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the pope good evening there are two lead stories tonight the senate by an overwhelming vote condemned us involvement in the mining of nicaragua's harbors and democrats in pennsylvania also by a hefty margin in another primary victory to walter mondale also in the news today the crippled satellite was successfully retreated by the challenger astronauts and the defense department charged the soviet military purpose is to dominate the world's problem and these are some of the stories we featured tonight the soviet threat a leading defense expert prince administration claims in perspective from japan an extraordinary look at assertiveness training oh yeah go through hell to get ahead in washington moving tributes to the late senator frank church who
died of cancer on saturday the macneil lehrer newshour is funded by at and t the corporation for public broadcasting and the station and other public television stations there were two stunning votes tonight one in the us senate condemning the use of cia funds in the mine and nicaraguan seaports the other in the state of pennsylvania and they were walter mondale over very hard and jesse jackson the senate vote was eighty four to twelve in favor of a resolution by senator edward kennedy of massachusetts it is not binding on president reagan or anyone out there puts the senate on record as opposing any us money going to quote plan direct execute or support the mining of the territorial waters of nicaragua many republicans including the republican leadership of the senate voted for the measure and what was reportedly a compromise reached with kennedy who agreed to not press for a vote on a companion measure it condemns the administration's decision to deny world court jurisdiction over the nicaraguan that the
condemnation of the us position on that also came today from a familiar source that in an unusual man at the source of the soviet union that the manna was a news conference in new york by the soviet ambassador to the united nations one can't but be filled with his sense of wonderment if i may put it that way that said for instance on the third of april security analysis if it's a child speaking before the trilateral commission in washington spoke about the need for western countries to take preemptive action against international terrorism supported by my states and at the same time oh we're faced with the problem of internet of terrorism and supported by the united states administration which is making no secret of it back and then they are
spending in this terrorism against the niqab i repeat i think it's a matter of wonderment late this afternoon white house spokesman larry speaks issued an angry written statement he complained that the shrill an often confusing debate distorts administration policy in central america the unusual statement said the us does not seek to overthrow the government in nicaragua and speaks tonight that the united states has a contingency plans to invade nicaragua or any other country in central america and in pennsylvania it's all walter mondale according to television network projections tonight nbc news said it appeared the former vice president could win more than fifty percent of the vote if that happens it would be the largest margin of victory for him thus far in the nineteen eighty four campaign and obviously would constitute a major setback for senator gary hart as well as jesse jackson the official returns counted thus far show mondale with fifty percent of the vote part forty two percent jackson's sex that's with six percent of the votes in pennsylvania county that's the official royal
art center earlier today they would probably lose pennsylvania and he was right next primary up the may fifth primary the big one in texas robin the shuttle astronaut scored another first in space today when they successfully retrieve the non functioning satellite for repair in orbit using a fifty four remote control armed they looked under the solar maximum life which is now function ever since its uses blew three years ago the astronauts hope to replace the defective parts during a space walk into the shuttle's cargo bay tomorrow if they can so i'm actually return to war but to resume its study of the sun if not they will carry the satellite back satellite show year are being positioned in the challengers cargo bay back to words for repairs after the retrieval president reagan called the astronauts to congratulate them david
thank you i have oh right we were the president was referring to mass as planned the solar mike satellite which cost seventy seven million dollars to build and watch the nineteen eighty would now cost two hundred and thirty five night nasa says the rescue mission is costing about forty eight that and became the day the us embassy said the united states is awkward for the chinese scientists aboard a space shuttle within two or three years if a space technology agreement is reached a soviet space stations orbiting the earth right now with an indian war
