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bert bert bert bert <unk> national educational television represents perspectives one hundred frustrating years after the emancipation proclamation the negro community has arrived at the decision to celebrate his centennial an all out effort to achieve full rights now this summer the men who have come here today to sit down and talk with us on the leaders of the negro community whoever so and the risk of transforming the american ideal into reality these men sometimes labeled the big five are the captains of fire the most vigorous organizations different in their history their methods and their means but united in their purpose they leave the battle for freedom now roy
wilkins is executive secretary of the oldest and biggest negro organization the national association for the advancement of cork people its campaign against segregation has a starkly centered on legal and legislative proceedings but at its convention in chicago a few weeks ago thousands of delegates and their leaders insisted upon more militant direct action whitney young junior is executive director of the national urban league with chapters and sixty five cities and the largest budget and professionals ornate organizations the urban league seek civil rights progress through briar biracial cooperation and important social service programs james farmer is national director of core the congress of racial equality core which pioneered the city and techniques in the
early forties and more recently the freedom rides is active in the north as well as in the south the reverend martin luther king jr a symbol of active nonviolence is the founder and the president and the southern christian leadership conference dr king who receive national and international prominence after the nineteen fifty six when gummi bus boycott coordinated the recent demonstrations in birmingham james forman is executive secretary of the student nonviolent coordinating committee formed in nineteen sixty at a rally meeting of the southern negro college students it has provided vigorous youthful leadership in segregation protests and has spearheaded the voter registration drives now to open this conversation almost dr
kenneth clark professor of psychology at the city college of new york tell my thirty one a thank you for taking time out of turning busy schedule to talk with us this evening i know that the entire country and certainly the president in those states and from congressman would like to know about the plans for a march on washington a little pins would you like to tell us what are the plans as of this date i was secretary will plans with a nightcap there will be more terror wars force and as was announced after conference with the chief of police in horsham dc the plan is for a huge march from the lincoln memorial and i'm leading they're now on the way oh what was described as a brief demonstration of the white house
but we hope to have this an outpouring of expression on the part of the people who wish congress and the nation to know how they feel how very deeply they feel about so rights legislation i think it's fair to say wouldn't you say a martin that this is no attempt to blackjack in a body and we want to show how we feel exactly we're not going to washington to intimidate and a congressman and senator a large number of people and opportunity to chile well long ends and aspirations for freedom they desire to see meaningful forthright civil rights legislation in this session of congress and of course we also intend to paul rouse the
conscience of the nation or were the economic plight of the negro one hundred years after emancipation and i think it can have a great impact i think dramatizes you have educational value and that it will allow many people to see and understand the continued indignities and injustices which negroes confront on the nation and farrer who pour into joining us marty are indeed at a convention a couple weeks ago in dayton ohio the march on washington was given top priority for this how we consider it done extremely important and would like to say to that all over the country it has captured the imagination of hundreds of thousands of people that we don't know how many of them will be marching to washington but a goodly number will they feel keenly about this and they want the seat of government they want
the american conscience to know how i feel and i want to express whitney young of the urban league traditionally urban league about them a direct action organization nonetheless as i understand that weirdly is united in its approach to civil rights problems in america today you're aware that the president has cautioned just assumed have the march postponed or not occur how does your beliefs well they're been made about a distinction between picketing and what we would call a broader a representative group of people who are not for close to any particular institution but i simply ate witnessing their convictions in support of the president's program the national urban league will
start to cooperate with this much and i would imagine that the local urban league level that many urban leaders will be dissipating both those board members and their staff people are we see this as all in coos demonstrations believed in the president's program and since it has been declared to be an orderly demonstrations with a rally at which have my hope to be one of the people who will speak in the interest of nearby nato and preparing people for the new opportunities at this level we will be cooperation james farmer loses over the student nonviolent coordinating committee the low yesterday that it is important that marched off because there's legislation which many people have gone to jail on the substance that is that lunch counter demonstrations throughout the south have to be a us envoy to some climax and it could be done
