at the world's largest abortion clinic. <v Narrator 1>Scientific observation during that time made him conclude in the England Journal of <v Narrator 1>Medicine that I had, in fact, presided over 60,000 deaths. <v Narrator 1>He believes there is no scientific doubt that a pregnant woman carries a human life
<v Narrator 1>within her. <v Dr. Bernard Nathanson>But I did spend 4 years working in the area of fetology or perinatology <v Dr. Bernard Nathanson>in those years in which the field literally exploded with new information. <v Dr. Bernard Nathanson>And I think that my daily <v Dr. Bernard Nathanson>contact with the fetus through all of our new technology, <v Dr. Bernard Nathanson>the ultrasound and amniocentesis and the electronic fetal heart monitoring <v Dr. Bernard Nathanson>and fetoscopy, all the other amazing technologies <v Dr. Bernard Nathanson>which we produced in the '70s, <v Dr. Bernard Nathanson>allowed me to see the fetus in a new light and allowed me to perceive <v Dr. Bernard Nathanson>finally the unarguable <v Dr. Bernard Nathanson>humanity of that person. <v Narrator 1>Dr. Nathanson was co-founder of NARAL. <v Narrator 1>Known today as the National Abortion Rights Action League. <v Narrator 1>It is the largest pro-abortion lobby in the country. <v Narrator 1>He believes that America has abortion on demand today, in large part because of the way
<v Narrator 1>NARAL treated the facts. <v Dr. Bernard Nathanson>To some extent, the coalition was built on fabrication. <v Dr. Bernard Nathanson>Yes. So we also fabricated polls in which we stated <v Dr. Bernard Nathanson>that the majority of Americans were beginning to switch to a pro-abortion posture. <v Narrator 1>According to Dr. Nathanson and Government Statistics, NARAL's figure of up to 10,000 <v Narrator 1>deaths a year due to illegal abortions was a gross exaggeration. <v Dr. Bernard Nathanson>Actually, we know the truth is closer to about 3 or 4 hundred, but <v Dr. Bernard Nathanson>the figures were so dramatic that they could not help but be attention grabbers. <v Dr. Bernard Nathanson>And they became extremely important to us in forming <v Dr. Bernard Nathanson>a broad coalition front of pro-abortion forces, pulling in <v Dr. Bernard Nathanson>all kinds of liberally inclined organizations and <v Dr. Bernard Nathanson>societies into our coalition. <v Narrator 1>Nathanson added that modern medicine has made the whole question of deaths due to <v Narrator 1>abortion obsolete. <v Dr. Bernard Nathanson>We do have a whole new class of drugs now which are
<v Dr. Bernard Nathanson>ubiquitous in medicine called prostaglandins. <v Dr. Bernard Nathanson>They can be used as simple little suppositories in the vagina and they are very <v Dr. Bernard Nathanson>effective abortion producing drugs. <v Dr. Bernard Nathanson>They are also extremely safe and they are also extremely cheap. <v Dr. Bernard Nathanson>So that if tomorrow morning abortion were again proscribed in the <v Dr. Bernard Nathanson>United States by fiat, you can be sure <v Dr. Bernard Nathanson>that women would be hurtl- hurrying down to the local drugstore and buying the <v Dr. Bernard Nathanson>prostaglandin suppositories under the counter for the purpose of <v Dr. Bernard Nathanson>having an abortion at home. <v Dr. Bernard Nathanson>No one would ever be going back to the back alley and there would be no increase <v Dr. Bernard Nathanson>in deaths. <v Narrator 1>Another inaccuracy by the pro-abortion lobby has been to emphasize abortions <v Narrator 1>dealing with rape, incest and life of the mother. <v Narrator 1>According to MedicAid statistics, those abortions account for less than 1 percent <v Narrator 1>of all abortions in this country.
<v Narrator 1>NARAL also made it appear that opposition to abortion on demand was a Catholic issue. <v Narrator 1>Today, 90 million Americans belong to religions that oppose abortion on demand. <v Narrator 1>Only 19 million Americans belong to religions that support abortion on demand. <v Narrator 1>A growing number of those opposed to abortion on religious grounds are liberals and <v Narrator 1>feminists like Joyce Holiday, associate editor of the prominent religious publication <v Narrator 1>Sojourners. <v Joyce Holiday>More and more more feminist, myself included, are beginning to see abortion is <v Joyce Holiday>just one more way of exploiting women because it is a form of violence <v Joyce Holiday>to women. And to use the phrase that <v Joyce Holiday>women should have choice to have an abortion. <v Joyce Holiday>I don't believe is accurate because I don't believe that any woman who really has a <v Joyce Holiday>choice, who has a supportive community or has the support of the <v Joyce Holiday>father of the child, would be driven to do something as desperate as to <v Joyce Holiday>take a life from within her body. <v Rep. Stephen Freind>None of us have an absolute right over our own bodies, male or female. <v Rep. Stephen Freind>We can't sell our bodies in prostitution.
<v Rep. Stephen Freind>That's against the law. We can't take certain dangerous drugs. <v Rep. Stephen Freind>That's against the law. As a matter of fact, we can't even commit suicide. <v Rep. Stephen Freind>That's against the law, though I admit that the successful perpetrator is very hard to <v Rep. Stephen Freind>prosecute. So there are no such absolute rights and what people forget even though you <v Rep. Stephen Freind>may have a right to privacy and a right to control, to a certain extent, your own body, <v Rep. Stephen Freind>they never mentioned the next point. <v Rep. Stephen Freind>We're talking about a second separate human being and unborn child. <v Narrator 1>Finally, a problem. <v Narrator 1>A woman in her 30s is pregnant. <v Narrator 1>She has tuberculosis. Her husband has syphilis. <v Narrator 1>They have had 4 children. <v Narrator 1>The first was born blind. The second was born dead. <v Narrator 1>The third was born deaf. And the fourth had tuberculosis. <v Narrator 1>Should this woman have an abortion? <v Narrator 1>If you answered yes, you just voted to abort Ludvig von Beethoven. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>This is 1 story that has thus far not yielded much compromise.
