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ms ba pa good evening late in the nose this wednesday the government said many urban areas still have on clean air newt gingrich won the number two republican leadership job in the house and us diplomats met again with below that shows intonation led the details in our new summer in a moment charlayne hunter gault is in new york tonight after the news summary we go first to a documentary on what eastern airlines hopes to gain from bankruptcy then a newsmaker interview with the new minority whip congressman gingrich and finally we joined the debate over the term african american with the urban coalitions ramona eleven the wall street journal's leon wynter businessman jay bruce who allan and kwame to re of all african people's revolutionary party so everything
everything everything additional funding is provided by the john d and catherine t macarthur foundation a catalyst for change and the station and other public television stations and the corporation for public broadcasting the environmental protection agency issued its annual clean air report today the agency said ozone and carbon monoxide problems continued in the major cities and some one hundred million americans breathing air that does not meet epa standards but the report said the general quality of the air has continued to improve over the past ten years the good news is his land the lead his way down nine nine percent now over over a period of the tenure groups have taken the lead out of gasoline crime and i think that agreement is a story of progress for making uncommon oxide is in fact it's a story i think the others are all right but not to nigeria's most successful i think goes on back has been born
of terrible time today its going back up again something that we don't like to sing the house health and environment subcommittee today also released epa date on the emission of talks and pollutants into the air subcommittee chairman henry waxman said the data justified moving ahead on new legislation aimed at controlling such emissions by industrial plants trying supporters of house legislation to raise the minimum wage or their target to four dollars and fifty five cents an hour today the move came as president bush declared he had the votes to sustain a veto show the congress go above four dollars and twenty five cents the democratic sponsors also agreed to is the minimum wage for new hires during a sixty day training period that's far short of the six months demanded by the president debate on the issue got underway today the jobs that will depart in the base of the minimum wage increase will be those of the youngest police guild and the most disadvantaged the better awful benefit at the expense of the warsaw i've
asked employers what they'll do if he increases past the response has been universal raised prices and reduced that hurt my colleagues talk about what this means to you ruth i would just like to say to my colleagues on that side of the aisle that if i thought for one second that this was going to jeopardize jobs and take jobs away from young people i would definitely vote against that these arguments have always been the same the same arguments time and time again against minimum wage the serious aspect of the minimum wage is that districts like mine the minimum wage is the maximum wage and people supporting families on a minimum wage as we know it today thanks to a whistleblower the irs is changing some of its ways this afternoon the agency said it was changing its policy of not notifying people over pay their taxes the agency made a decision after an irs employee publicly disclose that the tax agency ordered its workers not to inform taxpayers who had
overpaid the irs said those who have been victimized by the policy as long as three years ago would be told how they could apply for refunds newt gingrich was elected the republican house whip today the outspoken georgia congressman defeated edward madigan of illinois for their parties' number two leadership post in the house the vote of gop house members was a close at seven to eighty five gingrich is a staunch conservative known for his confrontational attacks on house speaker jim wright and other democrats after the election house republican leader bob michel said gingrich symbolized a new attitude among the republicans there's such a frustration on our side at getting mired down in a minority a panel of eighty votes or more that there are any number of people who would say that bob built we have to just change something let's do something you know and a dramatic band and knew no question about during his tenure in the
congress has been an activist an and i guess there's there's certainly a time for activists with people right automatically when every vote we ask for the right to have every vote and as the alternative party in this house we deserve for respect and we deserve to be treated on a professional basis as peers a reminder we will be talking to congressman gingrich out of the most somber president bush left washington again today to deliver his anti drug message first he went to lancaster pennsylvania where he spoke to more than twenty thousand high school students and parents about the importance of those interviews and he addressed police officers in wilmington delaware about drug enforcement i want increased prison sentences for drug related crimes and the crime
and gas and yes the death penalty for drug kingpins and those who commit these drug related murders we owe our police officers nothing less than that foresman front the us today indicted an associate of the hamas prime minister on drug trafficking charges every bannister is the chairman of the hama world airlines he's charged with taking bribes from members of colombia's netting drug cartel so the cartel can send drug shipments through the bahamas twenty nine other needs were named ian bagg in the indictments including some members of the colombian cartel the us said it will seek extradition the trident two missile program or go it on schedule a navy spokesman said the day yesterday its first test launch from a summer summer an imminent failure the missile one out of control and self destructed just four seconds into flight the navy spokesman said they hoped to find and fix the problem in time for the next planned test firing in