in this public accommodations villages before the kindness nicholas just leapt dealt a lot of what people over there people will make two thousand reporter and eight with twelve miles of work and so some legislation passed to come on campus and nine states and you think about gender you are all united in the grave only applies ability of having an orderly system at a march to demonstrate the nato support for effective civil rights actually nonetheless people like magnus myers lawyer president of the organ in the blazing heat and other white liberals and friends have cautioned again it's having a major demonstration was of riots the summer how do well do without it say callas the artist the nun agnes
my after the separate because arthur gulf a boat from europe and was met with this question and it says his declaration that he'd made no condemnation of the march he simply question before purpose and anyway was doing something that he'd been out of the country for eight weeks in situation there is a decency and the reason why there is a difference keller fish and she represents i believe that opinion that the march right not to be held because will excite some money and maybe our hand and i like to say this right now it's our position you know ways to pay that the opponents of so rights legislation left no doubt as soon as the president spoke in fact even when foreigners they they began organizing their opposition and what they intended to do they're one filibuster of a lone holdout appropriation
measures there was talk and scaring the country that we're going to get a tax cut on the council rights they're doing all the only man stands and if they're going to use washington as their base of operations for opposition to this bill we don't see anything wrong with using washington as our base to indicate support for this bill in my estimation this march is going to be a one hundred percent outpouring of disgust in distress black americans and white liberals or the way that congress has handled this bill i see nothing wrong with a tall and i brush aside old people who talk about objections to the us of all i think that in any such demonstration as the march but his plan you would expect lau called pulling cries of theories for many many people who don't want to take place we were afraid that something might have footed seems to me that it reflects a lack of understanding of the nature of the times in which we are living the fact that negroes all over the country
are concerned on our rows and must express their feelings i waited a hundred years and that's too long to wait but what about white friends and liberals who worked in these organizations for many years who now say look let's not go with slate's mark twain's real why people who want to get into the markets than as a victim i can speak for myself and modernization we don't judge our friends on the basis of the color of their skin we judge among bases of the fact on whether or not that willing to go all the way with this if they're not willing to go all the way and they are not friends of ours now we've said that these are interracial organizations but you find gentleman on a girl's you are assuming the leadership and you are asking why liberals and like friends to go along with the negro speaking for himself from speaking through lights are like to make it
but i think that is a misconception that any white people who happen to serve on your boy of the committees are there for i automatically then to texas have control and restraint this is not the experience of the urban league now many white people on board was asking far more militants and i speak from that are made at their insistence not a mad men because they feel letting it will is best able to express their hopes and their longings of his people and so it is not something a position that i assume but it's one that they insisted it wasn't but this certainly is not the picture that the first apollo gave in his recent criticism of him that really sleepy and setting up the system the care that makes him the black nationalist enemies give both as being un causes for of the naacp is concerned this has been a new partnership
from the very beginning and for the past thirty three year thirty two years for the past twenty five years the negroes have furnace of the bulk of the money to carry the naacp fight and it's utterly ridiculous to talk about white people controlling organization i think and i think we ought to be clear that there is a desire on the part of negroes for self expression through leadership all for a civil rights organization that is important because the rules have been denied that self expression for so many years but this does not mean in any sense of the word as far as i'm concern that white person saw a sincere cannot because they don't cooperate and i think it's very important to have this visitation it would be very dangerous and even tragic if the struggle in the united states with civil rights be generated to all racial struggle of blacks against white so to see it is a tension between justice and injustice and we enlist
consciences and that struggle we appreciate the participation and this movement of white persons of goodwill and we have many of them fortunately and i think the number's growing every day and this helps to keep still struggle on the level and it should certainly church of wanting to participate in a way just announced that participation in the march specifically pacific language and here's to a moment on to lead not to sign they are like that the flowers not of the senate for something that jelly sandwich i think is one of the reasons why we have to have unfortunately civil rights organizations and that if we didn't have any net is these problems but he was a little egos and the madness self expression you see along the world youth and what have you the i think that norway us ten twelve years of increased militancy has
