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<v Speaker>The character of Dallas, like many cities, is in some senses inextricably linked <v Speaker>with racial problems. Take the late 50s. <v Speaker>Cities all over the South endured sit in demonstrations and homegrown violence. <v Speaker>Dallas couldn't escape the civil rights movement. <v Speaker>So in some senses it contained it. <v Speaker>Dallas integrated its public facilities virtually overnight. <v Speaker>There was no disruption. There was no publicity. <v Speaker>The white conservative establishment, a small group of the powerful called the Citizens <v Speaker>Council, did it. Some say not so much for conscience as for <v Speaker>commerce; nothing must hurt the business climate. <v Speaker>Others say it was to maintain order. <v Speaker>Whatever the reason, violence was avoided. <v Speaker>That's why there may be rioting in South Boston. <v Speaker>Stones hurled at school buses, while today in Dallas the <v Speaker>establishment has its most favorite advertising agency, headquartered here <v Speaker>in the Zale building, working without pay to sell court ordered desegregation <v Speaker>to the community.
<v Speaker>?Hey? High school [music plays] used to be a time when <v Speaker>everyone took it for granted. <v Speaker>Everyone I went to high school after the eighth grade belonged to a ?home room study <v Speaker>pretty much the same thing?. Yeah, you know what I mean. <v Speaker>Everyone they looked the same, talked the same, knew all the same people back then. <v Speaker>It was real cool to be the same. <v Speaker>Dear Billy, too many car rides and too many kisses will change <v Speaker>your name from Ms. to Mrs. <v Speaker>To a really great friend who I picked up every morning to come to school. <v Speaker>I'm glad you weren't hurt too bad in a wreck. <v Speaker>Sure, that's how high school used to be, but not now. <v Speaker>Today, high school is a whole new theme. <v Speaker>Dig it. [music stops] <v Speaker>The Dallas desegregation plan relies primarily on voluntary desegregation
<v Speaker>through the use of magnet schools. <v Speaker>This film by Bloom Advertising is being used to sell that program <v Speaker>to the district's high school students and their parents. <v Speaker>Bloom Advertising and its founder, Sam Bloom, were the natural choice for the job. <v Speaker>Bloom is the man the establishment turns to when it anticipates trouble. <v Speaker>Bloom was called in when the city fathers feared what kind of reception President <v Speaker>Kennedy might receive in his calamitous visit here in 1963. <v Speaker>Sam Bloom may be the only admen in the country ever called in to advise <v Speaker>a federal judge during Jack Ruby's trial. <v Speaker>Bloom was also called in to smooth the initial steps towards school desegregation <v Speaker>in the early 60s. Today, Bloom is managing another media campaign <v Speaker>to make sure Dallas doesn't react like Boston. <v Speaker>Bloom, with other businessmen like Dallas Power and White, is producing <v Speaker>and placing television commercials and newspaper ads like these.
<v Speaker>Bloom also called in a Hollywood director and two screenwriters with credits <v Speaker>like Rhoda and Laverne and Shirley to produce a 30 minute film urging <v Speaker>the community to support the plan. <v Speaker>The film has been aired on all television channels and will be shown to dozens of civic <v Speaker>and service groups. <v Speaker>Its slogan, Dallas Keep It Together, is the basis for a wider campaign, <v Speaker>including posters and bumper stickers. <v Speaker>OK, what I want from you is exactly what we did in the pre-interview, which was <v Speaker>your honest opinion. <v Speaker>We're not trying to mull this up I mean I- I think that you <v Speaker>want to say exactly what you said about how you're opposed to it. <v Speaker>I have a very positive feeling about the plan. <v Speaker>I like the plan. What I like mostly about it is the educational aspects of it. <v Speaker>To me, that's the most most important thing. <v Speaker>But the plan, the way that the education will affect my kids. <v Speaker>My name is ?inaudible? and uh I lost it. <v Speaker>I wonder if I could just ?inaudible?.
