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for ft set sarah stewart says santa santa santa santa santa santa santa stu stu center stood the
pay that evening leading and is this thursday this was decision day on the tar nomination for the senate armed services committee president bush held talks with allied leaders in tokyo major banks raised their prime lending rate to eleven and a half percent we'll have details in our new summer in a moment judy woodruff is in washington tonight after the news summary the light japanese emperor hirohito's role in world war two we have an excerpt from a british documentary and we examine the charges that makes with the journalist who made it edward baer former us ambassador to japan and when reischauer and japanese journalist accu people uneasy and charlayne hunter gault continues her series of black history month conversations tonight pollock publisher hockey my booty so
everything everything everything additional funding is provided by the john d and catherine t macarthur foundation a catalyst for change and the station and other public television stations and the corporation for public broadcasting the fate of the john tower nomination lies at this moment in the hands of the senate armed services committee the committee is voting tonight on whether to send the nomination to the full senate tower has been accused of financial improprieties womanizing and having a drinking problem accusations some say are substantiated by fbi investigations and others they are not before casting his vote committee chairman sam nunn democrat from georgia explain his decision i cannot in good conscience vote for an individual at the top of the chain of command when his history of excessive
drinking is such that he would not be selected to command a missile weighing a sack bomber squadrons boy trident missile submarine leadership must be established from the top down standards must be set from the top down if we want a sergeant in his post on the day and stay in korea or the lieutenant standing alert with her side refueling tanker in the midwest and the das standards as those who wear our nation's uniform we must make that clear here in the united states and with considerable reluctance but with a clear conscience i will vote no on the towel nomination observers expected the armed services committee vote to be close especially now the chairman none has said he is opposed to the nomination robin the senate finance committee today approved louis sullivan as secretary of health and human services after a long delayed but brief confirmation hearing sullivan said
he fully supported president bush's position against abortions and wanted to correct previous misstatements that gave the opposite impression i'm opposed to abortion except in the case of when the life of the mother is threatened or in cases of rape for instance i support a human rights amendment embracing the exceptions just know that like president bush i would welcome a supreme court decision overturning roe versus wade one senator william armstrong did not vote for sullivan saying he wasn't satisfied with a strong enough oppose the use of fetuses for medical research judy brown president of the american life league says solomon's abortion position remained unclear and he should not be confirmed the house maybe today began considering how to handle allegations of improper conduct against speaker jim wright committee is reviewing the report by an independent counsel who had been investigating right for nine months the committee's
closed door meetings are expected to stretch into next week president bush arrived in japan today for the funeral of emperor hirohito and began a series of high levels diplomatic meetings jim angle of national public radio reports for the news from tokyo the hard way he arrived in tokyo and one pm local time after seventeen hour journey from washington than immediately began around for another eight hours the first was an hour to have lunch and with friends president francois mitterrand two years old when their talk with east west religion and they agreed that changes the soviet union wiz in new challenges and opportunities to the west of flavor this liquidity crisis on japanese prime minister japanese leader thanked the president for coming here for the funeral and the president said he brings expressions
of respect and sorrow for the late ever all the representatives from more than one hundred fifth nation would in tokyo for tomorrow funeral presidents and prime ministers cain conferences security has been extraordinary thirty two thousand police haven't worked to ensure the safety of those gathered that favor latham speculate after police want to make sure they avoid a recurrence of nineteen eighty six when terrorists fired for rockets by western leaders were meeting here for an economic summit well the japanese are worried about protecting foreign leaders president bush who's busy having meetings with a number of them at the end of a long first day on the road the president met with seven leaders including hosni mubarak of egypt for the first song that israel favors a majority the president of the youth leaders and others about their views on the middle east peace process and american officials say several middle eastern leaders recognize the new opportunities that didn't exist
