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thank you to the you're the pa the macneil lehrer newshour comes due
tonight from dallas site of the nineteen eighty four republican convention good evening the man for whom all the fuss is about finally arrived in dallas this afternoon president reagan and vice president bush will be renominated for a second term tonight mr bush said in an interview with us today the storm over the financial affairs of his opponent geraldine ferraro is not over yet another interview former president ford told us it is probable new taxes will be necessary next year and other news today israel moved closer toward getting a new labor led government ryan on the newshour tonight we follow the political story from several angles in an interview vice president george bush talks about geraldine ferraro's finances and his campaign against it we survey editorial opinion on this for hours performance yesterday and from editors into dallas newspapers here typically different views elizabeth bracket documents how the hard line platform position on taxes is with the kansas delegation former president and mrs gerald ford talk about taxes women's issues in the campaign ahead
and political observers david gergen and allan byron analyze all the events of the day the macneil lehrer newshour is funded by at and t the corporation for public broadcasting and the station and other public television stations president reagan arrived in dallas this afternoon to claim his party's re nomination by acclamation tonight he will watch his name being placed in nomination and the vote by republican delegates that is a formality that will set the stage for his acceptance speech tomorrow night the president's only public appearance was at a rally at his hotel shortly after his arrival in dallas in the huge atrium of the anatole hotel mr reagan called the gop america's party and looking at the kind of victory once in november he told the crowd there's an expression you have done this way that i like you don't just score victories you want singing the convention will depart from tradition and included tribute to mrs reagan the president himself has narrated a film
praising the first lady and mrs reagan herself will speak to the convention afterwards earlier today at a luncheon for republican women mrs reagan talked about women's role in the party making the most dramatic impact on our national life are republican women and my hope is but the women of the future will feel truly free fall ever has their talents and then nature's jew i want them to have real choices so that they'll feel comfortable as a tennis a mother an executive a teacher or all of them they have a unique contribution to make as one as eleanor roosevelt once said i never wanted to be a man i've often wanted to be more effective as a woman but i never thought the trousers with ha ha as for mrs reagan's role in the
administration the president in a rare interview with the washington post today said he keeps no secret from his wife he added he assumes his wife as a top security clearance since is he said there are many secrets between as the president said he doesn't think mrs reagan's opinions but he does like to get their reactions to events in and rosetta around the senior when president dolls was the vice president of the united states george bush and as such he's been one of the busiest year to going from speeches the news conference to rise and so on the major than ford ended there was an interview with us conducted and they played this app and then at the anatole hotel with us president what you think of the way geraldine ferraro is now herself under financial situation on top of the well i guess she had good marks from the press conference and i think that my views let that somebody else figure that out but the process work with the system working as the ethics committee what i read is going to be looking at it and an end lets us focus on the issues before ms ferraro garden has trouble i said what's
going to determine this election is a top of the ticket and what i'm gonna do is keep my focus on our record and on the past record of mr mandela and that i still feel that way i haven't changed my mind because of the difficulties she's been through an eight billion you're not going to talk about are difficult world and how it comes up not necessarily mean i'm not gonna be unrealistic but i don't think that the facts has a long range effect on the election i think what effects the election of the major issues top of the ticket and i record i really believe that in our record will show your files will show that that was true before she got into these difficulties so would just after the issues in your best which he said yesterday that far she was concerned it was over the knowledge behind it stars george bush concern is that but overall i can't make a judgment on that but i would i think that may be a little wishful thinking that the time will tell there's been some interesting developments on it
i can tell that there would be plenty of ways to determine i think obviously back taxes and that that's been corrected and the system or we'll look into all out a lot of dwell on it i i have been kind of killing of lies some about net worth and i pointed out a recent interview that leaders and archie bunker maybe to study this and archie maybe as pamela and a profound the year or what is a very eerie your net worth is what two point eight million analysis and a lesson about half of theirs but but on saying is a lot of the media label me canada's worth twice as much which is really irrelevant but i i just found that a little bit amusing after the name jihad next door in private schools and melissa that's fundamental element was
