The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour
- Transcript
so it's been off by good evening i'm selling the world in new york and on july in washington after a summary of the news this wednesday at secretary john bolton is here or a newsmaker interview historian richard sennett talks about talking about american values and essayist clarence page remembers some larger but no major funding for the macneil lehrer newshour has been provided by our airmen i
own the world and my new york like yet another example of new york lives wise investment philosophy and by the corporation for public broadcasting and by the annual financial support from viewers like you president clinton an israeli prime minister rabin today invited plo leader yasser arafat back to the negotiating table they said that was the only way to complete an agreement on israeli withdrawal from gaza and the west bank town of jericho the plo left the talks last month after an israeli settler killed twenty nine palestinians at the mosque in hebron strickland said the day we must not let the enemies of peace trying him prime minister rabin also talk about a possible breakthrough and talks between israel and syria over the golan heights they spoke at a white house news conference reza mass outspoken geneva other strategic choice for peace with israel prime minister being told me today that
peace with syria is a strategic imperative these two leaders have a great responsibility for the people of the region as a full partner in the process the us stands ready to help them achieve a lasting peace that can end the israeli arab conflict and transform the middle east we spoke about auctions but doesn't the the sweet cereal aisle that president assad will release for appropriate thing that we should be able to sign a peace treaty by the end of it robin also said israel recognized the palestinians need for security he said he expected palestinian police to be deployed in gaza and jericho but only after there is a deal on starting palestinian self rule in the occupied territories today israeli troops were stoned by palestinians in
hebron soldiers opened fire killing one protester and wounding more than two dozen others shrine the us today canceled next week's land high level talks with north korea it did so because the un's atomic energy agency said north korea had refused to cooperate with this week's inspections of its nuclear sites western governments believe north korea may be trying to develop a nuclear bomb we have more in this report narrated by louise bates on worldwide television news yet again members of the international atomic energy agency arrive back from north korea dissatisfied an angry thing that north korea is developing a nuclear arms program the agency has been trying since last year to conduct tests that north korean atomic sites but it seems that none of its most important inspections were allowed by the north koreans i never made it seem easy will now be held on monday so it is really a step will be able to inspect however we were not able to
achieve the name of our mission and we were rejected and we were going to try to do the most important elements of our mission we hope that that would not confuse as it turned out half the reasons that the north korea attempted to explain why we were left with an incomplete mission and therefore the impossibility to draw any conclusion the inspectors were trying to check for any signs of plutonium being extracted from the country's nuclear plants and diverted to a weapons program energy secretary hazel o'leary announced yesterday that the us and russia have reached agreement for inspections at each other's plutonium storage facilities o'leary and her russian counterpart today signed another agreement in washington and in russia alice's to look for alternative fuels to replace plutonium in its most dangerous reactors president clinton said today the united states will make an enormous effort to
resolve differences with china before june as when china's most favored nation trade status comes up for review the president has threatened to revoke and there are no improvements in china's human rights record chinese officials and criticize the united states for linking trade to human rights strickland spoke at his news conference this afternoon well i think you can safely assume that we would we have been and will continue to be spending a good deal of time on the issue of our relationship with china that our policy is what it has to be that human rights are important but the other issues are important and i'm confident that we will be a war through this and strengthen our relationship an advocacy of human rights over the wall on the commerce department reported consumer prices rose point three percent in february was to the increase was due to winter related demand for fuel a separate report showed construction of new homes and apartments rose four point one percent in february making a
part of a steep drop the month before house ways and means committee chairman dan rostenkowski easily defeated for arrivals yesterday in chicago district's democratic primary the race had been billed as the toughest of his career president clinton personally campaigned for him in chicago last week rostenkowski is going cedar key to congressional passage of the president's healthcare reforms and other domestic legislation the eighteen term democrat was considered vulnerable because of reapportionment and a federal grand jury probe of his financial dealings rostenkowski alluded to his problems in his victory speech last night but critics say that i'm not perfect and theyre right i've made mistakes either by learn from them and will do better in the future and i've done in the past i work hard to win this race but i plan to work even harder in the future and to deliver on my promises
