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In our particular culture it happens because we have a very elaborate potentiation port to occur by setting up all sorts of models for its occurrence and we'll spend some time talking about this later. I simply wanted to talk about these four different kinds of love because when we asked the question you know can you. Can you have sexual relations without being in love. Or can you love without feeling sexual. The answer is yes to all of these for the obvious reason that there are many different kinds at least. We talked here simply about four kinds of love and we will develop this when we get into the areas of interpersonal relations and psycho sexual development. Following this formal presentation in the four college course on human sexuality questions from the audience resulted in an elaboration of some of the ideas offered during the lecture. The question is whether or not in talking about a critical period for the development. Of sexuality in the child does this come at a specific period and how would one
recognise it. I'm going to spend the whole considerable period of time in talking about psycho sexual development because that's what psycho sexual development means you know. Eriksson's eight stages of growth that business. Well now this is Ericsson's formulation of psychosexual development. It would imply that there isn't just a single period like you know from one year to two years or something like that but that there is likely a number of different periods during the development of the child when selective sensitivity to this or that aspect of sexuality may arise. So that we find obviously a certain kind of sensitivity that occurs during the oral period which is one kind it has to do with the parent's ization of the oral mechanisms that is taste and all these kinds of things. These particular phase specific developments are really what Freud talked
about in his whole theory of sexuality that is at the period for example when the child is confronted with visceral ethics that is the learning of toilet habits and so forth. This is a critical period for the development of the bodily control and it's also the very first confrontation that leads to some kind of socialization. Needless to say if this is hurried that is if some kind of inputs occur before the child has biologically matured is ready for this. It won't work or it might lead to pathological development. Indeed we find that it is over stimulated or if there is some kind of mix up then we get what would be called psycho sexually speaking perversions that is individuals who get a high degree of sexual satisfaction out of stimulation of the anal. Areas which are simply erogenous zones that are not primarily connected with with sexuality. Some individuals of course and I think this is just in line with the
general notion. Some individuals find full sexual gratification from from stimulation of the anal area. It doesn't have to be the genital area so that this is the kind of thing that would be involved. The orgasm in the woman is very similar. True that in the man that is the sort of the modal orgasmic response in the woman is very similar to that of the man. But we have indicated that is it the biological take off that is if we take heart rate blood pressure the spasmodic release that occurs through what in the male is a jack elation. This in the Kinsey studies and in the Masters and Johnson studies these curves superimposed themselves. We will go into the basic physiology of orgasmic response now the psychology of it though we can talk about here and that is as I indicated there is a very wide range of difference between women with respect to orgasmic response and we'll spend a whole hour developing
why this is so next time. Because for the woman it's not every male. Almost every male 98 percent of males very shortly after puberty either through a nocturnal emission or through masturbate Torii activity discovers the orgasm. It's there just like that. It's he is highly easily turned on he's been this way from a very early period. The penis is highly focused in this respect. Not so for the woman. The orgasm mechanism may be there but it's much more latent for the average woman. She does not reach the kind of sexual practice or or internal response on the average as does the average male who has already you know become highly responsive to sexual stimulation by this by this earliest period. In the woman the orgasm is different from the man in the sense that it is not tied to an A Jackie Latour response of semen and therefore has no limit. A
woman does not ejaculate semen. She simply has an orgasm. I mean that if she doesn't ejaculated anything there is a mucus flow that gentle sweating. But this is not the same thing. The. The difference is is that since this is not tide there is no there's only a relative refractory period in the woman and there's an absolute refractory period that is a very short period after orgasm in the male. That he is simply non non-responsive for the woman. This is relative. She may have as we've already indicated as many Masters and Johnson studies show as many as 50 orgasms although this is highly unusual. It is typical for the woman in the average sexual experience once she has become sensitized. Once she has learned to have an orgasm and that means that if you have not already had an orgasm it does not mean anything with respect to you know
Arrested Development and so forth. There are different rates of development in different women this is not a pathological condition. It may simply be that one has not because of one's earlier training and background been sensitized to this. It does not even have any necessarily pathological implications for later sexual development. So I think this would be the least the first statements that we will make although will be coming back to a cycle of sexual response consistently throughout the course. Romantic love is a byproduct of the culture as we grow up we develop an ego ideal. We develop a a fantasy in a sense system with respect to the idealized love object. The culture usually supplies the content for this. If we look at a fat Rubens model. We are talking to
the males now we aren't turned on. It's hard to imagine that that during his time was voluptuous sexuality and a Brigitte Bardot or something like that would be spam and skinny and completely unacceptable as a sexual model. What I mean is is that. You see patterns of desirability are culturally determined. I'm sure that if any of the women were to go around as some native tribes wearing let's say a very large lip that comes out to here you know you probably wouldn't think of that as very erotic but the men in her tribe would really be turned on by it. You see because what governs what is sexually attractive or desirable is purely a function of cultural determination. There is no biologically right kind of pattern of sexuality. This has a very strong implication for our society because we have a kind of a single standard.
