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it has been the pain in the headlines today the defense department counsel to major new weapon system anti apartheid leader alabama sac was arrested in south africa and space shuttle discovery had a delayed that successful march where the details plus the rest of the news of the day in a mob we focus on three stars on the newshour tonight the sergeant mark anti aircraft gun we hear why it took four years and nearly two billion dollars to decide it didn't work you're going to choose sugary to look at the controversy are recruiting teachers who don't have teacher training we close with a report on how they get those
amazing pictures on nature films they're not always what they seem light the macneil lehrer newshour is funded by at and t the corporation for public broadcasting and the station and other public television stations the pentagon today canceled a new weapon designed to shoot down soviet helicopters and long range because it didn't work so called sergeant york anti aircraft weapon also called it hadn't been in production and testing since nineteen eighty one and so far as cost one point eight billion dollars the army's plan for a total of six hundred eighteen would've cost another three billion the system consisted of two in swedish metaphors guns mounted on a timeshare syria named by radar sixty five were made by ford aerospace but were so inaccurate that in one test the ending divisiveness took the exhaust fan on the tree for target helicopter
at a news conference defense secretary one voter explained why he was putting his losses independent operational tests demonstrated that the systems performance was not a second we meet the growing military threat and the tests third demonstrated also the furloughs marginal improvements that can be made by the day that these are not significant compared to the capability of current elephants weapons and therefore not with the additional cost one of south africa's major anti apartheid leaders was arrested today is the reverend alan ball sack who had planned to lead a mass protest march to mile of the prison were black political leader nelson mandela is being hailed our reporting from james robins of the bbc the result was arrested shortly after addressing students at the university of cape town latest in a series of meetings designed to mobilize twenty thousand people he had planned to leave them himself in tomorrow's march on liberty
dramatic painting for the release of nelson mandela after leaving the university is promised not a roadblock you've just had tried to tell a companion you'd be arrested under section twenty nine of the internal security act or being driven away from the act allows for indefinite detention without trial and his wife does not know where he's being you know about the time but the result was detained police raided another university where he was going to be right to describe the police breaking down he's
just a man the stadium where the margins were due to assemble will be closed tomorrow state department spokesman josh rodman said the united states was not pleased by the balzac arrest we've already formally protested this action to the south african government we believe that attention of reverend balzac and other leaders can only exacerbate the current cycle of polarization and tension that tension was reflected today in south africa's financial markets the south african government suspended trading in stock in currency markets until next week because of what was called an abnormal pressure on its economy the announcement came as south africa's currency in the rye and drop today to a record low against the dollar specialist every blasted out through a hole in florida's bad weather today the worst weather launching of the shuttle program the flight had been delayed twice on saturday and sunday in
orbit the crew immediately deployed an australian communication satellite a daily it's protective covering his damaged in the satellite would have suffered from extreme seclusion cold if not placed in orbit where it could spend because of the bad weather the rockets red glare and the dawn's early light provided an unusually spectacular sight we didn't know british aviation as it is today ordered sergeant checks of jet engines of the type involved in last week's manchester airport crash fifty four people were killed after a pratt whitney engine exploded on takeoff british officials said jackson some of the boeing seven three seven engines of the same tribe had shown combustion chamber is with extensive cracking you're there covered pratt and whitney joe g l e d
engines which about a manufacturer's modification and ivan from a certain number of hours to make the orders sometimes would be grounded in some flown back to britain and get and eighty ad is the most widely used jet engine in the world are not only the seventh through seven but the glowing seventy seven and the mcdonnell douglas dc nine poverty in the united states is on the decline that was the upshot of a new report today from the us census bureau the bureau said the percentage of americans living below the poverty line drop from fifteen point three percent in nineteen eighty three to fourteen point four percent in eighty four it marked the first significant decrease in that rate since nineteen seventy six the poverty line for ad for our was drawn at ten thousand six hundred and nine dollars in income for a family of four also today the crocker national bank of san francisco agreed to pay a stiff fine for not telling the federal government about its big cash transactions the fine was two and a quarter million dollars or charged with violating the bank secrecy law which requires banks to
