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evening president reagan addressed the nation tonight on the downed korean airliner's saying this crime against humanity must never be forgotten hero throughout the world the reagan played a tape of the soviet pilot describing the attack on the airliner and listed the ways he intends to retaliate tonight major excerpts of the president's speech and reaction from around the country organized labor tried to turn labor day into a nationwide political rally against president reagan our second major report examines whether the rank and file will go along and for marks people look at the efforts of defectors to communicate with americans who can hear and those who cannot you run it wasn't much of a hard newsday other way otherwise holiday seldom are but there were exceptions chrysler and the united auto workers agreed on a new contract and there were happening to eleven on in el salvador where they'd never heard of labor day and where there was more fighting violence death and injury and latin on the conflict was between warring factions and three us marines were wounded in the crossfire and el salvador it was the leftist guerrillas on the attack against government troops and a city called san
miguel we got the details on those stories plus a few others including the space shuttle's parkland to the macneil lehrer newshour is funded by at and t the corporation for public broadcasting and this and other public television stations reaction to the down korean airliner continues to dominate the news in a speech to the nation from the white house this evening president reagan called the shooting down of the seven four seven by the soviet fighter or crime against humanity a massacre moscow has not yet admitted what the us charges that it shut down the seven for seven knowing that to be a civilian airliner in a series of offensive statements moscow has cracked mirror that admission while blaming the incident on cold war tension created by the united states today in its latest statement the soviet news agency tass accuse washington of funding hysteria to disrupt the geneva talks which resume tomorrow those talks will determine whether the nato goes ahead with the deployment of us medium range missiles in europe this winter night president
reagan said the united states would go forward with the talks through the major new wrinkle on this episode was a weekend report about a second line a us reconnaissance plane called an rc one thirty five which was reportedly operating in the same area with a korean airliner was dr say one thirty five is similar in size and look to a seven holes seven not the larger seven forty seven korean airlines was wine and source report and the administration meaning no officials names are attached to the city are say one thirty five never flew in soviet everest airspace never came closer than seventy five miles to the airliner and was nearly one thousand miles away in alaska alone the russians allegedly shot down the korean line the soviet union picked up on this new development immediately the chief of staff of the soviet air defense command saying are probably interview soviet fighter pilots were unaware it was a civilian plane encountered and klein the rc one thirty five and the airliner do look alike he still stopped short of admitting soviet pilot actually shot down the airliner <unk> reagan also mention the
artsy one thirty five tonight in his speech which was part outraged hard evidence on what happened and part of what should be done about here's an extended excerpt and we stayed as plainly as i can there was absolutely no justification i'm illegal immoral for what the soviets did one newspaper in india said it every passenger plane is fair game for an air force says it'll be the end to civil aviation as we know this is not the first time the soviet union a shot at and hit a civilian airliner winter overflow with the territory another tragic incident nineteen seventy eight the soviets also shut down on armed civilian airliner after having positively identified as such in that instance the soviet interceptor pilot clearly identify the civilian markings on the side of the aircraft repeatedly questioned the order to fire on a civilian airliner and was ordered to shoot it down anyway the aircraft was hit with a
muslim eighty crash landed several innocent people lost their lives in this attack killed by shrapnel from the blast of a soviet missile is this a practice of other countries in the world the answer is no commercial aircraft from the soviet union in cuba on a number of occasions and overflows sensitive united states military facilities they were shut down we and other civilized countries believe in the tradition of offering help the mariners and pilots were lost or in distress on the sea or in the air we believe in following procedures to prevent a tragedy not to provoke war but despite the savagery of their crime the universal reaction against it and the evidence of their complicity a soviet still refuse to tell the truth they are persistent they refused to admit that their pilot fired on the korean aircraft indeed it not even told their own people that a plane was shot down this final confused tale of tracking the plane by radar until just mysteriously disappeared from their