Of sexual beauty in our society you can see what kind of implication this has for the individual who doesn't happen to fit the model. We will be seeing what effect it has on both the individual who does not fit the model and the person who does fit the model. A little bit later. There's been a good deal of speculation that that sexual morality is somehow tied to the viability of social organizations. The protean notion that society is built civilization Croyde said is built at the cost of repression. And he really meant sexual repression and aggression these were the two basic drives. It's very easy to take this model and to somehow see because one can read into the culture all kinds of proofs of this kind
of thing. Quite the opposite point of view is now currently being. Proposed by people such as Robert Mark in Arras and civilization. Norman all brown in life against death and more recently Love's body. In which he tries to develop the implications for non repressive sexual living. I don't think that there is an answer I don't think there is any clear evidence. For the simple reason that you find it's easy to confuse concomitant with causality. That is because certainly periods of affluence do have are also accompanied by periods of sexual freedom. And this is something that happens in society but I think that's only because you happened to be looking for these and they may be two things that are caused by a third thing over here you see.
And I would find this a very interesting study. Gee rat retailer and a book called Sex in history has tried to deal with this problem and has concluded that that is not a very useful theory. For some of the reasons that I have just given. Dr. Haskell Copeland professor of psychology at Amherst College has discussed human sexuality in this the first of a series of seven classes given as part of a four college course in human sexuality. Four college courses are sponsored jointly by Amherst Mount Holyoke and Smith
Colleges and the University of Massachusetts. This is a seven part series on human sexuality was produced by W. F. S. R. five College Radio in Amherst Massachusetts. I am.
Thought. This is the national educational radio network.
Whew. Thank
you. The male reaches his peak of more gastric potency at about 17 years of age. The woman reaches her peak at about thirty five years of age. That does not mean that women do not start having highly satisfying sexual responses at an early age.
We've already indicated that the situation is that many women who enter marriage who have had very little sexual experience may find that the sexual apparatus of orgasmic response is. That is by the way a genetically given thing that is not something that has to be totally learned. The mechanism of orgasmic response is there it's built into the organism it's ready to it's been if the person has had a minimal input of the kind of potentiating experiences in childhood. That is if there aren't severe to blues and diversity conditioning then that is unless a condition of frigidity occurs. Then of course. There is the great possibility that the woman will will develop a fuller and fuller sexual response. Now remember last time we pointed out that the woman's sexual response is not tied to hormonal production. The male castrated at puberty just doesn't go anywhere sexually whereas the
woman castrated namely no variac to me taking out the ovaries the gonads. It doesn't affect her development of the orgasmic response and so it works that way. Now you'll notice in your one of your readings that a very interesting new discovery has occurred. Why is it that the woman develops her full sexual responding only at age 35 on the average. The answer is well she has more and more practice. Well that's not the answer it turns out that the answer is she has more babies. And something in having babies makes the woman that is when other things psychological things are going well tend to develop and deepen the sexual response. Now let's not be thrown by statistics. That does not mean that you know that the average male at seventeen ought to be paired with a 35 year old woman.