report all cash transactions that scene and part of that means drug deals organized crime and other forms of corruption the treasury department said crocker the nation's eleventh largest banks committed more than seven thousand eight hundred violations of that wall african nation of nigeria once lush in oil revenues and more recently a victim of the oil glut has gone through another military coup led a shakeup of them is the result of infighting among the generals who ousted nigeria civilian government nearly two years ago today as bloodless coup forced out major general mohamed who is head of state taking over is another general you ramble indeed get a newer promised an end to corruption and finally in the two running spy stories a spokesman for west german chancellor helmut kohl said there will be a sweeping shakeup of that country's intelligence service as max wait a spokesman said the chancellor was particularly furious every high
level counter espionage official being kept on the job despite well known drinking financial and family problems that official defected believes germany last week as in three other west german government workers a secretary in the office of the west german president was arrested for espionage yesterday and into france vs new zealand sought over the sinking of the greenpeace ship new zealand prime minister david lang said a french investigators' report caring french intelligence officer from responsibility and the incident was inconsistent and transparent he suggested france recalled its ambassador and nothing else i concluded a summary of the day's news coming up we focus on three stories the cancellation of a sergeant york anti aircraft guns the argument about how to meet the growing teacher shortage and the secrets behind some of the amazing pictures in nature films secretary of defense weinberger died today what his
critics said he would never do the kill a major weapons system it's an air defense weapon called officially the bad or the division air defense non nickname the sergeant york for the word juan on the euro one point eight billion dollars have been spent on it on another three billion was about to go the same route but has opened a new three billion minority there i was named prom main problem was arranged a reliability and via the the lack of range i should say only a in the locker room or our body really throws very difficult decisions after you when you know you need something which we urgently do need to hear and at a diversion air defense capability we've invested substantial sums in time and we have to conclude on the basis of the year of the production models that it's not going to work as well as is needed and then you have to decide whether you can try to fix it up or with your counsel and in this case say it's in the mirror and nothing's wrong
and a conservation we can't talk about this been invested is one point at the caucus welcome to deliver what we need it would've been another three billion so we were to pay at a point where a cancellation was stuck was economically a love of not only possible but there was indicated unless we had four more outs all favorable indications of the value of the system as i said the really serious part of his problem is that a decision the council what is basically an effective system doesn't eliminate the leak so rihanna that there's always a great worry of having both of them on a concert without a mom money two systems that you have to conclude reluctantly after they're tested before you buy and that's what we do we just i just before we biked to no good it's not going to be an aura much of the of an improvement it's only a marginal improvements so
will we have learned a very great deal and that we are going to apply that but we're also going down all existing systems and also the ways in which we could combine system of at least an approach that i think can be used effectively to cover some of these gaps were trying to give voters don't mind that sanctions would mean for them to see if it will give us the capability we need to bear in mind also that the gun is perfectly capable of the goddess of golfers gunman at a forty millimeter gonna that those weren't supposed to go working with a radar and with the tank and it doesn't do what we have to have done and what our requirements were some additional words on the death of the sergeant york from george wilson who covers the defense department for the washington post george it was a technical decision a political decision or someone will
i was barely above but i also think when inquirer the moon where the pentagon has to restructure by subtraction this time around rather than edition as it did the first four years and wiser well in congress has served notice that the reading the letters are as far as the ten percent sixty percent real increases are concerned the only army now is whether chavez or roses or a plus inflation for the upcoming fiscal year so i think it's a new season for defense in some part is a recognition that the money just isn't there was a difficult decision for the secretary yes i think he sincerely i wanted to give the army what the army said it must have which was a better defense gone unnoticed critics say waited to lambert to give him credit he waited till intensive testing was over and then you know but the bow is it it kind of wrote that has made a lot of people man is it that other people up suddenly our meal with energizer is all of this whereas surprisingly in iran's the pentagon today the army was not as upset as you might expect the truth of matter is that
the soviet missile carrying helicopters that reached the reach of the guns like a boxer having long arm than his opponent handed to be a casting director to find out a minute the army itself is not requests the full six hundred making guns when it went before wimer last week so there was some kind of recognition that it just was not filling the bill for the future threat you know the question of course it's a new custom learned is how in the world could something like this happen one point eight billion dollars has been spent for years will develop water and sunlight is discovered that it does not work and what is down to what works briefly give me what happened here never happened was that people looked at the threat of the moment rather than what would be the threat ten years down the road and the year lesson here i think is that it's not good enough to just say well we're going to throw together an omelet which is basically what the stars and work was took an existing oil tank that took an existing right off an airplane
