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<v Man>African-Americans have fought hard to gain political clout and political <v Man>representation. And I don't think we're just going to leave everything that-that-that <v Man>we've struggled so hard to gain. <v Man>In any political power, no one gives anything, you have to <v Man>take it. <v Man>This is the last stronghold, when they lose this ground they've lost it. <v Man>They see the demographics changing very rapidly and <v Man>do not want to share the power. <v Val Zavala>Latinos growing in number and demanding political power, but will African-Americans <v Val Zavala>have to step aside? The Color of Power next on By the Year 2000. <v TV Speaker>Major funding for By the Year 2000 is provided by the Michael <v TV Speaker>J. Connell Foundation, and the James Irvine Foundation. <v TV Speaker>Additional funding is provided by Kaiser Permanente working with Southern California <v TV Speaker>for a healthier tomorrow, and the Norris Foundation, <v TV Speaker>which is pleased to recognize public television as an important and vital community
<v TV Speaker>resource. With a supporting grant from the Earth Technology Corporation. <v Val Zavala>California's Latino population is exploding and many of them are settling into <v Val Zavala>neighborhoods that have long been African-American strongholds. <v Val Zavala>Blacks who fought long and hard for civil rights and political power are now feeling <v Val Zavala>the impact of another minority. <v Val Zavala>I'm Val Zavala. <v Joseph Benti>And I'm Joseph Benti. Experts project the fast growing Hispanic population is <v Joseph Benti>going to be the majority by the year 2000. <v Joseph Benti>That fact is not lost on all the rest of Southern California. <v Val Zavala>This program looks at Compton, a microcosm of the Southland's fast changing, <v Val Zavala>ethnically diverse neighborhoods, from city council to high school proms. <v Val Zavala>The new faces and names are apparent. <v Val Zavala>It's a city facing new cultural realities as demographic shifts determine <v Val Zavala>the color of power. <v Duncan>Hi.
<v Omar Bradley>Hello, Mr. Duncan, how are you? <v Woman>Hi, brother. [Indistinct conversation] <v Val Zavala>Omar Bradley. <v Omar Bradley>You already probably know me. <v Duncan>Yeah. <v Val Zavala>A high school teacher. <v Omar Bradley>You were probably watching the Laker game. <v Duncan>Yeah! Lakers all the way. <v Val Zavala>Campaigning all the way to Compton City Hall. <v Omar Bradley>I'm running for councilman in this district. <v Duncan>Yes sir, I- <v Speaker>And I sure would appreciate your support, if you would help me. <v Val Zavala>Pedro Pallan, [Mr. Pallan says, "803"], a bakery owner <v Val Zavala>pounding the pavement. <v Pedro Pallan>Good evening, Mr. Reed. [Indistinct conversation] <v Val Zavala>To capture that same city council seat. <v Val Zavala>. <v Val Zavala>If he wins, he'll be the first Latino elected to the council. <v Val Zavala>The prize is the first district in Compton, a city where an African-American <v Val Zavala>stronghold is confronting an exploding Hispanic population. <v Pedro Pallan>I believe they see the writing on the wall. They see the demographics changing very <v Pedro Pallan>rapidly and uh do not want to share the power. <v Omar Bradley>I think the black community to a certain extent feels threatened <v Omar Bradley>because they are being told that Latinos are out populating <v Omar Bradley>them and that eventually this community would be a Latino town.
<v Val Zavala>Whoever wins this race will help govern a city with a stormy civil rights history. <v Val Zavala>Over the past 40 years, Compton has gone from an all white enclave to <v Val Zavala>a city dominated by African-Americans and now challenged by a growing Latino <v Val Zavala>population. <v Val Zavala>Prom night at Compton Centennial High, Sergio <v Val Zavala>and Elizabeth, Arthur and Bridgette, two couples tied for a run <v Val Zavala>off for prom king and queen. <v Woman>Sign here. [Indistinct conversation]. <v Val Zavala>Although they say there are no racial tensions, they come from a high school where <v Val Zavala>Latinos and African-Americans seldom mix, where teachers must <v Val Zavala>assign seats to get the two groups to sit together. <v Teacher>Lakeisha? <v Val Zavala>For many students, the victor in this prom race will show who reigns at Centennial <v Val Zavala>High.