<v Speaker>You you you you, all move into this section, <v Speaker>so we can fill up, give the impression ?that we're more people?. Yeah she can be moved <v Speaker>because I uh she's black anyway. <v Speaker>[music plays] Now, 9th to 12th graders have a chance to go to 1 of 4 new magnet schools <v Speaker>or first pass to go all the way. <v Speaker>That's what ?I? was suggesting to me now. Is that right? <v Speaker>That we'd go ahead and uh let you ?lay down? music and everything else. <v Speaker>During the roll tape and roll tape. <v Speaker>Fade up, fade up. <v Speaker>OK. Music, music <v Speaker>?ready? for dissolved.
<v Speaker>Bloom Advertising. <v Speaker>Charlie was working on something like the one giant shape out front <v Speaker>they made outta concrete or somethin. <v Speaker>The other thing I think you need to consider is whatever the the block is, although <v Speaker>the logo itself, that the type it's going to have to be <v Speaker>there and and be very readable. <v Speaker>You know as an example, I I think something like that is too far out for middle <v Speaker>America. When I say middle America, I'm not talking bout stupid people, I'm just talking <v Speaker>about people who are not exposed to the more European uh <v Speaker>ya convention once a year. My God. <v Speaker>Sam Bloom, now in his 70s and a formidable man explains he <v Speaker>was invited in by the Citizen's Council to help the community accept the desegregation <v Speaker>plan. He feels it is his duty. <v Speaker>Like other Dallas businessmen, to offer expertise as well as money <v Speaker>for the good of the communities. They see it. That's right. <v Speaker>I think the total future Dallas, any place in the United States
<v Speaker>rests with the children. I think that is our future. <v Speaker>Oh I think in that inevitably people feel some people feel put upon. <v Speaker>Some people uh don't like it. <v Speaker>Uh, but I- I'm not sure that you can do anything <v Speaker>uh constructive. <v Speaker>And and have absolute and total approval. <v Speaker>I think when you're dealing with the masses, when you're dealing with with <v Speaker>uh humanity as a whole, you can't hope for <v Speaker>uh absolute approval. Never had... doesn't ?even? <v Speaker>happen in church. <v Speaker>If Judge Taylor's order had called for desegregating and probably busing <v Speaker>in every grade, complete desegregation, would we have this kind <v Speaker>of community support? <v Speaker>Oh no, I think not.
<v Speaker>I think under that condition, you would have had <v Speaker>uh a situation that would be substantially <v Speaker>beyond the capacity uh of the community ?inaudible?. <v Speaker>Dallas was a city more than most run by its establishment. <v Speaker>It was not so much ruled by corporation, as ruled by corporate mentality. <v Speaker>That corporate or management mentality lingers on. <v Speaker>But today there is more democracy. <v Speaker>Blacks, browns, women and working people, not all beholden to the establishment, <v Speaker>hold office and influence. <v Speaker>The establishment itself has changed. <v Speaker>But today's court ordered desegregation has the establishment moving to the fore again. <v Speaker>Much like the old days, what makes school integration so unique here <v Speaker>in 1976 is this blend of the old Dallas and <v Speaker>the new. <v Speaker>One thing an outsider might notice about the de-segregation media blitz or the
<v Speaker>Chamber of Commerce and Council of Churches proclamations in support of the plan <v Speaker>is the absence of talk about integration or busing or racial balance. <v Speaker>It's downright bad manners to mention any of these subjects today in Dallas. <v Speaker>The talk is all about the new educational programs, the magnet schools, <v Speaker>early childhood education, smaller student adult ratios, scholarships <v Speaker>and jobs for students. <v Speaker>Maybe that's because the Dallas plan doesn't have much integration, kindergarten to <v Speaker>the third grade in high school are left out of the busing order. <v Speaker>An all black subdistrict with 18000 students is created <v Speaker>in East Oak Cliff by the plan. <v Speaker>On some estimates, most of the black and many of the white students remain <v Speaker>in segregated schools. <v Speaker>A governing principle of the plan is that separate can become equal <v Speaker>with quality education. <v Speaker>These are some of the reasons the NAACP is taking the case up on appeal.
