States of Mind; Shoshone

- Transcript
<v CPB Speaker>Funding for this program is provided by the Friends of 4, 10 and KUID <v CPB Speaker>and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. <v George W. Bush>Just two hours ago, Allied air forces began an attack on military targets <v George W. Bush>in Iraq and Kuwait. <v George W. Bush>These attacks continue as I speak. <v George W. Bush>Five months ago, Saddam Hussein started this cruel war against Kuwait. <v George W. Bush>Tonight, the battle has been joined. <v George W. Bush>[Sounds of a train crossing sign] <v George W. Bush>I've told the American people before that this will not be another <v George W. Bush>Vietnam. <v George W. Bush>And I repeat this here tonight. <v George W. Bush>Our troops will have the best possible support in the entire world
<v George W. Bush>and they will not be asked to fight with one hand <v George W. Bush>tied behind their back. <v George W. Bush>I'm hopeful that this fighting will not go on for long and that casualties <v George W. Bush>will be held to an absolute minimum. <v George W. Bush>And let me say to everyone listening and watching tonight when the troops we <v George W. Bush>sent [Overlapping news report] finish their work, I'm determined to bring them home <v George W. Bush>as soon as possible. <v Woman>The day that the war started was our home ed club [overlapping news report] meeting and <v Woman>we discussed would we go to war? <v Woman>And then by the time we came home, the president had declared war <v Woman>and it was real shaking at. <v Woman>I felt for all the boys that were over there, but I had a grandson over <v Woman>there, and that always makes you think harder about <v Woman>it, and it been a long time
<v Woman>since we had war. <v Woman>And I remembered World War 2 and [I got] really scared. <v News Reporter>-Waited today for the start of the ground attack. <v Woman>I can remember Pearl Harbor and how I shook <v Woman>for several hours after that came over. <v Woman>Something had to be done about Saddam. <v Woman>I always say it back in World War 2, Hitler was allowed <v Woman>to-do all those killings they <v Woman>killed all those Jews, and the whole world, knew about it, but it still went on. <v Woman>And this was kind of a repeat of that. <v Woman>I felt that he had to be stopped and we were the ones that had <v Woman>to stop him. <v KEZJ Speaker>KEZJ Country weather looks like more of the same hot, dry, sunny <v KEZJ Speaker>days as the highs get up into the 70s to the lower 80s for the next three or four <v KEZJ Speaker>days anyway.
<v KEZJ Speaker>Those hot, dry winds still drying things out as we continue on this long wilting <v KEZJ Speaker>draught up around Magic Reservoir the other day. <v KEZJ Speaker>It's hardly anything more than a mudhole right now, usually a big, huge reservoir. <v KEZJ Speaker>You can go up and catch your limit on trout in nothing flat. <v KEZJ Speaker>Well, that's all changed. <v KEZJ Speaker>That's the weather outlook, and we have more of Idaho's famous country coming up on KEZJ. <v KEZJ Speaker>[Country music plays briefly] <v Woman>I will defend my crew, myself and my country, <v Woman>mostly my crew's right to live. <v Woman>It is them or us. <v Woman>I still want a chance to be happy and productive. <v Woman>I see this war as the only obstacle between me and
<v Woman>my wish. <v Woman>I have learned little by being told. <v Woman>My hardhead prevents good sense and knowledge from entering on the first try, <v Woman>so I end by paying the price. <v Woman>I just want God to understand. <v Woman>Well, I'll write in a couple of days. <v Woman>I need to seal this one up. <v Woman>Don't worry. And thank you all for your support. <v Woman>Love Andrew. <v Woman>This was from Andrew's letter of February 19th, <v Woman>1991. <v Army Officer>?inaudible? Low. Aim. Fire. [Guns fire] <v Army Officer>Ready, aim, fire [Guns fire] <v Army Officer>Ready, aim, fire. [Guns fire] Present arms.
<v Sheriff>We lost our people in the Second World War from here. <v Sheriff>We lost people from here in the Korean War. <v Sheriff>We lost people from here in the Vietnam War. <v Sheriff>Everybody in the community had a feeling <v Sheriff>of part of that loss when one of our boys went down and that <v Sheriff>that those-that those boys were there representing us <v Sheriff>and-and that we were all behind them.
<v Sheriff>My job as Lincoln County sheriff is <v Sheriff>to preserve the peace and help the people of the total of Lincoln <v Sheriff>County, which is approximately 1,250 square miles <v Sheriff>every direction you go, with exception of one, there's desert on three <v Sheriff>sides of Shoshone. <v Sheriff>You might call it an oasis because of the desert that surrounds it. <v Sheriff>I left the hometown for about 10 years, <v Sheriff>and it was like I was lost. <v Sheriff>I like the small town and I like-I like that comradeship with-with people <v Sheriff>that you walk down the street and most of the people you see, you know, most of them <v Sheriff>speak to you. I like the feeling of security <v Sheriff>that comes with living in a in-in a community where people <v Sheriff>know each other and people trust each other.