radar screens but no one fired a shot of any kind but then they couple this with charges that was a spy plane sent by us and that their claims fire tracer bullets past the plane as a warning that it was in soviet airspace let me recap for a moment and present the incomparable evidence that we had the korean airline or a boeing seven forty seven left anchorage alaska bound for seoul korea and of course south and west which were taken across japan out over the pacific in international waters it was for a brief time in the vicinity of one of our reconnaissance planes and rc one thirty five on a routine mission at no time was the rc one thirty five in soviet airspace the korean airliner's through on and the two planes were soon widely separate the seven forty seven is equipped with the most modern computerized navigation facilities but a computer just responding employer provided by human hands no one will ever know whether a mistake was made and giving a computer
course or whether there was a malfunction whichever the seven forty seven was fine of course further to the west than it was supposed to fly a course which took it in the soviet air space the soviets track this plane for two and a half hours went through a straight line course of thirty to thirty five thousand feet only civilian airliners fly in such a manner at one point the korean pilot gave japanese air control his position as east of hokkaido japan showing that he was unaware they were off course by as much or more than a hundred miles the soviets scramble jets intercepted from a base in cycling that japanese ground sites recorded the interceptor planes radio transmissions their conversations with their own ground control we only have the voices from the palace the soviet ground to air transmissions were not recall and explain however the pilots words that he's responding to waters and queries from his own ground control here's a brief segment of the tape
which were going to play in its entirety for the united nations security council tomorrow it is it's because it is those were the voices of the soviet times in this state the pilot who fired the missile describes his search for what he calls the target he reports he has had in sight indeed he pulls up within about a mile of the korean plant mentions of flashing strobe light and that his navigation lights were on even reports he's reducing speed to get behind the airliner gives his distance from the plane at various points in this maneuver and finally announces what can only be called the korean airline massacre he says he has walked on the radar which aims his missiles at large those missiles the
target has been destroyed and he is breaking off the attack but they point out something here having to do with his close up view of the airliner on what we know was a clear night with a half moon the seven forty seven has a unique and distinctive silhouette unlike any other plain in the world there is no way a pilot could mistake this for anything other than a civilian airliner and if that isn't enough let me point out are our c one thirty five that i mentioned earlier had been back at his base in alaska on the ground for an hour when the murderous attack took place over the sea of japan our immediate challenge to this atrocity is to ensure that we make the skies safer and that we see just compensation for the families of those who were killed since my return to washington rebuilt long meetings the most recent yesterday with congressional leadership there was a feeling of unity in the room and i receive a number of constructive suggestions we will continue to work with the congress regarding our response
to this massacre as you know we immediately made known to the world the shocking facts as honestly and completely as they came to us we have notified the soviets that we will not renew our bilateral agreements for cooperation in the field of transportation so long as they threaten the security of civil aviation since nineteen eighty one the soviet airline aeroflot has been denied the right to fly into the united states we have reaffirmed that order and are examining additional steps we can take with regard to marital the seventies in this country we're cooperating with other countries to find better means to ensure the safety of civil aviation and a joint us and not accepting her role as a normal member of the international similar community unless and until the soviets satisfy the cries of humanity for justice i'm pleased to report that candidate today suspended airport landing and refueling privileges for sixty days we joined with other countries to
press the international civil aviation organization to investigate this crime and an urgent special session of the council at the same time we're listing more security to private groups of american and international airline pilots passenger associations and others who have a special interest in civil or safety i am asking the congress to pass a joint resolution of condemnation of the soviet crime will inform the soviets that were suspending negotiations on several bilateral arrangements we had under consideration along with korea and japan we called an emergency meeting of the un security council it began on friday on that first day korea japan canada australia the netherlands pakistan france china the united kingdom cyan new zealand and west germany or joined us in denouncing the soviet action and expression of horror we expect to hear from additional countries as debate resumes tomorrow we intend to work with the thirteen countries with citizens aboard the korean
airliner to seek reparations for the families of all those who were killed the united states will be making a claim against the soviet union within the next week to obtain compensation for the benefit of the victims survivors sought compensation is an absolute moral duty which the soviets must assume in the economic area in general we are redoubling our efforts with our allies and the flow of military and strategic guidance to the soviet union secretary shows is going to madrid to meet with representatives of thirty five countries over three years of negotiating an agreement having to do with among other things human rights foreign ministry critical of the soviet union is scheduled to attend that meeting if he does come to the meeting secretary shows is going to present him with our demands for disclosure the facts corrective action and concrete assurances that such a thing will not happen again and that restitution be made senator henry jackson a wise and revered statesman and one who probably understood the soviets as well as any american in history