before now that among other things for us as meanwhile the funeral of the late airport continue an emotional moment in us history as the nation there is the last official symbol of world war two after beating japan mr bush will travel to china on saturday and make a stop in south korea before returning home on monday soviet leader mikhail gorbachev visited chernobyl today his first visit to the site of the world's most worst rather the world's worst nuclear disaster we have a report from david simmons of worldwide television news your job that it was intended to reassure everyone that nothing like it will happen again that he was guarded around the plant three of its four reactors were working more with damaged reactor have been shut down the family to let workers at the plant as well as local people his message was the same we've learned our lessons the soviet union would never again take anything but a very cautious approach on safety
nuclear power and nuclear power stations were not to be toyed with numerous safety measures have been introduced since the chernobyl disaster sent a radioactive cloud around the world and killed more than thirty people in the soviet union college of inspected many of the measures during his visit which came on the fourth day of his tour of the ukraine it already done his best to reassure people living close to the site of the new power station in the republic the kidnappers holding three american hostages in lebanon today vowed revenge against british author salman rushdie claiming that he had insulted islam in his novel was donna gross's islamic jihad for the liberation of palestine released a picture of three captives with a message to a western agency but did not threaten to harm them the three r allen steed robert polhill and justin turner all kidnapped in january nineteen eighty seven from beirut university college ohio republican congressman donna lukens was indicted by a columbus grand jury today on a misdemeanor
charge stemming from allegations that he had sex with a teenage girl the fifty eight year old congressman who is divorced faces up to one hundred and eighty days in jail and a fine if he's convicted the mother of a seventeen year old columbus girl as accuse lukens of paying for sexual relations with her daughter on two occasions once when the girl was thirteen years all in a statement today lukens categorically denied that he contributed to the delinquency of a minor at any time finally in the news two of the country's largest banks chase manhattan and republican national raised their prime lending rate half a point to eleven and a half percent the crime is what banks charge their biggest commercial dollars that it often influences consumer loans and mortgage rates that's it for the new summer is still ahead emperor hirohito's role in world war two and another in our series on black history month we
go now to the event that has drawn president bush and many of the world's leaders to one city the funeral of japan's emperor hirohito in tokyo even after his death their leader remains a controversial figure more in europe and some asian nations than here in the united states because of world war two memories some countries declined to send high level representatives to his funeral but even in this country with its major post war relationship with japan there are sharply images of opinion for instance in a poll by the new york times cbs and tokyo broadcasting published today only forty one percent of those polled over age sixty five thought it appropriate that president bush attended funeral some sixty six percent of all americans in the poll agreed that hirohito had a great deal or some responsibility for world war two and contrast only thirty three percent of japanese in the same poll believed that the bbc has prepared a documentary describing the controversies over hirohito's wartime roll and challenging they often projected image of him as peacefully inclined bystander the documentary will air on public television stations next week we'll show
three excerpts and then talk with a writer narrator edward baer former us ambassador edward reischauer and a japanese journalist we start with an excerpt about the emperor's roman japans invasions of manchuria and china in the nineteen thirties it contains some grisly footage some of the most brutal conquest in china followed an unsuccessful clue in nineteen thirty six by zealous young army officers who felt japan should be pursuing a more aggressive policy the weary joe felt the only way of preventing war was unacceptable aggression as far as america was concerned that china with two important politically and economically to be allowed to form a japanese influence this was the first major step towards direct confrontation and he reaches apologists claimed these generals tricked
him into going to war but as the report shows use any criticism was that they want winning fast enough japanese atrocities the world that's because tens of thousands of civilians the region received regular detail reports from the china from the news new setup imperial headquarters will ruin inside the palace and we saw prince asaka several times after his return to joke you know it's hard to believe the emperor was unaware of what was going on and constantine uniform he was not only going to report them on in chief rehearsals critical decision
was that a bombed pearl harbor us naval base in hawaii in nineteen forty one and get into war with the united states there is another excerpt the official japanese line is that he read it had no advance knowledge of pearl harbor and was in any case unable to reject the facts as i discovered would lead to a completely different story of the diaries and journals have the amato hirohito's wartime army chief of staff show the emperor met with his admirals and generals in his palace they argued and debated endlessly and eventually decided on a lot in military terms he discussed with his chiefs of staff when we go this time to attack pearl harbor and how to make a surprise attack on trial and as we see in the diary of generosity are about it do you do
