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he's been and mcneil lehrer newshour comes due tonight from dallas site of the nineteen eighty four republican convention good evening for robert macneil the rest of us in dallas for the republican convention that event they get officially underway this morning with the news of the day was dominated by the release of some documents in washington tax returns and financial statements of democratic vice presidential candidate geraldine ferraro and her husband also today new federal figures show the gross national product growing at a healthy seven point six percent rate but without heating up inflation problem there are tax disclosure heads the stories we examine and bit more depth tonight we look at the tax returns with a washington attorney who specializes in tax in real estate law our resident political analyst david gergen an alan baron discuss the political impact on the campaign and turned their attention to the politics of the republican convention we have an interview with one of the leading republican women at the convention and armstrong elizabeth racket reports on one state
delegation kansas and texas writer ac green looks at the origins of the men who matter and the frosting city of dallas the macneil lehrer newshour is funded by at and t the corporation for public broadcasting and the station and other public television stations geraldine ferraro and her earl johnson caro disclose their financial worth that history today and over the terms congresswoman ferraro the democratic candidate for vice president at an income of three hundred and thirty two thousand dollars in the six years from nineteen seventy eight to eighty four and paid a hundred and thirty thousand plus or thirty nine percent of that in taxes her husband a new york city real estate owner and manager at an income of five hundred and thirty two thousand plus dollars over the same period and by two hundred and twenty thousand plus or forty one percent in taxes they
owe fifty three thousand four hundred and fifty nine dollars and back federal taxes and interest due to a mistake they blamed on a nikon today's disclosures included the tax returns that you have while separately and jointly for the last six years or statements defending various financial and real estate transactions including one that resulted in financing for a path ferraro congressional campaign problem mr auer herself did not appear today but left the disclosure to her tax experts she has scheduled a news conference to add her comments and answer questions tomorrow yesterday she said she hoped the american public would be satisfied in new york for our remain indoors all day at her home in the forest hills garden section of queens with a kora reporters and television crews camped outside waiting for a statement that did not materialize she was conferring with her campaign manager three lawyers and two speechwriters presumably to prepare for the news conference that scheduled to take place in new york tomorrow afternoon de caro also spent the day at home but he did not attend the meeting a few
hours after the attack statements were released the mondale camp said nothing had come out that undermined their chores are running mate mondale campaign director jim johnson said ms ferraro and her husband have withstood the test of public trust and public integrity johnson said that when ms ferraro is being considered as a possible running mate campaign officials spent almost forty eight hours reviewing her family friendly answers and concluded there was nothing amiss he added a very good job was done in a forty eight hour review johnson said mondale himself would probably make no personal statement about that for our disclosures until thursday in washington charlayne hunter gault has more on today's announcement and its meaning german every effort to put to rescue missions about before was the caro finances got off to a shaky start shortly before ten o'clock news conference was scheduled to begin a spokesperson for the mondale ferraro campaign announce so i'm already packed with reporters at the briefing would be delayed until one o'clock reason being or reason given that the xerox machine had broken down and then there was a lot to copy
by one o'clock the temperature had written outside and inside the room at the georgetown holiday inn mondale ferraro campaign spokesman frances o'brien took most of the heat this that everything is important that that we were there because it's just a relic now as soon as it's available its release of years after the us invaded their work for them at the last fifteen minutes of that kind of thrilling o'brien announced that happened what had been promised the income tax return the boat ferraro as carol we're reading i thought where the media expert estimated it would probably take days to sift through all of the
documents but some of the more contentious the area thing to be right on the surface for a closer look at those transactions and other items in the ferraro the cairo attack returns we turn to attack the journey with the washington firm of lane and edson is her that stevens also an adjunct professor of tax law at georgetown university law school says the vince first overall as jim said in broad brush strokes what's your impression of these returns well first you have to understand that these early their individual returns they don't include all the partnership and cooperation returns that would normally be filed on whenever someone holds real state i you should also understand that there's nothing wrong with partnerships and corporations for holding rules that what you're saying is that we're getting half a loaf is half of the picture happened picture what what what emerges from that half of the picture from you are you good for raising these since they were released this afternoon what what can a picture you're getting on a very quick surface renew they look as if
