thumbnail of The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour; December 3, 1992
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fb <unk> ers the pain has been good evening i'm judy woodruff in washington and jim lehrer
in new york after a summary of the news this thursday we have full coverage of today's un decision to send troops to somalia that includes congressional reaction and military analysis we close with a report on the aftermath of an act of violence against foreigners in germany funding for the macneil lehrer newshour has been provided kind of having a welcoming community and that a corporation for public broadcasting and viewers like you the united nations security council voted unanimously to night to send a multinational force to somalia the troops would be led by us commanders starvation and disease are killing an estimated one thousand people a day in somalia rival
warlord and they're gangs in that east african nation have looted and walk relief convoy from reaching the country's feeding centers president bush held meetings at the white house today with vice president quail and his top military commanders including joint chiefs of staff chairman general colin powell mr bush also flown world leaders to build support for the operation pentagon spokesman big way and said members of the first marine expeditionary force at camp pendleton california had been put on standby so has the army's tenth mountain division at fort drum new york he said at nine hundred marines aboard three amphibious assault ships arrived in the waters off somalia's capital mogadishu and were awaiting orders he had this to say about the mission us and other nations would go in and try to secure the provision of humanitarian assistance make safe areas and safe quarters and safe roads and bridges that the private humanitarian relief organizations can use to deliver food and medical supplies get that going at the situation turned around so that people can be fed and
then begin to turn it over to other nations to run a kind of peacekeeping operations once you get the peace making side of it going white house spokesman marlin fitzwater said president bush would like to have us troops out of somalia before january twentieth when he turns the presidency over to bill clinton mr clinton was asked about the pending military action in little rock this morning the party has been has been we will have reaction from congress i'm much more on the story right out of the nose summit today in a major break with past policy the american health insurance
industry today proposed a plan to overhaul the nation's healthcare system the proposal was issued by the national insurance association of america which represents two hundred and seventy commercial insurers the plan calls for the federal government to mandate coverage for all americans regardless of ability to pay the group also offered to work with the clinton administration to contain health care costs until now the industry and generally oppose such work for an economic news today the commerce department reported orders to us factories were up one point seven percent in october it was the second consecutive monthly gain a labor department report said worker productivity was up at an annual rate of three percent during the third quarter of this year and the labor department also said twelve thousand fewer americans filed first time unemployment claims during the week before thanksgiving and had the previous week general motors announced a shutdown at least seven more plant
some eighteen thousand workers in the united states and canada will be affected gm official said the closings would complete their consolidation program announced last year chrysler's board of directors chose a new chairman and ceo robert eaton will succeed the retiring lee iacocca ethan came to chrysler last spring after serving as president of gm's european operations two suspected irish republican army bombs exploded in the northern british city of manchester to date the first bomb went off in a busy shopping area during the morning rush hour the second went off nearby a short while later sixty four people were injured only one of the injuries were serious and they said several callers phoned in warnings and used an ira code word a great anchor is leaking crude oil into the atlantic ocean off the spanish port of la corona it ran aground there earlier today officials said the slick was a mile wide and was drifting twelve miles
up the coast david rose of independent television news reports the cargo of crude oil started exploding five hours after greek tanker ran aground on the spanish coast and thick fog early this morning i'm lost i'm a twenty nine crew members was lifted the safety just before the fire started and the blaze grew in intensity experts warned that an ecological disaster was on the way this was the third major oil spill in the region in recent years the tiger was carrying eighty thousand tons of crude oil from shetland the spain the spanish banks mean for greenpeace that there would be an enormous impact on the guillotine comes what fishing is the main industry several thousand people had to leave their homes with all of thick smoke on over the city of la cullen yeah a spanish oil company chartered the ship official from that company said they believed it had spilled between five and eight million gallons of crude about one third of its cargo that's our news
summary for this thursday now it's on to the united nations decision that will send us troops to somalia and a documentary report on the continuing violence against foreigners in germany united nations action to send troops to some it is the lead story here and throughout the world tonight the vote in the un security council was on a resolution authorizing the use of all necessary force to ensure that the reverie of relief supplies in somalia eighteen hundred us marines are already positioned offshore to begin that action some two million somalis are considered at risk from dying of starvation or disease three hundred thousand have already died attempts to bring food and medical supplies to them and then stop by armed bandits after tonight's vote the us ambassador to the un edward perkins had this to say but rather than have all of the united states or the resolution before us
