thumbnail of The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour; February 21, 1992
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as both ms ba it's been fun our i'm robert macneil a close up look at the tragedy in
somalia the weeks political analysis in berlin and shields and an essay on homegrown heroes all tonight on the macneil lehrer newshour ers ha ha ha in washington and i'm robert mcneill in new york after tonight's news summary we examine in detail the tragedy
unfolding in somalia then our analysts david gergen and mark shields look at this watershed week in politics and essayist jack perkins has some thoughts on homegrown heroes funding for the macneil lehrer newshour has been provided i am having a welcoming community and that a corporation for public broadcasting and viewers like you this was another day of bloodletting along israel's border with lebanon israeli troops withdrew from two shiite villages in south lebanon the rocket attacks on israel resumed hours later killing a five year old girl robert moore of independent television news reports
from the border the child had died was heading home from school crossing the street of a village in the western galilee her death will cause theory and deep embarrassment among israel's leaders that this was exactly the type of rocket attack but assaulting the shiite stronghold was meant to preempt there is now a fresh sense of fear spreading in northern israel a realization that committing troops in armored debacle did not achieve their stated goal of limiting coalition was designed as a search and destroy mission targeting the very missed out of the shiite rulers once again be required before news came through the fresh attack israeli troops have been in self portrait of lewd hazing opposed by the photographs showing off their lucky charms the two israeli soldiers were killed during the operation this morning they were given a military funeral once again israeli families grieving over songs
killed fighting on the northern border israel's withdrawal from southern lebanon may yet be temporary if hezbollah guerillas succeeded regrouping then the israeli magic i'm on the side that a lot of their forces back into this afternoons rocket attack now makes a renewed energy push a strong possibility and threatens fresh conflict in this fall a pile border zone late today the united nations announced it is dispatching two senior officials to lebanon and israel because of the deteriorating situation also today there was more unrest inside israel a palestinian man stabbed an israeli woman to death in a town near tel aviv three other people were wounded in the incident all were immigrants from russia and his really pedestrian shot and seriously wounded the attacker secretary of state baker met with israel's ambassador at the state department this afternoon they discuss israel's request for ten billion dollars in loan guarantees the money is to be used to help settle an influx of soviet and ethiopian jews the bush
administration has delayed action on the request to protest israel's continued construction of settlements in the occupied territories after the meeting ambassador zalman shoval senate compromise had not yet been reached the matter of the loan guarantees was also taken up in hearings on capitol hill for the first time today congressman david obey democrat from wisconsin share the proceedings he said many americans are in no mood to support the guarantees and he said he would take the role of a skeptical loan officer north korea has reportedly ships one hundred million dollars of sophisticated missiles to syria the new york times reported today the us intelligence agencies are monitoring a north korean freighter carrying sky and sea missiles those weapons are a longer range version of the scuds used by iraqi in the gulf war state department spokeswoman margaret tutwiler would not confirm the report i had this to say syria as you know very well has had scud missiles on his arsenal
for years and we believe that they're still trying to secure more including from north korea the united states feels very strongly about cooperation of surface to surface missiles particularly in the middle east we would view of great concern any transfer of this type the dangers of scud missiles in the middle east region have been amply demonstrated during the past gulf war we have made now an odd views on this subject to all potential suppliers of such weapons including the north koreans the bush administration has decided that it is all right to sell high technology items to china after all us officials announced they are lifting the sanctions against such sales that were imposed last june they're apparently being lifted because of personal assurances from chinese officials president bush and secretary of state baker that china would not sell missiles to countries in the middle east there have been recent reports of china selling missile technology to iran and syria but chinese
officials have denied them cia director robert gates said today he would begin lifting the veil of secrecy which is shrouded his agency since its creation in nineteen forty seven among the moves he outlined was declassification of secret files on the assassination of president john kennedy you said they would be released if the administration and congress get permission they spoke before the oklahoma press association in tulsa i'm transferring custody of all documents cia possesses relating to the assassination of president kennedy for the historical review program as i told senator boren congressman mccurdy and congressman louis stokes cia will cooperate fully and willingly any any government wide efforts to declassify these documents they said the cia also plan to declassify information on the nineteen sixty one bay of pigs invasion of nineteen sixty two cuban missile crisis
