The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer

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yemen aaron good evening i'm ray suarez jim lehrer is on vacation on the newshour tonight a summary of today's news that major league baseball players said a strike that analysis of the week's news with shields and brooks political opponents set their sights on the senate majority leader and cairo and washington feud over a jail dissident major funding for the newshour with jim lehrer has been provided by diminishing resources remain and by helping
clients identify imminent risk by providing a range of indicators is in turmoil and by sb see communications this be seized nearly one hundred and ninety thousand people are proud of what they've uncovered a big company in a big responsibility and a circus basically you really need a union for major league baseball players said a strike they today august thirty players and team owners remain far apart on critical economic issues owners want a luxury tax on high payroll teams but players were opposed the last baseball strike was in nineteen ninety four it wiped out more than nine hundred games and the world series we're more on the story in just a moment a federal judge
today postponed the trial of zacarias was our week january six is the only person charged in the september eleven terrorist attacks the trial was to begin in mid october in alexandria virginia the judge said the volume and complexity of the evidence called for a delay was so is acting as his own lawyer in the case the head of the immigration and naturalization service will resign by the end of this year james ziglar made that known today in a letter to president bush he said he plans to go into the private sector saying we took the eye and his job just a month for september eleventh his agency came under heavy criticism after disclosures that fifteen of the hijackers were in the us illegally on travel visas the flooded elbow river hit a record high in dresden germany and kept rising thousands more were ordered to flee their homes we have a report now from dirty rotten of independent television to people in central district later this afternoon as the elder continue to rise
well over the last week west since records began still a thousand buildings are being lauded need a disability services we are waiting for all the leaving the house said because we have no electric energy and the water and we can't sustain hear her airway on the local community is about three or four miles upstream from the president didn't see the main drag here the river itself though the elbow propped up is political turmoil over to my right a little houses right
right things we need he didn't disappoint it's beautiful the royal square overnight fire fighters gave up the unequal struggle against native to pump water out of the basement people browse and exclusions wing of hours the underground chambers of the lab that like under the square one of europe's most precious art collections four thousand of those threatened pictures were brought up above the surface the safety interest and great cultural rescue operation prices almost as having these things that an upstairs galleries susan warriors as corporatist or if you're really lucky cause then the
writers made the right decision in the times was a huge grazing allotment we would take everything for you junk this kind of catastrophe at all as a kind of euphoric situation you'd hardly know i mean it's like today edmonds believe the prime minister of a very involved in with his concern and sympathy the elbows expected to crest at dresden tomorrow as the flood tide heads toward the north's a german city still in its path are bracing for trouble as well to the south the czech capital prague has been cleaning up but officials warned today that proceeding water from the vault of a river could undermine buildings and streets in the historic city center the government of zimbabwe began moving today against white farmers who refuse to leave their land authorities in the african nation charge seven people and detained at least twenty seven others nearly three thousand whites have been ordered off their farms as part of a plan to
redistribute land to blacks settlers most of the farmers defied the order the land seizures have contributed to growing food shortages in zimbabwe thousands of elvis presley fans mocked the twenty fifth anniversary of his death today starting last night they waited hours in the rain presley's graceland estate in memphis many like amundson left flowers in his memory they come from around the country and around the world i've said before i'll say it again as a man that we are never met brought all of us together in elvis's woodstock of that is you know a lot of vinegar so weakened weakening out a long list isn't great music and they get wet he was a unique one of a kind elvis presley died of heart failure in august sixteenth nineteen seventy seven
he was forty two years old that's it for the news summary tonight now it's on to a possible baseball strike shields and brooks bashing basho and an egyptian american few oh yeah hot oh negotiations between major league baseball team owners and the players union have failed to make progress toward a new agreement this afternoon the executive committee of the major league baseball players association voted fifty seven to nothing to set august thirtieth as a strike that at law at the nih players are to strike me at the talks with the owners of the key issue of luxury premium high spending more club owners wanted things with a row of seating hundred and two
million dollars to pay fifty percent of the fuel it's a small market and willie you all know that there's five or six years there has been an unbelievable increase in the salary levels of individual glover pay not to individual players although that is a case also but in that are well to these clubs or pay daily for their crop about a lawyer we believe it's five the get the this spiraling they roll situation under shawn control but remember nobody is obliged to stay within that one hundred billion dollars but the players' union said the tax combined with revenue sharing would put a salary cap on what the players could earn sports generates about three and a half billion dollars a year in revenues player said they still hold to voice hi there was a serious frankly the strength it is just be the negotiations and all humans used to