mr the congress apparently determined to cut its defense requests the reagan administration said today that moscow is continuing the military buildup ended world domination the pentagon issued its third annual report from the soviet military a one hundred twenty one page illustrated catalog of soviet weapons systems most of them already made public in the foreword to the report defense secretary caspar weinberger road a full and their appreciation of the threat we face provides the basis and the rationale for our defense program that program seeking defense expenditures of three hundred and five billion dollars for the nineteen eighty five fiscal year has run into increasing fire on capitol hill both democrats and republicans have called for cuts to help reduce the large federal deficits report was released at a pentagon press conference at which mr weinberger himself presided military power nineteen eighty four built on the air earlier edition examines key developments in the continuing upgrade of the soviet style armed forces and the soviets are testing and deploying new models and almost
every class of nuclear weapons systems it is very clear that the as i say they have an office possibly and they're acquiring arm they are pouring enormous strength and in an all types of arms of all types of of weaponry yeah that was we believe officer purposes when your couple of whether whether doctrines and with their ratings with the work they're doing to protect their passengers or government where the hardening of their solos where they re filing capability which we haven't even mentioned any great extent are all these things indicate i think a very disturbing aspect to their acquisition of military parliament the point really of the principal theme of this book as i read it is simply that no matter what's happening in the world my only a persona that made to try to get a reduction reduction agreement covers the slightest move for more now on the nature of the soviet military threat we turned out
warner a senior defense analyst rand corporation here in washington is a twenty year veteran of the air force to a specialized in soviet military affairs for most of his career he served two years in moscow as an assistant us air attache for instance butler first do you agree with secretary statement that the soviet union is continuing to build its military in every respect i don't think there's any doubt that the soviets are still engaged and then across the board expansion of their capabilities strategic theater was due to go up insulin strategic defensive now the secretary says that their philosophy is clearly off that you very well i think we need to make a clear distinction here in the broad sense the soviets continually asserted our doctrine is the fencing in the sense that we are not threatening to invade anyway the afghans might disagree with that are in the sense of their operational doctrine once a war would begin there is absolutely no doubt that since the early nineteen thirties were really into the twenties the soviets have been committed to a kind of
theater war doctrine that seize the initiative moves forward and invades territories around the borders of the ussr in that sense it's more certainly off and see when war begins where is the what can you would you select as the major buildup areas where they putting their use you say it's across the board sectors as across the board but within that where the big ones well that's the thing there are big wins everywhere in the area's strategic forces they are prepared for a new round of deployments mean literally all of the key strategic attack capabilities mean what they have to do i see the hands they began testing next year they could deploy within a couple of years they are testing to do submarine launched ballistic missiles ago a nuclear submarines they are testing a new bomber there be one ski if you will they are testing a cruise missile for that bomber and for one of their older bombers that they put back in production for the first time in fifteen years and
finally they are also developing a family of cruise missiles cruise missiles that can be launched from submarines and surface ships from ground launchers as our new ground launched cruise missiles and europe or from aircraft that's just in the strategic attack capability we literally have similar last and only other areas strategic defense theater ground forces theater air forces in the nhl game even mentioned in the theater came really there both nuclear and conventional ways a theater came believing like europe there are really three main theaters than they prepare for around the soviet union europe is the premier one another one is the one down toward southwest asia and the third is out in the far east against china and potentially against the united states and its allies in that area for let's look at another excerpt now from soccer juan rivers press conference in this one he stressed the fact that the soviet style military advantage over the united states quantitative we were behind in a large number of very important categories i'm a conventional song
they also help a jaunty of strategic nuclear certainly clearly have an age and the longer range intermediate range and faster to get weapons and almost every category on everyone but in almost every category so we have to build up a very large it into balance which we are now engaged in them and collecting and reporting and it's vital that we continue to do that are if you compare the soviet union united states in a one on one basis in their military power across the board there is no doubt that the soviets are stronger the main area of advantage would be the fact that they prepared for those three theaters they have ground forces numbering hundred and ninety some divisions two are sitting in an a division and then the division are somewhere between ten thousand and twelve thousand for motorized rifle a tank divisions seven thousand or so for airborne division ever hundred and sixteen compared are how many have a hundred and ninety nine which about half are what we call category