people are paying a normal not affect the primary part that i focused on was on the sale that will stay about two three one center state in nineteen seventy eight right let's get to that in just a minute but she said that it seems like their pain the right in and i mean for about forty percent is what they're paying i mean an eerie and what the fifty percent tax bracket is that when i said they're paying england attacks isn't it that they're paying an average amount from probably their income whether or not i don't know i think it it would get a check for fifty four thousand dollars for a new payment of taxes that was reported today and some of that with penalties twenty three psalm thousand with can you just give me the details of that what's your sense of that transaction short from the tax returns that they file both in nineteen seventy eight and then in the amended tax return that they filed today they stated that the that mrs ferraro purchased a
property and made seventy eight for approximately twenty five thousand in cash and then an assumption of a mortgage in order to repay the loan from her husband to her campaign in october she sold that property for a hundred thousand dollars in cash plus think that the seller would also assume the mortgage she had taken now the game there was approximately sixty eight or seventy thousand i guess after expenses at least that's what their amended returns david today in their initial return file the nineteen seventy eight they had failed to include the amount of the mortgage in the mouth they realized from the sale and that's where the error plain and so if so whether that difference in that two in cash turned cnn into a difference in taxes owed about twenty nine thousand and a difference in interest that is when they owe taxes in nineteen seventy eight and they didn't pay at the interest penalty starts running in nineteen seventy eight first is the april fifteenth nineteen
seventy nine and from then until now they have an additional twenty three thousand in for quite a fairly that the czech they're paying paying close and they said that this was a mistake that they made i mean does that sound reasonable to you that is in an era like that could've been made in the people involved particularly a lawyer and a real estate man that didn't get it yet either now at any mistake in retrospect looks down and in retrospect this was that looks down and whose heart every one hour senate will prepare the return on most people have accounts repair their returns trust their accounts to catch things like putting his mortgage and in our lives it's the kind of pointed the count should have caught on that is apparently how came out now than the accounting firm of arthur young who she retained a few weeks ago to look at these apparently caught the suspect and it's not unusual for one account to make a mistaken for another count the catch is a real serious is this under an eye wouldn't say it's real serious if you
look at the large bulk of the tax returns and they were over an inch of papers that you had to plow through if you wanted to look at their tax returns on this does not jump out at you like they're a very bad thing i know i know that you're not a specialist in election law but there was another part to that same property that involved are selling their building as you mentioned to pay off a campaign debt to her husband from your proposal of the returns and so and did you see anything improper in that transaction levee break that then the two questions one was there anything improper in filing their tax return the things that i think the mistake they admitted i don't think if they had intended to not disclose the additional taxpayer they would've made a specific i think they were simply not reported the sale though you don't think that they didn't pay their taxes was that they were trying to get around now i think if they'd have larceny in their hearts i think they just wanted would've failed report the
sale it's unlikely that the irs would have caught the sale or contract with my mom now the second point on the federal election campaign apparently they could have under the law nineteen seventy eight have her sell property to her husband apparently he didn't know that and thought it should go through no man's name is john lennon i'm not sure why he thought that that would necessarily help that apparently he did it from from what you've been able to see and i realize these are there are an awful lot of documents that super roots in a very short period of time and that you can get into jon's the current head but did you see anything in those returns that that would have justified the reluctance that he had in releasing the returns that he's released know i did and they seemed on a very quick service due to be the kind of returns you'd submit if you're in a business and it didn't look like
it had anything really and you don't have any speculation as to why he might've that one of theirs i think a natural up into many of us not to disclose or taxes particularly general in the real estate business it you probably don't want your business associates to feel like their transactions are coming under scrutiny mr stevens thank you for being with us the second portion of the ferraro disclosures as you know were filed this afternoon with the federal election commission and they will be released later this evening june the politics of the days disclosures have just begun of course republican officials here and owls moved quickly to lay it at the fader walter mondale resins there was this from senator paul laxalt them about a senator who is chairman of the reagan bush campaign crux of the problem is that she and her people of the deadly survive than one bill kincaid an aquatic you why i say that because they're experts in the situation actually