april that it expects that the trident uses them fully operational by the end of this year in tunis today the united states urged the palestine liberation organization to take practical steps to ease unrest in the israeli occupied territories it was the second leading for both sides and the first since the bush administration took office the leader of the palestinian delegation responded in a statement citing israeli occupation and repressive measures there as the causes of the violence after the four and a half hour meeting us ambassador robert tells rowe characterized the meeting as a part of a new dynamic in the middle east that's a news summary still ahead behind the bankruptcy of eastern airlines new republican leader gingrich and the debate over the term african american first tonight an update on eastern airlines it was midnight on
march third win each and machinist union joined by it pilots went out on strike they're still there with the rules of the game and some of the players involved change dramatically when eastern declare chapter eleven bankruptcy on march ninth today the company's major creditors gathered for the first time since then the opening round of legal proceedings that will determine much of eastern state correspondent tom bearden examines the strategies and the stakes in the latest turn of events helena new battlefront in a bit or three year long war the enemy's tough cost conscious eastern airlines and the stubborn aggressive unions for the pilots and mechanics they've been fighting the war at the airport in the press congressional hearing rooms and now on picket lines but less than a week after the machinists union went on strike and the pilots refuse to cross the picket lines management move to what it sees as the battlefield of last resort we have to face in the final four year new york for protection under the
bankruptcy laws the ornate old customs courthouse in manhattan is a strange place for labor to be battling managed bankruptcy courts were created to be a place where doubters could work out their problems with creditors still the process gives management some advantages the bankruptcy process clearly buys us some time and that's why we want and go into bankruptcy you chose that course eastern games time because it doesn't have to pay its creditors while it reorganizes before the strike began be aligned with bleeding cash at the rate of four million dollars the dead fell they can conserve cash to rebuild shifting the battleground also removes the commanders in chief at least partially while they're in bankruptcy and the decisions by banks and his boss eastern ceo frank lorenzo must be ratified by the court even though management chose the battlefield labor gain some advantages to the pilots union lawyer bruce simon says their strategy is to ask the court to remove the current management entirely and place eastern in the hands of a
trustee keep in mind that what we're asking for is an independent trustee were not looking for union control from fully control were looking for the bankruptcy court to exercise its power to make sure that that the workers but that all of the creditor another constituencies the ticket holders the flyers get safe adequate and for transportation they hope to prove lorenzo's business structure is a cover for fraudulent activities as structures complex but not particularly unusual in the airline business eastern is an operating company it flies planes it's owned by a holding company that says air which also owns another airlock continental taxes air itself is controlled by still another holding company called jett capital corp and frank lorenzo controls judd capital the unions accuse lorenzo of shuffling the pieces of his empire around illegally for personal profit they believe if they can prove that they can convince the bankruptcy judge to remove the management and put a trustee in charge they're already convinced some pretty
powerful politicians that yard over here that jar gives you a good example of what we're talking about that it illustrates once such baseball why lorenz those how severe or your journal lorenzo was able to buy a huge loss stan getz the airline entities last gleaming millions of dollars that they're holding companies the rules these characters they are he's reserving one of its subsidiaries of this whole maze and what has been occurring as the money has been we are from the subsidiaries to the parent corporation the unions say eastern was loaning continental money at below market rates all at the same time selling off assets to meet a critical need for cash example taxes air tried to buy eastern's only profitable unit these tow shuttle for two hundred
twenty five million dollars the union said it was worth a lot more a delay the sale in federal court and the deal fell through but the most graphic example is this the system one computer travel agents pulled tens of thousands of reservations on it every day it's more than just a storage device that can actually help sell more tickets when thousands of travel agents have easy access to it through terminals in their offices eastern created system one but last year sold at the texas air for one hundred million dollars lake says texas aired in eastern a favor by subsequently spending tens of billions to upgrade the system increasing its market share the system on transaction is straight at eastern airlines we sold system one end of time the eastern and everybody recognized did not have the financial resources to continue to build the system the system was going to diana by carol coopersmith is an accountant who analyzed the deal for the pilots union the strands system once held to the texas or subsidiary was for one hundred million dollars to
lorenzo said we did once all system one priest and desperately require cash now and we believe the one hundred million dollars was inadequate but in fact used to receive no catch what they received was a note do in the year two thousand and twelve twenty five years hence in terms of the final victory what was the deal that unusual or unfair big says no united sold its reservation system not for cash either to it's holding company and now it's holding companies gone out and sold portions of that to foreign airlines american airlines has a holding company structure their computer reservation systems sold to their holding company no cash involved there and then they're holding company goes out and sells portions of the delta in mao's china market otherwise this is as common as apple pie but when it's talked about leasing by the union leaders they try to make it right and cabbage easton says it has nothing to hide the company has launched a preemptive strike on the union's motion to appoint an outside trustee the company is