<v Val Zavala>100 years ago, at Compton's only schoolhouse, you couldn't find a single <v Val Zavala>black face, but according to longtime residents, Latinos were accepted <v Val Zavala>in white schools. <v Jane Robbins>We've always had Latinos. <v Jane Robbins>They-they were here to begin with. <v Jane Robbins>As I said, I went through school with Latinos. <v Val Zavala>Jane Robbins is a Compton City Council person. <v Val Zavala>Her father was Compton's first mayor. <v Val Zavala>In fact, the city council he headed in 1933 was all white. <v Val Zavala>Then in the 1940s and 50s, factories, more than 160 <v Val Zavala>of them sprung up around Compton. <v Val Zavala>Blacks came in search of steady jobs and suburban living. <v Val Zavala>But instead, just like the strict segregation of the South, they found racism. <v Maxcy Filer>They didn't serve colored in the restaurants. <v Maxcy Filer>That was the phrase that they used. <v Maxcy Filer>And they, of course, enforced that we couldn't get a haircut in the barber
<v Maxcy Filer>shops, we had to have our own. <v Maxcy Filer>And we couldn't go to the churches, we had to have our own churches. <v Val Zavala>Maxcy Filer was head of the Compton NAACP in the 1960s and 70s. <v Val Zavala>He also served 15 years on Compton City Council. <v Val Zavala>He remembers how in the 1950s blacks had to leave the white areas of town <v Val Zavala>before nightfall or get arrested by police. <v Maxcy Filer>They had uh speaker on top of the police car <v Maxcy Filer>and they would, of course, hurried us past Rosecrans and <v Maxcy Filer>all blacks had to go past Rosecrans. <v Jane Robbins>I know, that then we had a racist police chief that it was <v Jane Robbins>our right for them to come in and come to school during the daytime, <v Jane Robbins>but when it got dark, they were to be out of town. <v Maxcy Filer>It was really a segregated city at that particular time. <v Maxcy Filer>There were no blacks working for the city of Compton, not on the police <v Maxcy Filer>department.
<v Val Zavala>And it wasn't just the police department. <v Val Zavala>Filer picketed the Bank of America to hire minorities and joined in protests <v Val Zavala>against Woolworth's to allow blacks to sit at his lunch counters. <v Val Zavala>He protested against residential restrictive covenants, homeowner deeds which allowed <v Val Zavala>only whites or Caucasians to buy property. <v Val Zavala>He says the NAACP asked Hispanics to join in the fight, but they refused. <v Maxcy Filer>We asked them and we sought them out, but they said it <v Maxcy Filer>wasn't their fight. They said that their fight was different from <v Maxcy Filer>ours and they didn't have a problem. <v Maxcy Filer>We had the problem. <v Manuel Pastor>Those charges are rooted in the fact <v Manuel Pastor>that African-Americans took a leadership role in the civil rights movement and- <v Val Zavala>Manuel Pastor, an economics professor at Occidental College, acknowledges <v Val Zavala>that Latinos did not join the early civil rights struggles of the 50s and 60s. <v Manuel Pastor>The 1960s was a time for Chicanos to come into their own. <v Manuel Pastor>Some people began to define themselves and began to realize
<v Manuel Pastor>the possibilities to come together as a community. <v Manuel Pastor>I think that the criticism doesn't place enough attention to the need for the Chicano <v Manuel Pastor>community to first define itself, define its own issues, particularly during the latter <v Manuel Pastor>part of the 1960s into the 1970s, before it could really come together to work <v Manuel Pastor>with other forces. <v Val Zavala>In 1958, Filers scored a major victory. <v Val Zavala>His NAACP group moved the first black family into Compton's white neighborhoods. <v Val Zavala>They did it by finding whites who would help with what's known as a double escrow. <v Val Zavala>Whites called it blockbusting. <v Maxcy Filer>A double escrow is a white will go and purchase the house from a white, <v Maxcy Filer>and at the same time, they will have another escrow going in order to sell <v Maxcy Filer>it to the black. <v Val Zavala>As soon as the first black family moved into this house on Palmer Street, trouble <v Val Zavala>started. <v Maxcy Filer>And once they found out that a black had bought the particular house, that's when they <v Maxcy Filer>put the hose in the mailbox and ran it all over his floor, and <v Maxcy Filer>of course, he had to get new flooring and things like that.
