Veeck: A Man For Any Season

- Transcript
<v Bill Veeck>By the banks of the great gray, green, greasy Limpopo River, all bordered by <v Bill Veeck>fevre trees and the rat colored python, he wrapped <v Bill Veeck>his tail around the rock and through clenched teeth pulled. <v Bill Veeck>And the little elephant paw and the rat colored python pulled and pulled and he <v Bill Veeck>said, young man. <v Bill Veeck>That's how the elephant got his trunk. <v Bill Veeck>And so he went back home and he spanked all his uncles and aunts with <v Bill Veeck>his newly discovered trunk.That's <v Bill Veeck>kipling. <v Speaker>And this is Bill Veeck. He's a legend in baseball. <v Speaker>He's also a one of a kind man. <v Speaker>He's a dreamer who is not satisfied until his dreams come true in front of a full house. <v Speaker>For 50 years Bill has dreamed up thousands of different schemes, always aimed at <v Speaker>delighting, the paying customers. <v Speaker>He put a midget, Eddie Gardell, up to bat. <v Speaker>He put the players in shorts, installed a shower in the bleachers, landed Martian's on
<v Speaker>the field and built the world's first exploding scoreboard. <v Speaker>But Bill has had his ups and downs operating ball clubs. <v Speaker>In Cleveland, the world champion 1948 Indian set a league attendance record <v Speaker>that still hasn't been broken, but he nearly went broke five years later <v Speaker>with the St. Louis Browns. The 1959 White Sox won a pennant. <v Speaker>But in the 1970s, it was a different ballgame. <v Speaker>Living out his fantasies in baseball reflects just one facet of Bill Veeck's spirit. <v Speaker>He's written three books, hosted TV and radio shows for 40 years and helped raise nine <v Speaker>children. <v Speaker>Bill is bounced back from major surgery 33 times. <v Speaker>He's a writer, a storyteller, a passionate gardener, a mobile maker <v Speaker>and wood craftsman. The longer he lives, the more he opens himself up to <v Speaker>people. This program is about a complex man who never quits. <v Speaker>A man who knows how to have a good time and provide it for others. <v Speaker>Bill Veeck, a man for any season.
<v Ed Murrow>Good evening. I'm Ed Murrow. <v Ed Murrow>The name of the program is Person to Person. <v Ed Murrow>Tonight, we'll be going to Chicago for a visit with the president of the White Sox <v Ed Murrow>baseball team. Bill Veeck, junior and his wife in baseball, Bill Veeck <v Ed Murrow>has become synonymous with excitement, action, color and nonconformity. <v Ed Murrow>Bill, who was born forty five years ago in Chicago, learned the tricks of the trade from <v Ed Murrow>his father, a former baseball writer who later became president of the Chicago Cubs <v Ed Murrow>and started his son on a baseball career at about the age of eleven. <v Ed Murrow>Helping out in the ticket office. <v Bill Veeck>My daddy taught me a wonderful lesson. <v Bill Veeck>Very important lesson. <v Bill Veeck>When I was about 10, 11 years old, I guess. <v Bill Veeck>And he said, come here now I want to show you something. <v Bill Veeck>And it was all this money and more money than I'd ever seen in one time. <v Bill Veeck>And he said, look at that.
<v Bill Veeck>And I said, that's a lot of money, and he said, well, what does that mean? <v Bill Veeck>And I knew he had something in mind. <v Bill Veeck>I tried desperately to think of what was the right answer, but <v Bill Veeck>couldn't because I would never wanted to disappoint him. <v Bill Veeck>And he said, I'll tell you. <v Bill Veeck>He said, you can't tell who put that money in the box office. <v Bill Veeck>Can ya? You can't tell who's money that was. <v Bill Veeck>And he said that's important. <v Bill Veeck>He said that's something you want to remember. <v Bill Veeck>It all looks the same. <v Bill Veeck>And he taught me a lot of things. <v Bill Veeck>He was the nicest man I've ever met. <v Bill Veeck>I've been in baseball, all my life, I was hustling bar pop around the ballpark <v Bill Veeck>in Chicago when I was about eleven years old. <v Bill Veeck>And I worked on the ground crew and worked behind the concession stands <v Bill Veeck>for tickets, sold tickets, funny, maneuvered my way up the office where I didn't
<v Bill Veeck>have to work so much and ran in front of Ben McCrimmon. <v Bill Veeck>Charlie Grimm, who you may remember is manager of the Cubs and currently managing <v Bill Veeck>Milwaukee. We got a few bucks together. <v Bill Veeck>We went to Milwaukee and bought a ball club. <v Bill Veeck>We've pedaled enough players around who will be able eventually to buy the <v Bill Veeck>Cleveland Indians, bought those about five years ago. <v Bill Veeck>And we were pretty fortunate. <v Bill Veeck>We had a fella, a bit of a Boudreaux who in 1948 won a world championship for us. <v Lou Boudreau>There is no one that is more knowledgeable in the game than Bill. <v Lou Boudreau>And I think Bill introduced entertainment to baseball. <v Lou Boudreau>With his different ideas of putting on entertainment for the fans. <v Lou Boudreau>He was actually in the fans corner at all times. <v Harry Caray>He's the only owner I've ever run across who really thinks about the <v Harry Caray>enjoyment of the fan. <v Harry Caray>He always thinks in terms of what can he do to make the fan more fun at the ballpark <v Harry Caray>than they normally would have.