asking the court to appoint an examiner to rule on the propriety all the transactions among the texas air units attorney harvey miller represents he's wheezing is confident that any objective study those transactions will result in a conclusion that they with a consideration in the best interest of both companies involved university of chicago law professor douglas baird a bankruptcy expert says the court will probably double runs or go on running the company despite the union charters in chapter eleven case we very rarely see trustees appointed we don't see trustees appointed simply because the debtor has not been such a great manager typically see trustee is appointed only when there's corruption dishonesty fraud for cause an end it's conceivable something like that is going on here but it seems it seems unlikely he'll be quite extraordinary see a trustee appointed in this case given the way trustees appointed and previous tests this isn't the first time lorenzo is use the bankruptcy courts in nineteen eighty two the drug is other allies continental into chapter eleven use the law
primarily to unilaterally why continentals union contracts it worked and continental survive he can still do that today with the court has to approve it for that process is now completely revamped and you can't simply cavalierly not negotiate with union and simply get rid of the collective bargaining agreement even though he can't avoid their contracts beck says he will replace the pilots have been overturned a word we can't operate are off make no mistake about death and will do that as pilots become available and the bankruptcy process itself will substantially assistant are going to build back the arrow easterners know advertising for pilots in major newspapers but will there be enough takers last saturday at this hotel near the los angeles airport the answer seemed to be no hundreds of young pilot showed up with this job fair states by the future aviation professionals of americans there were many airlines there to talk to
plenty of job openings on the rise of the airlines will hire an estimated ten thousand pilots in the next year who organized the job fair says very few pilots have been calling to inquire about job openings at easter we're wondering who's blind because we're not getting the answers that we would normally get during an unsettled time like this when there's an offer on the table and we'll know it's amazingly quiet it that you think you can find those alternate yes we're quite confident in fact before we even put a pilot ad in the newspaper we had two hundred applications of qualified good people one thing that you've heard over the last year or two is that there's a shortage of qualified pilots that is not their experience more than a thousand eastern pilots whedon found other jobs before the strike if the companies' dismantle thirty five hundred more will be looking for work most observers agree the market will absorb them fairly
quickly but at a price eastern captain martin slow but make i have to pay that price even though i have ten thousand hours of flight time you know i've been flying airplanes for sixteen years received five years in the marine corps and finer points and taught for twenty three years i was enter the market again as if i were the note and watch media page one but two thirds of that but it certainly has reached a point where i think realistically a closer look around exploring other options are there that might be available to all of your colleagues lose a police cell management is also taking a big risk in bankruptcy it could lose its entire investment in the company as each day goes by the company is worth a little less a lawyer out of that market the harder to get the customers back it's like a retail store on madison avenue which closes four months and everybody goes across the street to the same kind of store it to the customer back to lose the clock ticking for eastern every day that they don't fly
airplanes there is a clock ticking in that respect and to be honest i would really the clock ticking the court will convene thursday to hear the union's petition for a trusty and the company's petition for an examiner the bankruptcy process is just beginning it may take years to reach a conclusion a land on the newshour a new republican leader newt gingrich and the debate over the term african american newt gingrich's next tuesday georgia congressman house republicans today elected to their number to a leadership spot it felt they could win big cheney resigned from the house to become secretary of defense we will talk a congressman gingrich right after the senate report by judy woodruff house republicans chose to conduct their party's
business away from the capitol at a nearby private club inside they said farewell to their colleague dick cheney and elected six term represented gingrich and georgia to succeed cheney as minority whip the forty five year old gingrich defeated the low key behind the scenes strategist ed madigan illinois by a mere two votes if we're ever to be a majority in a weird out the president and states will have to be a truly broad based party what activists from all our girl obviously is newly elected leadership will work together for the good of our party and that earlier minority leader bob michel had made it clear he wanted man again in the number two leadership post gingrich a former college history professor has been a leader among conservative republicans a maverick an outsider and a bomb thrower who has made a name for himself by attacking the democrats and their powerful majority in the house their first instinct is with citizens right has
been quoted three times a couple billion dollars when it matters i think to the democrats to basically say no and we can be addictive the motel room is a bit much gingrich made good use of the cable networks cspan launching many of his attacks on the democrats on nationwide television but during slow period while the house chamber was virtually empty once that tactics so enraged then house speaker tip o'neill and he took to the floor and launched his own unprecedented attack you deliberately stored on that well before an empty jobs and challenge these people and huge fan is there a mechanism and it's all thing that i was saying and like thirty two years in congress gingrich is also remained a thorn in the side of the current democratic speaker jim wright this is bigger parliamentary inquiry is it my understanding i want to make sure that on our side of the aisle we are the speaker correctly the speaker has suffered the hall opened the vote until those members who have