have they felt apparently that that day edition of the strike they would create more pressure on that honesty i don't think we feel a lot different today than we felt yesterday always like to get an agreement we feel it's important in agreement absolutely as quickly as possible but armed you know in terms of our own thinking i think pretty much the same place today as we were yesterday lastly plays last night in nineteen ninety four led to the cancellation of the world series for the first time in nearly a century today's news media requests ration by many leading president bush used to be the managing general partner of the texas rangers the baseball owners and the baseball players must understand that if there is a stoppage were subject to a lot of
fans and the furious and i want people to get together they make every citizen not reaching record is bad for them not terrifically they need to keep working many fans agree not to watch too much outside the players' lawyers are making money is going to be alive somewhere and even as both sides seem firmly set position today or seemed to agree the strike could jeopardize the future isn't widely called america's national pastime and then in order germany may
lose revenues or that huge glove might suffer financial injury because of the strike but that works both ways a player shoot also must consider the lego on strike they're going to lose the compensation that they each earn enjoy for playing today i would say to me that both sides have a strong economic incentive to get this worked out and what options strike it the unions seven hundred that the players than to lose about seventeen percent of their salary walken who began a week and to the analysis of the week's news with shields and brooks there with terrance lee that's syndicated columnist mark shields and david brooks of the weekly standard gentlemen welcome all resist temptation ask about baseball in the strike instead the president's economic forum then we started the week with
two hundred and forty people down and have baylor university in texas a lot of serious talk about the economy one cup not much that one a nice things about this administration is that their really terrible and cynical empty gestures eye and this was in effect at that it was like trying to get the president in public it's in our economic boom blues influence everything would be okay and there was really very little substance is designed to make the president appear like a maureen dowd stereotype of him as someone who's not intellectually curious about who had the idea of george bush colloquium symposium were all together and it all worked you just didn't wear if there was one bright light out of it is that charles schwab anxious and substance the idea which was what we need to do is eliminate the double taxation on dividends because one of the probably have in this country is that stocks people now buy stocks hoping the price of oil instead of to get that evidence and that forces companies to say the fight their stock year after year were three
quarter and that's a lot of drama with our best looking into that was a little kernel of substance and that's you know green berets and embarrassing ah i think it rose to the level of a campaign photo editor really make any david's right now because too harsh i'm at an advance work on the bush campaigns president apart less likely that they'll you know very serious is known as the elevators i didn't think you wanted you know wannabe masters ewan pearson anyway but at new emerging consensus i got out of the story was that the first of all we have less government regulation and for the tax cuts now there's a problem it's it's it's it's not only counterintuitive says the september eleventh and with that corporate jet criminality anything americans for a more activist more regulating government i do in terms of their political security the national security and also in their economic security as far as tax cuts are concerned i mean alan greenspan there was on record they're pointing out there are up in capitol hill
then late july that there are payment on the deficit that's what we have to pay each year of service that the debt would be the national debt has gone from seven hundred billion left in the bush administration to get to one point eight trillion now i saw the you know the idea more tax cuts at a time i think this'll charles schwab i would point out interesting idea he was laying off four hundred employees very day of the aca has shrunk by david if there was a headline out of it was that the president said he promised that he would veto some five billion dollars in emergency spending that is headed for his desk well it's a normal it's a bit like they're trying to bail out the titanic with a thimble because we're in the midst of one of greater spending periods in american history george bush's administration george w bush's administration is spending domestic money faster than clinton faster than bush senior bush the elder guest
integrating you have to go back to the ford administration to find a time when domestic spending has risen so vets that's not including defense spending that's not including the prescription drug plan that's about the past it's not just pushes for fiscal discipline has just disappeared in the past year to ambushes file its sites make some effort to rein in but it's a pretty small his political resonance to the political resonance i can i think david's right it's a small symbol it's probably not terribly important i carry when he signed a one hundred and thirty eight billion dollar farm bill and then the five billion dollars expansion which will eventually be appropriate because it involves things like a tennis court of chemical of deposits under the mall in washington dc at the smithsonian said that has to be done in your league that you know those are in the present condition i'm standing on a terrorist so wild an awful lot of spending in that i they had one actually begun that bill that was supposed to send a message is its sale of some restraint on spending what is he have to do to be
