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<v TV Announcer>This pro- [tape cuts out] made possible by grant <v TV Announcer>[tape cuts out - broken up "Arkansas Governor's Developmental Disabilities Planning <v TV Announcer>Council"]. <v Speaker 1>They said when my son was born that he'd have to live in an institution for the rest of <v Speaker 1>his life. <v Speaker 1>The support we get from Medicaid is what keeps him at home with his family, with his <v Speaker 1>friends, in his school where he belongs. <v Speaker 1>If you cut Medicaid, you cut his lifeline to his family. <v Speaker 1>Don't do it. <v Speaker>[applause] <v Speaker 2>Kids belong at home. <v Audience Member>They do! <v Speaker 2>Children can go to institutions, and we pay 40000 dollars a year and we can't pay <v Speaker 2>their medical bills and keep them at home. <v Speaker 2>Sorry, that is wrong. <v Speaker 2>Keep our kids home. <v Speaker>[applause]. <v Narrator>In the fall of 1991, Arkansas' Department of Human Services made an announcement: <v Narrator>the state's Medicaid system was bankrupt.
<v Narrator>Some of its programs had to be cut. <v Narrator>Hundreds of people with disabilities relying on home health care services to live in <v Narrator>their communities were suddenly faced with a decision: they could remain <v Narrator>in their homes and lose the services or move into institutions still covered <v Narrator>by Medicaid. <v Terry Winkler>We're talking about violation of basic civil rights. <v Narrator>The cuts in personal care services struck at the heart of what these people believe <v Narrator>in. They are members of Arkansas ADAPT, an organization working <v Narrator>for more personal care programs enabling people with disabilities to live in <v Narrator>their homes rather than institutions. <v Narrator>Dr. Terry Winkler is the president of Arkansas ADAPT. <v Terry Winkler>Frankly, a lot of people make a lot of money off of disabled people being in <v Terry Winkler>institutions. Keeping a person independent, living in their home, in their <v Terry Winkler>communities so that they can participate uh costs about 1/7 of <v Terry Winkler>what it costs to keep them in an institution. <v Terry Winkler>And so ADAPT says, let's keep them home where they belong.
<v Terry Winkler>It'll cost less money and they'll gain more for us. <v Narrator>The group drafted a letter to then Governor Bill Clinton insisting <v Narrator>on immediate restoration of the personal care and home health services that were being <v Narrator>cut [background chatter]. There was no reply. <v ADAPT Member 1>I submit to you that he does know the needs, that he is insensitive to the needs. <v Terry Winkler>We met nightly for weeks, agonizing over what direction we should <v Terry Winkler>go in. We were reasonable people who had a legitimate <v Terry Winkler>concern, whose government had not listened to them. <v ADAPT Member 2>Let's get together and talk about this. Let's do this. <v ADAPT Member 2>Please respond to us. <v ADAPT Member 2>And we refuse to be invisible. <v Reporter>About 18 people in wheelchairs chained themselves to the governor's office, vowing <v Reporter>not to leave until the governor hears their complaints. <v Terry Winkler>None of us had ever participated in civil disobedience. <v Terry Winkler>And none of us are lawbreakers. We're all hardworking people. <v Terry Winkler>We all believe in our government, believe in our society.
<v Terry Winkler>The overwhelming concern was what we perceived was going <v Terry Winkler>to happen to close to a thousand disabled people in Arkansas. <v Terry Winkler>We felt that their very basic right to make decisions regarding their lives was being <v Terry Winkler>completely removed and being removed for 1 reason: money. <v ADAPT Member 3>People with disabilities are becoming a power in this country <v ADAPT Member 3>and no longer are people with disabilities are going to stand for the kind of treatment <v ADAPT Member 3>that has been dealt that population, all of us with <v ADAPT Member 3>disabilities in the past. <v Narrator>After a night of long-distance telephone negotiations with Governor Clinton. <v Narrator>An agreement was reached. <v Narrator>All attendant care programs would be restored, and the task force would be <v Narrator>formed to develop more community-based options for people with disabilities. <v Reporter>Officials say the agreement is a victory for the disabled as well as the taxpayers. <v Reporter>Without the extension of benefits, more people would have been institutionalized. <v Reporter>Many taxpayers would have been left holding an even larger bill.