one meaning they're fully equipped and fellini but the point is that their ground forces are much larger but the real comparison is it there's no more one can really imagine will certainly one with a large ground component that involves only the soviet union and the united states it's the proper comparison is the soviet union and its allies in eastern europe in particular against the nato alliance in the european theater in that southwest asian theater much more difficult with soviet proximity with that depict the soviet union against united states for deploying forces from that great distance it would be very difficult finally in the marriott name the soviets would have such an overwhelming edge would be no love in a war i think compete well that in the united states has been committed since the difficulties in iran in iraq and in afghanistan to at least through the what was the rapid deployment force not the central command at least projecting song presence there promptly but yes there surely are advantages in numbers in proximity finally in the far east soviet forces are balanced against a large but largely obsolete chinese
army and against the deployment of us forces and the parties in internet i'd also like to note in the strategic air in strategic attack capabilities of course this has been a subject of some debate for the last several years i still believe that the american soviet balance in that area is roughly equal with a very small advantage for the so you know you talk about nuclear weapon now strategic long range weapon quality what you just told me then that though the sector overall i told you that if you define it as a soviet american balanced it's more certainly the soviet far ahead and if you define it as an alliance balance there are areas of approximate parody in europe the central strategic their areas of us and then i don't think there's any doubt that the us navy's superior to that of the soviet union but we have more ambitious mabel tasks to undertake to project power across oceans the soviets had basically only to try to boil that attack so you think
is a mistake for a smaller make an assumption that the united states would go at war got awarded so he ended by itself right i get it yes and the soviet union even with all its allies in eastern europe would never have enough to go together against the not another twist about the more so if united states and its allies ought to the balanced is closer when you analyze and i do not mean to say that that means that we should not be concerned with the modernization for instance have both a nuclear and conventional capabilities in central europe and the soviets have an enormous capability there they are developing new concepts problem or those forces and new forces themselves only get nato continues to take actions to modernize and develop its own concepts from warfare will it be able to maintain the ballots that we meet so i i was trying to say that it shouldn't be grossly taken out of balance but i believe that the soviet
threat if you will the military capabilities and the doctor that underlies them is one that gives us pause and requires the alliance to take action the secretary said today when asked what he thought the purpose of all this was that you said to dominate the war a lot of soviet surveillance for yemeni quarrel with i would think that overstates it somewhat i think the broader soviet aspiration is most certainly to in fact i'm decisive influence her nomination but i think the practical political impulse of the soviet union is considerably less ambitious than they can impact the politics one of proposals of this document that came out today in the news conference the company is very slick document the three hundred thousand and were distributed last year the same documents on the same subject of course is to make the administration's case in congress against the cuts that robin mention that apparently are coming from the administration's request for japan defense spending what impact do you think this document should have on that debate well i think it should have a
sobering influence i personally believe that the united states needs to continue a military expansion that began in the late carter years in as sustained and most certainly accelerating the opening reagan years i'm not necessarily convinced that the requirement is the absolute all that the administration is set up at the taylor even the first worked out compromises for the cuts but in general i surely believe and i believe in the democratic candidates themselves are generally come out in favor of continuing a more moderate expansion but bennett continuing expansion of american military capability question core support might be a cotton where the implication that there are tough decisions to be made in a number of areas whether you've been a slow systems cut major systems copley operations maintenance readiness there are tough choices and whitmore thank you very much robin part of a pentagon report that was news said that the soviets had developed to ground based lasers that could be used against
satellites that was in addition to an anti satellite interceptor weapon already fielded it to launch that's another member of the administration told congress today that the us was pushing ahead with development of its own anti satellite weapons kenneth adelman head of the arms control and disarmament agency was testifying before a subcommittee of the house foreign affairs committee we are you know continuing to develop these weapons systems that was done on the previous administration we're doing so for two reasons first al pitcher threats of our own space systems and it really responding to attack in second to support of all the term posture providing a capability to protect against soviet satellites i personally would like nothing more than to be able to report to you that we finally found solutions to the verification problems associated with a comprehensive ban on they said weapons or test the fact is however that no one no one has
