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well good evening early returns from the five democratic primary states this evening show gary hart running strongly in new england locked in a tight battle with walter mondale in the south will have the latest results and analyze what they mean also tonight the battle goes in congress over into el salvador as the white house tightens the screws a senator and a congressman give us a taste of the division's proceeding key votes tomorrow jim lehrer is off today were groups in washington elsewhere in the newshour we report on the day economic contradictions an important economic indicator is down but wall street is up we have more on controversial mergers in steel
and oil on the home and has a report on an unusual situation in the southwest in the fertile valleys of arizona there's a controversy going on about a tool that is basically forming the highway and finally we turn to book review or a sea green for comment on a new work about life on the seamy side of philadelphia the macneil lehrer newshour is funded by at and t the corporation for public broadcasting and the station and other public television stations early returns from the five states holding super tuesday primaries today show and next at the results with at least three a pyrrhic victories for gary hart and at least one and perhaps too for walter mondale here's a look at the latest returns from four states beginning with florida with twenty five percent of the precincts reporting of an apparent victory for gary hart forty one percent of the vote walter
mondale behind twenty nine percent still farther back john glenn fourteen percent jesse jackson eleven percent in alabama the one state that mondale has already been declared the winner and with thirty three percent of the precincts and mondale far ahead thirty three percent with heart and the land locked in a tight race for number two both of them with twenty two percent of the vote jesse jackson not very far behind eighteen percent in georgia what was looking like a still looking like a very close race with more than half of the precincts reporting walter mondale just a little bit ahead of gary hart mondale thirty percent the harts twenty nine percent it mondale winds here it could be significant for jesse jackson nineteen percent followed by glen at eighteen percent and massachusetts with just five percent of the precincts reporting partner ahead thirty three percent for mondale's twenty eight percent mcgovern twenty
percent jesse jackson ten percent but the network's all three commercial networks have rejected the heart will be the winner here there are no returns yet from the state of rhode island the polls there've been close until just a few minutes ago nine o'clock eastern time but all three commercial networks are reporting a rather projecting that heart will be the winner in rhode island there are no results yet from any the caucus date oklahoma nevada why and washington state robin joe was what these early results mean and what's at stake for each of the democrats today we turn to robert squire a washington based political consultant mr squyres handled many democratic campaigns across the country and has been closely watching the current rates based on what we just heard how would you say the evening is shaping up her apartment well in their mind they'll survive even i think as we began the week it was issuing challenges to article on now that i think are based on these returns are came on down and did well where he had been started out which was a new england won the most interesting
ones to watch tonight as florida and a lot of us are going to be looking at where that quote came from florida to see how hard did with various constituency groups in florida before it is a kind of microcosm it is after all a state made up of the rest of the country and this may be a place where we can put our microscopes began to look ahead to what will happen in the future in the meeting meaning war there's an ability to appeal or perhaps and draw from a are widely divergent kind of writer the conservatives in the north of the liberals in the south and around miami and also tampa which is i think one of the places that they were going to be looking at people are talking about the harp campaigned as a campaign of the future appealing to have this early this baby boom german generation of campo is a city that so almost a baby boom city in a sense it's is it so that is the mega trend of metropolis and i think that's the one we're looking at let's discuss whether mondale appears to be meeting the minimum you say he's
survived meeting the minimum and i gather that's been changing as the week's gone by last week a week ago tip o'neill was speaker of the house by mondo supporter were saying unless he gets wins half of the primaries on super tuesday using really bad trouble now he appears to be falling short of winning have given a network projections all true and perhaps one in georgia is that i know well it is and of course the promised i'd go at in georgia where they are in the neck and that race i think if the mondale happen to lose georgia or happened to finish third in massachusetts the story would change that overnight people would go to bed tonight thinking when they wake up in the morning with mondale probably more serious position than that with and it looks like he's in right now i think probably the mondale people well winston when tip o'neill made his projection of winning half of the time and so the word that they're very good at the expectations game and i think that convinces always wake of that day he really didn't have to do all that well and saltz along as effective