gone in fighting on and stay on the issues your life has really changed dramatically as nonsense of mondale chose the first woman and his running mate have no not really no there's been more attention to the vice presidential race much more to her i might add that i understand that and some of it's been favorable tour and someone who has been very very unfavorable but that's kind of the way this league is and i have i still say it's not going to be determined by the vice presidential level but there are an awful lot of folks enter the vice president of the vice president or ace for our overseas voters going to almost as much attention as reagan airs monday on nixon as the first days of euphoria and then you get into reality and indeed reality is setting in that we see by the trials and tribulations that have befallen my opponent and we haven't done a darn thing to do you know flying wallenda i've said publicly persons who found guilty and let the
system work it will examine every little crevice and you akron point and you had to develop one of a better term a special strategy because geraldine ferraro as a woman no i don't think so i said from the very beginning and i'm trying very hard to do it is to approach this on a totally putting a total equality and not have it on a gender basis but stay on the issues and so i have a i think it has thrown a new dimension and because i keep getting asked that very deep silo how are you gonna have all of that that's a woman i'm going to have to be more sensitive to this an internal probe to just as i did when i ran in nineteen eighty eight when mr monday it was the candidate that i suppose and we won't be pulling your punches at home because if you don't you know you can make that and level any punches it <unk> mondale in nineteen eighty will allow that and now level and at the top of the ticket and that's exactly what we need are even greater i just don't know i want to no decision has been made its
artist and time will tell but if i do the issues in the fall at least to the degree i'm able to keep the focus on the top are taking on embarrassed jam about having my credentials out there the job is one heartbeat away and let the american people examine my record and examine her and to the degree that goes in them somebody's making up a decision like that be let that be a part of the record again i don't think it's going to make a tremendous difference in the outcome of the election are you reluctant to be buried or two yeah in a sense i am i really am but you know let me just phrase a rhetorical question the years doing in depth analysis there wasn't a great hue and cry for debate in nineteen eighty in the there was the vice presidential debate indeed in history there has been one vice presidential debate now what is the ozone or so long to get on know in seventy
six and nineteen seventy two nineteen sixty eight nineteen sixty four so what is it now that allen notes that the man i would readily concede anything to do with me and i think it is because my opponent is a woman enters a showbiz interest in this but in terms of the issues in terms of crying out to know about the record why wasn't that demand there before it could be an evolution of the process that people are expecting to get smaller but i think it's more because of the the historic breakthrough you might say of having one on which is fine but none of which is overriding a compelling or none of which makes me feel i have to make the decision earlier do something different the courses or it's been suggested that it's a no win deal for you if you eventually say about michael of the battery and the accused overruns care and if you but if you're a great a debater and
she even hold her own even if you win that she rolls around in suu moods it's that they see it no i don't but i've heard the argument made an idea and i would approach it on that issue i think the american people are fair and i think in the final analysis the degree the vice presidential nomination does contribute more could be tracked from people are really going to be looking more at the record the product of an individual the date that i will readily conceded the fight with yale law our people have posited this given me this is in that in those dimensions it's almost don't know and i don't accept that that i've heard that not just from people in your business or for the democrats but from a lot of my own friends one event like the us are you gonna make us ahmed says and i know that that's the way the president feels he feels that's my destiny and should be done but i don't know i just can't tell you when i would remind you and others in your listening audience
viewing audience to war is a concern haiti's campaigns go along so long are they saw that it's august and i don't feel under any pressure time pressures of the sunni question again and a big cucumber any question in your mind will better life in sports and you believe though you say the issues and particularly the geraldine ferraro is further to the further to the left politically than the majority of americans are us and the reason i do is not on my own gut instinct just looking up the voting record on the voting record in the house of representatives she is on the less spectrum whether it's on the right you had all these ranking things that you know about that the americans for democratic action as a very liberal groups it's high up on the americans for conservative they see a varied conservative groups use whey lowdown on their businesses weigh down labor union stuff way up and so on the spectrum on the