been able to come up with a better solution for comprehensive basis reviewing a number of possible limits on a stat systems in space activities and we will be back to the congress when those studies are completed a bizarre story came out of toulouse france today on the french minister of defense went to a funeral for nine soldiers who were killed in an explosion in the african republic and chad in the midst of the ceremony of toulouse airport the brother of one of the dead soldiers drove onto the tarmac and tried to run over the defense minister and the group of officers around and there is a report from dauster clark of this news i'm renee montagne and in plainclothes policeman
and people being particularly of you well no in melbourne australia hospital officials reported today that a baby believed to be the first produced from a frozen embryo was born two weeks ago she is a girl named zoe and she weighed about five thousand birds both mother and daughter are doing well the report gave no details of the procedure employed by the length of time the embryo was frozen the hospital is expected to do so at a later date i have add fb
seventeen cars of a sudden this week our freight train overturned in the little town of marshall north carolina today and to tank cars filled with methanol exploded that's the knock on fire and sent flames leaping as high as fifty feet in the air a laundry building and half a dozen automobiles were destroyed and nearly all of the two thousand residents of the town were forced to leave their homes a farmer decided to let the methanol burned itself out rather than fight the fire so it's possible that the townspeople may have to take shelter elsewhere for several days in fort pillow tennessee national guardsman today captured two convicts who escaped from the state prison there the second break out into months one
other convict was captured yesterday soon after the escape and the fourth is still at large gonna lamar alexander declared that his second break out into months is inexcusable and you ordered a military police unit in the national guard to the scene the gods an uncaring and sixteen rifles and working with police bloodhounds tracked down the two candidates who were captured today in a clump of brush your first it was one point one million general motors cars now four hundred and thirty thousand for gaul led to have bad breakups today the national highway traffic safety administration said it was investigating reports the rare brakes on nineteen seventy nine ford mustang to recruit appraisal was prematurely frequently send in the cars and a dangerous bands it is similar to the charge against the nineteen eighty model gm x car now the subject of a massive lawsuit under way here in washington as gm did for today denied the brakes on its cars are defected also today in washington a banking group said the baby boom generation is returning to
the traditional pattern of buying houses in the summer us lead of savings institution said one young families can afford it they prefer suburban homes condominiums and rehabilitated homes in the city's previous surveys have indicated that condos were going to be the homes of the pitcher but the league said that apparently was the result of the recession and ended with robin our next story falls into the category of and now for something completely different it's an intimate look behind japan's impressive facade of smart competitive hard working business executives if you've wondered how the japanese create so many highly motivated executives here's one explanation it's a special course aimed at breaking down inhibitions and building assertiveness this report was made by australia's nine television network reporter is ian leslie these are
these people are used to doing these junior executives have no idea what the bosses let them in for that at gnostic the boss sent them here for a bit of a shy guy you might think they're lazy or lacked confidence and need stimulation whatever their problems he wasn't sorted out yes we're leaving from rabbis in japanese they call it can re share your site gawker the manager training school a year ago another nine for the whole training camp and there probably thirty and
isaac no television radio newspapers but lots of discipline the theory being that if it works you go home more enthusiastic more confident and ready to work much harder for the company says ah yeah yeah it's giving what is back at the office today there on the receiving a year if they were to blow the bars in an independent committee instructed the thirteen days of sweetened teas that's what they told is over here
you know and that the new slogan is here it's just out a tiny the law and keep that extra i loved it and i found it an absolute adventure into total futility but i would say that i couldn't take it no one told twenties do dropout tiny willoughby is a businessman who's worked in japan for ten years he was the first foreigner to tackle a course and he's not ashamed to admit he flunked frankly after bad just five days at me they realize i'd never have the intelligence to learn all the lines and everything else they were quite happy to a really neglects me is a really started pummeling into the other people that well i like that so what's happening here that i