took an existing gun a thrown together canada there's something familiar not worried that when the research and production of both the same time and the others here is obsolete so we're not as unusual as about to do the research and go ahead and then another sign well paid and there's enough to have a name for it the court can currency but its own works and why and it was just can't do two things at once effectively especially since mid way it's it's been argued that you save time but i think you can make an even better case that the us money and don't really end up saving time certainly in there that is exhibit a human arm is it your feeling that this was a one shot killed that this particular weapon system moves to test a new show the woodwork or is it sectarian one were looking for other things it is also though they also may cut back on well firstly radical be forced to trim the pentagon in the future because you can't go from sixteen percent real growth is a river system by everything and i think it's
not a matter whether you want it will cut so as i say i think what we're saying is the first part of the dismantling of much of the reagan drove up in the sense that you just can't buy everything that he hoped to have the services that order you think there could be other decisions some of those coming headed to more likely risk of the stretch out of the number of cancellations but they have to so jack mean if there were hundreds of something now over a period of five years and he decided the mauritania isis loses than the partisans are having the contractors have a good answer but the unit price goes up pfizer ever been a case george were major weapon system got this for a long time it was killed remember that president carter canceled be won by nineteen seventy seven and the way that the army gave up on the main battle tank before we know its second act reincarnation so have been instances in the past but that it is highly unusual
for a weapon that has a life of its own like to be that had to be canceled is this a kind of situation where secretary weinberg congress more warm portland will not say it was go back and find out who's responsible for making the bad decisions that causes the loser weight one point eight billion dollars is that likely to happen i think that's as likely as what is the lesson do that for other weapons nor was if we reach the point where prisoners precision weapons are here now to the point of if you can see the target you can get it if those whistles a real year as it did ok suggest that runners etc are weapons that were billing marilyn such as aircraft carriers of their guns at you it says it will have some kind of a dispassionate royal commission to look at that question to get out of the service is maybe you've retired military expert civilians and first of all look at where the soviets are going to be ten years and now they look at the weapons were
actually at that time and see if there's a mismatch do that basically was a mismatch a mismatch between what we put in the field and what the soviet threat was going to be and it is you think that the procedure had been followed say a nineteen eighty one there never been a sergeant york already veteran either would've lasted as long as that undersecretary crystals said at that news conference today that the threat from his point is still there so they're still going to be looking for a way to solve this all the flat screen or i have to cope with precision weapons fire from the standoff distance and that stuff and throwing together either in the shop sounded good i don't think there's blackberry the men who did this many messages sound like a good idea but it did not work so a bacterium ago and now have to decide where we go from here in this new day when you can get almost anything you can say i gotcha journalism still a common is our should the teacher shortage be met by hiring people without traditional teacher training and what's
behind the amazing pictures in nature films bad what should a person have to know to become a public school teacher that's a question we debate in our next focus section and no shortage of qualified teachers has focused new attention on attracting and retaining teachers education secretary william bennett jones quality of teaching as his theme today on a visit to schools in louisiana then it began a national tour of schools by taking over a seventh grade history class in shreveport louisiana secretary came here because the voters of cattle perished recently approved a fifty seven million dollar bond issue which included money for a ten percent pay raise for teachers bennett said the vote showed that louisiana parents like those
elsewhere were ready to pay more for education i wanted to be sure they were getting their money's worth the secretary said this venture in to substitute teaching was his way of honoring the profession i thought it was a good idea for the nation's conscience bare i try to choose besides pay educational scientists are being forced to come up with new ways to attract would be teachers to meet the shortage one solution being tried in more than a dozen states as to hire people with college degrees in math or history or did not take the usual college education courses one son state is pennsylvania and cause one in june a cell has a report on the controversy the program causes their that's a