on the on the measurement it used to position people whether was my voting record in the congress or person the congress or mondale's in the senate she is way over on the left spectrum if you go from right to left of the democratic party and investment because she and mondale are together on that mr raghavan iyer very comfortably together and have been for for the monster for years here in this job and so i think it will give the american people a clear cut choice when they say that some of the conservatives around there's a george bush has really not conservative enough you don't hear that as much anymore so i don't really say anything til and on their voting records i've got a record in public office at various jobs at the united nations in china as an ambassador in the surrounding the cia and as a congressman then the visit of our party and now for years as vice president so i think the record is out there and i don't hear that is why do you hear it from before a friendly person mr viguerie who comes on these programs always to
attack the president from the right but i don't consider him a republican he really talk about a third party in this and i don't i don't he was conservative credentials is typically get either but i'm getting from the very fringe a person like viguerie is another man who ran as a democrat for the senate now he's always called on the programs to attack reagan from the writing and how we thought were those candidates i mean there's nothing i can do to ever satisfied that far out frank but in terms of the basic conservative heartbeat of the party and all i think pretty good shape our baker said yesterday that if he were the a ninety eight nominee of the republican party will probably select few a woman engine running mate today gerald ford said in an interview that he believed that the nineteen eighty eight republican ticket would include a woman which you thought that i thought is that this is going to start appointment and i don't know what's going to happen in nineteen eighty eight and i forgot to tell you before i came on this program and i can discuss
anything i'll talk about nineteen eighty eight i would not have had in connection with me because i have not done that for three and a half years and i'm not about to start two and a half months before election day in nineteen eighty four and because we haven't had the bloodshed on the floor of this convention a lot of the press speculation has understandably shifted to nineteen eighty eight and count me out of that game go talk to howard baker some of the others that some other words if i were to ask you the question if you are the nominee in nineteen eighty eight which you consider it actually lacked a womanizer as example after three and a half years i've not discuss or position myself directly or indirectly about nineteen eighty eight and please don't ask me to speculate on that now even in terms of that broad generic question and i don't forget it it would just like to be really would just like to be president i really don't even speculate on that but i can say i've been disabused myself of all
political ambition that i have been able to today two things one understand who's present and understood that right away and then i'm dustbin haven't had the conflicts i think that maybe some initial other than with the president or was there and i then secondly lives are just said we tried it but that on the mine and i and it's not that difficult and i know that that's gonna change dramatically your he has i guess for some because of the pressure to be you know the comments that here but i'd rather not go beyond that our week we've been focusing on one delegate delegation of the dallas convention and tonight elizabeth bracket has another report on the views of the delegates from kansas was a big one the republican platform sailed through this convention without a whisper of public opposition the down amid allegations there was some resistance in some concern that the platform could put the party in a straitjacket for the upcoming fall elections in kansas the
support for the platform was there but there's also an appeal for some flexibility particularly on the platform's economic plank americans in nineteen eighty four for his it's anti tax stamps stamps made tougher when hardliners demanded of come up in this sentence we therefore oppose any attempt to increase taxes which would harm the recovery and reverse the trend to restoring control of the economy to individual americans as for the federal deficit
platform says he'll be reduced by expanding the current economic recovery and continuing to cut the federal budget it is a senator nancy kassebaum says she doesn't think it will work it's b her argument back on the convention floor at anti tax plan did have strong support when those kansas farmers who has been hurt by high interest rate says despite that he supports the platform's opposition to a tax increase so that excuses that is before he raised taxes to reduce the lessons never happened before the convention by banker and delegates in davao and told us that tax increase was probably inevitable and after four days in dallas a one like other delegates has
been influenced by fletcher he says is coming from the right call for conservative element of the party and they play an important role in the party so i certainly have no criticism i feel strongly about that wine bottle that works or a republican a republican who is concerned about the deficit chris edley them in a position to work hard do the support that why some ideas into suburban workout to help despite the tough attacks language in the platform veteran delegation chairman hop boyd insist that the platform just not that the party against a wall i don't play the party would be responsible a locked themselves in or the president elect himself who had another taxes period but they have flexibility there i haven't learned the only reason i say that as an adult he's insisting on flexibility in it so he was satisfied with thank you don't they have topped flexibility but that does not mean he was without his own problems
