States of Mind; Mill City

- Transcript
<v Speaker>There was one city which was viewed as the preeminent center of modernism, <v Speaker>and there was one artist. <v Speaker>[TV static] <v John Wilson>That's like the moment the guy comes up on the rack and they then about an
<v John Wilson>hour later, the state police shows up and says what happened? <v John Wilson>He says, well, they had a wreck here and there's four environmentalist in that car. <v John Wilson>He says, where were they at? He said, I buried him. <v John Wilson>He said, why do you bury them? There were they were dead. He said, You sure? <v John Wilson>They said, well, two of them said they weren't. But you know how the environmentalists <v John Wilson>lie. <v John Wilson>That's kind of joke that are going around now. <v Speaker>["Family Tree" by Michael Murphey plays] <v Speaker> <v John Wilson> <v John Wilson>We'll go here from Mill City from Willamina. <v John Wilson>Things got kind of slow over there, wasn't much going on so we moved over here looking <v John Wilson>for a job. Many times did I wish I had done something else.
<v John Wilson>But and over the years, <v John Wilson>I have did other jobs. <v John Wilson>But I always come back to trucking. I kind of like I like driving just about anything, <v John Wilson>you know, early. <v John Wilson>I guess if I had my my dream or whatever, I'd probably be a race car <v John Wilson>driver. I like race cars. <v Speaker>[Chainsaw whirs] <v John Wilson>With all the environmental movement against us and
<v John Wilson>the different spotted owl and different birds and trees <v John Wilson>they're trying to protect, we don't know how long we're gonna have our jobs. <v John Wilson>I'm sure going to be quite a few of us to lose our job, but we don't know who they'll be. <v John Wilson>I know it gets kind of depressing at times, worrying, you know, when you have to <v John Wilson>be scared for your job. <v John Wilson>I'm not worried so much about myself as I am for my kids and my grandkids. <v John Wilson>You know, what are they gonna do? <v Speaker>I can't have birthday cake any more, too many candles, it flames out, burns the roof. <v Speaker>One more, you got it. <v Speaker>Make a wish for me. <v Speaker>You ready? <v Speaker>Yes. <v Speaker>OK. Ready. <v Speaker>Let's go. <v Speaker>Happy birthday to <v Speaker>you. Happy birthday, dear Brent, Happy <v Speaker>birthday to you.
<v Speaker>Little Brent's ready. Little Brent wants his piece. <v Speaker>Yeah. Give him a piece of cake, small piece. <v Speaker>Are you ready for some birthday cake? <v Speaker>It's not hot honey, you can eat it. <v Speaker>Don't say hot, he'll think it's hot. <v Speaker>It's not hot. <v John Wilson's Wife>I was 15. Actually, I was 12, him and some guys come to <v John Wilson's Wife>the house and I remember him and my sister didn't like him. <v John Wilson's Wife>Then when I was 16, my mom was working at the hospital in the kitchen. <v John Wilson's Wife>And John worked there on the supply. <v John Wilson's Wife>And he was talking that he needed a date <v John Wilson's Wife>for the Christmas party <v John Wilson's Wife>and he was separated from his wife.
<v John Wilson's Wife>They were going through a divorce. My mom said, oh, I have a 16 year old daughter, but <v John Wilson's Wife>you'll have to ask her yourself. And he did he come over? <v John Wilson's Wife>And he told me later his first thoughts when I answered the door <v John Wilson's Wife>there was this skinny girl with long straggly one hair, he thought, <v John Wilson's Wife>Oh, no, what did I get myself into? <v John Wilson's Wife>And then when he picked me up for the date, we did go out on the date to the dinner. <v John Wilson's Wife>Then he kind of dumped me. <v John Wilson's Wife>He really did. I chased him and he <v John Wilson's Wife>he eventually, I guess, decided that I wasn't going to get rid of me. <v John Wilson's Wife>So he married me. <v John Wilson's Wife>It'll be 22 years, November twenty third. <v John Wilson>I'm gonna pay my bills, cash my check. <v John Wilson>If I don't pay my bills Charlie don't talk to me, <v John Wilson>isn't that right?
<v Charlie Stewart>We've never we've never been where we didn't talk. <v John Wilson>We've never been where we didn't talk. We got that much. <v John Wilson>Is that it? Two weeks. <v John Wilson>I made twenty five bucks after I paid my bill. <v Charlie Stewart>You'll find out they overpaid you. <v John Wilson>And a nickel. <v Charlie Stewart>You'll find out they overpaid you. <v John Wilson>Yeah. <v John Wilson>Just started working. I wasn't workin but two, three days a week. <v John Wilson>And we were struggling and everything. And I came in and asked Charlie if <v John Wilson>I could charge some groceries cuz I found out that he has accounts like that. <v John Wilson>And he said, how much you need it all? <v John Wilson>Probably about twenty dollars worth. So he's over here to do this. <v John Wilson>He just reached in his pocket and handed me a $20 bill, said pay me back when you get the <v John Wilson>chance. And I thought that was pretty neat. <v John Wilson>He didn't know who I was or nothing, you know? <v John Wilson>And that was that was kind of great. But that's what small towns are, man. <v John Wilson>Small town I was raised and had a little grocery store like this and <v John Wilson>everybody went in every two weeks, paid their bills.
<v John Wilson>You just went in every night or whenever you needed groceries and charged it. <v John Wilson>It was called Macardi and Martin Grocery store, it's not there <v John Wilson>anymore. Had an earthquake in '80 and about 90 percent in my <v John Wilson>home town fell down. <v Charlie Stewart>They started out with her.