one that's the greatest threat the united states now faces is posed by the soviet union senator jackson said if america maintains a strong deterrent and only if it does this nation will continue to be a leader in the crucial quest for enduring peace among nations the late senator made those statements in july on the senate floor speaking on behalf of bmx missile program he considered vital to restore america's strategic imperative the soviets when john f kennedy was president defense spending as a share of the federal budget was seventy percent greater than it is today since then the soviet union has carried on the most massive military buildup the world has ever seen until they're willing to join the rest of the world community we must maintain the strength to deter their aggression of why we do so we must not give of our effort to bring them into the world
community of nations peace through strength as long as necessary but never giving up our effort to bring the scotia through mutual verifiable reduction in the weapons of war i totally negotiations we've suspended his resolve the korean airline massacre but we cannot we must not give up our effort to reduce the arsenals of destructive weapons threatening the world ambassador natsios return to geneva to resume negotiations on intermediate range nuclear weapons and you're equally we will continue to press for arms reductions in the stark talks that resume in october we are more determined than ever to reduce and impossible eliminate that threat hanging over mankind we know it will be hard to make a nation that was its own people to force to seize using force against the rest of the world but we must try to give us a feeling about airliner incident and the president's reaction are
playing around the country we have three editors of newspapers and different regions langone only of the suffrage massachusetts news alexander of the grinnell iowa harold register and peter shred of the sacramento bee and california mr schrag what'd you think of the president's speech live there was a forceful speech is his options are obviously limited it seemed to me that all of the strongest statement he made with the renewal of his its argument therefore increase defense spending and he obviously has a great opportunity here at the same time i was reassured reassurances to me was palomo statesman like statement that he's made on defense issues and us soviet relations and maybe since he's been in office is returning at the end to the theme of the search for a sometime on schedule agreement and some kind of a some kind of reduction of tensions a lot of time reassuring mr bender well i thought it was kind of important to note the team closed no doors at
any time but he is demanding a full accountability by the soviets were there actually i was also interested to note that is going to insist that we our allies give us more help and assistance in bringing the soviets back in the family of nations and acting like they should be acting and under circumstances like this they have to answer to what they've done or have not answered satisfactorily he has asked them again and i think will continue arrest them until they do answer before the world court on what they're for their actions in this incident i felt was most dramatic the playing of the tapes is true or driven by that in three ways it'll play well in south region in congress one now that's good is propaganda keeping the pressure on soviet union to when he talked about trying to do is doable reasonable and thirty talk about keeping arms limitation talks going so the commissioners of the foot out
how it will play with our allies and with that in terms of one person to cruise missiles missiles that equally interesting to say where were really helpless there and whether it will help us with other countries that are not necessarily allies were just looking at this is another incident in a chain of events doesn't really make a nice day security and we grow them strong nation and will lay its lacy themselves in the position of having to accommodate themselves abortions and so it's and as a result of this kind of strong opposition from syrian week reaction and state just to deceive you associated press leave that went across the country shortly after his book called it mixing tough talk with soft sanctions was that well that's what i'm concerned about that that will be the reaction of countries that are saying as a reality you know i think about ali earl tupper yep our rhetoric
that the united states is in a position of not doing a whole lot that they can do it i thought we were going to have to watch out for ourselves and that we should be we should accommodate and slowly well i feel that what he said was about right on because his options are limited i don't think you think about and make statements that are from which we can't withdraw us the permit them so some options which i think he did a night i don't think it's expressed any weakness whatsoever i think he's demanding of the soviet see accountability and i think he's going to get out that he didn't say you will do this or else and i'm glad that there was no moral center and he did do the of the mall find faculty and say we must cooperate on arms reduction in arms talks as i think that was good mr schrag some people on the political right as early as the first and second day after this were calling for much more extreme measures counseling the recent weak deal