venezuela cars the group and they didn't take the sour in a teaching certificate they're going to i don't know a second career can be even better than your first pennsylvania governor dick thornburgh is pushing a program to lure established professionals into second careers as teachers analyst office forecast that people like bruce reilly a former policeman for twenty two years riley is now a teacher in terms that means he could begin teaching in the public schools without getting traditional education credentials first all the intern program was an incentive for me to go and so it's really i mean i can go there's a track i can jump one out the problem as riley to teach and get paid at the same time a complete coursework for a master's degree in education instead of having to go back to school for two years first something riley says he would not have done at age forty seven one of the greatest things was an intern program is that
you're getting out of folks from other areas with no experience it's nothing others accuse them or loathe to rule things and the sentiment you bring up the relationship between simplicity something new may be good for riley some critics feel but not necessarily good for the classroom the pennsylvania state education association the largest teachers union in the state like the state teachers union fear that the program actually was the standard for incoming teachers nancy noonan is a union presence there is not the same amount of time saying the amount of course with the same amount of hours under supervision of experienced teachers too are practical prior to someone actually being given the responsibility being told that the united teachers i can't accept that at all on the program is very carefully designed dr margaret smith is
pennsylvania's secretary of education she says the in terms of both carefully screened and supervised i don't see in any way as lowering the profession in fact i see it as the audience in the profession because it is providing an alternative method for those who are attracted to teaching to ensure that profession and gives us a wider diversity of individuals who in fact are in the classroom interacting with students but the state's defense of the program does not satisfy the union we don't want people to believe that we're going to get better teachers by going outside and other fields because somehow rather their nineties and they're going to end up doing a much better job with children in some ways you're welcome this is an education classes with our university in philadelphia and the kind of
traditional training the union would like to see would be teachers get here's james attend classes for four years to get a bachelors degree in education service elevator have an intuitive sense of how to teach that is rooted deeply in their personality or does that mean then that they should know nothing about how children develop for instance our children's thinking about it's i think not professors of education frankly interned program sidesteps the real issue why the best and the brightest college students are no longer choosing teaching as a profession the ultimate solution is that the system has to be changed if you want to track people who are bred in mathematics and chemistry for instance depression that made you do that is to paying competitive wages with private industry that have been the pontiff's closest never compete with private industry along with losses that i think the kurds that they'll have to spend money there is little disagreement that one key to attracting great teachers is raising salary but regardless of that states like pennsylvania will keep their innovative programs and
the debate over teacher qualifications will continue another alternative way of attracting teachers is being used in new jersey who was commissioner of education is saul goodman also with us is a leading critic of such plans guy guy torry about professor of education at a saudi university in philadelphia who just appeared in the report we saw start with a commissioner raymond honda's new jersey's alternative differ from pennsylvania's it differs greatly as is focused on quality and were trying to attract people to come in who have great qualities and we want them to have a rigorous program not to skirt anything not to come in and prepared but they have the exact same training in fact in some cases a little better training and the traditional route we found great for a cooler traditional route we found that was no consensus on the training in new jersey courses offered and one college or required in
another we saw just forty three years of accepting the system which he had no uniformity no consensus and so we were out to change that i'm happy we did so you take for this alternative route you take a recent graduates in particular scientists university graduates and do the chemist outage immediately well they have to they have to first for have a degree they have to pass a subject matter tends to have to have an academic major forty three years in new jersey we allow people to come in when there was a quantitative shortage of that anywhere was tolerated by the total education system that was indeed a non system we will take in a personal way that the recent graduate who have they been working in industry if they can pass that subject matter test they have to go through a very rigorous one year internship they must take the same training what is essential for beginning teacher to know the thing was taken a college program but they're genuinely working well or
teaching sides of this is absolutely correct they take i eighty hours of training before they take over a class they take a hundred and twenty hours of training after they take over the class the total amount of time is exactly the same but our colleges require for the five subjects in education one of the things that we were determined to do was to find out what is essential for beginning to truly know and that's where we as doctors border the former commissioner of education and an outstanding teacher educators to come in to new jersey and to ransom for a tell us exactly what beginning teachers should have so whether they'd taken our alternative route or whether they take in the traditional out they're going to get exactly the same information an educator of educators of teachers what's wrong with the system that endures is just instituted with interjections the pencil a winner well
