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<v John Giordano (non-narration)>We had an extraordinary turn of events this time, <v John Giordano (non-narration)>and the jury has decided to award 2 equal second prizes. <v John Giordano (non-narration)>Therefore, there is no third prize winner. <v John Giordano (non-narration)>The second prize and silver medal, together with a check for 8,000 dollars, <v John Giordano (non-narration)>is therefore awarded equally to Santiago Rodriguez <v John Giordano (non-narration)>in the United States, who has also been awarded <v John Giordano (non-narration)>the prize for the best performance of Leonard Bernstein's Touches. <v John Giordano (non-narration)>And to Pana- Pananice- Excuse me, Panayis Lyras <v John Giordano (non-narration)>of the United States. <v John Giordano (non-narration)>thousand dollars has been awarded to Andre Michel Schub of the United States.
<v John Giordano (non-narration)>He won the prizes for best chamber music performance. <v John Giordano (non-narration)>He won the prize for best chamber music performance, the highest ranking pianist of the <v John Giordano (non-narration)>Americas, and the highest ranking pianist of the United States. <v John Giordano (non-narration)>Congratulations to all of you. <v John Giordano (non-narration)>And Bravo. <v Andre Watts>?inaudible? Hey, congratulations, bravo.
<v Andre Watts>Is it heavy? <v Andre Watts>Don't go away, man. <v Van Cliburn>No. No. <v Andre Watts>Well, it's less exciting as time goes on? <v Van Cliburn>No. No. So exciting. <v Andre Watts>You're going to play. <v Van Cliburn>Really? <v Andre Watts>Yes, we're going to let you have a little rest. Congratulations. <v Andre Watts>Put that heavy thing down so you can play that. <v Andre Watts>Van, well. <v Van Cliburn>Well. <v Andre Watts>How does it feel? Another one down. <v Van Cliburn>You've seen the winner. <v Andre Watts>Yeah. <v Van Cliburn>?inaudible? <v Andre Watts>Oh. <v Van Cliburn>It's really terrible, and I know that you understand what I say. <v Van Cliburn>You have to make a decision because each one has given so much of their life. Well, you <v Van Cliburn>know, yourself. How long it has been, the years of hard work <v Van Cliburn>and dedication, each one of these 39 contestants ?inaudible? <v Andre Watts>I'm sure, though don't you think that anyone who has that kind of zest for music, <v Andre Watts>even if they didn't take first prize, it won't tarnish? <v Van Cliburn>Oh it will not tarnish. You're so right to say that. <v Andre Watts>Do you get nervous for these things? <v Van Cliburn>Oh do I. Well, I know how nervous you get for other people because you told me that.
<v Andre Watts>Do you listen? <v Van Cliburn>Yes, I-. <v Andre Watts>Do you listen to all of this competition? <v Van Cliburn>I try. <v Andre Watts>Finger nail-biting time while they're up there playing? <v Van Cliburn>Well yes it's always exciting. We're just so happy that you can be here. <v Andre Watts>Thank you. I'm delighted, I'm delighted. This is a wonderfully new experience. <v Andre Watts>I tell you what, though, I still think it's easier to go out there and in <v Andre Watts>the competition than to do this on television. <v Van Cliburn>Oh no, you did it so well. <v Andre Watts>Thank you. Thank you. So is Andre Michel Schub going <v Andre Watts>to announce going to the audience what he is going to play? <v Van Cliburn>Maybe it will be printed? I'm not quite sure. <v Andre Watts>I see. Well, if not, since on his way out and we'll force him to tell us. <v Van Cliburn>Right now I think we'll have an announcement very shortly what he will play. <v Andre Watts>Good, good. <v Van Cliburn>But, you know, that is a terribly nerve racking thing to sit there not knowing whether <v Van Cliburn>you're going to have to play, having to be concentrating on something to play in just in <v Van Cliburn>case. And then suddenly, you know, you have to. <v Andre Watts>It's wonderful though. I saw that now that they have moved over to the side.
<v Andre Watts>There really is a camaraderie. I mean, everybody would like to win the prize, but <v Andre Watts>musicians after all, we are a decent sort. <v Van Cliburn>But, you know, we are a family. <v Van Cliburn>We are a family. <v Andre Watts>That is so. That is so. Well, where is Mr. Schub? <v Andre Watts>We want Mr. Schub. <v Andre Watts>Let's stamp Schub over here. <v Van Cliburn>I wish that- Yes. <v Van Cliburn>I wish that we could get Mrs. Tilly <v Van Cliburn>to come and chat with us a moment. <v Andre Watts>Somebody's just relieved him of his wonderful, wonderful trophy. <v Andre Watts>So now his hands are free. <v Van Cliburn>I think the piano-. <v Andre Watts>Yes, the piano's in position. Now his hands are free. <v Andre Watts>We can get him overe here. <v Van Cliburn>Wait for him. But we won't talk to him before. <v Andre Watts>You said we shouldn't? <v Van Cliburn>No, I don't think we should. <v Andre Watts>It's really sort of cruel. <v Andre Watts>?crosstalk? Is it terrible to have to say intelligent things when you'll have to-. <v Van Cliburn>You're a pianist you know what that means. <v Andre Watts>You're good. Thank you. But isn't it funny? <v Van Cliburn>Before you have to go out to play ?inaudible? <v Andre Watts> But isn't it funny how some artists really don't want to be alone <v Andre Watts>and they always invite someone into the dressing room, so please talk to me.