breaking off the geneva talks everything is going to be a kind of political backlash from the right against mr reagan for not having gone further and there may be an attempt i don't think you'll be very successful i think that the i think the most reagan has or credibility in the world for being tough perhaps excessively tough on on the russians i don't think i don't think is going to be that much of a backlash and i think there's room for it i think most of the people in this country i think are concerned that there might be excessive reaction i think to some extent i think that the president's statement was reassuring on that porn mr emily how did it strike you is using the head of the occasion to push for the defense budget and amex well it's not persuasive to may but i suspect that it may have some impact on congress' the i also was a little bit uneasy cherry wood which you said that this is area and massacre that it still strikes me as a
possibility of love the military blunder their cue if you read what the soviet emigres to say about how the soviet military operates if it strikes me that this highly possible that there could've been a blunder not orders from the drop off ron hi senator durenberger the other sure that mr gregory sure that possibility now i don't i don't i don't think that was a mistake i think or two hours is too long because the following that the plane to promote a mistake i think they have all the communications that one of all the communications they needed and it was evident that they knew what they were going to leave the two planes that so far different and that no train pilot could have mistaken one for the other they have visual identification and they still wet through and yet i think it was what he called it and i'm glad he called on iran unfortunately tipper like to thank you mr shriver no such prominence defender in the mornings to be young in boston for joining us this evening thank you all very
much now we pause to let you look at something we hope you enjoyed it and get used to as a little river if you think of a postcard and imagine one that moves a video coast guard is they're winning the pipe korean airline or episode is not the only expose the formal fair facing mr reagan in the united states right now there are eleven on always it seems there's eleven on and today three more us marines were
wounded although not seriously as heavy fighting broke out between the lebanese army and muslim druze militiamen near the marines both at the beirut airport will davies of the bbc as well the painter what is going on it's an unofficial count that one report says forty nine people have been killed in factional fighting another hundred and forty five wounded in the first twenty four hours after the israeli withdrawal began united states had urged israel invaded the way its troop
withdrawal to avoid such killing special us and that's robert mcfarlane was back in beirut today to try to figure out a way to stop it now and there's el salvador word and a leftist guerillas continue their attack on san miguel the nation's third largest city it was the girl as first major attack on a city and according to reports on sixty government troops were killed or wanted the associated press said the girl attack was an attempt by them to gain a bargaining chip going into further tacos salvadoran government and us officials notably special investor richard stone to reach a peaceful settlement for the first time in the forty seven months the rebels and the government had been at war representatives of both sides met face to face last week hamid it occurred in bogota colombia and by all reports it was inconclusive meaning that didn't go over a color after the meeting correspondent charles grassley was on special assignment for us and central america talk with the government's main negotiator francisco pianist korten editor of el salvador's piece
commissioned healers first old presley thinks the rebels are losing support both inside and outside el salvador i think that they're losing more and more not the internal support but more important to them i think the external support of bathing having from such countries that wouldn't be labeled amnesty or socialist a communist but some democratic liberal but i think that the time is near when they're going to lose support of this type of governments and that's probably going to be the end of a conflict if they choose not to participate within the democratic process that we have started they've been fighting the country for three and a half years there normally there'd be no place of course they're losing whatever if any they're losing it because they're killing people low bridges or sticking its last week he met with for the first time with representatives of the ethanol ending of a top
ten are actually doing well i think the in terms of substance the very near fact that the bee's commission also has had a meeting with the gorillas shows from lenders further the tremendous you know should i say that backing that this government for solar has in terms of looking for a peaceful solution to the problems that we have been imposed upon by the guerillas the fact that we're meeting with and it shows that the us government wants peace there was a political solution there was a democratic solution aside from that the meeting itself was substance do you expect me to be a little bit more than a month would it be necessary for them to lay down their arms in order to produce a collection to be a ceasefire in place world of those one of the things that we might the island to discuss the solo ironic that someone is participating in the democratic