i think basically what's wrong with that is that it puts the chairman of the state in the hands of people don't know why they do what they do their practices and informed by theory at the claims for example that these young people seeking work anyone gets at a teaching career is it going to get the same kind of training that they get into college university well it amounts to it would appear is less than nine semester hours as measured by amount of contact in a classroom studying theory nine semester hours in the eighty hours that you mentioned have been waived for the first year's candidates if you can believe what you read in the paper announcement by one of your own officials say you've got that two hundred and fifty eight hours to be a podiatrist for example and in new jersey with less than nine hours of study you can enter a classroom and start to interact with the lives of children and isn't that is that strictly true and then somebody's coming in and who is god a year degree with a major in
mathematics and goes into teach the students mathematics as hannah starting from scratch as a what was attention for you he doesn't know any question no to start teaching me doesn't know for example how children master quantitative reasoning he knows nothing about the development of the intellect in that sense so he may know a great deal about mathematics that he knows very little about children and at the end of the new jersey program you know not a lot more than that he was just absolutely respect you uninformed about our program and you don't know whether people don't know when they first of all say that as far as what the university trout i'm going to read just ten courses that were required in college is in new jersey was ten or fifteen miles down the road the warning offered these were the course of solyndra's in education colleges and education descriptive linguistics instructional innovations consumer behavior teaching your
teaching self functional literacy human awareness an elementary school human adaptation and alternatives the book there's an art form adventures in effect of education and education itself well we asked dr boyer to do another to have to repeat this again we said will you let us know what is essential for beginning teacher danelle they said and i'll just repeat it rather quickly the results were putting in the report on the panel of preparation of teachers there said the curriculum produce how to assess student progress how to develop and use evaluation how students learn how to motivate students and so forth they said man all that nine semester are we can learn that in thirty credits whether they go it's the exact same thing that they're going to learn with a girl one of her teacher training institutions are not right you were going around back in the nineteen sixties and you know the reputation of james bryant conant he said and i
quote that stood as a completed the sequence of education courses and one college may not have considered the same or even a similar set of facts or principles as their contemporaries in another institution the same state in atlanta say this is surely a national scandal what we're trying to do in education is we're trying to say there must be some consensus there must be some distillation of knowledge on what a student go wrong what somebody wants to teach really must learn how to be an effective teacher is there no consensus all i think there's consensus i believe that you could have exceptions made any given specific but in terms of a general consensus yes we know for example that you need to know about children and how to learn now the ground about knowing intellectually it's actually socially in every other dimension as that relates to the task of the teacher to spend two years which is the typical time to go to teaching deployment do they need to
advance degree and to qualify as a teacher would be certified to the nigger spent two years learning those things and i think they need to spend at least two years yes because the lives of children very important for wannabe an accountant how long does it take you wanna be a veterinarian doctor people's dogs and cats and how long does that take assemblyman are you saying that what mr blumberg and his colleagues teach isn't necessary not that i'm saying that if we left that to gary i would've had what we had in new jersey was fifty sixty seventy credits of the undergraduate was an education are i could go on i would take the duration there's progress was an unfinished art in listing the number of courses that they thought were essential because they had a monopoly at the same time they were artificially deny extremely talented and caring people from coming into the profession we're not saying that there isn't a body of knowledge we're saying let's get the best people in united states together to define that knowledge and we've done it
professionals just preserving the mystique of the guild i don't think so i think you really need to know where you're doing what you're doing i was it just becomes a kind of mimicry and despite what our good friend here so as i think that i am quite correct about the number of hours it takes to study all of these different things when you ask a question and that's not being an expert at other view out in the days when the wind teachers talked subjects did they spend as much time in learning how to teach as they do to mastering their subjects let me comment first i think that number one yes they did for instance a normal school won't have to spend at least two years getting prepared hundred years ago new jersey's a retrograde movement it takes as before at eighty five and that respect