<v Sheriff>What are you guys doing? <v Sheriff>What are you doing? [Guy say, "We're calling it a day."] Is it quitting time <v Sheriff>already? [Guy says, "Sure."] Can't beat a deal like that. <v Man>You're getting better. [Woman laughs] <v Man>Well, I know how I feel about this war. <v Man>I don't think they should quit till they get that son of a bitch. <v Man>That's what I think you know. <v Man>They let him win he'd ?inaudible? <v Man>right there. <v Man>They can go over there and ?inaudible?. <v Man>I don't believe it's worth one person dying over there ?inaudible?. <v Man>You threw me that 9 with your old buddies? <v Man>Sure you don't like to see anybody get killed. <v Man>I'm just glad I wasn't there. Well, I'm glad they didn't stop <v Man>like they did over in Vietnam. I always say, you can't win a war if you draw a line over
<v Man>they can go across, and that you can't go across. Vietnam, that's what happened in <v Man>Korea and Vietnam bull. <v Man>You can't win a war without- if we're going to fight one, fight it to win. <v Man>It's like you get in a street fight out here, you better fight to win or you might get <v Man>your shit kicked. <v Men>Shows you what good clean living will do. <v Men>I'm talking good, clean living. <v Men>My God, you had to get it from the neighbors. <v Men>You had good, clean living. Willie's going to win this game. <v Men>Bullshit, give me that. <v Men>He's still trying to reduce. How many you got? <v Men>The difference in tone. Yes. That's what I thought. I got a King. <v Men>Guess what I got? ?inaudible? <v Men>Willie have you got kings? <v Men>No. God damn. There's a dandy here. <v Weld and others>How much double your card-they call me ?Weld? <v Weld and others>its a nickname they hang on me a long time ago, back in the 30s. <v Weld and others>Don't just sit there. I rode the freight train back to Shoshone
<v Weld and others>when I was 16, and I remembered the old road out across <v Weld and others>the sand flats, and that's the one I walked out on. <v Weld>I worked at everything I was a-I herded sheep, and I <v Weld>farmed, I was a soldier, I was a rodeo hand <v Weld>cowboy, punch cattle. And I got elected sheriff 1952 <v Weld>when I was sheriff '52 till 1972. <v Weld>Sheriff job is not a good job. <v Weld>But I did make a living. <v Weld>I didn't have the pettiness that they seem to-that everybody has now. <v Weld>When I arrest a man, I could throw him in jail and a judge could keep him there <v Weld>for six months through a year or whatever it took. <v Weld>But nowadays, it seems like the jail isn't good enough for anybody. <v Weld>I never shot at anybody when I was Sheriff. <v Weld>I did pull a gun on him, a couple of fellas, made him sit down
<v Weld>beside the road and I explained to them that I was a little apprehensive being out <v Weld>there alone. If they didn't sit quietly, I'd probably kill <v Weld>'em because they were allegedly to have robbed some place in Goody. <v Weld>And I didn't know whether they had guns or not, but I just told them very frankly <v Weld>that they'd get shot if things didn't go just right. <v Weld>They sat real quiet till the Gooding's officers come got them but I was serious, <v Weld>these guys were strangers to me. <v Weld>I didn't want to shoot 'em, but I wanted to know that I could and that I would, <v Weld>made nice boys out of 'em. <v Man>You can see where all our Magic water is, we're quite a bit lower <v Man>in content than we were last year at this time. <v Man>The snowpack in the mountains is the last report I got. <v Man>It's about the same as it was last year at this time. <v Man>I was crossing a week ago, and it's a long way up that mountain with the snow. <v Man>So I'm not going to look at it from this year.
<v Man>If the snow comes off the same we're 24,000 feet of water short today <v Man>from a year ago. <v Water Official>?inaudible? any other business, Mr. Ross is here, who is a stockholder. <v Mr. Ross>You all know why I'm here, that hasn't changed before. <v Water Official>What, what you're asking for is some relief on your waterfield. <v Mr. Ross>That's right. That's why I came down here for for the last 3 years- <v Water Official>?your claim is? from Kramer. You know, you-you <v Water Official>weren't in charge as to how much water runs. <v Mr. Ross>I want the guy to get some water to pay the water bill. <v Mr. Ross>That's what I want. He's a guy that can afford to pay the bill. <v Water Official>So the cost of operation is what you're really talking about. <v Water Official>The cost of your service, that's all you're ever talking about. <v Mr. Ross>If these guys right now can guarantee me a full season of water, I'll pay 25. <v Water Official>We guarantee you a full season service. <v Mr. Ross>Guaranteed me- <v Water Official>That's all- <v Mr. Ross>Until the 30th of September and I'll pay 25 dollars. <v Mr. Ross>I'll write you a check out right now.
<v Water Official>Where do you get the idea that we supply water? <v Water Official>Huh? All we supply is a service. <v Man>Canal company still messing around, they haven't told us when <v Man>they're gonna have water for us. They haven't told us how much water we're gonna have. <v Farmer's Family>It stays like this if you don't get it by the 15th, everything will be blown away. <v Farmer's Family>What is it looking like we're going to get any storms. <v Farmer's Family>Didn't look like we were going in any storms all winter and we didn't. <v Farmer's Family>Well, anyway, I guess 70 percent beach, 10 percent or whatever. <v Farmer's Family>It's not having any like you. <v Farmer's Family>Castle went into a meeting for the cattlemens <v Farmer's Family>over in his laufman. If there's no water in the canal, it doesn't, can't be <v Farmer's Family>divide up you know. And they were going to discuss what to do, and Wendell Johnson <v Farmer's Family>is one of the ones that runs cattle out there who's also worked for the canal company. <v Man>And he said, well, we're going to have 58 days of water and we can do this and this,
<v Man>and this with the cattle. And Castle looked at 'em and says, well, what if we don't have <v Man>58 days of water? And Wendell looked right at him and said, well, I just <v Man>told you, we're gonna have 58 days of water. <v Man>So that's how it's going to be just like, you know, he's going to manufacture the water <v Man>if not- <v Woman>Like you guys better making manufactured water. <v Man>Well, I told Castle, I says tell him to guarantee it in writing and <v Man>with the end of 60 days when we're through with it, we'll come in and pay our water. <v Man> If they don't make 60 days. We don't have to pay. <v Woman>Are you getting ready to have that calf? <v Woman>What's the matter? <v Woman>So my father came in 1907 <v Woman>from ?inaudible? Islands and he filed on this homestead a hundred <v Woman>and sixty acres. Oh. <v Woman>He was a waiter, and that's how we work to earn enough money to come
