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for root root root root root root oh wo funding for this program has been provided by the station and other public television stations and by grants from exxon corporation the corporation for public broadcasting and at and t and the company house in washington a conversation
with british prime minister margaret thatcher or in her talks with president reagan he can speak reading from washington british prime minister margaret thatcher finished two days of talks today with president reagan and us officials in price she said with the striking similarity between our ancient policies major political and economic problems wide range of issues witnesses that you're a warehouse
on the street but your local short while ago it was announced that you were delaying a departure from washington in the morning to have a special on schedule second session with president reagan had something original reason that something special or no i think it's a lovely idea my husband and me to go run for the white house to say goodbye to say how very much enjoyed the trip how valuable were found the whole visit of a much loved it and how we hope that this will it will usher in a new era of understanding and cooperation it isn't something some surprising questionable it's just been a long one hospitality delighted we're afraid that maybe somebody had come up on our salad or something like that but that's not the case i don't think would be so ham handed ways to do it that way and pat o'neill so do you have any doubts now the
soviet bloc through cuba nicaragua are supplying arms to the leftist guerrillas we have no doubt that there are substantial supplies a good thing that we're pretty certain when they come home we have no doubt that this is a gross interference with the internal affairs of el salvador vivian has begun to try to stop that interference of wealth and all things going on in el salvador fantasies can be stopped and obviously it to the people of that the way we have in your conversations with the president secretary hague and others with those fuel with a full range of options that could be employed to stop this outside interference were they gone over with you no actually the proportion of questions i've had on el
salvador from interviewers far exceeds the proportion of time we spend on discussing this particular matter we didn't want to talk about it we talked about a lot of other things as well and i want to talk about i think you're kind of growth and a lot of things to talk about is the health of the east west relationship and summer jazz instead it's about things like libya are things like nato as the defense that we're making towards nato the approach to the economy because you know i like you want to do this and to conduct almost got a good strong economy united states it's a very strong economy and its underlying strength and present reagan actually was used to mobilize that's jane take one of those including el salvador and central america and some things in the
caribbean into and get things out of perspective and today one thing and that's a fantastic amount of time to hit the expense of the other singers on it nate dimeo latin the answer i wonder if the united states decided to learn to give further military aid to be on tour in el salvador wouldn't have buttons or not often we think of i have been asked to go online any reason to think the person wishes to go and he has he's not totally i think we issued a statement just before we came here seem quite clearly from the evidence we have seen what was going on with an unwarranted interference in the affairs of el salvador the first thing is to try to stop that interference
it's not asked them to say how los silva portrait determine their own affairs it is a lot of us thank you after all the whole lot of good to know to poland and to go to afghanistan when they can't do is determine its own future and i like to determine its own destiny and that he was trying to stop any outside interference once that's done well i have a couple reasons one was that on the big hole that statement that you referred to the final say in the name of your covenant issued a statement on every ninety saying that your government's policy not to arm the dubious ortiz year but the first thing is to try to stop the rather large supply longer seem to be getting through to the criminals having that going on in el salvador i don't think anyone would defend the only people are suffering and suffering a great deal alike and somehow get rid of the
weapons through which those people are suffering that will be a tremendous step forward two at least are your allies in the european community france west germany have spoken out in favor of negotiated political settlement through talks rather than a military solution and i wondered if we disagree because i can speak for harmful germ they did weaken stopping arms they get again that people in el salvador we mustn't interfere too much with what other people that don't have that with the when i kick it a simple and then not being able to do that at the moment because of the onset of getting that the cause of the activities that she was in a snowbound the good care what you have to try to do to stop that supply them that day and tried to sort out question of the
day a lot of the variance they're just copy arms low at the source we need to ask what that meant and what kind of steps would be taken if you've said many many times now that the important thing is to stop a wal mart would you support the united states if it took some action against cuba that was designed to sow couple months after the two things that the united states has come to confront any further developments even when we consulted the united states our judgment what i got from this will depend upon the circumstances and i'll wait until the timeless circumstances to get it and that is the only wise on for i can give you do you support the basic reagan administration employees being used here reagan administration has drawn a lot of the soviet union and also he would support that because i think you're asking the same