<v Speaker>But what nobody is paying much attention to is that over 17000 black, <v Speaker>brown and white kids in grades 4 through 8 are being bused. <v Speaker>The big secret is not how little integration is in the plan. <v Speaker>That's the hidden agenda of the big sell, but that any desegregation has been ordered <v Speaker>at all. Perhaps the community's main desire, given the inevitability <v Speaker>of some court ordered desegregation, is for our children to return to school without <v Speaker>violence. <v Speaker>The writing and selling of the desegregation plan began in the mind of one man, <v Speaker>William Mac Taylor, federal judge for the Northern District of Texas. <v Speaker>Taylor grew up here in the park cities, the establishment's bedroom community, <v Speaker>a green, affluent, segregated oasis in the middle of the city. <v Speaker>Mac Taylor went to Highland Park, not Dallas schools, and he didn't yearn to be <v Speaker>the judge in the Dallas case. <v Speaker>Taylor often says from the bench that he's no ivory tower federal judge. <v Speaker>He doesn't believe desegregation is the sole responsibility of the federal court.
<v Speaker>Taylor argues eloquently that we all bank presidents and grocery store clerks <v Speaker>alike have a stake in the public schools. <v Speaker>Taylor has said repeatedly that he abhors massive busing. <v Speaker>When the fate of the docket landed this case <v Speaker>in Mac Taylor's lap, he decided he was one federal judge who wouldn't ram <v Speaker>a desegregation order down the community's throat. <v Speaker>Not just because he's part of the community, but because the plan wouldn't work without <v Speaker>the support of the community and its leaders. <v Speaker>He insisted for years in vain that desegregation was an opportunity <v Speaker>to bolster a faltering school system, an opportunity for Dallas <v Speaker>to have the best public schools in the nation. <v Speaker>But in 1971, the time of his first order, the business community <v Speaker>walked out on him. The result was a marginal plan, never accepted <v Speaker>or enforced. Since then, Dallas must have realized school integration <v Speaker>could not be forestalled forever.
<v Speaker>This time, the community and the business establishment answered his call <v Speaker>and we got an order tailor made by and for Dallas. <v Speaker>In September, Judge Taylor began a series of unusual public pronouncements from <v Speaker>the bench. Certainly unorthodox considering standard federal court procedure. <v Speaker>He criticized busing and asked instead for quality education. <v Speaker>He appealed to the community, especially the business establishment, for help. <v Speaker>He asked for a negotiated settlement. <v Speaker>In October, the Dallas Alliance, an umbrella organization of civic groups, <v Speaker>the younger, more liberal establishment, created a tri ethnic task force to write <v Speaker>a desegregation plan. From that moment, if not long before, the parties, <v Speaker>the black and brown plaintiffs and the white dominated school board, took a back seat <v Speaker>in their own trial. The people who could make or break implementation took <v Speaker>the front seat. In February, the hearings proper began. <v Speaker>All parties fiercely argued and presented their own plans.
<v Speaker>But on April 7th, Judge Taylor handed down his final order. <v Speaker>The alliance plan, heavy laden with quality education, de-emphasizing <v Speaker>desegregation. <v Speaker>But long before the business community, which helped write the plan, had begun making <v Speaker>sizable commitments to its implementation. <v Speaker>Commitments to the school district for expertise, executives on <v Speaker>loan and a wealth of resources. <v Speaker>I think most of us are delighted to be asked. <v Speaker>Uh it's a viable situation. Uh we think uh we can make a positive contribution <v Speaker>and we're very excited about it. <v Speaker>If you had to put a dollar figure on the business community's contribution, what would it <v Speaker>be? <v Speaker>I don't think you could put a dollar contribution on it. <v Speaker>Because of the expertise you mean? <v Speaker>What would you pay uh John Martinsson for what he's done? <v Speaker>Betty Marcus uh. <v Speaker>I don't think you can put a dollar figure on uh I I think public education in general <v Speaker>in this country is in great, great, great difficulty.