the frog people in this that people had them so you know preparing for their convention in relations unsure about national politics is all about obligation right now is on the mondale people and advocates with fritz mondale critically to seize control of this simply know that i hope that this woman survives i hope that this doesn't know create a bad precedent for women the future in politics that doesn't become a chilling factor in the future i hope that we can dispose of this may dispose of it is not our obligation we're not going to characterize it or criticize it or politicize it we thought we played it up what's known as a campaign our first analysis of the political impact of today's for our tax disclosures were joined by our regular pair of analysts they are republican david gergen former communications director at the reagan white house and democrat alan baron editor of the political newsletter the barren report what's your first reaction to what's been disposed of four oh i think the american people are going to take that much
less seriously in a sense from the political community i think if the democrats were very frustrated that some of the things that had me some other people were alleged to do they said that reagan had a teflon quality people didn't believe reagan was it was a crop and i think that's right and i think he's not and i think as they look at this and they understand the unique situation of a husband wife in which psy he says in most families are the bulk of the income i think they're gonna conclude that mrs ferraro is it is not that is in a difficult situation and made it in him were perfectly but i don't think they're gonna make a bad judgment where's your first question whether to make the right decision today to release that the tax information and make a full disclosure of them or scum and as we just heard it also seized may do that these returns did get her off one hook but she's still dangling from some others mainly at one of the concerns are being expressed was that there would be a lot of tax shelters revealed in these returns and that there be a lot of income come into the famine very little taxes by the government that does not appear to be the case i have a hefty
thirty nine forty percent of their income there there wasn't that kind of income might have paid even less tax shelters that hurt a lot of people who are in the real estate business probably have more shelters then they revealed in this and its return on the other hand i think there's still some questions which have not been addressed by these returns there's a question of why she chose an exemption as she did for a number of years and that was the question that involves the house ethics committee that's correct their questions about this or as a new york times a day about a conservatory from which he drew tons and tons of questions about the us some food and a proper his nineteen seventy nine in nineteen seventy eight the legal issues are still there and i think most importantly from a political stance or the support the store is apt to keep rolling i think the press has only just begun to report there'll be a number of days teacher reporters pouring over this return to go out on the field checking all of those associations in more stories and i think that they're from a political standpoint it's it's up to a lot
of unnecessary i think so i think that we can't discount really when we got a look at it the aspect of her being a woman in this and how it complicates things for example it appears that the original loans were made so that her husband they help finance her campaign we have a male candidate in the traditional american family that's not a problem senator of auschwitz in minnesota built up a business his wife stayed home and took care to children sen bass which is running for senate there for reelection and pouring in hundreds of thousands of hours of his own money like they did in minnesota democrat is and that's acceptable now you'd miss ferraro stays on and raised three children and whenever and then goes out and gets a career and takes a job as a prosecuting attorney and her husband's building up these fake he can't continue her campaign if he were running list is a car running he could write a check for a million dollars or what i don't know what the health law work for his own campaign so it's it gets very complicated then the question is if he makes a legal judgment wrong on a concert with or is it her
judgment it's a much more were wearing a new ground and i think it's gonna come out anytime we get into this situation as a husband have to plan his economic activities for ten years to make sure that as the politicians to george bush would've been blind trust and so what if his wife wants a career in public office so it's become a point on their made a while ago that may be the public doesn't take this quite seriously as the press and politicians did you said the president to pursue it now avidly what was your attitude toward your answer that question are on the preston politician making more overt than the voters with well it gets a bit we don't really know the answer to we're if we're fragments of information that have come in the mondale ferraro forces are contending that one hamburger not blame on the press but there still play well in the end the public witness the crowd of twelve thousand associate in seattle at late last week of the regime forces reported that today how they're tracking polls are now beginning to pick up a lot of negatives on her and that they
