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don johnson dahl once again welcome to word on words the book in sheep's clothing and against the best selling author mary munnell welcome to work i mean you've read and i don't like ugly god still don't like ugh lay down red light was an other books and now in sheep's clothing item and fruity your heroine of short of so as you encounter there is indeed in sheep's clothing absolutely talk about were trudy came from the other notary it yes i know a lot of trees i think of myself as a a version of truly she's just an ordinary woman and she does have is to make some bad choices and these choices almost get her killed the source is almost get a kale and i'd say i worry about alternate has a book about how you can get truly out over trouble you open cruz did a mother with a flight
attendant at every day and owned a liquor store yes and she work on a liquor store and incomes follow a poster with a pesto any robs are an inundation of backroom at gunpoint subjected to sexual head yes and she just before going to work for one of this is the last day on this town less damage than done shu you repressed says the fact the issue of sexual assault years to death so many women do that it all absolutely and it down in her case it had a lot to do with their choices he made she was getting back not back not just at the the gaggle of abuse or assaulted her but everything that had happened in her life up to that point and that was the start of the camel's back though when you're creating a store like to serve do you and we're going to want it is seven now yeah this is i'm six now and the end of it and you're working on a seventies but tell me
really in writing a story like tradition do you work from about why aren't you get the story and yet harold henderson i'd i always start with an outline i do an outline and i decide how many chapters i wanted to be how many pages i wanted to be and then i fill in the blanks you know i have an outline i developed the main character anna supporting characters and then i just put them in different situations situations within that outlines and now i do a lot of the rights i know yes i end and in the process it a real follow consulate you knew that utility asset where tree was go oh yeah i knew the trouble she was going to send it then you knew how deep that troubles have ended you know both gonna be closure at the yearly i didn't know well when i did the first draft i had to go i went through about three chats before i knew how the closure was going to happen and how as guaranteed under the master's to get yourself into well i think we want talk about the storied cities in a real sense of sort of mystery
story obviously those who you are our viewers so you go out by the book on on what remained was a believe that little tidbit dangling phone but let's talk about free from what she goes to work for bon voyage and she really sellers the secretary secretary to try and shoot animals and she leads pan and when you are and loop looping reps and they want you know non asians red rests right with envoy on espn and their place is really a successful yeah they're doing quite well and that that's one of the things that impressed joe teenage girls from the little neighborhood liquor store to an exciting travel agency and he represents alot to hurt represents the state that she's been looking for in the posters on the wall
the issues are young black woman yes a company that's her run by white man yeah and really run by another blackwater black woman end is an interesting she saw him and she gets to fade almost like that personality submit birth of personality you know land before the lamb yes unfortunately and i have worked with people like and she can be so maine and she can be so nice and shouldn't be so sweet that's right she has tough times for us to get our own agenda and she does her own agenda talk well let's say that for another and our own agendas pardon the street military about that the pan and when dr her looked really the two reps with whom she interacts them are yes they dared them the administrative support my bombay bond and if you would call it there and she
learns a lot from them about an and the company in the way things work and but she has to keep an eye on them to because they eat their apple what they can get so each person at this agency is out what he or she can get that you think is possible a company obviously all those are untitled stretch the us is less to save actors i ask when you think it's possible to go away with credit card fraud to the extent that pretty literally why i i think so because she's in a small company and she's the only one who's in charge of making the payments on the credit card but that the two credit cards in her possession and you can get away with it for for a while and i'd like to think that if she hadn't you know they hadn't caught up but the troubles had caught up with her when he did eventually something would have happened to you on a present a piano teacher she would he coulda made restitution not at all there comes a time well let's talk about the source of thing she does for a fortune about follow jeff she's
the ten years and james is a business and you know he's not the audio night to shine on that it can actually watch yeah and he's comfortable verily at the very least she likes to be around them yet as an air bed dotes on her and she is the most wonderfully and well and he's sort of a self the southern personality and moves every time she was throughout town he gets sick he gets they say they want to be sure you leave the dock in a number where it might not be a widow is on characters manipulating know i've known a lot of death have a buddy loves is in an