been because they have seen eagles those things as censors see part of that fight that we have ahead of seasoning is to cowboy watched you can only use a term ah the people and make them feel that they have an identity themselves that they can do something for themselves and they can be effective they can be effective and i think that the wraps this maybe you went to whine that is that the nimble man says have to in a sense seeming rows of song position of leadership and nadal think it takes the extreme position and it has to be a black chauvinist pig movement now by this point for kids a single boys and dislikes and forth for ralph bunche or someone else to be in the united nations or to have was barnstorming michigan was it what germany certainly clear to me that there is no disagreement on the advisability of a large those seem to be no question that there's going to be a march and those wars arguments and gentlemen this is not a racist marchers marched aroused americans who
want to demonstrate and so their right to petition and wellness and support the president's civil rights legislation could we can specifically to this matter of the president's civil rights legislation is this enough comment on an unspoken of the president's legislation and actually as i see the march it's not only the president's legislation because i don't think as legislation went far enough i think that some things he left out for example part three of the nineteen fifty seven veils not included which would have given the attorney general the right to work file suits on or violations of civil rights not only voting rights and schools and so forth for the more i think that drove the president might well have recommended withholding farms from segregated schools as well as quiet and technical and financial aid to those would be segregated terry's on the president lay out of a pending bill but
it was nothing out of the package no uncertain and nothing affectionate no more debate then the ability to an adequate employment he represents to enact a half to three times as great the unemployment group as the group in the country oh whitney attorney general would seem to disagree with you in terms of his testimony before congress he says that the most disturbing thing from a public accommodation segregation you know it's a difficult and i think this is a trap that many people fall into of isolating one aspect of this problem and saying this is the answer because what you've ever happens the person speaking tends to a democrat i think fathers from his responsibility the truth of the thing is is that it's a vicious circle unless people are adequately educated they can't possibly fran of good jobs and that people can find a job they came bag of housing which puts him in the neighborhoods where they can get a good education so instead of being one major thing that
sets will think that's true but it seems to me of course that the public accommodations matter which is now being batted around the sun the commerce committee is the most abrasive and pervasive of the aspects of the new life every time he steps out of his front door in the morning until he comes home at night he runs a risk someone will run restaurant certainty of this kind of the nile and humiliation and mistreatment and sometimes in the south you were in on many subtle ways you walk into a store and this year i had a year the next one of the women on the three white people come up and they get wet on first this is a matter of meet this device many places and have to ride on the back of the bus and i do want a cold call and can't get money seeing small things work and i think the attorney general was talking about things and rub people the wrong way and make them say oh all let's get rid of the tool
i think i would underscore that and you know the early hours of light which of those settlement with unnerving being covered in real menace of pronounce ways and just the infected can drag themselves and some sage came to stop at the restrooms and this is an alienating to one million our own ends well today let's it's one is lowell bailey things but i think that they have to vary as they should be covered to know and that's a question of voting deal i don't see why we can't have a universal suffrage call me ivan watson wyatt asked the distant sixth grade educational level because that's a device and i think and talk beforehand about correlating committees putting a great deal of its effort falling yellow just the only him great program on i think in the delta mississippi been won by will amplify on just how many people will be covered last six greenway literacy test nearly all we agreed to
well we estimate we couldn't of that not more than one hundred thousand negroes would be added to the rolls on literacy test this is martin you remarked on the number of males who didn't have a six created one state first fifty eight percent it wasn't as well are you saying that package does have a limitation on the radio get to test that now before the house in and suggest a universal site this is always what prisoners not twenty one the cambodian go into the army where they can be right so why shouldn't be able to vote and this is no sign that the person is an intelligent person then has some basic intelligence but because of discrimination and other conditions many of these people have had an opportunity to get an education and i think they should land
of the right to vote and that this is very basic usually that one thing that we need to avoid is saying that one part of the legislation is more important than others because this might lead the horse trading trading one car over they see on a vessel that we might find a compromised and water now we have to make a remarkable thing because it is a really the point of the problem and making is that those people you seem to feel that the president had suggested the most comprehensive things possible or not the compromise has already been made any compromise beyond this would be taking away vital legislation point that needs to be made but i still think it's true historical to be supported that no president has recommended the bill of this go for regardless of how we use software may feel its limitations than and i think we ought