both interviews are are a changing the guard her after she came into a situation which they almost don't know you who she was back in the public is in a process of making up its mind about our size in iraq and i think right now the native stories are starting to come through our making a difference and that's the reason you see mondale sliding down the poles was fun for improvement rate i think there's one thing and that is between now and the election settle a news conference tomorrow probably and she's going to be debating the vice president bush and the public is that a bailout of attention to geraldine ferraro and they will watch how she answers questions and how she reacts and they will make up their mind just as they watch how when somebody tries to sell a set of encyclopedias or someone tries to teach their children in school or anything else they had gone ahead and i don't know whether she's confident tell the truth and then we'll be able to see that and that's how she handles ahead and comes across it will be far more important than
stories about the preseason allowances are full of more importantly we're interpretation of press prints amish in the next year she'll owe it i think i don't believe in the press's ability to manipulate people hero would have to be dealt with and there have not been for the press can actually win the public's going to do and then there were there was one republican leader republican crack today that that now it's time for the little closer to the base the bus for the july well the water rules for latino on financial transactions well thank you both for joining us and we'll talk a little bit later and still to come tonight the republican convention judy woodruff interviews one of the gop's best known when a notable that armstrong elizabeth record energies of the delegation from kansas and ac green else's number one expert on dallas reports on dallas it's
been for republicans in dallas and elsewhere it was a good and is the day the continuing attention to the ferraro financial story being part of the reason no doubt another was some good economic news the gross national product groupon able to do nowadays seven point six percent rate but the inflation rate for the same quarter dropped to three point two percent world figures came from the commerce department in washington president reagan was away from washington today on a political speaking trip to the midwest his main message walter mondale and the democrats or jerking sunnis around calling for a tax increase was their typical knee
jerk reaction and believe me when then he jerks you get it raw but limited what the other side will do to the people they will and they declared it raise your taxes they'll put the wrong law so again they'll provide the kind of leadership that will make sure we all their shirts and feel properly despairing at again the kind of leadership that will stop growth and start talking about the age of limits you remember four years ago when they were talking we had to get used to an age of limits can be as good as they were no thank you is there optimism mr wright it will become an on
and hours until wednesday has left much of the convention center stage thus far to his vice president george bush his main competition for attention have been the heat it hit a hundred and eight degrees here yesterday as the whole world now knows and went up only to one hundred today for abortion was a day of sight on nbc's today show that he wasn't even thinking about nineteen eighty eight and telling the new york delegation at all was well for nineteen eighty four we come in to dallas with a very different mood very different mood in that democratic convention and ad we now have a chance to shift the focus to the things that are positive about our country for year you had a candidate then fine them for what you were carving each other up tearing down the reagan administration and tearing down in the process in my view the united states and now we have a chance to come out of what is a united convention emphasizing the positive accomplishments of an outstanding president and a strong administration the american people are ready for
that accent this first convention day the republicans are emphasizing women by giving key speech making assignments to united nations ambassador jeane kirkpatrick health and human services secretary margaret heckler and the keynotes marked us treasury catherine ortega it's widely assumed that showcasing republican women was to offset the effects of the democrats running a woman for vice president and the widely reported perception that was to reagan faces an electoral gender gap many republican women continue to be unhappy that the party platform again failed to support the equal rights amendment with one dissident republican woman went further today in criticizing the reagan record cathy wilson chairperson of the national women's political caucus held a news conference and predicted political repercussions in november these days the grand old party is not quite frankly very grand and republican women are finding that we had three very unappealing options we can either fight switch or treat as a lot of
all three going on this year i predict that ultimately many republican women will stay with the party but abandoned for tickets many republican women will go to the ballot booth on november sixth and security pulled the lever for the democratic side these women are not going to be outspoken critics of president reagan but they will be registering their protest with a powerful gentility they know that perhaps the only way to save the republican party is to keep it out of the white house to discuss women's issues and other matters facing the party judy woodruff was at the convention center was one of the most prominent women in the party we turn now to someone who has served in three republican administrations and armstrong was the counselor to presidents nixon and ford she was a former co chair of the republican party and ambassador to great britain from nineteen seventy six to nineteen seventy seven she's currently chair of the president's foreign intelligence advisory board is obama's armstrong let me ask you has the has that geraldine ferraro finance