event on a bier de milo what she'd done never really comes to grips with what she's done she bumps into a lot of bad people to indiana worst as lobo you think so i at the global so rojas iowa lobo the dangerous conduct a lot about that well you know as i like to think of him as a thug with a heart you know he had some some good qualities to the head at a regular job he was very damning or unity and his girlfriend which is her best the best friend and that the children so he says you know he wasn't such a bad garrett joined us from sin and freddie gray haired man and freddie she shares everything with sony shares everything with her very reluctantly but in her always seemed she encourages her to continue this masquerade we got a sense of
trees the problem for life from occasional arranged it on her mom she lost her mom and her brother and then she says you know she says so she doesn't have a much of a relationship with the other family members and it's just her and her father so she says that person in a way and here's where i end of the brain in which she sees a hand and that part that disease and going off a cliff in and body that it's the ground is certainly yes and that's sort of a metaphor for relationship between the writer that that's right that's an interesting it's all of metaphysical aspect of fun and one by going off a cliff add your own body there on the ground and then it turns out you been
scanning and right and there's a big its camera vans a big as cameron all right now your new show and move them to you elmo is it right she's got me in and sweet and mom talk a little bit about that scene where and quit sending trudy by this time his into the credit cards have a baby and she's off from beyond the forest to get mobile veteran as an id passport and other things in and name but what she doesn't know is that and is digging an even deeper hole than she's doing with them a lot of really dangerous people that the errors in legal theory alone but how did let's just talk about that with credit card fraud from a bum bum the festering they she know is she alternately is going to court and she
and she talks to herself about what a miserable person shoes and how she is worse than that anybody else around her daughter self loathing that develops because she's going to lose the fraud but she can get out of that now and she keeps saying well in this song you know and she didn't have a plan it was it's gonna play itself out and win and disappears she looks at that as a way of harm ending it because it doesn't end that increases the situation at every step and have her upping the any i mean you you know she'll buy for any launch best restaurant as additional by homeless people all theologies we don't live there but i mean it does that have to be on was personally she would treat anybody that you know anyone in mexico on one of your trip to mexico you know they get the right
met with mexico well that say oh god that's right and the n and that's got a second idea of the ideas i am there comes a moment there comes a moment when she gets a call from angelino logie of credit for are investigating fraud investigator for about i guess talk about that same because that over that for me what a wakeup call to do when it should have been you know it was in a way her wake up call because it was the first time she'd had contact with somebody on the other side so that you who's letting her know that we are what we have island you an arm she played an off really well and that's it had been her virtually get out to stop don't use it just talk the apartment and everything else but she did and if she had stopped at that point she would've ended up in the mess that she ended up in that you look stupid she looked a point where some of the firemen were out in lyon called talk about amish you buy a thing off critical
anything shoes she marked her penny helps it almost got caught when she went and picked up the point reading alright initiative and steven bach approaches flowers for that but that the sister's funeral with the crackdown and for aunts sister's funeral which you buy flowers friends sisters you know with and fragrant only men and she's a very cold war but oh she's very comfortable she just occasionally yeah she and you know she had you know made peace with the salon when she signed the wrong name on a credit card slipped once and that the phone call from the fraud investigator and then there was a time when her father was how to have a conversation with her and he was addressing her and she didn't realize it was hers she was killing herself as a man so this personality had just literally taken her over and she was she was here that she was a train wreck she was a mentor to how some fires which laws to work
and have nobody very nobody's going to extinction not all hurt her friends can only do so much freddie and local you know they were accepting all of that the three trips to mexico and although the free gear senate and the money and the troops to reno all the gamut and all that so i made it in their own way they did or deserted her you know toward him and when i said the jig is up did they went on off and ended up in another city in he's leveling their leftover never happens to talk a minute of the day about the attacker and then i know we seem early we see we see her of salt or early during a robbery yet so we see in late at the bailout on talk about how we save my oppose that so that has that is i think that's the key to the