<v Charlie Stewart>This is just it, we have a kind of a mixed variety. <v Charlie Stewart>We have groceries. We have casual clothes. <v Charlie Stewart>We have work clothes. <v Charlie Stewart>And we have the canned goods, <v Charlie Stewart>groceries, meats, produce, <v Charlie Stewart>frozen food. <v Charlie Stewart>This is our offices, such as it is. <v Charlie Stewart>That's my secretary up there. <v Charlie Stewart>That's who I am. <v Charlie Stewart>She's been my secretary for a long time. <v Charlie Stewart>When I came home from the war, she was at the gangplank wait for me to come home. <v Charlie Stewart>So we've been working it out together ever since. <v Charlie Stewart>Levi's, this is what we call blue jeans. <v Charlie Stewart>Hickory shirts. <v Charlie Stewart>This is what the men incidentally, we don't grow these here. <v Charlie Stewart>They come from the south. <v Charlie Stewart>We use lots of them. In here we call this our boot.
<v Charlie Stewart>This is a high rent history when you're driving to work. <v Charlie Stewart>We have boots. <v Charlie Stewart>Here's a <v Charlie Stewart>believe it or not, one hundred and seventy five dollars worth of work shoes. <v Charlie Stewart>It cost almost 300 dollars for a man to buy <v Charlie Stewart>a proper winterware just to get ready, hardhat, <v Charlie Stewart>wool socks, underwear, blue jeans, shirts <v Charlie Stewart>and everything that it takes, and when we can equip a logger from the <v Charlie Stewart>skin out. But the thing that is, is it is expensive, though.
<v Charlie Stewart>Whenever I sell that, that's a big part of my my day, too. <v Charlie Stewart>So I really and if you take away my logger, you're taking away <v Charlie Stewart>my sales. <v John Wilson>Fair. Now, this is downtown. <v John Wilson>This is the plaza. <v John Wilson>Isn't very big, awful small little town. <v John Wilson>But this was the timber communities are, they're just small towns and <v John Wilson>families living and working together. <v John Wilson>I remember that guy there, says Filbert, that most of the truck drivers use handles. <v John Wilson>When I lived over here, they used to call me the town drunk. <v John Wilson>Of course I don't drink. So I don't know how I got stuck with that handle but I <v John Wilson>did. Wver where I work now, they call me scrap iron. <v John Wilson>Bowl of chili. <v Speaker>[Laughter]
<v Cop>Maybe that's why I'm a cop and you're not. OK. <v Cop>[Laughs] It's exciting though. <v Speaker>And the winner is... <v Speaker>Yes. <v Speaker>Didn't you eat before you got here? <v Speaker>[Laughter] <v Speaker>No, I haven't eaten since 5:30 this morning. <v Woman>All right. Are you guys ready? <v Woman>The winner is number seven. <v Speaker>Who's number seven? <v Speaker>That can't be possible... Kiwanis club. <v Speaker>[Applause] Oh, come on. <v Speaker>Right, right. <v Speaker>Right. <v Speaker>[?inaudible?]
<v John Wilson>This used to be a pretty busy place. Ten, fifteen years ago, it was just <v John Wilson>trainloads, lumber and plywood out of here. <v John Wilson>The railroad track goes on down the wall of my lumber and Hampton veneers down at the <v John Wilson>other end of town. And then it used to go on out all the way to <v John Wilson>Gran Ron with all the meals, clothes, and people are moving off to the other towns and <v John Wilson>stuff. <v Speaker>I didn't come from a wealthy family, and I know very well what happens <v Speaker>to a family because it happened to mine when I was in the fifth grade. <v Speaker>My dad was 40 years old. <v Speaker>He didn't have a high school education. <v Speaker>He had five kids and a mortgage, though, and he lost his job. <v Speaker>And I remember that day very well. And my mom was crying and I asked her first time in my <v Speaker>life, I seen my mom cry and she I said, what's wrong, Mommy? <v Speaker>And she said, the banks' gonna take our house away.
<v Speaker>And I know very well the feelings and what goes on in those families. <v Speaker>And I will stand with the workers and their families. <v Speaker>I never I never want that to happen to you or your family. <v Speaker>And the way we do that is we settle this issue with the timber supply <v Speaker>and we go out there, we get the door manufacturing, manufacturing jobs. <v Speaker>Doors and windows and cabinets. <v Speaker>Trust joyce beams, a good paying job, not hamburger flipping <v Speaker>job, but good job. Timber related jobs into these communities. <v Speaker>And I'm going to be standing here with you, timber workers and all <v Speaker>Oregonians if I'm elected to the Congress. <v Speaker>Thank you very much. <v Speaker>[Applause] <v Speaker>A lot of people still don't realize the impact of what's going to happen <v Speaker>until they lose your job. The other day, one of our drivers, he says the <v Speaker>difference between depression and recession is recession is when your
<v Speaker>neighbor loses his job. Depression when you lose yours. <v Marie Stewart>I do all of this and then Charlie checks me just to make sure I haven't taken any of this <v Marie Stewart>money or that I put in the wrong place, which I do lots of times. <v Marie Stewart>And then it goes to an accountant who is a friend of ours that we've <v Marie Stewart>had for 40 years. But he lives at the coast. <v Marie Stewart>So twice a year we get to go the coast to the accountant's office to make sure <v Marie Stewart>everything's ready for the government. <v Marie Stewart>You know, when we do the government taxes. <v Marie Stewart>And this is an old, old fashioned McCaskey, I told you about this, didn't I? <v Marie Stewart>And this has our charge account customers. <v Marie Stewart>Well, this is kind of messy. <v Marie Stewart>Well, this is our charge account customers and everybody that <v Marie Stewart>charges here they pay there either every two weeks <v Marie Stewart>or once a month or whenever we can catch 'em. <v Marie Stewart>You know, it depends on what they're doing.