credible beyond that there are republicans who want to be the things i want to be you know it's not some agricultural some appropriations mother just to send a message to say enough is enough it's actually not clear what he's was to veto but that there is this crime and republicans feel something leaders of enthusiasm bigger than anything is a spinning an issue politically up or as another job it's interesting carrie at the consensus actually emerged in both parties in the nineties on on fiscal discipline and and and it's gone i be once once so we've we've added advantage of that experience of the of the surplus and president bush's tax cuts has accelerated and spending goes on a pace i don't think i i i don't think there is a political resonance to it right now there may not be much dissent david at the economic forum expressed but there weren't has been beset expressed among some leading republicans more of them this week including brent scowcroft
former national security advisor under the first president bush i'm about administration five years of using force to remove saddam hussein is this gathering together this time to send it in any sort of critical mass i think there is a call lesson opponents who say the bush administration and it and its within the republican party so far the republican party's divided to reaganites were for doing it because they believe in a moral pro democratic and the realists are scowcroft is a leading realist the realistic for multimedia managers who think that foreign policy should be conducted by professionals not for moral reasons with great emphasis on stability says poker for example is against ousting the taliban would be destabilizing using again sending troops to get rid of milosevic in yugoslavia he was against ukrainians in the baltics that states are like the soviet union who left ancient history winds in the foreigners trish and he was for blocking alexander solzhenitsyn for four visiting the white house because i'm upset the people running the gulags he is someone quits
great emphasis on stability so it's no surprise he's against regime change iraq but the fact that he's a strategic thinker the fact that it went public now makes you think there's this opposition growing among the scowcroft people recalling how people york times editors and the wild card in this and george bush sr who scowcroft is very close to it and what's hearsay the junior high that was for the gossip in washington is you know suggesting that seniors david brent scowcroft gotten as thousands of it i don't know what happened to him and he could just belittle your mayor of grousing in scowcroft went off but the air and said this is the court's opinion as well so i'm not sure what really started it it enters the market of course is not the only voice among leading republican nominee isn't and i think in paris brent scowcroft was quite reluctant and his party's turn down interview after interview after interview and korean request even though it was general knowledge
that the eighties were his feelings alexander ivanov bases last betrayal after of face the nation interview actually going public was i think it's important that i would make the same autonomy david as between the way the knots in the air and an internationalist above the law the realist or i think that it's interesting these people are real republicans they are internationalist many of them who raises an image chuck hagle senator from nebraska whether it's a jack kemp hi leah former vice presidential candidate economy i think is a lot different and it's never been accused of the internet was but as senator dick lugar has expressed reservations as well i think it's impossible to argue that the case has not been made i think eight and the administration has yet to make the case they set out grey buys a kind of a divisive bbc interview but carrie this is a case of that be made by the president launch what sparked the general who led the persian
gulf invasion said it takes no courage toward men into battle it takes great courage to go into battle and i think that what's interesting as a one side you do have people who have i have known the agony and the pain and then the loss of a battle i weathered colin powell whether it's become a good uses deputy our brent scowcroft to wear the uniform of this country is an air force general and on the other side they're absent the president's own intervention his own advocacy there are a lot of people who haven't i mean who played this as sort of a cold war years and i've talked about it be an anarchist a piece of paper or whatever also i think it means a lot to debate which is important for the country and it's important for the president i think it's most important for national decision that involves the spilling of blood and the expenditure of a distinction that people afford to want to do it and john mccain suffer in the war has a very strong supporter of going to rock there's people on both sides who fought and suffered in time for to meet a striking thing about the
scowcroft piece is how we here commits are on that side scowcroft argues that we should wait we deftly know saddam hussein has nuclear weapons a before we were before we tried postum bottle we know is a bit after he destroys washington or new york i said we should give them arms inspectors one more chance but come on it's been ten years actually distributing of the scope of the weakness but the argument goes on bright as a landing larry eagleburger and the ideas that i don't wait on the honor of opposition puts an enormous burden on the president to make the case which he has yet to make okay gentlemen thank you well still to come on the newshour tonight opponents pounced on national and a clash between us and egypt but first this is pledge week on public television when taking short break now so your public television station can ask for your support that support helps keep programs like ours on the air
as for those stations not taking a pledge break the newshour continues now with president bush's response to reporters' questions today about saddam hussein treasury secretary o'neill and the president's recent economic summit president not all republicans and sold on your intention to deal with dictators investor and people who are you going to do to make that case more persuasively are you consulting with him and what is your obligation of giving approval of consultation with congress got very sick that question first minute whether the person very intelligent people were expressing their opinions about saddam hussein iraqi listen carefully what they have to say there should be no doubt in anybody's mind this man pounding his nose at the world a