<v Maxcy Filer>Then when he moved in, we would sit up nights in his living <v Maxcy Filer>room and guard it so that they would not burn his house down. <v Maxcy Filer>There were many crosses burned and things of that nature. <v Val Zavala>As blacks moved in, whites moved out, and according to Filer, so <v Val Zavala>did a lot of Hispanics. <v Maxcy Filer>They were moving faster than the whites when we moved in. <v Maxcy Filer>They, of course, at that time were considered as white by the Census <v Maxcy Filer>Bureau and they classified them as white. <v Maxcy Filer>So they were running faster than the whites. <v Val Zavala>The 1950 census listed only two categories: white and nonwhite. <v Val Zavala>Nonwhite were Negroes, Indians, Japanese, and Chinese. <v Val Zavala>All other nationalities, including Latinos, were in the white classification. <v Val Zavala>By 1961, the first black was elected to Compton City Council. <v Val Zavala>Four years later, the Watts riots broke out. <v Val Zavala>Fires and looting came within a mile of the Compton city limits and sparked the second
<v Val Zavala>wave of white flight. <v Maxcy Filer>Whites left in droves, it was one of those things you would look <v Maxcy Filer>up today and a whole community was gone. <v Val Zavala>Almost as quickly a black majority appeared on the Compton City Council and <v Val Zavala>has remained there ever since. <v Val Zavala>Today, 80 percent of all city jobs are held by African-Americans. <v Val Zavala>But while blacks were solidifying their power throughout the 1970s and 80s, the Latino <v Val Zavala>population was growing. Currently, about 40 percent of Compton's population <v Val Zavala>is Latino, but they only hold 10 percent of the city's jobs. <v Pedro Pallan>In any political power, no one gives <v Pedro Pallan>anything. Nothing is given or shared, you have to take it. <v Pedro Pallan>707. <v Val Zavala>One of the first things Pedro Pallan wants to do if he is elected is implement a strong <v Val Zavala>affirmative action hiring plan for Latinos. <v Pedro Pallan>The personnel commission is segregated.
<v Pedro Pallan>It's completely black. <v Pedro Pallan>The Planning Commission, many important commissions within the city of Compton <v Pedro Pallan>are uh predominantly black or all black. <v Joe Ochoa>Have you heard- this is Joe from Pedro Pallan campaign. <v Val Zavala>Joe Ochoa, Pallan's chief fundraiser claims Compton's black power base <v Val Zavala>gives special treatment to African-Americans when they apply for jobs. <v Joe Ochoa>Thank you very much [Indistinct conversations]. <v Joe Ochoa>They'll come in ?inaudible? Because it seems to be that if you're black, you're <v Joe Ochoa>qualified. If you're running any other color, you're not. <v Speaker>Yes, Mr. Mayor, Council members. <v Val Zavala>Compton's mayor, Walter Tucker, plans to address Latino concerns in an upcoming <v Val Zavala>summit between the two groups. <v Walter Tucker>We are definitely in the city of Compton are going to be sensitive to the needs of our <v Walter Tucker>community, which, let's face it, is majority African-American. <v Walter Tucker>But by the same token, I think that we have the type of leadership in place now realizing <v Walter Tucker>the changes that says we can come to the table and also respond to it
<v Walter Tucker>in a fair way, respond to the needs of our Latino brothers. <v Val Zavala>While Compton's Hispanic population has doubled in the last 10 years, its <v Val Zavala>African-American population dropped nearly 20%. <v Val Zavala>Nowhere is the change more apparent than in the school system. <v Val Zavala>And that's one of the reasons why Elizabeth is running for prom queen at Centennial <v Val Zavala>High. [Dialogue in Spanish]. <v Interviewer>How did you decide to run? <v Elizabeth>My sister told me to run. <v Elizabeth's Sister>I got her into it. <v Elizabeth's Sister>The reason I got her into it, because I said, you know, those non-Mexicans running and <v Elizabeth's Sister>she had a pretty good chance of winning. <v Elizabeth's Sister>So I told her go for it you know and so she signed up for it. <v Elizabeth's Sister>And you know, she got into it too. <v Elizabeth>We have the vote and the prom at 10 o'clock. <v Elizabeth>It's going to be a lot of Chicanos. Yeah, mostly all my friends. <v Elizabeth>So I have a lot of Latino friends. <v Elizabeth's Sister>[Indistinct conversation] You ready to put on your dress now?