<v Marie Stewart>And so this is where we live and eat out <v Marie Stewart>of this this thing here. So it works pretty well. <v Charlie Stewart>Well, when the people they have financial problems, you know what I mean is that they're <v Charlie Stewart>not working. Well they come to the store. And they say, Charlie, will you help me? <v Charlie Stewart>Most of them I do. If there's a way I can. <v Charlie Stewart>I do. And there's a lot of people. <v Charlie Stewart>So then they don't always have to have my help. <v Charlie Stewart>But there's times that they do when they're raising young families and whatnot. <v Charlie Stewart>Or man needs a new pair of boots before he's payday. <v Charlie Stewart>Well, I mean, he gets his boots and then he comes in and pays for <v Charlie Stewart>it. Like I say, it's a good place to live. <v Charlie Stewart>And it's a if you're a good guy, everybody knows it. <v Charlie Stewart>If you're a bum, everybody knows. <v Charlie Stewart>You know. <v Speaker>[Radio Static] <v John Wilson>There's a lady out there in a Acura going down I-5 at 70
<v John Wilson>passin' real close and they think she they said they think she's possibly a 31. <v John Wilson>I think that's a drunken driver. Thirty one. <v Radio>Clear on an eighty nine. Pontiac. Two doors. <v John Wilson>Then on Friday and Saturday nights there's always a family disturbance. <v John Wilson>Or few weeks ago it was <v John Wilson>two, three people called in the Salem police and said there was a man dragging a woman <v John Wilson>down the street by her hair, by the hair of her head. <v John Wilson>You know, I expect that back in the caveman days but not now. <v John Wilson>I don't know what he was doing, but I guess the cops finally called him or whatever. <v John Wilson>And then this seems like there's always, you know, every so often <v John Wilson>there's always a hostage situation or something, and in Salem or <v John Wilson>Woodburn or Portland or somewhere. <v John Wilson>See that's what makes it look so nice living out here, <v John Wilson>is you hear all this. And it's always going on someplace else. <v John Wilson>You know, you don't hear of it here in town very much in.
<v John Wilson>Those that are haulin' it out - see the big oak down there? <v John Wilson>There's an oak down there somewhere. I didn't see it comin' in. <v John Wilson>We've got a slot picked already, Lucky and I. <v John Wilson>His boys all go. So we're going to leave out Friday sometime. <v John Wilson>I gotta to go pick the camper up. <v Man>Not gonna be drinkin' a beer, are ya? <v John Wilson>No, not. <v John Wilson>That's one thing I don't do when I go huntin', I don't drink. <v John Wilson>Some some guy do. That's fine, you know, but I don't drink any way, you know. <v John Wilson>I drink beer and I get sick, so I stay away from all that stuff.
<v John Wilson>. <v Speaker> All right. What do you put on that one? <v Speaker>[?inaudible?] <v Speaker>I <v Speaker>think it was a Thursday and I went down for my dentist appointment <v Speaker>and at my dentist appointment didn't have no tickets.
<v Speaker>So I went down to the bank and gotten twenty dollars at the end of <v Speaker>the old card thing there and went back up and bought me <v Speaker>five dollars quick pick. <v Speaker>And the next Saturday I was out golfin' Black Butte and we was all' <v Speaker>about how it'd be nice to win the lottery and buy us a condo <v Speaker>or something on the fairways and stuff. And that night <v Speaker>when I got home, I seen the numbers flash across the board or across the screen and <v Speaker>went in the bedroom, got my ticket and came outside and went down there to the first <v Speaker>number and started crossing that - goddamn, it sure looks like, you know, all my <v Speaker>numbers. So I called my mom. She always writes down the numbers and she told me the <v Speaker>numbers. And sure enough, I had all six of them. <v Speaker>It was beginning in the end. <v Speaker>Yes. You still bum cigarettes in Copenhagen. <v Speaker>They told me not to change. So I said the same. <v Speaker>How much did you win?
<v Speaker>It was one million. Six hundred and sixty six thousand six hundred eighty. <v Speaker>The first year we went back to Florida and went <v Speaker>to Disney World, and EPCOT Center, and then we went on a cruise out in the Bahamas, he <v Speaker>messed around the Bahamas for four or five days and played to casinos and <v Speaker>stuff like that and just generally had fun. <v Speaker>First vacation in two years. <v John Wilson>It's the feeling of being insecure, you know, not knowing whether you're gonna have your <v John Wilson>job, how long you're gonna have it and or how much - even <v John Wilson>if you got your job, how much you got to get to work and make a living. <v John Wilson>It'd be nice. I like to. <v John Wilson>You know, people, we want to win the lottery, win millions of dollars. <v John Wilson>I like to just win, like something like maybe fifty thousand dollars. <v John Wilson>I could pay my house off on my cars. <v John Wilson>You know, I wouldn't owe nobody nothing. I have probably, I don't <v John Wilson>know, twenty five thousand dollars left over didn't and still keep my job
<v John Wilson>because I don't think I'd ever want to just completely quit and just start going around. <v John Wilson>I think I'd get nervous. <v John Wilson>I can't can't imagine having to try to spend millions <v John Wilson>of dollars. <v John Wilson>Cause we've never really had anything. You know, my family wasn't very rich and <v John Wilson>Robin's family wasn't with all of them. <v John Wilson>Common people that work for a living. You know. <v John Wilson's Wife>All I need is ten thousand dollars just to get me out of the hole that we're in. <v John Wilson's Wife>No, well, not even that. Five thousand would just bring me up to date current on <v John Wilson's Wife>everything. And if I could start over. <v John Wilson's Wife>When we first moved in the house I had very little to work with and I did very well. <v John Wilson's Wife>Then John started making a little bit more money and we spent to that.
<v John Wilson's Wife>Now we're he's back to be making less. <v John Wilson's Wife>And it's just bills are there furthermore. <v Filmmaker>Do you worry about the future? <v John Wilson's Wife>No. I <v John Wilson's Wife>Worry about my children's futures, not mine, because I'm sure <v John Wilson's Wife>I know my oldest would take care of me. <v John Wilson's Wife>So I don't have to worry about mine. <v John Wilson's Wife>It's just if they don't have a future, then I'm not going to have a future. <v Speaker>[?inaudible?]. <v Speaker>[Hammering] <v George Antiyeh>I know
<v George Antiyeh>I've been in Mill City for 20 years. <v George Antiyeh>I'm third generation, or youngin' fourth generation from the timber industry <v George Antiyeh>and I was involved in the timber industry for about twelve years. <v George Antiyeh>And now I have a flying service <v George Antiyeh>and a computer business that were timber dependent, which <v George Antiyeh>almost are bankrupt right now because the timber industry won't use me. <v George Antiyeh>I'm going broke being a conservationist but it's something <v George Antiyeh>that needed to be done. <v Man>Because if we put some two by six right up there. <v Man>Just crossbrace like you have there, that'll sturdy <v Man>it up. You take this up. <v Man>The tail will fit in underneath there. <v Man>You're backin' in, aren't ya?