issue become a grand when you fall for the republican party oh i don't think it's a windfall for anybody hour i hope it can be clear that i think it's been distracting from the issues we ought to be addressing i'd like to get on and then probably ms ferraro went to surgery i think the electorate is there is to get on with top of the economy with national security and the other things that weighed heavily i think it's very unfortunate but this has distracted isn't worried the electorate may just think there's something there we may not know about two weeks but don't you think that it that it has become a political benefit for the republicans and it to the extent that the democrats not only way i think any republican with a one advantage and i think he's made a good start today and one thing that's interested me that when this on our as you probably know i was on gerald ford's shortlist for well i
like and i was on ronald reagan's long as a vice presidential candidate and in both instances many weeks ahead they asked me for full financial statements for a complete tax returns for myself and my husband we willingly gave them and we would've been happy to have been made public and got a what i would still don't understand is since mondale was very measured and took a long time to choose his running mate and in an unprecedented fashion shows her in advance of his convention it just astounding to me that he couldn't have research this and save the electorate always wakes up or do you think he made a serious mistake in not doing that for example we heard in the news that he's saying he just had forty eight hours to look into her back well we all remember him in minnesota and he is by himself and his staff and so sure i'm taking just one bite and not to mention that we might say
do you think she's a liability based on what we know so far for him i think it's too early to say i mean it's it's just coming out and should she think about stepping down from the ticket some people would say oh i think that's totally premature out there the first information is just out it's going to be terribly complex i imagine it coming in here are talking about we heard about one year and down there and i just think yes there's certain things that that they worry me the exemption for instance that she claimed to have scarcely a single congressperson change claims saying that she had no knowledge of her husband's been a business and that she didn't benefit from a well but it is apparently a problem of thing do you what would you think happens from here
on i mean do you think that she's got to clear it up today and tomorrow or elsa or what you think about that i honestly wouldn't hazard a guess i think it's going to take time and there again i'm so sorry because i'd like to get on i think we've got a great story to tell when republicans are about the economy low inflation low unemployment now higher take home pay less government intrusion into our lives canadian more stable world and here alas this it is not what is getting talked about this is not the national debate debates worrying about what is going to be revealed by it was borrowing this is the car of tomorrow do you think that because she's the first woman in that position that she's under extra scrutiny do you think that has any part in all of this well i hope i don't think so i mean we have a male congressman in trouble not that i quite an all
but i hope that's not true but i don't put it a giant you are going to run for vice president united states or present united states the voters to make a very serious choice in november are going where no everything and they say there's on your character your voting record your integrity and maybe this'll be totally washed away but they need to we have a right to know that i did which we get it over with get out with the big issues and let me ask about the women here at the republican convention we just heard i don't know if you heard it and the cathy wilson who is the president the national women's political caucus has held a news conference today and say that she thinks many republican women this fall and i can lead the party over disagreements with the plot a letter gonna vote democratic we use it i had a few mai i think those that put a quote feminist issues first e r e three are eight years
i'm still free are a puzzle writing you that are twenty years we've become chairman of his campaign in nineteen eighty he didn't expect when they walk in lockstep with our man on other issues too so i guess that they quote used a few voters use a few women voters does that make you feel uncomfortable to that that the party that you've been associated with for so long has abandoned its historic association commitment to the er i'm not happy about it and i wish you were in our platform but the reason i and so strongly for president reagan and vice president bush is because i think the overarching issues of the rejuvenation of our economy which really helps women when anybody but because proportionally in the past they suffered more than anybody else and that of course i think he's had a consistent foreign policy that pointed towards levenstein not the leader has been accused of that but i