that well looking to the un the palestinians and they're going to use the bridge which is the slippery and constant and this is true and sometimes when he uses a clinician and so after japan's devastating defeat in the warm us general douglas macarthur command of the allied forces occupying the country macarthur had to make decisions about their leader that would guide this country's postwar relationship with japan here's another excerpt from a documentary from this year's macarthur route his most urgent problem on arriving in japan was how to
deal with japan's war criminals and what to do with every reason to international pressure to try the emperor as a war criminal was considerable united states senate and congress passed a joint resolution to have him indicted he was number seven on the australian government's wanted list and france china the soviet union owned and many other countries wanted him sentence he knew he had to make a humiliating cormac offer on september twenty seven he went to the united states embassy for an extraordinary meeting of curiosity seeking we called the hidden behind a curtain the contrast between that you look awful in order is the tease and its more known as the smiling emperor informed us was stuck the first japanese newspaper editors didn't want to publish this picture which they considered disrespectful to that number here he chose a total cop that he was ready to take full responsibility
for everything connected with the war he had good reason to believe this would be turned down because the top priority was a stable sovereign pro american knew it was far more effective tool in his dear leader's health his junior partners in the running you can now get three perspectives on america's role in the second world war edward baer the writer and narrator of the bbc film hirohito behind the myth has been a foreign correspondent and editor of newsweek magazine for over twenty years the uk commission is the senior washington correspondent for japan's nine each a newspaper and edward reischauer a former professor of japanese history at harvard university and served as the us ambassador to japan from nineteen sixty one to sixty six he joins us from public station kqed's in san diego mr baer you for error but for the thesis in this documentary that hirohito knew a great deal more and carried a lot more responsibility for japanese actions in the second world war
including literally pre knowledge of things that the attack on pearl harbor then many americans have generally assumed up to now what is the source for those revisionist history what i think is a revisionist history because they're a little it is actually knew the ice on in a public library the famous keep a diary is which are a huge two volume will go on whiskey tango with margaret kidd knows it'll produce steel and she's confident for many years particularly for writing forty onwards until the end of the war there's the other book which the japanese professor in the clip we share a mission as the city on the memorandum general zvi elmo was the army chief of staff during the war they both are recorded in inordinate detail then meeting is amongst other things with he really didn't deal with was it a compulsive diary doris you you know everything is go scored twenty i had gotten store and india's daughter is all things which i think are common knowledge but have been somewhat overlooked and some of these we accepted in the film and i
think they do show that hirohito is not quite the totally innocent blameless and remote creature that he is assumed to be that's not the week that's not the only a basis for the film for instance the the national archives in washington a mine of information particularly the crossings cross examination of pre trial cause of the nation's all modesty deference and before the jirga jaws and i have received forty of them again and in a hit not just here does in fact say the emperor knew about probably use given the operational plans by the navy but he was interviewed by connell sackett his question michael second through fifth grade through april nineteen forty six film all this it seemed to me and it still seems to me that every year it there was not quite the picture of the youth league the person that he is assumed to
be awful these years ambassador rice tried to i believe that view quite strongly disagree with his point of view the swimmer john burnett who isn't while romney and i do have to temporarily agreed to do with the coming of the war and so on was the one leading the war ii he was paid in his is chief alan somebody compared with hitler and so on and when the emperor movie stop this country and there are other countries that was patty but after the war and people again to study the record interviews dr montague their diaries you know those things and responsible scholars went over all of it when they found out this was into tall and then very low on the polls say he was of course aware of what was happening yet to be because it didn't have a burial section and it gave his impersonation usually by just being present and son he would not say anything you leave the room would be considered been pierced legend
about the wheel is endless material it shows that he was very dubious about what was happening very unhappy about it right from the beginning he was unhappy to see the military taking over civilian government than his best to stop things of those sort of heat couldn't do much he could talk to his advisors and they don't know what they wanted to tell him about that he was not in a position to give orders to anybody the japanese army navy won on the grounds that they were the emperor's army and nobody can dictate to them serve and they themselves in the band of the civilian government but only on the vampire you say what they did though things then emperor had to his first eleven happened and huge and has shown his own happiness about it many times though it actually took were of the type and so that when you find here declare peace in japanese surrendered during the war when they gave him allow him to do something