michigan voters approved a ballot proposal yesterday to raise the state sales and cigarette taxes to pay for public schools the measure was designed to generate ten point two billion dollars last july governor john engler and the legislature ended the use of property taxes to pay for schools leaving down under funded there will be no st patrick's day parade in boston tomorrow organizers said they would call all that the us supreme court did not allow a ban on gay marchers justice david souter today rejected their emergency request without comment in massachusetts court had already ruled the parade was a public event and could not discriminate and that's it for the newshour tonight now it's on to the secretary of the navy talking american values and a clarence page essay john dalton came to
washington eight months ago to be secretary of the navy he has crossed several stormy seas already we will talk to him about those storms among other things right after this background or by margaret garner when john dalton was sworn in as navy secretary last july he took over a service with lots of problems a navy got a secretary who knows the service from the inside out dog is a naval academy graduate who served five years aboard nuclear submarines he left the navy to become an investment banker served on the federal home loan bank board under president carter since nineteen eighty you been involved in merchant banking in texas the most controversial maybe problem dalton inherited was the so called tailhook scandal pentagon investigators found that a three women were assaulted or molested at the nineteen eighty one convention of navy and marine fliers two months in office dalton tried to remove the navy's top that frank kelso think he'd failed to exercise leadership at the convention which also had attentive defense secretary aspen and
president clinton over ruled the law and retain kelso is chief of naval operations some fifty officers were fined or disciplined over tailhook that no one was court martialed and military judges recently dismissed the last remaining cases at that point also announced he would retire at the end of april two months ahead of schedule an adult jeremy border nato commander and southeast europe will succeed him just as a tailhook seem to be fading navy's problems with sexual harassment got another public airing in congress hearings covered harassment or service is some of the most wrenching testimony came from women in the navy and marines nearly two years ago i pre sexual harassment charges against a marine gunnery sergeant by doing so i may have ended my career ended suddenly changed by late rapper big honor certain social unrest a neighbor behavior transition from
online and solicited attention to bed being physically forceful and repeated attempts the discrediting my performance in the eyes of my fellow marines it was at this point that i knew i was not going to be able to solve this problem that assistance despite my testimony in testimony to mail stuff and they are stuck in theo's the gunnery sergeant was found not guilty my spirit was broken may never be restored i was responsible for all matters and cases involving sexual harassment nonetheless i was sexually harassed on the kidnappers the navy zero tolerance policy was in place during this period and actions directed by the policy were not taken by much and command i have worked with the system for over two years and that system has failed dalton responded the next day we have statements made lovable be honest with your hours with embarrassed about those hearings a tragedy or more attention than the navy's effort to improve career opportunities for women
by letting them serve on combat ships two weeks ago the first group of sixty women was assigned to the carrier eisenhower eventually five hundred female officers and enlisted personnel will be placed on combat so even at his alma mater and napkins academy is grappling with the worst cheating scandal in its history one hundred and thirty three midshipmen are accused of cheating on one exam it's an academy officials are accused of trying to protect football players in the investigation finally on the national security front he faces pressure from congress and from other quarters and the military to demonstrate what role it should play has a thoughtful it and now to the secretary of the navy john dalton sector welcome five young to have bigger it appears that the us navy is in the middle of a ethics crisis is that correct so jim i think they were the great things about mobile services is the men and
women who make up and going back to the foundation of our history they're like john paul jones and unaware of the things i did the foundation of our navy or what but on a bigger right we overcame the british at that time we had better people in the way of their ships and i think that's well i'm interested in reemphasizing the guy to get back to those core values that might is great that will make this right to in future let's talk about some of the specific storms like tailhook what your own analysis of what caused taylor i think taylor was a watershed event in the night all sorts of never should've happened but it didn't happen we learn a great deal from when they do nowadays is benefit from those mistakes find opportunity of this adversity and and move forward to make sure that sort of kind of happen again i'm committed to make sure that that nothing that can actively doesn't happen again when we have we need to make sure that people understand what our water behavior should