<v Van Cliburn>But I couldn't. Could you? <v Andre Watts>I couldn't. No, I would rather- I need at least 2 minutes something like that before you <v Andre Watts>go on. <v Van Cliburn> Absolutely. <v Andre Watts>But haven't you played with those conductors? <v Andre Watts>Just when you're ready to go out, they make a joke. <v Van Cliburn>Oh yes. <v Andre Watts>Or something like that. And then it's a funny kind of concentration. <v Andre Watts>I don't really know Andre Michel Schub so well. <v Andre Watts>I mean, whether he will indeed. <v Andre Watts>I don't know his personality. You know, he may be terribly gregarious, you know, we may <v Andre Watts>get him over here to talk to him. <v Van Cliburn>Well that's true. <v Andre Watts>And he may not go out and play for us. <v Van Cliburn>Absolutely. <v Andre Watts>So what do we do, folks? <v Andre Watts>Oh, stretch. I see. Well, listen, all your viewers out there, you know about this, I <v Andre Watts>don't. So you see I'm new to this, so I have to sort of find out my directions. <v Andre Watts>You stretch, you say something. <v Andre Watts>It's your competition. <v Van Cliburn>No but really, I'm, I'm just impressed to see this wonderful audience and-. <v Andre Watts>Which- Is he play- which piano is he playing? Do you know? <v Van Cliburn>He's playing the American Steinway. <v Andre Watts>American Steinway. <v Andre Watts>Here he is. You're going to rescue us from all our troubles aren't you? <v Andre Watts>Hi. Hi.
<v Van Cliburn>What are you going to play? <v Andre Watts>Look at the ?inaudible? you see? There you are. <v Andre Michel Schub>Well I guess the Debussy Images ?inaudible? <v Van Cliburn>Images first book, alright. <v Andre Michel Schub>The first one then 2 Paganini pieces. <v Andre Watts>Which 2? <v Andre Michel Schub>Give me some fingers. <v Andre Watts>Give you some fingers? No, I was just about to give you a mic. <v Andre Michel Schub>Number 2 and 6. <v Andre Watts>Number 2 and 6 of the Paganini études. <v Andre Watts>Great. Fun. ?inaudible? turn there. <v Andre Watts>Take your time. Don't worry about us. Just do whatever you want. <v Music>[Paganini's Étude No. 2 in E flat major and Paganini's Étude No. 6 in A minor] <v Andre Watts>Well, congratulations.
<v Andre Michel Schub>Thank you very much. <v Andre Watts>So now you won this competition and already it starts. <v Andre Watts>You just finished playing and people are grabbing at you on television. <v Andre Watts>Well, do you feel good? You're very kind. <v Andre Watts>Did you feel good? <v Andre Michel Schub>I just would like to play well from. <v John Giordano (non-narration)>Wonderful. <v Andre Watts>Listen, when do you actually start the-. <v Andre Michel Schub>When do the concerts start? <v John Giordano (non-narration)>Well, actually, you're going to be playing with me Saturday in Ruidoso, New Mexico. <v Andre Michel Schub>Wonderful. <v Andre Watts>What are you playing? <v John Giordano (non-narration)>Well, we'll do the Beethoven. <v Andre Watts>?inaudible? too? <v John Giordano (non-narration)>Sure. Then we won't have to rehearse. <v Andre Watts>Listen very carefully. <v John Giordano (non-narration)>It's wonderful. I'm looking forward to it. <v Andre Watts>Are you looking forward to playing a lot and a lot of concerts? <v Andre Michel Schub>Well, I'd like to see what it's like. I love to make music, I love concerts, and I'm <v Andre Michel Schub>looking forward-. <v Andre Watts>Hey, look who's here. <v John Giordano (non-narration)>Stephen De Groote. <v Andre Michel Schub>Well, how about that? We were classmates. <v Andre Watts>2 winners. <v John Giordano (non-narration)>Wonderful. <v Andre Watts>Hi, I'm Andre Watts. Good to see you. <v Stephen De Groote>How are you? <v Andre Watts>Pleasure, pleasure. So we have 2 generations <v Andre Watts>of Cliburn competition winners? <v John Giordano (non-narration)>I'm curious, Stephen, how did you feel 4 years ago? <v John Giordano (non-narration)>Are you still feeling the same way? Did you go through it again? <v Stephen De Groote>This took more out of me than last time.