That isn't the idea. The point is that these are normative data. There are many women who begin at an early period to develop and to respond sexually. And this does not somehow mean that the woman will somehow have to wait until thirty five to have the fullest satisfaction. What it rather means is that the nature of the orgasmic reflex and the orgasmic response is such that the woman subjectively experiences a deepening and intensification of this. So that is subjectively experienced as pleasurable. But this will not mean that the pleasurable ness of the act will not occur. If under the right circumstances at a much earlier age in most women one wants to be very cautious about looking at the statistical analysis of this because it does not imply what the curve somehow suggests here.
The young male is able to respond successively to orgasm more than once but after the late twenties then there is a gradual diminution all the way through until we indicated last time until 70 80 90. It is tied to hormonal input for the male and it's not so much sole with women. Now the new the new situation by the time most of the girls here are our grandparents. There will be a brand new reading of the whole situation as far as estrogens are concerned. Already your mother's for the most part are probably on estrogen supplementation and the reasons are simply that as the woman's estrogenic output goes down during approaching and after the min apostle period. They're the Tony city of the body and so forth tends to be regulated to some degree by gonadal events and so by
supplementation. One does not get what the more ecstatic proponents of this calls feminine forever but it certainly does delay the aging process. We will have to face as you perhaps know in the future the possibility that tampering with and dealing with the problems of the the reproductive cycle we may find that sometime in the future it will be possible for a woman much beyond the period that is now thought to be menopausal to have to bear children. In other words we may be able to delay the demise of the child bearing period. I think. I said that sex and love tends to be more bifurcated in lower income families. I think what I'm saying here is not that you know therefore the deprivations of let's say in a culture
of poverty for example the kind of thing that you get to with in Louis's. You know what I'm really getting at here is not that that the rhetoric of romantic love is simply never developed. Just as we can say I think that the use of verbal behavior does not develop the much of our conflict now with the problems of the supplementation and bridging and so forth comes because there is in low income families and less development of verbal capacities in the earliest period. And just as there is this kind of paucity of experience with the verbal side I was implying that in the low income family there is a tendency to dissociate sexual. The in the mail especially to dissociate sexuality
from romantic loving that is the male and the lower income family 98 percent of the boys have had sexual relations during this period when he is highly potentiating for sex but not for the rhetoric. Now the middle class and upper class boy postpones this he gets practice at the rhetoric because he's just not. Having a chance to experience it it's this kind of statistic that we would do to support this kind of a notion. Now for the girl it's different in the Lord there is there seems to be no differences in the classes between girls and in with respect to the development of this girls are exposed in all classes to the notion that somehow sex is going to be tied up in a situation of romantic love. And she comes to expect this and typically unless she happens and she's more likely if she is
highly sensitized to this and has access to you know to the same kind you know she eats out of the same trough so to speak with the other classes she may have more access to a male who'd who does make this distinction because remember now we're talking in strictly statistics. Not that there aren't some people who grew up in lower income families who don't develop a high degree of association between love. On the one hand and the rhetoric of sexuality on the other. In other words this is so much more dependent upon the family then it is upon some kind of notion of class that one is hesitant but if one then looks at the statistics one finds that 95 percent of lower class males will say that they don't think it's important for the woman to reach a sexual orgasm whereas 95 percent of upper class males will say that they do find that it's very important. So it's this kind of statistic. Now if you feel that well
this doesn't apply to me the answer is it probably very much does not. An individual who grows up in the lower class but then manages through affluence to participate in the wider culture is not bound by some kind of something that happened in childhood in the lower class. As a matter of fact one of the nice things about sexual scripts is that they are constantly being rewritten. Even right now you see parents are reluctant to encourage to talk about the child because they're afraid that it will encourage heterosexual experimentation is there any evidence that heterosexual play is deleterious to the development of the child. The problem here becomes one that if the culture says it's still then the child is unlikely to be able to escape this particular version that is any child who is caught has a