think is a week ago it's a handicap his boss would say when it comes to making tough business dui i think you're right no commander is planning another trial or not it's bad junior executives on yet another character building test a forty kilometer cross country hide in the dark person and something else the boss didn't tell them the maps they give and have been deliberately designed to confuse them or product testing their initiative and correcting those kind of people come here right lazy people
mary person who knew the stimulation thousand plays for has a very weak character and the person who is very easy to do business in the us and will come here for breakfast the rides at seven but they've already been sitting at these tables and this invitation what about the intelligence of the whole training camp and shy little reminders of their weakness because are supposed to correct one by one as you can see you know down while you were committed there until you can actually get your tanks off to even actually on your song you don't learn it themselves you of that indefinitely and that is a very nasty thing
especially when youre there against their will these years oh they're not learning karate this is the singing as it's a song you can be sure we'll stay with them for the rest of their lives oh yeah this is just a theory did it is
added a busy roadway a lawsuit was able to make the next one ability to kano audio la oh the song the song of the rose yes what good is that the lead and that i think to a japanese it gives one a great sense of strength and how they had never raped i raised their voices before and this is a fantastic opportunity for them to actually assert themselves to me would be mind funk records but you never forget the song it died and the advice he'd bed law when people in the streets see you soon singing some women say look silly crazy years the percentage that has a
rhyme a lot mad outfit bed for your right well i mean that is that is that the basic thing that i lead now the meanings of the products you might wave there i've used steroids they i was the products you make waves white years now it's white sails crowd than being discouraged but i'm like a young warrior i'm i'm actually good for me but i'm sure it gave me a certain sense of power that i can feel whenever i go into a business meeting and loser who is absolutely couldn't sleep for that three days afterwards he's been using it again and again and this
and this means you have to come back and do it again they shouted that a little in front of your class and like to sing songs and put it probably desperate to get out of the place but what happens if you haven't passed all the tests and you've still got some of those reasons are shy five six seven i couldn't lift don't think you passed the course today and when it is there is a tiny manager with a construction company i couldn't sleep is know why you graduate to date and we'll agree this it won't pass because you know get high in what it has both sides of him before he can i love it he's the same effect
on him that that he should try very high that even knew that individuals in musicals acid mine it's the graduation speech six minutes to convince you and struck you think secondly points and you're really made to do something about it oh oh the pay to play most of these movies it may still seem like melons grown man
shouting and trying to raise the boss had to keep a job at this is the land of the economy the pushback is be our next major story we return to the democratic presidential race in the rough and tumble of each day's
campaigning reporting and the obvious interest in who's ahead and who's behind it's hard to get a real sense and just how close or far apart the candidates are tonight we try to remedy that judy woodruff has been studying the candidates and the issues rahman although it sometimes seems that most of the focus in the campaign is on the horse race involved rather than on any person or policy differences among the candidates the truth is there has been a fair amount of attention and it's been more than gary hart new ideas or walter mondale or ridiculing them by asking where's the belief that candidates have been discussing the issues to help you sort out their positions we're all together a comparison of their views on half a dozen of the most important questions facing the next president oh gary hart and walter mondale have been arguing heatedly as to who is israel's better friend both have records of strong support for the jewish state neither supports a
palestinian homeland in the west bank and gaza and both agree the first step for regional peace is arab recognition of israel jesse jackson calls for normalized relations with the arab world and the us talks with a yellow leading the creation of a palestinian homeland it should be a non motorized state that allows the people of the palestinian people to engage in self government and set the ballot that so long as we ignore that basic rights and their basic rights and the war and the malays as opposed to peace on another mideast issue us reaction to a cut off of persian gulf oil mondale and jackson concur that us military power should be used to avoid a disaster for our western european allies in japan whose economies are dependent on that oil heart would provide naval and air support for our allies but draws the line at landing us ground forces in the area i've been president we would not