previous guests his own people is the trouble in his neighborhood he desires weapons of mass destruction fbi we use all the latest intelligence to make informed decisions about how best to keep the world ed piece how best to defend freedom for the long run we'll continue to consult with a healthy debate for people who express opinions people should be allowed to express or you know i'll be making up my mind based upon the latest intelligence and how best to federal contract was our friends and allies thank you
on male as a unified job of secretary treasury would probably make a statement saying it's fine to be refreshingly candid i appreciate the man of great experience he and i share an optimism about our country's future so based upon fact interest rates are low inflation is low productivity so we got work to do you know i started the process a breeze and fiscal discipline to washington part of the year involves recess i meant what i said in a radio address today talking about fiscal discipline so the overspending doesn't serve as an anchor on economic growth finally believe that thirty trade bill i got is going to help create jobs or not know even the terrorism insurance package so that we can get that many of the construction workers working
through some things we need to do research and i share a basic optimistic about our future isn't as warm most important new thing you learn and its reserve near the top of your list based on suggestions or abuse that you were there a michael i am going to analyzing think about some suggestions so that when i announced them to be well thought out to be a part of a long term plan but there are some interesting ideas in losses losses so great year for one k contribution limits there's certainly a very strong sentiment
we come here to cry small business person feels in the primary president bush speaking today from his ranch in crawford texas as it was the late house speaker thomas tip o'neill who once said all politics are local at home in south dakota senator tom daschle might argue with that kwame home and reports and that'll set aside two weeks this month
to do what he often does during congressional breaks he drives around south dakota to talk informally with his own state usually enjoyed being in he's continued to come here frequently even after becoming senate majority leader and therefore the nation's top elected democrat more than a year in a reception vessel gets here is far from a rising to accompany a criticism he's had to face from republican leaders back and watch the senate's top republican trent lott used to relieve back in the spring to target that show charging he was using the majority leader's power to dictate the senate's agenda we have a serious problem with legislation being lost that leaves the
house and the senate so we thought that the best thing to do would be to bring in the bloodhounds and see that the tracking down south carolina's republicans accuse special of ignoring new tax cuts and dozens of other measures passed by the republican controlled house basically we have a number of areas where we have a crisis it in action but an incorrect action and president bush joined in the criticism please when we sat down with senator devil insult ago in may he was offering no apologies and apologize to anybody for stopping bad ideas from becoming bad law where the only thing standing between with the right wing wants to do and what becomes law so we are in a sense americans breaks and i think america needs brakes a time but being back home in south dakota does not provide a refuge for dashiell from political attack
during our visit tom vessel was the subject of play as all radios friday afternoon call in show broadcasting on this day at the opening of a new liquor store in st paul special represents a constituency that doesn't represent the makeup the demographic of south dakota if you look at what he said look the way nationally on that the concern i have and that that's not how the republican field however since vessels ascendance to the rank of senate majority leader more and more of the attacks on him are being generated from outside south dakota for instance a group identified by the rallying cry right back south dakota sponsors a web site that's all about war but donations to the group are directed to a mailing address in columbus ohio and early last spring washington based conservative groups began sponsoring an anti death toll multimedia ad campaign narrative
design audie president bush's leading the bipartisan white or lower taxes and more jobs in this time of national emergency one man stands in the way the groups sponsoring the ads included the club for growth and national right to life and the family research council's like republican leaders they to blame to dash or for holding up anti cloning legislation the president's judicial nominees and other gop parties that so called the attacks on him and president in particular since he's not even up for re election until two thousand what's new is that i've never had an in non campaign context the kind of negative ads directed towards me so well obviously something different as has occurred and now i'll will learn to sort out what it is some of those others including a group of former democratic senators and
aids to former president clinton which calls itself special democrats the groups responded to the attacks on bashful on the web and over the air and called on president bush to intercede the out of state special interest to stop the attacks do you feel that both the white house and the republican strategists that encourages christians i suspect that they probably have i don't have any direct information that they would confirm it but they have to believe that there is some orchestrated effort this has never happened before and so i can imagine that that that there isn't some motivation there that they have that goes to their agenda and that whatever goals they have politically but back in washington dc david keating says his club for growth was responsible for