tremendously negative response from individuals within the culture with respect to this kind of behavior. As a good example of this. I recently had a father come up to me on the golf course and happen to be somebody I knew personally and he says it's a hack we have a problem with my 7 year old daughter. We call her out in the barn with the little boy next door and I immediately calculate 7 years you know well what. And I said well what if what happened in she says well we kept her in the house ever since. And his question was whether or not I felt she should see a psychiatrist. I won't tell you who I thought ought to see the psychiatrist. You know. No I think that. Culturally speaking you find all kinds of tribal configurations in which a premier is a matter of fact premarital sexual
exploration from a cultural point of view one discovers that it is much more likely to be condoned in more cultures than it is forbidden. That doesn't argue for much of anything other than you know again that all statistical argument it turns out that whether or not it is deleterious to the child is largely a function of the tribal beliefs. That is if it is presumed that precocity and sexuality can be deleterious then obviously the child is likely to come under the constant proscriptions of the culture and is likely to experience some kind of warping. Now when I said girls can be introduced precociously to sex it was this kind of thing that I was referring to rather than some kind of biological warping as if you know somehow you have to wait until you are certain period so for the girl who has. Fortuitously were unfortunately as the case may be have some kind of sexual or the boy
to experience in the pre-pubertal period. It turns out that where this has not been culturally labeled and responded to negatively then we do not find that this is correlated with any kind of sexual pathology. So an answer here is in the best of all possible worlds. There can be no allegation that sexual experimentation as such is somehow damaging to the later experiences of the child. But you see it depends on the context the child introduced to sexuality by an older exploited the person may develop all sorts of labeling with respect to the acts and feelings that will make it very difficult for that person to enter fully and openly into a relationship at a later period. I would advise a parent to tell the kid what they believe. I do feel this that it's very important for you
who will have a typical beliefs. This would be religious as well as sexual as well as you know attitudes about a wide range of things to be conveyed to your children. A kind of cultural anthropological view of the society too as a part of the education indicate that our particular family beliefs with respect to some of these things will differ markedly from the cultural beliefs and it's important for the person especially the child growing up to know this so that in those inevitable encounters which result in to boo behavior on the part of other people the child will be ready for this in other words to recognize that there is a wide range and especially in the sexual area of beliefs. I think it's important for liberal parents to tell their children about sexual fascists fascists in this case meaning individuals who feel that they have the only answer with respect to sex and sexual behavior and want to impose that answer on
everybody else. And I think young children especially are all owed the knowledge that there are such people especially if you're going to. I think the idea that you know just anything goals kind of without interpret ing this to the child in his own terms and in terms of the culture may lead the child later to situations and encounters which can be disastrous simply because he will not be able to understand the intensity and aspect with which such responses can be laid. No question that is suppression of heterosexual experimentation dangerous to the child. If you refer to suppression meaning simply not doing it. I doubt if there is any evidence that you know that one could cite that would say that somehow you have to have had this kind of experience in order for proper unfolding to occur. The kind of potentiation that I've
been talking about is not with respect to specific sexual acts. That would mean then that an individual who grew up in a loving family and the gift of love is the real potentiate are you see in a family. That's what sex is that we're talking about. It would seem that if the parent attitudes toward the child are correct are neither. You see over solicitous and over protective and over indulgent and over strenuous and over severe and over repressive been over anything you see. If these attitudes are highly consistent with general personality development it would seem that the event of sexual exploration is probably irrelevant. And I think this is even more especially the case with the girl because many girls have grown up in families where they've been loved openly accepted there's been a high degree of non-sexual participatory activity in the family. There's been nothing that
because actually there's nothing there's no sexual scripting within a family that doesn't violate the incest of a highly specific nature and many such girls will come to married even perhaps or certainly to that relationship which is. You know likely to be one involving emotions and so forth and will not be faulted in any way in terms of psycho sexual development. I think there's a tendency in our society now to encourage precocious sexual experimentation as if somehow this is itself an answer of the Summerhill approach is such a kind of venture and whatever the merits of it one would have to argue that well it may very well be that the far more important aspect of Summerhill is its general acceptance of the rights of the individual to do his own thing and that the sexuality is only one component of that. We certainly would