you are the surprising reasons was in line with the way he had been playing the whole time the ambassador says has to bear the responsible scholars the pentagon over the same materials including the same diaries and things come to the conclusion he just is described laughter i think there is always in a controversy and then in the new york times today there was a letter from an associate professor godbey university on a teaching japanese studies who says that in effect that what she is saying is that but the controversy is a very real one and that there isn't any real consensus i have immense respect for ambassador i shot knowledge of japan but i cannot help but on the line the fact that in the cdo memorandum in the killer dies you have all sorts of things which do not go to do not correspond quite to the utterly blameless picture that those images are going to say well they need help before france for instance in japan jack business
units move into french indochina and this is the jumping off base it will be the jumping off base for the blitzkrieg on malaria and these strikes are of operation what we know on the tempo of pablo which is of course the invasion of the pacific area and at one of these meetings so these meetings every year he also their informed questions he often sings girls are young and the divisions are you sending him to enter into china does joe three divisions he says is that in africa don't we need an air base in thailand as well as mona donner is a major star says that be a bad idea because it would give the game away the name of the japanese forces would be transiting through that at this sort of thing and there are there are dozens of so it's not just that that mr reischauer on the concrete example well a few cases in which he didn't ask questions are but if one can also look at those question time different light i think they're basically aimed at trying to point out to the military and the only way to
do that they're getting into very deep water in the quagmire of of conquest and then and heavily populated lands of asia and there's probably china warned this was a dangerous thing to do a good essay so directly tell him not to do this because it felt right to do that but he wanted his regular to the attentions of this entirely differently from the way the us to receive no i'd like to go to back to in a moment in your thesis that american had a particular interest in painting this picture of the emperor but first kickstarter mr kahn as she as a japanese news to punish a woodchip view of the two we've just heard do most japanese believed well has his they are members of the rights of too many egos the japanese to the burn there has been two facets to them over the radio what kind of lives near boston and in each and though as
acting trying to act like they are constitutional monarch so he didn't couldn't be he stopped his subordinates to stop the war on the other hand he stopped the war or his own one of us when the cabinet couldn't be any decide which a google so in this as the japanese nation including myself it's very yeah i'm grateful for him to save our lives by stopping all of course he was responsible for starting the war but he stopped the war and the third element is that he sort of democratize the japanese imperial household by declaring himself to be a human not the meeting got you say he started the war while he it couldn't be any the forties the law because the integration will vote or was signed under his own name but actually the boys for mighty he couldn't be any stop it because he is someone had decided on
mr barrow another part of your thesis as i understand it is that it was in the political interest of the united states occupiers of japan as they saw some said to have this more benign picture of the emperor promulgated in order to ensure a harmonious and also people is i think is a preoccupation my writing absolutely i think this is a decision it's all in the national archives under the freedom of information act the entire records of that period the wartime period and after of that and i spent many many weeks in in washington not looking at them on paper a lone microphone and you find as early as nineteen forty four there a very top level discussions in washington very hard nosed ones and you realize that they're very high quality of the leadership then they were really planning a head the question of first arose when it was possible for american fans to bolger care and big question practical question what do we have to pass a law and the answer came back very quickly know because of
food for various reasons it would increase the aggressive pigs and rescinded give the japanese people and besides says i think it was henry stimson all all all mccaughey or one of the that the big people are on emotion and then we will need an irrigator i mean it's ironic to think that at the time the preoccupations economic one didn't want in america to be responsible economic effects of that the book the the corrie was in in these reports of it is necessary to us in the first few months of the of the occupation and the first few years if the time comes when the nominee and we can always prosecution then all all indicted that was the that was the view i would say up through the end of nineteen forty four in forty five it was different and warns without that he was not to be dutch be anyway and by the time i got the game to japan this was official policy of president truman mr reischauer you were one of the policymakers at that