bosses and on the same time a shooting people down the street but limited do you think that serious negotiations will begin before there is another test the military capability on both sides if they're announcing such an offensive and as a matter of fact they take that they're an addict and i think that it's only logical to expect that there are no chances and keep on talking but they don't want to pour do you expect that the ambassador stone will continue his meetings with the happy our ethanol and leadership or as he'd done as usual an embezzler still has been a tremendous help to put the two groups together but though we have no doubt in our minds this is a solemn term problem caused by salvadorans they should be solved by saunders and there's chaired the government there said today libyan air force planes
made a dive bombing raid that lasted ninety minutes against the government outpost of whom show up in the northeastern part of the country some civilian casualties were reported and united states of course that was labor day united auto workers observed by sitting down with officials and chrysler to talk about a pay raise after five hours reached a tentative agreement this evening with the details won't be announced until tomorrow the company previously offered an immediate raise a dollar an hour other leaders of organized labor and they did a day of protest against the reagan administration calling it solidarity day three at rallies parades and demonstrations in some one hundred fifty cities speakers denounced reagan policies dennis prager is in new york where labor day was first celebrated a hundred and one years ago this year some three hundred thousand people marched on fifth avenue he came to
power every girl cia or president wayne curtains sounded the theme of the day the time i get tons of the white house so identified with general el valor than writing directing and drink or the power pole but everything else come election day night to native law the people will decide who represents gillette and who represents the public's interest after new apartment on other rallies in chicago and i'm a hawk and a law he defended labor's efforts to unite early behind one presidential candidate for second major topic tonight judy woodruff has been following labor's efforts to influence the nineteen eighty four elections labor's efforts to turn out its rank and file will be worth as much as ten million dollars perhaps more to a candidate almost
certainly walter mondale but at healthy io membership has slipped to just twelve percent of the work forest and some wonder if the union can deliver the thirteen million workers who were long a look at the history of the labor movement and its attempts to influence the political system revealed that it's sometimes been successful and sometimes not it was samuel barber's who organized the labor federation and the late eighteen hundreds and you tried it at first they'll have sweatshops outlawed it wasn't until the new deal that workers political efforts finally began to pay off in the form of legal rights like collective bargaining and national labor relations board a minimum wage and a forty hour week grateful to president franklin roosevelt organized labor helped him win re election to an unprecedented third term five years later in nineteen forty five more than one of every three american workers belonged to a union but the show from an industrial to a service oriented economy coupled with a population move to the sun belt and growing business antagonism to big labor are all combined to weaken
the unions and politics has been no help the nfl has habitually endorsed the democratic party's nominee for president but hubert humphrey in nineteen sixty eight was the last one for whom organized labor could really get enthusiastic his defeat was a major embarrassment the ultimate humiliation though came in nineteen eighty when thirty four percent of the rank and file defy their leadership and voted for ultraconservative ronald reagan the union leader story would never happen again if they can help and so for the first time ever this year they will pick their favorite presidential candidate before the voters and the party do and work for him to win the democratic nomination afl ceo president lame curtain believes its laborers best how to influence the outcome of others say it's a gamble the labor movement can ill afford to make to get an early reading on the attitudes of rank and file we visited western pennsylvania
just across the river from ohio this part of the midwest like the northeast is by tradition synonymous with heavy industry that kind of industry that form the original backbone of the labor movement in the rolling hills just northwest of pittsburgh that the beaver valley home of john nemeth and big steel the steel industry has been playing here since the turn of the century but the double whammy of foreign competition and the recession and broadband failed to its knees and changed a lot of people thinking here on politics to a nineteen eighty eight almost half the workers in a very important and despite the advice of union officials who wanted them to vote democratic now many of those workers have turned off on mr reagan's but they still may not follow the advice that their union one of every five workers in beaver county is out of a job more than twice the national average hard times have fallen on not just the steel mills in this area but other businesses that depend on