and the nineteen fifty four guatemalan coup a un report today charged guatemala with great human rights violations it said guatemalans live under constant threat from the police and military more than a hundred thousand people have died in factional fighting and death squad killings since the reformist government was ousted in the coup three decades ago another forty thousand people have disappeared many of them human rights activists and critics of the military secretary dick cheney was in the guatemalan capital today he said that the government had made progress on human rights and the prospects for resuming us military aid and improve the senate today overwhelmingly approved a bill increasing aid to poor and middle income college students and ninety three to one vote completed senate reauthorization of the higher education act which is estimated to cost nearly fifty seven billion dollars over five years the one no vote was from republican jesse helms said the legislation would cost too much the bill now goes to the house a
congressional report published today said the government must overhaul federal assistance programs to help displaced defense workers the office of technology assessment estimated up to two and a half million workers will lose their jobs by the end of the century because of decreased military spending senator edward kennedy democratic massachusetts released the report on capitol hill lottery director talents of our defense scientists engineers and skilled workers the major domestic needs of the nation needs of an irresponsibly neglected for the past decade and are at the heart of our current and chronic economic troubles the nation is paying the price of the nineteen nineties for the feel good decade of the nineteen eighties just as we paid the price in the nineteen thirties p over a decade of the nineteen twenties clearly sacrifice will be involved and maybe substantial for some sectors of the economy in some communities but we cannot avoid the challenge ahead of the ten we must
maintain cold war levels of defense spending because the consequences of reductions may have on certain parts of the economy that is no way out general motors may announce its first plant closings on monday the detroit free press reported that the arlington texas assembly plant we'll be shut down as part of the company's cost cutting program the plant employs thirty eight hundred people gm said in december that it would close twenty one plants and lay off seventy four thousand workers over the next five years in a major restructuring john from meyer the head of the national endowment for the arts resigned today in three years on the job you deal with critics from the left and the right some artists accused him of censorship or rejecting unconventional are sexually explicit works at the same time critics of federal funding like north carolina senator jesse helms criticized him for allowing too many such works president bush accepted the resignation saying some of the arts funded by the nea does not have my enthusiastic approval ron meyer
said he would continue to quote work for quality art or less hate and for a generosity of spirit that allows us to live with our differences that's it for the news summary just ahead the horror of war in somalia gurdon and shields on the political week that was an essay about heroes hour we focus first tonight on the newest tragedy in africa but one that follows a familiar formula for disaster civil war and famine in the east african nation of somalia thousands have died in street fighting since november more than half the country's eight million people are at risk of starvation this week the shooting in the civil war continued even though a cease fire had been negotiated and declared at the united nations in new york yesterday we brought together officials and
experts to talk about somalia's plight but first we look at a documentary report narrated by lindsay taylor of independent television news it began in the town of korea now his father brought him here to escape been killed in the civil war that he may die from hunger more than a thousand people have crowded into this warehouse and stifling heat with no sanitation few venture outside food is scarce for most of his non all were suffering from malnutrition already there this camp is that probably only eighty miles south of mogadishu international red cross tried to get supplies here nine out of the twelve lorries were raided by armed militias leaving these people the staff it's a similar
story in the camps north of the capital all around thousands of displaced people are living rough with little or nothing to survive on here they desperately need relief supplies but nunley to them because of the fighting i don't want to leave id than his rival of the mufti been locked into months of the years of warfare which is virtually destroyed mogadishu despite repeated calls for a cease fire the fighting continues daily sixties peace sees no sign of an end to the bloodshed the strong pressure for outside intervention but a recent united nations mission to motivation failed to make any
impression on the un has since indicated this liquid into until the fighting stops however the government about enough to be the interim president says eyesight intervention is necessary the un peace initiatives for a cease fire and to create a piece corridor for humanitarian assistance we accepted without conditions but they were rejected by general idea and we believe our request four un peacekeeping force here is the solution you were on the other side of the city general aidid to claims he wants peace but says it can only be achieved through an internal political settlement ceasefire is full moon that he and there is this line with all things that that an unhappy patient in
the fifties and he's looking for everything that they see there is no question so while the rival leaders disagreed from the security of the fortified headquarters in the streets the bloodshed goes on an estimated twenty thousand people have been killed or wounded in the past three months like this was only last week that the un security council passed a resolution calling for a ceasefire and imposing an arms embargo critics say it's too little too late they claim the un swiftly abound in mogadishu to its fate after the fall of presidency of barry has been reluctant to get involved since i don't quote those who said thousand love their lives in believing that without condition of the shirt that we help staff were lost their lives and i