<v Speaker>In public education the right of every child to have a quality <v Speaker>education uh at the expense of the taxpayer is really in the mainstream <v Speaker>of what this country is all about. <v Speaker>Being involved to improve the quality is a lot more <v Speaker>uh viable issue than being involved to uh complete some sort <v Speaker>of a numerical equation. <v Speaker>You know, I I think the emphasis here is on quality education, which is really <v Speaker>what all the desegregation is about to try to get uh equal quality education for all the <v Speaker>children. <v Speaker>I think uh most businessmen understand that and and realize how important it is <v Speaker>to the basic fabric of the community. <v Speaker>A massive accelerated construction and renovation program began for the 4 high <v Speaker>school magnets called for by the plan. <v Speaker>Each school has an advisory committee of businessmen working on curriculum as well <v Speaker>as resources and facilities. <v Speaker>We will definitely be ready. <v Speaker>Jack Miller, president of the Sanger Harris department store chain and Rene Martinez,
<v Speaker>the Coordinating Chamber of Commerce official, took a tour of 2 magnets just <v Speaker>before school began. ?Inaudible? Tech, the old Mexican-American school, and <v Speaker>Booker T Washington the old black high school. <v Speaker>I knew there was a limited amount of rockets we could make uh ya know... <v Speaker>short timespan. That's really why I came today to see what kinda progress has been made. <v Speaker>I think that with the the individuals and Dr. Wells's staff and so forth, they've <v Speaker>done a tremendous job. Classic example. <v Speaker>When they started uh renovating this facility, uh we could not <v Speaker>do complete specs and plans it would have taken us this long to do specs and plans as to <v Speaker>do the job. So the architects have literally walked through on a day to day basis and <v Speaker>said, this is what we want you to do and this is how you do it. <v Speaker>Sure. <v Speaker>I've been a-astounded at the physical <v Speaker>job that the school district has done in converting <v Speaker>um some rundown old buildings and going concerns. <v Speaker>When white flight starts, um the
<v Speaker>thing that follows is a decline in um in real <v Speaker>estate values, a decline in uh business activity within <v Speaker>the city uh and a decline in the general <v Speaker>uh uh character of the city. And uh I think that it was this <v Speaker>more than any other one uh reason that <v Speaker>uh induced me to accept the uh request from uhDave Fox and <v Speaker>Jack Miller to uh go to work on the Arts Magnet High School. <v Speaker>I think that I think that uh everyone here in Dallas uh, not only <v Speaker>uh who were directly involved in the school plan, but uh all other uh <v Speaker>segments of the community felt that this was one great opportunity to avoid the <v Speaker>uh disasters that had occurred in in other cities when uh <v Speaker>court ordered integration came along and uh there-therefore everybody put their uh
<v Speaker>best effort into making it work. <v Speaker>I don't like to use the word responsible because that's misleading [laughs]. <v Speaker>There are a lot of responsible people here. But let's say the commercial interests, the <v Speaker>bankers, the public utilities and the business interests and the real estate people. <v Speaker>Um an-and honestly go at it in <v Speaker>a way that's uh not completely self-serving. <v Speaker>There is there's a there's an element of public service here. <v Speaker>You see, we have uh we've had uh businessmen in public office. <v Speaker>And um I think the businessmen here <v Speaker>uh are uh very conscious of the fact that they have to <v Speaker>uh they can't just uh have things their own way without taking <v Speaker>cognizance of the political realities and the social realities <v Speaker>of the of the situation. <v Speaker>Why is the business community behind the court order?