question in a different way and moussa will be the same one well i thought it was a little different in terms of the relationship with the soviet union that that a stand up of the soviet union and say no more and no more in this case is also no we don't know precisely where the arms are coming from i believe the united states probably has a pretty good idea where some of them come from we do not know precisely the united states will know just exactly where to try to stop that supply of arms that must be done first in politics you have to take steps one by one you can detect them all together first you were a lot of things with the first step and then you last thoughts will not be appropriate absolutely wrong to try to commit yourself in circumstances which have not yet occurred because if you're not careful you can create situations by allies replies
ivo the time you've been announcing this is as long as i have you do try not to direct what is your the amount of president reagan's the invitation from his conversion that that invitation karen in a very very long and detailed speech you haven't had much longer speeches and we do thank goodness were shorter day long it had a lot of point in that each one needs to be a traffic incident and on such a pad and there's no strategy prepared as to what to apply to give i would have fought a lot more of that speech an invitation to this summit and had been a campaign led by withdrawal of some forces that the will of the soviet forces in afghanistan that was not the fact that it was not only sleep influences me in the way i would look at that invitation never say one thing about so much and
somehow feeling taken a western and the western world would say love space as a peace loving the tissues everyone else's piece nothing and isn't feeling that all you got to do is to get on the table talk about things the group will come up living in the garment will be a lovely day after that a very cruel person a very careful study one and alaska verify faster those statements and secondly bearing in mind that on the ground things haven't changed one with the same number of soldiers in afghanistan a sin nombre es there's plenty talkative on the same number of in to ballistic missiles the same superiority and
conventional forces in europe none of those things has changed in that time you can figure this and a propeller apply and the rise to take it after all a comment that you or i make will die an action of the presidents who live in the cross examine the very long time and most of it would you would rise making conditions that are not going to sell stock to laid down conditions at the moment that to have to be considered and you cannot close off auctions or pre empt positions should only say we have said that the occupation of afghanistan is totally acceptable it is a whole independent nation being kept down under a government and does not want they kept their eye socket on forsyth we simply cannot only then there ought to enter accountable
for tuition with the nation another superpower that was still perpetrating a totally unacceptable and we have to say this is totally unacceptable and that is a fact which we have to consider it and how you apply that invitation is scarcely out of business a lot of it just isn't wise to fashion to have far right fielder dashing to comment but any single thing which we think will be analyzed very catholic and like change the situation there for alaska pipeline like is your government optimistic soviet military intervention in parliament ordered or how do you assess that danger and never knows it's very very our life to assume that the danger zone a path what you see in poland something quite
new and the communist world after all common isn't chemical central control action determined by government no such thing as a morality determined by an ethics only a morality of what is political light and political along for the expediency of the moment determined by the garden total welcome joe a new source of popularizing it's not just the kind of thing that you sometimes given that the revolution movement an uprising of people wanted to take over central control of us know that if she was there doing a communist government a new source all part of i think in the state that's never happened in a communist country it will substantially modified communist control no i have not the slightest edge of activists on the team hopes this new central park and somehow be absolved and
neutralized and his pole are watching events as closely as we are we are saying again just in the same way as we were previously of el salvador parent must be allowed to work at her own destiny in holloway is absolutely vital to the us but it is a very interesting phenomenon and i have the impression that the whole congress where is a well i don't know i wouldn't say that but the danger has cost it would be a very unwise to say so because you have to watch what is happening and then i always try to prepare for what may happen i hope everyone is poland poland has something very special for many people you have a kurdish minority here so really after all
world war two started because of command and it's something very special to have the west that the soviet union election are illegal was done also lead along with soviet union decided not to live in them do have i think a disastrous effect on how that relations between east and west with have a long time to be the end of all possibility of thick tome that hasn't happened here you have that won't happen and the more we can make it perfectly care but coleman was left alone a better what we're trying to do in europe and in the united states too to help out with shortages of food and help out with trade credit because economic situation is very very difficult and most tragic of the moment we're trying to do is to