time is that a version that you understand yes they do on them learn to keep him there because and make it easier to target that it will cause at one time said backward that if you were going to try to do away with the unburned consume to be a war criminal heat out of places many forces is unfair and so for those reasons i decided to accept and burned imperial system and that the japanese people themselves later decide whether or not they want to have an empiricist and i think about what the study would lead but the judgment is the weather i was responsible in a way for the war was a later one by scholars studying materials came several years later was a very detailed study and practice every scar know of that came out with the same conclusion that the emperor was not responsible well i think the implication in your presentation mr
barrett is that in and they're kind of running public relations they always drawn over the emperor for political reasons and that that distorted history well that little things that happened immediately after the altercation for instance and this is documented in the game from the national archive orders went out there the american military newspaper stars and stripes was not mention anything about the the improv road during the war or indeed anything about his past little things like that it was a washington oriented decision to make emperor hirohito dollars walk of arts and appear in public and that he was to be humanized and the ocean to be a democratic person and this was not to be known to be at an american initiative this is all in in the record vs the question is service director does that is that a distortion of history did america for east if that's not too strong a word a kind
of a for a persona on the world in an aversion of the emperor's history for political reasons which was in effect as the drug user get out of the controversy over the you know war and to humanize him in dreaming and to make you more at risk represented the percentage back and to democratize it in that way but is that they fit in with his own temperament he saw himself as being a constitutional monarchy and he believed that he was delighted with the leadership today and he went along with adult lungs fit the old time let's remember that two thirds of israelis after the war and during that time he's voted in very very happily with a democratic government because this is very much more to his natural temperament his desires and was a no different from japan had before
what do you think has been the effect of presenting the history and the way it's been presented you believe it's been presented with what has been the effect well i think that there has been as someone who is quoted a simplification of his wrote it i'll fill the bbc film is not meant to be an anti anti japanese film or even an anti religion feel it is saying was emperor hirohito quite the totally blameless and remote person that he is assumed to be an on the evidence of the film people make up their minds but i don't think that the but we we didn't embark on those with a kind of animosity but there is a fact of course that in the teaching of history to japanese people objective schoolchildren the it is extraordinarily convinced a mess that a euphemism the team injected schoolbooks of the war seems to be good at hiroshima i think clyde have women of the new york times pointed out and i from working with
several researchers and translators interpreters it does give me these very high educated people products of the elite university system had absolutely no idea of what happened and within forty or a reservist a clinician yeah i think in all the midst of this point his below taken because after all you see it as deadly situation has been somewhat so of course he did because of economic successes so much that this criticism and the other criticisms have been barely called shallow for us but that has been the medicine do you think that you can oppose any of its post war stability and harmony and productivity and dynamism to the hair to the harmony that was created by having a non controversial emperor after the war if these debates about his role in the war had gone on internally with japan be the same country it is today oh i think it's quite vivid that point because the end what might have been the eyes of the public relations stand up the heat on
low alcohol and japan and that you know he made friends with the nation and then he encourages us to be below economy and all these things and also you see he has been quite heavy in that i thought the little much happy i should imagine than it will campbell and they're on top of that he has left the new emperor who is syndicated and the democratic principles poised to go by is this money and their new member and dress is it did it in the christian college although she's not a pop that's christian so these people now a new emperor in the us there have been no face to promote democracy and that that was their first message so be a new emperor and the brewers a very popular perception of energy commission so thank you for joining us from
washington as the rush hour in san diego and a little again the next night the tower nomination the senate armed services committee met through most of the afternoon and early evening on the controversial nomination of its former chairman john tower to be secretary of defense as the committee moved to vote on the nomination senators wind up pro and con with speeches hear some excerpts in my view the right to get the our record and the committee is also review show a clear pattern of excessive drinking and alcohol abuse by the nominee during the nineteen seventies his close associates and friends have been seated in john powell had a drinking problem in the nineteen seventies in the last few days the administration has acknowledged that the nominee had a pattern of excessive drinking during this period the evidence available that committee indicates that the