i have a hard time defending his seventy eighty billion dollars in tax expenditures a so called no more tax reductions a few of the platform are supposed to be the tight fisted party is trying to reduce the deficit will support a balanced budget like america's nicer contradictory to have both anthony weiner states with more philosophical about this year's platform plank platforms mean sam in many respects or that platform and see if it has any resemblance to reality of the purely coincidental so many many delegates and his will do just what bob stephan is done and ignore part or all of their party's platform despite all that almost all republicans here believe that the administration's economic record is their best issue the issue
that will win the election for them in the fall with or without the party's no tax increase dance jam still to come on the newshour tonight two dallas newspaper editors exchange differing views on geraldine ferraro former president gerald ford and ms as for dr robert macneil about taxes and republicans and we'll hear some summarizing wisdom from david gergen an island there with the pain for the democrats today the story continued to be a
geraldine ferraro and her finances in washington a law professor filed a formal complaint with the federal election commission asking for an investigation of ferraro's nineteen seventy eight congressional campaign a professor john van zandt said there is evidence of financial wrongdoing it should be investigated if they see as five days now to either take the case or dismiss it from washington charlayne hunter gault of more on the poor are our story shang jin candidate for our his campaign got off to a long awaited fresh start today at a meeting of the american federation of teachers in washington it was her first campaign appearance following yesterday's ruling on her family's financial activities as a former teacher in union members' she got a predictably warm greeting and after a few light moments she sounded like a campaigner in earnest anomaly i began his speech by saying i'm delighted to be here this week i have to tell you i am absolutely first day
of the rest of this campaign and it returns to discuss the issues at every tiny get back to talking about the future of this kind not long ago <unk> reagan said that he wouldn't raise taxes that mr bush said that he would and now republican platform says that wow and then as reagan said i had no plans to raise taxes united while the dancing around americans expect straight talk from the leaders if deficits are big interest rates then let's reduce reducing deficits takes more taxes and let's trace of our leaders won't level with us then let's replace them at as candidate ferraro sought to put her political personal troubles behind her newspapers around the country began evaluating performance before the meeting yesterday reaction was
next here are a few sort of excerpts among those whose reaction was generally positive was the washington post which wrote rep ferraro has offered plausible explanations for most of the question starting her campaign she navigated her passage on television yesterday with intelligence columnist and not a little humor but we persist in thinking that her interpretation of the statute bearing on disclosure of the family financial information is wrong the new york times added the nation should understand that her case raised ethics issues of novel complexity involving a wealthy businessman spouse the purpose of all this is to reveal any potential conflict the ventures nothing now known cast any doubt whenever on mrs four hours capacity to serve the nation as vice president the wall street journal which has been highly critical of ms ferraro in the past had a mixed response if say we saw your user lawyer elise feels impersonal charms
to save for the time being at least the mondale ferraro campaign this knew geraldine ferraro looks as if she can indeed yet big league pitching but then the journal added this might ms ferraro is masterful personal performance not only essential problems has been answered indeed her emergence as a big bully persona they pose a problem of its own the boston globe wrote the most striking feature of the documents released by geraldine ferraro's campaign is that they hardly looked like the footprints left by people trying to avoid taxes the des moines register was more critical it wrote the failure to disclose the car rose holdings looks to be an act of an obscure member of congress filling out routine paperwork not realizing she would someday be a national figure the san diego union was among the most critical saying what begins to come through is the less appealing figure of politics the limousine liberal and one all in back taxes at that finally the detroit free press offered a different observations