it expresses our commitment to his all humans as in somalia in a crisis and that's almost indescribable with and this is authorized by the revolution and supported by my government have wanted to achieve a secure environment for the delivery of humanitarian relief to the somali people in areas of greatest need while the resolution authorizes the use of all necessary means one point should be clear our mission essentially a peaceful one and we will endorse the use of force only if and when we decide it is necessary to accomplish our objective by acting in response to the tragic events in somalia the international community is also taking an important step in developing a strategy for dealing with the potential of this war and
conflicts of the post cold war world this step what's your first now to a sampling of congressional reaction to the somali rescue mission senator nancy kassebaum of kansas is the senior republican on the african affairs subcommittee of the senate foreign relations committee she visited somalia in july senator hank brown republican of colorado is also a member of the senate foreign relations committee representative barbara rose collins democrat of michigan returned recently from a special mouse fact finding trip to somalia zaire kassebaum is sending troops most of them american the right thing to do yes i believe it is at this time obviously it's not something that has been undertaken without a lot of thought but i felt that it was very important for us to be able to secure the area where the famine is most acute so we can be able to get it through to the people who need it i really do believe this can be done in a relatively
short period of time with a degree of strength that will be shown now by the united nations in with our league so you were one of the in fact the highest ranking american official or visit somalia as it were you consulted by the administration now and before this decision was my no but we've been in conversations on and off for a period of time in which i i have long argued even when i came home in july that there needed to be armed security guards and then the united nations was very reluctant without any sort of peace agreement in place i and even then there's it's just been such a slow process and i think the longer it continued on the more rapid deterioration became yet i'm very i really think that president bush and the administration have taken a keen interest in they stepped up support and i think this is now an example of a very fine an extraordinary leadership on their part sen brown how'd
you feel about us has the right under the eyes of the effort to provide humanitarian relief is the right thing to do we should and twenty six thousand tons of food and medicine to make sense to send combat troops into somalia is in the state it's reminiscent of a half hearted effort we made in lebanon as you recall americans were killed there in congress cut and run it's a half hearted effort that we made in vietnam where we commit an american fighting men and then stand behind them it's the same thing again it is a mission that has not clearly defined it's clear weekend a win but there's no way out and what we need to do is reserve sending us fighting them into an area for only those areas where we have a clearly defined objectives and a commitment by the american people is to mine and the fact is there were no hearings on this and there's been no vote in the us congress and that doesn't provide the basis i think for that kind of commitment we're asking our troops to make well the early estimates are that united there that the reports are that the united states has offered to send twenty or thirty thousand troops now that's in addition to other
dr drew from other countries why is that have poured into one of the current top his twenties eight thousand american troops will be almost all of the troops there initially our hope is that others will send troops in the week and then phase out the americans before the a second phase of the peacekeeping faced one concerning is halfhearted is a kind of commitment we have we sent men to lebanon or we can stand behind and once they were attacked we don't have clearly defined military objectives we don't have a commitment of the american people for example congress has never voted on this it's ironic that the united nations would have voted on employing american troops could be sent with the american congress would not vote and i just think americans doing awfully well when were committed were caused in military combat but when we're not committed we haven't gone on record when we don't stand behind our troops is in lebanon and vietnam we have a disaster did you feel about that wow i felt
that first of all i'm very proud to be an american i'm proud of the fact that our president has decided to intervene in somalia i believe that it is of utmost importance that we send troops in to secure the area to move the weaponry that is in somalia now part of that greed is caused by the united states as well as the soviet union the people there have anti aircraft missiles that had machine guns they had assault rifles that were all left when the dictator was the polls then that is one of the cause of the anarchy in somalia i was just bare week ago and we cannot adequately treat the people the people were starving because of the the warlord said and the bandits that are they are in somalia i want us to send our troops in and disarm them to rebuild the weapons only thing is i do not think that we can get in and out by january twentieth i'm not a military expert but i think that we're going to have to be some semblance of government behind before we can't leave it to you i hate