<v Woman>to America. <v Woman>There wasn't the machinery that there is now. <v Woman>You know, you clean the brush out by hand. <v Woman>And of course you had horses, and the <v Woman>land that they put in cultivation was around the river. <v Woman>My sons do the farming now. <v Woman>I don't have a lot of ?hardwood?, but if we <v Woman>have water, it makes a good living. <v KEZJ Speaker>KEZJ Country weather, it looks like we're getting more of that much needed precipitation <v KEZJ Speaker>today. Certainly good news. Course, with the lingering drought going into its 5th year <v KEZJ Speaker>now we can use all the precipitation we can get, especially in the Shoshone Wood River <v KEZJ Speaker>Valley area of Magic Reservoir being merely more than a large mud puddle <v KEZJ Speaker>right now as opposed to normal at this time of year. <v KEZJ Speaker>[Fades into the background] <v Woman> Small farmers have a lot of perseverance and they have to have or <v Woman>they couldn't stay on the farm. On hard years, our drought years and so
<v Woman>forth. People need a job to help supplement the living. <v Woman>So we're really having to tighten up our belts and <v Woman>go to work to stay put on the farm. <v Woman>I don't think I could have made it at all in a big town. <v Woman>The tea this is hot, girls. <v Woman>Do you need some Tabasco ketchup? <v Woman>We got some cowboys, mainly farmers, um construction <v Woman>people. They're like family when you get to know 'em. <v Woman>Make a mushroom and cheese omelette with whole wheat, and a cheese and mushroom omelette <v Woman>with white bread. <v Woman>Small town living. It's clean and it's friendly. <v Woman>You can double park and nobody's gonna have a heart attack.
<v Woman>You can jaywalk, nobody's gonna have a heart attack. <v Woman>They wave at you. Matter of fact, they scared me because they started waving <v Woman>the first time I ever went through town and I'm going, "Oh, my God. <v Woman>These people are crazy." They don't know me. They're going-I ran home to my husband. <v Woman>I said, my God, I think these men are putting a make on me. <v Woman>I-it's terrified me because I didn't know. <v Woman>I'd never been in a small town. <v Hostess and Customers>No. Well, I'm not either. My wife is. <v Hostess and Customers>We have to take three kids and a grandchild. <v Hostess and Customers>Three kids?! Oh my. <v Men>You're behind on that water. They won't turn that on until you pay back your back tax, <v Men>back water. ?inaudible? a lot of us? <v Men>Well, we don't bid for three years, you lose your water rate. <v Men>What, three years as opposed to water down last year they didn't <v Men>have hardly anything, this year looks just about the same way. <v Men>Well, they distribute less last year. <v Men>Well, I don't know. They got pretty good snow up here.
<v Men>Up in Gibson, they figure one month they didn't ?bring? <v Men>much water. <v Men>Could be a hell of a problem. Yeah. <v Men>That ran for a whole 190,000- 191,000. <v Men>Yes. So it's nowhere near. <v Men>?Northam, north?. <v Men>It shouldn't be impossible to get it for the- It rains hard for 30 <v Men>days, it might. But you know, it really is awful. <v Men>Hello there. Hi Reynolds. <v Men>How you doing Doug? Good. <v Men>What are you doing with all the snow up there? Well it's melting pretty fast. <v Man>All going in the ground I suppose. <v Man>The ground is going to hurt these farmer. <v Man>But you cannot kill this town. <v Man>I'll tell you why it isn't going to die because it never did grow very big. <v Man>No. Right across the street over there, there used to be some girls work up there in that <v Man>hotel. They're gone. You know why? <v Man>The population in Shoshone remains constant. <v Man>Why? Every time a baby is born, some man leaves town. <v Man>That's why our population doesn't fluctuated.
<v Man>?inaudible? Going to die no more. <v Weld>I don't think there's much change to be made in this town. <v Weld>I don't know what business would ever come to that town. <v Weld>Mostly it's just people come there to live and uh they <v Weld>work for the Bureau of Land Management now or the Department of Highways or the power <v Weld>company. We don't have any industry like we did have the big sheep industry, <v Weld>which was huge for a small town and one man owned 25,000 head, <v Weld>another man owned 8,000 head and they had-it took quite a few people to take <v Weld>care of them, and they bought the hay from the farmers and grain and raised these <v Weld>sheep and sold them. <v Weld>And the railroad workers worked on the trains right there in Shoshone shown them around <v Weld>the roundhouse that's been torn down. [Indistinct conversation] <v Woman>It doesn't stand still. <v Woman>We kinda have to get more industry, do more to maintain
<v Woman>the town, or it'll-won't exist. <v Woman>These little towns kind of have a history of going up and down at <v Woman>one time. Then there is more work, more industry <v Woman>and then some of them will move away or quit. <v Woman>All the stores were filled and we have a lot of empty <v Woman>buildings now. <v Woman>What we have at the theatre and we have a good show every night. <v Woman>I remember going to see Gone With the Wind and that was <v Woman>real special. <v Movie Speaker>[Conversation from movie] What a fine feature it was! Wait says Ellen, uh oh <v Movie Speaker>they left their garbage, but West knows what to do because he's come prepared. <v Movie Speaker>Rules and responsibilites ?inaudible? on <v Movie Speaker>a trip on the movies. <v Singer>[Indistinct conversation]
<v Singer>Rejoice and sing now all around her. <v Singer>Pray with a glorious splendor. <v Singer>All her darkness has been vanquished. <v Priest>I baptize thee Stephaine in the name of the Father, <v Priest>of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. <v Priest>Amen. <v Woman>OK. Have we got any praise the Lord tonight? <v Woman>Lea? <v Lea>Well um, I, I praise the Lord because he's still in the <v Lea>prayer answering business with all, with losing that house <v Lea>the 1st of March and I thought I was going to have to sell my car and
<v Lea>pay my rent and I have a job interview tomorrow. <v Lea> That will um that will do more <v Lea>than-than the house that I just lost. <v Lea>And I praise the Lord for that. <v Woman>I praise the Lord for a little bit of moisture I got yesterday. <v Woman>[Lady says, "Amen"] And boy, do we need that some more but Hey. <v Woman>Ok Harmon, how about you? <v Harmon>Yeah, I got to praise the lord for my family and our health and the work that we <v Harmon>got and shelter. <v Woman>Charlaine, how about you? <v Charlaine>Oh, we got our car fixed. [Gathering says, "Yeah, amen"]. <v Woman>So we want to start reading in Revelation <v Woman>21 and 8, has everyone got it? <v Woman>OK. Last last time we done-done all the unbelievers <v Woman>and the murderer.