<v George Antiyeh>Yeah. Uh, I became a pariah in my own community. <v George Antiyeh>People wouldn't talk to me. <v George Antiyeh>I went to watch, watch my boys play football and <v George Antiyeh>I'd have a whole bench to myself. Nobody was - everybody's afraid to even stand next to <v George Antiyeh>me or sit next to me. <v George Antiyeh>My friends were afraid to come over because <v George Antiyeh>they thought that associating with me would taint them. <v George Antiyeh>And so if they did come over, they'd hide their car in my hangar. <v George Antiyeh>They'd call me up on the phone that they were afraid they'd come up <v George Antiyeh>and they stand to you next to you in the grocery store and and <v George Antiyeh>tell you they really believe what you were saying was correct or true and that they <v George Antiyeh>admire your courage for doing at the same time. <v George Antiyeh>They were never we couldn't they couldn't do it themselves. <v George Antiyeh>They couldn't stand up and do it themselves. <v George Antiyeh>They're afraid for their jobs. They are afraid for how the community would look at them. <v George Antiyeh>And then it got worse than that, being socially ostracized.
<v George Antiyeh>I mean, it's not it's not fun. It wasn't fun for me or my family. <v George Antiyeh>But then it got to the point where there were death threats, serious <v George Antiyeh>threats against me. There's threats against my family. <v George Antiyeh>I ran my son off the road logging truck couple times. <v George Antiyeh>They held my daughter down in school <v George Antiyeh>and tied yellow ribbons around her, which are the symbol of the timber industry. <v Speaker>[Construction noise] <v John Wilson>It was mainly hearsay. I didn't didn't know the person or his wife.
<v John Wilson>But I talked to some of the lawyers that knew the guy. <v John Wilson>They weren't out in the woods. They were up by the crummy and stuff. <v John Wilson>And I guess this tree fell over, hit an old snag and the snag just blew apart. <v John Wilson>Well, when it did, a big chunk of the log came over and hit him <v John Wilson>and killed him instantly from what I heard. <v John Wilson>And then. <v John Wilson>These enviromental people had the nerve to send letters to his wife <v John Wilson>saying that if he hadn't have been out there, you know, raping the forest and <v John Wilson>cut the trees down and absolutely running everything, that he wouldn't, he got killed. <v John Wilson>And it was just a job. He was not there making a job for his family. <v John Wilson>It was something he liked to do and it was a way of making a living. <v John Wilson>And I thought, well, you know, that's to me, that's terrorism. <v John Wilson>You know? <v Woman>You're talking about the corporations. Do they have our interests in mind? <v Woman>Is that what you're asking? <v Protestor>Yeah. It seems like they have the most power.
<v Protestor>They do the most damage. And I don't think they have the communities and I don't <v Protestor>think they're thinking about communities at all. I don't think they give a shit about <v Protestor>communities. <v Woman>Okay, let's say that that's true. <v Woman>Do you work? What do you do for a living. <v Protestor>I cook in a tofu factory. <v Woman>But did the majority of you guys work? Put in a lot of taxpayer money? I put in taxpayer money. <v Protestor>So do I. <v Protestor>It's my tax dollars -. <v Woman>There's nothing wrong wiwth productivity. It's part of the way America works. There's five percent of this forest left. <v Speaker>[?inaudible?]. <v Protestor>There's five percent of this forest left. <v Woman>What about the part that's already set aside? <v Protestor>It's not a garden for you to come in for people. <v Protestor>I don't care whether there - I don't care who - to harvest flowers. <v Woman>Money is part of America. <v Protestor>And it's none of our business. We can do fine. <v Protestor>We just better take care of our water.
<v Protestor>We better take care of our air. <v Protestor>You better make sure you don't poison all our fruit. <v Protestor>You know, we'd better not get in a war. <v Protestor>But for God's sakes, as far as the earth is concerned, let's preserve the <v Protestor>last bit of the ancient stuff. <v Protestor>It's so rare that we've taken advantage of so much. <v George Antiyeh>Well, I try to keep my sense of humor through the death threats and so on my answering <v George Antiyeh>machine. I had a message for a while. <v George Antiyeh>Hi, this is George. <v George Antiyeh>Please leave your name number. <v George Antiyeh>But if this is a death threat, I want you to relax, take a deep breath. <v George Antiyeh>Think about what you're going to say. Probably nervous unless you've done this before, <v George Antiyeh>and then leave your death threat. And don't forget to leave your name, your telephone <v George Antiyeh>number and your address. I will be back to you. <v George Antiyeh>Course none of them ever did that but I still got the <v George Antiyeh>death threats. <v Man>Wouldn't be surprised at all if you did. <v Woman>There's three links on here. That's the emblem of our order, that's friendship, love
<v Woman>and truth, which is what our order's based on, is we're <v Woman>supposed to always exhibit friendship, love, and truth. <v Speaker>[?inaudible? <v Speaker>Chris said that next year, next month, or next meeting we're going to <v Speaker>have a Halloween party didn't you Chris? But you forgot. <v Speaker>I think I'm going to come as Lady Godiva. <v Speaker>[?inaudible?]. <v Speaker>I work for that Schwab organization that makes this <v Speaker>light fence. And so my territory goes to Niagara, clear down <v Speaker>the fisherman's main park. <v Speaker>And I report all deer kill on highway 22 in that section. <v Speaker>Well, this year I had an elk killed. <v Speaker>My word. <v Speaker> A nice big yearling elk. <v Speaker>Right down in front of my place.