number of prisoners in recent years of your novel go against the background of a drinking problem in the nineteen seventies as out here and they're still serious in nature i have surged in vain for several weeks or a point in time when the nominee himself acknowledged this problem and dealt with a decisive nominee made it clear that he has never sought medical assistance for his drinking problem one of the parties in the next secretary defense must be to restore confidence in the defense procurement process as well as the management system so the tower has no continuing financial interest in any of the companies for which he provides consulting services during the last few years that would require recusal as a lot of law i ever there's a significant public perception of a conflict of interest arriving from his receipt of large amounts of money from a few contractors in return for the services the powerful this is not a classic conflict of
interest issue that can be resolved on reverence of the rules governing governing the vestibule and recusal riley it reflects a fundamental policy judge as well individual can command the public on which is required if he is to lead the effort for the rise and implements a significant acquisition reforms in the department of defense as much as another college record which is how a commendable probably the john tower was a loyal patriotic american who has a solid record of public service also believe it is dedicated to our nation's security from a hour this is not enough i'm skeptical as the nominee's ability to restore public trust in pentagon and i am concerned as to his ability to command the competence the respect of his opponents at this said the moral standards for the men and women in uniform
finally i cannot in good conscience vote for an individual at the top of the chain of command when his history of excessive drinking is such that he would not be selected to command a missile wing a sack bomber squadrons all a trident missile submarine ms jablonski established from the top down standards must be set from the top down if we want a sergeant in his post on the day and stay in korea or the lieutenant standing alert with her side refueling tanker in the midwest and the das standard test of those who wear our nation's uniform and we must make that clear here in the united states senate within several months but with a clear conscience all vote no on the towel nomination i have talked with every single senate we were served with him in this institution and its who is here today and many of those who have gone on to retirement that
not one single united states senator not one who is john tower can ever recall a single instance where and in his parsifal happens and appeared with his duty not want so that body of evidence is in sharp contrast to the balance in my judgment renders little paulo man of great conscience and women alike can differ in interpretation by second reason for voting for john tower is it the man probably knows him better than all senators that have served with him as now been elected overwhelmingly by the people united states of america as their chief executive officer of the
united states george bush unite together on one occasion in iowa that incident involved with different if there was never a doubt in my mind the president's knowledge of this individual removed the president knows this man be recognizable well that the nomination would be an unusual and unique way and indeed it represents a benchmark in the history of this institution no less than four hundred individuals by any count i've been interviewed and have come forth one way or another to express their view many of them being united states
senators and others who have held positions of great responsibility in this country that indicates to me and indeed tradition and history confirm that while this institution is by no means a rubber stamp it starkly we have accepted the president's judgment and his decision that he needs an individual to serve him in a specific about it the tower nomination is coded out to the full senate a final decision is expected there within the next two weeks i finally tonight we continue our series of black history month conversations charlayne hunter gault continues to be in charge we're even likely has had a greater impact in the nineteen sixties and
the activism of the civil rights movement but also its own poets and scholars many of them were repelled by anger by diana lee also known as hockey mad ability in detroit born poet who turned out some of the most vivid poetic works of the sixties works like don't cry scream and think black because the work of such poets was most often aimed at the white establishment mainstream publishers ignored them in response and out of necessity some like it started their own we caught up with patti mightily during one of several special black history month appearances around the country like this one at california state university at northridge he says he's mellowed sound but he continues to be a voice in anger and of challenge for the players to a business channel over their arms ayers was a portion of the generation
we came into a movement which doesn't exist same love of the us but it did at that time and the movement he says he gave us a new life that gave us directions gave them a substance often they gave us a way to articulate something and i didn't even before even though ports like myself and an iraq dividing sites such as mari evans and others existed prior track around saying those two was never had the publishing company's eric cantor sixties didn't have the mass media that in habitats support network that we had and i was also writes a lot of movement as we were to invent some anger in the works will certainly i'm also an and also tried to create alternatives to shoot people call ma were protests that actually analogous again some i on the outside looking in tell me that filled world
