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<v Speaker>[music] AAC and satellite video conferences, interactive learning seminars for <v Speaker>today's professionals dedicated to providing health care that is driven by the needs of <v Speaker>patients and families. <v Speaker>Today's video conference: supporting difficult health care decisions for patients, <v Speaker>families and providers. Here's your host, Nancy ?Mullane? <v Speaker>Hello and welcome. Throughout the next 2 hours, we will discuss an exam and <v Speaker>the difficult decisions surrounding end of life treatment facing health care <v Speaker>providers, patients and their families. <v Speaker>Will the caller from Columbus, Ohio go ahead, please. <v Speaker>Yes. What happens when the patient has an advanced directive not <v Speaker>to be resuscitated, but family comes in as the patient is taking his last <v Speaker>breath and asks that the patient be resuscitated? <v Speaker>What should the nurse do? And if she does nothing, does the family have a lawsuit? <v Speaker>Well, I'll answer the second part of it. <v Speaker>First, whether or not the family has a lawsuit.
<v Speaker>If if there is a valid advanced directive, and it's in the <v Speaker>record and the facility has it- and then the facility then follows that even though it's <v Speaker>against the family's wishes, there shouldn't be any liability because that is what the <v Speaker>patient wanted and the patient's entitled to have that treatment provided to them, even <v Speaker>though it is non-treatment. It's part of the whole spectrum of treatment <v Speaker>that they're entitled to. <v Speaker>So there shouldn't be any liability. <v Speaker>I'll let the nurses talk about how you handle it when suddenly it arises, <v Speaker>and it hasn't been talked about before. <v Speaker>Broadcast Channel 15 delivers PBS programing and state funded ITV. <v Speaker>A higher education channel is fed by cable to over 350000 homes, <v Speaker>and on premise KUBAN satellite uplink feeds national video conferences produced <v Speaker>by WHRO, local universities and others.
<v Speaker>ACBAN uplink accessed by microwave is used for similar programs. <v Speaker>WHRO is part of a statewide microwave network linking us with 4 other public <v Speaker>TV stations and other institutions. <v Speaker>12 strands of fiber optic links with Old Dominion University, a major local <v Speaker>provider of Tele-courses and video conferences. <v Speaker>Our 4 Channel ITFS network link schools, colleges and universities, <v Speaker>hospitals, businesses, government agencies and military installations. <v Speaker>The ITFS plan began years ago. <v Speaker>In 1985, WHRO applied for a single series of 4 ITFS e-channels <v Speaker>to cover the broadcast pattern with WHRO's Broadcast Center as the regional hub. <v Speaker>In 1989, we purchased the Centex ITFS network, bringing other licenses <v Speaker>and towers into this unified plan. <v Speaker>A grant from NTIA secured other licenses on the node. <v Speaker>The current ITFS network is made up of 38 transmitters and over 50 receive
<v Speaker>antennas. <v Speaker>One use of ITFS is to overcome problems of isolation and distance. <v Speaker>Tangier Island lies in the middle of the Chesapeake Bay between Virginia's Eastern Shore <v Speaker>Peninsula and the mainland. <v Speaker>It is accessible only by boat or air. <v Speaker>The island school has had difficulty securing and keeping qualified teachers and <v Speaker>justifying courses for small enrollment by interconnecting the island to the peninsula <v Speaker>school by ITFS turns your students have new courses available to them. <v Speaker>And the superintendent uses the system to brief administrators directly without the need <v Speaker>to travel. <v Speaker>The Eastern Shore is isolated. <v Speaker>There are several barriers that occur for people on the Eastern Shore to <v Speaker>seek advanced education.
<v Speaker>That is the natural geographic barriers that we have on the shore. <v Speaker>The $10 each way bridge toll, which if you're going to class three or four times a <v Speaker>week, that certainly adds up. The lack of trained professionals <v Speaker>in all kinds of subjects that could teach advanced <v Speaker>degree people and also the lack of actual schools here. <v Speaker>Debbie HRO, an old Old Dominion University, have done everything possible <v Speaker>to bring programs to the community. <v Speaker>It makes a lot of difference in travel time. <v Speaker>I'm a mother and a wife and a nurse manager. <v Speaker>So therefore, time is not something I have a lot of classes <v Speaker>right upstairs. When I finished my work, I can go upstairs. <v Speaker>That made a difference to me and whether or not I get my Bachelor of Science degree <v Speaker>or not. <v Speaker>If they were not here and so convenient, I wouldn't be able to do it.