<v Terry Winkler>For the first time in history- in the history of our country. <v Terry Winkler>A group of disabled people took a stand. <v Terry Winkler>They were heard by their government and the legislature acted on their demands <v Terry Winkler>and met some needs for disabled people. <v Terry Winkler>[background noise from news report]. We really do have many, many obstacles ahead of us. <v Terry Winkler>Many hurdles yet before us. <v Terry Winkler>And we're a long, long way from ever uh achieving our goals. <v Terry Winkler>The main obstacle that prevents disabled people from being where we want to be <v Terry Winkler>or achieving our goals is society's attitudes in general towards <v Terry Winkler>disabled people. It's just not a healthy view. <v Terry Winkler>They're seen as people who aren't valuable, people who are not intelligent, people who <v Terry Winkler>can't contribute. And that's the biggest problem that we face. <v Terry Winkler>I've never dreamed a dream and seen myself in a wheelchair in a dream. <v Terry Winkler>I'm completely able-bodied and walking. <v Terry Winkler>When I get in the race car, I'm not a disabled racecar driver.
<v Terry Winkler>I'm a race car driver. <v Terry Winkler>When I go out the door into the world, which is <v Terry Winkler>an entirely different environment where people's perspectives are entirely different, <v Terry Winkler>then I'm continuously confronted with "yes, you are disabled.". <v Narrator>22 years ago, Terry Winkler was an 18-year-old high school dropout <v Narrator>working in the oil fields of south Louisiana. <v Narrator>While searching in the glove compartment of an automobile, he accidentally discharged <v Narrator>a loaded handgun. <v Narrator>The bullet severed his spinal cord, paralyzing him below the waist. <v Narrator>Today, Dr. Winkler is a practicing physician specializing in physical medicine <v Narrator>and rehabilitation. <v Terry Winkler>Uniformly, I was told that that was an unrealistic goal, that <v Terry Winkler>there was no way you'd ever be accepted to medical school. <v Terry Winkler>I had to fight for the- the right to make decisions regarding my own life.
<v Terry Winkler>I think that the able-bodied power structure had already made a lot of decisions <v Terry Winkler>about who I was and what I could achieve or what I could ever be in my life. <v Terry Winkler>I felt like that my course was dictated by the wheelchair. <v Terry Winkler>Hey, Mr. Logan. <v Terry Winkler>And slowly I began to realize that the chair- <v Terry Winkler>How ya doing? <v Patient>Fine. <v Terry Winkler>Was a tool. <v Terry Winkler>OK. I'm Dr. Winkler with rehab medicine. <v Terry Winkler>If I wanted it to go to Harvard, it'd go to Harvard. <v Terry Winkler>If I wanted it to go to medical school, it'd go to medical school, and it did. <v Terry Winkler>What is we can do to help you get going again. <v Terry Winkler>That sound like a good idea? <v Patient>It sounds good. <v Terry Winkler>OK. <v Terry Winkler>We have to get people with disabilities to believe in themselves, believe they're good, <v Terry Winkler>believe they're valuable, believe they can contribute, believe they have a right to an <v Terry Winkler>education, and to a private home, and to good health care. <v Terry Winkler>And once we get people with disabilities to believe those things about themselves, <v Terry Winkler>you won't be able to stop the disability rights movement. <v Terry Winkler>And for 21 years now that I've had a disability, I have heard <v Terry Winkler>the word wait and wait almost always
<v Terry Winkler>means never. <v Terry Winkler>I guess it's easy to say wait when you've never felt the sting <v Terry Winkler>of segregation. <v Terry Winkler>But how can you say wait when 9.9 million of your brothers <v Terry Winkler>and sisters need attendant care and they're not receiving it? <v Terry Winkler>How can you say wait? [beeping noise] How can you say wait when <v Terry Winkler>7.7 million of your brothers and sisters are being held right now today in institutions <v Terry Winkler>against their will? How can you say wait? <v Narrator>Lola Strain knows about waiting. <v Narrator>Paralyzed by polio at age 3, she waits for others to help her do <v Narrator>things most people take for granted. <v Nurse>Busy afternoon planned today? <v Lola Strain>I mean, I'm always going to be busy. <v Narrator>Until 1981, Lola lived at home with her family near Rosebud, Arkansas. <v Narrator>The last 15 years there, her father was too weak to lift her. <v Narrator>And so she stayed in bed.