be dependent so dependent on persian gulf oil that we had nowhere and we would have made plans with our allies an international force the american writer would be in an equally tense region central america all three candidates want us combat forces removed but they disagree on the timing of those withdrawals hart wants them out now as well as an immediate end to us they do el salvador until death squad killing is halted and an immediate end to us support for the country's the guerillas fighting the sandinista government in nicaragua mondale's objectives in the region are basically the same as hearts but he sees a valid role for american power in central america and he cautions against hasty action unlike what you suggest in central america
that i knew i had to talk about the millennium are killing american kid fact is i've been a strong and powerful opponent of this purchase policies in central america my policies are strong and saw quite different from you is your position of just pulling the plug on walking out of there jackson is closer to heart and wanting an end to us military actions in central america over and over your loan pledges to work or normalize relations with cuba all three candidates deplore the breakdown in us soviet nuclear arms talks and the stepped up arms race each has a plan to woo the soviets back to the bargaining table mondale was an early and ardent supporter of the nuclear freeze he calls for senate ratification of the salt to pat shell by the carter administration when the ussr invaded afghanistan and for cancellation of the b one bomber and the amex missile is wasteful and obstacles to the resumption of arms control talks jackson who alone
among the three is willing to renounce the first use of nuclear weapons emphasizes apiece policy and increased trade with the soviet union with the russians last minute to begin the other agribusiness superstar somewhere sometime and some american farmers to plant we allow them have first car so on the missile systems them up and not seven computers to give them for a great computers interest rate missile system is a jeopardize us it's even more hardy who was an among the early freeze advocates now supports it as well as the bill down approach where we would destroy it to weapons for every new one deploy he would press for salt to approval and would offer the soviets a limited moratorium on testing and deployment as inducements to comprehensive agreement turning to domestic issues of voter
choosing any you're the democratic contenders knows he's voting for tax hike closing the two hundred billion dollars federal deficit is a priority for all three men by nineteen eighty nine part and jackson say they will cut the deficit by one third mondale promises one half the former vice president would reduce the rate of military spending and trim health and farm programs he plans to raise sixty billion dollars half of which would be earmarked for new domestic programs there'd be a surtax on high income people and a minimum tax on all corporations mondale recap the third year of the reagan tax cut and before indexing the plan to link individual tax brackets to inflation set to begin in nineteen eighty five mondale says that his proposals unlike reagan's would benefit working people not just the wealthy it would be fair to that middle and moderate income family that really desperately need help today and they're the ones that are going to get
it from the reagan administration and they're entitled to have a person who stands up for them they're bailing only jackson would actually cut defense spending he would increase domestic outlays like mondale and hart including fifty billion dollars for public works projects is revenue proposals center around a graduated surtax on all people earning over twenty five thousand dollars and a policy of assuring that business pays its fair share of taxes heart like mondale would reduce the rate of defense spending cap the third year tax cut before indexing and close tax loopholes is personal and corporate sir taxes would be smaller than mondale i also propose some massive overalls or income taxes to the shelter those at the bottom against the ravages both of inflation and that in the end attacks unfair tax system we have and i think we have to overhaul
the corporate tax system as well so the corporation's only get tax breaks in the form of tax credits for direct investment back an appliance a clear distinction emerges among the candidates on the issue of jobs hart opposes the domestic content bill which would mandate american made parts imported cars and other protectionist measures he voted against the chrysler bailout as anti free enterprise and increasing government interference in the marketplace heart advocates a new strategy for are declining industry not by bailing out one company at a time of bad president that negotiates agreements among management labor and private capital to modernize that industry could target markets and they start by the end of the nineteen eighties as compatible inefficiently as any nation on earth mondale endorses domestic content and points to his bigger as support of the chrysler bailout as a litmus test on the issues of fairness leadership and the legitimate role of the federal government because we were successful despite