<v Elizabeth's Sister>So at the prom they're supposed to see who wins. <v Elizabeth's Sister>She got a good, pretty chance. But you know let's just see what happens. <v Val Zavala>[Indistinct conversation] Arthur, one of the prom king candidates, is also counting <v Val Zavala>his votes. <v Man>Yeah, you ready to get out. <v Arthur>They was calling the names and uh they say Arthur Satterfield. <v Arthur>So I was like all right, there my brother said, you go get it, you go get it. <v Arthur>You know, I came home and my friend came by and he told me that it was a tie out of <v Arthur>me and uh <v Arthur>Sergio, Sergio. <v Arthur>And I was like, oh ok. And that day I thought about, well, there's not going to be too <v Arthur>many Hispanics at the prom. <v Arthur>That's where there's going to be to vote. So I feel I got the upper hand and I'll still <v Arthur>pull it off, so hoping to win. <v Arthur>[Indistinct conversation between Arthur's family] <v Arthur>I know a lot of Hispanics I have in my classes and we work together, but still
<v Arthur>I don't know if they will vote or not for me. <v Arthur>They're going to pick the best man, hopefully it's me. <v Val Zavala>Although Latinos may not turn out in great numbers at the prom, they are the majority <v Val Zavala>at Compton's schools and they're demanding more representation at all levels of the <v Val Zavala>school district's hierarchy. <v Joe Ochoa>Since we're 54% of the school district, why don't we have more minority teachers? <v Joe Ochoa>Why don't we have role model? <v Val Zavala>Ochoa wants more bilingual teachers to help new students from Mexico and South America. <v Omar Bradley>Blacks still have a very difficult time mastering the English language, and there was <v Omar Bradley>never any programs instituted to make sure that we could master English. <v Omar Bradley>Lets get people on the phones. <v Val Zavala>Council candidate Bradley says many African-American students feel neglected <v Val Zavala>because materials and services are being provided in Spanish. <v Campaign Worker>He's a school teacher right now and-. <v Omar Bradley>Their needs are being met while the students who are African-Americans, their needs <v Omar Bradley>are going unmet, and-and um unnoticed and
<v Omar Bradley>one old man asked me the other day, he says, Bradley, the only thing I can say is how <v Omar Bradley>do you think Mexico would respond if three million black people showed up one day? <v Omar Bradley>Would they go through extraordinary means to prepare their educational system to <v Omar Bradley>take care of African-Americans? <v Val Zavala>June 4th, Election Day for Compton City Council positions. <v Val Zavala>[Indistinct conversation] Overall, voter turnout is <v Val Zavala>low, but 63% of the Latinos who are eligible to vote are at <v Val Zavala>the polls. <v Val Zavala>While only 12% of African-Americans are showing up. <v Poll Worker>We'll be counting the ballots right here tonight. <v Val Zavala>By 8:00 P.M., all polling places are closed and the city clerk starts the count. <v City Clerk>15 total ballots cast, 106 registration, <v City Clerk>919 turnout. <v City Clerk>11.6% Percent. First ?district? Pallan 41, <v City Clerk>Bradley, 60.