<v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>And as I indicated earlier, there are few, if any, points of agreement between the 2 <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>sides. Here now is Pro-Con's look at the pro-choice side <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>with narrator Yvonne Millspal. <v Jane Wells-Schooley>She is a living, breathing human being and which a biological event is occurring to her. <v Jane Wells-Schooley>And it is her body. Our organization supports abortion if a woman <v Jane Wells-Schooley>chooses to do so in what she considers to be a necessary situation. <v Rep. Thomas Cannon>Birth control. <v Jane Wells-Schooley>Frankly. And maybe it's easier if I explain to you as a woman, as <v Jane Wells-Schooley>a woman, it is a lot easier to take. <v Jane Wells-Schooley>[Rep. Thomas Cannon arguing back as she speaks]. <v Narrator 2>This exchange is typical of the tension and hostility created by even a formal <v Narrator 2>discussion of abortion legislation. <v Narrator 2>The issues, medical, moral and legal often are overshadowed by <v Narrator 2>the intensity of the discussion. But for those who support abortion rights, the argument <v Narrator 2>comes down to 2 major points. Freedom of choice and the safety <v Narrator 2>of women.
<v Kathryn Kolbert>As you put more restrictions on the access to abortion, the longer you <v Kathryn Kolbert>delay abortion, the greater the likelihood that you have women seeking nonmedical <v Kathryn Kolbert>abortions. Prior to 1973 when abortions were illegal, <v Kathryn Kolbert>many, many, many women saw illegal, unsafe, <v Kathryn Kolbert>nonmedical abortions, which cause incredible complication rates. <v Lynn Harwell>My mother died 52 years ago after 8 pregnancies. <v Lynn Harwell>And it it produced family disruption, <v Lynn Harwell>which people today seem not to even think about. <v Narrator 2>Lynn Harwell of Zionsville, Pennsylvania, has worked for the pro-choice movement for <v Narrator 2>years. <v Lynn Harwell>If she had died of tuberculosis or something like that, that was very common <v Lynn Harwell>in that time 52 years ago, I might have been <v Lynn Harwell>resolved to it, but because it was an abortion, <v Lynn Harwell>I just felt so outraged.
<v Lynn Harwell>The right to choose a medically safe procedure for a <v Lynn Harwell>woman when she makes up her mind to have an abortion is what will <v Lynn Harwell>really spare her life. <v Lynn Harwell>And I've, I really feel the need to defend that right. <v Deborah Sieger>Just before the 1973 Supreme Court decision that allowed safe legal <v Deborah Sieger>abortions, I was a staff nurse in the intensive care unit at ?inaudible? <v Deborah Sieger>Hospital. And within the course of 1 week, I took 3 young women who <v Deborah Sieger>were also in their 20s to the morgue. <v Deborah Sieger>They had died at the hands of a butcher abortionist on the main line, who was obviously <v Deborah Sieger>not very skilled in his trade. <v Deborah Sieger>And between those 3 women, they left behind 4 motherless children <v Deborah Sieger>and 2 fathers and husbands. <v Narrator 2>Under current law, abortion in Pennsylvania is medically safe. <v Narrator 2>According to the State Health Department, nearly all of the abortions performed in 1980, <v Narrator 2>98.6 percent, were reported as having no complications. <v Narrator 2>Changing the law could endanger this record.
<v Narrator 2>Changing the law could endanger the safety of women. <v Narrator 2>It could also endanger the rights of women. <v Narrator 2>Eva Chalker had an abortion. 18 months ago, that was a matter of choice. <v Narrator 2>Today, she is 6 months pregnant. <v Narrator 2>That, too, is a matter of choice. <v Eva Chalker>Having a child was very important to me. <v Eva Chalker>But you know, it it had to be done <v Eva Chalker>the way I want it to because ultimately I was the one responsible. <v Jack Chalker>The bottom line, I left up to her, but it was a decision <v Jack Chalker>that we both pretty well agreed upon. <v Eva Chalker>We weren't really happy with it, but I did have an abortion. <v Eva Chalker>You can talk about other people's morale and you can say, well, she should have done <v Eva Chalker>this. She shouldn't have done that. But when it comes down, you have to live your own <v Eva Chalker>life. <v Dr. Francis Hutchins Jr.>I think we as Americans like to think that we are in control of our own fate and we make <v Dr. Francis Hutchins Jr.>our decisions good or bad, based on our our own decisions and not <v Dr. Francis Hutchins Jr.>based on Big Brother making those kinds of decisions for us.