sending troops and that it's sort of like nazi germany we have to intervene because of the holocaust and the atrocities they were being committed in germany and i think we had the same responsibility for somalia arizona lot about this underground point that though there's no congressional vote on this sunday american people were not through the congress were not consulted i believe that the congress has to vote when the united states coast to war or not going to war were talking about peacekeeping troops and under the auspices of the united nations that's why the un security council has to take it so we're not talking about an invasion were not talking about taking over a country were talking about providing security for relief workers were trying to feed the starving women and children in somalia it's not the same as declaring war there is no government in somalia there's anarchy so that's about what your view of senator brown skins on i hate
to disagree with my friend hank brown then i think there is a very definite mission it is it is one in which is was recognized by the congresswoman a delivery of humanitarian aid and secure the region and it's a clearly defined region the political aspect of it will be handled later and should be a parallel track with negotiations ongoing which are taking place even right now in at a sad about it that i understand are going very well today that political structure through the village elders and so forth which is a traditional somali structure has to be an ongoing effort that is separate from this particular mission and i think it can't be defined i think we can't withdrawal or we did pass a resolution as a matter of fact in september that end both the house and senate in support of armed guards or whether there was a peace agreement in place or not senator brown was just a
click of the facts there is no clear military a definition or purpose of the sign here the questions that have been brought up removal of the weapons that are there there's no commitment on that removal of our troops after a supplies are delivered there's no clear command on that the fact is the concern over peacekeeping is exactly the way to the korean war vet star that's not to say we should have made that commitment i think we should have but at least the american people get involved in voice their opinion on it is as an impression so that the american people will not support this my concern is that will get involved in here that we'll have american casualties and that the american people will then back out on the military men and women that serve this country that's exactly what happened in lebanon where this congress cut and ran after american troops were attacked it's exactly what will happen in vietnam war when american troops committed themselves to battle the american congress back out on them in before we go to war or before we get our troops in combat i think with an obligation to make sure that the american
people and the congress stand behind those troops that they hear and congresswoman columns that this is known to war this is a piece of peacemaking mission which is different or that people worry the somalian warlords have real weapons with real bullets and many of them attended years and us troops are going there are combat troops with automatic weapons and other sophisticated weaponry we are going to have a guest we are going to have combat it may will be worth it but before we take american lives i think we asked two questions one or we committed to those troops into are there other troops that might do a better job and a good example we spent two billion dollars a year on egypt for their military hardware they're muslim country they're close why there's no reason in the world why they shouldn't supply the troops are in this instance and ask yourself another question if we've been given two billion dollars year for military hardware for just for this purpose and they won't do it what is that tell you about
the wisdom of moving in carson mccullers go to that to the to the first question heard what they have with the senator said eight by eight no matter what is called a good be combative when you but they're the people petition real bullets at one another americans could die people with fat weapons you would need a peacekeeping force in somalia and i'm glad that the senator mentioned a job when i was on that fact finding mission we met with the foreign minister of the jet a minister maroni and at that point in time he was prepared to send seven hundred fifty egyptian troops into mogadishu and somalia and i'll put the money behind that he was trying to get the organization of african states to do likewise although they have unlimited resources and he tells us that the league of arab nations are prepared to send troops said seven hundred fifty troops i think i'd i desperately needed the five hundred pakistani troops were there under the un auspices are an able to secure
mogadishu whatsoever i do not want us to jeopardize lives however we cannot go to the american people with a referendum we did not do it with kuwait i don't understand we did not do it with grenade that i don't understand why there were the hesitancy i do agree with the senator however that we should have a plan of action when we go when we should go went to organize a village elders to have some way of turning over a government policy or government id authority to the village elders we should go when with a clearly defined mission of what were going to do and i don't think we should tie the hands of the military once they go out and i don't believe that congress and this country must support our military forces one hundred percent you do understand or or share of us under brown's concern that congress in the american people might cut ronald things go go badly i don't believe so i believe that the congress are members will stand up to the past that we'd get past senate to
pass it bombs on a resolution i believe that we're very concerned about the fact that hundreds of thousands of people had started that have died dead end work no maybe half hour a nation maybe two or three million people might die within the next few months i think they would stand behind this or sarcasm on you are in kansas now you're speaking to us now in fact from oil from wichita you've been identified with this issue for years now but deeply it intensely in the last novel monster at one of the people of kansas think about this do you think there is they will support this even even if it comes to losing the lives of young americans so far the response that i've heard it's been very positive i ate i'm sure that everyone is puzzling about the vital interests and end all we don't have a vital interest in somalia but i don't know how we can just turn our