most of the anti battle ads in south dakota with no encouragement from the white house want to keep tom bashful off balance at home and hopefully do a couple of other things one is discouraged him from running for president and to we hope that eventually someone strong in the state of south dakota force to challenge him when he runs for reelection in two thousand for change there are more registered read that's forty eight to thirty but this summer the top among the gop faithful isn't about tom daschle there more excited about the prospect of republican congressman john thune taking away the state's other senate seat from democrat tim johnson on election day in november state republican chairman joe rosenthal regrets sell dakota's many conservatives are more focused on south dakota's probably don't understand how liberal that is i don't think they like using a portable relationship built up over almost twenty five years with many people hearing people when they're
when i speak with people and explain the china positions that senator daschle as they can scratch their heads and wonder how he's doing at the pierce all us sioux falls lawyer who has supported tom daschle for years says the ad campaign attacking him might have rubbed south dakotans the wrong way or as you will we don't engage in one to one combat here we drive phrase things nicely we tried to be considerate and their appointed rounds barely gently so when the ads come on and they're very strong attack ads and so people were kept in there going on i don't get that i don't necessarily understand that that isn't the way we raised that says that that the while they in fact a recent poll asked south dakotans their reaction to the charge special as an obstructionist of the republican agenda it was conducted by artist ida college political science professor jim leader we asked that exact question do you agree with those people who say the time battle is at an obstructionist and about one third thirty six percent
agreed with that but some have disagreed so the message didn't seem to be playing is as strongly in my mind is that some of the people from washington dc might be thinking the club for growth david keating disagree that his group's anti vessel as were ineffective the fact is people all the time say they don't like negative ads but you look at the polls and they seem to take them into account as to how they will vote we're today to issue a first semester progress report on the senate democratic party and now they're performing and doing the people's work right up to the day congress closed shop for the august recess senate republicans kept up their criticism of tom daschle pennsylvania rick santorum review the cassells report card one of the reasons we have some incomplete because i'm casual as basically trying to reengineer of the senate's top three months i just chewed up there in the nine states
senate for no reason other than standard actual want to advance a partisan agenda which you could not accomplish by going to his committee's things that hold before he left for the break issued a progress report on his own corporate accountability generic drug bill re importation the supplemental appropriations bill and the hsa the aids legislation i would argue it may be one of the most successful and productive sessions of congress we've had a long creative time seeing or hearing from the washington based conservative group david keating for one said he decided to pull ads off the air at least for the duration of the summer special however expect them to return fun portion i think you are beginning to see just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to these these groups and their activities i think that it
is possible impact fact may even be likely that these independent groups are going to have more money with more freedom and more incentive to get engaged in campaigns around the country whether or not at a us senator or congressman's a pro action one to prove that show will be back at work in washington does that the labor day ready to take on his critics once again alan the jailing of an egyptian academic an activist has provoked a sharp response from the bush administration us official said yesterday the united states will stop new aid to egypt as a protest against the seven year jail term handed down last month against democracy activist side adding ibrahim the us decision was denounced by the egyptian government which said it would not about the foreign pressure abraham has joint egyptian and us citizenship and his wife is american
indians accused of the fame in egypt and misusing money from the european union yesterday the state department voiced its concerns both about abraham and political freedom in egypt we do not feel that these results are we've met here was i mentioned including today we met in cairo with senior egyptian officials to convey our continuing concern regarding the verdict in that case and serious questions it raises regarding our progress toward greater political freedom in egypt and we follow the case very closely with press are concerns with egyptian authorities and the hope of seeing that labor and police for more on side a dinghy brain the impact his case is having in the arab world and on us egyptian relations we get two perspectives muhammad while he is a retired egyptian diplomat and is now columnist for almost all our magazine and we hope to be joined momentarily by far was judge is a professor of middle eastern studies at sarah lawrence college his most recent the
islamic state in the west ideology versus pragmatism will come out this fall we invited the egyptian embassy to appear on this segment what they declined hundred watt be tell us a little bit about saad ibrahim what should americans know about it but at one of the most well known socially used in that way respected but he'll also give into making very controversial statements he's fallen below almost unwinding on himself as some problems but having said that the portion of pulled the t is one of the most respected if not the most respected society is getting out and that it would not only each and so you're talking about his record as an academic what about his work being outspoken about the state of democracy in egypt would his reputation a carry to other places in the middle east in the arabic speaking world i think