<v Jane Wells-Schooley>My own feeling is it's maybe it's 1981 and '84 is creeping up on <v Jane Wells-Schooley>me. But I think that the, this kind of control <v Jane Wells-Schooley>over people's bodies, I cannot even imagine that this is seriously considered legislation <v Jane Wells-Schooley>in the state. <v Narrator 2>There is also the question of interference with the doctor patient relationship. <v Dr. Francis Hutchins Jr.>Nowhere else. Have we had legislation which <v Dr. Francis Hutchins Jr.>has presumed to interfere with the doctor patient relationship to the degree that <v Dr. Francis Hutchins Jr.>this particular bill has. <v Kathryn Kolbert>The part that's the most offensive to me is the state is telling a woman what she must <v Kathryn Kolbert>do when that decision is essentially a private decision. <v Kathryn Kolbert>I think it should wo- be made between a woman and her doctor. <v Bishop J. Brooke Mosley>My name is Brooke Mosley. <v Bishop J. Brooke Mosley>I am a bishop of the Episcopal Church. <v Narrator 2>And on the moral question, there is an often overlooked fact. <v Narrator 2>There is a solid body of religious thought that believes in the freedom of choice. <v Bishop J. Brooke Mosley>Now, those people who support this legislation are entitled, as I said already, <v Bishop J. Brooke Mosley>to their beliefs, to their faith that a fertilized egg
<v Bishop J. Brooke Mosley>is a living human person. <v Bishop J. Brooke Mosley>But I am also entitled to my religious belief and my faith <v Bishop J. Brooke Mosley>that God creates a person later <v Bishop J. Brooke Mosley>in his wonderous process and not at the very moment of conception. <v Bishop J. Brooke Mosley>I can't prove my faith. <v Bishop J. Brooke Mosley>They can't prove theirs. <v Dr. Louis Gerstley>And the Supreme Court said that as far as they can find <v Dr. Louis Gerstley>out, the finest minds throughout all the centuries who were theologians, <v Dr. Louis Gerstley>who were scientists, who were medical people, have never been able to arrive at <v Dr. Louis Gerstley>a consensus of when human life begins. <v Dr. Louis Gerstley>And without that consensus, you cannot say whether <v Dr. Louis Gerstley>this is a human being or a fetus or an embryo. <v Gayle Henry>We are writing the religious beliefs of one particular religious group <v Gayle Henry>into the laws of our land.
<v Gayle Henry>And this is not the way this- These are not the principles on which <v Gayle Henry>this government was founded. <v Narrator 2>Among the principles upon which our government was founded was the principle of <v Narrator 2>democracy. Of the majority having a say in the way the country is run. <v Kathryn Kolbert>If the public had anything to say about it, if the polls were right, the bill would be <v Kathryn Kolbert>defeated because no one would before- It's clear that <v Kathryn Kolbert>overwhelmingly the public is is pro-choice. <v Kathryn Kolbert>Steve Freind will say straight out that if 99 percent of his constituents <v Kathryn Kolbert>felt that this legislation was bad, he'd push for it anyway. <v Kathryn Kolbert>So will Gregg Cunningham. And what it does is it says to a woman, you're stupid. <v Kathryn Kolbert>You can't make a decision on your own. We have to tell you how to do it. <v Kathryn Kolbert>And therefore, we'll try as hard as we can to supply you with information <v Kathryn Kolbert>that is 1 sided and that will get you to believe what we believe. <v Narrator 2>Among the 1 sided beliefs is the thought that those who perform abortions are somehow <v Narrator 2>inhuman.
<v Dr. Francis Hutchins Jr.>People on the pro-life side tend to paint the physician as the abortionist. <v Dr. Francis Hutchins Jr.>You know, this ogre that has fangs and he who's going around, he, <v Dr. Francis Hutchins Jr.>you know, sort of like Mengele, who was Hitler's <v Dr. Francis Hutchins Jr.>physician, who experimented on the people in the concentration camps. <v Dr. Francis Hutchins Jr.>They would like to to make us all look like that. <v Dr. Francis Hutchins Jr.>No, we are feeling human beings who have made an ethical judgment and are trying <v Dr. Francis Hutchins Jr.>to carry out good practice to the best we know <v Dr. Francis Hutchins Jr.>how. <v Narrator 2>Many in the medical profession say changing the law could threaten good practice. <v Narrator 2>1 member recalls a case before abortion became legal. <v Dr. Louis Gerstley>There was a particular case that I was involved with. <v Dr. Louis Gerstley>A tragic case of very attractive young lady in her early 20s came in, in <v Dr. Louis Gerstley>what we call total septic and irreversible septic shock. <v Dr. Louis Gerstley>She had no blood pressure, no detectable pulse, she'd had a criminal abortion <v Dr. Louis Gerstley>and was so ill there was literally no way of saving her life. <v Dr. Louis Gerstley>And I had to do a hysterectomy on this woman under local anesthesia in an attempt to save
<v Dr. Louis Gerstley>her life. And we did it and we completed the hysterectomy satisfactorily. <v Dr. Louis Gerstley>And I will never forget walking back along the hospital card or hallway with this woman. <v Dr. Louis Gerstley>She was holding onto my hand after the operation and was telling me, as <v Dr. Louis Gerstley>they are and it's a tragic thing. <v Dr. Louis Gerstley>She was perfectly lucid right up to the end, and she was telling me that, <v Dr. Louis Gerstley>doctor save me. I'm dying. <v Dr. Louis Gerstley>I know I'm dying. Help me. <v Dr. Louis Gerstley>And there was absolutely nothing left that I can do. <v Dr. Louis Gerstley>We had antibiotics pouring into her. <v Dr. Louis Gerstley>We had blood going into her. We had cortisone going into her. <v Dr. Louis Gerstley>And nothing was saving this girl. And while she was holding my hand, this girl died. <v Dr. Louis Gerstley>And I never want to see anything like that again. <v Narrator 2>But it could be seen again. <v Narrator 2>It could be seen again if the law is changed. <v Narrator 2>And it could be seen again because the world isn't a perfect place. <v Dr. Francis Hutchins Jr.>And in a society in which we have not achieved perfect methods of contraception, we <v Dr. Francis Hutchins Jr.>will continue to have unwanted pregnancies for the foreseeable future. <v Dr. Francis Hutchins Jr.>And in a society that has as much criminal and personal abuse
<v Dr. Francis Hutchins Jr.>as we happen to have in our society, incest and rape will continue to occur. <v Dr. Louis Gerstley>And the end result is that no matter how one feels about abortion, whether one <v Dr. Louis Gerstley>is in favor of abortion or against abortion, abortions have been going <v Dr. Louis Gerstley>on since the beginning of recorded history. <v Dr. Louis Gerstley>They are being done today and they are going to be done in the future. <v Dr. Louis Gerstley>And the only question is who shall do them. <v Dr. Francis Hutchins Jr.>In an imperfect society in which we happen to have a at least a 2 <v Dr. Francis Hutchins Jr.>to 3 percent and possibly as high as 5 percent incidence of malformed infants being <v Dr. Francis Hutchins Jr.>produced. We will continue to have women who will choose the option of abortion. <v Sharyn Wright>This is a letter which we received here at the clinic from a former-. <v Narrator 2>One woman who chose to have an abortion, wrote about her decision in a letter that <v Narrator 2>makes a simple but moving argument for a woman's freedom of choice. <v Sharyn Wright>The maternal instinct is so strong and that innate feeling to nurture <v Sharyn Wright>and protect starts. I think at the moment of conception. <v Sharyn Wright>No matter how a pregnancy is terminated, there has to be a sense of loss.
