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Ways of mankind. But I know what I like. A study in the arts a program in the serious ways of mankind. Presented under the supervision of Walter Goldschmidt of the University of California Los Angeles by the National Association of educational broadcasters. A series designed to show how human beings live together in different times and places. A study in the archives. But I know what I like. What is universal. Every society has some kind of art. Every society has literature and every society has music and every society has its own special arts as well. Art is
what we do for its own sake. Books must be written to tell us things but that they should be beautifully written is the work of the art of literature. Houses must be built to show interest but that they should be beautifully built gives rise to the art of architecture as the fellow from New England fully realized. I'm building my own house myself doing it with my own hands on the level cos helping with the heavy work. Then when it's all finished nailed up tight ready to go. Bring Down a fellow from Boston to put on the architecture. All societies then have some sort of art. Also it is look for the beautiful but they don't all look in the same place. The Japanese consider Flora ranging one of the fine arts. Also the ceremony of tea drinking which is an elaborate social occasion as well in our own society we consider gardening one of the arts.
Though our ideas are very different from what the 17th century considered one of the high spots of the art of gardening. Cardinal Richelieu celebrated water garden in front the garden has in its midst divers noble brass statues perpetually spouting water into an ample basin with other figures of the same metal on one of the blocks within a square of tall trees is a best of copper which managed by the fountain the cost was 60 feet high and would have itself moved around so swiftly that one can hardly escape a wetting at the further part of this walk is a plentiful though artificial cascade which rolls down a very steep declivity and over the marble steps and basins with astonishing noise and cutting in the middle stands a marble table on which a fountain plays in divers forms of glasses cups crosses pens croutons etc.. Then the fountain EIA represented a shower of rain from the top made by small jets from below and going out to extravagant has
shocked us with a stream of water from the must get better. The water garden was an art in 17th century France a country which also made cookery into an art so that the great chef seven could say in his anatomy of taste of cooking a useful reminder when you meet a cook who thinks cookery is a branch of chemistry. Every society has its specialized and very often the form of the art has risen not of the nature of the society. Consider for example the case of the Grecian Urn or attic shape faire attitude with breed of mob of men and maidens over wrought with Forest branches and the trodden weed. The silent form just tease us out of thought as death
eternity. Past of it. When old age shall this generation waste remain in midst of other will than our lives. A friend to man to whom thou sayest beauty is truth truth beauty that is all you know on Earth and all you need to know. Keats Ode on a Grecian is one of the glories of our art of literature. And by the way expresses the attitude of the artist in all societies. But the Greece itself is a piece of art that springs from the very roots of ancient Greek society. Let us call up from the past a citizen of ancient Athens. Ancient Athens was sitting on the scene by the bed in rocky hills of Attica. Upon whose stony sun baked slopes only one tree would grow with and that was the other. The flocks were passed between the olive groves and.
Pot and said. What music is that something to try and make you feel at home old Greek it is a Greek Shepherd playing upon a clarinet like pipe that he has made with his own hands in 2000 years that sound has hardly changed. I know that too. He came into Greece at the dawn of the golden age at the time of the Persian Wars and the Greek Chipotle he remembers it steamed up on his own made by the Greeks from. Athens as I have said. Two things only the sea before and the olive trees behind us. Clearly she had betrayed and by sea and she became a great Metta timebase and in her day the queen of the ocean. But her chief precious. Commodity the things she could exchange in trade was the other and the precious sweet oil that comes from the other. Now this all must be placed in something and so he took the clay of the Athenian haters and made it into pots and Johnson
over the olive are. So much worse. Thomas said that must be made for all of us. Then the Potter's art arose and said that they must be beautiful to me and so they were. The bride of quietness our foster child of silence and slow time the historian who can't express a flowery tale more sweetly than our rhyme. Then often arises from the circumstances of society. The Grecian Urn from the olive oil trade. The Navajo blanket from the chill nights of the southwest is it and the paintings of the cave man from the attempt to make magic to guarantee good hunting. This talk of pictures makes it worth mentioning that not every society has such things as pictures. Indeed very much indeed. You Christians do not Seems know your own Ten Commandments. But we Mohammedans who TVM Moses is a great prophet. Always remember the words of the Second Commandment Thou
shalt not make unto thee any graven image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above or that is in the earth beneath or that is in the water and the earth. The Hebrews of the olden time respected this commandment and Islam the faith of Mohammed respected to this day so that nowhere in Islam will you find a picture of anything whatever made by one of the faithful. But alas we are all human. And this is not the only commandment but all can of man. Yeah. But not every art is universal though certainly many are the art of adorning the human body for example. We do it by clothes by dressing our hair and by coloring our faces and shaping our bodies.
