The Winning of Texas

- Transcript
<v Speaker>Well, I'll be very honest, I haven't seen the poll, but I understand there is some <v Speaker>movement in the south uh in the right direction uh. <v Speaker>When I went south last week, some said, well, he's only going there to show that they're <v Speaker>not writing off the South, well I- that may have been 1 reason, but the other reason was <v Speaker>that we really feel we have an opportunity in the south to win, including Texas. <v Speaker>I believe that we're going to take Texas. I don't think it's gonna be much doubt about <v Speaker>it. We we did so well in the primaries here and uh and now we've got <v Speaker>the party regulars on our side too. [laughs] [crowd shouting] <v Speaker>Texas is 1 of the biggest political prizes in the nation. <v Speaker>Only California, New York and Pennsylvania have more electoral votes than the 26 <v Speaker>of Texas. Historically, it's a 1 party Democratic state. <v Speaker>But that party may be over now. <v Speaker>Certainly it's dominating days are over. <v Speaker>A former Democratic governor, John Connally, turns Republican and conservative business <v Speaker>democrats be far behind. <v Speaker>The 3rd leg of the stool will be the Texans for Ford, which will be chaired by Wales <v Speaker>Madden. And it also will operate under the budget, an umbrella
<v Speaker>of the National Campaign Committee. <v Speaker>It was no small boost for Gerald Ford when Connally agreed to head the president's <v Speaker>campaign in Texas this year. <v Speaker>He found himself faced with a state in transition. <v Speaker>Herbert Hoover in 1928 and Dwight Eisenhower in the 50s carried Texas with the Republican <v Speaker>ticket and Richard Nixon swept it 4 years ago. <v Speaker>John Kennedy barely eked out a victory here in 1960, and the same was true of Hubert <v Speaker>Humphrey in 68. The year that George Wallace pulled a whopping 19 percent <v Speaker>of the vote, it seemed then that Texas would join the majority of western states <v Speaker>that generally vote Republican. <v Speaker>Few reckoned with the possibility of a Democratic candidate who would stir the Southern <v Speaker>soul that lies deep in the heart of Texas. <v Speaker>A Southern Baptist like Jimmy Carter can be formidable in a state that's been called the <v Speaker>buckle on the Bible Belt. John Connally stood out right away to break those psychological <v Speaker>bonds. <v Speaker>And most Baptist, as I know them, are basically conservative people, conservative phil-
<v Speaker>uh philosophically. And they certainly are gonna recognize before this campaign's over <v Speaker>that Governor Carter is not a conservative. <v Speaker>He's not a moderate. He's a liberal. He's a very he's a very pronounced liberal. <v Speaker>And in my judgment, they're not going to support him just because he's a Baptist. <v Speaker>[choir singing] <v Speaker>Gerald Ford made his bid for the Baptist vote with an appearance at W.A. <v Speaker>Cresswell's First Baptist Church in Dallas, which boasts 20000 members, <v Speaker>a budget close to $7 million. <v Speaker>And Billy Graham is 1 of its members. <v Speaker>Dr. Cresswell praised Ford and also endorsed him. <v Speaker>We asked him, Mr. President, if Playboy magazine
<v Speaker>were to ask you for an interview. <v Speaker>What would you do? <v Speaker>And the president replied, I was asked by Playboy <v Speaker>magazine for an interview and I declined <v Speaker>with an emphatic no. <v Speaker>And I like that. <v Speaker>After the service is over, the news media <v Speaker>oh really were insistent on uh whether <v Speaker>I was for [inaudible] President Ford, so I told them honestly, <v Speaker>yes, I am. <v Speaker>Am I not a citizen of the United States? <v Speaker>Do I not have a right to express an opinion <v Speaker>about a political candidate and especially 1 that has so vital <v Speaker>[inaudible] um uh assignment and the destiny
<v Speaker>of our nation? <v Speaker>So as a citizen, why I expressed my <v Speaker>opinion, an honest opinion. I am for president Ford. <v Speaker>Citizen Cresswell certainly carries a lot of weight with [inaudible]. <v Speaker>[laughs] <v Speaker>I would have had him use a different example for <v Speaker>[laughing] explaining his Christian religion. <v Speaker>But but if you read the article, it is a very good article about what the Baptist <v Speaker>religion means. <v Speaker>That Playboy interview has plagued Jimmy Carter through much of the fall campaign. <v Speaker>It seemed innocent enough proclaiming his loyalty to his wife, then stressing in language <v Speaker>not so innocent that he wouldn't impose his moral standards on others. <v Speaker>But what he said pleased practically nobody, nor did it help any when he <v Speaker>mentioned Lyndon Johnson in connection with Richard Nixon's lying and cheating. <v Speaker>Carter tried hard to smooth things over. <v Speaker>A summary brief paragraph in the magazine article was very unfortunate <v Speaker>and doesn't obviously represent the way I feel about President Johnson.