<v Sharyn Wright>And perhaps more so in a person who has children, as I do. <v Sharyn Wright>And being over 40 allows me a glimpse of my own mortality and I realize <v Sharyn Wright>the fragile quality of life. <v Sharyn Wright>Abortion is rightfully a sensitive subject. <v Sharyn Wright>It should never be taken lightly. <v Sharyn Wright>It's even wise to listen to the opposition so that we don't become too complacent about <v Sharyn Wright>it. Weighing all the alternatives, my husband and I feel <v Sharyn Wright>that we made the right choice, albeit a prayerful and tearful one. <v Sharyn Wright>What I have done is never far from my mind, and it will always remain a decision with <v Sharyn Wright>which I am not entirely comfortable. <v Sharyn Wright>But each day I thank God for the freedom of choice and for his love, which <v Sharyn Wright>has sustained me through all of this. <v Narrator 2>The safety of women and the freedom of choice, 2 fundamental <v Narrator 2>rights that ought to be protected. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>Representative Cunningham, let me just come back to you briefly, what's your response to
<v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>the woman in the second documentary who says that what your legislation is really <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>saying is that women are stupid, that they can't make the decisions on their own? <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>I would just cite to the person who made that observation that we have a great <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>deal of law in this country today, which was very badly needed at the time of its <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>enactment and remains badly needed that requires disclosure obligations <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>on the part of the franchising industry, on the part of land sales, business <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>providers of commercial goods and services, motor vehicle sales, lending institutions, <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>the insurance industry, the list goes on and on. <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>We are not suggesting paternalistically when we enact these kinds of disclosure <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>requirements the people who buy insurance are too stupid to know what they're doing. <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>What we are suggesting is that everybody who purchases insurance is not as- <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>there is no uniformity with regard to the awareness people have in terms of <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>insurance contracts when they come to buy insurance. <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>And we think it's very important that a person who is selling insurance has an obligation
<v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>to disclose material facts with regard to that insurance contract. <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>The issue of abortion in Pennsylvania is not a health issue. <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>Abortion in Pennsylvania, when we're talking about abortion on demand, is a commercial <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>enterprise. We have a clinic in Pittsburgh that performs 10,000 abortions a year. <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>The overwhelming majority of them are simply convenience abortions. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>All right, look, could I just get a response from the senator on that? <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>Senator, what's your response to that point? <v Sen. Henry Messinger>Well, I, I personally think that all of the industries <v Sen. Henry Messinger>that we're talking about are those that do not require <v Sen. Henry Messinger>personal information about the body of <v Sen. Henry Messinger>what is being reported on, which evidently is a case, and <v Sen. Henry Messinger>those reports that are required of people who are going to have abortions. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>Representative? <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>I would urge the senator read the bill. <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>The bill is very, very clear that that we are simply saying
<v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>a person who is selling an abortion, a person who derives their income from a woman's <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>decision to have an abortion, cannot be expected to reveal facts and emphasize <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>facts about that abortion that are likely to dissuade a woman from having that abortion. <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>We are saying that if it is reasonable to regulate the industries that I have just <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>suggested, it is even more reasonable to regulate the abortion industry, which is <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>an entrepreneurial commercial endeavor in this Commonwealth and not a health <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>delivery operation. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>Just briefly, do you think you've misunderstood the bill as representative charged <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>earlier, Senator? <v Sen. Henry Messinger>No, I don't think I misunderstood it. <v Sen. Henry Messinger>I really think this bill is not an abortion control bill. <v Sen. Henry Messinger>I think it's a control a women bill and women should <v Sen. Henry Messinger>view it as such. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>All right. We want to get a medical perspective now on some of those arguments in this <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>abortion debate. For that, we have with us 2 nationally recognized medical <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>authorities. First, Dr. Mildred Jefferson, who is assistant clinical <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>professor of surgery at the Boston University Medical Center.
<v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>Dr. Jefferson is a veteran anti-abortion activist and is president <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>of the Right to Life Crusade, a national organization. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>Dr. Jefferson, as a doctor, what do you think of the kind of legislation that <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>Representative Cunningham has proposed? <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>The kind of legislation proposed here has been made necessary by doctors <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>moving away from the traditional Hippocratic obligation, which separated <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>the killing and curing functions of the doctor and oblige the society not to ask <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>the doctor to kill. The 1973 abortion decisions left the <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>matter of the abortion in the decision of the doctor. <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>The woman was not given an unqualified constitutional right to abortion, she was given <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>the right to make that private decision and ask any doctor that she could find to do <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>that abortion for a fee. <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>The court unfortunately instructed the doctor and what should constitute <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>the medical judgment, which is the thing which finally determines that abortion, <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>the unfortunate circumstance exists, that the court depended upon doctors
<v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>using medical judgment to keep things under control, not understanding that abortionists <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>generally have been the less prudent among doctors and could be relied on to push <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>things out of hand. <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>It's a tragedy that you should have to remind doctors of informed consent. <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>For example, just letting a woman know the stage of development of the unborn <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>child, what the operation would do and what the consequences are constitute nothing <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>more than informing the patient about the truth of the medical procedure. <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>And doctors who object to that, I think are really doing a disservice to the <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>patient. The other thing is simple humanity should remind one <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>that if a child survives abortion, that unfortunate, immature, premature <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>infant should get the help of someone who has not been paid to see <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>that he's killed. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>Well, how do you respond to critics who argue that this kind of legislation <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>would intrude? You heard the argument the doctor made on the tape would intrude <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>on the doctor patient relationship in an unprecedented way?