they get the candy sexual harassment from the day our story on a sectarian it i made it very clear that i thought it was important that men and women and they will serve as the tree with dignity and respect train other people on the mobile service the way they would be treated themselves and committed to carrying out and we've got policies in place to make sure that happen there are two parts to tailor quarter of what happened and that las vegas hotel and then there's how the navy handle that once the whistle got blown by lieutenant commander olive kaufman and others what your mouse is the second part on the navy has handled the ad the situation that that that came as a result of the investigation the prosecution where i think we just wears well it should have done i think that there they were there were mistakes made in the process but isi we've learned from those mistakes and i think that we're now what we would want is to make sure that sort of thing that happen again to make sure people know that social unrest has no no place label service in and then he'd understand what the what the standards
are and then make sure that they comply with and if they don't like the mirror mirror the haircut congresswoman pat schroeder said on this program recently that the final message of taylor is that the navy has quote for the admiral's by the admirals and the admirals and quote she wrote about them the way she is wrong but their great respect for pat schroeder but i think that there were a number of admirals who you were indeed punish some of them rather severely as a result of a tailhook but the fact is thereby naval service from admiral down the same and need to know that the sexual harassment that type of activity have no place in the mobile service to now how are you getting an essential work well i've made a major effort to do the star above a character and ethics forum to make sure that we emphasize those values of the leadership and courage and commitment and our character and doubt as to the cooperation of our senior leadership of the navy in the marine corps in a civilian personnel
implement that implement that says all sorts of it isn't and i think it's going well i'm an optimistic that week the word out of re emphasizing get back to our core values of lead and i will serve great to begin with speaking of the senior leadership the case or clarify something from a on the on the case of admiral kelso you move to remove him from the job you're over rollers we had margaret said in the piece more or less by the president and secretary of defense of aspen then a few months later as a result the end of the old kayla patton kelso decides to leave early you then present rate it was absurd sarah what what exactly is your position your own position about how admiral kelso comported himself in the tail to my boss i said that the bulk of the ferry or leadership with respect they'll vote and mr kelso but i think mr kelso has had a thirty eight year thirty eight years of distinguished service and
to praise him for his for his entire career out like everybody off no one's perfect and i think that you do have a fire worship and respect that taylor one of us it is serve the nation well he served as she of naval operations also for a period time was also serving a certain it and that i think has a distinguished career and he has decided to retire and i think president clinton has made a wise decision and unlike bordeaux as ceo now here's a young man who start out of the same and latino high school diploma and a label services rizzo would have big huge level operation like that gives great inspiration every sailor in an oil spill and it didn't so people would argue that i think are from schroeder would be one of them that the end result of taylor tepper all of this was that and the only person really lost their job and other severe way was so pollack are on the issues that are not my career's been destroyed because i blew the whistle and she's resigned from the navy and that's really the only victim you don't
agree with that no there there were other victims and they were you know what one man was released over a hundred thousand dollars in income because he retired and never tried to start sentences over three stars as result of what he detailed a number of other animals were punish in that and that matter in other top of the night when you're four or five and then and reprimanded an art letters were sent this report to be affected and so for sure there were a number of other victims but i regret that lieutenant paul flynn left with it but the point is for men and women coming in the navy to date i can look forward to a navy that does not allow that sort of activity to go on it will you know i'm committed to ensure that sort of activity that to happen and when it does that we hear that palestine will investigate it will keep the victims and former va is in fact the case as the facts are or what their alleged today people will be punished and yet just last week and you said we're in the