it's dated given the financial striptease that news ferraro has been required to go through it will be interesting to see how long vice president bush complete immunity on his blind trust for foreigners or your reaction we now return to dallas where judy woodruff samples opinions from their duty china's like reactions to ferraro's performance yesterday were typified here in the city where the republican convention is being held for dallas times herald said in an editorial this morning that ferraro have gone a long way toward ending the country or sick while the dallas morning news which yesterday called juan ferraro financial transaction a cagey arrangement for circumventing the law today criticized walter mondale's handling of the arrangement with us to have a rather of the whole affair with us now to explain the view of each paper are jim wright on the left editorial page editor of the dallas morning news and ron calhoun who is editorial writer and columnist for the dallas times herald mr thomas to write the
the time jarrett has been pretty out there rather than when these have been pretty tough on not ferraro until today when your editorial really focused on walter mondale doesn't mean that you think ferraro has really put this behind her a certain type a hamburger we feel that the real damage of this episode will be felt calmer volcker mondale cause he is after all in charge and the va since dusted mountains camps he fell down first he didn't check out his prospects her brother records and so forth which would seem to be indicated that eagleton fiascos in the past the second thing is lets any foreigner has been a relative newcomer to politics and the complete beginners and big league politics monday on his team are the pros actually and so insane that they would've done a better job coaching the preparing and getting ready for that sort of that investigation are as for herself and the questions that have been
raised and thinks yesterday's some news conference and dealt with the questions or are overweight i think that one thing that did emerge those that you like or she's a likable person of them as i'm up social conservative going forward and that is still resembles a farmer ticket meant she may be that there are more women voters were to attempt to come it's important we think cancer wright says he thinks there's still some questions to ruin well maybe i can predict the future none of us can what we thought the current dallas turned her old that she did an outstanding job of being forthcoming about trying to bring up some of this message yourself of my sets and that is by our affection for beyond what most of the candidates have been way of disclosure that say that we're still concerned about sea walls and its overall you said that you think vice presidents bush why don't think anybody or be able to have been in a blind trust so
neither mr bush your own senate career in texas lloyd bentsen both of you know beethoven's ode to that we thank the disclosure laws or work for our officeholders at the federal level to disclose all s its liabilities not only their own but their spouses and their children who live at home are what is right torie osborn system thing is they were very rude and you're and you're saying that she wasn't supposed to be determined by the house ethics committee that christians do when i was young women's rights a point that that it's really walter mondale that comes out of this whole episode looking bed well i don't think you can make that judgment that quake may come out of this moment rows of whistling in west texas when they happen is the issue has laid is a mannerist fema as if she's not able to address the
issues the real issues that are facing the nation and they're able to go about their about their campaign business in this matter doesn't resurface and sometimes shoddy or shoddy way they should come out of this looking like a heroin what at what event that's right and since really the first volume a look back to mr mondale's comment on fifty the gym most important says some presidential nominee merrick says choosing and preparing a vice presidential candidate and if you look at who's really made two tours was too personal decisions you got my not so i asked my math and then you go through the vice presidential nominee was not screened properly narco child soldier was bad choices get on the churches of their chores but i think he should've examiner records refer to the battle that she was sober thank you
both for joining us right now i think to jam there was news today outside dallas in the world of politics the commerce department said that consumer price index move the point three percent in july higher food and housing goals are blamed for the increase it means inflation is running at a four percent rate for the first seven months of the year overseas a ceasefire in tripoli lebanon between rival muslim groups ended in a hail of artillery fire this morning so far at least seventy nine until two hundred and thirty wounded in the weeklong fighting from israel the government's stalemate between the labour and the good parties may be ending labor's shimon peres picked up the support of former defense minister user weitzman's party with three votes our reporter david shapiro in washington learned weitzman has been promised a job a foreign minister and a new labour government and analysts say labor may now be able to form a government by sunday in south africa a historic and controversy election the nation's nine hundred and seventy thousand mixed race citizens voted for members of a
separate non white security forces arrested ninety five protesters under the newly revised south african constitution the nation's twenty two million likes will not be represented in a parliament and are not voting in today's election and president reagan before leaving washington for is dallas renomination trip signed a six point six billion dollars supplemental money bill the bill includes seventy million dollars for el salvador and seven hundred million dollars for the food stamp program which would run out of funds the first week of september problem last night a group of leading republican moderates spoke to the convention here scheduled as some sought to counter the impression that the gop had been captured by the right wing conservatives the most prominent was former president gerald ford this afternoon i talked with president and mrs ford about the nineteen eighty four platform and the campaign ahead there's a great atmosphere of confidence at this convention do you think it's justified are the democrats a pushover for the republicans if you're not at all i've been saying