lock victor this is mr but but it you knew at the outset when you had him whole route that he would go on behalf of the assad regime and throughout that whole experience shoes struggling with how among going to possibly get out when she sums up at one point she finds out that oh you should take some of a salary every week someone them back online letter thinking that of course and i'm sure the plan she her plan was to pay eventually pay off the credit cards it wasn't a realistic plan because the way she looked at it it would take her with them practically the rest of the light yeah you said that out and figuring out who she finally things about they got this much on each paycheck it'll take me and she says oh my god take twenty year absolutely absolutely for those you just tuning in or talking to american rowe about her new book in sheep's clothing
how did feel to be a bestselling author have your va which are problematic the bestselling game controller i mean it was a struggle to get that first book published and then it was another struggle to get that second book published the second book is the one that really got me going we you know the publisher loved it went into its third printing after two months and i had a contract out for a book a year so i can tell you it feels like to walk into a store like they just didn't see a big display with books all six of my books with my name prominently displayed in that he doesn't dream come true isn't to say i just wanna jump up there and dance good answer so you go and become an orphan i don't i mean i didn't decide it was i would eat it was decided for me because i started telling stories when i was a toddler and started making a fictional characters when i was three and four years old and i started writing stories as soon as i learned how they're the alphabet as soon as i learned how to write start writing little fairy tales on groups who yell great call on the backs of
brown paper bags ah detergent boxes in hymn books and church whatever i can get my hands on end and by the time i was twelve i had decided that i would be a famous artist and they saw it as a sign of peace to reader's digest and i i sat there waiting for a check when i didn't get it and what i got was my first rejection letter delivers <unk> know why i collected enough you could probably circle the globe couple times it because it was of a big struggle for me my first novel the upper room received fifty five rejection letters and it took two years for a salad so it was very hard to right now because i have a cup and commit you know have a publisher that is really pushing promoting me there was a sudden <unk> yeah every room was the first that was in eighty five and i don't like ugly hit yet yet they're so well above what was done still lovable are yes baby did an update now they won a third book with the
same characters and we're in that's got don't play well like it receives hundreds of e mail from a lot of young people now it's not in the young adult book but a lot of middle school kids and a lot of high school kids are doing a book report on god don't like ugly and got so eloquently so i don't think i'm a disorderly in let's just go back for a moment to to truly and how are those talks have gone relative truth i don't know if they'll be able to relate to trudy the ways you do it's more low i did definitely oriented story but i think get with the weight you know the way kids are now with what they can the movies and the books that they do like i think there's enough entertainment in the story that they will enjoy it as much hopefully as much as a joint that are like that that works because it's inhuman to your retina and that it's a fast and easy
reid and i do that on purpose to you know correlate those shows about is not just what's in the bullpen or so what's in london the heart of a writer and an how writers write an how tough it is to get a first novel published and then the nuns already knew the first of thirty six now half of what it was the regiment of writing how do you go on i write something every day even if it's just one sentence and some days i'll sit at the computer for twelve to fourteen hours and i'll put together twelve or fourteen chapters cause i read it really fast but sometimes it really lazy and i wouldn't want to do anything but the characters are in my head just screaming to get out if i don't put something down on paper i usually forget it's going to get out and if i don't put them down on
paper a record something i forget it in a fight i go back and capture an earlier idea it's never the same so for me it's always a butchery notepad and a pin with me at all times so you if you are the caravan way or has drawn ariz or wake up in the morning and i keep a notepad right by my night nightstand one evening i was out with friends in a restaurant and i was driving home and i had an idea that's a moment that i don't and i couldn't find him well i put my car along the side of the road and without my lips to the lipstick and had some scrap paper dolls and i had some ideas and i just wrote jotting down some key words so i and by the time i got home i just ran two computer know you say on you do some country blues when you write it to fourteen hours a day when when do you start it i am an early morning person i usually get up