help her get so on the necessities of life to a couple of credit that you can't for an economy together and then sort out an internal political situation going to another troubled area less the middle east it's been widely reported here your one circular your carry on pushing united states to go into to go with the european plan that would involve quarterly reports we're a much larger role of the palestine liberation organization you know essential know an irish oversight got the communique hear from venice and back to his and thirty a fair wind recognizing the legitimate interests and the legitimate rights of the israel and the hopes of the palestinian people you know the difficulty in this situation is there is an absolute right to exist as a nation behind secured
bunkers and they're secure in the future that is wrong right it cannot be longer it ourselves which are denied to others and the output of diesel to say that the palestinian people have a right to expect that they can determine their own future and that they too can have a place to live so you've got the palestinian people must recognize that right the plight of the palestinian people and we said but each side had to recognize that and head to baghdad the total annunciation chosen so that was absolutely evenhanded when you said that there's been a tremendous amount of a cavalry used in this situation and national identity of the palestinian people as some kind of self determination for the palestinian
people known as evelyn it's sorted out the options of what that could mean and we thought and still talking very very towns in the interim between the young while the american election versus was only going to have to do a very valuable reconnaissance of nations and talking to them to see exactly what the options were and how we would get that so he could make those constructive complementary effort genetic and negotiations is not competitive in any way i don't think these are complicated the plo is mentioned in that statement in the sense that any settlement in any settlement the plo would have to be associated that was the only way in which its existence was recognized i think that is of a linguistic play and a second wouldn't hold unless the plo were associated with that kind of pain
the united states unless they were trying to keep some help at the top of the thing going forward and a very very difficult time wasted after one hundred elucidated these questions and you know diplomacy is a big gamble by vague faces which then have to do work that we're going to continue with the european initiative so we're still trying to sort out these things working spaces me that the figure of our business now so father based on that resolution to four two but as you know there's room for just a little bit and over that and the terms of a solution to vote to what you mean by self determination what you mean by national identity as you know there are palestinian people quite a lot and not on the way bank offices the gaza strip that the camps in jordan the kansas city at a palestinian people demolishing because some of them are very talented and one portrays women in there and then and professional people and i imagine
that that the village to stay where they are now the nice things they haven't received the detail of consideration that they want and there's a continuing to do that and we hope it will be helpful in the meantime of course orson been election and it's you know and i don't anticipate that they'll be in a great move forward until that has been decided upon senator john charter today holloway and was the united states to push for deployment of the neutron bomb and because given the history of political history it would stir up more political problems on characters in the united states needed you agree with him that it would be a big push by the citizen not been taken on that yet but question of alive long long long hair that is
you know i think if there's a massive tank on my own the warsaw pact countries can move forward and colossal all of movements and what that weapon is you know an anti tank weapon and very effective weapon for stopping the genocide is a very very bad they've won we don't i'm afraid have that amount of our money and therefore they will solve it to not be likely to need that kind of weapon no decision as it has been taken upon that i know what people think that the whole submit my lovin you can't slash code goffin and in fact there's some effective anti tank weapon against that colossal threat on the route that weaponry as has still yet to be decided i want i want an effective anti tank weapon i know a massive amount of on the vanguard of what you're
talking about is a movement of political michael conventional weapon love and talks about those as if they'll almost come on three and that that that particular one day and then you come with an hour with the one particular way down so five hundred and he rocked that attempting to persuade european allies deployed as the carter administration once did then reversed itself would create some new political problems that it would an initiation osceola that logic for it and the prison administrator said the forefront of this as an attack on again philip levine consulted and also the president is going to be a very feminine and welcomed so before these decisions are taken i live on the economy before you got here