playground li o'clock we're here you said your blood boil when you read the statements of these women in the naval service marine and i am a naval officer who said just the opposite has happened in the navy and the marine corps that when somebody complains they're the ones who harass not the people who did the arrest and the man who did the rising get off the women who are the victims of the ones who had to be persecuted while was upset by that it and it makes it even more committed to make sure that sort of linda matta we have we have programs in place to make sure this counseling them happened you and we did a very good job in the drawn it with with drugs like more than any drugs for about people understanding of standard understanding what's expected of them and that they know what's going to happen is if they get caught violating world but the rules are and we are weak we basically have a drug free night and i was resolved the parsley my goal is to do the same thing with sexual harassment and we're moving to do that i'm committed to it and you've gone back to the specific cases and looked at them and had somebody would say hey come on now let's punish the people actually get on with some of that
evidence on the specific intent to invade iran as four our report specifically among those two cases to find out what the facts are and an indie that's what i wanted the statements averett i was upset by the statements but i want a complete report before taking me any action in and out of proportion about to get a bigger and something about think you even said it yourself that which are really faced with hairdressers secretaries culture problem is not just a few people that you got to find an ant prosecute you got to change that the attitude from the very top all the way down to the bottom is that true it didn't there is a measure of truth and i think that beyond as bad as taylor was i think it's focused the attention of the naval service on some problems and i am committed to helping us move and an unproven it bought by getting back to those those four guys the latest write an issue and not that you know this country is free to die in large measure for a really outstanding job
that we the nine years that we had in the united states navy before we have a republic and i want the night is gone and the people that militants are with pride in it for many years i'm very artists artists are doing it and i'm committed to light now maybe even better in the future and an animal and emphasizing these issues of character and ethics and honesty and and the us want to find another now successfully a second it is it that our feel good moment in this of them forty and data is very important i'm about thirty year graduate of the naval academy yourself hundred and thirty three midshipman allegedly year cheated on an electrical engineer an exam how things like that happen what you know i don't know the answer that i know that we do a thorough investigation we came out of that investigation produced those hundred and thirty three potential cases i think our inspector general did a good job with with that i feel good about the fact that we as the board of visitors to look at they are concepts say what its history has been say what's happening there
now and what can be improved on our point three outside members of that to the border measures including lloyd cutler an n judd show wednesday was occupied me is now i'm to provide a very vital service to that to the ninety one when we asked for his help with the border issues they've made some recommendations and we're implementing those of aria begun that process and now honor of boards or bar meeting and how that they would then come to the c and l and then to jamal says to them in terms of their resolution but that kind of thing it is upsetting and i know that i can cherry says tuition i'm very proud to be a gradually mccammon and now we'll sort that is there is a feeling on your part of the of of being absolutely absolutely surprise that something like this would happen or that you've been doing and you felt that this kind of thing has been creeping into that to the bible service and into the naval academy's is just kind of come
out of the blue to you ow ow a surprise win with this case it i had no idea that would be a situation where this many people are bakeries i am could potentially be involved in and that that that sort of that that did shock me become of the book but you know what when isis and what we want news emphasize the positive that opportunity you and i the naval service has is more court today there's ever been in terms of four presidents and where opportunities are to serve and out it's a it's a great time for young women becoming the main source of it would get more things to do for our country today that we ever have in the past well can i ask about that there was a report earlier this week that said that recruitment is got very tough suddenly and all the services including the marine corps and an them at what you can get that too but several several reasons for jim first of all our counties got better i think that president clinton administration cooperation of congress have moved to improve the economy
and when the economy improves historically recruitment numbers go down there's also the a misunderstanding there because the label services and the military services getting smaller which we think is the right thing to do but the fact they were getting smart people so there's not there's no job there for maybe a lot you know they have and they will serve as we are hiring we will do it in the night and when gore we will recruit over a hundred thousand people this year and next year and the year after that and i said before that is not a more exciting time ever to be a partisan label servers than that that i think is a great opportunity when i was out what was there about a day that makes it more exciting than say five years ago ten years ago well because the navy itself and entering court later the marine corps attain all i haven't shifted loads were listening before presence of having labeled vessels around the world to influence world events to deter activity to diplomatic raisins and if there is a response is necessary we're able to respond to that or