don't see any belligerent i think our allies know where we are when they didn't with the carter mondale and so i think this these are the big issues how representative of the delegates at this convention of republicans across the country and as you know in the profile looks pretty conservative it is now a representative of republicans i think is representative of mainstream democrats because i think their mondale ferraro ticket is far to the left of the mainstream democrat in this country and i know we have moderates republican moderates go around saying they feel like a vanishing breed i hope and believe that will be a vanishing breed we better live on the set we got the senate but i've never seen the party more united but don't let them speak out i wanted to speak out sometimes our winner but that we're going to have democrats the democrats will be the ones that really elect reagan and bush again and it just i
mean in eighty four just as they did in it you can't win with just republicans in this country but what i'm asking is you know time and again during the platform committee meeting that moderates were voted down by the conservative that's right because that is the that is the mainstream feeling of republicans but my point is it's also the mainstream feeling of most democrats in this country you think what's the language isn't the platform represents what most americans have not all of them represented everything i think the trial but i think by large at that but we need to see the excitement at this convention now what my big fight and they are might have a vibrant you are addicted are units eight is bismarck's and that less so in a party than in the country and as otto that my feeling is that what is not just the platform but what which is kind of saying are taken to live in and reagan i've been wishing
regulator of course i do but to me that's exciting because it means a country united not just a party that's comparatively minor but a country united going ahead with optimism with thomas instead of all itself feel the problem molaison blaming ourselves but everyone was sure had a lot of problems a lot of people still suffering it's not all even then it's not all fire but it sure is a lot better than it was a few years of that and he's very exciting thank you dan armstrong for being with us jim when the democrats met in san francisco each day we gave you a running view of the convention from the perspective of one state delegation arkansas all we're doing the same and ours this time the state we have chosen as kansas and without assignment as correspondent elizabeth bracket was at the dallas convention center was with robin we picked kansas because of the reagan state
and it's a state with us our tradition of support for the gop kansas gave fifty eight percent of the vote to reagan in nineteen eighty gerald ford took fifty two percent in his unsuccessful race the kansas republican party is a right to moderate senators robert dolan andy kestenbaum but even with these two influential leaders we found little resistance in the delegation to the tough positions taken by the party conservatives canvas and sixty four delegates to dallas they're unified in their support of ronald reagan but they do hold a wide range of uses of the party's future one of those delegates is cattle farmer dena copts it is the way in that matters to david capps he's the fourth generation in his family to foreigners same plot of land in central kansas just north of wichita cox knows the problems of the american farmer has faced tackling those problems like clarkson the politics and into the republican party but like many farmers in kansas and elsewhere cox question to the government's foreign policy
fifty years of government programs what we see in the past that haven't work and i think we need to have a tall re hassell well what were the new in the future and i'd like to see a farm for one thing i like to see farm programs to reflect a long term policy rather than a baby at three to four months all civil where they've taken in the past cox took his concerns to the republican platform committee last week it and felt he was heard by those crafting the party's platform so despite questions over some of the administration's foreign policies says he and other kansas farmers will have no trouble supporting reagan i belong and and i think we are the things are probably give us a worse problem right now are high interest rates on farm and public access to markets we don't have the markets we should have either domestically or or foreign markets and oh this isn't president reagan's
problem it's it's it's the problem of the whole time in the world cup this ability to separate the problems of the reagan administration and the reagan was often evident in our conversations with kansas republican kansas senator nancy kassebaum at home with her father former republican presidential candidate alf landon says support for reagan overrides even moderate republicans dissatisfaction with the conservative party platform that comcast mom says should have included support for the equal rights amendment and opposition to agree on amendments i think if we don't all agree on everything but let me say their strong support for president reagan and while i don't agree with all of the planks in the platform nor do i agree with all of president reagan's position i think a good case can be made for why it's very important to realize that kestenbaum describes the unhappiness that does exist with a conservative shift party is