so it as i said he's widely respected everywhere and that it would also light that way do you know in that way but the problem as it's said is it the house that house and the dean went about their birthdays bullying his way he has of course is that there's a very good think tank in egypt but it has also that invited as the money from other groups and from other governors addition about a broad problem in that he has gone for the dea has broken a second lol in egypt which she speculates that any individual all of the amazing agent and receiving money from any organisation about all this money should be brought it to the competent authority how much hear that scene for what that was it would be used and that has built the movies and you know this has been a mole now the united states
you know this law was actually probably get it because oh there is activities in egypt you know egypt was exposed that there isn't much they are then the lines of his face and then therefore the school was legislated in order to make sure that there would be no one vermont's it would use money in all of the land that they can use and carry out from their artistic activity so before abraham lost his court case and was jailed was the united states or long pressuring egypt not to send them to jail that that is that also and my view of the tactic has adopted is gone for a productive from the beginning to get used to issue but is that he says from the embassy in payroll at london and what it is of denouncing the bill or the government has been doing and this has already provoked not only the government but as possible even people on the street and that says that no one would like acclaimed pilot with the theater in its leadership but also we should not forget the
politics the puppets in which the deficit has been doing this it's extremely dangerous and i think that they look at and that avoids the political police to stand on end up the color because then on there but the policy is that the conflict as well as what it has been in so than it has reached an agreement with sudan and the dvd the sudden that invitation moment without consulting east without him being in the picture that but also it is also the bad there and then like that if it is so educated about the human rights of one individually whether maybe twenty maybe lettuce it is not as efficient at all about the violation of human interest of human rights often evening and people in palestine have not heard anything about this you know you have noted welles it bring him also as the key
aspect of that he's a us citizen and a dual national which complicates his case a little bit fall as judges to welcome to the program was the public nature of the pressure from the united states and egypt a complicating the side in case for egypt well actually they're the bush and initially the bush administration's said very little about the new sentencing of the regime but of course the administration came into gaza that will preface by human rights organizations and of course leading editorials in us and major us newspapers including the washington post and the new york times to use this record at booth was egypt to change its decision i think finally what the administration has bombed is doing the bass so what i call a middle way approach at pleasing critics of egypt here in the united states ba in major relationship with a strategic ally in the arab
world so instead of using the threat at reducing or stopping the nearly two billion dollars in e to bed at washington provides the cairo it's as this and we will warn you we will not provide you was an event then you ate as almost one hundred fifty million dollars requested by egypt and you are the master of nine eleven so i think yes the administration is a lack of the difficulties of applying pressure on egypt and this is why it has the thing that i pursued a middle that way approach too bad basically at these those critics of egypt and met doing benefits that egypt relations with a key ally in yeah well so sounds like you're saying this was halfway measures all the way around that they came late to the issue and then i only joined on it in order to appease domestic critics in the united states absolutely absolutely because initially as it sat the administration set very little about these sentencing at advocate that that are running and the critical question here is the following
there's been used that undertaking by the bush administration be present i think a fundamental shift in its approach to the question of promotion of human rights and democracy in the average east visit signal a new al anas of the need to promote what advance the rule of law and dress pant institutions for strategic not practical reasons let's remember here that that ibrahim is not the only political prisoners represented in egypt that's our zones of political prisoners in egypt and how that country is and in fact most of the night as gob allies had little respect for human rights and in fact repress political position and in fact this political repression and to create what i call that uses rigid political parties which tend to be exploited by militant elements of it was a latte and there was some of it not as variety one would hope here one would hope of the unites states replace who's a close since then because since then and
convincing a policy the bond is not just the american critics of egypt but also the bomb has its critics in the arab world that it's really pursues at the ad bosman the rule of law and respect for human rights as an alternative as rainwater an alternative to militarism and will forte in his and in the arab world what muhammad while they have you answer professor jerry uses question does this signal a change in america's attitude toward political prisoners in the arab world i wish you could be a change for everyone in the middle east not only to be targeting the lead for one person and forget about what is happening in the middle and an end and arizona i mean that is what the divide all of the apps that is only one that actually receive is this the end of which is salt rather than in this case which is the making of that would be admitting there's also another thing is it has had had quite a number of citizens here or buildup in prisons without the