<v Speaker>One reason is clearly Judge Taylor, who invited business leaders in before <v Speaker>and during the hearings in and outside the courtroom. <v Speaker>Judge Taylor is the man who de-emphasized the adversary proceeding and included <v Speaker>a community group as the most important party to the suit. <v Speaker>Judge Taylor ordered only minimal desegregation in this conservative southwestern <v Speaker>city. Dallas Federal Judge Sarah T. <v Speaker>Hughes might be another reason the business leaders could go to Taylor with relief <v Speaker>if liberal Judge Hughes had gotten the case, Dallas might really have had to integrate <v Speaker>schools. <v Speaker>Bill Hunter, school board president, a man of conscience and deep religious convictions <v Speaker>is probably another reason. <v Speaker>Hunter brought the business community, the Dallas Alliance and the school board together, <v Speaker>sometimes against the early wishes of some of the trustees. <v Speaker>Hunter helped prevent a school board from appealing Judge Taylor's order. <v Speaker>Then there are the business leaders themselves. <v Speaker>Dave Fox of Fox and Jacobs Realtors was one of the white members of the Alliance Task
<v Speaker>Force, which wrote the plan. <v Speaker>Like the others, he agreed to trade important administrative positions for minorities <v Speaker>in the school district in return for minimal desegregation, this <v Speaker>was the key bargaining point in Dallas's negotiated, community drawn plan. <v Speaker>Black and brown leaders went with the alliance plan in exchange for some power <v Speaker>in the administration of the school district and in exchange for the promise that the <v Speaker>all black East Oak Cliff subdistrict would provide top quality education. <v Speaker>The decision was controversial then and it's controversial today. <v Speaker>It will hold up only if the promises are kept. <v Speaker>Central control, this is the command base.
<v Speaker>You've got a copy. <v Speaker>Yeah. Just checking this out. You read it loud and clear? <v Speaker>Affirmative. <v Speaker>This is the Dallas Independent School Districts Command Post for desegregation. <v Speaker>A communications, troubleshooting, rumor control center staffed around <v Speaker>the clock the first two weeks of school. <v Speaker>It's a visible symbol of the immense amount of preparation done by the community <v Speaker>and done by the school district weeks before school opened. <v Speaker>It's also one of the meeting rooms for Network: a broad, loosely organized coalition <v Speaker>of 32 civic and community groups. <v Speaker>Network includes representatives from business, the religious community, the PTAs, <v Speaker>organizations and agencies, school advisory committees, higher <v Speaker>education, youth groups and realtors. <v Speaker>One of Network's tasks is to reach the citizen with information to replace <v Speaker>rumors and fears. <v Speaker>For 2 consecutive Saturdays at 54 locations in grocery stores and supermarkets <v Speaker>throughout Dallas, literally hundreds of volunteers explained about the opening
<v Speaker>of school. <v Speaker>And this will be city wide. <v Speaker>This Sunday afternoon gathering is a backyard school party for Preston Hollow Elementary. <v Speaker>The court order won't affect the early grades here, but about 180 minority kids <v Speaker>will be bused for grades 4 through 6. <v Speaker>Some parents are considering taking their children out of school to go to private <v Speaker>schools. Others are considering leaving the district. <v Speaker>But other parents decided to throw this party to talk them out of it. <v Speaker>And I found from time to time that as I'd visit with people, I felt like they <v Speaker>were making decisions based on emotion rather than on facts. <v Speaker>And so we decided to neighbors in the some of the neighbors around here decided that <v Speaker>maybe it would be a good thing if we could get people to come together and people who had <v Speaker>some questions or whether you had questions or not and kind of get them together. <v Speaker>And uh with the idea that we wanted to support and back
<v Speaker>Preston Hollow. Preston Hollow is happily has a super principle. <v Speaker>It has a fine staff. They've got some great programs planned for the fall. <v Speaker>So in looking the situation over, I came to the conclusion that the school we've got <v Speaker>is a great school and I kind of wanted to spread the word myself [laughter]. <v Speaker>And uh so that's the purpose ?of the meeting?. <v Speaker>Well, I'm sorry. I'll introduce you now. <v Speaker>Well, you don't have ?a ticket here?. <v Speaker>This mass meeting of all the new teachers sponsored by network and all the area <v Speaker>Chambers of Commerce is another network project. <v Speaker>The mayor and business leaders gathered to assure all that the entire community backs <v Speaker>the plans. <v Speaker>What are you gonna to teach with us? <v Speaker>I'm gonna teach reading or English I'm not sure yet. <v Speaker>We got a great system. <v Speaker>Tell them about ?it?. <v Speaker>Ladies and Gentlemen, if I could have ?just this much? of your attention. Okay.