presence to die the fact that we pull out of the openings and nora thought they were drawing down from your likes the levels of job and they will serve his job that much more important and i'm excited for the kinds of things were doing or were bringing everybody in the womb but we want the bible service to reflect society we were given great opportunities for women to serve as this week women are going more they are our board as we speak the uss eisenhower and i've there's there's no there's no limit to what one can do as evidence by mike were coming as a siren same and it went all the way to the chief of naval operations great opportunity for many women the surge to diane and we walk them and we want the past two credits that are committed dedicated for an exciting career naval forces in ways both large and a jury to me the recruitment golson no wait wait we have no plans to rip doris damage we went outside yellow hours one thousand active duty in the late sixties out that we had good sailors and we did but that that i have been in east coast west coast guard cause over the
mediterranean one western pacific next month they've been a winter they're certain they will search today are brighter there were committed they were dedicated their hack walking the american people should be very proud men women are serving motors know i'm proud of my i'm proud of service up for when you took this job you said i read that today said in an interview that are in a speech that this was kind of the particular the naval academy you are a career naval officer at one time four five six years it's kind of trained for formal of the drain of the secretary of the navy for a while as a sin like a bad dream to know him as i spent twelve years and i will serve his four years at the academy and six years of activity aka lessons at year's end and two years in the reserves out for twelve years are proudly wore the label and cullen and it's a tremendous honor and a privilege to come back and i was sort of this time i'm pleased to be iran right thing for the president remain suckers or storms all
whatever started listing of the stuff that's happened was on the plane when i took the job minute that taylor was there i knew about that they would have a disability claims and they were here and if i want to challenge i would be interested in doing and i mean i could sit back in texas and and where it wasn't life as an investment biker but i'm real pleased to have this job and i'm grateful to be here and committed to doing a better job of making you as him as a recognized are proud your bible service sector that it still to come on the newshour tonight a conversation about america's values and a clarence page essay but first this has pledge week on public television we're going to take a short break now so that your public station can ask for your support that support helps keeps programs like this on the air ah ah but those stations not taking a pledge break during the newshour we continue now with excerpts from statements on the middle east
peace process made today by president clinton an israeli prime minister yitzhak rabin they spoke with reporters at the white house we come together today at an important time for the middle east we are closer to a lasting peace that would have then thought only year ago yet we are farther from that peace than we expect only a month ago the events of the past several weeks have demonstrated the risks in a sweat undertaking the bloodshed and have run was a tragic reminder that the forces of reaction will last album ever pieced becomes a real possibility we must not let the enemies of peace we must not allow them to lie israel and its neighbors the future of hole that assad while prime minister deigns courageous stance against militant extremism and his wife called on the prime minister and chairman
arafat the final wager so negotiations and do so quickly and i'm meeting the prime minister and i also discuss ways to make nineteen ninety four year a breakthrough in a negotiation between israel and syria this will not only help bolster the agreement already achieved with the palestinians but also would help advance our overall objective of a comprehensive peace one that encompasses jordan and lebanon as well very i mean today we also discuss what the united states can do to maintain and enhance israel's security as it can taste take real risks to achieve peace we talked about ways the us to help israel defend against long term threats with security and i reaffirm my commitment to work with congress to maintain our present levels of assistance and to consider how we might help israel worry the cause of peace we've also applies to do whatever we can to help resolve the cases of israeli am i is
this is a historic moment for richard and i'm profoundly aware of the prime minister of the great burdens you very new search for peace you have the admiration and respect of the entire united states and are nations pledge of support and steadfast friendship with a few months ago place to deal with you and many of the only story cokie we a lot of the beginning of an oh the lowest rubble that has lost that fall on the issues it was clearly going on it was clear from the beginning that is part of the group of women on all sides it will be difficult to bring in baseball in lots of differences in positions as such voice of view and hatred the devastated and go oh look so