<v Speaker> What did it hit or what hit <v Speaker>it? <v Speaker>I think a truck. <v John Wilson>Okey dokey, well, he was right by the two so we got another - keep on coming there's <v John Wilson>another wide one right here. <v Man>I'm at the two. <v John Wilson>Okay. Come on around. <v John Wilson>I know you guys are hurry so you can go down and have some lunch. <v John Wilson>I've got to go back to work. Don't get to eat for three or four more hours. <v Speaker>[?inaudible?]. <v John Wilson>Okay. <v John Wilson>Well, I'm hopin' that big elk can still be up there. <v John Wilson>I'm going to get out there with my knife and cut me a slab off of it and cook it. <v John Wilson>If you see an elk runnin' around with a limp tomorrow you'll know I got him. <v Man>Haha, okay. <v George Antiyeh>People who prided themselves on being so so self-reliant are no longer
<v George Antiyeh>self-reliant. In fact, because times are changing around them, <v George Antiyeh>they're whining and whimpering and crying and acting like a bunch of damn babies. <v George Antiyeh>As far as I'm concerned and I've told them that it's about time you people pick <v George Antiyeh>yourself up by your own bootstraps and see and prove who you really are <v George Antiyeh>and recognize that the world's changed around you and you've kept yourself out of a job <v George Antiyeh>and now we have to adapt and do something else. <v John Wilson>I don't want to see all the trees cut down. <v John Wilson>You'll never see them all cut down. But some of the stuff we're replanting now, <v John Wilson>if they would just allow us to go in and take out some of the old stuff and <v John Wilson>then let some of the stuff we replantin' grow in 200 years. <v John Wilson>Now it's going to be old growth and it's gonna be a lot better than what the old growth <v John Wilson>standin' now. <v John Wilson>Nothing ever lives forever, you know, everything changes. <v George Antiyeh>The people to blame for it, the people that are responsible for this
<v George Antiyeh>are not the people in Mill City. <v George Antiyeh>It's not even the mill owners or the logging company owners. <v George Antiyeh>They push the politicians to cut the forest as fast as possible. <v George Antiyeh>But the politicians were - and we're talking about the Oregon delegation, <v George Antiyeh>our congressmen - they are the stewards or the trustees <v George Antiyeh>of the trust, federal trust. <v George Antiyeh>And they ripped it off. <v George Antiyeh>They ripped it off. And they sold it cheap in order to further their own political <v George Antiyeh>careers. And to me, it's criminal. <v John Wilson>This is what she called a gob and dob method.
<v John Wilson>You do it like this.. <v John Wilson>Get a gob of pain on it, and then you kind of dob it in the hole. <v Speaker>[?inaudible?] Charge it into the Wilsons. <v Speaker>[?inaudible?] <v John Wilson's Wife>And therefore, John and I used to <v John Wilson's Wife>never get help from any of the people we knew. <v John Wilson's Wife>I can't say they were friends because they never helped. <v John Wilson's Wife>We were there for them. But here with the Puckett's, they're <v John Wilson's Wife>friends. Well, family, yes. <v John Wilson's Wife>You could just say we're one big family man. <v John Wilson's Wife>They're there for us. We're there for them. <v John Wilson's Wife>We did make a comment or statement <v John Wilson's Wife>or whatever. How many hunting trips are you behind? <v Woman>You know how many times has he left me and I stayed at home? <v John Wilson's Wife>Well, Lucky got his deer, I was glad because I said good now he's done this year.
<v Woman>So he goes and buys a bird tag. <v Woman>So he can go out and be with the boys anyway. <v Woman>Which is alright, then I get the house to myself. <v John Wilson's Wife>Yeah. That's what I don't understand. These women think they've got to. <v John Wilson's Wife>One thing is to be equal to the man. <v John Wilson's Wife>And I think it's so nice when they leave and go, off, honey, you know how she can clean <v John Wilson's Wife>things or not even get caught up on things <v John Wilson's Wife>that she would -. <v Woman>The whole deer issue. You cut it up and everything. <v John Wilson's Wife>Looks so much better, it looks bigger, makes the house look newer, that brown <v John Wilson's Wife>was really awful. I can't say what I really feel about that brown. <v Speaker>What would your ideal house be? <v John Wilson's Wife>Elegant two story, four <v John Wilson's Wife>bedroom kitchen that I can work in. <v John Wilson's Wife>I mean, doesn't look dirty when it's clean. <v John Wilson's Wife>I don't have to worry when the kids turn the water on in the sink, it doesn't run down
<v John Wilson's Wife>the counter onto the floor. Make a mess. <v John Wilson's Wife>Comfortable. <v John Wilson's Wife>I want an elegant formal living room, just small, my room, <v John Wilson's Wife>but I want a huge family room for my friends, my family. <v John Wilson's Wife>No carpet. So if we spill anything on it, just mop it up. <v John Wilson's Wife>But I'll have the family room before the living room because that's more important. <v John Wilson's Wife>Family. <v Speaker>Now, looking forward, looking ahead this morning, it looked like it was <v Speaker>about -. <v Speaker>Do you want some help? <v Charlie Stewart>No, I think I'll get this. If you'll get to scale. <v Speaker>OK, we've done it enough. <v Speaker>I guess it. What? <v Speaker>Steaks and chops may be perfect, special recipe. <v Speaker> <v Speaker>Just hold it there, you won't have any problem.
<v Speaker>It's heavy though. <v Speaker>[?inaudible?] <v Charlie Stewart>I think I have your order Tom. <v Charlie Stewart>We'll do ya a good job. <v Speaker>You bet. You always have. <v Speaker>Got it. Thanks, darling. <v Speaker>There you go. <v Charlie Stewart>I was raised in a family where we raised on a ranch <v Charlie Stewart>the first chicken and the first calf and the first egg, and the first beef, went <v Charlie Stewart>on our table. But we had surplus is what we sold. <v Charlie Stewart>So we took care of our table first. <v Charlie Stewart>And I think America should take care of its table first. <v Charlie Stewart>There are two points of view. Those that come to look and those that come to live. <v Charlie Stewart>And I'll admit whenever we log it does get cut up a little bit, but <v Charlie Stewart>it grows back.