between three and four when it's still dark and it's still quiet i live in an apartment building and he can become a noisy and so i sit there and get as much work done as i can get before noon and every word myself i said ok if i can do the five chapters before noon i'll go to the mall and i don't do five chapters before noon and i go to the mall anyway because i deserved and then i can i can go in the bookstore and they would each trip to the bookstore for me it's like an adventure because the books were the creative nourishment that i need to keep me going he devoted now busy during writers blah i never i don't even know what i've never had it you always get them along with me always who and i have friends who are always have been blocked or six my aunt had been blocked for a year and i said oh i would just die it i can imagine just being a sitting there with no
ideas at all you know i don't even know what that feels like the hummer through oily you do i do like i do with the manuscript for one my novels i re write are maybe forty five times like i write so fast that i can do a book and be done with it in less than six months and sometimes two months ago about editing kosher well may help they get a lot of editing with the upper roman god don't like ugly but with this book and the book but that it has turned in they didn't have to do a lot of editing you argue would your attitude now and i say i don't like this of a lobbying that we do accept that i have so far a lizard that they have said that yeah they had parts in the god not like other books where the main characters she suddenly seemed to become a different personality and so she was inconsistent anymore not adequate and said you know it makes it unique to explain why she has suddenly started to be a very certain way or
either go back and just continue because consistency and so it's little things like that that i have to work on the editorial things like that is a hard too two for you to a couple of fame a new thing i mean upper room one store but then you have got a life of a gotcha like ugly and you're writing about the same basically the same person out and more than one personality again and then and then the question is there and i don't know maybe this little orphan annie them be in the funnies for fifteen and not getting older are a migrant in another strip the soup will be a trilogy or would change pace annoyed about something else was it tough to change things for example about rudy know wasn't tough because cheney was
and i'm in the original version of my last novel red light liable years she was one of the original prints and that story had become so big that my agent said you know this book sunday a thousand pages by the time he died and i took her out and gave her her own story her own situation and she was going to be one of the hookers hang get the money to pay back their credit card that was her we're going but no it was very very easy so you can make that shape raise your shift gears let's begin with you know rob parker who writes mr niles her as a character and he told me that then a he has great difficulty fifteen years amanda is a couple times he's brought about writing with somebody else how to get out of there get away from this character the fall in love with
our hangout question now well let's we've got about them and have one can talk to me about the next bush the next will act to god i don't like ugly i the next book is the third in their gut don't like that the series and i don't know that i'm that it affords one another because my readers just seemed to be in love with these two main characters and that and wrote it in such a way that they won't let me in the story you know i had to finish the book got the play is the title of a new book that's coming out i don't put out dull play the characters are older there are about moved them up to the nineties and had children are older the homicidal best friend rocher her daughter her daughter is now an adult and she's just like amman so it'll be only issue is it'll be like two versions of rhoda and both wreaking havoc is that part of your complete and i want that with that its employees and already edited know it's being added it right now i'm working on the next one the next book is deliver me from evil and it's about a
desperate housewife who arranges her own kidnapping what phone with the awareness that it home just like that i don't know what i want to live television and i like them desperate housewives fan so i like to let that the notion of a desperate housewife so i created my own desperate housewife and i put in a situation that you just thought oh i can get out of this any only way she was going to be able to get itself out of it was to get some money we've now i'm so glad we're at length of a calming thank all of you for watching and johnson and of your own words your reading
A Word on Words
Episode Number
Mary Monroe
Producing Organization
Nashville Public Television
Contributing Organization
Nashville Public Television (Nashville, Tennessee)
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In Sheep's Clothing.
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This record is part of the Literature section of the Soul of Black Identity special collection.
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Producing Organization: Nashville Public Television
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Nashville Public Television
Identifier: ADB0040 (Nashville Public Television)
Format: DVCPro
Duration: 28:00
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: cpb-aacip-524-kp7tm73181.mp4 (mediainfo)
Format: video/mp4
Generation: Proxy
Duration: 00:27:54
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Chicago: “A Word on Words; 3405; Mary Monroe,” 2006-00-00, Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed July 4, 2024,
MLA: “A Word on Words; 3405; Mary Monroe.” 2006-00-00. Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. July 4, 2024. <>.
APA: A Word on Words; 3405; Mary Monroe. Boston, MA: Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from