<v Speaker>This is a vital part of continuing the quality of care that <v Speaker>our hospital and the other shore providers need to give. <v Speaker>I think it makes good business sense because you're not going to have turnover <v Speaker>to the same degree that you do if people are dissatisfied in their jobs. <v Speaker>It allows people to develop themselves to grow as much as they feel that they <v Speaker>can in their particular aspect of their jobs. <v Speaker>And I think it gives the patients a higher quality of <v Speaker>care. And that's exactly what we're trying to promote. <v Speaker>They arrived by the hundreds cars, vans and buses pulling cart loads of apples
<v Speaker>and migas, IBM, Max and Tandy, they came to turn on Budoff, log <v Speaker>in and put their bits, bytes and wits against one hundred seventy two teams of students <v Speaker>from around Hampton Roads. <v Speaker>They came for the seventh annual great computer challenge. <v Speaker>Over five hundred students ages 5 through 18 came to measure their computing skills <v Speaker>against students their own age. <v Speaker>The Great Computer Challenge The day long competition participants match wits in a <v Speaker>variety of computing skills, including basic Pasko logo graphics <v Speaker>and desktop publishing. Over 100 teachers sponsored challenged teams. <v Speaker>They began preparing their students months before the competition. <v Speaker>They always think it's for computer nerds. They- they really do. <v Speaker>When the first people I say it to, they say that's for computer nerds. <v Speaker>I'm I going to do that. But when we start talking about how much fun it can be and how <v Speaker>programing is is really just it's it's a brainteaser. <v Speaker>You'd have to think like the computer. You have to think logically. <v Speaker>As soon as you get that idea planted in their brains, then <v Speaker>they're able to overcome that first little.
<v Speaker>This is sort of nerdy. And the kid that brought with me are not nerds. <v Speaker>Medals and trophies are awarded to the winners in each category. <v Speaker>At the beginning of the competition, judges present the students with specific problems <v Speaker>which they must complete in the a lot of time. <v Speaker>If the students want to win. Teamwork is a necessity. <v Speaker>They used to work in individual in the classroom, and they have to come together with one <v Speaker>machine and a group of two to five people, and they have to function together <v Speaker>on a cooperative basis, which is what we're trying to push more and more for in the <v Speaker>classroom, because it's more like the real world situation. <v Speaker>They're great with learning to work together. <v Speaker>And I think getting around the computer and learning that you see and they teach one <v Speaker>another, they sit at the computer and one learns and then another one teaches them. <v Speaker>And I think that's great. And I've had students who go on to college who say because they <v Speaker>use the math in high school, they are able to get jobs at different colleges <v Speaker>like one way. <v Speaker>What do you the aide who got a job with his. <v Speaker>Some club that he joined with the television and the Mac and all this combined. <v Speaker>So I think it helps them when they go to college to not only do the
<v Speaker>skills used in the challenge benefit the students beyond high school. <v Speaker>The students take what they have learned back to their schools. <v Speaker>The desktop publishing group came from my computer club and <v Speaker>I've had several teachers come back and say all we were doing this program in the <v Speaker>classroom and I don't have to go over and help anybody anymore because these kids can <v Speaker>go over and help the other children in the room to run the program. <v Speaker>But what's the best thing about the great computer challenge? <v Speaker>Everything you plan. <v Speaker>Pretty funny. What's the best thing that we give <v Speaker>these T-shirts severely damaged, their self-esteem <v Speaker>goes straight up. <v Speaker>Yeah. Like I said, it's a challenge for them. <v Speaker>Some of them, it brings them out. <v Speaker>Some of them are very shy. At first, they don't have <v Speaker>a good self-confidence.