charges without naming the medical having to lawyer or awkward of acting any title of of defense you mean in the media ever a lack of that benefit know had he had come out publicly criticizing the benefits of doing that they're also there is that there this is also have ordered him to have some humor as some human rights they mention but it is always trying to deal with them and that is faith in a diplomatic in the kitchen the government putting out and money in the waters between the two companies that back in the distance but you have not only one person you have so many people there was also spoken about the thousands of egyptians are in prison or they've always they are just like the undercover boss of people who are imprisoned by the mccoys it's ok voices there maddox would not unfortunately it seems to me that every time there is a basic domestic situation we also i mean all was that intellectual isn't public commentators in opinion makers that
we focus on the question of the arab israeli conflict and that this particular bloody conflict as the only in the mud in the wallet that the toll has also that what i call the consolidation of your thought they had stayed in the arab world at the end of the day at the end of the day the question of ibrahim is a domestic question and it has to be in the beltway is at in terms of what does it really mean for democracy and human rights in the arab world at almost every single mathias thing countries as a mission that i basically mistreats its people and oil prices back and depresses political opposition let's remember here that there probably is not bearable ibrahim is not a revolutionary throughout the nineteen eighties and nineteen nineties active runyon had a very close relationship with him a lot of government and in fact the first family it was the sunni yet at these are guys are like again i mean you know that's me come out and say you know that's
the effect it rains misfortune is spun from the fact that they did not do you recognize of researchers don't adequately or that there's a greater were outside he was alive with anyone at again the major developments of the day the union for major league baseball players at a strike date of august thirtieth a federal judge postponed the trial of zacarias was sally is the only person charged in september eleventh attacks and the elbow river hit a record high in dresden germany and kept rising thousands more were ordered to flee their homes a reminder that washington we can be seen on most pbs stations later this evening will see you online and again here monday evening of a good weekend and ray suarez thanks and goodnight major funding for the newshour with jim lehrer
has been provided by china and a long time and by sb see communications this be seized nearly one hundred and ninety thousand people are proud of what they've made and how they've made a big company in a big responsibility and surface in this music and by helping clients identify imminent risk by providing a range of independent risk consulting services including internal audit like anything the plan it's b to bridges video cassettes of the news
hour with jim lehrer call one eight six six six seven eight news well well it's b and now the last of the greatest generation the world war two he was would you like to talk about history and that i think right now they're stories inspired a new generation a little bit of that fb the pope
from our nation's capital washington week and
now when i wrote this week that melody was corporate ceo's the president's economic team the candidates who didn't last the ios nine on the dotted line that they're all aligned on in his late and the president rallies the fact that they feel in waco that world what is that now we
know a lot and it's nice corporate funding for these programs provided by spca communications are committed to providing americans more choices and high speed internet access and working toward and opportunities in broadband technology as providers have their spca communications i'm just saying talent show and by the population that this program was also made by contributions to a pbs station the viewers like you hear again as
moderator when i flew good evening washington is in the grip of a heat wave this week but we aren't the only ones way corporate executives began grappling with the fallout of the accountability scandal that has rocked washington and wall street they actually had to vouch for their own balance sheet which wouldn't sound so shocking and not for the backdrop shaky consumer confidence and uncertain economic numbers all around the treasury secretary paul o'neill doesn't sound uncertain at all i think the positive side and i think they knew that we were going to go at the end of the year with a respectable growth rate and three percent range he says three percent range that they were we to make of all this well it's hard to guess right now but i think there's a lot of crime
- Series
- The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer
- Producing Organization
- NewsHour Productions
- Contributing Organization
- NewsHour Productions (Washington, District of Columbia)
- cpb-aacip/507-222r49gr69
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip/507-222r49gr69).
- Description
- Episode Description
- Date
- 2002-08-16
- Asset type
- Episode
- Topics
- Social Issues
- Global Affairs
- Film and Television
- Environment
- Sports
- War and Conflict
- Energy
- Weather
- Politics and Government
- Rights
- Copyright NewsHour Productions, LLC. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Public License (
- Media type
- Moving Image
- Duration
- 01:05:02
- Credits
Producing Organization: NewsHour Productions
- AAPB Contributor Holdings
NewsHour Productions
Identifier: NH-7398 (NH Show Code)
Format: Betacam: SP
Generation: Preservation
Duration: 01:00:00;00
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
- Citations
- Chicago: “The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer,” 2002-08-16, NewsHour Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed March 12, 2025,
- MLA: “The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer.” 2002-08-16. NewsHour Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. March 12, 2025. <>.
- APA: The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer. Boston, MA: NewsHour Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from