but alabama georgia but isn't i went for being in georgia or in our hearts expectations for heart has he again these projections will true surprisingly winds rhode island massachusetts and florida lose as alabama and comes a close second in in georgia has he wounded himself as in this moment in a way that so we're talking about big delegate states and we're talking about a place we was not expected to do well even by the minute people so i would guess that that gary hart is very happy tonight most people are very happy and they're now trying to figure out there where they make their move on monday all out to try to help basically faces off my guess is it's going to end up in illinois probably replace jim johnson who was the manager for mondello thought at one time was established a jackson is almost unbeaten in illinois he did that one of the few ed muskie wins in illinois in nineteen seventeen so i think that's a that's going to be tested and we're they're opposed today published in illinois the chicago tribune says monday was just to have the sometimes at heart is just
ahead in polls taken in roughly the same period in early march so it is already very close that says illinois just add an artist and if the results are as we've been discussing them how would they project and what i would guess that the senate will probably help hard marginally because it would give him a chance tonight to discount the state is gates is this room i've been very tough we go with a note basically the news media who i think we can go we're giving pretty good ride and then basically decided you know it better be up on the move it this week and they had begun some very tough covered the senate where for my works my guess is now tonight if if he does his message korea well and their projects himself into that state that he's going to move into a state where he's probably a lot more comfortable because there are more voters in illinois that there are probably amenable to this message because of the thousands of large were thank you get it president reagan took his proposal for increased military aid for
jordan to a critical audience today and argued that it's necessary for security reasons as to reagan told members of the young leadership conference of the united jewish appeal that provide in jordan with new weapons would pose no danger to israel and the president's first election year speech to a major jewish organizations that came after his administration has proposed selling portable spain where anti aircraft missile boat jordan and saudi arabia in addition to asking congress for two hundred million dollars to pay for an eight thousand man jordanian strike force could be dispatched anywhere in the persian gulf where trouble arises today jordan is crucial to the peace process and for that very reason jordan like israel is confronted by syrian faces military threats and terrorist attacks since the security of jordan is crucial to the security of the entire region is an american strategic interest and i believe it is in israel's strategic interest for us to help me
jordan legitimate needs for defense against the growing power of syria and iraq such assistance to georgia does not threaten israel that enhances the prospects for mideast peace by reducing the dangers of the radical threat there was nothing in the crowd when the president called for increasing arm for jordan but he won a standing ovation but promising that the us would walk out of the united nations if israel were ever thrown out of the organization overall the response was polite despite very real disagreement with mr red beads all security right now the middle east quite strong israel as a strong israel is interested state in syria i think is reliant on that organization warns that it would be very dangerous is a consonant least in jordan i think until kenyans saying cancel the peace table and i don't think we should increase the continent
country and i really would like to see applied to it so that the peace process especially king day i understand that the president's coming with his remarks i don't agree i think it's wrong thinking because i think that the evidence will bear out over the past seven years that arms to those arabs country's number one cannot remain strictly for defensive reasons i'm number two i think the agency to fall into the wrong hands and not just made with an illegitimate regimes hands and i think ultimately it is a threat to the stability of the region not in the nineteen seventies in lebanon the fighting seems to stop tonight in compliance with the ceasefire arranged to the reconciliation talks in switzerland but they
are a fixture the ceasefire dozens of rocket propelled grenades were fired along the green line separating muslim west beirut from christian is they would but in less than half an hour and stop and calm settled over the city in the hills east of they wrote an american marine was wounded by a sniper he was flown to a helicopter carrier offshore for medical treatment at the conference in laws on switzerland leaders of the warring factions of their forces would begin to disengage immediately there's a report from keith graves of the bbc in laws are lebanese president jim i would always been optimistic that he could achieve something that time with the weight of the theory and behind him is that when they find the vice president read them to lend his weight and influence over lebanon both leaders leave the bitterness left by the recent weeks of fighting for a laugh that together show that they started a long day of negotiations and at one point it looked like breaking down before that really got underway then after
hate how the discussion became a breakthrough announcement i do if the three hundred and eighty five a nine years of fighting but at least this time it's been a brief sitting down face to face away from the passion of lebanon in el salvador government troops began pushing into rebel strongholds in the northwest with the aim of securing territory before the march twenty fifth elections the rebel radio vincent ramos denounced new us troop maneuvers in neighboring honduras as direct intervention in the civil war why there's an estimated two to four hundred us troops would stay another us sources said they would happen just before the election in washington the reagan administration won a tactical victory in its battle for more military aid to the cia backed rebels fighting the sandinista government in nicaragua the senate intelligence committee