taken as stemming from kansas independent political past though kansas still heavily world state has had a solid republican majority almost from the time it was admitted to the union and eighteen sixty one is a good sci fi novels needy nineties followed by the birth of populism echoes of those times as kestenbaum i still heard today in many ways it seems to me what has shaped the republican party in kansas dams from the fact that we're in the midwest the pioneer spirit and it's been abroad based individualistic her concepts we've had populism really started here one of the slogans of a woman who was active in the populist movement was raised less corn and more hell though kestenbaum told niiler reporting in black this would not be the convention for her to follow in the footsteps of those populist women this isn't the time to make the argument for me going to dallas and the convention it's simply to
say to president reagan or with europe for four more years and her maria like him and given the bruised and support the campaign the fights regarding the the philosophy of the party i think will come later when will i think before ad age state party chairman dave cullen doesn't plan to rock the boat either but on a banker from stanley kansas this is the one area where controversy is likely to occur is over platforms rock hard stance against any tax increase are like that most of us would like to say no tax increase but i also feel so strongly that we absolutely have to get the deficit under control that i am i'm willing to look at any alternative to say that we do it because long run effect of federal deficits at the rate we're live now is far more detrimental and minor tax increase it is not a stand against the
tax increase that bothers alternate delegate hampshire garden one of four blacks in the entire sixty four member delegation is much more upset about the absence of the equal rights amendment from the party's platform i am very disappointed that the republican party does not have that in their plant palm did not have it in the platform last time had it in for several years and in software to take about still garland answers the question of why a black woman supports the republican party with a question of her own why not a lot of black americans now believed that the welfare system in the past has been the best system for black americans and that's usually what you hear taught it to black americans in terms of the democratic party finally after the months of build up it was time to head for dallas' gay berlin where he is fighting kansas city on thursday more delegates from wichita on friday
thanks nina party followed another on sunday as the kansas delegation loosened up texas style of a nineteen fifties rock and roll bar just down from their hotel real business to take place on sunday is kansas delegate settle down for an evening caucus meeting and at this carefully manage convention delegates were instructed on how to answer media questions my delegation chairman talk boyd the man cannot win that argument with a long time so he suggested that the men not discuss thank you
today delegates finally uganda <unk> not businesses and maureen session but excitement was evident as the convention officially begin there was an excitement that everyone back home in kansas pleased to share client no to a larger know i've been the higher foment a republican convention <unk> ago i'd rather have a good football day but for republican delegates in dallas is leading probably just his head is a football game was a rip roaring attack on the democrats they just heard from a lifelong democrat un ambassador jeane kirkpatrick attending her first republican convention invested kirkpatrick delivered a blistering indictment of carter mondale and present democratic party foreign policy here is an excerpt but their policies were inadequate uninformed and the state they make things work of how
those who have leased some treatments for countries to poor or rich countries to poor to the united states grew weaker me the carter administration's unilateral restraint in developing and deploying weapons systems was accompanied by an unprecedented soviet build our military and political soviets working on the margins and through the loophole saw one develop missiles of stunning speed and accuracy and targeted the cities of our friends in europe they could use weapons capable of wiping out our land based missiles and then behind strong the soviet
leaders moved with boldness and still do it's like their new advantages facilities were completed in cuba during those years that the next rv at nuclear submarines the roma violence claims to fly reconnaissance missions over the eastern united states and the nfl be an electronic surveillance to monitor our telephone calls and october earlier that the ayatollah khomeini came to power in iran while and the sandinistas developed a one party dictatorship on the cuban model in the nineteen seventies january nineteen eighty six into laos cambodia afghanistan and lola ethiopia mozambique south yemen libya syria at
madagascar station nicaragua and grenade soviet forces in advisors sought to guarantee what they call the curators ability of their new found income and to stimulate insurgent even a dozen other places during this period the soviet union invaded afghanistan and again i guess i think the american people by these events we were greatly surprised to learn about diminished economic and military saying we were demoralized by that treatment of our hostages in iran and we were outraged by the harsh attacks on the united states and the united nations as a result we lost confidence in ourselves and in our government jimmy carter looked for an explanation for all these problems and body found in the american people
but the people knew that it was the people knew that jimmy carter it's been the plan in a non political news of the day at dawn to dusk curfew in waynesboro georgia has been eased the curfew was imposed saturday after a local television station reported that a black had died while in police custody that news sparked fighting fires and rock throwing incident and let her establish that the victim bodily prostration or running from the police so far thirty had been arrested in