<v Woman>So tonight I think we'd like to take sorceries. <v Woman>You know, we know that ?inaudible? being hypnotized is-is not of God. <v Preacher>You've seen a man take a quarter out of his pocket and flip it up on the air and grab it <v Preacher>and show it to some little kid and then hold his hand like that, and it completely <v Preacher>disappears, and he'll walk over and say well, there it is behind <v Preacher>your ear and show them the quarter. <v Preacher>It seems as harmless as it can be, but according to the Bible, it's an abomination <v Preacher>to God. <v Speaker>[Song playing from band][Indistinct conversation from police radio]. <v Woman>In Shoshone, there are many different walks of life, including the bar <v Woman>life.
<v Woman>But being a Christian separates you from most of them. <v Woman>It's just it's just the way we live. <v Woman>Well, our niece was here from Illinois last summer and she asked <v Woman>her uncle. You preach, preach, preach. <v Woman>Why don't you quit it and get on with your life? <v Woman>That's because it is our life. [Indistinct conversation] Telling other people about <v Woman>Jesus Christ is our life. <v Preacher> These people that gather together and call up evil spirits, they <v Preacher>gather around a table and they can raise the table and these voices come out and then-and <v Preacher>they're not. Yeah, they-they have the ability to sound exactly like <v Preacher>the loved one that they're trying to call up. <v Preacher>Their voice is the same, but they are right out of the pits of hell. <v Preacher>It is the devil speaking. [Person asks, "Isn't that witchcraft honey?"] <v Preacher>Yes, it's witchcraft. But it's necromancy. <v Preacher>And it's got a special name. It's called séance. <v Preacher>[Indistinct conversation while bells are ringing] <v Police Officer>Shoshone 22 to Code 6.
<v Police Officer>The town itself is very slow paced. <v Police Officer>There's, it's Idaho to George. <v Police Officer>Not much that happens in the way of crime. <v Police Officer>[Indistinct conversation] Majority of the citations I read is the out-of-towners <v Police Officer>speeding stop signs, whatever infractions. <v Police Officer>But like I stopped one gentleman for a stop sign that he'd went through and <v Police Officer>he said we've always ran the stop sign. <v Police Officer>You know, it's it's always been that way. And I just basically explain to him that, you <v Police Officer>know, it may have always been that way, and it's not just because I've come to town that <v Police Officer>it's going to change, but it's the law. <v Police Officer>And you have to abide by the law. <v People>Let's hear it. I got it. <v People>How's that? Hey, I want some ?scotch?. <v People>You want everything don't you? [Overlapping conversation] Wait a minute, don't <v People>run off with everything.
<v People>Oh, come on. Did you say it was Darrell? <v People>Darrell. Good heavens. <v People>Oh, I'll find someone else if it was Darrell. <v Woman>There's around 60 different animals and they're from every continent
<v Woman>in the world. Now, they're not all I killed, but they are just <v Woman>a specimen from each country. <v Woman>I came up here in '83, but I didn't start this museum till <v Woman>sometime in '83. <v Woman>And then I didn't open it up for quite some time. <v Woman>I'd looked all over. I wanted a place to settle out of town. <v Woman>I didn't want it in the city and I wanted a country town. <v Woman>So I go to all these town-these states <v Woman>and join in here and I wanted to stay in Idaho. <v Woman>So one day I was coming through here from Twin Falls and I got <v Woman>over here about 50 miles. And I thought, what's the name of that little town there? <v Woman>Maybe I better go back and look that over. <v Woman>And then I came up and started. <v Woman>You know, in the big cities in Los Vegas and places you'd never know where your
<v Woman>next neighbor, you go for days and days and they don't even speak. <v Woman>You don't know 'em. You're just strangers there within this big town. <v Woman>And I don't like that. I like to have people to know me and ?meet? <v Woman>new people. <v Woman>And to live, I like to live. <v Woman>I don't find any colored people up here, much about any Mexicans, there are some Indians, <v Woman>but most of them are just pure old white Americans and <v Woman>have the same trouble as you have. <v Sheriff>I think that when you're-when you're a close knit type community, that you have a <v Sheriff>mistrust of outsiders.