to work with that day this is jim said jim farmer's set priorities and because the opposition will start concentrating on their target they say what you think is the number one this is we have to avoid roy you wait the point that no president in my lifetime as sir made this kind of a civil rights recommendation to congress why do you think the president kennedy but this he did it because the crisis was created that demanded the attention of the nation on the highest level just like when all the dust bowl is something beyond the state beyond the region and demands federal action great disaster like texas city demands national action the great flood demands national action and here we have a crisis and human rights lawyer bob
by one of the great art but all of us of course but triggered by man was that surrounds table and the iranians know about birmingham dramatize and brought in to focus what martin luther king and his associates been in birmingham made it live nation realize that last crisis and rise and rise barely an objectively the important role of martin luther king in dramatizing urgent insistence that they go the way you said that that doesn't seem to me to be consistent with the new law the persistent rumors of further rivalry among chained together as victims of the matter is
we have been meeting off and on over the past few years i remember jim form and on the land means we head down there when that martin was occasional united states jim farmer's said among twelve or fourteen weeks of along with whitney young of assessment of the solar arrays picture of projection the future and we just come from a meeting making some more plans for the march on washington or less together i think these rumors about the split as i said before martin were the signs are good while you're not put any viable bets on an ego split is gonna lose a bundle well i quite agree with the raw idea i've had were more united than ever before and since that quality of those who would like to see us return they find a sensational outpouring of them i'm convinced that we are united
in the goals we sick and that we are working together in terms of the methods this does not mean that that will have to be absolute uniformity and i think this is desirable that was a beat a diversified attack this is a complicated difficult and throughout i might add that you know here that might suggest some difference was the urban league and the direct action groups or he represented our spending question of emphasis the urban made our case of the legislation for example right now a lot of this legislation will affect life in the south but have little meaning of fuzz an office concern more cities pubs already resolved so we are extremely concerned that the slogan freedom are equal opportunity will not become a cruel hoax
hakim empty kind of thing because of other forces at work one thing seems curious to me that all of this talk about splits an internal warfare and civil rights organizations when one or two or three democrats disagree on tactics or timing was more headlines about their internal splits in warfare the same thing happened in the republican party they don't talk about warfare but for roy wilkins and i should honestly disagree on it or strategy or timing and the headline the warfare do you understand the cost and then say i like to go back to seven brought up though i can affirm that is what is the calls for this legislation because and i would agree with roy in terms of those crises and not a fact and that is at the legislation should have been introduced a long
time ago but it has now banned so that it's necessary it seems to me and i was like those out to keep a considerable amount of pressure on i mean it is in the world of glad to say in mississippi for instance it has no constitutional means that is the eastland does not represent him to achieve some solution and this has to come from the government only they simply has to demonstrate in other words agent may be black he's a wagon when bad heated up and that so that people out saddled mississippi have to become conscious of what is going on their innocence if what if that people in jail right now and talent were held today for simply being at a voter registration meeting and someone threw a small bomb in the church and they marched down to the justices peace office to protests around to the deputy sheriff when they were arrested for disturbing the peace in these all add some of this and bad news over that they will stay in jail now there's no recourse and they're in the federal courts and we don't know how this is gonna come
out of its leaders ruling on it so that this vacancy that that the organizations would make a state cabinet sands discusses the early whiff of that here if we've also to keep the pressure on the military there series of pressure different way your concept of pressure isn't exactly the same movement of the league's best data that that we just don't have to handle it the people have the vote don't realize how what they could do by writing a letter certain congressmen suddenly i have eight letters on civil rights eight from his district eight and five of those were from white people are you have to write a whole poetic you just have to write a postcard say please vote for the civil rights bill tell me do you think that this legislation or substantial part of it or all of
it will pass in this session of congress it isn't just gonna pass without a great deal of work been dominant require hard work in china require mobilizing the coordination on this legislation but i believe if we build that if we allowed this table but the people of goodwill of this image and really go out to get this legislation so there's a possibility of that it will go through we've got to get are senate those committed we've got to get congressman committee and we've got a rouse people from that epithet islam believes in art many states in the midwest where there is this tendency to engage in the coalition with some pundits a craps and i think if we can go that we can get this legislation through human though we confront difficult and i certainly agree with that driving around the country however i