agreed to let the administration spend seven million dollars of the twenty one million and has requested for aid to the contras and about the other fourteen million into his cia contingency fund but tomorrow the administration faces a bigger test on the senate appropriations committee votes on ninety three million dollars in emergency aid to el salvador us ambassador thomas pickering saw president reagan today and said us a droll summer's us from an insufficient what we have provided in the past has been enough merely to buy a continued stalemate and the change in military situation in el salvador and sixty million dollars in a country like el salvador in an annual basis has been just enough to buy continued stalemate the question is is clearly what kind of assistance as reporters to keep selling the workload for the next term for the next period of the fiscal year to say nothing of the urgent request to try to provide an increase in assistance to do what should have been done years ago and what continues to need to be done is to provide
more security the third of their military force roughly has been trained in the ordinance they say this for years so there's still a long long way to go to reach anything like what would be considered to be favorable or hopeful with respect to the military forces in a military force that's one third trained in one third equipped is basically not very effective military force so that the issue is is now for el salvador cant be percent of americans a whole lot is there is there sufficient willingness on the part of the congress how working with us on this particular issue they're providing assistance necessary the bare minimum assistance as a search to get through the election process an extremely important process and through the remainder of the year by it on the basis of just you know stay alive kind of assistance tomorrow the administration's request for emergency military aid for el salvador is on the agenda of two congressional committees the senate appropriations subcommittee on foreign operations and the house foreign affairs committee to assess
congressional reaction of emergency aid package return to the senate majority whip republican ted stevens of alaska a member of the appropriations committee on the other side of the political aisle we have representative gary studds a democrat from massachusetts a member of the house foreign affairs committee is disturbed do you think that congress shares the feeling of the administration that it is weidel that el salvador get this military aid that it's absolutely critical for the survival of a democracy there this member of congress does not bias that they can speak for the entire congress i would be of course pricey the senate least in committee tomorrow begin to grant that request i hope that they dont it seems to me that what is happening now is that the imminence of elections are being seized upon as a pretext by the administration recently to stampede the congress into a healthy bite of the awesome amount of money some three hundred and eleven million dollars in military assistance that last for the next eighteen months is a tendency i think in the city that the policy does not work well to do is a great deal more of the same thing as policy is not
working and demonstrations asking for lots lots more the same thing i hope fervently that the congress rejects it out of hand no obviously not the timing is very critical as far as were concerned the elections are coming up in el salvador the money the president's asked for a vital really to see that those those elections can go on now why is that because of the information they have that there's been an attempt to disrupt and severe the tenth attempt disrupt life is tied into the nicaraguan a to create job that the country is a nicaraguan to stop the flow of arms coming into the rebels and we believe it's actually essential to demonstrate once again that even to the election process itself that the united states is not abandoning the effort to maintain a democracy in central america to disrupt the elections intelligence operations we do have and we rely on i don't know there's been an attempt to disrupt elections are not warm up sitcom was
not even as an illustration can spend it three million dollars in military aid to the next ten days two weeks before those elections it seems to me asking is that much of our of our ability to think that that the elections themselves will be a one security elections will be affected there the question season is not what will happen if military is cut off with president keeps holding promises something of a red flag the question i think members of congress and americans will be asking themselves is what will happen if we persist in this inane policy of supporting a government which is fundamentally on worthy of our support and would soon or later will fall of the hands of its own what about the more immediate question of that the american media point the administration has raised that they salvadorans are running out of military supplies medical supplies ammunition and so what the fact that actually critical to their continuing to verify i haven't the slightest objection to sending metal medical supplies to those who need it that is not the heart of presidents request he is asking us for over three hundred million dollars in increased military aid that's almost nine thousand dollars in bills along for every girl whether we estimate of the government's fighting
it makes no sense of coal to say that that has to happen extended mission issues ninety three million dollars tomorrow we will try to put that on and the truck tomorrow was on the caissons amendment as i tried to restore the money is to ensure that we have the aid to the contras in nicaragua they're the two reportedly gears and i understand what you're saying the honda think that that the countries of central europe would be maintained if we stop supporting nato we walk we have a we have a presence in and in the world and we got a presence now in central america if we don't maintain their presence that could in effect at the time in the outcome of these elections very critical time for this this government to survive i don't understand the connection you right nato and what's the connection well they don't seem to understand that the problem is in in terms of all us our presence is it in center where it is not as strict as not as heavy it's not is