<v Bill Veeck>There's nothing to giving everyone in a ballpark <v Bill Veeck>an Eskimo pie. <v Bill Veeck>But to give one person thirty thousand Eskimo pies. <v Bill Veeck>Now that causes some interesting thought. <v Bill Veeck>What are you going to do with them? <v Bill Veeck>What happens when they start to melt? <v Bill Veeck>You know, they got how fast are they going to pass him around? <v Bill Veeck>Are they going try and eat 'em, themselves? <v Bill Veeck>You see, that's the thing that makes it promotional work, incongruity. <v Speaker>Giving away Eskimo pies is just one of the promotions bill came up with. <v Speaker>He originated that day, jacket day, capped day, music day and many others. <v Speaker>He was criticized by the other owners for some of his innovations, like putting names on <v Speaker>uniforms, but they didn't hesitate to copy the ones that worked. <v Speaker>Of course, a few schemes were one-time-only like Grandstand Managers Day <v Speaker>when the decisions were made in the seats instead of the dugout. <v Speaker>And many of the ideas started at Wrigley Field.
<v Bill Veeck>This is a wonderful ballpark. <v Bill Veeck>You know, you it's really the <v Bill Veeck>along with Fenway and Comiskey. <v Bill Veeck>Detroit, the last of the ballparks. <v Speaker>And actually, I did some things right in this ballpark. <v Speaker>I did some wrong too. <v Speaker>In the 1930s, Bill worked for Philip Knight Wrigley and helped create <v Speaker>beautiful Wrigley Field. <v Speaker>He built the bleachers, designed the scoreboard and planted the vines. <v Speaker>He now calls the world's best known horticultural display. <v Speaker>What's behind your theory of showmanship in baseball? <v Speaker>Well, I happen to have a very ridiculous theory, according to Brady. <v Speaker>Many ballclub operators that it should be fun. <v Speaker>You know, I don't think that baseball is such a grim, serious thing. <v Speaker>Sure. I don't want to interfere with the game, but I do want everyone who comes out the
<v Speaker>ballpark to have fun. And look, let's face it, often the ballgame is not the most <v Speaker>exciting thing that ever happened. <v Bill Veeck>I have always operated on the feeling that your <v Bill Veeck>fans who are customers or patients. <v Bill Veeck>But more nearly our friends should be treated exactly the <v Bill Veeck>same way in a ballpark as far as is humanly possible. <v Bill Veeck>As if they were in your home. <v Bill Veeck>In reality, they are guests <v Bill Veeck>with one exception. <v Bill Veeck>Really? Maybe you're the guest. <v Bill Veeck>The ballpark belongs to them. More accurately than it belongs to you. <v Bill Veeck>You're merely the custodian of their ballpark. <v Bill Veeck>So I've tried to operate it that way. <v Steve Stone>I think, Bill Veeck is baseball. He means more to this game than almost anybody around at <v Steve Stone>this point. I think he's a visionary. <v Steve Stone>I think he's one of the real clear thinking baseball people. <v Steve Stone>It's a shame that he's not still in the game.