hear many people make government says which seemed to indicate that they think the millennium will arrive after we get civil rights legislation that is not the case nothing could be farther from the truth even if we get the entire package the president asked plus various of the other good bills are pending before congress a good legislation does not automatically and force itself we don't have a problem of seeing to it that it isn't forced and town after town city after city and only the will of the people and fourth avenue about two years what you see in that first at how likely that i have for you at the american people that they are sufficiently convinced of the determination of mangoes to be truly free candy and the rightness of that of that aspiration and i will be terribly disappointing is not a tremendous the amount of support from all people for this legislation but i would agree with would jumpstart that this would just be
me the beginning and sometimes a lot easier to get people walk up ticket land of them to walk to the lab where it gets people to work to participate parents to demonstrate that it is to go to pta meetings that would mean you don't expect the support of the self generating what is being done to mobilize the american people to provide the type of oppression which aside from the march westward after them on all that we should make this clear that the leadership conference on civil rights which happens to chair poll drew some one hundred organizations have already had a meeting and the march is just one aspect of the whole effort one rather small aspect of the whole effort and also you have any number of groups today that a working at this format of getting letters and contacting congressmen although the hardening things about this still rouse conscience of martin's local level is the unprecedented
activity of the organized faiths you're imagining his face i think oregon plays an honest but i like to put a whole sour note here and i guess a male that i can read on television i can exhibit than the postmaster the members like that's holding up on people say that they will go back to africa you're only apes anyway in revenues so rights bill you're crazy until we were numerous of your first and more on complementary think i'm really more concerned about so called gentle people of prejudice people will say i'm with you i am far you guatemalan mother that is you know and the major writer in his business and what about the standards of the schooling lot and so for the reasons who would say maybe you should have all of this right now
these are the people coming on that i agree with you completely wide eyed cherub roy's concern about the extreme that i'm far more concerned about the good the decent people who don't know a bomb as they do in birmingham or other places in the south but they quietly pack their bags and move away and this it seems to me is more damaging to our callers and more dangerous to the protocols of integration i guess one concern about the one in between going back to africa moving away and that's basically the public officials you see you inflict all of this mentality because the millennium and i hadn't come primarily because we have nothing no laws to deal with police brutality in the south which i think is a fundamental issue in this wholesale i suppose you are very conscious of this because we are membership on the firing artillery and i've seen daily the police back in
this cave film bambi a little month ago we sell thirty bad people with holes in their needs and that is a side street inflected by the police and nothing has been done about it and now the government seems me a lot to do something about what what is what specifically would you suggest would do well i would suggest you see that the government going and thousand songs when the customs the rights of the prisoners to nap in the middle of thousands in the hands of the person i think this gets back to audrey now that list is the existing laws inadequate but yet they're not asking though it is not asking for adequate laws in this legislation i mean there's a whole ring the letters mallon greenland we are laughing get mad at the man killed maybe have escape from greenwood has the same place within the travis almost ms keil and you know when he was sad and that mcnamee weekend these people over there that say police wearing her do any good for the president conte conference of chiefs of police says there are areas in the south oh man oh look who's going through that and not
that i think it would because i think that they'll ego and puts the kettle sharks are people in alabama and the police even than dylan's other places ought to sit down face to face with the president he should ask well why you know in these things i i don't i wish i could agree with that because in all the attorney general manager taliban were recently they sat face to face in these days insults one politely robert kennedy an impolite they've long baltimore courteous part of the press what they work warren doesn't and always mind was changed and i don't think it was my which is i you know i think she's the mind of policemen like that this is stolen and if convicted and to and to convince him that the constitution has some control of the league probably has in his hand is there anyone was planning to do that for our entering into a home was a difficult areas insurance because the whole
area completely for depriving a man of the civil rights past as the food down to the last period in common not only that his in canada has been through yes i think we have an additional eleven and that is that the years of war which is why all those who are pushing for a voter registration drive if he draws a registered in large numbers down there in greenland any support from a different point of view in and some of them today and irresponsible and responsive not only to white voters but the naval voters as well or i can't but failing that there many things which have to be voting dressing for their segregation in public accommodations keeping the police from themselves being instruments include galilee pool is or how do we intend to coordinate all