as much a us responsibility as nato is here are helping people to defend themselves with our hemisphere and i find it's very strange that that was at a party attacked the president's policies so strenuously in terms of central market this is our hemisphere these people are trying to survive in freedom and we are not doing the fighting people thought you'd think we were doing the fighting we're giving them military assistance so they can defend freedom in this hemisphere a summer's day and the one member that does not make this a foreign policy he says is linked to the contras be a body in this administration or the congress in nicaragua they are talking about arms the country is the leadership of these summits used as the revolutionaries and we're training and supporting and financing at the request of the president there talk about overthrowing the government in trouble we don't like the government problem but it happens to be illegal to overthrow the government with whom we are not at war the administration it seems to me has got itself in a position where its financing illegal activities in nicaragua it is asking us to finance at enormous expense the american people an
operation in support of a government which does not share the values of this nation at all and which is doomed we ought not to be associated ourselves tied the game with with forces like the one about the human rights issue in the administration's they would make some concessions on on that point do you think it would help in getting our struggle is the house on a mushroom of the senate is to tyson real strength of his eight if they want military aid or at least it seems to me they can be expected to do is to restrain their own killers we know who the death squads are lead by anna and the question is what's going to be done about it until something is done about it seems to me to be asking more than an awfully american people support policies that this business trains so much vehemence over or that subject and what happens or as a people nicaragua what happens as sort of people who have in el salvador are being attacked by armed coming in from cubans the soviet union to nicaragua and el salvador they don't understand the linkage of the total central american policy like i think the president's right if we really believe in the monroe doctrine that this hemisphere is important us and we've got to move on the state to help these people
to defend themselves and as far as the timing is concerned it's essential that this election is this month and if they get the congress doesn't give the president the money he wants that he will defend that discretionary funding has referred to for some of the money and i don't think he's an active and i would walk across the bridge i think is essential for us to get to a certain public play our interest in the preservation of democracy in this hemisphere what we think happened was that happened i gather the next pope will be tomorrow the house committee in the senate appropriations committee the administration is asking the senate committee to attach some ninety three million dollars in more military aid to the government all salvador to rebuild his pass the house and go on to the senate what emergency famine relief for starving people in africa i think that word is on the scene and that doesn't robertson insane when the house is thomas libby no more bills they stopped our regular supplemental of the regular supplemental appropriations bill for a ford and a lighthouse we can address the subject being in human while holding up this bill in order to put an amendment on that that is
just as much an emergency is the aid to africa can either one of the project and one word whether or not the administration originally long lines between the senate and the house my guess is they'll get somewhat novel and we'll put some praise from conditions on the remainder of rabbinical we will recognize that's senator stevens being with us robin more election returns and i'm coming in from today's primaries let's have a look at where things stand in florida first of all with twenty seven precincts percent of the precincts reporting art is leading with forty two percent of the vote mondale second with twenty eight glennon jackson trailing commercial networks have projected heart the winner in alabama mondale is projected the winner by the networks is leading with thirty six percent of the precincts reporting with thirty three percent of the vote planned second with twenty two closely followed by heart was twenty one and jackson forth in georgia and the networks are saying it is too close to call with more than fifty eight percent of the precincts mondale has thirty percent are close second with forty nine percent jackson and i'm trailing
we also have the returns in from new england where senator hart seems to be doing better overall many as in the south first looking at massachusetts with nineteen percent of the precincts reporting senator hart is a hen thirty eight percent followed by walter mondale a twenty seven percent george mcgovern twenty percent in jackson behind its seven percent rhode island we don't have any were any results were not resolved at least give you were poor and rhode island but the commercial networks had projected there that in rhode island offender heart will be the winner we will be bringing you more returns as we get them robin nelson economic and business news it's wall street had another confident day the dow jones average of thirty industrial stocks rose for the second straight day closing up nine point four two points and eleven sixty four seventy eight and follow the report by the commerce department that retail sales were down for the first time in six months with every figure showed a drop of two tens of a percent with a slowdown in auto sales and apartment in grocery