backs on couple of million people starving i think that we do have their interest there and i think most american people understand that this is a different mission it is not a political fight it's not a war as war is waged in vietnam or korea it's a very different sort of mission and it's probably the first one that we have ever undertaken like this and i as that debate it or expands and grows it will be one which i think that we obviously have to assess trouble spot by trouble spot a work through the security council to work achieve success in defining that nation that we clearly have our own commanding control of our forces and i believe a very clear concept of what that mission is a soldier echelons of the brown in there from college thank you all very very much
terry ships carrying eighteen hundred us marines already are offshore from mogadishu another twenty eight thousand soldiers and marines are being prepared to move from bases in the united states to africa in addition canada and several european and african countries are planning to deploy troops a contingent of five hundred pakistani soldiers was dispatched earlier by the un has not moved beyond the mogadishu airport prior to the security council meeting pentagon spokesman p williams briefed reporters he took questions on how the military force would operate and was asked how the pentagon us asked the potential danger for us forces were all aware you will see reports missing pages many reported on it sells that there are many people in somalia who have guns got some people it can drive around with these guns mounted on the back of a jeep or a truck and then there's some material left over from the days when there was a regular military india arie that's somalia
and that that has come under the control of different clans and different warlords but i think that it has to be clear in this will be articulate and i'm sure in the coming days but we don't seek a confrontation we're not looking to go in with guns blazing we are seeking to provide humanitarian relief or coming to the aid of the people of somalia using that idea without any their idea what that the number of troops might be a view that the government fifty thousand candidates are like no i mean no ceiling at all no and i can't say that the bee's ceiling and i'd be surprised if ever again in the history of the pentagon anybody comes down here to give you a ceiling on the number of troops because you have to be flexible and it may well be that the military will be in a we certainly didn't put a ceiling on the vigil and others tom we're very careful not to we were careful to say that we will send or whenever the same things he needs and i'm sure the same operative philosophy will apply here somalia is a country that term that has been devastated and there'll be a lot of things that you need to do
only from securing the ports to making sure the roads are passable for trucks and so they got to go there and figure out what they need and and that's why it's not it's not prudent for me at this point to discuss numbers or or entertain any thoughts of the ceiling and i don't think anybody has a ceiling over here well you all with peacekeeping mission left earth for that character will be taken to avoid another been a corrupt to lead just a completely different situation no parallel whatsoever i wouldn't think and clearly the security of the us force will be a primary mission and the commanders have that well in mind to clarify you said that the security of us forces is going to be a primary election so think you can tell from that the forces would be allowed to defend themselves should the necessary that there's not going to be put in any kind of un strictures on this
thrill i can't answer that question at this point when i'm really i'm really in a bind because number one the un hasn't voted number two the president hasn't given a summation or blessed the plant and finally if they had we never discussed the rules of engagement so they hold a question for when jerome paulson traditional when the us commits troops anywhere but those troops have the ability to defend themselves and their wanting levels than what he would've fallen naturally that those people a shot at they'll be able to shoot back up and i just like in any further details i think i think you both r morrow making a pretty good point you're on the right track i can be more specific about or taken something stupid to portray this as a humanitarian mission something where hopefully they'll going to deliver food and talk it out in short order they're ready for combat well are clearly they're aware that there may be some encounters and they have to be prepared and and that's that stands to reason because the reason the humanitarian situation has broken
down is because of a general situation of lawlessness in somalia you have people firing on you and relief ships that are trying to come into mogadishu and can't because people are shooting at them you had people shooting it really planes that are trying to command not a lot of it but it happens and then you have the lawless gangs of thugs that steal food from people so it would be prudent to expect that that one they run into resistance you have to be prepared for it and the military is always prepared for that is presumably why boutros ghali last week said that the un should consider whether it wants a combat forces that's the term he used to come in and assist in the provision of humanitarian assistance but i think the point to be made here is that i don't think we see this as a big invasion force this is a force to go in and secure the roads get the ports get things moving again that's that's what the un is contemplating that's what they're discussing