press and how it survived fuel prices fall of nineteen sixty seven twenty two years old and primarily to the publisher of black writers we have always in terms of corruption all the jam through college fiction nonfiction children's books get on therapy says trump is so forth and basically does life not knowing they were publishing and as i walk into this time i know to start some idle money to fifty thousand twenty five thousand we started monday some prominent immigration one albums and composers and have a bonus but i came out on a decade we have to be able to police of detroit michigan and on their early i learned you know it's coming from the streets that always to live with that you have to step up their year to take chances rest are important early but the brothers never normal portrayed cliff
of the miracles in that spring as he had always go beyond and is collapsed teach my children that he had been more town and that you had to do several things well as a publishing i became an outlet now a former song before the war you alluded to the fact that you think that this kind of effort is still necessary for black white there's a lot of people look a toni morrison alice walker pulitzer prize winning writer is and wonder why your toilet more sales or jewelry on our are exceptional writers and they deserve a revamped agency and more but the great majority of riders an icon of the wood breaking because there's always a silly guy that is just like when james baldwin and ellison carolina like him a lot and even mark ward alexander there was always there was no more room for three or four of them wanted to push is the same thing today
the think the black writers today who would come to you first or would go to white publishing houses i think most of us do have talked through and jolie you you go where most publicity has been an asset because it's and so many of them to find out that that you have an entree into the large chosen in a comment at all on and things are important that we realize that we still in the back and then the city we respond to was out there and then we've all been crippled mentally retarded children dearly about four five psychological depths and we have to be aware that every day every day every day like people are hit with the whole question of color on and now of course all of them out of wool over it after america's other black i'll
rattle not sure that we both use that why this intense xl both just keep on moving the next is of course the air we have not deal with that no legal fight it is every morning mimi well in terms of how to wear it see what to do with that one is natural of the strain or the sperm and the brothers neither the same question whether boyd is permanent war history was going to matter enciso says the real problem in terms of whole question of minnesota course is the whole question of language like english is this another business owners polish english using our italian problem has been that we go to these institutions then we put down because of the way we speak in one and sent to students is that you decide to learn a language you know that age old language june other than a skill courses poverty that we have real serious partner commute at until our heart all my students that is if you or your reading if you have a warm place to
work in but if you have transportation if you have any kind of our series resources common in which allow you to go to the station like this uneasy about off about eighty five percent were lost people and therefore you cannot abuse and so i'm not allow you to two to fit all that of course to get the founder is one of fear is the fear in all of us assistance of fear going up into the worlds of fear of all white people as to fear of failing is to fear of just trying to come into the world as a black man are black women using the ceasefire or psychological problems have to be dealt with every day isn't this a need that and we'll eat any progress since the sixties there has been some progress honestly believed that this was an american people understand we had when the center of the black community can go on an identity self or magazine by year going telework was neither bachmann standing
with thirty six percent of their populations on the world now if you can work them even the one year that you know you hear boxer so out of the whole black milk white middle class maybe unfashionable when you get the job and the job the fire engine and your family and he's a you could take your friend if you do not work can't work then the only options left off welfare what is less debilitating force black men for the guardian and hit the streets rather than girls of this mall has a big sum of white people for someone it's a little cruel thing in the black community as a result of white on black crime now obviously the era's black make an articulate more articulate uses a c latitude dingell that and he found this generation of
black rioters reacting the same way that your generation did it as angry and ideas out there with that anger mau mau and their concrete reasons for her arm i do feel that the quote unquote integration has affected are many young creative people that they were the products of our struggle in terms of quote unquote integration that many of the young creative people today know the writers but the visual arts the musicians have gone to the best schools and quote unquote the best education a haircut and so therefore have come out with another view of the world you can arm an often have not come through the type of seasoning that i and other riders on that came through and that became part of our knowledge of this