store purchases the government said the drop was not surprising considering the game is three point three percent in january the best monthly performance in more than eight years commerce secretary malcolm aldrich says that the domestic auto industry has regained enough strength to stand on its own feet without a fifth year of limiting japanese imports auditor speaking to reporters at a breakfast meeting about the voluntary restriction on japanese automakers which enters its fourth year this month secretary baldrige is very much in the news on another matter charlayne hunter gault has the details another matter is an unusually heated public debate between two cabinet members it did secretary barbara gittins attorney general william french smith at issue is the justice department's continued opposition to a proposed merger between two steel company lt via dallas based conglomerate and republic steel of cleveland in an article published in sunday's new york times comers as volunteers called in a world plasma stake
for the justice department to oppose the steel merger yesterday attorney general smith strongly defended his department are taking on not to disguise jab at aldridge in a written statement smith said public statements and opinions that those in other departments on pending law enforcement cases will not deter us from carrying out our responsibility today baldrige repeatedly as pro marriage a position in that breakfast meet and robyn referred to the de belly ltd republic merger comes at a time with similar debate is unfolding over oral mergers early indications are that pinning mergers in the oil industry will not be imposed by the administration that congress is actively considering legislation to stop them i help us sort out all of that is herman schwartz professor of law at american university in washington dc professor schwartz is a former chief counsel to this senate antitrust committee racist what's how do you read these unusually heated public exchanges between two cabinet officers
will be steel industry is in very deep trouble i don't think anybody would deny that and obviously something has to be done and the commerce department is very worried about protectionism because foreign relations with foreign countries and the logic of the commerce harvard was always not always been not terribly keen on antitrust laws sees these steel companies is trying to do something to overcome one really miserable conditions the imports of take about twenty three percent market the mini mills have taken about thirty percent of the market so they say essentially steel companies trying to do something about this to rationalize to streamline to get rid of song rather antiquated facilities which incidentally have resulted in great deal from us to executives really very serious mistakes assuming demand was going to go up when it's going down
sticking to inefficient open hearth furnaces when the basic oxygen process has been available since the fifties and in many other respects the antitrust division take solace in a somewhat different point of view it's not just that their lawyers but they are concerned about competition and the numbers on this one despite all the talk about the concern about imports like the numbers on this one where you have a possible merger between indie should scale industry forty percent may percent resulting in twenty two percent company and stainless steel where jones and laughlin which is a subsidiary for ltd is number one that could result in about a fifty percent market share now there is obviously a big fight about the importation and all that reasonable people can differ you know when you say the
importance you refer a few moments ago the bar bridges and commerce is the concern that protectionism is that what you're talking about that if you don't get these mergers there might be a move toward more protectionism that's right and a certain little bit of the commerce department takes the position that the imports are a very very dire threat and to exercise some kind of discipline on the market the justice department actually has thought about these imports obviously you can discuss the steel industry without worrying about imports and as they analyze it and they've talked to all buyers and consumers still are in these to markets the foreign imports exercise very very little respect for example year ago when the industry wanted to raise prices it was national scale which refused to go along that one really worried about import so beyond secretary bother to take that under consideration before he added wetness is public
blast well yes but i think he's less concerned about the competitive aspect and sees murders as he said in that article as the only way to survive the justice department says there are other ways well once again that the justice department is opposing mergers while on the ftc another government agency is that certainly not standing in the way of the biggest oil merger in history well it's not at all clear in fact it's quite unlikely that the justice department would oppose that nurture the oil industry is really quite different it's almost paradoxical that this is an industry which is really their families healthy on the profits are enormous amount of cash the point about the oil industry however that the numbers are very small for example exxon which is the number one industry company american pressure will probably in the world exxon has seven percent of american oil
production it's so talent will go ahead with the mergers that are likely to the be the number one gasoline market or in america they'll have ten percent with another eleven companies dividing up or ten companies dividing up the remaining ninety percent furloughed from an antitrust perspective you don't have that kind of problem well if that's the case then why is the congress so concerned about the aural merchants and moving toward legislation that would prohibit westerberg for two reasons first here there was an antitrust consideration there was a trend here which may ultimately result in serious concentration on the competition and there are a lot of joint ventures in this industry which and a history of collusion which show make those numbers a little bit more troublesome but the real problem is the fact that they're using billions and billions of bell which have gotten in tax breaks in cash from selling oil and gasoline after the control they're using it not to explore and try to reduce our dependence on opec