details boy but i but i don't think that there's going to be resistance well that that that connotes also as a traditional terms about going in and taking over an existing civil government and that kind of thing so i don't know that i'd use that term i think that turner has a lot of historical baggage to and i would it is not a term i would use but are going to take over the court at the problems and of the year you're the rich before but when you say take over you're implying that were taking over from some existing government structure and that's not necessarily the cases are never discovered not the case but i'll i don't want to do that the specifics of the plan but their beer feels imports that they have to use in the military will have some role and be able to secure those but it's but it's not like you have to go the rest away from someone else to
discuss what kind of military operation this will be how it might be carried out and what dangers exist for american troops entering somalia we're joined by three people bernard trainor is retired marine lieutenant general gen trainor left the marine corps in nineteen eighty five it became a military correspondent for the new york times where he covered the iran iraq war is currently director of the national security program at the john f kennedy school of government at harvard carly then as a retired brigadier general of the somali army from nineteen seventy nine to nineteen eighty one he was defense attache at the somali embassy in washington he left somalia in nineteen ninety to live in this country bruce van forced is national security correspondent for time magazine book artist won a come to you first briefly do you agree with what we heard pete williams characterization of the situation on the ground to use the term it's a devastated country general lawlessness do you accept that description all tools somebody's
identity within that and that has added to the station the country the law and think i'm almost about what it comes from loneliness it's through divisional go on once there's more than one level of crime force and a sort of rule books too it's a very primitive society these sort of flash it's not an all keeping the concept is that understood in the west as something which new york's most in the country more localized more organization but that you've been generally you except it's certainly in population centers and there is widespread death of the jews to that bruce than forcing been at the pentagon is that most of the day to day what is it that the military is talking about we've heard the numbers turn around that how many troops are they talking about and what specialty rival for the first time to
debut and confirm that we've known for some days and that is that it be a military standpoint three stage operation the first is the amphibious force the marine amphibious force which is operating off the coast of malaysia in somalia and they have a container troops as we noticed and the girl says a helicopter to vote they can come in and these are standing just out there with the matter in our lives the second that would come with a creepy from park open up on the marine expeditionary force which encampment in california they would fly in by both military and commercial aircraft and we talk and what fourteen eighteen twenty hours but then after that and color it goes well would be years from the army earlier army tenth like my vision in camp full of the fort drum and your it's interesting that they're making a big point understandably of making this joint operation will resign and so what would the first wave during the eighteen hundred were sitting on ships off shore probably a lot of transportation income in on helicopters or an overt craft along as pete
when said they're going to secure their crop of the airport that was when the gunman just the airport for people nearby and they're already pakistani trains are and there are also some there are no answers and seven american special forces of people there as well so it probably some seven seventy but their faith they've been measuring the air strips in the country making preparations to say it is a good if you should lose because is emphasizing they did a lot of big military does to make and what it ms lisa mullins with those from the generals will salas have on paper rather substantial military force which includes tanks and everything else in fact international instance of the strategic studies in the us a survey that should discount it entirely these are not operational so somebody said there's more firepower in northeast washington their heads in somalia at the moment what they would explain the discrepancy there gen trainor because on the one hand we hear that we hear that washington may be more art and then some of these troops in its ally on the other hand
we we heard and we had an extensive report last night on the newshour charlayne hunter gault in the history of this whole crisis that outlined a just a normal amount of weaponry and they're both the soviets and the americans if only salute show with eighteen hundred troops an unlimited number of helicopters and i had that mission of going to show up where there are literally thousands of long to people notwithstanding the invitation on the part of the two major contending factions that they are welcome i would say to myself i'm not taking any chances this is a very dangerous situation and they welcomed us but they're looking in mogadishu we have the crips and the bloods in them that are under the control of the party los angeles to los alamos gangs and that's a representation of the situation that it's a dicey situation the critical variable be when the first troops going and will they be resisted