<v Speaker>Charles Carbo, an Atlanta lawyer and close adviser of Carter's came to Texas to <v Speaker>set the record straight. <v Speaker>The only criticism I ever heard that Jimmy [inaudible] Lyndon Johnson <v Speaker>was uh not the uh [representative]. <v Speaker>But he said that he thought <v Speaker>Johnson would have fared better if he had told kept <v Speaker>the public informed about the Vietnam War. <v Speaker>Even so, it was [inaudible]. <v Speaker>And Ford made the most of it. <v Speaker>You never heard a Texan proclaim that America <v Speaker>is not respected anymore. <v Speaker>You never heard a Texan allege that American the <v Speaker>American people have lost their pride in America's strength <v Speaker>and its moral integrity. <v Speaker>But the Playboy interview wasn't Carter's fundamental problem in Texas.
<v Speaker>Above all else this is a business state where conservative economics usually carry <v Speaker>elections. Many in the business community feared Carter and refused to follow Governor <v Speaker>Dolph Briscoe into the Carter camp. <v Speaker>Campaign manager Hamilton Jordan, and national Democratic chairman, Bob Strauss, held a <v Speaker>strategy meeting in Dallas. <v Speaker>Soon afterwards, Charles Carbo was here to spread words of reassurance at a petroleum <v Speaker>club dinner. First, he spoke with the press. <v Speaker>We haven't done a good job. <v Speaker>And uh developing the [real] Jimmy Carter with respect to business <v Speaker>Johnson-. <v Speaker>Then he turned to where this particular trouble began. <v Speaker>I don't know, I never did know Mondale until I went to interview him and I- [people <v Speaker>speaking] I think he's a clean man. I think he's a really <v Speaker>good man. <v Speaker>I think that uh, if he's elected. <v Speaker>[inaudible] I think it uh the business people
<v Speaker>will be well satisfied. <v Speaker>Much more so than they would, though. <v Speaker>[singing] The [Doles] came to Texas early in the campaign, and generally the senator and <v Speaker>his wife of less than a year, Elizabeth Hanford Dole, the federal trade commissioner, did <v Speaker>double duty. <v Speaker>We were also asked uh, what about a conflict of interest? <v Speaker>Because I'm serving on the Federal Trade Commission, of course, he's he's in the Senate. <v Speaker>And uh so my response to that was there's a lot of of interest in this <v Speaker>marriage and very little conflict so far. <v Speaker>And also, that we are both uh lawyers. <v Speaker>And I said that uh I think we may be the only 2 lawyers in the country who really trust <v Speaker>each other. [laughing] <v Speaker>And I'm not going to trot around this country talking about pardons or amnesty, I wanna <v Speaker>talk about the M.I.A. and the P.O.W.s [applause]. <v Speaker>Oh, I don't think he's blown it any more than Carter had blown his chances a few weeks
<v Speaker>before with his interview in Playboy. <v Speaker>Jimmy Carter had his Playboy interview and Gerald Ford had his debate on Eastern Europe <v Speaker>when he astonished his audience by saying that those countries are not under the <v Speaker>domination of the Soviet Union. <v Speaker>It was Ronald Reagan who came to Texas to set this record straight. <v Speaker>And his explanation was that what he was trying to speak of, what <v Speaker>is the spirit of the people having visited them and seen them, that they uh in their <v Speaker>spirit, they were Poles, they believed in their country and so forth and their <v Speaker>own culture and all this. <v Speaker>Uh he admits himself that um [what he said], he didn't say <v Speaker>it right. It was taken wrong. <v Speaker>They're behind the Iron Curtain because of Democrat administrations following World War <v Speaker>2 that sold them down the river at Yalta and Potsdam and [inaudible]. <v Speaker>There weren't any Republicans there. <v Speaker>We're not going to see the opening of offices, the installation of phones. <v Speaker>The placards, the yard signs, the billboards, the bumper stickers and so <v Speaker>forth. We're gonna see a different type of campaign, in my judgment, this year.