happened to be the one who live within the body off the doctor was suddenly people or some i let him go salsa and i think even to friends all the bach down the relatives here the un and the west and it's done nothing to be a tactic analyst for the state more and more when the most of them civilians caught in the crossfire are brought to the cities were flowing hospitals medicines and an aesthetic still in short supply this goes humming pieces of shrapnel among the casualties a government minister recovering at home after having his leg amputated he warns without help mogadishu will not survive much longer oh
well so when to help calm somalis face a stark choice take their chances in the city within time in the end up you live in the country we get four perspectives now on the somalia situation kerman cohen is assistant secretary of state for african affairs he joins us from the state department rocky omar is executive director of africa watch human rights organization in new york she is a native of somalia dr jennifer leaning is a physician who has just returned from somalia and the refugee camps along the border with kenya she represents the organization
physicians for human rights and he joins us from public station wgbh in boston jim hoagland is a columnist for the washington post and previously covered africa for his newspaper daughter leaning you have just returned most recently from somalia how does what you saw there compare with the pictures we just saw this report which i understand was found two or three weeks ago that the pictures were pictures of mogadishu are are very similar to what i saw the arm around is also and the streets are littered with discarded abandoned vehicles are in the southern sector of the city are squatters are leaning up against the walls fleeing the northern sector where the fighting is the most heavy there are are still great crowd and congestion problems in the hospitals have become integrated fifty two hundred a day from the persistent
onslaught are children women on men all ages are being mutilated by this barrage the cemeteries are for war the winds are too distant and so once it to go to some people are burying their loved ones and relatives in shallow graves you can see now is on many street corners are these impromptu graves our brains are encroaching on a hospital compounds out they're huge piles of trash and sewage and waste all over the city are it's tragic when you can see traces what must've been on a beautiful set of streets and foliage than a building really are still in bloom there our crowds are tense armed many people you see are heavily armed when trials around the only in heavily armed jeeps i moved in jeeps and land rovers that had four young men each of them aren't in a cave forty seven
are the hospital personnel are exhausted the somali nurses and physicians very home they're getting only one meal a day and that's thanks to the icrc internationally red cross this spring the food in on that somehow and our hospital medical supplies are always in short supply when i was there there was a shortage of tennis which is a very severe problem since everybody who comes in as a jury open wound in his industry can tracking disease that the casualty numbers so high almost has to be unbelievable five thousand dead since the middle of november when the fighting escalated again another what twenty twenty thousand or so wounded is that is that consistent with what you learned yes it is not incredible when you're there i went over the hospital records which are not well kept our part because the numbers have been so high that the staff had not had time to turn to paperwork says what we can piece together is that easily five to ten people a day die in the casualty area
as they ride and heady days are not on the right data like days forty casualties today on a heady days five to ten people just die having managed to reach the culture war but there is that shock or armed militia that they can survive they're for the dying operating table their allotted nine hospitals and her neighbor died they can't ever get to the hospitals are trapped in the rubble for rocky omar give us a little more background we heard some reference and in the report to what and it is because of those that the intro clan the intra factional fighting going on but what why has it gotten so bad oh well it's complicated to explain the whole history of this conflict the fighting that is waiting on an audition now flared up on november the seventeenth essentially it is a pall a struggle between the leaders of two factions of the famed rebel movement the united someone in congress who belong to the same clan so it is not a question to clan fighting each other it is to murderous thugs who
both want to be a president of somalia and who are determined to achieve that objective at any price including the complete destruction of their country and then there's that anyone and everyone even the militia in that's what it's going to take and that of course has been facilitated by the lack of international observers and scrutiny not only did the united nations video after now with the advent of the former dictator now with outstanding journal in nineteen ninety when the nth time diplomatic corps favor the egyptians so since january that there have been fighting on and off between the different factions of the habits of money congress to go back a little bit there have been many worthless of money or fall on from a decade of the eighties in an effort to overthrow the a bloody al rashid lynn hennessey other that committed widespread human rights abuses at the tail end of nineteen nineteen and effort to intensify amen the battle to overthrow him various rebel
movements coordinating them energy of political strategy and the agreement was that after he was overthrown there would be a national conference on the rebel movement and on the grievances on the regions would put their grievances on the table for hash out their differences and try to work out a political program that would allow a different factors audio of the community and the nation can live together in peace an issue that never again with some ideas live delayed big time during the twenty one years and hence the other unfortunately that were sabotaged by a faction of the united the money congress a kindly the incoming presidents group that they plan on it fell on the air so the speed bumps inhabits the head buyer at an apple for stone the opportunity for debate for democrats of discourse and forth an opportunity to bring in bring about the politics of this course and not the politics out of the gun as