<v City Clerk>Total ballots cast was four thousand six hundred seventy-four <v City Clerk>4,674. <v City Clerk>Pallan, one thousand five hundred seventy-seven, 1,577. <v City Clerk>Bradley, two thousand nine hundred and <v City Clerk>four, [Crowd cheers] 2,904. <v Omar Bradley>The people have spoken. I think they've spoken in clear and concise ways <v Omar Bradley>that they want to see Omar Bradley lead Compton into the future. <v Pedro Pallan>What's next for me? <v Pedro Pallan>Well, I have three and a half years <v Pedro Pallan>for the next time. <v Interviewer>You're going to run again? <v Pedro Pallan>Yes, absolutely. <v Val Zavala>In future elections, Pallan expects more support as Latinos who have applied
<v Val Zavala>for amnesty become eligible to vote. <v Pedro Pallan>You have in Compton, approximately I heard about 15,000 <v Pedro Pallan>of them that are on amnesty, and within five years <v Pedro Pallan>they will be eligible to become citizens. <v Walter Tucker>African-Americans have fought hard in the city of Compton and in other cities <v Walter Tucker>all around the country and to gain political clout and political <v Walter Tucker>representation. And I don't think that anyone is going to easily say <v Walter Tucker>we're just going to leave everything that we've struggled so hard to gain. <v Joe Ochoa>This is their last stronghold. When they lose this ground, they've lost it. <v Worker at Prom>Elizabeth, Sergio. <v Worker at Prom>Elizabth, Sergio. <v Worker at Prom>Elizabeth, Sergio. <v Prom Announcer>This is the first time that we've had a tie for king
<v Prom Announcer>and queen. <v Prom Announcer>Very unusual. So they're all winners already, let's give them a hand. <v Prom Announcer>[Crowd claps] <v Prom Announcer>The winners are Bridget Westbrook <v Prom Announcer>and Arthur Satterfield. [Crowd cheers] <v Prom Announcer>Ladies and Gentlemen, let's congratulate our prom king and queen as they take their <v Prom Announcer>ceremonial walk around the stage. <v Prom Announcer>?Then? They'll walk around the floor. <v Arthur>It was I-I think it was expected on my part. <v Bridget>It was expected on my part too. <v Bridget>I'm just happy that, you know [Arthur says "Me too."]. <v Sergio>I feel all right, but I mean, I guess if I had bad luck, I guess <v Sergio>that's about it.
<v Sergio>Guess they wanted more for him. [Photographer says, "2, 3! snaps photo and then says "Good."] <v Walter Tucker>I believe that there's a tremendous potential. <v Walter Tucker>Being an optimist for the two cultures to learn more about one another and as <v Walter Tucker>minorities, to realize that we both have struggles, we both have certain concerns, <v Walter Tucker>and we've got to come to the table and coexist in-in this <v Walter Tucker>inner city community. <v Val Zavala>And now to Joseph and guest Jane Robbins, councilperson representing Compton's 4th <v Val Zavala>district. Omar Bradley's city councilman from Compton's 1st District, <v Val Zavala>and Pedro Pallan, community activist. <v Joseph Benti>I'd like to ask you all a general question, beginning with you, Mr. Pallan, about the <v Joseph Benti>election.
<v Joseph Benti>What do you think it means for-for you, for Compton and for the future? <v Pedro Pallan>I feel very good about our last campaign, and as much as I believe <v Pedro Pallan>we brought out 50% to 60% of the Latino vote, yes, I <v Pedro Pallan>did garner some black votes, <v Pedro Pallan>African-American votes. <v Pedro Pallan>I feel that uh we were successful in <v Pedro Pallan>um awakening or-or-or causing an <v Pedro Pallan>awareness in the Latino community in regards to to the voting. <v Pedro Pallan>We even had classes. <v Pedro Pallan>We rented a vote recorder from the register recorder's office. <v Pedro Pallan>We showed people that hadn't voted for years how to come in and punch <v Pedro Pallan>the little cards. We showed them how to vote by mail, absentee <v Pedro Pallan>ballots. <v Pedro Pallan>We may have lost the battle, but we didn't lose the war. <v Pedro Pallan>And I-and I think we were tremendously successful in bringing out the <v Pedro Pallan>50% to 60% of the Latino voters.
<v Joseph Benti>Could you take a quick look at the future? Is that is that the biggest lesson you gained <v Joseph Benti>from the election, that Latino voters will come out? <v Pedro Pallan>Yes. <v Joseph Benti>And are going to come out? <v Pedro Pallan>Yes, I believe that uh with the election of Gloria <v Pedro Pallan>Molina, supervisor, it has caused a tremendous <v Pedro Pallan>awareness in the Latino community about political power. <v Joseph Benti>Mrs. Robbins, what did you take away from the election besides the victory? <v Jane Robbins>I think that it is a coming new <v Jane Robbins>generation. <v Jane Robbins>I think that they are still learning how <v Jane Robbins>it is to be able to live in the city of Compton and got along with <v Jane Robbins>one another and not be disagreeable. <v Jane Robbins>You can disagree, but you can't be disagreeable. <v Joseph Benti>You think that'll spread over California in the future? <v Jane Robbins>I think it will, it's got to. <v Jane Robbins>Otherwise, we might as well cross ourselves off as being a state. <v Joseph Benti>Mr. Bradley, what's your lesson from the election?