exceptions on sale for the most part allowed the word discipline young our survey do not have a kind of urgency how does it feel when you're fannie have to explain history of only twenty five years ago well as on the loss of memory among young people is this really no man and that's really won the major problems when you take people's memory of working your sensitive and the so the sorts of soil there's no connection and young people find amazing it into civilization toward writing and reading sears examination of the universe music architecture that first great wonderful world war ii to begin with the biggest things of the pyramids and how we are you know we will bring the
paris that ended on projects and saw such a condom there's a long distance a very seldom on to our young people realize that like people did not come to this country first class to the va or they live people who say that the reason this generation of young blacks don't notice because your generation i guess the mine to didn't pass at all i think that i did her generation are failed to pass on for a number reasons one a generation that was brought was dispersed destroyed and that if not destroyed golf nowhere did not come out of a generation where the institutions needed it's a week we were nine to really develop it would enforce the major bike institute at the level that they were maintaining continue teaching alice and some say that even by exodus of a animated universes and colleges are still a question mark today and so yes they're not going to get the type
of love of food and nourishment that i received are a bit out of my colleagues who see this they just think that what happened in what type of people we would have out here today if they came through grade school high school college and so forth nurtured on the work of mark walker and when the books toni morrison and james baldwin ralph ellison claude mckay marcus garvey and malcolm x so it says something that they have the key finding these people are fossil out of moneys generation noon or so but we we cannot we cannot keep me new nasa just can't keep making the circle and as well as the two shows are so important as well the family is so important and so the reason we're calling for i think is part of the whole african centered movement is that it's important that we had to widen from the centre for my sails and then we we we we stretch out ok but you get a stretch out
from that don't know about it so they might go anyplace else in the world and do with any by without our embarrassment without fear is an ode that anger was on anger and i now think that anger is gonna maintain as long as they are is evil in this world and i we maybe the chow in the way the bank is i think anger is healthy when it does not destroy you listen to that that it is healthy when you're able to take that anger and do good work aren't any would transform our yourself but those around is ines i think that's our job i think it's part of our responsibility is to so i cannot be well was twenty years ago as now progress either some progress and what has happen often we see riders and musicians who are the
sixties they just down there anything positive to say because you'll see too much an alliance known senate it takes all men like myself and women are like a wide two to not forget but to really just take out anger and bring it back in a way in which to allow our students our children to keep warming and about the same time the happy hour recapping thursday's top story the senate armed services committee is voting on the nomination of john tower for defense secretary so far ten democrats on the committee including its chairman sam nunn have said they will vote against howard in japan for emperor hirohito's funeral president bush's spokesman said the administration will press for tower's confirmation by the full senate that's our newshour for tonight for robert macneil i'm judy woodruff thank you and goodnight
everything everything everything additional funding is provided by the john d and catherine t macarthur foundation a catalyst for change and the station and other public television stations and the corporation for public broadcasting it's been nice but it's b
anyway it's bad
The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour
No Description
Producing Organization
NewsHour Productions
Contributing Organization
NewsHour Productions (Washington, District of Columbia)
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This episode of The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour reports on the following major stories: a remembrance of Emperor Hirohito and his role in World War II, the nomination of John Tower as Secretary of Defense, and an interview with poet/publisher Haki Madibuhti for Black History Month.
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Film and Television
War and Conflict
Politics and Government
Copyright NewsHour Productions, LLC. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Public License (
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Producing Organization: NewsHour Productions
AAPB Contributor Holdings
NewsHour Productions
Identifier: 43769B (Reel/Tape Number)
Format: 1 inch videotape
Generation: Master
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour; No Description,” 1989-02-23, NewsHour Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 2, 2024,
MLA: “The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour; No Description.” 1989-02-23. NewsHour Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 2, 2024. <>.
APA: The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour; No Description. Boston, MA: NewsHour Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from