now it seemed to me that the first thing that they would want to go with you to secure the ethical hopefully with the cooperation with the pakistanis and now held hostage or i buy these games get that fdr and minutes after that if it was they can stop the reinforcements and so you build up enough combat power on the ground immediately so that you can secure the port security airfield and start to take the subsequent actions but again to get to that airfield come in by helicopters primarily by an inch shoot their way will this as a surgical us too the renegades and their have anti aircraft weapons in general have a car how much resistance do you think that in the army and i think her look at a gourmet mac careful aim at our force a fourteen but what's important is
these proceeding war it wore police operation on these really good you know second track is indeed on the ground in somalia are not necessary contacts with the leaders of the factions very dangerous due to the math it often you don't want to sort of a forceful they have to be informed the world what is going on i think to be a very difficult situation without these it just knowing anything about what's going to happen in the country and all of a sudden knew how all these forces coming into more than weevils also saw i was saying this should be some sort of competition on the ground for this operation proceed in the way or anything how do you have any information about whether they are the pentagon is planning to do that
collins' office of the pentagon doesn't affordable shooting its way into somalia says he emphasized other obese civic action in civic affairs troops going in as well two for propaganda purposes of soap radio station that distribute radios for example will publish in those newspapers and that score starting the war and then the rest are no not before has i think when general on the cars saying this needs to take place once they go i think it could be a bit like you know when sometimes you have four sons the portland when the issue was was in the center of the city it's already surrounded by civilians by so many people and doesn't understand what's going all that conscience their sense that includes whose arm to bid more than a poem and so you might need to work with all these people from that that it aired on nag give the
world including troops the jobs or not to get any sense of law and not to content is there wasn't a broadcast before they come in and they will drop leaflets and into the other source of the radio there and despite the devastation of the second all of this and they've done it on the ground when the local people with a lot of heart i think after it on the cosmo i'm going to upset a situation where so many civilians for more with liberals engaged over the world that don't force an up and go in there aggressively trying to kill on the contrary that the vanessa thus the deal from american standpoint is that there be no fighting and that's what some some people and rejected the river and the fighting because clearly these disparate groups however didn't try to go a lot of small it's more mcquivey but they be better advised to they're there a cave forty sevens and thus set aside for a few months while weather and your food at un food and then come back to whatever force they want a deal but if
you've ever seen a marine expeditionary group commander task force with all those helicopters and it's a very impressive thing and four you know it's like the somalis who were not well turn and an awkward end of the command control of their eyes can give are intimidated thing that is a summit watch that but it's when they quit using they may just be so intimidated and they just take cover and run to that which is that isis with her hoping the things go well that might be the case by that is that logical think there's a better roads than that on the us to let the people understand what's going to hug them and lead them and a tune that i've they don't want to do it i think in this region that do that still go to do this on the ground on to ask them to take old and this is the fund provided some of the family was the helicopters are already well known for a man they don't understand some of them issued on that so you how the sick and
they don't understand us than a dollar what's going on so i think it's i think that the clear situation with iran that this is not a very typical you still crucially in general china doesn't that make it more difficult and we've already heard the disagreement among senator brown center kassebaum over whether this mission is clearly defined that we carry general al gore say it's not really well defined on the one hand its humanitarian on the other hand they clearly haven't had a very good police defend themselves will i think the military mission is going to be very clearly defined that the forces are due in there and to secure objective avian say port airfield a refugee side highway highway secure those and do not let anybody interfere with you carry out her mission and having done that assist the humanitarian aid people that are on site in distributing food to the people i think that the mission is very clear do you think when general have a chorus suggesting that there's
this careful communications take place ahead of time is realistic you think that's the way the military by offering situation a military would love to operate that way and i think it's a marvelous so a scenario that the general has been laid out but the fact is we haven't seen the ability to for anybody to conduct that sort of negotiation their promises made an artist sol a lot of this is all this and his idea is premised on the assumption that there is some sort of infrastructure or organization that can do the things that is prescribed which are marvelous but the evidence seems to suggest that that doesn't exist us today clears that were coming in their nature and purposes insulin the military and this is as soon as it established the perimeters of songs of established stabilize another situation the moment fast to support the distribution of food and secondly they'll bake again so