many boat we show or were unleashed that they will be on the all the state of islam why don't they don't know that of them solve it in the room i hated these today in our conversation says that line the government of islam has taken measures but all of the women in england and then was the resume is the article on chairman apollo but the animal the steel bolts immediately oh no there were no
negotiations going on about the negotiation even though it was not just the one as those of islam have gotten a big bounce reason im sure on my list of day i don't know why i even along the coast two of me rabin said time was running out for middle east peace you said nineteen ninety four as to be the year of great decisions and the peace process next denied another in our series of conversations about america's values what are they these conversations were sparked in part by a proposal for a national endowment for the humanities chairman sheldon hackney he suggested a national conversation about values aimed at resolving ethnic conflicts in
this country last week we talked with him tonight we hear from a critic richard sennett is an historian and professor of humanities at new york university we spoke recently about his objections to the hackney initiative and his own vision of america's values richardson thank you for joining us and you called sheldon heaven his proposal for a national conversation to explore the bonds that hold americans together long headed can you tell me why you think that way i don't think that's a very realistic way to deal with the kinds of differences that exist in our country and that in the last twenty years have become much greater than they were in the past and we should look backward to try and recover some you know primary condition of being in america american character who says that that there are other uses that america
is always evolving but its identity is always evolving he he argues that there are some christians that values in america it at that they don't yell or five but i tell what got me going about this when he's talked about that is the speech he gave a few months ago he said for instance that you know before we get in to immigration issues quote it i would have to really talk about the things that unite us as people thought you know that to me is is this a kind of terrible way to think about what persistent in a country that says though aren't there was an america before these outsiders came and saw that we need to find what they can do in order to assimilate them that you know for there was a charge leveled against immigrants in the
nineteenth century that they were get real americans and i thought that seems to me to be a very retrograde and often not very hopeful way to deal with the real differences in this country that we that we have you accept the notion that is i think a fundamental to his argument yet it's important given that i mean there is that there is a lot of discussion about american america and its moral core and there are many people who've written books recently talking about how the you moral fabric of america is fraying at the edges and do you accept that you know i think it's a terrible i mean how does that help us help and how would that make us think for instance about the changes in family life that we've undergone recently
though greater openness we have towards gays and lesbians say all we really have to do and understand the kind of tensions that these that this greater openness provokes is to go back and find what is america's core the core exists in an era in which you know gays and lesbians were repressed it exists in an era in which women were forced to go to work you know every single american quarterly the nuclear family doesn't help us think very much about the present except regret that things have changed and that's why i'm opposed to this kind of thinking i don't think it's realistic to do nothing in the past and nothing that you think is core to the definition that there's no core definition of who was an american and whether american than well what strikes me about the american history that there's that i know best which is after the civil war is that
we have been constantly mission trying to deal with differences there never was a stable time now that small town america in the nineteen hundred and it says in fact statistically a lot fewer people were part of that you know that apple pie american than we imagine i mean a country is often a country which is which is trying to cope with fragmentation difference incompleteness we're not going to be able to resolve a lot of the economic tensions us tensions raised tensions in this country white guy feeling better about each other because we're all part of one big happy family that infant child for me that's what i don't like about this the nose in a shared bath and you know you're all going oh you know hug and kiss each other in so that's not an adults way of dealing with defense and i think the fact that the kinds of the number and complexity of differences that will fall to the
united states in the last twenty twenty five years or so great that rather than say this is terrible or recent past we gotta go back we got a record something or losing let's accept that we have become more complicated society and figure out ways people to live with people that the men don't understand women up like they never like how do you how well do you think america is doing in accommodating all of the differences and complexities that have evolved as a part of the american landscape in the past ten fifteen twenty years well i think in some ways it's been remarkable i mean for instance i think sets off the people accountable pretty well what could have been an absolutely destructive experience which is the key