has happened since then there has been no risk by from fighting the intensity of the fighting since november the seventeenth there was anything that somebody has seen previous they sell it make money and secretary colin you mentioned that the international organizations like the un and the diplomatic community has has not moved in this interview on why it is that why has the rest of the world stood by and let that happen well it's been very dangerous in somalia we had two hundred people in our embassy compound who had to flee by armed helicopter to get away from the threat of of being killed by by armed thugs are running around town and coming over our walls we've tried to send in the humanitarian assistance since this conflict began we provided about twenty million dollars and eight remaining united united states other organizations have done things very few international groups that are available to distribute aid there's the red cross doctors without borders but other grew so just
can't get in there because it's just too dangerous so in january are we another sees the united nations security council which passed the resolution as the secretary general to trying to organize a cease fire he has gotten the factions to come to europe they've agreed to a cease fire but unfortunately it hasn't been implemented yet i myself have seen both a delegations here tried to shame them into admitting that there's nothing we're fighting for anymore of that they've got to stop lobbing shells across town at each other which are told in the sense was the reaction when i thought i'd you know they say sure we want a cease fire but it's the other guys who won't stop working why is it so difficult to get this place to start what we are looking at something of a new situation that the somalis in somalia represents today i think secretary cohen is done now that job and tiny use all the traditional levers of diplomacy that can be used in a situation like this what strikes me as i look at that film the ginger shown duty is two
things one is that i cover the bee after award nineteen sixty nine seventy was there at the end what we see in this film is ten times a hundred times worse than what we saw in the after them but there was an international outcry about the afro there was a a major humanitarian campaign or the great powers were seized of that question and tried to do something about it today there's very little said about somalia there's too little written about somalia are there's an international fatigue of compassion they think we have to recognize the second thing is that we're at a stage now where the united nations supposedly is reorganizing itself is creating a new department for relief when disaster are but it doesn't seem to have yet equipped itself with instruments that will enable it to carry out its mission i think we need to look hard at a peacemaking role for the un here we are some months after president bush proclaimed a new world order and we have twenty thousand people killed and wounded and somalia and no one really seemed to be
able to do much about it we have to take a totally new approach through the united nations to peacemaking not just peacekeeping and think about what can a military force can be used by the united nations to enforce the cease fire as omar what how do you deal with that a bit what what and jim hoagland is calling a fatigue of compassion it in the world that it's just hard to get other countries and the united nations and other international organizations motivated and moving to do something about it well i think maybe it's true that there have been so many un humanitarian tragedy in iowa throughout the world that it's difficult to come up with the idea for his phones each time soon i think is required but i would like to underline the fact that i'm in the case of some it is not that the united nations or other community have tried to do something and fail they have not tried i would like to also point out that the thieves we're talking about the united nations ill conceived and ill prepared a meeting that i think the united nations has probably ever put
together on the only and discussions that the united nations had really different factions what the invasion jonah made it family to a fifth of a fiasco tone of the united nations who was the envoy of the united nations and then they meet in the entire meeting which was not based on any saudi diplomatic foundation or any familiarity with me nature of the conflict as some idea precisely today than their groups were never in the same room which only means that obviously it takes more time to explain each fight from going to the other one and then then the agreement in nearly a hundred and two words and a subsequent discussion with the warring factions the very clear that it was promptly named levi that that they need at the united nations funded by international criticism to appear to be doing something about somebody says no effect back in discussions where mr put on the table secretary cohen is that a fair criticism of what to you were the maybe you actually work with the with the people who were there who were clearly not
ready to make peace i wouldn't blame the un but i think jim hoagland put his finger on the main problem the un is configured to send peacekeepers in after peace has been established is not configured to send fighting forces and to stop people from killing each other the best example of this happened eighteen months ago in liberia when west african nations went into liberia with fighting forces took many casualties and stop the fighting the big political issue we have to decide on right now is is the international community willing to do that sort of thing on a regular basis when people won't stop fighting among themselves well that was my question i mean what you do about the humanitarian needs of the situation like this one when the combatants are not willing to lay down their arms december international community just stand back and say well let's wait and see what happened was as a maid a major political decision but i think the best thing that the only thing we can do while we're making that decision is sending as much humanitarian aid is weekend but is that being done so just as well as we can as the qualifying phrase