<v Lola Strain>There'd be a couple of years that I didn't even leave my room. <v Lola Strain>I would think about, well, there is a world at here. <v Lola Strain>You know, there is a life beyond these walls. <v Lola Strain>And I want to be part of it 1 day. <v Speaker>[monitor beeps]. <v Lola Strain>Hi. Come in. <v Narrator>When Lola's father died, the family knew that something would have to be done to meet <v Narrator>Lola's needs. <v Narrator>They assumed it was their responsibility. <v Narrator>Lola's sister, Neva Schmidt, remembers that day. <v Neva Schmidt>You know, us 6 kids, we were worried to death about well, what's Lola gonna do? <v Neva Schmidt>And she told us she knew what she was gonna do. <v Neva Schmidt>And it ?like? to shocked us all to death. <v Lola Strain>I kept seeing all this information in the newspaper when <v Lola Strain>this apartment complex was being built. <v Lola Strain>I didn't know I was- had anything like that in mind. <v Lola Strain>But I wanted to try, you
<v Lola Strain>know, see what I could do on my own. <v Narrator>Lola moved into this apartment at Our Way, a complex designed to be <v Narrator>accessible for people with disabilities. <v Narrator>Stiff from years of laying in bed, she arranged for an operation <v Narrator>enabling her to sit up in a chair. <v Narrator>The Area Agency on Aging helped her pay for the attendant care she needed. <v Narrator>She lived here for seven years. <v Lola Strain>I felt free. <v Lola Strain>I just began to be able to do all these things that <v Lola Strain>I had never done before. <v Lola Strain>I'd go to the grocery store and <v Lola Strain>a movie theater. I began to feel like a normal <v Lola Strain>person so that was- that was- <v Lola Strain>oh that was a good feeling. <v Narrator>In 1988, Lola began to experience respiratory failure caused by her polio.
<v Narrator>Doctors performed a tracheotomy and told her she must be on a ventilator at night. <v Narrator>Medicaid would not pay for the 24 hour care she needed now to stay <v Narrator>in her apartment. It would, however, pay for her to live here <v Narrator>at the Benton Services Center, a state nursing home. <v Narrator>After 4 years, she still keeps her apartment. <v Narrator>Once a month, her sisters drop by to pay the rent and pick up her mail. <v Neva Schmidt>Sometime I can't hardly stand to come in here. <v Neva Schmidt>I feel like I'm invading her privacy, you know. <v Neva Schmidt>She was the happiest thing here. <v Neva Schmidt>It's what she'd always wanted was to have a house her own I think. <v Neva Schmidt>Where she could be her own boss. <v Neva Schmidt>She was so independent. <v Neva Schmidt>And that's her dream, is to get to come back home, you know? <v Lola Strain>I'm not in control anymore. I had to abide
<v Lola Strain>by their rules and regulations. <v Lola Strain>You know, I get excellent care, but it's not like being home <v Lola Strain>and me deciding what I want to do when. <v Narrator>Dianne Skaggs was a graduate student in social work assigned to the Benton Services <v Narrator>Center when she met Lola. <v Dianne Skaggs>We talked about the fact that- that um she considered <v Dianne Skaggs>living here a temporary thing. <v Dianne Skaggs>And I said, OK, Lola, I need to know 1 thing. <v Dianne Skaggs>What if you were in that apartment and your attendant <v Dianne Skaggs>got snowed out and couldn't get to you or had an accident or anything <v Dianne Skaggs>happened and you were there alone? <v Dianne Skaggs>Something could happen to you without help. <v Dianne Skaggs>And she looked me right in the eye and did not hesitate and said, then <v Dianne Skaggs>I would rather die in my apartment than to die here. <v Dianne Skaggs>And I said, I'll do everything I can to help you.