<v Sheriff>If they're not part of your community, there must be something wrong with them or they <v Sheriff>would live here. <v Sheriff>What we can talk about here, I think, is probably a word that we <v Sheriff>read in the newspaper every day, and that's prejudice. And-and I think. <v Sheriff>I think that that's a twofold word. <v Sheriff>And particularly in dealing from the law, you know, <v Sheriff>everybody I deal with I'm prejudiced for or against. <v Sheriff>But, you know, I try to treat those people that have broken <v Sheriff>the law as I feel if I was in the same position. <v Sheriff>The only difference you come with there is that the people that are residents here, you <v Sheriff>know them. And you know whether their word is good or and so on. <v Sheriff>And so sometimes you deal with a little more leeway with those people. <v Roderick B. Wood>People in small towns and in particular this small town <v Roderick B. Wood>think that they are important, which they are, and they have a lot of pride
<v Roderick B. Wood>and they like to take a belief that they <v Roderick B. Wood>can solve a lot of their own problems. <v Roderick B. Wood>What's really funny about it, for instance, put it on a state level. <v Roderick B. Wood>The federal government here not long ago said <v Roderick B. Wood>no more under-21 drinking [Indistinct conversation] Well, people in Idaho, <v Roderick B. Wood>just scream bloody murder. You know? <v Roderick B. Wood>Not that-not the alcohol issue, but that we'll solve our own problems here. <v Roderick B. Wood>We don't need you folks telling us what the hell to do. <v Roderick B. Wood>You are Michael Blecker? <v Michael Blecker>Yes, I am. <v Roderick B. Wood>Mr. Blecker, you were previously charged by criminal <v Roderick B. Wood>complaint in this work with the underage possession <v Roderick B. Wood>or consumption of an intoxicating beverage. <v Roderick B. Wood>Correct? <v Michael Blecker>Yes, I was. <v Roderick B. Wood>You have previously pled guilty to that offense. <v Roderick B. Wood>[Michael Blecker says, "Yes, I did"] <v Roderick B. Wood>In a small town. It's a lot more personal. <v Roderick B. Wood>[Court continues] You know, more of the people by far
<v Roderick B. Wood>tend to know more about the circumstances or the impact it will <v Roderick B. Wood>have and get to fashion sentences <v Roderick B. Wood>more like custom made to fit a particular circumstance because <v Roderick B. Wood>we have the luxury of time. <v Roderick B. Wood>Anything you'd like to say? <v Michael Blecker>I'd just like to say I haven't had anything to drink since the night I was posted. <v Roderick B. Wood>And that was? <v Michael Blecker>I don't remember. <v Roderick B. Wood>I think what you need to realize Mike and I want to talk to you briefly <v Roderick B. Wood>as a human being. Okay? <v Roderick B. Wood>Not as a judge trying to impose any penalty. <v Roderick B. Wood>All right? It doesn't do any good to put out the fire in the attic if you don't put out <v Roderick B. Wood>the fire in the basement as well. And stopping drinking while it's commendable, and I-an <v Roderick B. Wood>absolute first step. That's putting out the fire in the attic. <v Roderick B. Wood>You've got to address the underlying issues, which is the fire in the basement. <v Roderick B. Wood>People here strongly believe in <v Roderick B. Wood>pride and freedom. And the difficulty with that is,
<v Roderick B. Wood>especially on the younger generation level, is that they're satisfied with living right <v Roderick B. Wood>here, right now. <v Roderick B. Wood>There is no real vision into the future. <v Roderick B. Wood>You see very few younger people getting a quality higher education. <v Roderick B. Wood>I tend to call it the new pickup mentality, you know, as soon as they get out of high <v Roderick B. Wood>school, they're satisfied with getting a job working construction, earning eight bucks an <v Roderick B. Wood>hour. And the first thing they do is they go buy a brand new pickup. <v Roderick B. Wood>And boy, I've got the world by the tail, you know? <v Roderick B. Wood>They don't look down the road for anything past today. <v Game Announcer>Everyone, for a moment of silence in honor of our troops in the Persian
<v Game Announcer>Gulf. [Singing] <v Roderick B. Wood>The result of the Gulf War has been a very <v Roderick B. Wood>gratifying redemption, if you will, to the older generation <v Roderick B. Wood>because they are the people who came here or their
<v Roderick B. Wood>parents did when this was nothing but sagebrush and rocks. <v Roderick B. Wood>And they are tough people and they through grit and <v Roderick B. Wood>hard work, put this place together <v Roderick B. Wood>and so while Korea and Vietnam were a black eye. <v Roderick B. Wood>The feeling here was always there always has been that we could have won those wars <v Roderick B. Wood>if we had done it right. <v Men>It's getting pretty short. You guys went up to the dam, what did you see? <v Men>About where it was last year about this time, there's water in it. <v Men>Last time I talked to someone, they were up there. <v Men>They could see that most of the screens still sticking out of the top of the wall. <v Men>The canal company would have us believe we have 60 days of water in there, just like
<v Men>we did last year. That's what they told us. <v Men>He come right on the television and told us that. <v Men>Well, I suppose there isn't but a trickle in Rock Creek today. <v Men>Like even, well, like we're talking about the snowmelt and <v Men>we look at the mountains from here. <v Men>And its turned white three times in March. <v Men>It's beautiful. That's better than we've had, you know? <v Men>It really looks good. <v Men>But right now it's melted off again. <v Men>And this is the third time it's melted off this month. <v Men>And Rock Creek is still just a little stream. <v Men>So like if the fish can live in it, it's all on going into the grounds instead of going <v Men>in the reservoir. <v Woman>We still have a few cattle, around 60 head <v Woman>of beef cattle, but I have a dairy for <v Woman>20 years that I sold in 1980. <v Farmers>?inaudible? Get these two out!
<v Farmers>They both go out. <v Farmers>Open up the other one. ?inaudible? <v Farmers>We got that with several, right? You got to calm down or you don't get nothing. <v Woman>The only ones I want out is that one. <v Man>So let the ones you don't want out back. <v Woman>Yes, that's what I'm trying to do. <v Man>You're not, you're ?stirring?. <v Johnny U>Just put away your worldly ambitions. <v Johnny U>Give up, let your heart be free, <v Johnny U>you take up my cross. <v Johnny U>And then you follow me and I'll <v Johnny U>make you what I want you to be. <v Woman>Dean and I were kinda intense lovers.