not yet voted but who wants to vote are recorded or change their body in fact it is gingrich who has almost singularly responsible for the current investigation of speaker right by the house ethics committee is clearly based on the public record the least ethical spectrum twentieth century during an interview with roger models past january gingrich has contempt for democratic control had reached an almost fevered pitch and it is my honest belief as a citizen that you know have tami on capitol hill that is a sick institutions and that it has no legitimate authority has enormous power that it has no legitimate authority does not represent the constitution of their money does in fact a subversion and the process of religions but today speaking as the house republicans' number two leader gingrich's rhetoric had softened considerably when the democrats give us an honest there will either be very bipartisan when the
democrats try to run over us probably more than most of our colleagues i'm gonna stand the light congressman gingrich is with us now for a newsmaker interview he joined us from a studio on capitol hill first congratulations tara from thankyou how would how would you describe what you won the day the west is as soon as they number to possess the house republican party the chief aid of you well bob michel the leader it's the job of listening to the entire house republican conference talking with the leadership about what the conference tells us in and the same time telling the conference of the leadership has decided it's a very important position the trent lott and dick cheney used to extreme effect bob michel used to be that way and it's a key position and making the republican party in the house of that first michael was truly reported us supported madigan the cars were not even out of the new ford for this job that will be a problem for you working with congressman michael allow thing solo bob michel is the good shepherd who really has led the entire house party is probably the best legislative
leaders republican parties in the house at least the last thirty years it was difficult for him it was dick cheney he certainly thought that at marion his close friend his neighbor in illinois the man had worked with for many years deserve the chance at the same time when he was asked by members of the caucus was he against gingrich he said flatly no its own foreign madigan but if mitt wins i can work with and we spent two and a half hours for the last week just two is sorting out the how we would work together he was very very gallant today and i think you know this is their community funny quote unquote who is the majority whip said this afternoon quote newt has consistently attacked democrats now he's going to be asking for our votes the question is can he resolve himself to this new role all of us most especially the bush administration will be waiting for his answer and quo well i think china while as a man who has brutally attacked republicans when he had to and is a lot less for the road i think that anyone who's read
honest graft by brooks jackson which is a remarkable study of quell a nineteen eighty six there's a lot of great political leaders the nineteen eighties and it fully expects made available on the one hand to work with in a practical way and on the other hand try to become a majority party so we have to learn they're both roles the ones you really expect daddy do you really believe that you can work with tonic well jim wright and the other is an undemocratic leadership oh i think there's an institutional issues schiff i talked to speak or write to majority leader fully and to a democratic were quoted a handout in each case they said if i was a choice of my conference they would work with me that they understood that's the rules of the game i think it's i'm a professional practical issues yet we don't have to be on a date in order make america were put on three best friends in order to work to have a respect for the institution the house and a commitment when there is a fair bipartisan act to infect be bipartisan but not to get analysts said that we're public and sort of a nonpartisan while democrats take advantage of i only guy parts you do you believe that bipartisanship if it's truly bipartisan but for
many years of the house republicans that the crumbs and were told they should pretend they've been at the feast i do not believe we should rule over the the nonpartisan party or the democrats take partisan advantage of this you have of course go go beyond that and attacking jim wright and johnny cueto personally you said friends of both of them stay in power quote only by cheating is that still the station irate i have i've raised the serious ethical questions about the speaker there were sufficiently powerful that the ethics committee a bipartisan group voted to spend a million six hundred thousand dollars a nasty i think those are legitimate questions about ethics and corruption that's a definition ingenuity of second i don't think is actually why is that a different issue and i don't think you'd expect anyone including people in your own profession the site i can work with anyone even if i think their crop again you'd say to people if you are serious ethical question about somebody you a professional responsibility to investigate and see one of those ethical questions in fact lead to some very serious and
discovers that i interrupted while my second one was kind of aid that the institution of the house democratic party not only quello or tom foley or many fine individuals institutionalized democratic party has since nineteen seventy five found ways to use taxpayers' money to use gerrymandering to re election rules on one occasion my going to still see the mac and kerosene indiana to systematically stay in power despite the popular will i think that institutional problem is very very serious that's different than saying can i work with democrats innovative as you planned the continual your attacks on the speaker right in this ethical problem politically when the report comes out on the ethics committee which is due any day now i don't think that they are a voice of one of the member of congress a lever of the report is going to be so massive the us economy are so overwhelming that the country decide either he really did nothing wrong in which case you're standing out of a speaker or in fact the turn it did so many things wrong the liquidation the second one to present only about a personal question but when