winthrop the mayor says he thinks the worst is now over enforce the curfew back to eleven pm oversees the heaviest fighting in six week sure they remember the artillery duel between army andrews muslim militias left and some seven hours among the buildings at the presidential palace in the red sea to soviet minesweeper is enjoying the international search for the industry mines eighteen ships have been damaged by them since early july in northern ireland catholic and protestant protesters attacked police in separate incidents today was the fifth day of violence and protest over police use of informers and united nations issued a grim forecast seven million people face starvation in ethiopia a drought in that african nation has lasted more than a decade again today's top stories democratic vice presidential candidate geraldine ferraro released her and her husband's income tax return since nineteen seventy eight the couple filing separately paid about forty percent of their income to the government because of an
accounting error they owe the government twenty three thousand dollars they've sent in a check for fifty three thousand four hundred and fifty nine dollars to cover interest and penalties and in dallas it's a grand old time for the grand old party in the grand old texas state the nineteen eighty four republican convention started today with delegates party officials and the press looking to the well planned re nomination of the reagan bush ticket are closing words tonight from dallas are about nelson they're from ac green ac is known to newshour regulars as a reviewer of books but he is also the world's number one expert on doubts that what he sees as a glazed and he holds up a copy of his new book dallas usa as is pro at any rate the next word you hear will be hit us is the quintessential modern texas city proud of its texas heritage operated by the tough texas read this is what makes callas take the texans back of its success let's talk solely important figures in dallas
life brain and her grandfather today's enclosed aircondition shopping mall or senator welcome linda alice nearly twenty years ago was his first a very new experiment political poll taxes on for a major elsewhere in fact you won which are texas a background where i was wanting to open boston massachusetts and i moved to dallas in nineteen fifty and therefore eisenmann one of the oldest living texans aero the new radio conscience of dallas page from here every day for fifteen years he's been dispensing down home fixes wisdom is a little instinctively what people of dallas in texas are thinking they see understand as another texan a born in hand alberta canada and a canadian so we're running joke of the non texans here we are in the newsroom of the dallas morning news the most powerful journal in the state of texas but i was there as the most powerful man all this powerful journal he's
the editor get the news out the lone star state side world or intentionally to get his texas say well i was born because the natural level we've been asking the wrong feet in our quest for big the texans let's go over the top the man who runs that's right runs dallas holding one of the most demanding jobs in the western hemisphere how a city manager charles anderson dr anderson you're the ceo of these huge conglomerate called dallas you have the toughest job in texas and you've got a beta sharpest down the texas political same tells in what texas town were you born i find the job of the city manager dallas texas the most challenging and i can imagine in the entire united states and texas well that's imported leadership does is leaves us with one last resort
joe miller's name at a bar and then they went and alice images created every night texas myth making at its peak and here's the man who presides over the whole shooting match joe miller and so joe you had as much to do with the dallas images any man and doubts sure you're a natural born texan or you know it's a big day i did indeed the olive born and raised in kansas in iraq as owners are not really back in dallas tomorrow night i'm robert macneil the night the macneil lehrer newshour is funded by at and t reaching out in new directions the corporation for public broadcasting and the station and other public television stations
The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour
Producing Organization
NewsHour Productions
Contributing Organization
NewsHour Productions (Washington, District of Columbia)
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This episode of The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour covers the 1984 Republican National Convention. Headlining the program is the disclosure of the tax returns of Democratic Vice Presidential candidate Geraldine Ferraro, and what impact this could have on the campaign season.
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Politics and Government
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Producing Organization: NewsHour Productions
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NewsHour Productions
Identifier: ARC2N124 (Reel/Tape Number)
Format: 2 inch videotape
Generation: Dub
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Chicago: “The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour,” 1984-08-20, NewsHour Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 21, 2024,
MLA: “The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour.” 1984-08-20. NewsHour Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 21, 2024. <>.
APA: The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour. Boston, MA: NewsHour Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from