<v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>Well, in first place, they don't understand the circumstances of the law. <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>A doctor's every action is bordered by a network of civil and criminal laws. <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>Any time we take the responsibility for a patient's life or health, we <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>are bounded by that network of laws. <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>Even if I give you an aspirin, if you have a complication from the administration <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>of that aspirin after I've prescribed it to you, questions are raised. <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>If I cannot explain them satisfactorily, I may have to answer in a civil suit. <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>If you sue me, if you die, there's a different question. <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>If the questions cannot be answered, then they will be raised in by a grand jury, <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>if that's the system of that state. <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>But I will have to account for the actions. <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>Unfortunately, with the '73 decisions, the Supreme Court itself has set <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>abortion outside the general range of medical practice and now they can <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>handle it in a special way behind a curtain, outside the review <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>of that doctor's peers. And that's not a suitable circumstance. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>Let me just ask you briefly to respond to Ms.
<v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>Kolbert, who said on the tape that this kind of legislation will not stop abortion, <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>but rather will submit women to unsafe conditions and <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>to tremendous psychological and emotional trauma. <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>Well, that's a very simplistic, emotional propagandizing remark, which is part of their <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>standard campaigns. We know that in circumstance where the permission <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>as such is represented by the Supreme Court's decisions and the money to pay for it <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>are not there, then people do not as readily seek it. <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>I think a clearer and more truthful answer is revealed in women who were polled <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>after the New York law had been in effect for 6 months in 1970, <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>when women were asked whether or not they approved of the law. <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>They said yes by some 78 percent. <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>But when the question came that if such a law were not there, which is equivalent <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>to the open permission of the Supreme Court's decisions now, how many would still <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>seek abortion? The number dropped to less than 30 percent. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>All right. We'll come back. For a different point of view.
<v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>We go now to an activist on the pro-choice side of the abortion issue. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>She is Dr. Lewis- Louise Tyrer, a New York based obstetrician gynecologist. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>She is also vice president of the medical division of Planned Parenthood. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>Dr. Tyrer, what do you think of the kind of legislation Representative Cunningham is <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>proposing? <v Dr. Louise Tyrer>I consider it discriminatory and very restrictive. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>In what way? <v Dr. Louise Tyrer>Well, for example, informed consent can certainly <v Dr. Louise Tyrer>be given about the risks and benefits of abortion <v Dr. Louise Tyrer>without having to show pictures of aborted fetuses and the fetus <v Dr. Louise Tyrer>at various stages. <v Dr. Louise Tyrer>We don't do that with any other type of procedure. <v Dr. Louise Tyrer>And it seems that this procedure has been singled out for special <v Dr. Louise Tyrer>attention above and beyond what is usually accorded other <v Dr. Louise Tyrer>types of medical procedures. <v Dr. Louise Tyrer>I certainly do believe that a woman must be advised about the risks of any <v Dr. Louise Tyrer>procedure that they're undergoing.
<v Dr. Louise Tyrer>But I think that this goes beyond that. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>Is that your principal objection to it? <v Dr. Louise Tyrer>That's one of the major objections. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>Do you think the government should be involved in any aspect of a woman's decision to <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>have an abortion? <v Dr. Louise Tyrer>No, I do not. I believe that it's a moral and conscientious decision <v Dr. Louise Tyrer>that must be made by each woman herself and then <v Dr. Louise Tyrer>in consultation with the physician, as far as the medical risks <v Dr. Louise Tyrer>are concerned. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>How do you respond to the argument made in the documentary that society is pushing <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>women into abortion who otherwise might go to full term successfully? <v Dr. Louise Tyrer>Well, I don't believe that the data supports that at all. <v Dr. Louise Tyrer>Even before abortion was legalized, it was estimated that there were <v Dr. Louise Tyrer>well over a million abortions, illegal abortions sought. <v Dr. Louise Tyrer>And certainly if someone is seeking an illegal abortion, <v Dr. Louise Tyrer>they're not being pushed into abortion. <v Dr. Louise Tyrer>They're having to seek it out, go through the criminal system,
<v Dr. Louise Tyrer>which is usually controlled by organized crime. <v Dr. Louise Tyrer>They hire butchers basically to perform these procedures. <v Dr. Louise Tyrer>I think it's discriminatory and certainly does <v Dr. Louise Tyrer>not take into consideration the worth of a woman to force her to go <v Dr. Louise Tyrer>to such extremes to obtain an abortion. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>Do you think this- the kind of legislation that Representative Cunningham is proposing <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>is going to result in more of that sort of thing? <v Dr. Louise Tyrer>Yes, I do. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>What's your response to that, Dr. Jefferson? <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>Well, I think in the first place, the requirement of informed consent simply <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>brings the abortion procedure under the purview that other medical procedures are <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>surgical procedures have to. I wouldn't think of doing an operation and general surgery <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>on a patient without making sure they understood exactly what the condition <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>was, what I expected to find, and how the procedure would go. <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>And most good surgeons, if the patients show any difficulty understanding at all,
<v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>will by diagrams or pictures, show them exactly what is likely to happen. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>What's wrong with that, Dr. Tyrer? <v Dr. Louise Tyrer>Well, I don't see any problem with it. But for the state to force it to occur, <v Dr. Louise Tyrer>you, Mildred, just said that if the patient has any problems understanding <v Dr. Louise Tyrer>an operation, you diagram and show pictures. <v Dr. Louise Tyrer>But the state does not force them to show how you're going to do an appendectomy, <v Dr. Louise Tyrer>what the appendix looks like. <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>No, but the problem is that the doctor takes this as an obligation <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>in the abortion circumstance with the clinic practice. <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>It's a matter of getting them in and out as fast as possible. <v Dr. Louise Tyrer>But that's not so. They have counselors. <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>The counselors in some clinics, yes, in a few showcase clinics. <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>But for the most part, this does not happen. And even the Supreme Court's decisions on <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>the subject pointed out that there is a deficiency of the counseling. <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>But in general, if you pick up a young woman who has been in and out of that experience, <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>you will find not only was she not told the truth about the stage of development of the <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>child, they did not explain very much to her.