secondly lasalle university's program of education is not any sixty percent the hour so that i would not apologize for that if it takes two hundred and some hours to be a podiatrist perhaps it should take that well to do children is well ok but it's not secondly if the programs in new jersey were inadequate prior to the incoming of this new millennium here they were inadequate because the state of new jersey neglected its constitutional responsibility to check up on the quality of these schools because it was new jersey's responsibility to write the course of course that existed at their pleasure first law where states have an emergency ralph pennsylvania has a weekly know millennium and i'm certainly not going to get interest and emergency route is different from what we're talking about it that when states burn it because i've got to have teachers and that would be boring without your neighbors degrees or without teacher training as members are richer than pennsylvania is rollin with the college professors haven't done
is when there has been an emergency they have tolerated this situation it's like the emperor has no clothes is will you please let me talk as much time as you want to briefly because we just landed in america sure if we let sixty to seventy credit says kerry wood which would only have twenty thirty forty credits for liberal arts and for the academic nature and so writing has been the problem is we've had people come out who can't pay a simple test that's why we've given a test and academics we seal team at the end of a thing that is and then at a point that triggered women and criticism of the product of teacher training schools that there's been a lot of time studying teacher training said that as much on the dissidents of that than to have to eat is in there if it were true of the program which i'm robin for instance would be a very good criticism but it is not true people take more than the typical major dozen their academic fields to witnesses especially <unk> really that they're
thanking those are finally tonight a story about fates and favors the fakers are photographers the fakes being someone was a dazzling shot the nature and wildlife documentaries on television public television was definitely included discover magazine wrote the story a writer was freelancer jamie james who explained elizabeth racket arab works at an interagency in the first round the first clip is just an amorphous of them if i can think of song called insects secrets of an alien was shot by an englishman named christopher watson is working in services for now as
rose reading room now will run back of a shot and it we'll see what really happens it appears to be one seamless shot showing the life of them a fight there's a shot of the synchronous emergence of these midwives and bursting forth at the same time this is done as it happened in minnesota is evidence of people in the city are over and now we can't in his hotel room there's an intermediate stage an intimate business and you and i got bags gathered thousands of these things about the heart than wrong with bats and then three am in the morning they started to become a five city massacre at
the newsroom and cerberus to the same dollars that sadness january of this year what are business clients are from david rosalynn planet edinburgh to meredith you're saying a snake in the amazon fine enough the train about the fast track that is an act of two thousand and eight and saw this as a cruise across a job with overloaded his release the snake began slowing up the trunk as would naturally and this is the very straightforward shot of this thing and i'm not that the real fact that there's nothing tricky about that but when you see the state actually flying that was done at an airstrip that the senate was set up on a helium balloon and wounded along that so high that the state was uncomfortable it leaped out an arrangement that swirling motion of the five sec would do those snakes really fly
yes they do they did that occasionally of eight thousand of the economy the farm of a comedy bits of our lives recently some leases waiting for a comment but they have a way of making these things happen in the notion of the snake is exactly the same and they're just going to do it on to the next that was often from living planet and it shows a cabbie god which is the world's largest rodent i'm being consumed by around on amazon river that's what it intends to try and especially wanted to notice the way and narrates the same kind of breathless excitement of his narration work ms savage only amazons fish swimming suddenly realizes that presence of ties to treat addicts to make especially tasty spreading rapidly through attracts more on the show until now hundreds of the fish they're possessed by friends if afresh not
to come to clean dishes scene of the world haven't bothered about whether that was they took up and swimming and the child throwing sticks out or something so that the rest of the bible will not resign as a fast was because they cut to a scene of kevin their caucus been thrown into the river and the planet been stripped be a caucus you hear about that narration and the pictures really lead to fewer to believe that was the same decade there that we sat with our elders no question of those completely deceitful this testing has also been working on an issue as a kingfisher feeding at his favorite place on a river in untrained eye in the sky fish
set and again clay same values as beautiful and ran most ingenious so sets were shot and grabs working on the story what they did was they built a long time about the strain the cameron bracketed antony so they were ministering or kingfisher usually came to the clinic at the fish into the tub and there's
another thing haven't read and strengthening ties directly at the camera that it doesn't make you into the bourbon comes directly where the panic ransom so again it wasn't quite as insane and i'm worth of events well he's done is clearly led to believe that this fish is service trims about seven appearances and there's one left you know in the data and mr james is also with us tonight she lives do you think this kind of artifice destroys the truth of what filmmakers like edinburgh are trying to portray well truffaut what is true that in terms of weather or settling that the old truism that the camera cannot imagine why is completely wrong in fact the camera community to say convincingly anything however i think that from in terms