<v Steve Stone>But I know one thing. When the annals of this game were written down Bill Veeck's name is <v Steve Stone>going to be very prominent. <v Bill Veeck>I can't remember how much money we made in Cleveland. <v Bill Veeck>I can tell you, we drew two million six hundred and eighty thousand people, and that <v Bill Veeck>doesn't include almost three quarters of a million people who came in free, <v Bill Veeck>women and children. <v Bill Veeck>But I can tell you, we did two million six hundred eighty thousand paid admissions. <v Bill Veeck>But the money didn't mean anything. <v Bill Veeck>You know what, I keep putting my bankroll back. <v Bill Veeck>If it doesn't come out sometimes, then I'm in trouble. <v Bill Veeck>But I get it eventually, but I always invest. <v Bill Veeck>A sole. A House and what's in <v Bill Veeck>Maryland. You know, to buy some land in center field. <v Bill Veeck>In Chicago or a ranch in Tucson <v Bill Veeck>to buy some in St Louis. <v Bill Veeck>Or one in New Mexico and so on.
<v Bill Gleason>Our conversation with Bill Veeck is a rare experience because you always <v Bill Gleason>go away from it with your head hurting because Bill <v Bill Gleason>is so stimulating. Every subject he talks about, <v Bill Gleason>he makes you think. <v Bill Veeck>Today isn't so bad, it could be a lot worse, but tomorrow is going to be great <v Bill Veeck>and tomorrow never comes because you see by the time tomorrow comes, <v Bill Veeck>it's today. So it's the worst could be as it's pretty good. <v Bill Veeck>And if it doesn't come, that would be terrible. <v Bill Veeck>In other words in other words, I've had enough problems physically <v Bill Veeck>to recognize that it's just great <v Bill Veeck>to be around. <v Bill Gleason>There are a lot of people I met, particularly in the newspaper business, who have <v Bill Gleason>knowledge on all subjects, but it's very shallow. <v Bill Gleason>It's about a half an inch thick. <v Bill Gleason>But Veeck knows everything about this subject.
<v Bill Gleason>And the reason is because he reads so much and he can retain. <v Bill Veeck>With a book you can be anything you want. <v Bill Veeck>The television you watch what someone determines, predetermined, you should watch. <v Bill Veeck>And you have maybe three or four choices. <v Bill Veeck>But you can be anything with a book. <v Bill Veeck>You can be in any part of the world, you can be with Marco Polo <v Bill Veeck>and China and you can then the next day be in the South Sea Islands <v Bill Veeck>with all my word, T-P. Herman Melville or you can be Tom Sawyer <v Bill Veeck>or Huck Finn on a raft and there's no other way <v Bill Veeck>can you find that ability to be so many <v Bill Veeck>different people in so many different places. <v Speaker>Do you like your own? I read that. <v Speaker>You read that. Yes, I enjoyed it. Okay. <v Speaker>He can't write anything that isn't good. <v Speaker>Are the, are the flowers book back?
<v Speaker>Yeah. Yeah. Back there. <v Speaker>Hi. Fine, thanks. <v Speaker>Nice to see you. Thank you. <v Speaker>It's nice to be around where you can be seen. <v Bertha Mazer>I think that he is the man of this city because not only <v Bertha Mazer>do I love him, but everybody I have ever spoken to has the same <v Bertha Mazer>feeling of love and warmth for Bill Veeck. <v Bertha Mazer>When I see him on television in my home, I <v Bertha Mazer>just think he's coming and talking to me. <v Bertha Mazer>He singles each one of us out as if we were his personal friends. <v Harold Washington>Bill Veeck is kind of difficult to put him in a nutshell. <v Harold Washington>He's a person of so many wonderful qualities that he's a person of spirit and <v Harold Washington>power. <v Speaker>I enjoy people tremendously. <v Speaker>I mean, everyone is interesting in one way or another. <v Speaker>You know.
<v Speaker>[indistinct chatter]. <v Speaker>My head is shrunk. <v Speaker> <v Speaker>Nice to be somebody's hero. <v Speaker>Hey I've been looking for you. I just come in here to see you. <v Bill Veeck>I guess I have seen everything in this country <v Bill Veeck>that is known to be one of the <v Bill Veeck>unusual things of nature, whether it be a Yosemite, an old faithful, <v Bill Veeck>or whether be the Grand Canyon from the bottom or from the top. <v Bill Veeck>I've been Bryce Canyon. <v Bill Veeck>The Natural Bridges. <v Bill Veeck>The Painted Desert. <v Bill Veeck>Even the Empire State Building and the Statue of Liberty.