<v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>And in general, they are in and out in something less than 2 hours, a farmer taking <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>having a veterinarian care for his cows would have more attention than that. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>Let me ask you on the point that the representative made that are we talking <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>about, Dr. Tyrer, a second separate human being or just <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>what are we talking about in this whole discussion? <v Dr. Louise Tyrer>Well, I believe that everyone has the right to make their own decision as to when <v Dr. Louise Tyrer>human life starts. And I do not believe that it is appropriate for the state <v Dr. Louise Tyrer>or any group to legislate that. <v Dr. Louise Tyrer>And therefore, I respect Dr. Jefferson's opinion <v Dr. Louise Tyrer>that she believes that human life begins at the moment of fertilization. <v Dr. Louise Tyrer>But I believe that I'm entitled to my right to act to-. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>And your belief is that it begins when? <v Dr. Louise Tyrer>Well, it's my belief that a human being occurs at the <v Dr. Louise Tyrer>time of birth when they are able to sustain life outside of the uterus. <v Dr. Louise Tyrer>And I want my belief respected as much as I respect her belief. <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>Well medically I simply could never respect that kind of belief.
<v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>And I'm sorry that any obstetrician gynecologist who believes that is simply not <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>qualified to take care of a pregnant woman who has to come to term and deliver a safe. <v Dr. Louise Tyrer>Well, [crosstalk] I've taken care of a lot of them, so I believe I'm very qualified-. <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>If you thought the child was not alive until it was born, you simply were not qualified-. <v Dr. Louise Tyrer>I did not say that, I said that's a human being. <v Dr. Louise Tyrer>Now, that's very different. <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>No-. <v Dr. Louise Tyrer>Personhood, according to the laws of our our country, does not occur <v Dr. Louise Tyrer>until live birth occurs. <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>No, that's simply not so. <v Dr. Louise Tyrer>It's a fetus before that. <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>All you have is a Supreme Court decision that pointed out that the unborn child had <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>not been defined as a legal person in the meanings of the 5th and 14th Amendment. <v Dr. Louise Tyrer>It's an unborn fetus. <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>That has nothing to do with law. The Supreme Court is supposed to interpret the law. <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>It's not supposed to write the law. <v Dr. Louise Tyrer>Well, they did interpret. <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>So to say that this decision does not indicate that any law says <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>that the unborn child is not a person, but a doctor has to deal with the biological <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>person, not any legal concept of personhood.
<v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>And that's where the abortionist comes in conflict with not only the society, <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>but medicine and medical practice. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>Right. I think that's one of the critical issues here where we do not have <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>a consensus on when life begins. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>[crosstalk from both doctors] but we have to move on. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>We'll come back to those points maybe a little bit later on. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>Beyond the medical and legal perspectives is the moral dimension. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>To pursue that aspect, we have with us tonight 2 theologians. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>First, back to Allentown and Father Stephen Forish, the pro-life coordinator <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>for the Catholic Diocese of Allentown. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>Father Forish, from your perspective, why shouldn't abortion be a private matter <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>between a woman and her doctor? <v Father Stephen Forish>Well, it shouldn't be a private matter simply because modern science shows <v Father Stephen Forish>us that life, the individual human life, does indeed begin <v Father Stephen Forish>at fertilization. Now, I'm astounded at some of the pro-abortion <v Father Stephen Forish>arguments because in no other field of reasoning would someone suggest that <v Father Stephen Forish>because people in the past did not understand something, that we can't understand
<v Father Stephen Forish>it now. For instance, no one would argue that we can't know now that the Earth goes <v Father Stephen Forish>around the sun because people centuries ago believe the opposite, but this is the type <v Father Stephen Forish>of pseudo reasoning that one hears. <v Father Stephen Forish>The reason that the unborn child should be protected is because biologically <v Father Stephen Forish>it is a distinct individual and not a part of the mother's body. <v Father Stephen Forish>Another thing that distresses me is I heard Senator Messinger and I heard someone else <v Father Stephen Forish>suggest that we don't want religious beliefs in law. <v Father Stephen Forish>We don't want to enshrine anyone's religious beliefs in our civil laws. <v Father Stephen Forish>The fact of the matter is that the current laws allowing abortion do enshrine <v Father Stephen Forish>specific religious beliefs. <v Father Stephen Forish>The fact that an unborn child is considered a part of the mother is actually the theory <v Father Stephen Forish>of certain Jewish rabbis. <v Father Stephen Forish>The current state of the law allowing abortion to be the, quote, individual decision <v Father Stephen Forish>of the mother is almost identical to a resolution adopted in May <v Father Stephen Forish>of 1968 by the American Baptist Convention.