these many things which was only brought civil rights irrespective i may add to that we're the campaign for biracial commissions in the south is essentially a campaign for communication because white people in the south and in the north need education on this matter and only education plan humanity as tomato that they need education on the constitutional rights of negroes and on the fact that he is a citizen he got a three hundred and forty four years and here some of them thought they'd say look what we're doing for you people well i i think this comment about the need for the biracial committees and affected the slew of them aided demands in some of these places in the south like birmingham and then we'll another simply re enforces the validity of the urban league as an organization which is an interracial group and i don't think it's any accident that ended a twelve cities where we have openings in the cell we have had the scan of
continuous of the local far communication between responsible by domingo says the army faces a mutual respect and so we've had in the military i'm sorry but i feel like you're really dealing with the question of how or workers the machinery for coordinating the various aspects of the president out of the mix well let me say that there have been discussions on the mlb contenders for a meeting next week on that will never last week this does not done conceive all of complete absence of an indication are overlapping but it was conceived out some kind of strategic department and division of labor geographically and funds we have been recently held a meeting where we appeal to the business community the private interest of this country to
support the responsible designated organizational leadership in this area that had witnesses say that the private interest shoulders town of concern to contribute so that we can channel as these hikes and aspirations and they heightened impatient and constructive land of the fair go for three one record neatly the weekend that there will be a court and made an organized structure will formalize attack on these matters and that each will be apportioned that part of his past but we will say this daylight martin said that more unity there has been before that more division of work and there's more coordination and backing up with each other than it has been for maybe in nineteen seventy five are some of the term along come over our musician when one of movies movies that why should we i was thinking or coordination for efficiency can i'd like to go back a moment of the biracial
committees if i may and expressing concern while i'm in favor of biracial committees i think that there is a danger and relying too heavily upon them because if a biracial committee exists in a given city then it may prevent top ten to hamper direct action the crime will be you've got a biracial committee put it in their hands when you may not through the biracial committee be dealing with the economic power structure which gives jobs in that community or the realtors which provide housing for what could be a disguise she was a real danger that i think that the fact that they offer communication in some instances for example you oppose the pardon of government to deal with rates we said everything that we don't in a commission only got a civil rights commission and in my estimation has done an outstanding job of providing ammunition for us to use and so are fierce cruelty of rules that the robots it could be misused they're not a fact that there is to my knowledge
i don't have no negro who is close to the president or the attorney general has a direct independent courageous is advisor on civil rights a fierce i don't know if there is a man if there were one you can be sure that at least eighteen million of atlanta mcmillan agree with and be here with martin there's no need to have a negro polls are you as a writer do you want to say i didn't think the law meant that because i think this is a mi chi thinks the individual who has been victimized of the individuals who have been victimized an uncertain they interpret an ally send
assassinating of the problem i'm more than anybody else and i think the president can understand the motive them a girl more from the negro than anybody alive is an independent their ages were an august the window dressing appointment of someone who thinks for himself and those who would be honest and courageous an intriguing satellite you know if you've never been in a city royals born and i just have to get back to after the couple wants it allows ray van and olive talk about these things and i think the president on goals of mississippi because i don't think he has any conception individual conception intellectually know suffering that's going on there but just to say some of these tracks people in a year it is finding in a sense you know a man in intervening in its assessed we are living it but we need to get
here is if we could get the whole society to somehow lose this of making a god of state right and begin to see citizens as nashville's civil rights legal what actually happened in this country as much they miss education are lacking education altogether much of the social disorders nation we see in the north that concerned us and directly be traced back to the day in defiance of the people in the north to the problems of the cell the people have become the welfare of all the crime rate of the law if we had adopted the concept of a citizen in mississippi being a citizen of the united states and we would've avoided all have problems as a way to say no received orders for word along those lines and i think the president not only look at the housing and this is npr news and in one of harlem's across the country or indeed we might say that they are all people not only being