<v Charlie Stewart>In other words, these people want us to stop manufacturing lumber. <v Charlie Stewart>And and growing and sand and look, there's just so long you can <v Charlie Stewart>look at a beautiful scene until you suddenly you have to have lunch. <v Charlie Stewart>That seems to get important, too. But I think we can have the beautiful scenery. <v Charlie Stewart>I think we can have the lunch. <v Charlie Stewart>I think we can have the house. <v Charlie Stewart>That's what I call the American dream. <v John Wilson>Yeah. I'd like to have a chicken sandwich in a basket and a fish sandwich <v John Wilson>in the basket. <v John Wilson>Coffee? <v Woman>Okay, would you like anything to drink? <v John Wilson> Yeah. Two coffees. <v John Wilson>Decaf. <v Woman>Will that be for here or to go? <v John Wilson>That'll be for here. <v John Wilson>Thank you. <v John Wilson's Wife>I don't know. I think that I'd want people to think I'd want the world to be right, but
<v John Wilson's Wife>no, I'd just like to have my own world right. <v John Wilson's Wife>Just mine. I guess, it's a little selfish, but <v John Wilson's Wife>we've struggled. John and I have struggled and I <v John Wilson's Wife>just feel like me and my family. <v John Wilson's Wife>I'm not too concerned with the rest of the world. <v John Wilson's Wife>It's - right now, this is my world. <v John Wilson's Wife>Take it away and I have nothing. <v John Wilson's Wife>And that's what's going to happen if they stop logging. <v John Wilson's Wife>My husband will have to find another line of work, <v John Wilson's Wife>which he can't. He drives truck. <v John Wilson's Wife>Doesn't matter what's in that trailer. He can get that product, whatever it is <v John Wilson's Wife>someplace. And he's done it. <v John Wilson's Wife>It's just I don't want to have to move someplace else. <v John Wilson's Wife>And that's we would have to or he would be long hauling, and that's all <v John Wilson's Wife>over the United States. And I could stay here with a family, <v John Wilson's Wife>but I don't want him gone for 10 days.
<v John Wilson's Wife>Two weeks. He's done it and I don't like it. <v George Antiyeh>OK, this is all National Forest right now. <v George Antiyeh>You can see they're hittin' it pretty hard. <v George Antiyeh>They've only been cutting in the national forest about 25 years, 20, 25 years. <v George Antiyeh>And when you look at it from that perspective and how much is gone, it
<v George Antiyeh>doesn't look like there is very much left. Whether we keep this going, when people say <v George Antiyeh>this will last another 10 years, I don't believe it. <v George Antiyeh>I think it'll maybe last five or seven years at the max. <v John Wilson>As you can see there's nothing real fresh out of here. <v John Wilson>But if you're a little bit further, you see a lot of real fresh tracks and stuff, but <v John Wilson>they've been through there. Darren got that big four point back right over there. <v John Wilson>Where? <v Speaker>Right there by that timber. <v John Wilson>Isn't that the knob you're talking about? <v Speaker>Yeah, that's a knob? <v John Wilson>That's normally where we go down the bottom on this side Lance goes, right? <v Speaker>Yeah. <v John Wilson>And him and I sit on that road.
<v John Wilson>Then you guys go around the back side and come down to that timber and then down to that <v John Wilson>real brushy stuff. <v Speaker>I kick two bucks out there, two guys last year and they got him. <v Woman>That's a visual that speaks for itself. That is a true visual with a - <v Woman>marijuana signs and -. <v Protestor>If you're going to arrest me, you better have some really good legal information. <v Cop>We have that. <v Protestor>And what legal boundary does this power line represent? <v Cop>I'm not here to debate that. <v Protestor>I'm not - this isn't a debate. This is legal question. <v Protestor>We're not going to say you're wrong. <v Protestor>I'd like to understand under one authority you're threatening to arrest me. <v Cop>This area is closed for the day. <v Protestor>What area? <v Protestor>But the power line -. <v Speaker>Looks like they're destryoing the rmarijuana fields. <v Speaker>They're going to go. And they're going to go backroads. <v Speaker>Or they're going to go around. <v Protestor>I'm gonna go hiking into the nation forest because <v Protestor>the national forests are open to us and that's where I'm going ot hike.
<v Speaker>Operation [?inaudible?] <v George Antiyeh>We're flying over warehouser land. Now it's one of the biggest tree harvesting companies <v George Antiyeh>in the Pacific Northwest. <v George Antiyeh>They call themselves the tree growing company. As you can see that they've decimated this <v George Antiyeh>entire valley. And this is what's going to happen to the National Forest if we don't <v George Antiyeh>stop. National Forest is not far behind. <v George Antiyeh>They're doing the same thing. The National Forest, what they did in the private lands are <v George Antiyeh>going to cut it off. <v Speaker>Do you see where he's at? <v John Wilson>No I can't see anything.
<v John Wilson>You couldn't see any antlers on it, I was about ready to squeeze off a shot too. <v Speaker>[Whistle blows] <v Protestor>Get your hands off my property. Unless you're going to arrest me, take your hands off my <v Protestor>property. <v Protestor>Let's go out here and talk about it. We'll talk about it here. <v Protestor>Why can't we talk about it here? I think I wanna hike along the highway here. <v Cop>OK. You go ahead. Go along the highway. <v Cop>Well, I'm asking you to please stay out of these area. <v Protestor>I'm just hiking <v Protestor>down the highway. I said, I'm hiking down the highway. <v Cop>Then get out on the highway and stay out of this area. <v Protestor>It's very dangerous on the highway. Those cars get hit. <v Protestor>I want to go in the woods. National Forests are open to the public, you know.