<v Speaker>And as you work with them and as they begin to see that, they. <v Speaker>Yes, I can do this. <v Speaker>They come out more and more and they believe in themselves. <v Speaker>When you finish the great computer challenge, you boost student's <v Speaker>interest and excitement. Computers help prepare them for their future. <v Speaker>I think that in 2000, computers are going to be based around every single job they have. <v Speaker>Technology's going to be the certified. <v Speaker>It's been one of my favorite parts of being here is being online and feeling
<v Speaker>that that power of communicating wherever and about whatever. <v Speaker>It's really been a joy working with something new and exciting and something I know that <v Speaker>children can use with a minimal amount of training. <v Speaker>My knowledge has increased tenfold. It's been really a lot of fun. <v Speaker>Wagner Publishing. It just came out in May. <v Speaker>So it's a very new product on the market. <v Speaker>The new product price is ninety nine dollars. <v Speaker>And I think that's only good until about the time school starts. <v Speaker>These educators are attending tech track. <v Speaker>I'm one of several intensive week long workshops sponsored annually by the C <v Speaker>I. The Consortium for Interactive Instruction pointing at teachers <v Speaker>and administrators are introduced to the latest hardware and educational software
<v Speaker>products and something of the change process required to more effectively <v Speaker>integrate technology into the curriculum. <v Speaker>It will bring in pictures from from the Zap Shock camera and movies <v Speaker>and video. So I'm going to walk you through each one of those processes so <v Speaker>you can see it. And as you develop your stack, it will be one I can sign out for, right? <v Speaker>Oh, do you credit? I can just sign. <v Speaker>Schools are strongly encouraged to send a team of people to tech track. <v Speaker>If you are an administrator and two teachers is considered, I'm delighted about what <v Speaker>these people will not necessarily work together during tech trek. <v Speaker>But we'll become agents for change when they return to school. <v Speaker>And this is where hyper hype first studio gets really <v Speaker>exciting because this part is what's hard in most programs and really easy <v Speaker>to do in a hyper studio. <v Speaker>Tetrick is held at a remote location to help shake the educators out of their day to day <v Speaker>grind. <v Speaker>Actually, the whole concept, and I think it's a really valuable one, is that they're away <v Speaker>from their everyday stresses of their home, their school, their kids.
<v Speaker>And the environment is totally different. <v Speaker>And we give them all the tools and the toys and the technology and we provide <v Speaker>time for them to play with it and give them lots of chances to do that. <v Speaker>An environment like this. You want something that is relaxing, that's fun, <v Speaker>that takes the mind away and lets <v Speaker>it focus on totally different activities. <v Speaker>And when your point is nice that way, because of the boats and because of the marina, and <v Speaker>it's an environment that you can come into and say this is a nice place and <v Speaker>if you feel comfortable in your environment, then you're ready to learn. <v Speaker>Let me show time here. <v Speaker>These are ways of exploring. This is the program where the kids could actually create <v Speaker>their own shows. <v Speaker>So take the tech trek day is broken into many parts which fall into three <v Speaker>basic threads instructional, physical and reflective. <v Speaker>Yes, if it's level 3, it has its own software that
<v Speaker>is coded toward what's on the disk for the information, for everything that you need. <v Speaker>It's very specific. <v Speaker>Participants are grouped according to their technology experience so presentations can be <v Speaker>focused to the group readiness level and also in a more random, heterogeneous grouping <v Speaker>for taking part in pentathlon and team building activities. <v Speaker>The weeks calendar is packed with activities and at times gets rather tense. <v Speaker>In fact, the consultants engage in what might be termed creative scheduling to work <v Speaker>against participant burnout. <v Speaker>We do. <v Speaker>We do burn them out strenuous. <v Speaker>A little bit of food, very little sleep and a lot of work. <v Speaker>And that's why we purposefully closed down the lab at certain times. <v Speaker>So we build in a lot of team building activities. <v Speaker>We build in physical activities, we build fun activities, but they <v Speaker>need to have that balance of the water, volleyball, the pentathol on <v Speaker>because they need to have physical activity as well as mental activity. <v Speaker>We have fun.