<v Speaker>And it's going to be a a campaign of uh personal involvement <v Speaker>uh of people. <v Speaker>Campaign funds have been severely limited this year by federal law. <v Speaker>But that doesn't change the basic equation of politics. <v Speaker>This election, like most elections, will be won finally by the candidate who most <v Speaker>successfully identifies, registers and gets out his voters. <v Speaker>We uh have been making a major effort uh through the month of September <v Speaker>and will continue through the month of October to identify every favorable voter uh <v Speaker>that we can find in Dallas County for for uh President Ford now and stay on the <v Speaker>Republican ticket. <v Speaker>We've been working primarily uh uh uh uh canvassing <v Speaker>the survey and the president and Alan [still] running well ahead of <v Speaker>of uh their opponents. And so we've been doing a door to door, canvassing the dormitories <v Speaker>uh, registering voters, and it has a new [inaudible]. <v Speaker>We have phone banks uh established around the county that uh have been calling <v Speaker>since Labor Day or the day after Labor Day, uh identifying, we're calling every
<v Speaker>registered voter. <v Speaker>[people speaking] Finding out what their voter preference is and if they're on our side, <v Speaker>then we'll call them on Election Day and make sure they go to the polls. <v Speaker>Today, we're doing [Town East] and we're in a number of grocery stores and discount <v Speaker>stores, Kmart, uh [Scags] Albertson, <v Speaker>[people talking] let's see and then we're going door to door in some of the minority <v Speaker>precincts, some in Pleasant Grove and some in the East Dallas area, we're still working <v Speaker>in the areas with the predominantly lowest registration. <v Speaker>In other words, where there are transients and where people have moved and, where <v Speaker>um we feel like we need to up the registration in that area. <v Speaker>The black vote is critical to Carter's campaign in Texas, and he hopes for help from the <v Speaker>Baptist church. <v Speaker>Well Reverend Cresswell is a very big uh Baptist preacher in this country, but they have <v Speaker>many, many more ministers of the Baptist faith who are supporting Jimmy Carter. <v Speaker>I think that uh Mr. [Ford's] association with him is his longtime <v Speaker>uh relationship. So I was not surprised, and I'm sure many other Southern
<v Speaker>Baptists were not surprised at that endorsement. <v Speaker>But you were saying that there will be other Baptist ministers endorsing Carter. <v Speaker>Will they be working for Carter in the black congregations, do you think? <v Speaker>Oh, of course. Not only uh black congregations, but we have <v Speaker>uh uh clergical leadership all over this country. <v Speaker>I think he would be getting out to vote for Jimmy Carter. <v Speaker>He- during his lifetime, he did more Milton the voter registration <v Speaker>and uh get out the vote efforts than in any other single activity. <v Speaker>I think that there are 2 major [thrusts] of any campaign. <v Speaker>1 is the basic character of the of the person seeking office, <v Speaker>and the other 1 is the ability of that person to either serve, <v Speaker>or to demonstrate an ability to serve in the future. <v Speaker>And I think that we had a pretty good blend of that in- in the last night's debate. <v Speaker>Realistically, Carter will be strongest, probably in the southern part of the state uh in <v Speaker>some of the more rural areas.