newt gingrich jim wright wizard a question in your monitors that they're now that the committee will come up with any judgment other than the fact that their patient goes bigger the house i think it's very probable that if they actually into iraq war which i think they will have to do that we'll have a new speaker by june i think i say was sadness for jim and as a person but i think it's also playing the situation was to look at the way to work and a no question that of that year was a question i think you have to see the reporting of the report does truly exonerated many autistic i don't wanna john tower kind of wedge la vida wanting done quickly i don't wanna done secretly i think joe my desires his day in court i think of it and slowly and deliberately and methodically and he and i have every chance to defend himself and explain his behavior in the house on a set frankly a higher standard for this in the us senate and you're going to make sure that in your new job at that standard as this is my grandson in to try to cooperate with everybody in the house leadership of both parties to insist on a calm slow from the liberty process that should be no lynch mob one a question as important
as the numbers integrity and in particular internal is bigger the house which you believe that you didn't we're the end result should be a speaker writes that the notes because now in yemen and isis possibly yes the comedy truly exonerate smith they say we spend my uncertain about other track dan ariely and frankly he didn't do anything except occasionally ms lola donnell been sloppy all of us a little bubble with sloppy only anybody including the news media which really wanna say in a lot of everything i ever been a life and it's not b and died in their home in cross fire yes they come out and say here is the weight of evidence and a newspaper report says seeing suggestions of water and fifty five hundred page report not counting the back about it if the whalers is overwhelming that and it'll have a higher obligation to the house but i think we have time there's no rush to judgment no one has to make the decision right now let's wait let they officially finished and then a very fine very bipartisan job was let them get their job done with less that well again congratulations garnishment average and then was tonight
and next night we look at one of the most vigorous internal debates in the black community in the past two decades it's the issue of changing from black african american it had only been twenty two years since the last meeting mean she's had occurred it happened just after a white racist shot james meredith the first black graduate of all miss the shooting occurred on a certain highway as meredith was leading a voter registration march from memphis tennessee to jackson mississippi it's so enraged didn't activist stokely carmichael that as he emerged from a greenwood mississippi jail where he'd been held for his voter registration were the first words to emerge from his mouth were black power it was the beginning of a major new phase of black confidence and self assertion of captured the imagination and stir
the consciousness of black people all over the world now according to some polls a majority of black people have said they prefer the term african american but the issue is far from settled i prefer to be called african americans african american leaf blight situate of the cultural heritage that happens is that that there are yet own caucus in the lights in the temple and greek americans like personally as afghans who is african american editorials in both black and my publications generally supported the call to use an african american the new york times called it healthy archaeology arguing that blacks may now feel comfortable enough in their standing as citizens to adopt the family surname american
and their first name african conveys a pride in cultural heritage that all americans cherish set the chicago defender as the world continues to shrink americans who speak to their african ness with the african american title will likely find a cultural education and economic relationship with others much smoother opinion also vary among the guests we interviewed him as special black history month series i always saw that afro american or african american was the appropriate designation then there is some beneficial effects and in acknowledgement of reality the african heritage and the american presidents there's not the critical issue is the critical issue is gaining power i mean that is important for us as a people to think that we are connected to the
world because the african diaspora was for real we were sent to different parts of the world actually it's a heritage that era how does he i really educated and exposed to american life slows that we rarely iyer that we have to dig back i applaud his ancestry i mean i'm not an african it's a very complicated question to an ideal that this nie give a black lives matter of africa so of all the work that i do this is ironic i use both interchangeable for more on this story we turn now to four other people with different views on the terrain is an organizer with the all african people's revolutionary party a group attempting to political unite africa and people living in one hundred and thirteen countries all over the world it was his call for black power in nineteen sixty six when he was known as stokely carmichael that catapulted the
term black into popular usage leon wynter is a copy editor for the wall street journal and last week wrote an article that appeared on the journal op ed page called this african american still feels black j bruce llewellyn is a businessman who owns the eighth largest coca cola bottling company in the country he also owns television station w kbw an abc affiliate in buffalo where monet evil and is president of the national urban coalition she proposed the name change at the chicago meeting of black leaders last december and to you is evil in the kurdish initiative is largely your brainchild of why is it important to use that term and not black charlayne we have an opportunity to do the new values such as mastery and learning the importance of the family unity which is of the utmost importance right now at a time when our children could be and more the stress and turmoil when we face a new
century and it's up to us to be sure that the problem of the twenty first century is not also the problem of the color line as dubois prophesied in nineteen oh three this injury would be how is that scuse me how his african american affect all of that well we see going back to african cultural ties to the land base that is our mother as crucial in this process and what i'm hoping is that we can re create some of the spirit of the movement years particularly for the children and by going back to values which were strict systematically from us as we all know when we were enslaved for two hundred and fifty years in this nation is doing to you don't want to change from black know well i don't disagree that it is important for us to be cognizant of where we come from and the depth of our history that began before slavery i just don't see the particular need in calling for renewal of the movement to leapfrog over the four hundred odd years of