inspector cohen's descendants there i think it's important too to recognize here that powers like united states see it less in their own direct interest in dayton they did in the time of the africa to become deeply involved in the situation because the cold war is over were no longer competing with the soviet union therefore we tend to take something quite frankly of a more relaxed view than we did then so you're saying the united states could be doing more now than it is to leave a church but the gently what i'm saying is that the west has a stake in what's happening in somalia that doesn't seem to recognize we look at that phil we see young people shooting a building's i visited mogadishu for the first time in nineteen sixty nine it was a very pleasant its spare almost italian style city still showed colonial influence what we see there is young people who have had no contact with western with western system really because of what happened in somalia over the last twenty years destroying
the last western vinnie year the lasting influence the last involvement really by the western world what we're seeing is a major parts of africa not to somalia going back into another iraq because there is less western engagement bits and you're saying that represents more of a stake for the west that we are really worried that that the last vestiges of western culture are disappearing i believe so i think it's not recognized and it's something we should have a statement is that is that what concerns you know so now i don't think that the idea of these different clinical train young was a militia are motivated by on anything in one way or the other about the way i don't think they're trying to send a message to the way that they've been forgotten i think it's the ninth the political problem with him some ideas it also shows the lack of political leadership in africa that a conflict whether it has some idea or liberia or via tomorrow necessitates an aberrant a suspension of some sort of political or otherwise by the outside world
because the leadership does not been provided from within africa united nations has not require that is the coin it adds stress that is not required to thank you keeping authorities towards a militia what they can be doing right now is to be spending massive humanitarian assistance because they're more inhibition if that's not a fight for food and this is about is it's about power and this is one thing that united nations failed to understand by infecting an added that there be a ceasefire and for humanitarian assistance and they believe that there will never be a cease fire in libya show and tell those young boys stop joining the fighting as a way of getting a meal that won them on the humanitarian assistance the limit no strings attached to a one not that secretary cohen that it's gonna be food first that that you can't wait until there is a there is a cease fire there's a lot in what does this omar says but can you risk the lives of relief workers to do that is a very dangerous
place the red cross people are trying to get in and they're managing to get small boats it's a little ports but that is a small amount of data you really can't tell people go and then distribute food and save risk your lives i mean how much can you ask can be going on and a heavily armed armed protected manner or that goes back to the original question do you fight your way in to stop people from killing themselves and i'd like to remind you hope going that nobody did that in the after the b after war played itself out over three years until one side was victorious nobody stopped the war dr leaning what is going to happen if there is not serve the sort of humanitarian aid in this home are stalking well i think i think that's a good question and there's one that should force our hands the food situation is going to get only were desperate there was no november crop november rains income are there were very few people to harvest was in the fields are the people rains are coming the sewage and sanitation
system and water supply mogadishu it is nonexistent are these shallow graves in the floods that will come from the rains will be unearthed are the prospects of waterborne disease are are quite good are several experts are also concerned about the outbreak of another epidemic teenager koppelman advantage audits which is a lethal illness and the ongoing hunger malnutrition i will begin to take a very high toll perhaps rightly the casualties from our trauma that we're now seeing there i think that needs to be brought home to the international community in her and talking about the political leaders rather than the humanitarian relief organizations need to understand this is that this is a society that is spiraling into an absolutely devastating decline is not just in mogadishu their sectors in areas of unrest in our privation despair throughout somalia somalia
is a i think a key harbinger a key indicator of how be in the developed world are going to respond to distress we have enough imagination to figure out a way to bring in massive amounts of food without getting relief workers killed me that the issue theyre made at mines around here that ought to be a way out of its problems are difficult but not insurmountable says secretary cohen if that's the case one of the prospects of something that happened we're doing our best right now are trying to get food by every possible means but it's not going to be enough and let's not kid ourselves we're not to be able to do until these guys stop fighting and that's where the pressure has to be placed as omar get the last word what i think that pressure can come in a country like the united states which i support the gathered for so many years now pick their leadership in the united nations to make sure that some idea get the political attention that it deserves and i can hear like the united states puts it on the agenda in the security council and keeps the debt went up a little