not argue that the Summerhill experiment is successful or unsuccessful as a function of their handling of the particular sexual kind of a thing. One thing more that I would say here and I think it's really quite important for this problem of the differences and that is that there seems to be a fundamental sex difference in terms of the. The capacity to have a in quotes purely sexual that is not involving relationship Eriksson has much to say about this in his development of the problem in his eight stages of development if you know the problem of intimacy is critical here. It seems that for the male the sort of the phallic in true sieved mode that is the projecting that is the penis projects that is the male that enters into the woman creates some kind of difference that is then this can be seen as a fairly primitive kind of response the woman must have trust and faith to take something inside her body. This
is more general than sexuality it's quite important for the male to understand that the kind of you know just sudden encounter with the with promiscuity. Expected simply violates the fundamental personality development of Certainly most women for the simple reason that it's very difficult for her to take something inside her or someone inside of her and I don't mean just physically I mean actually psychologically where there is no trust where there has not been a chance to develop trust and esteem and so this is why we probably why we may evolve to a point where trust can be a much more easily arrived that kind of pain. If we get rid of some of our cultural hang ups at this point in the development of culture it seems that some kind of relationship seems to be
necessary for the girl to really be able to enter into a sexual experience without at least a great deal of guilt and violation of the sexual image of the self. And this is a fundamental difference because the male argues and from the male point of view quite rightly you know what's the point you know sex is sex. Let's let's get on with the business. For the girl this is not the case and it's quite important for individuals to realize that there are fundamental differences in the whole meaning of sexuality when it comes to this. So while this does not argue that some women are not able to have a wide range of partners as Gayle Greene says rather cynically they manage to fall in love three times each week with a different person implying you see that well yes women say this and it may very well be that some individuals have becomes thus emancipated in terms of their own version of
sexuality growing up in the family and whatnot. But to express to expect this as the average response is to simply expect a violation of what has simply not come about in our culture at this particular point. Certainly I would want to really imply that actually the problem of psychosexual development ultimately is probably more difficult for the male here and the reason is that even sexual identity the male has to overcome something whereas the girl all she has to do is to identify with the caretaker we said this before the male has to oppose this has to and he much more frequently fails. While we find fewer examples of the equivalent situation name impotence in the mail there are what wide range of problems that is the timing of sexual activity for example. Not only is that the problem of impotence in the male There's also the much more prevalent problem so prevalent that
Kinsey called it natural that the male will have a precipitous orgasm. That is the male highly sensitized by petting by mass of a Tory activity and so forth frequently comes to the sexual act so turned on that he's unable to perform for a very but for a very short period of time a period of time which is far too short to have the woman fully stimulated to be able to reach the orgasmic response which means all kinds of minit and manipulations of the timing with respect to precaution will play and so forth. So. Now Kinsey said well you know this is ubiquitous most males can last only 30 seconds to two minutes of sexual intercourse and therefore this is normal. Well if we look at the broad spectrum of events we might not be willing to say that this is normal but that this is an artifact of the kind of culture which encourages the kind of sexuality that we have. Indeed it is the
learning research experience of the male that is he has sexual experiences he does learn more and more to withhold to be able to know where he is in the sexual act so that there is not a premature ejaculation. But it's this kind of thing along with with so many other hang ups having to do with the problems of masculinity that the male experiences. Human Sexuality the second in a series of seven classes given as part of a four college course in human sexuality sponsored jointly by Amherst Mount Holyoke and Smith Colleges and the University of Massachusetts. Dr. Haskell Copeland professor of psychology at Amherst College gave the
first of two lectures on interpersonal relations and a psychosexual development. This is a seven part series on human sexuality was produced by W. F. S. R. five College Radio in Amherst Massachusetts. I am.