<v Speaker>The more urban an area the the basically the stronger the president will do. <v Speaker>I think Carter has a reasonable chance of carrying Tarrant, but the margin wouldn't be <v Speaker>too large. Dallas County is a Republican county, as we all know. <v Speaker>Oh I think 1 of the real key areas, though, is, is the small town <v Speaker>vote in Texas. And that's where where more and more people are seeing President Ford <v Speaker>as being a um, their friend. <v Speaker>It could probably be strong in the valley and in San Antonio and El Paso <v Speaker>and then s- in some areas in east Texas. <v Speaker>I'm talking specifically about the Wallace Road in east Texas, for instance. <v Speaker>It is that only the eyes of Texas that are upon us. <v Speaker>The eyes of the whole world are on the United States of America <v Speaker>this year, not just for the 4th of July when we celebrated <v Speaker>a glorious 200th anniversary, but also <v Speaker>on November 2nd. We're on display as much as all the entries <v Speaker>in this great Texas state fair. <v Speaker>He's a very logical leader of the Republican Party being chosen by Mr Nixon because he
<v Speaker>was loyal. <v Speaker>There's been a mere mention of Watergate. Virtually every time Jimmy Carter opened his <v Speaker>mouth, uh he's not gonna let anyone forget about it. <v Speaker>So, John [inaudible] might as well join the parade. <v Speaker>I d- I don't think they've established any facts. <v Speaker>Uh there've been several of these efforts recently. <v Speaker>We're not relying on any votes going to to Eugene McCarthy to carry the state. <v Speaker>I do think that any votes uh uh that that McCarthy does <v Speaker>garner on Election Day will will be to our advantage. <v Speaker>The Republicans adopted their 1932 platform, <v Speaker>which is about we're expected to stop. <v Speaker>I had projected the Democrats would go back to 48 <v Speaker>and I was wrong. They actually stopped at 52, <v Speaker>but not with the Democratic platform. They picked up the Republican platform at 52. <v Speaker>So there is a difference between the 2. <v Speaker>I think anybody can be for whoever they wanna be for. <v Speaker>[choir singing]
<v Speaker>I think if Handel looks down from heaven, he would be <v Speaker>proud of this choir and this orchestra. <v Speaker>And Mr. President that's why the White House oughtta <v Speaker>be in Dallas, Texas, and not in Washington. <v Speaker>The battle for the White House has been intense in Texas, and some say it may turn out to
<v Speaker>be the swing state for Gerald Ford or for Jimmy Carter. <v Speaker>Since 1928, Texas has voted with the winner every time, but <v Speaker>once. [no footage for remaining 15 minutes]
- Program
- The Winning of Texas
- Producing Organization
- Contributing Organization
- The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia (Athens, Georgia)
- cpb-aacip-526-6q1sf2n91z
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip-526-6q1sf2n91z).
- Description
- Program Description
- "This is a mini-documentary on Presidential politics in one of the nation's pivotal states. Since 1928, Texas has voted with the winner every time but once. The question in the campaign of 1976 was this: Is Texas going to reaffirm itself as Southern Democratic, or will it join the Western movement towards the Republican Party? The film begins with Robert Dole's first visit right after Labor Day, and it [follows] Ford to the First Baptist Church of Dallas, the largest of its denomination in the world, where he was endorsed by the minister, a political blessing that didn't take on election day. Our cameras were there when Jimmy Carter came to Texas to explain away his indiscrete remarks in PLAYBOY about Lyndon Johnson. In Houston they awaited [Walter] Fritz Mondale who made only one visit to this state, and then after intense debate [among] Democrats. To some Mondale seemed [too] liberal for the average Texas voter, and Republicans did all they could to exploit these anxieties. This is the story of Texas politics, from big business to the Black vote to the Baptist Church. It puts the question of the campaign of 1976: is Texas going to reaffirm itself as Southern Democratic, or will it join the Western march to the Republican Party? The answer could have powerful implications for future presidential campaigns."--1976 Peabody Awards entry form.
- Broadcast Date
- 1976
- Created Date
- 1976
- Asset type
- Program
- Media type
- Moving Image
- Duration
- 00:30:56.822
- Credits
Producing Organization: KERA
Speaker: Dole, Robert
Speaker: Mondale, Walter Fritz
Speaker: Carter, Jimmy
- AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the
University of Georgia
Identifier: cpb-aacip-5c7cbb083f2 (Filename)
Format: U-matic
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
- Citations
- Chicago: “The Winning of Texas,” 1976, The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed March 12, 2025,
- MLA: “The Winning of Texas.” 1976. The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. March 12, 2025. <>.
- APA: The Winning of Texas. Boston, MA: The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from