<v Dianne Skaggs>Where were you born? <v Dianne Skaggs>What was it-? <v Lola Strain>Faulkner County. <v Dianne Skaggs>Okay, what was- [fade out] <v Narrator>Together they began the process of applying for a Medicaid waiver. <v Narrator>This would allow Medicaid money to be spent outside of the institution <v Narrator>to pay for the attendant care services Lola needs to live in her apartment. <v Narrator>In Arkansas, the waiver only applies to certain types of disabilities. <v Narrator>They filled out the forms and waited. <v Dianne Skaggs>I was calling to see if you had any information on Lola's questionnaire <v Dianne Skaggs>that we sent in if- <v Dianne Skaggs>She's very proud in that she does not want to beg or appear <v Dianne Skaggs>that she's begging for anything or asking for anything. <v Dianne Skaggs>OK, so it stated that- that she is not eligible according <v Dianne Skaggs>to the state at- <v Dianne Skaggs>I'm sorry.
<v Dianne Skaggs>She's a very private person and keeps a lot <v Dianne Skaggs>of her grief to herself. <v Dianne Skaggs>But I know she does grieve. <v Narrator>As a child, Lola Strain never went to school. <v Narrator>But during 7 years of living independently, she earned a GED degree <v Narrator>and was attending college. <v Narrator>Today, she continues her college courses by correspondence and dreams <v Narrator>of going home. <v Lola Strain>I'm beginning to wonder <v Lola Strain>how much longer can I endure an existence like this? <v Lola Strain>And I suppose that I'll just have see how long that patience holds <v Lola Strain>out. <v Lola Strain>Meantime, I'm here. And I'm waiting. <v Speaker>[monitor beeps] <v Announcer>Good morning, Chicot Elementary. <v Announcer>I pledge allegiance [students join in on pledge] to the flag of the United States of
<v Announcer>America. And to the republic, for which it stands, 1 nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. [muffled speech from Emily's communication device] Good, you <v Announcer>may be seated. <v Emily Golden>Indivisible ?inaudible? for all. <v Jill McElroy>Good. <v Narrator>Emily Golden will not have to wait for an education. <v Narrator>She is a student in a regular classroom at the Little Rock Public Schools. <v Debbie Sabot>See Emily's here. <v Narrator>Severe trauma at birth left Emily unable to speak or move. <v Narrator>But as she approach school age, her parents knew, trapped inside a body <v Narrator>that did not work, Emily was there. <v Kim Golden>I think we had to demonstrate to the school district that we knew exactly <v Kim Golden>what her rights were. As I understand the federal law, no matter <v Kim Golden>what a child's disabilities, they have to find a way to provide services <v Kim Golden>that are appropriate. There were never any doubts in our minds about <v Kim Golden>whether she should be in a regular classroom or not.
<v Kim Golden>And to prove that to the school district, we had to have a good test scores. <v Kim Golden>We had to have test scores that showed she was in the normal range. <v Kim Golden>And fortunately, that wasn't hard for Emily to pull off when they adapted the tests for a <v Kim Golden>child who just couldn't move. <v Debbie Sabot>Do you hear the same beginning sound? Good going, Emily. <v Debbie Sabot>When I first learned of Emily special needs, I was overwhelmed in thinking how I was <v Debbie Sabot>going to work with her in the classroom, with my kids and everything. <v Narrator>In 10 years of teaching kindergarten, Debbie Sabot never had a student like Emily <v Narrator>Golden. [lecture in background] But from the beginning it was clear that Emily belonged <v Narrator>in her class. <v Debbie Sabot>She knew her colors. She couldn't write her name, but she could spell it out for us. <v Debbie Sabot>She could count objects and then tell us how many objects we had. <v Debbie Sabot>She's a sharp kid. <v Debbie Sabot>Emily, ?inaudible? letter W? Good goin'. <v Debbie Sabot>You had to change your way of thinking and dealing with her because you either had to <v Debbie Sabot>give her choices that you knew that she could answer yes or no to. <v Debbie Sabot>Or she could eye-gaze or she could use her light talker to uh work with. <v Jill McElroy>Hit it, Emily.