to changing the family so that both parents were absent from home a lot tend to blame ourselves for that but in fact most of the people i know and most of whom have to both spouses have to work on very creative about managing things like that we never think about that as that kind of issue of making do with things not flowing in a nice easy speak so channel is part of our national experience but it is other aspects we obviously have no bill that were not doing very well in dealing with the racial problems with its website is that you know living very complex and very rapidly changing time and a lot of the people i know look back at the seventies and eighties and think this is this kind of fragmentation is so something bad that something has gone wrong and
i think that doesn't to ourselves just as we have a more complex experience that the argument that people perhaps need to come together and he as he says here each other hear what each other has just say that cause they're here to think and then to learn but you're saying this is the wrong way to go various ways people can hear each other and sometimes the curator of the best women to stand that there are real and the anger and the silences between them that they are going to be able to come together that's really we're recognizing someone else and what i meant to say to you before it was i think we face a problem which is how can we be more civil to each other in the midst of our differences odd and we're going to have to find new answers to that where they're willing to live on streets where there are people who are different now were going to respond when we see other people in the eye we do with
strangers and so on it's a challenge of civility and maybe we'll have to rethink new ways for those kinds of daily practices to occur dreaming of holdouts will do or what you think we should i mean what it is is there enough going on thats engaged the nation or shall we just keep on in our individual communities and neighborhoods to chatter this live as best we can mean what's the first step to well i'm your prejudices my own my own knowledge which is i think we've got to find ways to put her city's back together socially they are going and they are going to recall a less economically we have to find ways of understanding for instance things like bussing doesn't work how we're going to get some experience that words can have a lot of blacks have of whites and there's a kind of those are more concrete problems and civility are
you a howl political figures master plan for office but sometimes as he asked the questions that's half the battle that is true that it is true but let me ask you this i you are you optimistic that that weekend are you optimistic that we can reach this new level of stability i mean does your history busier his vision of history see us repeating ourselves in a way that in the end is more hopeful now know i am i mean i i have i think americans really extraordinary capacity to deal with change parents are our americans are generations lived through a lot of change and we've dealt with it off in ways that i've been on natural or
societies could have been so so able to do autonomy as this is you as i listen to you talk i hear you even though you're not talking about values first day i hear you describing so what what values do you think are unique in the american experience it's it seems to me that you asked me this question if you have a large answer to it which is that the question of civility and how people experience ability with other people as to do a large worth learning to accept incompleteness in oneself and the fear so there is that i didn't take seriously richard deyo christian values about civility are founded on the notion that life cannot be made whole that people necessarily lead in complete laws that's the story of expulsion from the
garden of eden which was a complete life never be re boot council issued want to talk about traditions value it seems to me that that strange religious thought is much more likely to make a civilized their nationals warren richey thank you tonight essayist clarence page of the chicago tribune and has some thoughts about an entrepreneur and last year they haven't been on the millennium between the newcomers to america turn abandoned storefront in black neighborhoods to thrive in grocery stores more important what are white folks who they are
some inner city residents wonder in real life koreans arabs are outsiders have some sort of unfair advantage lets them get ahead poor blacks were left behind one clue can be found in a profile the city of new york made of its green grocers a few years ago found that almost eighty percent of them have college degrees but ticket to success in any culture racial suspicion and resentment and led to angry demonstrations against green grocers in the real life an angry riots in los angeles were some korean businessmen and women or burned out of their life savings and others arm themselves with weapons to defend themselves against looters was a kid growing up in the nineteen fifties we always had a few black grocers in black neighborhoods a mostly i remember jewish or italian