<v Speaker> Careful. <v Speaker>Don't hurt yourself. <v Speaker>[?inaudible?] [Overlapping chatter] <v Speaker>This was the low blow timber sale. And they told us it was across the street. <v Speaker>[Overlapping arguing] <v Speaker> I don't think they know exactly what you're talking about. <v Speaker>This sign faces the clearcut unit, low blow. <v George Antiyeh>You don't have to believe the environmental side. <v George Antiyeh>You don't have to believe the timber industry. <v George Antiyeh>Basically, if you get an airplane, you see what's going on. <v George Antiyeh>Then you can make up your mind how what the real problem is.
<v George Antiyeh>As far as I'm concerned, the real problem is not the spotted owl. <v George Antiyeh>It's not the preservationists or the environmentalists. <v George Antiyeh>It's the fact that we've got the entire forest - we're out up against the owl, we're up <v George Antiyeh>against the Pacific Ocean. And that's where the problem lies, that this problem <v George Antiyeh>that's facing Mill City and everybody else, this in Oregon right now. <v George Antiyeh>It's something that's the result of really bad management over <v George Antiyeh>the years, letting politicians manage the national forest. <v George Antiyeh>Now we're faced with paying the price. <v George Antiyeh>The day of reckoning, the politicians won't pay it. Mill City will pay it. <v George Antiyeh>And the people who care about this and the environment and the ecosystem here, they're <v George Antiyeh>also going to pay it. <v John Wilson's Wife>I think it's ones that want to take <v John Wilson's Wife>over. And that's what probably will eventually happen. <v John Wilson's Wife>But the majority of the people, the little people like me, not that <v John Wilson's Wife>I'm going to do it, but we're going to get so angry at our judges
<v John Wilson's Wife>and higher ups that we're going to go in and <v John Wilson's Wife>we're going to fight them. We're going to - it's going to be a mass murders of <v John Wilson's Wife>of officials. <v John Wilson's Wife>I just have this - I just this is what's going to happen. <v John Wilson's Wife>People are going get so angry that everything's being taken from 'em. <v John Wilson's Wife>It's not it's not going to be whites or blacks. <v John Wilson's Wife>It's everybody. They're all going together together and they're gonna just <v John Wilson's Wife>go in and I don't know if they'll - I imagine they're going to slaughter the <v John Wilson's Wife>judges and I don't know about the president. <v John Wilson's Wife>Maybe he'll be there. <v John Wilson>I think it would only be fair that we have to go back to livin' and <v John Wilson>givin up all of this country but to <v John Wilson>them that we had to go back to the same laws and the same way of livin' that we did
<v John Wilson>1850 and <v John Wilson>deal with 'em. <v John Wilson>Be fun. [Laughs] <v John Wilson>Frontier, yes. <v Man>Basically. <v John Wilson>They have gone so far as to advertise in the Earth First News <v John Wilson>that if you have AIDS, cancer, an incurable disease, <v John Wilson>they'll furnish you with a backpack full of explosives. <v John Wilson>And their suggestion is to go out as a martyr. <v John Wilson>Take a dam with you or take a bridge with ya. <v John Wilson>Yeah, this is the fun part, we'd like to just move up here, live up here, just like this. <v John Wilson>That's fine with us. Environmentalists want to go back to the olden days, then we will go <v John Wilson>back to the old days. <v John Wilson>Just give us both a plot of ground up here somewhere and some horses, couple of mules <v John Wilson>or something. [Coughs] I
<v John Wilson>don't know about you guys but that fire is getting hot. <v Cop>I'm a law enforcement officer with the U.S. <v Cop>Forest Service. This compound area in front of you is closed to the public. <v Cop>If you enter this area you may be subject to arrest. <v Speaker>[Whistle blows] <v Protestor>What are the boundary lines of the public area? <v Speaker>No, no, no. <v Protestor>What are the boundary lines of the closed area? <v Cop>We have a garage right up there and that's part of the compound. <v Cop>So you can't go any farther up, okay? <v Speaker>[Whistle blows] <v Cop>You're under arrest. Come with me.
<v Protestor>Why am I under arrest? I backed off. He told me where the compound was and I backed off. <v Protestor>He told me where the compound was and I backed off. He's only won where to go. <v Protestor>You're telling me the legal boundaries. <v Cop>I told you, you were on the compound. <v Protestor>How far are you going? <v Cop>Behind that wood right there. <v Speaker>Some <v Speaker>of those are referred to the public. <v Speaker>[Whistle blows repeatedly]. <v Speaker>[Attack dogs barking] <v Protestor>Oh, what? Why do you have to like - [?inaudible?] <v John Wilson's Wife>I wanted to travel.
<v John Wilson's Wife>I just thought it'd be so nice to just go and never <v John Wilson's Wife>stop when I was little. <v John Wilson's Wife>But I don't now. I've done too many moves from California to Oregon. <v John Wilson's Wife>I've done it twice. <v John Wilson's Wife>I don't care to go very far very much anymore. <v John Wilson's Wife>Even if the timber goes, I don't think <v John Wilson's Wife>I will sell my house here. <v John Wilson's Wife>I will keep it as long as I can and live here as long <v John Wilson's Wife>as I can. <v John Wilson's Wife>Even if that means John going out on the road again, I will stay here. <v Speaker>["Family Tree" by Michael Murphey plays]
<v Speaker> <v Speaker>Don't you understand? <v Speaker>[?inaudible? could have killed [?inaudible?]. <v Announcer>If you have a taste for death, don't miss Inspector Daglish on <v Announcer>mystery. <v Speaker>It's an unfortunate fact about murder that we do have to intrude into people's grief. <v Announcer>Then, from Evelyn Waugh, author of Brideshead Revisited, comes a master work of
<v Announcer>mistaken identity. Scoop. <v Speaker>You sending to [?inaudible?]? <v Speaker>How would you like to go to [?inaudible?]? <v Announcer>See what happens when a country gentleman finds himself in the wrong place at the <v Announcer>right time. <v Speaker>Such ghastly news about his [?inaudible?]. <v Speaker>Civil war is inevitable, I suppose. <v Speaker>Who is fighting who? <v Speaker>Tell me, your friend here, does he become more or less pugnacious with drink? <v Speaker>Oh, more I believe. <v Speaker>Very much more. <v Announcer>He's chasing more than headlines. <v Announcer>See Dan O'Malley, and make the best of a bad situation in this frontline farce, <v Announcer>Scoop. Next, follow the adventures, heartaches and the rites of passage <v Announcer>of World War Two flying aces in Piece of Cake. <v Speaker>Bit of a bright spot, isn't it?