history and of arms proud accomplishments that we can point and indeed need to rio quite our children with here in this country first so i believe that it is important to teach the children into in general in view armed black america with a naughty word comes from what to focus this effort on claiming what is ours here as americans which is the country that we are citizens of where their taxes before the term american well i guess in my eyes or my use on this earth i've been called about five or six different things than call black album called afro american urban melodrama african american public only grow up and call colored and what strikes me is a continuous the more thurman all of this is the fact that we never had been called full citizens of the united states of america what i'd like to see you a
cop was once and for all is that we are considered as full citizens and have all the rights and proposes they had to all i see is that people in russia people in poland people in nicaragua org packing their bags and heading for the nice face of mark a feeling of some kind of tennessee oh great place that day there must be something here that brings all these people one saying to you is that i think it's a disgrace that we have been here for well over two hundred years and we have not enjoy these full benefits a lot of people can be a generation at the generation gap and i think that's the key that's where we want to go i'll be very honest with you if i had my druthers i would be worrying so much about what you call me african american i'm not i would like very much to see throughout this country is of the groups are put in museums core holocaust to see slavery museums museums which it would show are suffering our contribution over the years up until the year nineteen eighty nine as to what we have done to give something to america i
think the trial leapfrog back and take young says in nineteen eighty nine until barbarian background in africa as almost impossible at this point in time the other problem with this is a listener one gentleman on the things a well during the campaign we talked about michael dukakis's being a greek american will break the mark and pinpoints the country called greece african american does not pinpoint any country it is a continent and therefore you didn't a play game called the european american or african american or otherwise again we still have been able to refinance all down to where we come from a bit of nigeria kenya let me just go and visit her a year in the nineteen sixties as i said before you went into it proponents of using the term black how do you feel now about the banning it then denying it in favor of an african american is a term african american as africans because that's what we are we are africans in america there's nothing american about this august resulted in history of struggle in america we're the only ethnic group in america will have to share our blood to make
reforms to get the vote should now going to school in chicago to get on the buses and we want the mission i've been dealing in a filthy five and ten cent store so i don't see how it could be american which africans in america strongly against american captors in atlanta was destroyed we enjoy the rights that everyone else was speaking or where are you on that as well what he's trying to do is to change the name of the game or changed the rules and i haven't got time to change the rules i've got a look at what is it is a more practical about that maybe the ideal palaces to change the rules and make it all i cover you call socialistic state but marie in the meantime let's talk about what is this is a capitalistic society we are here we are paying our taxes we are doing work each and every day and i think we have the right to protest a bit we have sent people to war since the revolutionary time since beloved for marco in crisp as ericsson and the revolutionary war or way down through use of
vietnam so therefore i want to get what you can construe was my piece of the action like everybody else has gotten a really annoys me to see people haven't made this kind of contribution over the years come here and feel they can claim it and get it and we have done that of course in the first place is because we've kept louis doesn't have because when the gap persists and as winslow wheeler made slaves doesn't mean the wire is that you must love slavery are consciously of what they can count on the plantation is thinking about how to escape how to bring freedom therefore just because and gap isn't as was enjoyed we have to fight for an equal society that's our history our people should we spill but instinctively to that unity and we have this responsibility to advance america yes to a sofa state really would seem to imply that capitalism is utterly inconsistent with africa and africa has what i would cause it that arm that's not true if you look again at the nations of africa palm if you look at
african people in it become true world especially common in recent times they essentially what things they want products they want the things that it's been recently there's been demonstrated the only capitalism with its imperfections and with the us army inequities which hopefully some people believe can still detain people want things and i'm i don't somehow see a worldwide an aphorism as also alarmed spong the death knell for capriles at the same time it seems inconsistent they're too many people were cars a lot of nigeria last time i checked the propaganda around us it weakens sound that one right now but when does go back to borrow rely even because both mr our winter and mr llewellyn talk to that how they don't think it's possible to leapfrog over a lot of history and go back it's impossible to go back to the aquarium life that you can even pinpoint a a place in africa though we're black people come from the fund if i'm
paraphrasing your comments correctly how do you respond to that well they first of all art culture and heritage in africa entail far more than the great economies are weak of mathematics and science local in african philosophy in the making as well as that we've been accomplished musicians and dances the centuries there's so much in our cultural heritage that we need to recall right now particularly for the children and it is possible to leapfrog as they put it as a matter fact is not only possible it's necessary because if you began with slavery then you'll still have children looking in your eyes as they do in mind in our city sin in the streets and say what difference does it really make to you to me or to anyone else when i live about whether i take drugs whether i kill another person when i learn anything in school we have a responsibility and i think that one way we can have a cultural renaissance is to identify with the land base that gave us the wonderful things about our nature and our