<v Bill Veeck>I've seen them all. And the most beautiful thing <v Bill Veeck>is a ballpark filled with people. <v Bill Veeck>Other people can have great acts of nature. <v Bill Veeck>That's mine. <v Bill Veeck>And the next most wonderful thing is a ballpark half-filled <v Bill Veeck>with people. <v Speaker>Well, Good. <v Speaker>Fine! You know. <v Speaker>I hope. <v Speaker>Once more, we have another one. <v Speaker> I'm fine, thank you. <v Speaker>Hi. <v Speaker>Here we are back.
<v Speaker>Take your chance. <v Speaker>On opening day 100 of the employees <v Speaker>of Illinois Masonic. The doctors and nurses and technicians and <v Speaker>the guys who push the gurneys and sweep the floors and so on <v Speaker>are going to go with me to the bleachers and taking with them each one of their wives <v Speaker>or or friends or whomever. <v Speaker>Five things, because without them, I wouldn't be there. <v Speaker>You know, it's the only way I can say thank you. <v Speaker>Hey Bill, how you doing? <v Speaker>Fine thanks. <v Speaker>Hi. <v Speaker>Thank you. I'm one of the residents of Masonic we really appreciate it. <v Speaker>I got a couple of friends here. Thank you very much. Glad to see you out here. <v Speaker>Thanks to you, I am here. <v Speaker>Bill can be stubborn, too. <v Speaker>For instance, when he's arguing with his friends. <v John Mengelt>To win it. Wait a minute, wait. Let me finish. Everybody wants the Cubs to win 161 <v John Mengelt>games a year. They'll let them lose one.
<v John Mengelt>OK. But yet they don't want them to be <v John Mengelt>as successful. So sold out every day, John. <v John Mengelt>I mean, I will. I know that. Please. <v John Mengelt>I know that the North Siders made clubs [Veeck: exist. <v John Mengelt>Come on, come on]. Wait. <v John Mengelt>It's the same thing happens with the play. <v Bill Veeck>No, no. Just listen a second. One second. <v Bill Veeck>Bear in mind that the Tribune Company couldn't care less whether <v Bill Veeck>the Cubs win or lose. Except as how it affects <v Bill Veeck>the sale of newspapers and advertising and how it affects the sale <v Bill Veeck>of advertising on WGN TV and WGN <v Bill Veeck>radio. <v John Mengelt>I would say you're very very wrong. <v John Mengelt>I would say you're very wrong. I would say they bought the ballclub because they felt <v John Mengelt>that they might lose a commodity in which they've had for a long time, not because <v John Mengelt>Wrigley was gonna sell. <v Bill Veeck>They had two assets. <v Bill Veeck>They had Wally Philipson radio and they will go to any <v Bill Veeck>lengths to protect his contract. <v Bill Veeck>And they had baseball, cubs baseball on
<v Bill Veeck>on television. <v John Mengelt>That doesn't mean they don't care whether they win. <v John Mengelt>I disagree with that. <v Bill Veeck>They, they bought the ball club with one idea of ensuring <v Bill Veeck>a longevity to this asset. <v John Mengelt>I agree with that. All right. [Veeck: No, wait.] But I don't agree they don't care <v John Mengelt>whether they win or not. <v Bill Veeck>Wait a second now. <v Bill Veeck>They care they win as it affects the value <v Bill Veeck>of what they bought, not for the dollars that come through the gate, <v Bill Veeck>but the dollars that are generated <v Bill Veeck>by television commercials. <v Speaker>Bills non-conformity and strong opinions are not limited to sports. <v Bill Veeck>We're opposed to the program in <v Bill Veeck>Central America. We're opposed to the programs in South <v Bill Veeck>America. We're opposed to the missiles. <v Bill Veeck>We're opposed to the idea that the Russians by birth
<v Bill Veeck>are villains. We're, we believe that <v Bill Veeck>there is a way to have a dialog with <v Bill Veeck>humans. <v Bill Veeck>If we would just give it a chance. <v Bill Veeck>So we're on the wrong side of everything <v Bill Veeck>that Reagan stands for, including good movies, <v Bill Veeck>because he never stood for those or stood still for them. <v Bill Veeck>His greatest effort was the Grover Cleveland Alexander <v Bill Veeck>story. <v Bill Veeck>He didn't even know that Alex was a drunk lady outside. <v Bill Veeck>That's what I feel. <v Speaker>Bill, I suppose, in your job. <v Speaker>You have to do a certain amount of speechmaking. <v Speaker>You find this much of a chore? <v Bill Veeck>Oh kee, quite the contrary. I find it most enjoyable. <v Bill Veeck>I make, probably all 300, 350 speeches a year.