<v Speaker>I think we're going to enjoy this war. <v Announcer>Meet the men of Hornet Squadron. Are they heroes or is it all just a game? <v Announcer>Piece of Cake marks the coming of age of young men prepared to die for their country. <v Speaker>I was impressed by your air display. <v Speaker>Piece of Cake. <v Announcer>And on the 200th anniversary of the French Revolution, Masterpiece Theater <v Announcer>presents the Dickens classic, A Tale of Two Cities. <v Announcer>As the flames and fury of rebellion swept across the land, there, <v Announcer>too, was a passion that could not be extinguished. <v Speaker>Remember always that there is a man who would give his life for you or for anyone they <v Speaker>love. <v Speaker>But to achieve the ultimate love, Sydney Carton must face <v Speaker>the ultimate sacrifice. <v Speaker>We'll journey together in our hearts. <v Speaker>Yes, we'll go together. <v Announcer>The scope and spectacle of the French Revolution unfolds as <v Announcer>Masterpiece Theater presents A Tale of Two Cities. <v Announcer>Turn us on this fall and leave us on.
<v Announcer>Support for tonights programing has been made possible in part by a grant from Norm <v Announcer>Thompson Outfitters, Portland's escape from the ordinary for apparel and gifts <v Announcer>at Northwest 18th and Thurmon and at the airport's main terminal. <v Announcer>Additional funding has been provided by you, the members of Oregon Public <v Announcer>Broadcasting. <v Announcer>Evening at Pops goes country with Nashville's favorite sisters. <v Announcer>The captivating Crystal Gayle and <v Announcer>the legendary Loretta Lynn. <v Announcer>Coal miner's daughters and country greats Loretta Lynn and Crystal Gayle.
<v Announcer>A downhome night of music and fun. <v Announcer>On the next Evening at Pops. <v Speaker>[Women sing "Rocky Top"] <v Announcer>Tonight at 9:00 here on OPB. <v Announcer>Funding for local broadcast of Washington Week in Review has been provided by Portland, <v Announcer>General Electric and the Energy Resources Center, bringing you new ideas <v Announcer>and energy use for business and industry. <v Speaker>[Synth music plays] <v Newscaster>For Pete Rose, it's strike three.
<v Newscaster>One of our stories tonight on Washington Week in Review. <v Announcer>Ford Motor Company. World - <v Newscaster>This Israeli action failed, however, to stop still more riots. <v Newscaster>Israel flew the four Palestinians into south Lebanon, gave them a quick medical <v Newscaster>check and 50 US dollars, which at first they refused, then they were told <v Newscaster>never come back. <v Newscaster>This is what the deportations were supposed to help stop - Palestinians protesting <v Newscaster>Israel's occupation. <v Newscaster>Instead, everyone's joining in. The deportations are a slap in the face to the <v Newscaster>United Nations, which condemned them. <v Newscaster>They came on the same day a top U.N. <v Newscaster>official finally visited a palace- <v Speaker>[Tape rewinds]
- Series
- States of Mind
- Episode
- Mill City
- Producing Organization
- Oregon Public Broadcasting
- British Broadcasting Corporation
- KOPB (Television station : Portland, Or.)
- Contributing Organization
- The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia (Athens, Georgia)
- cpb-aacip-526-9p2w37mv10
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip-526-9p2w37mv10).
- Description
- Episode Description
- "In the summer of 1990 the British Broadcasting Corporation and Oregon Public Broadcasting joined forces to produce a documentary that looks at change in America as seen through the eyes of those [affected] by that change. The BBC provided a director who could look at the issues as an outsider and OPB provided the rest. The result is 'MILL CITY'. "The Pacific Northwest is involved in a controversy that is both local and national in scope. For years the timber industry has had a relatively free reign in terms of harvesting in the National Forests. In recent years that has changed. Now the industry says that it cannot tolerate further cutbacks in timber supply; if current measures for controlling cutting in National forests are enforced jobs, and mills will be lost on a grand scale. Entire towns may cease to exist. Mill City Oregon is one of those towns. Nestled in the Santiam Canyon, Mill City is a one industry town and that industry is timber. "The crew spent three months researching and shooting in Mill City, focusing on three different residents; log truck driver John Wilson and his family, Charlie and Marie Stewart who run the local general store, and George Antiyeh, a one time logger who has become an activist in favor of saving the remaining forests. Their different outlooks combine to create a very engaging human portrait of change in a small American town. "'MILL CITY' was shot in cinema verite? style and contains no narration. It will be part of the proposed 'STATES OF MIND' series co-produced by the BBC and a consortium of PBS stations that will air in 1992. 'MILL CITY' aired in Oregon on December 30, 1990."--1990 Peabody Awards entry form.
- Broadcast Date
- 1990-12-30
- Asset type
- Episode
- Media type
- Moving Image
- Duration
- 01:02:54.070
- Credits
Producing Organization: Oregon Public Broadcasting
Producing Organization: British Broadcasting Corporation
Producing Organization: KOPB (Television station : Portland, Or.)
- AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the
University of Georgia
Identifier: cpb-aacip-cbd65491d8f (Filename)
Format: U-matic
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
- Citations
- Chicago: “States of Mind; Mill City,” 1990-12-30, The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed March 25, 2025,
- MLA: “States of Mind; Mill City.” 1990-12-30. The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. March 25, 2025. <>.
- APA: States of Mind; Mill City. Boston, MA: The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from