<v Speaker>This uh next fella uh <v Speaker>cut his teeth on uh, if he's cut <v Speaker>him yet, on uh being president of the school <v Speaker>board and uh some of his friends <v Speaker>in town went out and just conscripted him to um <v Speaker>become mayor of Dallas. This is Mayor Robert S. <v Speaker>Folsom, uh mayor of Dallas [applause]. <v Speaker>I would like to take this opportunity this morning to say thank you <v Speaker>to this 400 plus teachers, plus the few thousand <v Speaker>additional teachers in our public school system that we in Dallas and city <v Speaker>of Dallas are counting on your contributions and tireless efforts <v Speaker>to educate our children [music begins to play].
<v Speaker>[Singing] Sometimes we think we overstep our bounds. <v Speaker>We're regulating everything in town, but we're <v Speaker>in that kind of fix. In 1976, we ?inaudible? <v Speaker>do not intend to let you down. <v Speaker>I'm a super superintendent of the schools and no <v Speaker>one ?inaudible? works ?for me?. <v Speaker>The first teacher association would like to pick this up next year and do this in each <v Speaker>school. <v Speaker>This is one of the last network meetings before the start of school. <v Speaker>The business community, the religious community, everybody from the League of Women <v Speaker>Voters to the Boy Scouts and the Police Department report on current projects. <v Speaker>The Board of Education, as you know, is interested in community and put in involving the <v Speaker>community. And as such, it has established over recent years several <v Speaker>advisory committees. ?Inaudible? The area as chairman of the Mexican-American Advisory <v Speaker>Committee and the new chairman of these district advisory committees.
<v Speaker>They have met recently. They share information and ideas. <v Speaker>And we've asked him to report to that group today. <v Speaker>Frank? <v Speaker>Alright, uh let me add uh one thing uh. The budget committees are made up of made up of <v Speaker>community of people. And in that respect, this community of people help out <v Speaker>by discussin' and supportin' the plan <v Speaker>and the community where they live and the schools where they where they volunteer. <v Speaker>George Taylor attended and was well pleased. <v Speaker>I'm amazed I'm uh really at a loss for words. <v Speaker>To say that I'm pleased or gratified or thrilled <v Speaker>or excited. All of these would be masterpieces <v Speaker>of understatement, really. <v Speaker>What this community has done... <v Speaker>or these people have done to mobilize <v Speaker>uh this community as is bound to be unique in the <v Speaker>annals of judicial history.
<v Speaker>The Dallas establishment has outmaneuvered both the diehard segregationists <v Speaker>and the integrationists. So far, the establishment has defuzed the passions <v Speaker>of those who would take to the streets. <v Speaker>Segregation academies are being set up in this city and there's always the chance for <v Speaker>more resistance than we've seen so far. <v Speaker>Still, there's more than a little irony here. <v Speaker>Since 1963, some outsiders see Dallas as the home for violence, <v Speaker>assassination and the right wing. <v Speaker>Instead, Dallas seems to be operating as a united community <v Speaker>on a kind of enlightened conservatism. <v Speaker>But these methods obviate dissent. <v Speaker>The back and forth of dissent, which can bring about acceptance of diversity, <v Speaker>indifference never quite happens here. <v Speaker>The establishment gives a little but maintains control. <v Speaker>A black is accepted if he or she is of the correct social class. <v Speaker>The establishment tells a black businessman, you can't marry <v Speaker>my daughter, but come on in and smoke my cigars, have a drink, see what things
<v Speaker>look like from my viewpoint. <v Speaker>The Dallas public school system could not have bought or beg the support from the <v Speaker>community and the business establishment it now enjoys. <v Speaker>That's a remarkable achievement in this day of crisis for urban public education. <v Speaker>But there are at least 2 questions. 1, will it last? <v Speaker>And finally, is Dallas learning anything about the diversity and richness <v Speaker>of all its cultures? Or is Dallas still trying to buy time against the <v Speaker>inevitable?