I am. OK. And. It's. A good thing. This is the national educational radio network.
Why. Thank you.
In a marriage relationship there will be many kinds of situations which arise which if one sort of plugs in the general culture's version of this one would immediately sound the alarm there's something perverse or bizarre or disturbed or something about this behavior and all we're saying here is that there are a number of other ways in which we can look at some of these kinds of behavior in which we don't condone them or encourage them but we recognize that they're simply another way in which the human predicament and situation can be played out.
The relationship of the frequency of Jackie elation to the age at which sexual activity terminates. It is a simple kind of relationship that says the more sexual practice the more sexual interest the more frequently that is that one participates in sexual activity. And given that there is no prolonged illness or other kind of physical problems. Individuals who practice early and more frequently go longer and continue to an older age. On the average as far as sexual activity is concerned I don't think that one would then argue however that the way to last until a ripe old age is to just you know continue to have a high degree of sexual activity.
Is there any danger in the mail having a series of orgasms in a sexual encounter. The the male the woman we've already indicated is multi-orgasmic she can have a number of orgasms she does not have this absolute refractory period that the male has. This is a function of age. We would We've already indicated that you know what is too much meaning that the physiological response mechanism simply isn't there when the male stops being aroused he simply is not arousal and cannot have any further ejaculations. There I would say There's one caveat there is one kind of we'll call it that a psychiatric syndrome or an abnormal syndrome in which compulsive masturbation that is in an individual who is doing it
not through for sexual pleasure but as the expression of something quite separate from that could lead to you know in quote excess that is some kind of actual. Depletion and injury through simply overworking the object Latour mechanism. But that's not what we're talking about this would be the individual who continues simply obsessional ends and some individuals by the way in clinical situations do this literally hour after hour after hour. This is would be a male with this particular kind of a problem but this is not the problem. I think the issue here is that we would say no. There can be no no damage in quotes through successive sexual releases on the part of the male when he can no longer release. He's simply no longer responsive and that's the answer. So the problem of too much that is the frequency of sexual relations
is a function of the two individuals and their needs and desires. And that's the that's the critical determinant. What cultural factors in our society would lead to this syndrome of premature ejaculation in the male. Heading to orgasm is a practice that premature ejaculation. Being highly turned on an arrow ties to a wide array of subjects and objects as we've indicated would be another factor. The fact that many men simply pet to orgasm would then sensitized the male to a quick response rather than the opposite which is to delay the response. In some societies as I think I may have indicated the reverse is practice young males are taught by older women in the tribe to prolong and delay the sexual response so that at the beginning the sexual script is written
as the person learns that the object is for long sexual activity so that the woman will have a time to become ready. The other side of that equation however is is that we also teach our women attitudes and feelings about themselves which make them culturally less likely to respond as quickly as they can because we've already indicated physiologically speaking women are as capable of as quick a response to orgasm as our men. It doesn't work out that way however because typically in the in the sexual encounter. The genital application that is necessary for stimulation of the woman does not occur in many cases. And we won't get into technique because doctors trail will cover some of these areas but certainly there are many problems here that are not a function of an individual's inadequacy but are a function of his and that to me.