his opposition six hundred thousand people work work chrysler is now priced first we have a more competitive auto industry a broader and modern industrial base which we need so badly and the people in this country make a lot of money millions of dollars off our the profits from that little jackson opposes domestic content as a futile attempt to bolster are sagging industries he supported the chrysler bailout primarily because of the number of jobs at stake but he argues for a stringent national plant closing policy and greater corporate accountability my american industry they get the tax rate there must be an obligation with that make to reinvest in this economy and reinvest now there's a common thread in his work was it they'll bailout of our moments and bailout without tax rates convention about jobs the cheap labor markets indeed says remember the answers
despite some seemingly irreconcilable differences on a couple of issues like military strategy and domestic content on a legislation is hard to find many fundamental disagreements among the three democratic contenders all are out of the mainstream of moderate to liberal democratic thinking and the differences among them have more to do with their individual experiences and their vision of the country's future and that any fine pointed at our jeep however there is a huge difference between their thinking about a president reagan on just about every major issue whichever among them is the nominee of the party voters this november will have a very real choice on their head rather last night hollywood celebrated itself as it does every year with the academy awards but not every movie gets an oscar we have a review of a new book about hollywood called hollywood's hall of shame the most expensive flops in movie history written by harry and michael medved our reviewer is ac great this is a bit different from the other books she reviewed for us wanted to choose this one
well the first place that it's a very interesting book and so it's amusing book but it also talks about films that i think all of us are interested in that the what i call the bombastic bombs they are over praised overextended films and the latest pictures that didn't make it in the last few years so it kind of for a book that you have to be a real film buff to appreciate it or not and all of that we've all heard of heaven's gate for example a named john and the bluebird in some of these so i think it's i think it's the kind of book that a person who is only acquainted with the film business as a part of our culture can get into very deeply is always very musings very witty old sophomore these things tend to be that lawyer these two brothers gary and michael med bed daily go a little too far with some are one liners but omar on the whole is very unusual for the serious film buff is it does it factually sound is it
a good reference point oh yes it's very good reference book it's got some very interesting statistic senate the helicopter for example was shot out at yucca flats or near yucca flats were they testing had been ongoing only atomic testing back in the fifties and of the two hundred and twenty technicians who worked on that picture including the stars jon wiener says there were forty six a bad cancer ninety one had contracted cancer since then there's they fiddle directly to their goals well not directly but there they were and that's a that's a pretty vast proportion to the number of people working on the picture tells all about in the book so it really gets doing this work when you reel like let me just read some of them some of the one liner sometimes hear about the bailout on your canadian this this will be the most expensive canadian film ever made as bear allen in nineteen eighty and they say audiences found it unbearable the bible in nineteen sixty six i think the john houston end up being john houston played know as if it
were a long lost cousin of the beverly hillbillies years john wayne shorter's world of ninety six for all those are big multi million dollar production time magazine said to sit through this film as something like holding an elephant on your lap for two hours and fifteen minutes my favorite is a is what john barber of critics in a bitter bug damages at long last love he said that this film were eating more of adult he would share that with that type of plane course is always we would like to see them the big rich region that they take its ramps and certainly the marbles jobs or were you learn from or you learn a lot about the art of putting a picture together for example heaven's gate forty four million dollars the writing it was going down the tubes and this this book gives you some reason why they kept putting money into that money into it when the famous mini production on in shawn who in the world talk the reverend moon into forty
sammartino sending images were spent on a job and then there's there's a whole section in here called me up elizabeth taylor weighing just five more bed big pictures i think that any star in hollywood history and the interesting thing about this book is that it tells you what the why or all these and of course why these news it flops and why that by their latest album dr doolittle for example when you was going to be a bar and they just can't pull back everywhere that the smuggling picture from my it's an art form but it's also a deal for men in this book explains a lot less secure once again the book we've been discussing as hollywood's hall of shame by hank and michael that the publisher is pop there and once again the main stories of this day the senate voted eighty four to twelve tonight for a non binding resolution calling for an end of the use of cia funds in the mining of nicaraguan hovers and the white house the track critics of us policy in central america saying they were spreading