<v Debbie Sabot>There you go. <v Jill McElroy>Hey, let's listen. <v Debbie Sabot>Good girl. <v Speaker>[class sings ABC's and fades out to narrator] <v Narrator>The light talker is Emily's voice. <v Narrator>By using a head switch, she can choose from a collection of recorded phrases that enable <v Narrator>her to take part in class and express her feelings. <v Jill McElroy>Okay, go ahead. Hit. <v Emily Golden>You've made me mad. <v Jill McElroy>I think I'm making you mad right now. Have you seen that name before? <v Narrator>Jill McElroy is Emily's speech teacher. <v Narrator>Emily wants to be the normal kid who can respond just like the other kids respond. <v Jill McElroy>Oh, you were ahead of me. [talks in background] <v Jill McElroy>You know, she doesn't have much control of her world. <v Jill McElroy>So her- her opposition is her control. <v Jill McElroy>No, I won't do that because I can't control anything else, but I can control what I <v Jill McElroy>do or what I don't do. <v Jill McElroy>Turn it back on. 1 more time and then we're done. <v Jill McElroy>Turn it back on, please. <v Jill McElroy>Good girl. Now you pick something. <v Jill McElroy>I don't think any 6-year-old has the ability to realize the power of
<v Jill McElroy>a computer. <v Debbie Sabot>Like it comes down here. Hit it, Emily. Good goin'. <v Debbie Sabot>[talks in background] <v Narrator>Technology is opening the doors of regular classrooms to children with disabilities. <v Narrator>Emily does much of her classwork on a computer provided by the Little Rock School <v Narrator>District. She is learning to use a program called Keytalk <v Narrator>in which the computer speaks the letters and words she types with the head switch. <v Debbie Sabot>This is her way of communication. <v Debbie Sabot>The first word she did was read. And the day she did it, I'll always remember that. <v Debbie Sabot>She literally glowed. <v Debbie Sabot>That's so good. But 1 night, the boogie man went [gasps] [talks in background]. <v Debbie Sabot>If anything, Emily has been an asset to my classroom. <v Debbie Sabot>I think she's learned from being around the other kids, and especially the kids have <v Debbie Sabot>learned from being around Emily. <v Kathy Boyd>Yeah, this will make you feel better. <v Narrator>Every 2 hours, Emily must leave the classroom to take care of her physical needs. <v Narrator>Kathy Boyd is Emily's primary caretaker.
<v Kathy Boyd>I was scared when I found out all that she had to have done because I had not been <v Kathy Boyd>trained. I'd never catharized, I'd never ?up-graphed?. <v Kathy Boyd>I'd never tube-fed. I had never done anything that I am doing <v Kathy Boyd>with Emily. <v Kathy Boyd>There was no problem after a week, we were fine. <v Kathy Boyd>We were bonded. <v Speaker>[background chatter]. <v Kathy Boyd>Eating by tube is not a real thrill for Emily. <v Kathy Boyd>She would just as soon be it- have to do this. <v Kathy Boyd>She has to sit there and be still for 45 minutes, which she does not enjoy a <v Kathy Boyd>lot. <v Kathy Boyd>There are some things that she is left out of that we would like for her to be <v Kathy Boyd>included in. But because of her physical needs, she can't be. <v Kim Golden>You ready to get up, sweetheart? All right, let's go get dressed so we can go out. <v Narrator>In many ways, Emily is lucky. <v Narrator>Her parents, Kim and Bill Golden, are both medical doctors and were perhaps better <v Narrator>prepared than most to take care of Emily.