there's a logistics people coming and they're going to rebuild some of a sort of a pentagon and built subways schools are able to earn a medical worker do everything they can for the recently too to go along well with a local population of incapacitation if you will and that will help a little bit more what is it a clear up for me if you will the discrepancy between on the one hand the americans seem to be speaking again seem to be stressing the humanitarian aspects of this on the other hand the un secretary general motors got like saying we want them to pacify we wanted to take weapons away from the people of somalia which is it or or is that that's as a country but still the main thrust is monitored and later on as we get the question will be the peacekeeping on the countryside eyes it's imperative that we do get billy's the major arms back in his neatly so called tactical his jeeps to include with weapons on them we have to confiscate them away never collect i know i've been the narrator never going to collect all these weapons out of scattered across the country get you played on a very serious disconnect that
because clearly the troops often by the president where on the the idea of providing humanitarian aid and using just that much force which is actually necessary in order to care about what the secretary general of the united nations is talking in terms of neutralizing disarming capturing weapons and that's an entirely different order of magnitude of military effort is that is that a realistic goal for the united nations to be setting general outlook on vacation or neutralization and so call aw it could take place but it has to be onstage old faces to do something that we're half dome dome it'll clear to me that if it takes that the faces and there should be a bit up of trust between the people who are fighting each other that it's very difficult to say i'm going to pass on the whole vehicle one that is also some sort of hostility between them secret and he just said that so the
un i think sure it's that part of the arctic connecting and encouraging new issue shows the team the on fox in the meantime for seeing that the lesson is that true ensemble thing and in the pristine forested that is that the way of the us military is likely to opera listeners would like to see uncle obviously you pacify the ridges as much as possible and confiscate would ever walk in japan obviously a lot of these weapons have to be constantly no action if you're in any reasonable prospect that all of having a stable of situation for the procedure what is obviously the next step and that is some sort of nation making our political no organ building a structure in the fort riley well thank you overspend portugal of a car gen trainor and you'll get we turn now to germany where
there have been more than nineteen hundred attacks on foreigners and desecrations of jewish monuments this year the government has begun cracking down on neo nazi groups of last week ban one of them and also moved band's songs by neo nazi rock groups the crackdown intensified after three turks were killed in a firebomb attack in a town near hamburg on november twenty third it is from a town of maron that we get this report from your marshal of the bbc this is where they lived and this is where they die a fifty one year old woman and her two granddaughters one was fourteen the other or of ten they're great mistake was to be foreigners in their case turkish living in germany their home in the village of moment outside hamburg was the target of a fireball and it could have been eaten was five others adults and and children escaped with serious injuries or soft in early two thousand the tax this year the toll now stands at sixteen dead victims of the nazis or
that the killings in nome sixty thousand syrians took to the streets of them can join kurt haskell field has addressed by dylan and co leader of the opposition as he's being derided by them at the negotiating terms with how to limit the numbers of refugees says it's ready to take one of the fall according to its limits on set the extreme right in support positions he says is critical and you have this system for some groups that assistance is to say the saints we have to solve the problem the democratic party's of the wars the people in germany were looking for other parties we're looking for and that representatives in the pond and things and i think it's our
duty to solve the problem in a democratic socialism humanistic way much weight disincentive to say right political just forty miles away in rome as a memorial session morning mix with nine states who've been here for two generations after militants settled as best welcomed to lose the lowest paid help our interview was caught in some refugee problem and mentor new figures since the wall came down like this change been in germany now for sixteen years and ive never seen anything like it especially not hearing know those three deaths have affected everyone really funny is i was in austin the time to deliver a time of murdering obviously wonderful afraid because the
arts the next day that's what makes it are also concerns that the brain in children and the general feeling is just two years ago investigators there on the deaths amounts of parliament despite the delegation and now reviewing the safety of one point seven million turks who are resident in germany the alarm expressed by that is not shared by a shock to some of them german government lot of the ordinary german people those who don't join racist or anti racist to demonstrations on the one hand those revulsion of the violent attacks but on the other there's considerable on happiness at the numbers of foreigners and refugees now living in germany germany for the germans maybe a slogan of the fall right but the underlying sentiment would find
some echo on the streets here this picturesque town is a favorite weekend retreat people from humbler people like ryan or not to shout that typically german working class she worked with the elderly he's a driver they don't see themselves as racist but they're fed up with farmers moved into their country it's that something as communism you just too many similar law are coming over and now it's a novel that was our colleague have even more i don't know what they said i think that's my cue georgia was a two room flat she can start a family because she can't get a bit of one to three years and does nothing to be found and then a crucial point they condemned the