of animal behavior on the captive animals are animals would behave exactly according to form on i don't i think that the reason that the behavior of the animals doesn't really very except occasionally arm and ugly you used to in the clip because i used the word about the kingfishers sequence a completely deceitful is the public really being importantly to see is that true no i believe that the filmmakers are performing a valuable service chair and dom they're making the thing how used in the club i talked about how comets of when we want to make a film of a comet one could sell the camera night after night just hoping that a camera or a comet was when to swim into his lens find her mom what they've done is if anything one begins to appreciate the ingenuity of these people up to a point i mean i think that clearly there are times when the tour is turning on his tv is expecting to see
the hell he's toilet he's saying there are made by prada and he's not and as i think they should say that they should describe the year the artificial means by which they got worse in certain sequences that should be labeled of work worth as well the fcc a few years ago did have a regulation for domestic when it foams that they would have to carry a disclaimer at the end saying that some of the scenes of the foregoing film were around are officially produced and i drop that it is because they feel it is to make a difference people didn't pay attention to i don't know really i don't feel it as a reporter it's it's my job to advocate one position or another i would solidify or a filmmaker so it's sometimes says the truth is being played in such a fast and was way i would think that they want to have a disclaimer like i think the characters of course of their side of the story
and we hear next from one of the most prominent of them well endo has been counting wildlife seems like this for over twenty years his work has appeared in the pbs series nature as well as many others here is a sample from a documentary he did for encyclopedia britannica films called the beaver family once underwater he swims almost invisible ink have cornered in a narrow channel of the lowest strikeout of a small they're at their backs off the beaver has just enough time to dive in the state is returning to the larger through the underwater entrance leaving his family are safe again b
we cannot really leave mr baer join us tonight from our studio a number of barriers that and on what was the bottom of the staging elements of the neighbors and the bear well it was crescent where that will lead to opportunity to film the beavers in the uk about a moment in roaming that we know from the beginning that we had to do some and staging some i went to help make sure that more and we had some oil kept if he was below them but surely as dan medina and i'm about a man wow that was a typical natural love of natural art basel media there were too alonzo bodden and when those two got together with skimming going on which
is again naturally and you do you create in an environment you brought the neighbors there and then you thought the bear their way the words madam were there and a lot of guys are right that's that's out there that he was within the valley of what we found but the notable afro on the buick to begin with we would have to spend nights and nights so in the world he was on the phone with her show all he has to do a business your phone for educational film where one of the shallow water beaver family actually know about so we had the choice of being in a camp to beaver and an attempted further now does this kind of thing and you do this awkward and it is this is this par for the course of billions of been about the darker are i think it's part of the crust because something
status will secede and in a little notice so we have to create certain situations where we have to invade the private life of the policy of animals who have to follow them inside a in this case a beaver large we tied to are going to be a lunch and it's absolutely impossible for linda because but then again there was the light and the camera fell down so essential equipment world really able to be the lunch which at the top and we'd live in america said no kept if beavis which then again it took him about two or three weeks to really get that necessarily in that and was a consultant so they felt that really it well let's look at another one of your fellow this one is from one called yellowstone and water is from a nature television series just look at that a mano ask your question about it and say where it's ok there is
happening here we're under the eyes none of this now that the coyote is looking for golfers of the yellowstone now is that they they cut the film the elephant on the financial condition long lens on an eagle so they are the newly fallen snow and then he has a tremendous feeling so the feeling to end their missiles from those movements is of the gulf are digging up with one of the show the dallas sophia to slow down below this point in the conflict what the outcome and part of the purpose of the talks and this is new the kurds got about golf well i mean we were again i'll fall way here by bit on the consequences could and obviously going to show up in the air in yellowstone that it's how hard any of the can under this low
below a coyote that swell and expect to have him just jump on to have a gopher gopher gopher into our studio we had to go underground that then says such a report in a gopher from the university of flour of college chile about it was they will go for the peaches update and then we follow this golf along in this and ryan ended with both for him and instead of that because in the history of nelson pushed up into snow and one with him in that cut they walk out with the notes a lot but it's a sequence though it is cool in that show as fascists of the scientific evidence well that that that the real question here is from your perspective as a professional who has been punished for years do you consider that they consider what you do in these cases and we just gone through as deception and the state of your audience no i don't think so at all other thing is this in the audience we have a