<v Omar Bradley>Well, interestingly enough, I'd like to thank Mr. Pallan and the Latino community <v Omar Bradley>for sticking together and running a clean campaign. <v Omar Bradley>I think the term we, as referred to <v Omar Bradley>by Mr. Pallan as Latinos, has awakened the African-American community that <v Omar Bradley>it's okay for us to organize and for us to unify and for us to protect <v Omar Bradley>those things that we have fought for, and I think that when we <v Omar Bradley>as a community, Latino, white and black, <v Omar Bradley>begin to use the term we for all the people rather than segments, <v Omar Bradley>then we began to create the kind of atmosphere where we can have positive dialog <v Omar Bradley>for what's best for the total community and not few or just <v Omar Bradley>segmented groups. <v Joseph Benti>Based on the election, do you see that as the future for Compton and Southern California? <v Omar Bradley>It depends on the attitude of the Hispanics. <v Omar Bradley>African-Americans are here, we were not here because we
<v Omar Bradley>were invited. We were stolen and brought to America and we have no Mexico <v Omar Bradley>to go to, and so we are going to dig in and begin to do the things <v Omar Bradley>that are necessary to make sure that we survive until the year 2000. <v Omar Bradley>And if the Latino community wants to share in that plan, then fine, <v Omar Bradley>we're willing to share it. <v Joseph Benti>Mrs. Robbins, when we talk about Compton and its political content having such an <v Joseph Benti>ethnic base or ethnic ingredient and you representing an obvious <v Joseph Benti>majority in ?certain? California, white population in a city that is predominantly <v Joseph Benti>minority, you've been elected many times. <v Joseph Benti>You were just re-elected in June and you've been on the city council <v Joseph Benti>for 15 years. How do you explain that? <v Jane Robbins>Well, probably because I am a third generation Comptonite. <v Jane Robbins>I have lived in Compton all my life. <v Jane Robbins>That's the only place I want to be, and I love it. <v Joseph Benti>So that cuts across all the ethnic considerations that may or may not be made by voters. <v Jane Robbins>That's very true.
<v Pedro Pallan>Jane said that she gets-she was re-elected because she's <v Pedro Pallan>third generation Comptonite. <v Pedro Pallan>I don't go along with that, Jane is re-elected because <v Pedro Pallan>she is sensitive to the concerns of the community. <v Joseph Benti>And that cuts across ethnic ingredients? <v Pedro Pallan>Absolutely. <v Joseph Benti>Do you agree with that, Mr. Bradley? <v Omar Bradley>I agree to a certain extent. <v Omar Bradley>I think that uh Miss Robbins re-election indicates that African-Americans <v Omar Bradley>who are the predominant population in Compton have the ability to see <v Omar Bradley>beyond race, and it is that ability that makes <v Omar Bradley>Compton such a unique place. <v Omar Bradley>With so much emphasis on the growing Hispanic community, the African-American <v Omar Bradley>community has been very gracious and graceful with its relationship <v Omar Bradley>with both communities, European-Americans as well as <v Omar Bradley>Mexican-Americans. So I think it's indicative of our desire to share <v Omar Bradley>in whatever wealth the city has.
<v Joseph Benti>Now my understanding is that if I looked at it from your campaign strategy and <v Joseph Benti>the charges you made and others of the Hispanic community, that what you said is not <v Joseph Benti>interpreted that way by members of the Hispanic community, especially political <v Joseph Benti>leadership, that it is time for Compton to share with votes on the city council <v Joseph Benti>and representation the largesse of government. <v Joseph Benti>Would you agree with that, that Hispanics should be on the city council? <v Omar Bradley>I agree that Hispanics should have the opportunity <v Omar Bradley>to share in whatever facilities are there provided by the city as <v Omar Bradley>well as representation. <v Omar Bradley>I do not share the feeling that African-Americans should <v Omar Bradley>be made to feel as though they should <v Omar Bradley>accommodate those needs just because these people are <v Omar Bradley>Hispanic. You have to realize that politics is a game <v Omar Bradley>that requires people to compete, and competition, <v Omar Bradley>I have found cuts through color lines.