for about nine months that it will be a very close election at the presidential level to my republican friends were on the other side of the fence easy race but those recent polls i think are a clear indication that the democrats were put up a good battle and if the republicans are overconfident that could lead to them to feed and so i keep telling my republican strategist you better prepare for a tough battle because the democrats have organizations with lots of money and with lots of manpower they'll closely i obey a good example where the areas of weakness to think when you dropped your strategies where do you say you should be paying real attention the party is weak here to share the registration effort at the outset was not as strong as it ought to have been
we have to go up in those republicans or register a lot of potential voters and that was slow getting started i think it's being renovated at the present time there was a lack of drive internally i think and that was reflected out in the grass roots so to speak i think to some extent i do detect now at more urgent feeling about the skit going and really put out of campaign that will ensure that president reagan is reelected the president is an overconfident and talk to him about what does he think he thinks it'll be a a very tough race and i think his attitude is now being reflected down among the troops of respect mrs ford from where you sit is one of the areas of possible weakness the so called gender
gap i think there's a possibility of a loss there as far as women are concerned are there's a disappointment by those women who were so supportive at the equal rights amendment and of course once again it wasn't included in the platform but i think there are other issues this day that women do vote and basically with so many women who are in the marketplace today there and it's a big factor and i think the painting and where their pocketbook is that maybe whether voters how well they're doing when interest rates and taxes and so why not only aung the failure to renew the support for dr and that the party had before nineteen eighty but in many other areas this platform has been widely common to be a very conservative platform
image going forth from dallas and reinforced every day by all the coverage is that going to make it more difficult for the party to pick up the independence and the democrats that it needs to create an electoral majority why have some disappointments with the platform but this isn't the first republican platform or i have areas of disagreement or disappointment which makes the point that the platforms are every four year tradition a ritual democrats right there's republicans' right there's and i don't know a democratic president or a republican president whose sap the oval office and had to make a tough decision on international or domestic matters who said to his staff go get me my party platform i want to see what it tells me i should do in this practical matter and the public understands that they recognize the
party platforms truly reflect that philosophical view of the delegates not necessarily the realities of what a president has to do that going back to the point that the other republican party always needs to draw in independents and democrats in order to create a larger majority is the image this part it creates the kind of image that that might discourage some of those independents and democrats from wanting to feel included under the republican umbrella it often on abortion mentioning the gold standard all things there's a very good yes but i think the average voter firstly says read a party and residents in the actuality of running the country will prefer to the party platform it's more of the news media image that's created out of whatever the delegates right
thats great i think it's wonderful but in the real world it is and what has to be done to solve them problems of the country speaking of the real world platform makes almost no mention of the size of the federal deficit you're always a fiscal conservative in your days in an office how worried are you about the size of the deficit by a mortar and i've been no word for the last two years that last to deficits including facility for her boat too high and they projected out year deficits are much too high they should be going down much more rapidly than that current forecasts expect to be so i think both the congress and the president have a major responsibility between now in nineteen eighty five to do something to affirmatively about those deficit you think it's fair to the american voter for the republican party and mr reagan not to lay out precisely where he would do about the
deficit before the selection let me put it this way mr mondale says his solution is basically to raise taxes president reagan says his principal answer is to reduce the rate of growth of spending plus new taxes as a last resort i subscribe to the philosophy president reagan in that regard and they tell you walk when mondale says he's going to raise taxes that's a signal to the spenders we don't have to be as cautious more careful in the spending of money because there'll be more money there with more mondale taxes reagan's approaches the barrel because he says you'll cut down spending and that's a real pressure job on the spenders but he says if you are able to achieve that yes as a last resort of a more taxes is a better approach