<v Woman>We had an intense life and we were kind of known as a lovers <v Woman>of North Shoshone. <v Woman>And then I don't know whether what they call the men's menopause <v Woman>or what. He just seemed to change. <v Woman>We got a legal separation about <v Woman>10 years ago. <v Woman>We were married for 50 years and Dean was a cowboy. <v Woman>And that's his life and that's what he likes to do. <v Woman>He leaves in April, goes out to the desert till the July <v Woman>1st, and then they take the cows to the hills, <v Woman>to the mountains. <v Auctioneer> [Auctioneer calling out for the auction] <v Woman>He has his private room here and he stays here in winter time,
<v Woman>and he gets cabin fever and he's really raring to go when April comes <v Woman>around. <v Auctioneer>[Auctioneer calling out for the auction] <v Woman>If I had not stayed here and worked we would have lost the ?plot? <v Woman>that was paid for. But there's always taxes or some water, electric <v Woman>telephone. You buy diesel gas <v Woman>and machinery are high, and I just did <v Woman>what I had to do, I guess. <v Man>Ha! Now pay off or go to jail. <v Man>I don't care what you do. <v Man>I got it. He's dealing me in. <v Man>Now, what do you think is going to happen there? Saddam Hussein is back in full power.
<v Man>He's taken over all of the cities, got a big army. <v Man>He's coming back. Now what's going to happen? <v Man>You see those Arabs? They don't think like you and I do. <v Man>They think he's-some may kiss his hand. <v Men>Yeah, well, I'll tell you what, they see me. <v Men>You're going to have to go back to ?Scudman? else, something because. <v Men>Well, I don't know. He's back in the-You're a dyed in the wool Democrat ain't ya? <v Man>No, I'm not a dyed in the wool Democrat. <v Man>But I do believe that it's going to be tough over there because we have all kinds <v Man>of trouble keeping the other groups out of there. <v Man>And Schwarzkopf, he's going to be coming back to the United States, running for <v Man>president, he's going to lose control. <v Men>God Joe I-?inaudible?. <v Men>I mean, Joe, I don't know where you get all this stuff. <v Men>[Overlapping words]. <v Men>It's the facts! You said that- Hey, I've been to New York for three days. <v Men>I don't give a goddamn. <v Men>[Overlapping argument] You guys in Idaho don't know a damn thing about politics. <v Man>That was not there was nothing worth fighting for.
<v Man>Listen, we never have should been in it. <v Man>You know that if the Jews hadn't destroyed his atomic bomb <v Man>factory here, what was it, seven, eight years ago, he'd had that sucker by now. <v Man>You know, the Jews went in and done that all by themselves. <v Man>Now you can run the Jews down all you want to. <v Man>But I'll tell you this much. You kill one them Jews. <v Man>You better find a place to hide because they're going to come after you. <v Man>They whip that whole damn Arab country in six days. <v Men>I mean, they wiped them out. Why they let him do it instead of taking?- Well, because <v Men>we had the Arabs are helping. <v Men>The Arabs don't like Jews. [Indistinct] They made him stay home. <v Man>Oh, and play that ace, it's all I got. <v Man>Six thirty eight. <v Man>It's over. <v Man>48, 50. <v Men>[Overlapping conversation]. Can you count well Willie? <v Men>Would rather pay the son of a gun anyway. <v Men>Yeah, I got to go. <v Men>You got to go? Well-Is it lunchtime?
<v Men>Yeah. <v Man>I think it's the God damned, god blessed you're getting all of my money anyway. <v Clint Black>I spent my lifetime wishin' the waitress would come around, telling jokes and <v Clint Black>shooting pool on the other side of town. <v Clint Black>When the whistle blows at five o'clock, there's only one place I'll be found. <v Clint Black>Down at Ernie's icehouse <v Clint Black>lifting longnecks to that good old country sound. <v Clint Black>And talkin' about the good old times, braggin' on how it used to be, but I've worn out the same old lines. And now it seems nothing's news to me. [Sounds of a train, oil rig, cows <v Clint Black>mooing] [People praying at chruch] <v Woman>Shoshone people are quite religious.
<v Woman>I think a lot of small towns that the people are more religious and <v Woman>do attend their churches. <v Woman>But I never was good at going to church. <v Woman>Of course I had to go when the folks went and they made me go to Mass. <v Woman>But I always came home with a headache and I felt like if you <v Woman>went to church and always come home with a headache, it wasn't the thing to do. <v Woman>So I don't go to any church, but I do believe in God and I do pray <v Woman>a lot. <v Pastor>Father, now increase our faith to believe for miracles. <v Pastor>We pray for those that are coming home Father from the war, that those would be <v Pastor>encouraged, that you would reunite those families together. <v Pastor>And minister to them in a special way. <v Pastor>We thank you, Lord God, for how you're moving in through our lives, how we can be <v Pastor>your servants and serve you, and Father we'll give you the praise and worship for it. <v Pastor>As we ask these things in your precious name, amen and amen. <v Woman>About once a month, the senior centers
<v Woman>get together and have a bus that takes them to Jackpots so they can gamble. <v Woman>I always say I work hard and I play hard, but that's kind of how the <v Woman>life on the farm is. <v Woman>I feel sometimes like there isn't enough to do, but <v Woman>you have to make your own fun. <v Woman>I mean, there isn't-nobody is going to entertain you. <v Pastor>And we know that sin does separate man from God. <v Pastor>And we also know that all have sinned from short of the glory of God and of course, the <v Pastor>wages of sin is death, and that is eternal separation from God. <v Pastor>And he didn't wait for us to get our act together. <v Pastor>For all we were yet sinners, God sent his only son to die for us. <v Pastor>Now the Bible talks about three great qualities. <v Pastor>One, of course, is love, and another is faith, and of course, <v Pastor>we have hope. <v Woman>I get this feeling that maybe it's my day and I could win big. <v Woman>And some people do win big.