steel as well two of those shut their doors just last week despite this bleak picture the mood of the workers is next some frightened and dejected others feisty and determined somehow to stay on top they are taught to read almost all work is all they've ever know union has been a part of their lives as long as they can remember and all this economic uncertainty has a mixed effect on their political attitudes to be if you voted for reagan in nineteen eighty said they would again one third of all the danger as are they must've voted for reagan said they'd never do so
again these issues but in nineteen eighty four labor is focusing on the democratic primaries and many workers say they will follow their union's national endorsement yeah right yet it may be a bag or in effect only democrats really become a child that this is one of the things
that the state of our union speaks with us and we have to stick together these people were eligible us and they look into these records they feel that they know that this person is organized labor and this is why i feel that it i know and the push mondale that's who were both working to re cripple will follow through with them because these people know more than we do for some that's out of the question in one of many is simply one and make up their own mind you know do not write them if they choose the wrong candidate in my mind i will vote my convictions and the union has to do the job and you want to work and stuff but i think they
should stay out of politics interior had any right to tell you or no frequently in making pick and chiefly the differences are reflected even among union leaders fear we're still debating the wisdom of an early endorsement think it's a big risk and i think it's because there were there was negligence on a port but they have to run or remarkable about regional candidate whoever he may be a war or you're shaking your head and michigan are at my desk that's what we have to do something as santiago body and just be her ministrations and armando speaking just for humans that there are people up in jail
at the union or nonunion people didn't have these organizations or they can combine our forces and i think that's what so we have to get people into consideration and then charlotte wrote which were in making the endorsement yesterday cantor is just as important as it is today in a general election yes in primaries i think pretty well campaign advisors to mondale's chief opponent john lamb hope <unk> macri is right that more democrats will be turned off by big labor is indoors the mondale before the primary that will be influenced by it whichever is right everyone agrees the stakes for organized labor are huge if their man loses it will be a blow from which the already faltering labor movement might take a very long time to recover we continue the debate over labor's political clout and its specific grievances over iranian and his presidency first to one of
the president's top cabinet a cabinet official secretary of commerce malcolm all ridge the secretary does organize labor and working people generally a legitimate complaint about the reagan administration's record that i really don't like the new gm they've facts are being of becoming more more clear when we took over january of eighty one there are twenty one x and interest rates thirteen percent flation there was no way not to have a recession those people can buy car towing one ap senator strays presence policies of cut those interest rates in half they've got inflation by two thirds they put two million people bike to work since january this year as people get more minor span and there is significantly less inflation is going to keep the recovery going the more people back to work month by month as we go next year and that's a secret too of the economy is a slow steady kind of growth without the increased inflation and that's were saying what about this complaint weingarten made in a speech today at a steel worker up and tons of it is smoke this
feeling that aryan isn't rich the rich and her support and i think that's a waiver slogan it's it's time for politics now is as year kelsey i was going into work into an endorsement i think the steel worker that you interviewed earlier who said he was going to vote for the president because he's more on top of reality than anyone else i hit the nail right on the head because reality is putting people back to work is starting to recover this going to continue and i'm not fall on his face like the past few years have because of increased inflation polygamous sect during this anti reagan thing that was in the demonstrations today in the speeches today said would have any effect i'm sure all have some effect but you know the last election the
president was not endorsed by the afl cio and he seemed wary way to get forty five percent of the blue collar vote ramos and i think of the union the individuals in the union by large makeup girls line i it obviously there's some there's some effect by what the leadership says but it well how do you know what i don't think they call for i think i think people think of themselves when the union men farmers businessman giorgi way there's been much talk about a gender gap but you don't think he unduly were in a series on the president is not a real problem i think it's a problem yes but i think his recovery keeps on strike which will i will see more more people come to realize that the presence let us out of one big hole like iran now labor leaders prospective one of those leading today's labor day parade in europe or salt shaker and president of the international ladies garment workers union which has three hundred