<v Bill Veeck>And I enjoy every one of them. <v Bill Veeck>I'm really not very often at a loss for words. <v Bill Veeck>As a matter of fact, I've kept from working all these years with my mouth, <v Bill Veeck>but I am really extremely honored to be <v Bill Veeck>to be included in this Chicago Hall of fame for athletes. <v Bill Veeck>Because in my case, that's really stretching a point. <v Bill Veeck>But, you know, I kind of like to talk about <v Bill Veeck>bad ball clubs.
<v Bill Veeck>I like to talk about the St. Louis Browns because I know none of you ever saw them. <v Bill Veeck>We played secret games for a crowd this large in <v Bill Veeck>St. Louis we'd have played a double header. <v Bill Veeck>Not too well, but enthusiastically. <v Bill Veeck>It was a weird operation. I remember one night <v Bill Veeck>when I owned the club, I was selling tickets at a large and extensive organization <v Bill Veeck>and somebody came up me wanted to buy eight seats. <v Bill Veeck>Well, I knew he came from out of town. <v Bill Veeck>I said, where would you like to sit? He said, We'd like this as best seats in a house. <v Bill Veeck>I said, Would you like to sit at second base? <v Bill Veeck>We're not using it this year, he says. <v Bill Veeck>He says, What time's a game? I said, What time's convenient? <v Bill Veeck>I know we'll play at your house if you'd like. <v Speaker>The public sees is totally real. <v Speaker>It's just. Well, the way I describe it is that there are so many facets to him. <v Speaker>So many people don't know the introspective part of Bill. <v Speaker>We're both people who need refueling, and I think everybody does.
<v Speaker>Somehow the more involved you are with people either in work or in your play, <v Speaker>the more you care about people, the more important it is to have these times, the <v Speaker>introspective times. <v Speaker>It's part of what gives him the energy, the strength to give people so much. <v Bill Veeck>We've lived nicely. Mary Francis and I. <v Bill Veeck>We don't live expensively. <v Bill Veeck>We live nicely. We do what we want to do. <v Bill Veeck>We aren't deprived of things. <v Bill Veeck>But on the other hand, we don't. <v Bill Veeck>We don't have free cars. In fact the cars we got are old, <v Bill Veeck>you know, we don't have several houses. The one we live is very modest. <v Bill Veeck>Our wants are very modest. <v Bill Veeck>Maybe because. <v Bill Veeck>Nothing is any better just because it costs more. <v Bill Veeck>And I think that's a mistake that we've made in our societies because <v Bill Veeck>correlating cost with value and cost with <v Bill Veeck>return.
<v Bill Veeck>And they have no correlation. <v Bill Veeck>And I guess you learn that because you see a ballplayer, <v Bill Veeck>who gets a million dollars <v Bill Veeck>who can't play. <v Bill Veeck>You know. <v Bill Veeck>At one hundred thousand dollars, he would be stealing. <v Bill Veeck>And the fact is you pay him a million dollars doesn't make him that much better. <v Bill Veeck>And it doesn't mean that you've gotten that much greater return. <v Bill Veeck>And that's true of. <v Bill Veeck>Well. <v Bill Veeck>How much money can you pay <v Bill Veeck>a tulip to bloom? <v Bill Veeck>You know. <v Bill Veeck>And how much more can you pay <v Bill Veeck>a song to hum? <v Bill Veeck>So I wonder, I wonder what relationship <v Bill Veeck>money has to, to being happy to enjoying
<v Bill Veeck>your world and your life. <v Bill Veeck>I think very little. <v Speaker>Hi, I'm Bill Veeck. <v Bill Veeck>Time, of course, is purely relative. <v Bill Veeck>Time can seem endless to a youngster. <v Bill Veeck>The night before Christmas, when you were five years old <v Bill Veeck>waiting for Santa never passed. <v Bill Veeck>A summer day when you were a youngster seemed endless.