<v Father Stephen Forish>Now, if these people are so worried about having religion in law, why doesn't it <v Father Stephen Forish>upset them that permissive abortion actually exist only because there are <v Father Stephen Forish>certain religious theories in the law? <v Father Stephen Forish>Another thing that I would say about the matter is that we have <v Father Stephen Forish>moral principles which are not just based on revelation, God telling <v Father Stephen Forish>us something. They're based on facts, experience and reasoning. <v Father Stephen Forish>And the right to life of an unborn human being happens to be one of those principles <v Father Stephen Forish>which is substantiated on several levels. <v Father Stephen Forish>You don't have to believe in God to see this or realize it. <v Father Stephen Forish>And people who say that, well, you can't legislate it because people will break the law. <v Father Stephen Forish>Are they aware that we have laws against rape and every 6 minutes someone is being <v Father Stephen Forish>raped? Do they know that even though we have laws against murder, every 28 <v Father Stephen Forish>minutes someone is being murdered and so on? <v Father Stephen Forish>Obviously, we don't take laws off the books because not everyone agrees <v Father Stephen Forish>with them, not everyone accepts them, or because people break them.
<v Father Stephen Forish>So these arguments are completely irrational. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>All right, Father, I think I'm going to have to interrupt you on that point because we <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>want to get the other side. I want to get you to respond to that. <v Father Stephen Forish>Alright. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>The other side, we go to public station WDIA in Scranton, where we have <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>the Reverend Everett Francis. Reverend Francis, rector of St. Luke's Episcopal <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>Church, has also been an abortion counselor. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>Reverend Francis, what do you say to the arguments Father Forish just put forward? <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>Take anyone you choose. <v Rev. Francis Everett>There were too many. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>Well, why exactly, in your view, should the state not be involved <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>in this question? <v Rev. Francis Everett>Well, I think that there are ways in which the state might be involved. <v Rev. Francis Everett>But one way they certainly shouldn't be involved would be to make <v Rev. Francis Everett>the physician a propagandist or a policeman. <v Rev. Francis Everett>I think that the physician does indeed have the <v Rev. Francis Everett>obligation to explain procedure as best as he sees fit and
<v Rev. Francis Everett>thinks appropriate for the particular person at that time. <v Rev. Francis Everett>The concern that I have is that our church and a significant <v Rev. Francis Everett>number of churches and religious groups, Jewish groups, <v Rev. Francis Everett>have differing opinions. And we believe that it is the positive duty <v Rev. Francis Everett>of people to make these informed decisions as best <v Rev. Francis Everett>as they can under God. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>As a minister who counsels on this matter, what kind of advice do you give to women <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>who are genuinely confused about what to do when confronted with an <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>unwanted pregnancy? <v Rev. Francis Everett>Well, I help them sort out the particular concerns <v Rev. Francis Everett>they have, point out the seriousness <v Rev. Francis Everett>of the proposed of <v Rev. Francis Everett>the- I point out the the the importance of of <v Rev. Francis Everett>life and recognize that life is part
<v Rev. Francis Everett>of a series of continual beginnings. <v Rev. Francis Everett>It is more than biological. <v Rev. Francis Everett>It assumes the care and loving nurture between man <v Rev. Francis Everett>and wife. <v Rev. Francis Everett>And I try to help them explore all of the dim- <v Rev. Francis Everett>dimensions so that they can make the best, most responsible decision <v Rev. Francis Everett>before God and before each other and before society. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>What's wrong with that Father Forish? <v Father Stephen Forish>Well, I agree that there are many dimensions to life. <v Father Stephen Forish>But the 1 thing that we can get a little snobbish about is that the biological isn't <v Father Stephen Forish>important. The fact of the matter is, without the biological, nothing else matters. <v Father Stephen Forish>And we're using the same kind of reasoning in what my colleague, <v Father Stephen Forish>the Episcopal minister said that was used to justify slavery. <v Father Stephen Forish>If you and your conscience before God come to a peaceful decision that this <v Father Stephen Forish>is not a human being, even though we know it's a biological human being, a human <v Father Stephen Forish>life, well, then you can go right on and the law should ignore you.
<v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>Reverend Francis. Let me just get Reverend Francis to respond. <v Rev. Francis Everett>I don't think that's the same thing. <v Father Stephen Forish>Obviously, but it is. <v Rev. Francis Everett>Well, I don't think it is. <v Rev. Francis Everett>I think that we are in our church, a responsible church. <v Rev. Francis Everett>We are within a tradition of moral theology, <v Rev. Francis Everett>and indeed we recognize that there are exceptions <v Rev. Francis Everett>to every particular rule. <v Rev. Francis Everett>If we take seriously the concern about killing, we would say a <v Rev. Francis Everett>policeman cannot kill when someone comes up. <v Rev. Francis Everett>We would say that a person cannot engage in acts of war. <v Rev. Francis Everett>Moral theology has always made provision for exceptions in <v Rev. Francis Everett>this imperfect and fallen world. And all we're saying is that in case <v Rev. Francis Everett>of rape, incest, the physical, and I would say mental health of the mother. <v Rev. Francis Everett>There are times when exceptions have to be made and that privilege and that <v Rev. Francis Everett>responsibility should be given to the people.
<v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>Do you agree with that? Just in a word, because we have to move on, Father. <v Father Stephen Forish>Thank you. Now in a word you're asking an awful lot. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>Well, just to that exception that he just layed out. <v Father Stephen Forish>I don't agree with it because he talked about people who were not innocent, defenseless <v Father Stephen Forish>human beings. When he talked about society's allowing war or defense <v Father Stephen Forish>or that type of thing. But I wouldn't question his sincerity. <v Father Stephen Forish>But you are talking about people who are not, in my opinion, taking into account what <v Father Stephen Forish>science tells us about the unborn child and they're trading off that unborn child <v Father Stephen Forish>when the child not only does not have to be, but cannot be traded off. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>Representative Cunningham, let me just come back to you for a moment. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>Last week, an Associated Press NBC News poll revealed <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>that a majority of Americans believe the decision to have an abortion should be left to <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>a woman and her physician. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>Given the defeat you suffered in these kinds of poll results, what's <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>your prognosis for getting your bill passed in Pennsylvania? <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>Charlayne we're, we are abundantly confident that we're going to get the bill passed.