grocers they go into those same neighborhoods and you're quite likely find korean or arab shopkeepers what you won't find other big store chains are very many black entrepreneur so things change things stay the same for the all questions to lead says while black folks opened their own stores in fact african americans have a remarkably vigorous history of entrepreneurship a history that somehow as fall in between the cracks of american memory even though it's a tale of remarkable courage and determination of confirmation in its own way of the american dream during the civil war for example when a thousand blacks were fired from the docks in baltimore that informed picket lines or march on washington they form the chesapeake marine railway in dry dock company and created jobs of their own imagine that black people have their own railroad and stayed in business for eighteen years even before the civil war free blacks ran a wide range of service enterprises you ever wonder when you look back at
slavery when harriet tubman by her clothes when frederick douglass get his shoes repaired quite often they turn to other black folks voices of triumph a new timeline series on african american history offers a glimpse of black community life to fuel bills every year about today that shows black bears those pioneers who turned philadelphia and while flourishing center of black owned goods and service providers taylor's hat makers sail makers like james fortune warned of philadelphia sale may confirm at age thirty two he employed about forty workers black and white and final part of the profits of the abolitionist movement what white people were reluctant to lend black people money by people for more than a hundred banks and savings and loan like the st luke's savings and loan operate in richmond by a black woman magdalena walker the daughter of a laundry woman she also ran a printing shop and publisher a weekly newspaper that white
people wouldn't like people stay in their hotels and motels black entrepreneurs like birmingham's arthur g d after an often motels martin luther king's left ear during his nineteen sixty three crusade for gas than don't stop there he also opened a business school a funeral home a construction company a savings alone radio station and a boys and girls club and gaston wasn't alone there's atlantis history center and you could see in the office furniture and other artifacts of alonzo herndon who founded the atlanta life insurance company in nineteen oh five and became atlanta's first black millionaire today we hear about blacks in business is usually big business identities john johnson and his daughter linda or motown berry gordy or b eat cheese bob johnson in the mainstream corporate world we have black takeover artists like the late rachel lewis steal the billion dollar giant
beatrice foods corporation recently asian with the mother of enterprise from white shopkeeper's this irrigation ironically help dismantle at why consumers freedom last to go down power to the suburbs did just that live in the inner city port of your bubbly abandoned first by whites then by the new black middle class you are left the team's today's ghetto kids about what capitalism instead they live largely public lives public schools public housing public a public health the only free enterprise most of them see operated by blacks is often the neighborhood or drugs which are they deserve better than that and clarence page at again the major story of this wednesday was the call that president clinton and israeli prime minister rabin for the plo to return to peace talks but were being rejected
palestinian demands for new concessions in the wake of the attack and this evening figure skater tonya harding agreed to plead guilty to hindering a prosecution an attack on nancy kerrigan as part of the deal it will not serve any jail time but she will resign from the us figure skating association of nine gm the shrine was a bar lot of june where i thank you and goodnight major funding for the new lyric newshour is going right to the world and my new york like yet another example of new york lives wise investment philosophy and
by the corporation for public broadcasting and bybee annual financial support you need video cassettes of the macneil lehrer newshour are available from pbs video call one eight hundred three to eight pbs one thousand
- Series
- The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour
- Producing Organization
- NewsHour Productions
- Contributing Organization
- NewsHour Productions (Washington, District of Columbia)
- cpb-aacip/507-s46h12w55j
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip/507-s46h12w55j).
- Description
- Episode Description
- This episode's headline: Newsmaker; Conversation - American Values; The Color of Money. The guests include JOHN DALTON, Secretary of the Navy; RICHARD SENNETT, New York University; CORRESPONDENT: CLARENCE PAGE. Byline: In New York: CHARLAYNE HUNTER-GAULT; In Washington: JAMES LEHRER
- Date
- 1994-03-16
- Asset type
- Episode
- Topics
- Global Affairs
- Film and Television
- War and Conflict
- Energy
- Employment
- Military Forces and Armaments
- Politics and Government
- Rights
- Copyright NewsHour Productions, LLC. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Public License (
- Media type
- Moving Image
- Duration
- 00:53:40
- Credits
Producing Organization: NewsHour Productions
- AAPB Contributor Holdings
NewsHour Productions
Identifier: 4885 (Show Code)
Format: Betacam
Generation: Master
Duration: 1:00:00;00
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
- Citations
- Chicago: “The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour,” 1994-03-16, NewsHour Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed January 15, 2025,
- MLA: “The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour.” 1994-03-16. NewsHour Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. January 15, 2025. <>.
- APA: The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour. Boston, MA: NewsHour Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from