<v John Giordano (non-narration)>It is. It really does. It probably takes more out of you to sit there and not be actually <v John Giordano (non-narration)>doing something on stage. There was a lot more preliminary talking this time so I felt <v John Giordano (non-narration)>for you. <v Andre Michel Schub>Thank you. <v Andre Watts>Just don't feel for him now, you see. <v Stephen De Groote>I was going to get to that. <v Andre Watts>Dry off. Nothing like that. Listen. Did you- Were you here for the entire competition or <v Andre Watts>did you come now? <v Stephen De Groote>I was here for the last day of semi-finals and the finals. <v Andre Watts>I ask this. I'm really more curious for me than for the viewers, you know, <v Andre Watts>I asked Cliburn the same thing. Do you get really nervous when other people play the <v Andre Watts>piano? <v Stephen De Groote>Well, I do, too, particularly, but for me the outcome of this competition was something <v Stephen De Groote>that was really close to my heart, because when someone's gonna take the burden off me, I <v Stephen De Groote>want the person to be someone ?inaudible?. <v Andre Watts>Oh, that's a great compliment. <v Andre Michel Schub>Thank you. <v Stephen De Groote>Yeah, yeah. <v Andre Watts>You ready? <v Andre Michel Schub>I'll try to be. Work hard. <v Andre Watts>Yeah, yeah. <v Andre Watts>Which was your- Which was the chamber music you played? <v Andre Michel Schub>The Schumann Quintet. <v Andre Watts>Schumann Quintet. So you gonna get a lot of performances of that? <v Andre Michel Schub>Well, I don't know. I hope to get a lot of performances of Tchaikovsky Concerto.
<v Andre Watts>Oh, you want to play the Tchaikovsky. Ah, nice. <v Andre Watts>Nice. Do you do you know which of these of the 50, you know, leading ?inaudible?. <v John Giordano (non-narration)>No. <v John Giordano (non-narration)>But Andre has really a really extensive repertoire. <v John Giordano (non-narration)>And I hope you've got them all polished up because I'm sure you're gonna be asked to do a <v John Giordano (non-narration)>lot of different things. <v Andre Michel Schub>Well, I'll need a couple of weeks. <v Andre Michel Schub>Hope they'll be ready. <v John Giordano (non-narration)>Sure they will. <v Andre Watts>A couple of weeks? That's all? <v Andre Michel Schub>Well, depends on which ones. <v Andre Watts>Do you play all the <v Andre Watts>Paganini ?inaudible? <v Andre Michel Schub>I have. <v Andre Watts>Yes. <v Andre Michel Schub>They're just extremely hard in a situation like that. <v Andre Watts>You make them look rather comfortable. <v Andre Michel Schub>Well, it's hard work, as you well know, I think you've played them also brilliantly <v Andre Michel Schub>yourself. <v Andre Watts>Well, actually, we are, unfortunately. <v Andre Watts>We should really let you go because you have to play Beethoven's Second Concerto, which <v Andre Watts>we're depriving our listeners of, and Stephen de Groote <v Andre Watts>onwards and upwards. Wonderful. Glad you came by. <v Andre Watts>Wonderful to see you. Congratulations again. <v John Giordano (non-narration)>We'll see you Saturday. <v John Giordano (non-narration)>In Ruidoso, New Mexico. We'll see if you like the mountains.
<v Andre Watts>John, stay with me while I say goodbye to our viewers. <v Andre Watts>Well, we hope you enjoyed it. Come back in another 4 years. <v Andre Watts>We'll do another one for you, right? I hope so. <v John Giordano (non-narration)>Maybe you'll win next time Andre. <v Andre Watts>Maybe I'll win? Oh, no, no, no. We'll just see you later. <v Andre Watts>Bye bye. <v Announcer>This program was made possible by a grant from IBM.
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The Sixth Van Cliburn International Piano Competition
Part 2
Producing Organization
Fort Worth Productions
Contributing Organization
The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia (Athens, Georgia)
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Program Description
"'The Sixth Van Cliburn International Piano Competition' captures the climactic moments of one of the world's most prestigious music events with an innovative mix of preproduced segments focusing on the early stages of competition, profiles of the finalists and live coverage culminating with the announcement of the winner."--1981 Peabody Awards entry form.
Broadcast Date
Asset type
Media type
Moving Image
Producing Organization: KERA
Producing Organization: Fort Worth Productions
AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia
Identifier: cpb-aacip-6a8783ee071 (Filename)
Format: U-matic
Duration: 1:28:46
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “The Sixth Van Cliburn International Piano Competition; Part 2,” 1981-05-31, The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed February 23, 2025,
MLA: “The Sixth Van Cliburn International Piano Competition; Part 2.” 1981-05-31. The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. February 23, 2025. <>.
APA: The Sixth Van Cliburn International Piano Competition; Part 2. Boston, MA: The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from