<v Casino Workers>[Indistinct conversations in the casino] <v Woman>Most of us have a certain amount of money we're willing to lose and cash it in. <v Woman>If you can get so much money <v Woman>and keep playing the whole time, that's good. <v Woman>Sometimes you have bad luck and we just give them our money, <v Woman>but we enjoy every minute of it. <v Women>I got to get the winnings. <v Women>Well I am too or I'm going to be out. <v Women>I don't mind losing as long as I can keep playing. <v Commercial>You're going to be tempted every Sunday. <v Commercial>Over 50 mouthwatering buffet selections.
<v Commercial>Wait for you every Sunday with our famous Sunday champagne brunch <v Commercial>in the all new Canyon coal buffet. And it's all for just $6.95. <v Woman>Sure, Americans think that anyone can be rich and we all <v Woman>have the same chance there. It's what we do, but then there's a lot of luck involved, <v Woman>too. <v Woman>People are fascinated by money, but what can <v Woman>you do without money? <v KEZJ Speaker>You guys have arrived home from the Persian Gulf. <v KEZJ Speaker>We want to say a big and hearty welcome home and a good job, well <v KEZJ Speaker>done. Once again for this Operation Homecoming, if you know someone who is returning from <v KEZJ Speaker>the Gulf give him a call because they'd love to set up a welcome home party for them <v KEZJ Speaker>when they arrive.
<v KEZJ Speaker>734-7678 is that number once again. <v KEZJ Speaker>We have more coming up as we continue. <v Man>He did see action there, well he fixes the <v Man>trucks and whatever that carry the bombs, missiles, whatever out to the <v Man>plane, he can never really say what the mission of their base was. <v Man and Family>[Indistinct conversation between family]. <v Man and Family>We got a black dog coming instead of Dean. <v Man and Family>See the black dog? <v Family>[Indistinct conversation] <v Dean>Hey, Dad, how's it going?
<v Dean>[Dean's father says, "Good to see you."] Come here mom, right now. <v Mother>How are you? Oh, sweetheart it's good that you're home. <v Mother>I was worried about you. <v George W. Bush>Fear and uncertainty caused by the Gulf crisis were understandable. <v George W. Bush>But now that the war is over, oil prices are down. <v George W. Bush>Interest rates are down, and confidence is rightly coming <v George W. Bush>back. Americans can move forward to lend, spend <v George W. Bush>and invest in this, the strongest economy on earth. <v George W. Bush>[Audience claps] <v Farmer>They call it bad lands, but it's beautiful. <v Farmer>There's already been people leaving. <v Farmer>And uh if it continues at this rate, there'll be more people leave. <v Farmer>After five years, if you look around, it's
<v Farmer>thinned us out. <v Farmer>Some of the farms are empty. <v Farmer>The government has taken over and made just leave them sat idle, and <v Farmer>they just let 'em go to weeds supposedly for bird habitat, <v Farmer>unheard of. <v Farmer>On good years, the people who were farming there if they had the water, there's no way <v Farmer>they'd let anybody take over and do something like that. <v Farmer>They'd stay there and raise the crops and take in <v Farmer>the benefits. <v Farmer>Drive around, most of the farms are not even being farmed and you <v Farmer>can't raise a crop. How do we expect to pay the water bills? <v Water Official>We reviewed this contract and our attorneys reviewed this contract and I can find no <v Water Official>place in there that says if we can charge anybody any dip. <v Water Official>We left to maintenance at $12.75 for this year. <v Farmer>You know, we don't mind paying the water when we got it and it's running down the river, <v Farmer>but by golly. You know, time's gonna come, we're going to start barking.
<v Farmer>And if we don't pay our water bill, how are you guys gonna stay with your jobs? <v Farmer>We can-we can go on strike like Union Pacific is. <v Farmer>We can stand in front that office and say, don't pay our water bill. <v Farmer>Then somebody is going to have to come out that door and say, hey, we're going to have to <v Farmer>do something because I don't-I don't know how many more years we can-we can go <v Farmer>through this. <v Woman>The government is for big farming. <v Woman>So we have to stay in there and fight for our little <v Woman>share of everything. <v Woman>The subsidy payments and things they make helps a big farmer. <v Woman>They don't help us little people at all-at all. <v Woman>Everybody has to eat, and that's what we do, we produce food for people <v Woman>to eat, and the way it's going, people are going <v Woman>to be hungry one day.