bitten by dogs in birmingham reverend king so this month well analysts and gentleman that a program has not yet been worked out to grapple with the magnitude of this problem and the united states all of north and sign is on romney now because of the urgency and the seriousness of the situation to develop more on sort of crash program to lift their standards of the negro and to get rid of the underlying conditions at the dough so many a social evils that develops on the vessels of problems i think this is what we face at this time and i know it leads to the whole question of discrimination in reverse and all that marc dann think we've got to face a fight in this country that because of the legacy of slavery and
segregation and that the syrians of injustice and in the past we have this harvest of confusion now and we're going to continue to have and the rats go together that the announcement of the real estate brokers association some time low advising their members not that the fair housing laws the property right still came first and when you think of the billions of dollars in this country tied up and real estate there isn't much that the president united states could do was going looking into islam has been fair and then reel to reel however an obstacle there's these property rights structure in this country which isn't concerned with how many kids are bitten by rats were only the blues songs of this is precisely what i never really had a man only announces i
knew it we did announce recently out what about this domestic marshall plan and this was us is consciously your mama's name because if you recall this country spent some twelve billion dollars on the rehabilitation of europe war torn your child four year period we've been millions on refugees from cuban from hunger we've done to our planet money giving free education to veterans after the war and make it possible for them to buy a home i think the time has come for us to a nest they face up to the fact that there's a tremendous get into historical deprivation that stuff will not be pulled quickly enough unless we consciously and a member of made an established programs that call not just for equal schools a better schools and better teachers and provision far housing and and cultures recruiting at the
level of employment this has to be done in order to get rid of what i see too much of and that is the feeling of despair and hopelessness you're asking her for not only for comprehensive program which are also asking for a extra special help and support unification paul is associate myself more than i do for you there just as you find a backward child or children you have remedial classes for their child to bring up to the north and you must do something extra special for their child and willie's we conceive of the society's duty to do that you must do something extra special for the needle for having stood on his neck for two hundred and fifty or three hundred years that is the point i think that we've also have special treatment in this country with three
hundred fifty years special treatment of a negative so now what put me and the rest was asking for some special treatment because it sort of wipe out about that argument so were asking people are happy we won office and we're asking him to skip over white people or to deny white people there a chance we were saying that just giving the negro an equal brain is not enough he's suing the justice which we have become so great i mean you know to talk about a sixth grade education is undoubtedly going to say that in mississippi the families get more than two thousand quarter base of that towel not have to come out of school to help raise money to feed the other children these problems are your enemy in this universal suffrage i wonder here and asking for their special break we're not asking for a special break for the nation and around the flamenco
if this country has dozens of those are the human rights problem of the middle or us on this country moore always sung absolutely for the people that are suffering from an armed iran and visit they would give them say not only morally sound but they'll be some economic help council of economic advisors said someone's ago victim of discrimination in jobs against negroes cost country something like thirteen billion dollars a year if you gentlemen are correct then it cannot survive without instituting just the authority is it possible that the society you will choose not to survive rather than food nine cents and increasingly more people are beginning to see
immigration as an opportunity not a problem the family's only articulate people are the people in utah now some masses of american wives i couldn't dave that they are so conditioned to hate me that they would rather see the society go on there are local businesses my particular force in the country and doesn't want to see his country go under revenue a fair deal to enable he believes in a fair deal but you also want to protect itself and his job and i don't blame him i had read the number of writers on those and most eloquent writers is seen maybe is the baldwin and if i read underneath his lines there seems to be a hero the sense that maybe the american why men is not prepared for survival and justice but as i listen to them and talking to see much more
optimistic than that kenneth i would not go so far as to say that the white man has appeared not to survive in order to avoid giving legal eagle rights but i will say that i would not be prepared at the moment to put our cause to a general referendum in this country i don't think we'd win thank you you have a problem that constantly and mergers in history you have a few people who are crusaders in the right direction you always have a few people who are crusaders in the wrong direction and the vast majority are there in the middle of somewhere yeah with a great deal of apathy and complacency and i think we have this in our country today the vast majority of people are not