<v Bill Veeck>It seem to add time to infinity. <v Bill Veeck>But when you get older, you first recognize <v Bill Veeck>the, the limitations of time. <v Bill Veeck>And you also recognize that you can't really <v Bill Veeck>stretch time yourself. <v Bill Veeck>So it is no longer endless. <v Bill Veeck>It is finite, rather than infinite. <v Bill Veeck>So being finite. <v Bill Veeck>As you get closer to what is accepted as a general <v Bill Veeck>terminal point, you find you find <v Bill Veeck>without question that that time becomes more precious <v Bill Veeck>because there's less of it. <v Bill Veeck>Maybe that's the reason that elderly people, <v Bill Veeck>which I don't class myself as one, although I fit into the time
<v Bill Veeck>category. <v Bill Veeck>Elderly people don't sleep as much because maybe <v Bill Veeck>that allows them. They say, well, they don't need as much sleep, but maybe that allows <v Bill Veeck>them to maximize the time that they have that is conscious <v Bill Veeck>and babies sleep almost all the time because it doesn't matter. <v Bill Veeck>So you see here you have these two extremes and <v Bill Veeck>they're approaching each other and you don't really <v Bill Veeck>recognize with what great speed they're approaching until you get near the end <v Bill Veeck>and then you have a greater appreciation of what is going to happen that you may miss. <v Bill Veeck>I might say I mentioned something and probably embarrass me, but. <v Bill Veeck>The greatest fear I had in the Illinois Masonic Hospital was not getting to <v Bill Veeck>see her again. <v Bill Veeck>If something should happen to me and it looked at the time as if something
<v Bill Veeck>were going to happen to me. <v Bill Veeck>And that worried me. <v Bill Veeck>It made me appreciate more the value of time. <v Bill Veeck>That was nice. <v Speaker>Thank you very much. Mary Frances, thank you. <v Speaker>Bill Veeck. And good luck in the ball game tonight. <v Speaker>Thanks, Chad. That's what we need to know. Thank you. <v Speaker>Thank you very much. Good night. <v Bill Veeck>This is the epitome of pleasure.
- Program
- Veeck: A Man For Any Season
- Producing Organization
- WTTW (Television station : Chicago, Ill.)
- Contributing Organization
- The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia (Athens, Georgia)
- cpb-aacip-526-930ns0mz1g
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip-526-930ns0mz1g).
- Description
- Program Description
- "'How much money can you pay a tulip to bloom? A song to hum? So I wonder what relationship money has to being happy, to enjoying your world. I think very little.' --Bill Veeck (1914 -- 1986) "Baseball entrepreneur, author, philosopher, passionate gardener and lover of life, Bill Veeck was an original who always put the fans first in his long career as owner of three professional baseball teams. "As the owner of the Cleveland Indians, the St. Louis Browns and the Chicago White Sox, he set a still unbroken league attendance record in Cleveland, put players in shorts, put a midget up to bat and created the world's first exploding scoreboard. 'Baseball should be fun,' said the showman Veeck. 'Fans are friends, guests in your home--except the ballpark belongs to the fans, and the owner is the custodian.' "In this portrait, WTTW cameras follow Veeck around town, where he is hailed by people from all walks of life, and to Wrigley Field, 'The last of the ballparks' as he said, where many of his innovative ideas began. He built the bleachers, designed the scoreboard and planted ivy that climbs the walls. "We find him sitting on a bench alongside Lake Michigan, arguing with announcer John Mengelt about the Chicago Tribune's acquisition of the Cubs, and standing before a crowd accepting the honor of being inducted into the Chicago Sports Hall of Fame. "One of the most interesting aspects of the program is watching Bill and Mary Frances Veeck being interviewed in their home by Edward R. Murrow in the late '0'. We come to understand that what he was then he was until his recent death: a gentle, down-to-earth, and wise individual who found the epitome of pleasure in that [All-American] sport of baseball. WTTW submits VEECK: A MAN FOR ANY SEASON for Peabody consideration because of Bill Veeck's contribution to baseball, America and the human spirit."--1985 Peabody Awards entry form.
- Broadcast Date
- 1985-09-08
- Asset type
- Program
- Media type
- Moving Image
- Duration
- 00:28:22.034
- Credits
Producing Organization: WTTW (Television station : Chicago, Ill.)
- AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the
University of Georgia
Identifier: cpb-aacip-53eaa8bdef6 (Filename)
Format: U-matic
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
- Citations
- Chicago: “Veeck: A Man For Any Season,” 1985-09-08, The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed March 31, 2025,
- MLA: “Veeck: A Man For Any Season.” 1985-09-08. The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. March 31, 2025. <>.
- APA: Veeck: A Man For Any Season. Boston, MA: The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from