<v Bill Golden>A number of families split up over these kind of situations. <v Bill Golden>There's a lot of uh history of child abuse in children like this because <v Bill Golden>of the frustrations of dealing with them. <v Bill Golden>And uh they're very expensive. <v Bill Golden>I would say the average family would probably get bankrupted over something like this. <v Debbie Sabot>These are our kindergarten students and we're going to be singing some songs about our <v Debbie Sabot>healthy bodies. <v Speaker>[kids sing] <v Kim Golden>1 of the things that you lose when- when your child is handicapped is their ability <v Kim Golden>to be just like everybody else. <v Kim Golden>And so what- what the public school has done for us is by letting her be <v Kim Golden>in a regular room and letting her take part in all the field trips and the programs <v Kim Golden>and all the activities is you know they've given us, in a certain <v Kim Golden>sense, our normal child back. <v Speaker>[applause] <v Red Cross Worker>It might take time to find the right position for you. <v Jessie Davis>But.
<v Red Cross Worker>But I think there is a position for you somewhere. <v Jessie Davis>Uh huh. I know there is. <v Red Cross Worker>Right. <v Jessie Davis>All we gotta do is find out what it is. <v Red Cross Worker>That's right. <v Jessie Davis>And can answer the phone. <v Jessie Davis>I can run errands. I can do- um anything that you can do, I can do it ?inaudible? <v Red Cross Worker>You use this type pencil? <v Jessie Davis>Yep. <v Narrator> Jessie Davis wants a job. <v Narrator>Born with cerebral palsy. <v Narrator>He's accustomed to rejection at interviews. <v Narrator>But this time he gets the job. <v Narrator>As a Red Cross volunteer in a V.A. <v Narrator>hospital. It offers no salary, but he accepts it <v Narrator>gratefully. <v Jessie Davis>Well there is a reason to get out of the house <v Jessie Davis>and to meet other people and to give a little bit of my life <v Jessie Davis>to them. <v Red Cross Worker>Good job. <v Speaker>[Jessie talks in background] <v Narrator>For 19 years, Jessie's life was here at the Conway Human Development <v Narrator>Center and for 19 years he wanted out. <v Jessie Davis>Because I didn't think it was fair for them to put me into the place.
<v Jessie Davis>And then- and then- and then just <v Jessie Davis>come by and visit once in a while. And then leave me behind to grieve over <v Jessie Davis>their leaving, you know. <v Jessie Davis>I didn't enjoy that. <v Jessie Davis>I wanted to make my- make my own decisions - where I went, what I do, <v Jessie Davis>and how I do things. I wanted to be the one to say what I wanted to do. <v R.C. Duncan>Okay, now, you ready? <v Jessie Davis>Yep. <v Narrator>Today, Jessie lives here with R.C. Duncan and his wife, Linda Duncan. <v Narrator>Jessie was the first person in Arkansas to qualify for a Medicaid waiver. <v Linda Duncan>Look at your hair. <v Linda Duncan>[laughs]. <v Jessie Davis>Linda. <v Linda Duncan>We gotta do something with that, real good, huh? <v Narrator>The waiver pays R.C. to take care of Jessie's personal needs so he <v Narrator>can live independently.