thousand members mr chaikin is also vice president of the ceo is that right mr shaiken the terms to both bridges message and apparent economic recovery are going to shorten whatever labor gap there is for the president oh i don't believe so robin the fact of the matter is that our workers and realize what's been happening to them over the last year and it is and between on election day they just look for more of the same no labeling it controls the votes of his constituents know union representing that has the votes of his rank and file membership in his back pocket if he says it is a scoundrel or for well both but what we are intending to do is to make the policy and the problem of the reagan administration apparent all you don't think it is apparent that warranted may need mobilizing and being made aware educated as the court today was about
well today was the selling of the trumpet you know the court action that the march the beginning and not alone of the campaign but that they recapturing of labor day as our workers holiday it has become over the last hundred a hundred and one he is a kind of a national holiday where people go out and enjoy themselves and we don't begrudge that we think that's why we have other national holidays which we enjoy as well but this has the secular significance it's a workers' holiday not a union pilot union and nonunion across the country workers of every type and description so we sound a trumpet and we bring them to attention and we hope that through this to alert our members to begin thinking problematic way we're gonna be discussing the problem is the question of education people need to be reminded just as the reagan administration itself needs to be reminded of their excesses of course were coming into a political campaign and of course there will be political rhetoric but the fact remains that even the reagan
administration agrees that when they're almost imperceptible recovery there will be all told millions of americans will formally employed without work second other illustration agree with other sector why don't all of solomon's imperceptible two million people have gone back to work since january the issue are three hundred thousand just went back to work there last month and iraq is going to continue it's going to continue because with interest rates down and with inflation down and with taxes cut people have more money to spend and invest and provide new jobs not anyone can come up with a better program that i have yet to hear and i think the man in the street woman street understands that they see happening and their if they're behind the president on this program ms chaiken is it your experience that that members of your union and other
members of the unusable solely on economic issues they're feeling about ronald reagan based on what the other one the thing is what the economy is birgeneau of course now that our members our consumers our members were parents of a religious faith our members have regional characteristics it's just not the economy which it absolutely drives them to appoint a deal but because their workers and because they must have jobs and dependable and jobs for the well being of their the families and their communities it loans very very large in their thinking and i would like to us aid to the secretary won't i consider to be a very civilized manner that they're the fact is but the reagan administration agrees that there is going to be a map that sent the nine percent of the workforce unemployed going in the nineteen eighty five the fact of the matter is now only measured it at well
i can quote chapter and worse the economist's so support the reagan administration the members of the council of economic advisors they made that statement we have to go and we have to leave it you just disagree with that private sector i think in the end of it for unemployment rate down at a percent or below and will be the peak week the beans wasn't able to make news in this country were off on
holiday today as well they should be at the most notable exceptions being president reagan and others involved in the korean airliner incident an organized labor leaders and members who took to the streets and microphones to beat up on the reagan economic record there's another exception course the five astronauts and the challenger space shuttle they had their day's work done early this morning at forty minutes after midnight pacific time they glide in their craft your perfect landing at edwards air force base in california there was a six day mission which took off and landed in the dark and went without a hitch except for a still unresolved problem with the satellite the challenger launch for india problem a final starting on celebrants an unusual kind of achievement it's about a group of actors ten of whom are death and only children can hear they comprise the national theatre of the depth form sixteen years ago to provide an outlet for hearing impaired performers the npd has been stunning audiences ever since with performances in this country and overseas and had never had a permanent home this spring they found one in chester connecticut charlayne hunter
gault reports on the group and how the town took to chow chow chow chow chow i three straight not a normal new job three but there weren't very old three i use the word that vary all alike and so you barely and body and they say that that treat their youths we train i was