cupboard be a tiny island off the coast of west africa to put some ideas on the agenda security council that's a measure on the l being negligent of the money in the international community will have to come back to briefly secretary cohen is united states to do what you say well we've sees the security council we voted for the resolution waiting for boaters gallas reports it will certainly act on the report that comes in eleanor thank you all for being with us dr leaning as along secretary colin jim hoagland thank you are still ahead gergen and shields and a jet perkins as it's friday and that means it's time prison and the weak political analysis from our regular team curtain shields the aftershocks of the new hampshire primary are still being felt in both republican and democratic parties republican patrick buchanan has gone on the attack after his surprisingly strong
finish in new hampshire president bush meanwhile is fighting back in his session he spoke today to the republican southern leadership conference in charleston south carolina yesterday buchanan address the conservative political action conference in washington there are some excerpts from those speeches we need a new american revolution here in the united states and i'm sorry i noticed bush quayle people here but we have to do to george the first the big government republican what our forefathers did for george the third and his big government for years those of us in the canon campaign in new hampshire that began ten weeks ago all just a dream we have taken our stand and we have made our case and we have fought the good fight and now it is time for others to take their stand this race comes down now my friends the canon were bush is a time to
choose and we know the immortal that he tells us the special place in hell has been set aside for those won some great collision refused you take a stand so we hope everyone will agree to come down on one side of the other best of both said there will be no more kinder gentler gauging collared blouse going to do what they didn't do in new hampshire well that is welcome news was unwelcomed a crossfire mr president i believe the american people want your solutions not just a lot of name calling in and running this country that and frankly i also believe that sometimes somebody has got to stand up and say what's right united states of america and
the party are number one in maine no mistake about it and we're going to stay that way and another thing another thing and it is just it's my personal practice stopping less not listen to the gloom and doom from all those intense talking heads who were happy only when they say something negative the pope these next primaries are critical i need your help and your help to keep our party strong and united so that we can win this fall and yes we have much to do that i guarantee we will get the job done and yes we have many challenges before us and i guarantee we will meet them each and every one of them and yes susan rice in november and i guarantee this
we will win and i want to be your president for another full year and how early is now from washington are david gergen editor at large of the us news and world report and syndicated columnist mark shields david has just abortion or his advisers decided how to cope with the cannon they really have a problem there is a division within the obama campaign about whether they ought to take on the care and family as they seem to be doing early part of the week where they'll stand above the fray the president signaling avoided taking him on directly today was he betrayed core similar way but a lot of contention within the bush camp about exactly how to handle it and they see great there are some people in the bush campaign as we were discussing you and i see great heroism for the president after slogging through the modern through the rain for the next several months and hated it but who then loses his greatest asset that is presidents the more he becomes another politician out campaigning as pat buchanan the more he be in effect and it's off his pedestal and one and one of the places which is protected imber well so far
mr carney you see it end how is sir how effective has been hit and i'm going to continue to be if the president takes that stance the images describe well i think yeah the head david's actually write about the disagreement within the campaign i think at breakfast this morning i would report is destroying breakfast at charlie black and jim weight to the president's top strategist made it clear that they're they were going under wine emphasize and draw the differences between george bush and pat buchanan as they saw them imagine isolationism protectionism immigration i desert storm and so security has to start fights that they have the means or the tactics which are that they are those given to be drawn are still up for grabs that i think will be in the television commercial that a couple and they get spots under pat buchanan a new venture out which it which they did not newt u's and their tribe i quiver mr bies we get that began a free ride really a director do that again could be david
that the president feels that some of the things that icann is saying so resonating with voters he doesn't want to alienate those voters by appearing to be directly against them himself isn't farfetched does is that that that is part of this problem the more here goes after began more years to go out to begin his message and what he does that's it and he began to brighten yet you know it becomes a little more of a politician than stellar present but he also is taking on the very key his base began to try mobilizing take away by it which is based primarily on this are so interesting about about the when they won't veer this week away from attacking a carrier barely an hour the president saying today i think he also has probably one of mr eyman he was using the computer show namely he was defending the status quo this president has to stand for change at what the voters and when they wanted to be an essay about how wonderful and great things our america frankly i don't think that's the fly either mark you just use of the phrase free ride
in new hampshire that the bush gave him a free ride the claim is made by several columnists reasons and rosenthal in your time it's the weekend and got a free ride from the press and is still getting it and another columnist richard cohen of the washington post makes a stronger charge people like you the names you who are colleagues of big cannons on various junctures in washington are overlooking charges against buchanan of racism and anti semitism and homophobia it respond well i respond to it get that cat and they're both wrong and it wasn't good there wasn't a single parents back again made or the entire ten weeks of his campaign where he was a cross examined i'm quoting on the show by jim lehrer every appearance he made he gets asked about his previous utterances that is anti semitism our alleged anti semitism or whatever else i mean the fact the matter is that voters are aware of pat buchanan the things that both richard cohen and abe rosenthal feel should disqualify him as president they voted as a protest in new hampshire