but essentially to us as often said there for long before the stock exchange well if that if this were steel instead of orwell and the justice department can already mixed the steel deal would become rational sentiment be the thing i mean is this anti trust or anti oil i think certainly not all so much anti trust although a strong anti trust supporter like howard metzenbaum supporting the legislation which incidentally is only a moratorium it's not a complete stop aw i think people were still you clearly would not be saying because you don't have the health industry which looks as if it's abusing its position and using if you will enormous though profits out of the pockets of the american people smarter decisions are these larger decisions whichever way they go in you steal oil going to have much of an impact on the average consumer well that's always a very
difficult thing to search of antitrust suit build a factory with traditions and probability so many factors and caring for these things the justice department certainly thought and there's some good reason the fact that this merger with set off a string of other americans the amount of the state and that in the not too long run prices would rocks in fact rocking fearless all basic even with a declining industry all of that would work its way through the all mergers and that's really very difficult to say it really depends so much on opec and world conditions are a well why don't we take our money comes up again thank you very much for being with us professor schwartz i think it's tricky it is today the federal government said today that it will probe the general motors' new it's nineteen eighty x carta had bright problems before the cars were ever sold a lawyer representing the national highway traffic safety administration told a judge that gm
did not inform either its customers or the government about the defect lawyers remarks were part of the opening arguments in a trial in which the federal government is seeking a recall of one point one million of the nineteen eighty x cars and some four million dollars in penalties the government lawyer also charge that the ex cars on the road today constitute a danger to the public a lawyer for gm said the automaker denies the charges and said the evidence will back about robin our next item is a very unusual story at least outside california and the southwest it's about a battle reaching all the way to the arizona state legislature over a very simple farm tool corleone reports in the fertile valleys of arizona there's a controversy going on about a tool that is basically forming the holy the controversy is about the length of its handle farm owners favor the short handle whole a whole with a handle it is less than eighteen inches
long a hold of forces workers just too close to the ground to wheat and then vegetables on the other side of the controversy are critics who insist that longer handle the hos are safer they point out that two of the nation's leading agricultural state is california and texas have outlawed the shorthand of hope on the grounds that was drooping it requires is harmful to workers injured arizona former beatle arrows dangerous ideas and all about twelve hours then when i was ten years old i have not been able to work since nineteen eighty two because the shorthand of bell hariz says that what the whole did to him was written in these scars scars from operations for three hernia is three ulcers and surgery to remove his gallbladder way i want to show you the surprise on my back as well scars from an operation on his spinal
column these cars by the initial fall so one of the initials i would say of the use of the shoreham whole of their protective length of time dr augusto ortiz is the medical director of the rural health office of the university of arizona he has been treating farmworkers like paris for thirty years a lot of the words in that position for ten twelve hours a day this is you know when i sing their normal functioning all virtually every says that in the bottom but most farm owners disagree with dr ortiz peter no the andean is a grower who employs over five hundred farmworkers on two farms during harvest season that it worked for me for that one hole now
banned inside of the demonstration to show us why he thinks the shorthand auto actually makes the work easier to people baring their one on his body at the wrong angle he argued that workers like to be close to the ground so that they can more easily turn out that doubles the places where two plants grown too closely together a worker with a long handled how has to stop and bend down to pick out the devil's work or leaves doubles this fire oh you're standing up they have been downward taken out of colorado when you work in a short handle your ride down here and he uses only one hand in the short and rotate the top five disney pulls the ability of that and just keep moving it is difficult to make a legal case against the shorthand of how most workers are not covered by health insurance or workers compensation so their illnesses often go unreported and i'm an alliance and it is hard to tell which
farmworker and works by the living conditions of the farm workers' unquestionably their life is hard for all these factors dr ortiz sees the shorthand or tall as the farm workers worst enemy ms joy devil is probably an instrument of torture arcade anachronistic inhuman inhumane detrimental in every way to the proper a normal functioning of the human body and i think it'd be bad for air ironically the whole had been outlawed in arizona under a ruling by the state's industrial commission but that law is not being enforced while a legal challenge by growers is decided in the courts but growers and other supporters of the shorter haul are taking no chances state representative jim martin has sponsored a bill that would make the whole legal my intent is to say you can use shorthand for flight or you can use a long