<v Speaker>We laugh together, we learn together, we play together. <v Speaker>So it does not seem like long hours, <v Speaker>but it's a long, tough week. And coping with learning new technologies means changing <v Speaker>some of their own prejudices. <v Speaker>As consultive Diane Laurence explains, change is critical, but change is very <v Speaker>difficult because we all know that we really teach the way we were taught. <v Speaker>And so most of us that are here, we're taught with the teacher standing in front the <v Speaker>classroom where the teacher was the fountain of all knowledge. <v Speaker>And so we have to change that model in our own mind and say it's okay <v Speaker>for me to model learning. <v Speaker>I don't know have to know everything. <v Speaker>I can stand there and say to my kids, you know, I don't know how this technology works, <v Speaker>but together we can learn. <v Speaker>So change is a real critical part of this is we and change is what tech <v Speaker>track is all about, this changing attitudes, changing technologies <v Speaker>and changing curriculum interwoven into every aspect of the week. <v Speaker>Change is also the subject of an entire morning's activity.
<v Speaker>Participants joined their home school groups to play the change game. <v Speaker>The change game is a simulation game based on research that <v Speaker>enables participants to working teams and actually put an effective change <v Speaker>to a school district. <v Speaker>The change game is a real simulation with real teachers that they recognize in their <v Speaker>schools, the ones who are ready to go, the ones who don't want to change. <v Speaker>So when they go back to their school and they try to do something, they can say, now <v Speaker>let's see what's gonna be most effective to do first, what order and to be more aware <v Speaker>and cognizant of those change processes. <v Speaker>But why are we going to all this trouble? <v Speaker>What's so important about having technology in our schools anyway? <v Speaker>We can individualize the instruction to each student's needs much better <v Speaker>with technology. We can address to their learning styles <v Speaker>and we can have them more cooperatively, very easily with <v Speaker>with the technologies that are out there and available. <v Speaker>This is a marriage of two things technology and inseminating those skills and
<v Speaker>being able to be a change agent, change the culture, high schools. <v Speaker>I think technology is important to have in our schools because <v Speaker>students the way that students learn with technology and the way they are able to <v Speaker>express their knowledge is different. <v Speaker>They're going to live in a world that is a lot different than the world we live in today. <v Speaker>And they need to have those experiences with the technology where they're learning to <v Speaker>analyze, synthesize and present information back vast <v Speaker>amounts of information more than we're ever used to coping and dealing with. <v Speaker>And technology is a tool that allows them to do that. <v Speaker>We want to do is give teachers the tools they need, the information, <v Speaker>the confidence, the enthusiasm to go back and make a change for <v Speaker>the kids. Bottom line is we're doing this for the children. <v Speaker>What a difference it makes for them. <v Speaker>Outstanding. And what do the participants think of their experience? <v Speaker>We had opportunities. <v Speaker>Time and time again to handle materials firsthand
<v Speaker>and find out that it's really not as terrifying as I thought it might <v Speaker>be. I've got a lot of information and what I need to do now is go back and sort <v Speaker>of sort it all out, the programs that we've been working on. <v Speaker>I think some of them are easy enough that the kids can start out and feel very successful <v Speaker>immediately. When you think about all the technology and all the tools, it's really the <v Speaker>people that make a difference. <v Speaker>And it doesn't matter what we have unless we have people who care about kids <v Speaker>and care about what all this stuff will do for kids. <v Speaker>More than a thousand teachers learned how to better connect their classrooms to the
<v Speaker>future. At the 10th annual Technology and Education Conference presented by WHRO <v Speaker>and the Consortium for Interactive Instruction WHRO congratulated Technology Educators <v Speaker>of the Year Larry Smith and Kevin Rose and technology administrator of the Year Pamela <v Speaker>ridic. The Technology and Education Conference is another way that Hampton Roads teachers <v Speaker>and students live and learn with WHRO. <v Speaker>WHRO was helping Hampton Roads teachers connect their classrooms to the future. <v Speaker>More than a thousand educators attended the 10th annual Technology and Education <v Speaker>Conference presented by WHRO and the Consortium for Interactive Instruction. <v Speaker>The world coming tomorrow will hold information that we don't even know about right <v Speaker>now. And coming to a conference like, yes, we're learning <v Speaker>how to tap into that information and how to go beyond how <v Speaker>to open that door to the future of the learning for. <v Speaker>The annual Technology and Education Conference, another way that Hampton Roads teachers <v Speaker>and students live and learn with WHRO.