against george bush voters are informed people and of all those good seventy percent origination from television i hate to admit that is a sunday rice has been recalled but that that's the reality and every time pac began was on larry king was a talk show a new hampshire that that came up boulders at the discounted considered i said this is the way i want to vote because oh express the way i feel and george bush was an up or down vote on george bush the un here now and then the bush people is charlie tribe i put the stories of what the press came and if they get a free ride it because we didn't live part of that was not an adversarial engagement any point gene mccarthy didn't get nearly destroyed in nineteen sixty eight that that you can get ninety nine i needed a john f but the people crossed in nineteen seventy two what's your own view of this is there is the press getting their canon an easy time because he's one of them in washington on one issue in question anti semitism i do not think they give them for free ride but on other issues or on an upscale i do
think that we have that laid back we have not investigated i know almost no work corder was systematically gone through that began and utterances saints columns there says they've evolved over the course her volunteer sort of a job but of that we give them in like the kind of scrutiny we given the other candidates are and bill clinton would i think would argue that because gunner very different outlook than once he got into the season at an albatross hear why that is i think in part it is because nobody has taken the cameras seriously now in part it is because you can actually be a very good candidate and stopped is a very engaging interesting person we speak to the press or taken by that was actually i think that there is a feeling among some people the press that they like a good fight they would mind state and george bush have another bobby a few times at that that is it is it is good sport and burn politics and i you know and i think that the president has a point is that have a point when they make that argument you're acquiring armor well sure and i think that there were going to see a greater scrutiny attached to pat's proposals of prescriptions
now in his in his ideas he he ran a very strong reason to include it now looks like it's going to be around for a long time you know i only upset the conventional wisdom on tuesday night he basically stole the thunder robin from nineteen ninety six on all the would be our conservative leaders of the republican party from jack kemp to dan quayle with phil graham to newt gingrich and bill bennett they're all on the sidelines at pat buchanan's against its aid to be sure that the year the scrutiny will attach to him and will be inspired in part by your adversaries in the party who don't want to see him get to such a long lead for any sense of the democrats some question about who really won in new hampshire governor bill clinton who came in second was the first to put his own spin on the election returns while the ending is young and we don't know yet what the final tally
will be i think we know enough to say with some certainly that new hampshire tonight is my bill clinton come back in about an hour later located paul tsongas acknowledged that he had in fact won the primary almost in spite of himself like to thank the prisoner who is the charisma and our family and my locker is right is mary david immediate terms who really won the new hampshire well you know he actually hasn't been that paul saunders won a very solid victory and new hampshire but bill clinton one spending generally he was very shrewd deployment of a comeback and that the line of the night got early coverage and drove the coverage so that a lot of people in the press concluded there were two winners of us have posted export here's the headline scientists clinton top democratic field theory was as if that song is what was a weight is if we have to wonder if that and
yeah to say the plot was much better prepared and as he did just what walter mondale beard back on super tuesday that one when west where his mind was seven out of ninety one two states came and declared victory and oppressor walter mondale the director general mark are we in the media so easily sent in by air clever spin control or where are the media reluctant to anoint sons well the media i were certainly not reluctant to anoint the bill clinton i mean that when we had regarded divided the field into a top tier and lower tier in the top tier of course was sort of scary and harkin who finished third and fourth i answer and governor clinton finished second i somewhere from the bottom tier came as phillip saunders to one and we did it with our own primary and establish sort of a clinton as the leader of the libyan voters came along and unpredictable and then they do these things and then whether they really know and they get very messy they picked it i know like when did what i thought was really quite frankly that three weeks ago is at forty
percent a few left the country went to mars went to sleep and you say this guy's going through the roof he's gonna win new hampshire in a walk he gets hit iraq to a couple of shots that on the personal fidelity and the military have a willingness to sir are any dropped to twenty times way back to twenty five and makes himself the comeback kid that what he did in that by going early when at nine o'clock before sunday's did he canvassed all the thunder and the second thing he did was he won the inside the beltway primaries by doing that he basically froze all the would be candidates inside of washington ah those were again congressman dick gephardt to run senator lloyd bentsen to run by claiming a victory of putting the best spin on it he could it it took a sense of urgency i'm one of them entering the fray and eventually deflated let me ask you each very briefly mara started you david how does it look and the next tests in the democratic party the maine caucuses this weekend then south dakota on tuesday well all summer should win the main causes of the loses and that's a bad bad defeat for him feel clever solution of a