choice you know for every one of the bike to just pure raw love films won't walk around with a camera tripod and a long lens are i think the audience would be dropping off so blasted it and watching television because you're going to see much you have to getting closer to the animals the audience cut much more sophisticated than one a seemly behavior that was him off the pile of the forest animals and in order to do all this we have to hope so complex inevitability let's go back to mr dana continues in the midst of those nominees two cases that we do the saudis at something that should should not have been done or should have been handled in a different way we should've been told about when ethan watts a request and it i would say i am now i think that is an excellent job at portraying a kind of animal behavior that couldn't be shown without that kind of this infamous i would only say the lettuce carl deceitful as windows and instead of
sir something about the show that and there is a little ingenuity there and yet it is deceptive but there will play at a world phrased it to me was that when the camera is being most truthful is often employing the most artifacts hands there's a film truth as opposed to a life truth too heavy about a one and when writing at is that anytime you you have a camera friendly are already imposing restrictions on reality so you have to make the world a cohesive phone it is the end product and you have to trust a filmmaker and the filmmaker is doing his work then you end up with something that is essentially truthful and informative was to balance a new wooden doors on innocent and just sat right i agree with them that is our suggestion that danza do have elements and stating them and that they should be better labeling that the public should be told for instance that day that gopher was really done a television studio
back in november somewhere rather than out on the prairie with at cairo yeah that would make a difference if a film via ago for let's say all in yellowstone provided we get permission from an ad from the national parks the big also risen a lot of yellowstone bring up some lights and the camera on there ten dollars in them for not going to go for and what is almost going well and if we do it in this video of one of the lighting situation and with enough to read about it do you think the public should be to these beavers we were we brought these beavers inherently about the barren we gotten a gallon is not a natural thing that happened out of the world we have an obesity mean you think the public sentiment all that some way through a soup or some got on your phone oh cried a few out television volumes circulated this claim the ending and credits and i don't think it really makes the most difference to the audience are actually easy to blow this game on the air i
wouldn't be another one value of this what about that that's really what you think should be downright mr gans well i'm not really advocating that it seems to me that if you're going to visit a kind of glamorize teen in a beautifully vetted version of reality than in the us with a bomb on august yoest there before the crushers where do the line of when the discrimination there and wind up in iraq is often from yellowstone with phonebook there for close to five winters and it was a ninety nine percent while we had a tenant from a controlled conditions in yellowstone it's a national park so there's no sequence was done with the gulf up again are still difficulties going on this phone that i didn't think we were pretty with it i am sorry to interrupt you there will believe that there was the bear and under thank you or
much as events thank you robert once again the main stories of the day the pentagon cancelled a weapon designed to shoot down helicopters saying the one point eight billion dollar gun didn't work on the eve of a mass protest lots of african security forces arrested the reverend alan boss said one of the country's most important anti apartheid leaders and the space shuttle discovery lifted off this morning after two delays and promptly deployed an australian communication satellite and i dreamt and iran was in amman i n judd well thank you and i'm not the macneil lehrer newshour is funded by tnt the corporation for public broadcasting and the station and other public television stations nice
butt vincent weafer five or or in world the
The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour
Producing Organization
NewsHour Productions
Contributing Organization
NewsHour Productions (Washington, District of Columbia)
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Episode Description
This episode's headline: Killing A Weapon; Who May Teach?; Unnatural Nature. The guests include In Washington: GEORGE WILSON, The Washington Post; In New York: SAUL COOPERMAN, Commissioner of Education,; New Jersey; GARY CLABAUGH, Professor of Education; LaSalle University; JAMIE JAMES, Discover Magazine; In Denver: WOLFGANG BAYER, Nature Photographer. Byline: In New York: ROBERT MacNEIL, Executive Editor; In Washington: JIM LEHRER, Associate Editor
Asset type
Social Issues
Military Forces and Armaments
Politics and Government
Copyright NewsHour Productions, LLC. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Public License (
Media type
Moving Image
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Producing Organization: NewsHour Productions
AAPB Contributor Holdings
NewsHour Productions
Identifier: NH-19850827 (NH Air Date)
Format: U-matic
Generation: Preservation
Duration: 01:00:00;00
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour,” 1985-08-27, NewsHour Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 19, 2024,
MLA: “The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour.” 1985-08-27. NewsHour Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 19, 2024. <>.
APA: The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour. Boston, MA: NewsHour Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from