WHRO Non-Broadcast Educational Activities
Producing Organization
WHRO (Television station : Norfolk, Va.)
Contributing Organization
The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia (Athens, Georgia)
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Program Description
"Our entry in Category 7 illustrates a body of work achieved in 1994 which we feel exemplifies meritorious service to the community. Building on our 33 year history of education and public service, we are utilizing the latest technologies to provide community-wide outreach and access to education, information and culture. In addition to the 230,000 households that watch our TV stations, the 140,000 radio listeners and the more than 200,000 students and the 17,000 teachers who use our educational TV services weekly, WHRO helps geographically disadvantaged nurses on the eastern shore earn college degrees, brings daily newspapers via audio to the print handicapped, operates a higher educational channel by [microwave] links, allows students and educators daily access to the internet via our Learning Link, and sends staff members for personal appearances in classrooms, civic meetings and concert appearances. Colleagues and Community leaders view WHRO as a model public telecommunications center for the 21st century. Please find enclosed notebooks on (1) a General WHRO Overview (2) Educational achievements (3) Informational achievements and (4) Cultural achievements. Marked videotapes and audiotapes accompany the printed materials."--1994 Peabody Awards entry form. This is a series of segments about various non-broadcast public service initiatives of WHRO. Begins with an excerpt from a video conference on "supporting difficult health care decisions for patients, families and providers." Nancy Molter chairs the panel as they take calls from listeners. Steve Milam, Assistant Attorney General, University of Washington Medical Center, answers a call about advanced directives. -- " Networks in Action": Footage of the station and facilities with voiceover narration about the station and its programming. "Distance Learning": discussion of challenges for Eastern Shore residents to receive advanced degrees. K. Sue Kwentus, Assistant Administrator of Northampton Accomack Memorial Hospital talks about the value of broadcast classes for her community. Nurse Sue Corbin talks about how she has been able to earn her degree watching classes transmitted to a classroom at the hospital. "The Great Computer Challenge": Footage of students arriving at a computer competition sponsored by WHRO in Hampton Roads. Virginia Beach public school teacher Ellen Nesbit talks abut student engagement with the competition. Chesapeake Public Schools teacher John Osterhout talks about the need for cooperation and teamwork in the competition. Julie Ferrell of Newport News public schools says the students teach each other. Gloria Schwarting from Newport News Public Schools describes computer club projects that benefit the whole school. Lynn Holt of Gloucester public schools says the competition builds confidence. Students from Hodges Manor School in Portsmouth predict that every job in the future will require computers. "Tech Track: WHRO/CII sponsored workshops for teacher training": footage of consultant Cyndy Everest-Bouch working with teachers and computers and interviews with consultants Dianne Lawrence, Gail Morse, and Bouch. Teachers Ron West from Northampton, George Weissinger from Virginia Beach, James Newton from Gloucester, Suzanne Voorhies from N.S.A., talk about the experience. "WHRO/CII teacher training proof of performance spots": a series of public service announcements about the 10th annual Technology and Education Conference presented by WHRO and the Consortium for Interactive Instruction.
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Producing Organization: WHRO (Television station : Norfolk, Va.)
AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia
Identifier: cpb-aacip-c8ffc72caf1 (Filename)
Format: U-matic
Duration: 0:11:00
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Chicago: “WHRO Non-Broadcast Educational Activities,” 1994, The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed February 22, 2025,
MLA: “WHRO Non-Broadcast Educational Activities.” 1994. The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. February 22, 2025. <>.
APA: WHRO Non-Broadcast Educational Activities. Boston, MA: The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from