handled like and hope that that person will still have jobs opponents of pardons bill argue that farmworkers who refused to use the shorthand of haute will not be higher look in the mirror you are desperate to do anything to feed their families so we certainly don't have an attorney seventy they use the shorthand oh don't work the choice is whether you want to use a short handle or lose a job and that's the reality of things in arizona state representative truly indiana opposes cardigans bill because he says it is up to the state to protect workers from injuries they may not feel for years to come i believe that the a lot of times at shortstop has to be restricted to lead to an individual as to when that individual not aware of some of the health plans that he may be kasich and so we don't allow anyone to just go into a room full of awe of fumes that might kill us so we restricted and we regulate this is the same place as the controversy
grows it has become clear that the issue is not just an eighteen inch tall the whole is seen as a symbol of a war between arizona farmers and the people they call outsiders i think that the shorthand know just happens to be the battleground that happens to be the war at this point but i think it boils down to the traditional former verses the the more liberal element well possibly do gooders knew the same people they usually are off on the flow front against nuclear power against her involvement in el salvador they're out for causes opponents of the shorter jose their only concern is the health of farm workers but there is no question that a farm worker victory would set a precedent in arizona and could inspire other farming communities to take action against the hull conservatism is is there is a golden words speak spoken around the legislature anyways so for arizona to be able to go with this kind of the banning of the show handle it with a certain to a lot of
folks that are somewhat more liberal in arizona that god this issue was overcome arizona and it can certainly overcome anywhere in the rest of the nation i didn't know that like the whole ego has passed the arizona house of representatives the house defeated an amendment that would have protected workers from being fired if they refuse to use the shorter about the bill has not yet come up before the full state senate the supreme court today cleared the way for tomorrow's schedule execution of convicted texas murderer james david autry the justices by a seven to two vote refused to hear arguments aimed at overturning author's death sentence including the contention that he had suffered enough autry was within minutes of that last october when justice byron white ordered the execution delay in california governor george deukmejian vetoed a bill that would've forbidden discrimination against homosexuals in hiring practices the governor said he understood that californians are deeply divided on the issue but he added that there is not enough evidence of
discrimination against homosexuals to justify the measure the author of the bill said he was heartbroken at the veto but added this is not the end of the struggle for gay civil rights robin if next tonight we have our weekly book review the book is god's pocket a first novel by a philadelphia newspaper man pete dexter our reviewer is ac green where is this book set as burke said in philadelphia but it's not natural society hale rittenhouse square not that fat folder of this is a little pocket god's pocket that the author calls it up against the schuylkill river means stored in south philly it's a tough load my right and what's a story about a story basically as about an accident a death is not an accident that a really mean sorry twenty year old gets killed on a construction job and he gets killed by a white man sixty nine year old black man named
lucy there was dozens of plants but the construction foreman too thinking that you just stop all the nonsense a police investigation or nineties he tells a place that the the young man got killed by u boat falling off of blum crying and do it we worked except everybody looked at each other and the police the police detective whose name is eisenhower you know he knows are some screws so from an ice just the development of sort of the comedy of errors he said does not all comedy but every step involves saw another step to get deeper deeper into this life that involves people that had no idea who you wanted to there are just for that is not just the detectives to notice that detective story at all it's really the story of an entity that a neighborhood has god's pocket the title is so and i'm familiar with philadelphia but i don't know that that's actually what that never has called but rather than ever that is is well defined in its it's that the book is just read a
lot of low cal it's beautifully redolent well can't you just be like you've been there and the and the characters while they're pretty and zany and various other things and they're also mean and they're also but they're understandable i think any of us who've ever lived in a small neighborhood ran out and a lone narrow strait him or come from a small town some sort we'd been to god's pocket some colored bamboo had to get out the answer is that the strength of the book and your monday the strong sense of yoko ono now is that and the the author's beautiful handling of the characters the strong characters are beautiful expressed our there's a lot of of being tough four letter words lot of sex but that goes with the characters it's not superimposed i think that real strength of the book is that is the story of the characters themselves their language their conversations of their ideas their attitudes or the book's weakness as well is very fragmented like a lot of first novels he drives till six or eight stories and of course he can successfully time
all up into a bomb or so that at the end of the book you still wonder what happened to him and her and then there's many other but basically the strength of the book is such that it carries through very nicely someone your personal feelings i thought was it's about something and you can feel overwhelmed well probably but this is the first place every pizza is right down there in god's pocket so long ago that most of our viewers will and not have known it existed but still i think that the author has really got control of his of his creative mind his his view his vision is a newspaperman who's a columnist on the wall of the old of your papers i hope he can get away has no newspaper last twenty years in the business as a velvet trap a good rider really needs to get out of that after a certain number years and i hope that the author of this book that the backstroke he can escape it will trap you think is going to the future i think he does he met the danger for a while that i think that another ten to