<v Omar Bradley>So I am not going to say that I am not a qualified candidate or <v Omar Bradley>I'm not going to run because I'm black and Mr. Pallan is Hispanic. <v Omar Bradley>I'm going to do the best job that I can do as a person. <v Omar Bradley>And if I just so happen to be running against this, a Hispanic, it should not matter. <v Pedro Pallan>I would like to respond to some of the questions that you asked Mr. Bradley. <v Pedro Pallan>In regards to-to a campaign being challenging. <v Pedro Pallan>Yes, it's very true, but in the city of Compton, <v Pedro Pallan>it's very unique city. There's two so-called minorities, the <v Pedro Pallan>African-American and the Latino communities. <v Pedro Pallan>But Compton at this point does not have an Affirmative <v Pedro Pallan>Action program. There's only a statement and <v Pedro Pallan>we have no representation. <v Pedro Pallan>City manager's office, city attorney's office, personnel department, <v Pedro Pallan>planning departments, all departments throughout the city. <v Pedro Pallan>This-.
<v Joseph Benti>Can that only change by electing an Hispanic? <v Pedro Pallan>No, no, no. It can change by the community getting together <v Pedro Pallan>and demanding the same rights as the African-American <v Pedro Pallan>community has demanded and fought for ever since the civil <v Pedro Pallan>rights movement. <v Joseph Benti>How does the Hispanic get what the black Compton resident was looking for 25 years ago? <v Omar Bradley>I think we have to begin a new decade and a new era of sharing. <v Joseph Benti>OK. <v Omar Bradley>And once we begin to share, the word "take" will dissolve. <v Joseph Benti>Do you think that's pie in the sky Mrs. Robbins, you've been around, is that or is that <v Joseph Benti>realistic in Compton and for Southern California? <v Jane Robbins>Well, it's probably more realistic then in Compton than anyplace. <v Joseph Benti>Forgive me for not having more time. Thank you, the three of you for sharing with us what <v Joseph Benti>is the present of Compton and possibly the future of all of Southern California. <v Joseph Benti>Now let's go back to Val for a look at next week's broadcast. <v Val Zavala>Anglos are quickly becoming the minority on local college campuses. <v Val Zavala>The new majority are students of color, but is the curriculum keeping pace with a diverse
<v Val Zavala>population? We'll explore that in Diversity University next <v Val Zavala>week on By the Year 2000. <v TV Speaker>Major funding for by the year 2000 is provided by the Michael <v TV Speaker>J. Connell Foundation, and the James Irvine Foundation. <v TV Speaker>Additional funding is provided by Kaiser Permanente working with Southern California <v TV Speaker>for a healthier tomorrow, and the Norris Foundation, <v TV Speaker>which is pleased to recognize public television as an important and vital community <v TV Speaker>resource with a supporting grant from the Earth Technology Corporation.
By The Year 2000
The Color of Power
Producing Organization
KCET (Television station : Los Angeles, Calif.)
Contributing Organization
The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia (Athens, Georgia)
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Series Description
In the final months of KCET's weekly, documentary series, BY THE YEAR 2000, four programs stood out because they dealt with THE single most exciting, challenging, frightening difficult issue facing our region: the multi-cultural, multi-lingual, people-reality of Southern California. Taken together, these programs, produced by Myra Ming, Valerie Zavala and Patrick Perez, probed, celebrated and gave voice to those intimately engaged in forging a more tolerant society. "SKIN DEEP follows three teenagers back to their families and communities after an intense weekend 'camp' experience exploring racial bigotry and gender discrimination with hundreds of their peers. SPEAKING OF YOUNG BLACK MEN features the opinions and experiences of ten, young African-American men. Simple and straightforward, the documentary lets the men speak for themselves. WE ARE FAMILY explores the changing definition of family in the lives of five groups of people. And, COLOR OF POWER reflects the changing demographic realities in Compton, a once all-white, then mostly black, in raw numbers, an increasingly Latino city. Focused on a hotly contested City Council election, the documentary reveals new political realities. "These four programs, just a small part of the overall BY THE YEAR 2000 series, merit consideration because they represent excellence..."--1991 Peabody Awards entry form excerpt.
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Producing Organization: KCET (Television station : Los Angeles, Calif.)
AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia
Identifier: cpb-aacip-b89d54679c4 (Filename)
Format: U-matic
Duration: 00:30:00
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Chicago: “By The Year 2000; The Color of Power,” 1991-07-12, The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed February 22, 2025,
MLA: “By The Year 2000; The Color of Power.” 1991-07-12. The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. February 22, 2025. <>.
APA: By The Year 2000; The Color of Power. Boston, MA: The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from