<v Linda Duncan>Next trip to Kmart, you get a haircut, right? <v Jessie Davis>Yeah. <v Narrator>Linda Duncan met Jesse when she worked at the Human Development Center in Conway. <v Linda Duncan>Being at the Human Development Center was very restrictive to Jessie. <v Linda Duncan>When his parents died, his sisters wanted to <v Linda Duncan>have guardianship over Jessie. <v Linda Duncan>Jessie saw this as an opportunity to get away from the Human <v Linda Duncan>Development Center, if he could get his own guardianship. <v Linda Duncan>So when he approached me about it and said he was gonna do this, I knew there was no <v Linda Duncan>talking him out of it. <v Narrator>Jessie sued his family for his own guardianship and he won. <v Linda Duncan>Good luck, Jessie. <v Jessie Davis>The judge said, Jessie is his own guardian as long as <v Jessie Davis>he lets me know where he goes. <v Jessie Davis>But when court was over with, I went up to my sister. <v Jessie Davis>I said, Merle, can I tell you something? <v Jessie Davis>"Yeah, what do you want?" I said, I
<v Jessie Davis>still love you just as much as I ever did. <v Doctor>ABC and D is on all the floors and you must remember <v Doctor>that if you start out with- with A, next is B, C, D <v Doctor>and E. <v Jessie Davis>Okay. I'm ?gonna? getting the hang of it. <v Narrator>On his first day at work, Jessie begins to learn his way around the large hospital. <v Narrator>Although it is another institution, this time Jessie is here by choice <v Narrator>because they need him. <v Doctor>This is Jessie Davis and this is- this is the secretary on 5 <v Doctor>CCU. He's gonna be bringing material to you in this basket. <v Secretary>Oh, okay. <v Speaker>But he's gonna need your help to get it out. <v Secretary>Oh, alright, I can that. <v Doctor>You take-. <v Secretary>Yeah, we'll be glad to have you. <v Jessie Davis>I'd glad to be here. <v Linda Duncan>We have facilities for handicapped people and there aren't those that need <v Linda Duncan>those facilities. But there are so many more that if given the chance <v Linda Duncan>could do, just like Jesse is doing and not be held back.
<v Jessie Davis>I got me a job. <v Barber>You got you a job? <v Jessie Davis>Yeah. <v Jessie Davis>At the VA Hospital. <v Barber>VA Hospital? <v Jessie Davis>Yeah. <v Barber>That's great. <v Jessie Davis>If they said Jessie, you've got to go back to the institution, I'm going to go out <v Jessie Davis>and commit suicide. Before I do go back in the institution, I'd <v Jessie Davis>go out and commit suicide. <v Linda Duncan>He is so determined he won't let anybody keep him down. <v Linda Duncan>If they put him down for 5 or 10 minutes, he's gonna be right back. <v Linda Duncan>That's what's kept on going all this time. <v Linda Duncan>He doesn't see himself as handicapped. <v Grocery Store Clerk>Jessie, thank you very much. <v Grocery Store Clerk>See you next time. <v Linda Duncan>He is working- he is- he's function. <v Linda Duncan>He's- he has a life. <v Linda Duncan>He's not parked in a corner someplace and feeling sorry for himself. <v Linda Duncan>And as long as- as long as he doesn't see himself as handicapped, there's no <v Linda Duncan>telling what Jessie'll do. He's not done yet.
<v Speaker>[music plays] <v TV Announcer>This program was made possible by a grant from the Arkansas Governor's Developmental <v TV Announcer>Disabilities Planning Council.
The Last Minority
Producing Organization
Arkansas Educational TV Network
Contributing Organization
The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia (Athens, Georgia)
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Program Description
"THE LAST MINORITY is a 30-minute documentary examining the issue of civil rights in the lives of people with physical disabilities. "The first part of the program tells the story of Dr. Terry Winkler, President of the Arkansas chapter of A.D.A.P.T. (America's Disabled for Attendant-care Programs Today), and the group's decision to occupy then-Governor Bill Clinton's office on New Year's Eve 1991. They were protesting state cutbacks in attendant-care programs which threatened to institutionalize hundreds of people with disabilities. "The documentary also profiles three people with physical disabilities whose situations reflect the current status of civil rights in the lives of people with disabilities. "Finding stories to tell was not a problem -- there is no shortage of people with disabilities struggling for their rights today. The main challenge was gaining access to the institutions that are the setting for their stories'especially if the story is still being played out. "The program aired on the Arkansas Educational Television Network in March, 1993."--1993 Peabody Awards entry form.
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Moving Image
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Producing Organization: Arkansas Educational TV Network
Speaker: Winkler, Terry
AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia
Identifier: cpb-aacip-e19713a6e53 (Filename)
Format: U-matic
Duration: 0:26:46
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Chicago: “The Last Minority,” 1993-03-29, The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 22, 2024,
MLA: “The Last Minority.” 1993-03-29. The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 22, 2024. <>.
APA: The Last Minority. Boston, MA: The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from