fifteen years of your stick with his grave right with say somebody that we are a mass thank you once again the book we've been discussing is pete dexter's novel god's pocket published by random house returns are piling up from boats in the five super tuesday primary states and there are a few surprises sprinkled among them overall the results are mixed with three states apparently wins for gary hart and at least one and possibly two walter mondale hear the latest returned from the five primary states starting with florida forty two percent of the precincts reporting heart is ahead forty one percent of the vote he's been projected the winner there walter mondale twenty eight percent glenda jackson behind with thirteen and eleven percent in alabama with forty nine percent of the precincts reporting the story of the race between john lamb and gary hart walter mondale been projected the winner with thirty three percent of the vote but the race between the land and heart is still very very close that to be an interesting story jesse jackson behind eighteen percent
in georgia what has been the story of the evening sixty nine percent of the precincts reporting it has been neck and neck for the last couple hours between mondale and hart and mondale seems to be pulling ahead slightly now with about two percent more than that than senator hart both jesse jackson and john glenn coming in at about eighteen percent a piece in massachusetts with a quarter of the precincts reporting gary hart the winner has been projected to be the winner in thirty eight percent of the vote walter mondale twenty seven percent when veteran twenty percent woodland pretty far back at seven percent and the first returns we've seen from rhode island where the polls didn't close until nine o'clock eastern time three percent of the precincts in looks like a close race between mondale and hart forty one percent to forty but all three commercial networks have projected that heart will be the winner in rhode island jesse jackson fourteen percent and george mcgovern three percent even before the actual vote results started coming in the commercial tv
networks were projecting that expected win in several states based on the interviews that they did with voters as they let the tall there is celebration under way in portland water's welling at the mayflower hotel in washington after one of the networks predicted tarp would win florida that was going on a park called forgotten land talked about the fact that as a party and they say we have a new generation of leadership we'll still almost all americans we tested is one ego as last september and found that sixty seven percent of voters overall democratic voters conservatives liberal wanted a new direction to this country and wanted to have somebody who can inspire the people i think that my winning they like massachusetts where the speaker into the pockets of the unions were all against it by supplying a victory like that existed or a very close showing in the southern states are phenomenal walter mondale supporters also gathered at a washington hotel to watch the evenings returned there the campaign staff
was feeling good about the alabama returns and focusing on the possibility of a win in georgia mondale campaign director robert battle upbeat view of the early super tuesday results and now in the last three days illinois once again of the five primary states it looks like gary hart has taken florida massachusetts and is projected to take rhode island well walter mondale has taken alabama and may well take the state of georgia although that still close the night rather
the nigerian that's our newshour tonight we're back tomorrow night with complete analysis of today's super tuesday primaries the macneil lehrer newshour is funded by at and t reaching out in new directions the corporation for public broadcasting and the station and other public television stations thank you you're
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The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour
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NewsHour Productions
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NewsHour Productions (Washington, District of Columbia)
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Episode Description
This episode's headline: Arms Dollars for Salvador; LTV-Republic Merger; Short Hoe Controversy; God's Pocket; Super Tuesday Analysis. The guests include In Washington: Rep. GERRY STUDDS, Democrat, Massachusetts; Sen. TED STEVENS, Republican, Alaska; HERMAN SCHWARTZ, Antitrust Lawyer; In New York: ROBERT SQUIER, Political Consultant. Byline: In New York: ROBERT MacNEIL, Executive Editor; CHARLAYNE HUNTER-GAULT, Correspondent; In Washington: JUDY WOODRUFF, Correspondent; Reports from NewsHour Correspondents: KEITH GRAVES (BBC), in Lausanne; KWAME HOLMAN, in Arizona; A. C. GREENE, in New York
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Producing Organization: NewsHour Productions
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Identifier: NH-0137 (NH Show Code)
Format: 1 inch videotape
Generation: Master
Duration: 01:00:00;00
NewsHour Productions
Identifier: NH-19840313 (NH Air Date)
Format: U-matic
Generation: Preservation
Duration: 01:00:00;00
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Chicago: “The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour,” 1984-03-13, NewsHour Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 28, 2024,
MLA: “The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour.” 1984-03-13. NewsHour Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 28, 2024. <>.
APA: The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour. Boston, MA: NewsHour Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from