the international theater of the deficit very unusual accompaniment back our debt for the last sixteen years they have been taking their special brand of theater all over the world surprising and enlightening audiences as they go during that time they have seen and cause a lot of change recently they decided that the time had come for still another change they needed a place of their own to call home so they chose this little village of chester connecticut i was taken on a sightseeing tour through downtown chester my guides were david hayes founder and artistic director of the national theatre of the death and shut bayard an actor as companies that desire so in the right you know human beings didn't happen because you were death of the primacy of the one of a growing up with
the early phase that many many of the wages he's used to the fbi because they are or what they want is something strange or make fun of us about meeting us meeting people sometimes wrong idea that changes that's changing and that david welna traveled through the country but warming is not that bad as it was during the summer the inti the halls of professional school for deaf the other person now hearing impaired students from around the world learn language or sign mine i want to have the
citizenship test of golf now that the theater the debt they've been here for five months they've been very patient was we will always do things right coffin of the community center i forget that this is i think my first reaction was one of embarrassment because i was not able to understand what they want and they could understand me because i could really see my attitude is different was it thought its handicap is their lives being really hardened heart and i see the captain moore is a lot of that was simply how we can communicate with them and are they going to be able to understand what we expect and just taste it and we thought i don't want to use the race at airports don't quite have that yet
so i'm sure these little bit by being a part of the community these actors are personally changing old attitudes toward the death he's asked david hayes if it's theater have had an impact on prejudice generally things do anything to tell quote the marianas and simple and you have come through with one just simple talking about this way of basic job is to entertain this is all all about hope for or side effects this is a company that are detained and you can join the daily limit and a
glorified largest changes are inside some of the great literary the great even the request for works that work seems to to fall so beautifully in here onto the hands of the year i mean i stop now the company's new play is based on joseph campbell's the hero with a thousand faces here they are rehearsing a segment called snow white history to travel and very specifically now
i am assuming suspended in a mountain tunnel the plan was falling into the daylight this is bob and so the line in the stomach at the time was in the air i see it is getting larger is mei mei mei to recap the hard nose of this labor day before we got three more marines were wounded and they route as the space left by the withdrawing israelis becomes the center of factional
fighting organized labor use this holiday to one lumber on president reagan and his policies and chrysler the united auto workers reached a tentative agreement on a new contract with the major news of course remain that korean airliner's the us and the soviet union continuing to exchange harsh words in different versions over what happened and why and a speech to the nation tonight from the oval office president reagan laid out the us case again even planted take he said was that the of the soviet pilots words as he fired a missile destroyed in that korean polite he also said the united states was joining with other nations around the world at a transportation another sanctions against the soviet soviet union and to seek compensation for the plane's two hundred and sixty nine victims but he said arms talks would continue and that secretary of state shultz will go ahead with this talked this week with a soviet foreign minister under a grenade go cannot run centers are for a nice to report tomorrow night and robert de niro
hours one morning and you are low and by the corporation for public broadcasting and by this and other public television stations it's b you only noon
The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour
Producing Organization
NewsHour Productions
Contributing Organization
NewsHour Productions (Washington, District of Columbia)
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This episode of The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour focuses on the following stories: the downing of a Korean airliner by Soviets (and the response by US President Ronald Reagan), labor protests against Reagan by people looking to turn Labor Day into a nationwide political movement, and a profile piece on the National Theater of the Deaf, a performance group for people with hearing impairments.
Asset type
Global Affairs
War and Conflict
Military Forces and Armaments
Politics and Government
Copyright NewsHour Productions, LLC. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Public License (
Media type
Moving Image
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Producing Organization: NewsHour Productions
AAPB Contributor Holdings
NewsHour Productions
Identifier: NH-0001-9P (NH Show Code)
Format: 1 inch videotape
Generation: Master
Duration: 01:00:00;00
NewsHour Productions
Identifier: NH-19830905-9P (NH Air Date)
Format: U-matic
Generation: Preservation
Duration: 01:00:00;00
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour,” 1983-09-05, NewsHour Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 19, 2024,
MLA: “The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour.” 1983-09-05. NewsHour Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 19, 2024. <>.
APA: The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour. Boston, MA: NewsHour Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from