culture is doing well those sounds very nice and wonderful when i invite you to take a look at africa right now and today a look at the situation eritrea against the ethiopian all the other things that happened to be out for with the nigerians want it set in my opinion is idealistic and not the depth of the problem the god of the problem is something called values ago the problem something called family ago the problem is something called importance what we construe and believe dr wood so it that without a cultural offensive without are unifying at this particular time to say what we believe in and who we are and how we will train our children and what our families need to us that we will continue to have those same issues that's precisely the point we will continue unless we develop a cultural vehicle which will move us fall at all groups will fall a bastion of their culture it is a myth that individuals who fall and certainly we cannot accept two
of three of our group emerging year after year while the vast masses of us continue to go down we have a responsibility to raise a point that you climbed to rape when you launch does move that resulted in black being adopted is that the defining a symbol for african american people many people fell dead it helped to purge them of all the negative feelings about themselves that it really represented the first major psychological break and you heard the woman in the tape talk about black is beautiful i mean it was the most positive affirmation of blackness by black people what you say to people that was say you simply cannot abandon the term that came to symbolize so much from black people human progress does not stand still it moves we came years africans won the first organizations we had fighting forces
known as the free african society the very first independent organization we had in this country was a church that was known as the african methodist episcopalian church so from africans i'll process changes to call would continue to this to that we understand as a step coming to blackout focal point because the point was that we were a prize because of his goal of us can and is racism but this fight is not just a fight a local mosque in a fight for power was a fight for land when mr llewellyn speaks about joe ali salam and outlanders african americans not on an impulse of the american indians and we have a right to stand to take a loss trouble with them and we don't worry about people being for things people want things is incorrect the point is not to explain the world a place to change it is that people want to know things we're responsive to levin's one point a digital things like freedom while i can't claim to have been there and that when black was coined because i was somewhere in high school and i was listening and then sending you to the talking but it's always been
my feeling that black was more than the recognition of where our blood comes from it has a lot to do with the experience of people of color in a larger sense under armed chlorine wasn't whether it was external one was an essay in the caribbean or the internal court was no we had to deal with in the united states rather than simply a statement of africa because the fact is we have become more than simply descendents after that we have created a lot of what america is in our own image we told you talk about this courtroom based offensive i would rather see us claim american culture which is not european culture america does not mean white american doesn't mean like it means a combination of european and african and asian all in the rest
of the co authors of the whole world is when and where it isn't even denies the fact of what is african within it is up to us to continue to assert on that now that the market is not unlike america means a melting and a combination of things that's appalling would we are seeing african an american and not everyone is willing to say american and not everyone is willing to say african but the point is we are trying to merge the two and american society at this point in time does excluding the african reality how america is an african as well as a european invention we know that but it is an accepted widely as now let me ask you this ms eve of what is wrong with our hockey mad ability said a few moments ago there in his writing in everything he's going to use both them you know or is there something is there a problem with using african american for those who choose to and for those who choose to use black to use black know i think we were all will you vote to a certain extent first of all it's gonna be hard to break old habits
that were very dear to us and i certainly was along with stokely in the days when the name was changed but it is important to continue to draw the consciousness of our people to a set of values which were positive and productive for us to call our mother's name our mother's name as africa we had children with our her if we leave that out and i think that it's fair to say no one of us are satisfied with the status quo today it seems that time magazine in fact there's a piece on this this weekend it says that for more than a century descendants of friedman have debated what name they should bear is the people and in every instance the shift in the change of appalachian coincided with a new phase in the struggle for equality is that what's going on now in your view and then what will what stage is this yes and i think this is a point of evolution in our culture and is the stage right before we crossed the threshold to the twenty first century i think
we are saying that there's a quickening of our will we will not across the threshold of the twenty first century in the condition that we are today i don't yet have to wonder what you think about their arm i don't necessarily see this as i am a quickening if you and i and that kind of direction it seems to me that not only like this is the ten we're at a rhetorical assertion are meant to sort of put a name on things that i've seen where it quite takes us to getting a better handle on what is immediately in front of so maybe i should say chalet that the cultural offensive is going to entail agenda setting goal setting working together to achieve our purposes as you well know shelling in the movement years when you decided to desegregate the university of georgia along with ham we were unified around her decision we were purposeful we were powerful there was a sense of destiny and we achieved our goals what we're so sadly