I did over emphasize the negative boys back at the dorm syndrome in terms of sharing of intimate experiences. But because I wasn't talking about that I think to talk about sexuality is is to practice communication about it. But if to talk about conquest that's what I was emphasizing and I think that's certainly one of the hopes here is that it deliberately stimulates individuals to develop an up to date and updated vocabulary with which to express themselves to other individuals because one of our hang ups and the ways one of the reasons we can't talk to even our intimate friends. One of the reasons not the only but one of the reasons is we haven't the vocabulary and we haven't the shared frame of reference which will let us except ourselves in the presence of another person talking and feeling about our sexuality. Why are there fewer women that masturbate than men. We indicated that
although in very early infancy by the way the clitoris is just about as available as the penis for stimulation and we find a high degree of sexual play with the girl because of the aggressive position of sex as the little boy grows up and because his penis becomes increasingly era ties in ways that the woman does not. That is her sexuality is always going to be a much more broadly felt experience than the highly focalized kind of genital response that it is for the male so that that along with prohibitions that is for little boys. There is much more likely to be sexual patterning and a script in the pre-pubertal period where sex play takes place among small boys then it is among small girls. There is another thing that is pointed out in work that will be coming out now the Gagnon
and Simon who are the latter day Kinsey Report researchers that that tends to show that girls from the very beginning just never do seem to have the kind of interest in in sexuality. Just because the response is much more latent and diffuse response and it does not tend to become articulated for a fairly large number of women until actual heterosexual experimentation much later so that some one third of women do not masturbate. Another reason is that women have not as available a sexual script in terms of the culture. The one of our seminars at Mount Holyoke I can say this because I think this is no tail on the girl she was presenting the first topic. This was a senior and she says tonight I'm going to talk about
masturbation. I had never heard the word until this morning when I looked it up. Now it's rather difficult to imagine that a boy although he may not have heard the word would certainly know what it means because it is just universal and begins at a much earlier age with the boy. Why is it that in our society a woman cannot speak with pride and freely about her sexual conquests. That's the double standard that we've been alluding to. There is every reason that perhaps the the new ethic would make this possible if indeed it is ever going to be possible to speak with pride about one's sexuality perhaps sexual conquests puts it in the idea that what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. And you know that that somehow implies that because it is done by by men it's therefore you know it should be done by women. Perhaps the best
sex ethic would deemphasize conquest that is exploitative sexuality and make an emphasis on sexual mutuality. But you've touched the right point that is that women can't talk about their sexuality. Know how just any way that this is simply forbidden that one should express up until this century. A woman was thought to be either depraved or loose. If she admitted to strong sexual feelings even in marriage and so this is one aspect of the sexual script that is probably being most rapidly rewritten than any other part of the whole sexual armamentarium behavioral situation for young people in this country at this time. Human Sexuality. The third in a series of seven classes given as
part of a four college course in human sexuality sponsored jointly by Amherst Mount Holyoke and Smith Colleges and the University of Massachusetts. Dr. Haskell Copeland professor of psychology at Amherst College gave the second of two lectures on interpersonal relations and psycho sexual development. This is a seven part series on human sexuality was produced by W. F. S. R. five College Radio in Amherst Massachusetts. Right. And.
OK. OK OK. OK OK OK OK. All this is the national educational radio network. Am way.
Human sexuality
Episode Number
#1 (2 Of 2) And #2 (2 Of 2) And #3 (2 Of 2)
Producing Organization
University of Massachusetts (Amherst campus)
Mount Holyoke College
Smith College
Amherst College
Contributing Organization
University of Maryland (College Park, Maryland)
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Episode Description
The second parts of episodes one, two, and three in this series are included here. The featured speaker is Dr. Haskell Copeland, professor of psychology at Amherst College.
Series Description
This series features lectures given as part of a class on human sexuality.
Human physiology.
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Producing Organization: University of Massachusetts (Amherst campus)
Producing Organization: Mount Holyoke College
Producing Organization: Smith College
Producing Organization: Amherst College
AAPB Contributor Holdings
University of Maryland
Identifier: 70-SUPPL (National Association of Educational Broadcasters)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Duration: 01:00:00?
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Chicago: “Human sexuality; #1 (2 Of 2) And #2 (2 Of 2) And #3 (2 Of 2),” University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 4, 2024,
MLA: “Human sexuality; #1 (2 Of 2) And #2 (2 Of 2) And #3 (2 Of 2).” University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 4, 2024. <>.
APA: Human sexuality; #1 (2 Of 2) And #2 (2 Of 2) And #3 (2 Of 2). Boston, MA: University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from