The Selling of the Plan
Producing Organization
Contributing Organization
The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia (Athens, Georgia)
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Program Description
"The Dallas public school system faced Federal Court hearings for [desegregation] at a time when violence appeared to be the consequence of court-ordered busing in many American cities. Reporter Susan Caudill covered the hearings and the district and the community's subsequent efforts to insure a smooth implementation of the plan in the weeks before school began. The film aired the first week of school as commentary and analysis on the preparation for [desegregation], and the city's attempt to involve broad-based community work and support for the plan. Caudill also examined the factors that went into Dallas' apparent success in producing a community drawn plan, as opposed to plans proposed by the [black] and brown plaintiffs or the white-dominated, conservative school board. The film develops the motivation behind the work of the city's conservative business establishment in helping to write and promote community acceptance of a plan, which, so far, is being implemented with only minimal resistance. A central point of the commentary is that the way Dallas responded to school desegregation is characteristic of the way Dallas traditionally responds to urban problems especially problems relating to race relations. A new factor in the establishment's work was the changing character of the establishment itself, today more diversified, working to include more minorities, women and working people in its own ranks. The film documents what may be [unprecedented] community involvement in implementing court-ordered [desegregation] and analyzes what features of the plan made it acceptable to most community elements as well as the powerful Dallas establishment. The film is also an experiment in techniques -- attempting to communicate fairly abstract comment and analysis by standups juxtaposed with film of specific community activities."--1976 Peabody Awards entry form. The program examines how the Dallas business community sold school desegregation to the city by using an advertising agency, community leaders, and business people. The program includes several ads used in the campaign by Blum Advertising. Sam Blum also called in Hollywood talent to create a thirty minute film for the ad campaign, and the program features footage from the production of this film. The Dallas Alliance Plan relied on voluntary desegregation through the use of magnet schools, downplaying desegregation and instead promoting quality education for all students. The plan actually includes a minimal level of integration, but black community leaders agreed in exchange for more minorities in administrative positions in schools. The program covers the renovations and efforts in converting the old high schools into the new magnet schools. Finally, the program covers the efforts to spread information about the openings of new schools in the weeks leading up to the beginning of the school year. Focuses on how the Dallas business community sold desegregation to the city by using an advertising agency, community leaders, and business people. The "Dallas Alliance Plan" downplayed desegregation and promoted quality education for all students. The president of the school board, Bill Hunter, promised minorities more administrative positions in schools in exchange for a minimal level of integration. Includes interviews with advertiser Sam Blum, Judge William Mack Taylor and Dave Fox of the Alliance Task Force. The plan provided for minimal changes and received community support.
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Director: Collier, Christi
Interviewee: Blum, Sam
Interviewee: Fox, Dave
Interviewee: Taylor, William Mack
Producing Organization: KERA
Reporter: Caudill, Susan
AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia
Identifier: cpb-aacip-3fa3724871f (Filename)
Format: U-matic
Duration: 0:31:10
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Chicago: “The Selling of the Plan,” 1976-08-23, The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed February 22, 2025,
MLA: “The Selling of the Plan.” 1976-08-23. The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. February 22, 2025. <>.
APA: The Selling of the Plan. Boston, MA: The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from