racial attacks that suggest the victims by their very numbers must share the blame or is the number of asylum seekers is the root cause of danger before it is raising the german people most people didn't want the violence is widespread and then that day that follows hostile in a buzz about the east of the land was gutted by another five on the project twenty four hours later engaged active southeast of hamburg chief inspector henry olsen pc peyton progress of the making then it checks on the schools on that patch the seventeen nations refugee so far there have been no attacks if a woman has led away and shot
because turns out to have been a normal chimney fire burning uncontrolled is really not least from the local man whose presence in the middle of the night is a measure of the current concern and the moment is raisins raisins it is about a message by marya those holes odds are that was wrong is i just was in germany for more than ten years you were relieved obviously cause objects unknown to them as we speak some twenty miles east and then this time it was firebombed the next day we see the damage for ourselves refugee settlement convinced the woman for remaining and so she was in the house with the four children in a bottle filled with actual came through the window the husband james he was one of two attacks in bins not night
and five men have been arrested for the same troubling thing is being held just ordinary germans who seemed re victimizing foreigners almost have an instinct it's the final straw i don't really problem living with these people because they are and i think it should they believe a lot of american and i mean she wants to go but that anyone could shoot she's really afraid and i'm ready to go to for them really gemini gel with plenty of joan the next year at forty nine states his view will be understood by donald albrecht and xl mccain's two young germans who've recently returned to the momentary after four years driving around the world than our dismayed to see foreigners victimized in germany the sight guy surveilling mood they feel isn't that the relatives of ours complain about smell of garlic for example in the trains or buses if you sit next to the eastern foreigner like hers are at play it's garlic bicycle
different from olive oil so it's really complain about that they complain that they wouldn't integrate probably but they don't behave like jones was of the people are that scientists so now they're not christians they're just not ordinary people who vote for the conservative liberal government and would condemned to death and that violence but will produce a climate with their view which helps to have six fingers are you optimistic or pessimistic about the key issues of all the gloomy right now being in the city and it's very hard to be optimistic years it's not easy at all of this things which have been more or be the last nineties and we've seen that already so i still think germany's going down again it's not the politicians of the time and the upbeat
building home at the espy day says the extreme right the brown winter will soon die in two years' time i hope that through the brown wind in germany when the pictures anymore she really does the young people i hope we'll have a job that and we work every day and knowlton we've seen and looking for the wrong assets if a politician is correct was a lot riding on the uncertain prospects of full employment and further economic growth but how to explain the scene from the street and now two young boys are passing the foreign owned restaurant one in yellow stops and states of the window then go to the wooden wait and keep it repeatedly under most circumstances this would be ignored as normal
child does the germans themselves say germany has a history and such matters are of particular concern again our main story this thursday was the un vote to send troops to somalia the resolution passed unanimously it authorizes the use of all necessary force to ensure the delivery of relief supplies to starving people in somalia eighteen hundred us marines are now on three shares off the coast of somalia they'll be joined by up two twenty eight thousand other us troops as well as troops from france and other nations force would be under us command and it was ceylon autumn them well thank you and goodnight well it's
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The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour
December 3, 1992
Producing Organization
NewsHour Productions
Contributing Organization
NewsHour Productions (Washington, District of Columbia)
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Episode Description
This episode's headline: Policy Matters; The Military Option; Hate Crimes. The guests include SEN. NANCY KASSEBAUM, [R] Kansas; SEN. HANK BROWN, [R] Colorado; REP. BARBARA-ROSE COLLINS, [D] Michigan; PETE WILLIAMS, Pentagon Spokesman; BRIG. GEN. ABUCAR LIBAN, Former Somali Defense Attache; BRUCE VAN VOORST, Time Magazine; LT. GEN. BERNARD TRAINOR, U.S. Marine Corps [Ret.]; CORRESPONDENT: PETER MARSHALL. Byline: In New York: JUDY WOODRUFF; In Washington: JAMES LEHRER
Asset type
Social Issues
Global Affairs
Race and Ethnicity
War and Conflict
Military Forces and Armaments
Food and Cooking
Politics and Government
Copyright NewsHour Productions, LLC. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Public License (
Media type
Moving Image
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Producing Organization: NewsHour Productions
AAPB Contributor Holdings
NewsHour Productions
Identifier: NH-2421 (NH Show Code)
Format: 1 inch videotape
Generation: Master
Duration: 01:00:00;00
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour; December 3, 1992,” 1992-12-03, NewsHour Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 17, 2024,
MLA: “The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour; December 3, 1992.” 1992-12-03. NewsHour Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 17, 2024. <>.
APA: The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour; December 3, 1992. Boston, MA: NewsHour Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from