confusion about president reagan's real objectives there walter mondale claimed a big victory in the pennsylvania primary election year the latest returns with twenty eight of the forty eight percent of the precincts and mondale as forty six percent of the vote party has thirty five jackson a team nbc and other networks projections have mondale finally coming out with fifty percent of the vote or more also the shuttle astronauts achieved a first in space by retrieving a damning satellite and bring in another spaceship for repairs the pentagon issued a report declaring the soviet union is continuing a massive military buildup in the purpose of dominating the world and finally tonight frank church frank church had been given one last choice he could die naturally in one week's time or he could be kept alive by much jane for another two or three weeks and then he would die he chose to go the natural way and he died saturday of cancer of the pancreas frank church was once a well known liberal anti war senator from idaho but he had been out of the public on
white senses defeat for re election in nineteen eighty but he was not forgotten by those who served him and eulogize him today on a memorial service at the national cathedral here in washington as bill it is franken i came to the congress on the same day twenty eight years ago or that this having been elected for the first time
in nineteen fifty six even the senate and i have a house when i joined him in the senate a few short years later we soon found ourselves as allies in many battles over american foreign policy and the turbulent nineteen sixties once after a lopsided vote against one of our joint ventures i saw frank gambling across the senate floor an amused expression and he said george i've learned to friends about this partnership of ours first we're always right and second we always looked at is appropriate that having first got elected on the same day a nineteen fifties that we were to be on the same day in nineteen eighty a quarter of a century later
whether in fact we were right or wrong yes very well perhaps one day decided but i shall always fail that write church was a witness to the world or what is decent and just in human affairs one of the great senators in american history you in a generation speak with throughout what's your still speak from the heart and conscience to the soul of the whole nation frank church was a prophet in this democracy and so we gathered here now to honor the meaning of his life as well as the man who lived there when he was twenty he served as a soldier during world war to know in china burma and india and when i think of him in that conflict of his friends george
mcgovern and john kennedy who fought in those same battles long before they met each other i am convinced but it is the men who are bravely more or also bravest in the cause of peace in nineteen sixty eight he realized his opposition to get them mad fierce opposition in idaho but he would not be moved yet even frank could not beat the political odds are of and there was more honor in his defeat than in most victories remarkable fact is not the frank church was finally defeated but that he was elected and re elected four times his quarter century apart left the remark upon the world perhaps he lived so much at the cutting edge of history and his own beliefs no matter what the political arrests because he had come so close to dying
at the age of twenty three when he was given six months to live so the thirty six more years he had seemed a special gift a grace of gone and i run the bottom and son is our lives we're back to our lives and robert macneil the blood the macneil lehrer newshour is funded by at and t reaching out in new directions the corporation for public broadcasting and the station and other public television stations it's b
thank you you only knew whom knew you
The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour
Producing Organization
NewsHour Productions
Contributing Organization
NewsHour Productions (Washington, District of Columbia)
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This episode of The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour covers two major stories: the Senate condemnation of US involvement in the mining of Nicaraguan harbors, and Walter Mondales victory in the Pennsylvania Presidential primary. These headlines are complemented by coverage of the Soviet nuclear threat, assertiveness training in Japan, and tributes to the late Senator Frank Church.
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Military Forces and Armaments
Politics and Government
Copyright NewsHour Productions, LLC. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Public License (
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Producing Organization: NewsHour Productions
AAPB Contributor Holdings
NewsHour Productions
Identifier: NH-19840410 (NH Air Date)
Format: 1 inch videotape
Generation: Master
Duration: 01:00:00;00
NewsHour Productions
Identifier: NH-19840410-A (NH Air Date)
Format: U-matic
Generation: Preservation
Duration: 01:00:00;00
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour,” 1984-04-10, NewsHour Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 29, 2024,
MLA: “The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour.” 1984-04-10. NewsHour Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 29, 2024. <>.
APA: The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour. Boston, MA: NewsHour Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from