chance to get away from it and the board subsequently is going to eliminate at least one of team canada at their partner carries flame possibly both mr bridges possibly brooklyn that the old allan how do you see it i would say i would say game is right to sell the goat is an elimination contest three to carry a heart can i give i would say for either one of them to really surviving good shape he has to finish first and if clinton would've finished the number one in south dakota it would really be a major victory for mark and david finally tonight we have an essay writer jack perkins who lives in maine has some thoughts on where we should look for heroes this season every four years would come to the time of the female and those young athletes
arriving so valiantly make the rest of us wonder why we sort of drive less than valiantly they also inspire us we need heroes we are told especially our young need heroes to serve as examples of dedication and courage sacrifice when olympians aren't around who have a baseball players their valiant striving seeing mostly these days for bigger numbers on contracts is money the goal for which our heroes should point out for fame and the behavior and reward should rock and we start to be our children's heroes to suggestions first let's not let the media choose our heroes for us they don't necessarily share our values second preview of bell but at home i'm
exemplars for young in our hometowns in our town it finds some candidates here as everywhere there are some people who are mentally or developmentally disabled the easiest thing to do with such people is walk the more a model macleod was locked away for years until a few years ago when something new were started in our town it's called the empty eye workshop moved a wonderful new building recently what the workshop buzzes to people who otherwise would be in an institution doing nothing and let them be in the world doing something david and fundamental word working they manufacture simple sturdy furniture or three maybe here are simple sturdy lives the workers are given play with dignity that's what the workshop the moral macleod when she gets home from the mental
hospital she had been locked up in she is one of the workshops great success stories with its training and encouragement she was able to move on as a job of rome in town now custodian for the congregational church recently for the first time ever she got her first apartment things being poured to the empty i'll workshop the foresight for people who founded this place and to give themselves to it these are my idea of heroes another example thought of the tone of the transfer station the attendant india which is not a glamorous job you know we're going to hear much but on the side jim collect fraternal bottles and cans people bring them for him and he catches them in the next several hundred dollars each year used to use the money to healthy little prop fueled
up to get the wharton back years away from free kids today don't need for money but recently each year for violin can money june thirtieth even giving away from leaving the theory of their grievances you know where you have to cheer for the young dr workshop talk about sacrifice and courage and dedication there are heroes in our town and not trenchant heroes here with for years and then gone and not a few rows of help in the media still in the snow press don't always identified the real heroes for you they have to do it for yourself ability to look in your own town he at the dump and jack perkins
ah ahh again the main stories of this friday arab rulers in lebanon resumed rocket attacks on israel hours after israeli troops pulled out of the area the bush administration lifted sanctions on the sale of high technology items to china with sanctions were imposed last year after intelligence reports showed china was selling missile technology to middle east nations and cia director robert gates said the agency is willing to declassify thousands of secret documents including those relating to the assassination of president kennedy set in iraq and that's our newshour for tonight will be back monday night with a newsmaker interview with us attorney general william barr i'm judy woodruff thank you and have a good weekend well and the corporation for public broadcasting
and viewers like you many thanks video cassettes of the macneil lehrer newshour are available from pbs video call one eight hundred three to eight pbs won yes fb
The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour
February 21, 1992
Producing Organization
NewsHour Productions
Contributing Organization
NewsHour Productions (Washington, District of Columbia)
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Episode Description
This episode of The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour looks at three major stories: an extended look at civil war and famine in Somalia, political analysis by David Gergen and Mark Shields, and a video essay by Jack Perkins on "homegrown heroes."
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Social Issues
Global Affairs
War and Conflict
Military Forces and Armaments
Politics and Government
Copyright NewsHour Productions, LLC. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Public License (
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Producing Organization: NewsHour Productions
AAPB Contributor Holdings
NewsHour Productions
Identifier: 51106 (Reel/Tape Number)
Format: 1 inch videotape
Generation: Dub
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Chicago: “The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour; February 21, 1992,” 1992-02-21, NewsHour Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 18, 2024,
MLA: “The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour; February 21, 1992.” 1992-02-21. NewsHour Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 18, 2024. <>.
APA: The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour; February 21, 1992. Boston, MA: NewsHour Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from