without being specific i understand the philosophy i was wondering of all your experience what you would bet that there would have to be some tax increase in nineteen eighty five i think or the probability is a probability not a certainty that there may have to be some new taxes or rearrangement of art current tax code because there are some problems of inequities tax shelters that ought to be closed that center so you can't just say a tax increase across the border you could add a new kind of taxes value added at a flat rate tax you know everybody's talking about new approach some former sales tax or something well i don't lose their status as a value added tax is not technically a sales tax the wall street journal says today that even some of mr reagan's closest aides believe that mondale was right that there will have to be a tax increase in some for next year well as i
said let's get the other problem solve first and the tourists are considerable area of low reduction in expenditures domestic and i think defense of a hawk i'm proud of it but i think you can stretch out your defense expenditures and reduce your regular cash flow and correspondingly reduce your annual deficit but let's get the expenditure side done first and if we don't get the necessary result there we may have to turn to additional revenue coming back to this convention and this evening was a rather unusual thing happening this evening and that is the convention is paying a formal tribute to the first lady and she's going to appear and she is appearing in this land and refined that how would you both know her how would you describe her contribution to the nation's ears fine role model for parents
particularly in her addressing the drug problem with young people here in the country we all know that there is a drug problem and buy it what cbs is i think there's a tremendous power is apt that grandparents getting busy with their own children and their own communities and that's an important early images changed on tuesday was the girl he's done very well changed from her own and initially the press for doing nothing but publicizing things that were so frivolous about mrs reagan and i think his a great depth two are now in trying to help children bringing it to youngsters back from overseas to see that they had transplants are some medical kind of think she's a very caring person in this is coming through now and people didn't see it initially i would subscribe to what betty said the line question is in addition though
she's very interested in the day to day things that the president does his policies etc i don't think he does it quite the way mrs carter get but i know that she's interested in the issues domestic and international and that's a big help and i applaud as far as the president that our presidents for veteran richard you're just trying to sell a pleasure which earned finally tonight as we had each night this convention week to our resident political analysts republican david gergen former director of communications at the reagan white house and democrat alan baron editor of the political newsletter the baron reports but was there a decision made at the white house we need to rehabilitate nancy reagan's image in and one undated and has been successful as a set two simple story i'm sure people at the white house would want that quite that way but certainly there was a recognition in a
white house that she was being portrayed as the woman who enjoyed rich smut of opulence and was reported in the frivolous things as betty ford has said and there was a feeling there listeners what was one that is common across an iraq we'll get more emphasis in turn for scheduling all the kinds of things and she very much wanted to correct that and i think that they have successfully now moved away and shown that there isn't another very rich and deep part of material that's used in some of the things happening outside and allergy peanut considered a successful operation or i would think so and i think the combination of meat a day recording eleanor roosevelt continuing the tradition of this party only so far and his invention of not mentioning at least in public meetings teddy roosevelt or dwight eisenhower or lincoln i guess maybe once but basically concentrating as president ford did on jefferson and fdr and eleanor roosevelt had a day i almost just listen the words be the democratic convention but certainly her glowing eleanor roosevelt who has never been a hero of the republican party that tibia the ultimate movement in
iran or i and i welcome that they'll have a bill out of whether democrats are calling me in the eyes and our faith of the other thing that the president ford said which was say said two things robin talking with iran about taxes he said that there would be some of the recent acts of the next year got anyone to enter the needed as we talk in the streets that the thing that we've heard what the user has been a kind of line was a represent the consensus in washington a few weeks ago but i think the significance of this platform is in the same platform as most americans it does have some of that from ikea fans is maybe house conservatives and republicans in the house like jack kemp and newt gingrich and others assign a clear signal through this platform that they intend to fight against any kind of package that includes new taxes next year and it could be very difficult i think the chances of it in such a comprehensive package that people are talking about a few weeks go through that house next year is much more emotional than it was to receive the deficit in ten years i think so and i think