lacking now is any sense of purpose or destiny we're not setting agendas we're not working together though we're working very hard to do is we don't have the right may well the name change is the first step in what we hope will be a self conscious examination of our culture going back to our ancient as well as our contemporary strengths and pulling together a vehicle which will be more useful to us than the one that we are now engaged in any one is satisfied with the status quo i'm not aware that particularly our children so i'm just very briefly do you see this as a critical stage in the evolution of i swear i do not know why people keep talking about what the container is called it's what's the content of the container this won't goes into the twenty first century atlas our kids can read right compute and be able to compete in this country to make a
living and to make progress if that doesn't take place we can put african american on and we can put negro on and we can put anything you wanna put on him but they're not going to play the game in the twenty percent because the field is getting tougher and tougher and this not a level field we went through a file cabinet the thinking here is that most people think that africans in america came here just like other immigrant groups did what other immigrants came to america expecting a better way of life we started in health which was a slave ship and wisdom held an incorrect assumption may slip is if we made a contribution to our culture our culture's been trampled upon but the others a contribution we made america is a test of the strength of our country's participation we are africans and that's exactly where we're going is that venice is that turn in your view is that we ended up in the content the content was african leaders but just to confuse us everything is africa's valli images americans to give you that my mind and so says tammie of a mislabeled they didn't they came from now on a
jamaican they came on her own because of those about a place to make and it was a sudden spike slaves to make or would that has white men judging to make and what maybe swing the final sell by the enemy now i define myself as a fighting blazes were on that not what it used to be a way for the stations before the station's you want to use tools like the nineteen thirties we won't be free i went one panel practical note mr winter you the only editor here how are you how should the media deal with this as you can see there's a debate over the issue what about newspapers television books raises we should they continue to utah he said he was going to continue to use both in and what kind of guidance do you think should apply there or speaking in relief for newspapers represent the rebels control here i can tell you that they have discuss this issue recently and concluded that they will wait and watch to take the gentle spirit
of what comes to be common usage among black people in general as lucille kallen now arm and moreover among academics some political and social it isn't that sort of thing and it's a consensus appears to merge then style changes will probably be forthcoming at our paper and i made an unbelievable new york times isn't similar things which is about all they can do because they didn't inst well something going on there in the community and we don't really know what to make of of all the one thousand and one and offend anyone in the end becomes a car that everybody wants the us army and they'll likely go along with ious are people of color a meteor as sounding boards the show and so i would just have to wait and watch and see what happens because we're out of time new zealand in washington thank you for being with the games to winter has to do well in tennessee to read the sentence again the
major stories of this wednesday the environmental protection agency issued its annual report on the quality of the air in america the report said much progress has been made in the last ten years but at least a hundred billion people in urban areas continue to breathe air that does not meet epa standards and as we just heard outspoken georgia congressman again rich was elected to the number two republican leadership post in the house and us representatives met again with officials of the plo in tunisia the dutch online good night and that's the newshour for tonight will be that tomorrow and charlayne hunter gault thank you and goodnight everything everything everything additional funding is provided by the john d and catherine t macarthur foundation a catalyst for change and the station and other public television stations and the corporation for public broadcasting
you need yes yes yeah you heard earlier
The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour
Producing Organization
NewsHour Productions
Contributing Organization
NewsHour Productions (Washington, District of Columbia)
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Episode Description
This episode's headline: Going for Broke; What's in a Name?; News Maker. The guests include RAMONA EDELIN, National Urban Coalition; LEON WYNTER, Wall Street Journal; J. BRUCE LLEWELLYN, Business Executive; KWAME TURE, Political Organizer; REP. NEWT GINGRICH [R] Georgia; CORRESPONDENTS: TOM BEARDEN; JUDY WOODRUFF. Byline: In Washington: JAMES LEHRER; In New York: CHARLAYNE HUNTER- GAULT
Asset type
Film and Television
Race and Ethnicity
Politics and Government
Copyright NewsHour Productions, LLC. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Public License (
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Moving Image
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Producing Organization: NewsHour Productions
AAPB Contributor Holdings
NewsHour Productions
Identifier: NH-1432 (NH Show Code)
Format: 1 inch videotape
Generation: Master
Duration: 01:00:00;00
NewsHour Productions
Identifier: NH-3393 (NH Show Code)
Format: U-matic
Generation: Preservation
Duration: 01:00:00;00
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Chicago: “The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour,” 1989-03-22, NewsHour Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 18, 2024,
MLA: “The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour.” 1989-03-22. NewsHour Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 18, 2024. <>.
APA: The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour. Boston, MA: NewsHour Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from