in a newspaper full of stories about the similarities between the economic policies of yours an economic policies of mystery and now the last couple days the administration spokesmen have been busy the mine all of this unknown unsigned letter that you draw down inflation and great britain but the recession prices than to live on you think that's a valid criticism the increasing unemployment and the world recession itself after all you have a fantastic number of motor co worker's paycheck to get out of a job because of the recession and the car chase i come to have anything to do with that unemployment created here or the unemployment or difficulties in the card and to create an example in france are rising unemployment in germany in france and europe in united states this is world recession unemployment the world recession caused by the enormous world price increase in the price of oil and
we on world price low prices for our oil and of course if we have to and no mistake the science world there's less to spend on other goods and then after you have a recession and factories go out of business and people decide not to buy as many cars and that works right back to the steel the components in other industries that is i think one of the worst recent unemployment may hit harder number of other countries and one of the two reasons namely thought through have very heavy of a man they introduced in the state very heavy of a nagging injury and stealing cars in many of our heavy industry is just make us uncompetitive so in effect because i well people unfortunately go out of business which is very very tragic the other reason an uncompetitive is that we have become accustomed in annual wage around i think induced
by four five interns policies to expect and and no increase in wages in real terms regardless of the stage of production or productivity now i'm afraid that has lead to inflation inflation unemployment i think president reagan is more fortunate than the way he comes in when the session as much further through and it was it started it just by coincidence about the time we can then he's not have some of these union problems that i think is have a system in which your wages and more closely get i put that we have he's not had having nationalized industries which have to be quite heavily subsidized by the taxpayers for those songs i'm about to a number of defense this week thank you
robert the company can speak you can
yuan news fb funding for this program has been provided by the station and other public television
stations and by grants from exxon corporation the corporation for public broadcasting and at and t and a bell system company tonight from blair house in washington a conversation with british prime minister margaret thatcher volunteer talks with president reagan we can reading from washington british prime minister margaret thatcher finished two days of talks today with president reagan and us officials impressed she said with the striking similarity between our ancient policies major
political and economic problems wide range of issues witnesses that you're a warehouse on mr fletcher welcome short while ago it was announced that you were delaying a departure from washington in the morning to have a special on schedule second session with president reagan as something original reason that something special or now i think is a lovely idea my husband and me to go right into the white house to say goodbye to say how very much enjoyed the show how valuable we found the whole visit how very much i loved it and how we hope that this will it will usher in a new era understanding and cooperation it isn't something soft and surprising questionable it's just in a
rather wonky hospitality a light we're afraid that maybe somebody had come up on our salad or something like that but that's not the case and i don't think would be so ham handed this to do it that way and had not set on male so do you have any doubts now the soviet bloc through cuba nicaragua are supplying arms to the leftist guerrillas we have know that there are substantial supplies a good thing that we're pretty certain when they come home we have no doubt that this is a gross interference with the internal affairs of el salvador the voting has begun to try to stop that interference of course total things going on in el salvador sanchez can be stopped and obviously it to the people that to sort out their own future in their own way we hope that national come true
The MacNeil/Lehrer Report
Producing Organization
NewsHour Productions
Contributing Organization
NewsHour Productions (Washington, District of Columbia)
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Episode Description
Margaret Thatcher is interviewed after her first meeting with new president Ronald Reagan. She hopes for a "new era of understanding and cooperation." Among other topics, she emphasizes the need to reduce outside interference in El Salvador's ongoing civil war, especially the supply of weapons.Russian occupation of Afghanistan is "totally unacceptable." Developments in Poland are discussed--will the Soviet Union intervene militarily? The situation in the Middle East is seen as complex, requiring careful diplomacy. Economic issues are briefly considered, including inflation, unemployment and labor contracts and unions.
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Producing Organization: NewsHour Productions
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NewsHour Productions
Identifier: NH-19810227 (NH Air Date)
Format: U-matic
Generation: Preservation
Duration: 01:00:00;00
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Chicago: “The MacNeil/Lehrer Report,” 1981-02-27, NewsHour Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed January 18, 2025,
MLA: “The MacNeil/Lehrer Report.” 1981-02-27. NewsHour Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. January 18, 2025. <>.
APA: The MacNeil/Lehrer Report. Boston, MA: NewsHour Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from