that's were in terms of the vice president bush's interview on the program this evening what he was saying that he had pretty well a one over the conservatives in the party except for those on the phrase like that he mentioned the jury and howard phillips well if we said and they're not really republicans he said i think if there's a fight on the taxman if they have to go for texting and george bush will be carrying around reagan's the water on that he will be strongly advocating whatever increases the administration as for the impact could be your first polarization with the camps with it with decade low and so what he will find himself with the only opposition from the right wing that for his pro speaking of vice president bush i do think though which are assessing the way he played the of ferraro questions tonight well i think he played is kind of a soft pedal his intellect and i'm from that the other evening which is to say oh i want nothing to do with this this you know it's it's a total ear i'm simply let the system takes place in and
discover all of these scripted terrible things she may have done if it's a very classic that you know a political and political it is actually audited contented editor inskeep hands off with an offering hands off absolutely i see no reason why he has to be in the lives of all i do think that he would be well it wasn't your party with buyers very quickly to move and so george bush wants to have a debate when the safari intends to do there are some people great can't reveal that i look back at these debate has already given it an issue and so i'm a little scared about it i think bush is a good debater seizing debater and i don't think it's a no win proposition as some of his friends as a person just i think in a debate he would do well and she would do well i think everybody will come true and what that finally jim wright of the dallas morning ms sebert oh judy a moment ago that this really does speak to mondale more than girls ferraro that he made to personnel sit alone will then went sour meaning first matt and now for our world is that a fair assessment
lance in the banal as memorable i think there were political problems credible but i think if you want to say that day you know president reagan doesn't go in with this totally clean hands his first chief of staff was governor had to resign under some sort of scandal and then and nieces at i was ten and i don't think that any politician this is totally a lot of americans of tin roof he did the right thing by reaching out to get a little pro these campaign manager in to do the right thing the rich have to do what the process you used rid of the selfie and i cannot thank you all and today's top stories politics again took center stage president ronald reagan arrived in dallas tonight the republican convention formally re nominate the reagan bush ticket a welcome to dallas rally his convention hotel mr reagan called the republican party democratic vice
presidential candidate geraldine ferraro talk politics not finances today for our until the union gathering in washington today was the first day in the rest of the campaign at a drama reaction but ferraro's two hour press conference on the finances and disclosure statements yesterday met with mixed editorial response around the country imagine that iran and we'll see tomorrow night from dallas on jim lehrer thank you and goodnight the macneil lehrer newshour is funded by at and t reaching out in new directions the corporation for public broadcasting and the station and other public television stations die it's b
since you only knew whom news
The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour
Producing Organization
NewsHour Productions
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NewsHour Productions (Washington, District of Columbia)
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Episode Description
This episode's headline: George Bush: Looking Toward November; Kansas: One Delegation's View; Ferraro Disclosure: Editorial Reaction; Gerald and Betty Ford: Talking Politics; Political Pundits Ponder. The guests include In Dallas: GEORGE BUSH, Vice President; JIM WRIGHT, Dallas Morning News; RON CALHOUN, Dallas Times-Herald; GERALD FORD, Former President; BETTY FORD, Former First Lady; DAVID GERGEN, Republican Analyst; ALAN BARON, Democratic Analyst. Byline: In Dallas: ROBERT MacNEIL, Executive Editor; JIM LEHRER, Correspondent; JUDY WOODRUFF, Correspondent; ELIZABETH BRACKETT, Correspondent; In Washington: CHARLAYNE HUNTER-GAULT, Correspondent
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Politics and Government
Copyright NewsHour Productions, LLC. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Public License (
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Producing Organization: NewsHour Productions
AAPB Contributor Holdings
NewsHour Productions
Identifier: NH-2038-8P (NH Show Code)
Format: 1 inch videotape
Generation: Master
Duration: 01:00:00;00
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Chicago: “The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour,” 1984-08-22, NewsHour Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed December 22, 2024,
MLA: “The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour.” 1984-08-22. NewsHour Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. December 22, 2024. <>.
APA: The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour. Boston, MA: NewsHour Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from