active integration has lacked a segregationist say a passive adherents on tuesday the school day that they're which raises the ivory and i think the job is father creative minority to work on this in a large group because i think these people are pliable to the legitimate and just demands of a negro and i do not choose to follow the path of despair because i think that that is a way out even though we do have to face the problems that have developed on the condition that has developed as a result of this problem existed in a long time but i do think there is a way out and i think that with a creative monarch is standing up with determination to solve this problem we can solve when faced with a crisis that comes through well it may have come through and regularly fashion but they've come
through and i'm convinced that they'll come through this work even though it was very deep seated emotions i think they're going to solve our i have always had the feeling that one of the major problem was that the average white citizen somehow draw correlation between state is an exclusive this and a case of racial exclusive this so that the more exclusive the neighborhood the school the the place of employment a high status now i think what he's been taught not to like you know now that the color of years but now he must be taught that this is a slanted of basic insecurity that for years and baldwin poet and he had had a reason they need to feel superior now we must say norman get people to understand that it is insecurity that make you want to take advantage of the heat that only the secure people now can move toward inclusiveness it is
the more intelligent than walk ritual people who want this counseling and all of the tragically in security today this around and sailed with scientists well i share this early out but i would say that didn't say you don't come about only in proportion to the amount of pressure that we put and most people than there were on the final and noble workers were not the table and said some laws they keep on pushing and i think we will have some changes gentlemen i'd certainly want to thank you for what's the most stimulating and to me quite instructive discussion i think the marker is indeed fortunate to have many of your breath your perspective your sense of responsibility and poetry as the leaders will probably the most significant social revolution since the eighteenth century
it certainly of my personal opinion that you five men are the contemporary versions of our founding fathers who risked so much and beard so much more freedom and liberty this has been for freedom now with james former national director of the congress of racial equality it was former executive secretary of the student nonviolent coordinating committee the reverend dr martin luther king jr president of the southern christian leadership conference executive secretary of the national association for the advancement of colored people and whitney young junior executive director of the national urban league professor of psychology university of new york for freedom
now he produced by henry morgan talk producer mary rose may a director but the cincinnati reds and would involve they had been on a man alive today if this is any tv national educational television fb
Episode Number
For Freedom Now
Producing Organization
WGBH Educational Foundation
Contributing Organization
Library of Congress (Washington, District of Columbia)
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Episode Description
Are more militant or more moderate tactics the most effective means to bring American Negroes the full benefits of citizenship? Television's most definitive and dramatic answer to that question will be seen July 22 when National Educational Television presents "For Freedom Now." The special one-hour program marks the first time the leaders of five organizations engaged in securing full civil rights for Negroes will face each other on television. Appearing on the program, to be moderated by Dr. Kenneth Clark, professor of psychology at City College of New York, will be: Roy Wilkins, Executive Secretary, NAACP; Whitney Young Jr., Executive Secretary, The National Urban League; James Farmer, National Director, CORE; Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., President, Southern Christian Leadership Council; James Forman, Executive Secretary, Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee. The program will be produced on videotape for NET by Henry Morgenthau III of WGBH-TV in Boston. According to Dr. Clark, "Among the subjects to be covered will be differences in the roles of the various organizations, including specifics such as fundraising and what job each organization feels it should do in the planned march on Washington August 28. We 'll also talk about the amount of cooperation that exists between the organizations at the grass roots level as well as nationally. In my opinion, America is fortunate in having such men as Dr. King, Roy Wilkins, James Farmer, Whitney Young, and James Forman as leaders of the Negro drive to make democracy real. Their demonstrated sense of responsibility, their clarity, and their concern for the stability of our nation make them unique as leaders of a revolutionary movement. They are the contemporary examples of the best of the American heritage and tradition." (Description adapted from documents in the NET Microfiche)
Asset type
Talk Show
Social Issues
Race and Ethnicity
Politics and Government
Media type
Moving Image
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Director: Barzyk, Fred
Executive Producer: Morgenthau, Henry, 1917-
Moderator: Clark, Kenneth
Panelist: Farmer, James
Panelist: Wilkins, Roy
Panelist: King, Martin Luther, Jr.
Panelist: Forman, James
Panelist: Young, Whitney, Jr.
Producer: Maybank, Mary Rose
Producing Organization: WGBH Educational Foundation
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Library of Congress
Identifier: FFMW (NOLA Code)
Format: 1 inch videotape
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Perspectives; 38; For Freedom Now,” Library of Congress, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 16, 2024,
MLA: “Perspectives; 38; For Freedom Now.” Library of Congress, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 16, 2024. <>.
APA: Perspectives; 38; For Freedom Now. Boston, MA: Library of Congress, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from