<v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>1 of the major problems we have is a problem with which we were afflicted here tonight. <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>It's very, very obvious that many of the people who are commenting on this bill in a <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>negative way have simply not read it. <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>It's as simple as that. <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>It has been suggested the physician should not be compelled to become propagandist for <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>the pro-life movement. With amendments, the bill, as it's as it now, rests <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>with the amendments that have been prepared would require only and I'm reading directly <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>from the bill, would require that a physician only indicate to a woman coming in for an <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>abortion the public and private agencies that exist to assist her through <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>her pregnancy. The fact that if she qualifies for Medicaid, she will receive pre-natal <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>and post-natal services as well as birth services. <v Rep. Gregg Cunnigham>The fact that she's entitled to the child support from the father of the baby. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>I think I get your drift. Let me just get Reverend Francis to respond to that. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>Does that make you feel better, Reverend Francis, about the bill? <v Rev. Francis Everett>Well, with some improvement, but there is a provision in the bill, as I <v Rev. Francis Everett>saw it some time ago, that said it is the policy of the state that birth-
<v Rev. Francis Everett>human life begins at conception. <v Rev. Francis Everett>And that's just a point of view that, that, that we disagree with. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>What's your prognosis for this bill? <v Rev. Francis Everett>I think that there's a lot of misinformation indeed <v Rev. Francis Everett>in the first film. I thought that there were some gross distortions. <v Rev. Francis Everett>I think it's still up in the air. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>All right. I'm sorry. I have to move on rather quickly because I want to get a comment <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>from everyone. Father Forish, what's your prognosis for this bill? <v Father Stephen Forish>It's a wonderful bill to protect especially women so that they're not abused. <v Father Stephen Forish>And I've counseled so many who were told by their doctors that they were dealing with <v Father Stephen Forish>blobs of tissue. And when they saw biologically what a five month old child looked like, <v Father Stephen Forish>they've almost gone out of their mind. We just had a letter to the editor- <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>I'm sorry. I just want to get a brief comment from, because I think we get your drift, <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>from Dr. Jefferson about the trouble that the human life amendment has is <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>having in the Congress and the human life statute as well. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>Are you concerned about these kind of poll results?
<v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>And do you see trouble for your side on the horizon now? <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>No because I understand that the release of those polls when the Human Life Amendment <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>hearing started, it's just the latest in a propaganda effort. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>So in other words, you think the polls are-. <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>The polls admit that they pro-abortion groups are concerned <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>that the amendment will pass. You see that particular formulation, do you believe <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>abortion should be a private matter between a woman and doctor? <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>Is the one that Judith Blake Davis Polls, studying the decade 1960 to 1970 <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>showed got the favorable answer most often. <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>That's why that particular question and the results were run out. <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>But we know that the basic findings in her studies are still true, that <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>the majority population in this country still feels that it's wrong to <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>get rid of a baby just because it's there. <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>And those people will vote for the human life amendment. <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>So you get a different consideration when you say, do you believe there should be a <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>constitutional amendment banning abortion? <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>People usually say no by a majority. <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>But when you say, do you believe there should be a constitutional amendment to protect
<v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>the life of the unborn child, then you get a yes by a majority vote. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>Dr. Tyrer, can I just get you to respond on the prognosis for the human life amendment or <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>the statute. <v Dr. Louise Tyrer>I do not believe that they will pass, and I believe that the people <v Dr. Louise Tyrer>in this country realize that a woman's <v Dr. Louise Tyrer>right of choice and a woman's concerns <v Dr. Louise Tyrer>and issues have to come before the issues <v Dr. Louise Tyrer>of the fetus. And I do not believe that we <v Dr. Louise Tyrer>can put the interests of the fetus paramount over the interests <v Dr. Louise Tyrer>of the woman. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>I'm sorry we have to leave it there. <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson> Equal rights, and if the mother now becomes the enemy <v Dr. Mildred Jefferson>of the child, the state has to protect that child. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>And I'd like to thank both of you. We are obviously not going to solve this. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>Thank you all for watching. Thank our other guests for participating. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>And thanks for the Public Television Network in Pennsylvania. <v Charlayne Hunter-Galt>I'm Charlayne Hunter-Gault. Good evening.
<v Announcer>Funding for this program has been provided by the Pennsylvania Public Television Network.
- Episode
- Abortion
- Producing Organization
- WITF-TV (Television station : Harrisburg, Pa.)
- Contributing Organization
- The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia (Athens, Georgia)
- cpb-aacip-526-dr2p55fk3j
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip-526-dr2p55fk3j).
- Description
- Episode Description
- "PRO-CON: Abortion with Charlayne Hunter-Gault examines the specifics of legislation introduced in Pennsylvania that would give the state the toughest anti-abortion laws in the country. The format of this program includes two preproduced documentaries arguing each side, and a live debate among experts on the legal medical and moral questions surrounding the abortion issue. This program aired statewide within days of a critical state House vote on the question. It was designed to give our viewers a balanced look at this complex issue. Since the program aired, the legislation in question was passed but then vetoed by Pennsylvania's Governor."--1981 Peabody Awards entry form.
- Broadcast Date
- 1981
- Asset type
- Episode
- Media type
- Moving Image
- Duration
- 01:00:02.367
- Credits
Producing Organization: WITF-TV (Television station : Harrisburg, Pa.)
- AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the
University of Georgia
Identifier: cpb-aacip-c80a409f015 (Filename)
Format: U-matic
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
- Citations
- Chicago: “Pro-Con with Charlayne Hunter-Gault; Abortion,” 1981, The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed March 31, 2025,
- MLA: “Pro-Con with Charlayne Hunter-Gault; Abortion.” 1981. The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. March 31, 2025. <>.
- APA: Pro-Con with Charlayne Hunter-Gault; Abortion. Boston, MA: The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from