<v Police Officer>You know, even though the biggest share of the-of Americans live in the big cities, <v Police Officer>that's not what America is about. <v Police Officer>That's-that's the commerce, what America's about and what keeps America going <v Police Officer>is-is the rural area of America, because they're the ones <v Police Officer>that feed all those other people. They're the ones that with their very <v Police Officer>own hands, turn that soil and make the-make <v Police Officer>that food and the things that they that for that commerce to keep going, and <v Police Officer>without it, we wouldn't have America. <v Woman>Well, I tell everybody my roots are down in too deep and I can't <v Woman>pull them out. I thought at one time I wanted to get away and really <v Woman>make something of myself, cause I know there isn't money in farming, <v Woman>not that much. You never get rich here, you just trying to keep <v Woman>going and keep making a living. <v Woman>But then I got the feeling that my father would
<v Woman>want me to stay here and continue this place that he started. <v Woman>And I wanted to get up like I thought my father could look down on <v Woman>it and be proud of me. <v Woman>And if I win the lottery, I'm still going to [she laughs]. <v Woman>But that was always my goal and still kind of is. <v Johnny U>Just put away your worldly <v Johnny U>ambitions, give up and let your <v Johnny U>heart be free, <v Johnny U>you take up my cross and <v Johnny U>then you follow me and I'll <v Johnny U>make you what I want you to be. <v CPB Speaker>Funding for this program has been provided by the Friends of 4, 10
<v CPB Speaker>and KUID and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. <v Speaker>But I never was good at going to church. <v Speaker>Of course I have to go when the folks went and they made me go to Mass. <v Speaker>But I always came home with a headache and I felt like if you <v Speaker>went to church and always come home with a headache, it wasn't the thing to do. <v Speaker>So I don't go to a church, but I do believe in God night. <v Speaker>You pray a lot. <v Speaker>Father, now increase our faith to believe. <v Speaker>For miracles. For those in need healing. <v Speaker>For those that are in the hospital, for those in need direction. <v Speaker>We pray for those that are coming home farther from the war. <v Speaker>Those would be encouraged that you would reunite those families together. <v Speaker>And minister to them in a special way.
<v Speaker>We thank you, Lord God, for how you're moving through our lives and how we can <v Speaker>be your servants and serve you. <v Speaker>Father, we'll give you the praise and worship for it. <v Speaker>So we ask these things in your precious name, a man. <v Speaker>Now, once a month, the senior centers. <v Speaker>Get together and have a bus that takes you to jackpot's so they can <v Speaker>gamble. <v Speaker>And I always say I work hard and I play hard. <v Speaker>That's kind of how the life on the far me is. <v Speaker>I feel sometimes like there isn't enough to do. <v Speaker>You have to make your own fun. <v Speaker>I mean, Gary said nobody's going down or change. <v Speaker>I. <v Speaker>And we know that. Send us separate man from God. <v Speaker>We also know that all this saying come short of the glory of God. <v Speaker>And of course, the wages of sin are death.
<v Speaker>And that is eternal separation from God. <v Speaker>And he didn't wait for us to get our act together. <v Speaker>But while we were yet sinners, God sent his only son to die for us. <v Speaker>Now the Bible talks about three great qualities. <v Speaker>One, of course, is love. And another is faith. <v Speaker>And of course, we have hope. <v Speaker>I get this feeling that maybe it's my day and I could win big <v Speaker>and some people do win big. <v Speaker>Every. <v Speaker>Or do we go on to report <v Speaker>anything? 26 year old Brian to report.
<v Speaker>Most of us have a certain amount of money. <v Speaker>We're willing to lose cash, even <v Speaker>if you can get so much money and keep playing the whole time. <v Speaker>That's good. Sometimes you have bad luck and we just give an <v Speaker>hour. We enjoy every minute of it. <v Speaker>We're. <v Speaker>I don't mind as long as to fight. <v Speaker>You're gonna be tempted every Sunday here at gack speeds over 50 <v Speaker>mouthwatering buffet selections wait for you every Sunday with our famous <v Speaker>Sunday champagne brunch and the all new Kenyan gold buffet. <v Speaker>And it's all for just 6 9 5. <v Speaker>Americans saying that anyone can be rich and we <v Speaker>all have the same chance. There, it's what we do.
<v Speaker>But then there lot of luck involved, too. <v Speaker>But I always say when I give a lottery ticket, I say, well, I got exactly <v Speaker>the same chances a guy that's going to win. <v Speaker>People are fascinated by money. <v Speaker>What? What can you do without moving? <v Speaker>He's a mechanic for a
<v Speaker>rally. He fixes the trucks and whatever that carry the bombs, <v Speaker>missiles, whatever out to the plane, he can never really say <v Speaker>what the mission their base was. <v Speaker>Here we are. <v Speaker>We got the black dog study and <v Speaker>see the black. <v Speaker>Overnight, we can rally and.
- Series
- States of Mind
- Episode
- Shoshone
- Producing Organization
- Idaho Public Television
- British Broadcasting Corporation
- Contributing Organization
- The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia (Athens, Georgia)
- cpb-aacip-526-5x25b00351
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip-526-5x25b00351).
- Description
- Episode Description
- "'SHOSHONE' is part of a series 'STATES OF MIND'. This is a series of documentaries co-produced by the British Broadcasting Corporation and a consortium of public broadcasting stations across the country. The series was designed to look at changing America, faces and stories not usually seen on television. 'SHOSHONE' is Idaho Public Television's contribution to the series. "'SHOSHONE' looks a small community in south central Idaho. Like many small towns across America, Shoshone is struggling to stay alive economically and spiritually. The residents also struggle with national issues like America's involvement in the war in the Persian Gulf. The story is told through the eyes and words of some of the area's senior citizens. They have lived through Shoshone's boom days. They know what the area was and what it could be. "This documentary tells a unique story. Its emotions are so real and its pictures so compelling that British producers have decided to lead off the series with this program for their airing. "'SHOSHONE' shows what America is today and deserves your consideration for this award."--1991 Peabody Awards entry form.
- Broadcast Date
- 1991-09-02
- Asset type
- Episode
- Media type
- Moving Image
- Duration
- 01:02:38.590
- Credits
Producing Organization: Idaho Public Television
Producing Organization: British Broadcasting Corporation
- AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the
University of Georgia
Identifier: cpb-aacip-5b9a6e2f94e (Filename)
Format: U-matic
Duration: 00:58:00
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
- Citations
- Chicago: “States of Mind; Shoshone,” 1991-09-02, The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed March 25, 2025,
- MLA: “States of Mind; Shoshone.” 1991-09-02. The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. March 25, 2025. <>.
- APA: States of Mind; Shoshone. Boston, MA: The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from