The Chinese used to shape their feet. The North American Indians used to shave their heads. We usually shaped the parts in between. We wear clothes for warmth and for modesty. The improved heating changes one and fashion changes the other nonetheless added to these necessary uses. There is the art of the tailor the dress maker and the headdress so nowadays we do not go quite as far as the 18th century when a lady's hair was cemented up with false hair and frameworks and then left for weeks while Madame slept with her neck resting on a wooden collar. We do not have time to go into the many many things that human beings have made the object of art of one kind or another telling telling stories making wine breeding gold fish striking coins and decorating boomerangs designing clocks catching foxes making pictures out of corn pollen or butterfly wings spinning ropes carving statues. All these things and many more have been fine arts to somebody some time somewhere.
Art is universal. Every society has forms of art and the nature of the society gives rise to the nature of the art. Art in fact is a part of society. This is true of every art but will show you how it works for the art of music. After all we can't make a noise like a Rembrandt. Music music is found in every society and every society says the same thing about other people's music. Call that music it's just a lot to know about other people's music. People say that about their own music archeology has yet to discover the oldest inscription ever said about the hand of man. But when it turns up we can make a pretty good guess what it will say. Don't buy me a dot. The following namely what does the modern generation coming to. And this is new music. So age cannot wither it nor custom stale the same old story.
What we say about Stravinsky people said about Mozart but it all comes to the same thing in music as in all arts. There are many different styles. For example some of. Those highly on the mental music of a radio basically unchanged through the fourteen hundred years since Muhammad except to add fresh subtleties to it buoyant exuberant expression. The Arabians have a style of music quite different from ours but questions of musical taste are something else again. Different societies have different kinds of music some of which we will be hearing and even in the same society has different kinds of music. But what we're after is music as a part of society the way we use music without really paying attention to questions of musical taste. Consider the two fellows. There's a New Years one of them is wearing an admiral's hat made of green crepe paper. The other one's holding the. Thing.
That I'm winds when you go into it trying. To cool someone's nose with a feather. They are discussing the fundamental questions of musical takeaway 11:20. Look these these days. Who cares for my back. He's dead he's dead but his stuff isn't as long as music exists you've got your hands Sebastian Bach. Stuff sounds like a sewing machine Waqt what years make your music never got off the ground until it got clear of all those old fashioned voice all thing was Don's feet away. Why right now there wouldn't even be any music with handling for Dizzy Gillespie dizzy guess what you're like a bottom line noise stuff sounds old fashioned modern boppers left him far behind. But his stuff was the real primeval Don he was the pioneer. Do you call that stuff music pioneer. I could get more melodies by selling a Tom cat's tail in a rusty escalator. Remember those guys I got all the music upside down.
They don't ever her use music at all. I thought it was only like that some bops a real art form take a figure like this I don't know I don't dawdle band directors album I drink what I look like. Like the one about the Brandenburg Concertos there's bucket is best. TOP TOP TOP TOP TOP. Time. For I. Am Mary our Los. Ask a man the. Draw was made was to be a writer and a. Bach versus BOP is a measure of his tactics of musical taste and
judgment. But singing all Lang Syne at New Years has nothing to do with whether you like the tune or not. It's simply the proper ceremony in our society when the new year comes around just as the Chinese hold procession to the streets of that off firecrackers. The Chinese are particularly scrupulous about celebrating the new year. Indeed they have been scrupulous about almost every sort of money and right at the complex and ancient society of Confucius. There was an important social function belonging to music and importance and significance which even extended to precise musical instruments. What does the emperor think of when he hears the clear out and resonant note of the bell. The note of the bell. Creates an impression of majesty and this inspires us. Sense of the military power there fault the Emperor thinks of the military officials what does the employer think. When he hears the show up and clear cut to the news of
this music. Fosters the sense of decision and makes it easy for generals to die in battle. Therefore. He thinks of his military officers who die in battle at the border. Twenty hears the plaintive quality of stringed instrument these cleanse the soul and make for a sense of righteousness. Therefore he thinks of his righteous ministers and when he hears the fruiting quality of them. He thinks. All the some floats everywhere and brings together the masses of the people. Therefore the Sauber thinks. Of the ministers. It is seen that in hearing music the empanada does not hear the solid instruments only. But also hear the significance proper to the different sound. It is the same with us. Certain instruments have certain strong associations and in ancient Greece it was the same with us. A good education was based
on two things. Gymnastics and music. We took the view that music had two functions. First the accompaniment of the noble words of the poet's second play the accompaniment of dances and other exercises of the limbs. Many philosophers thought children should only hear frm traditional music. Proud and brave for the boys modest and pure for the girls innovations might destroy the spirit of the Constitution and sweet blessid music is fit only for slaves like the Chinese. We Greeks felt that music being an important part of society should be an important part of education. We do not feel that though a superficial knowledge of music has long been listed among young lady's accomplishments. All the same. Our society has very strong associations for different kinds of music and some of the ways we think of musical instruments have been described by the poet Dryden. The trumpet's loud clanger excites us to look
through notes of. Local alarm is a double double double beat of the thundering drum cries of the foes come charge charge just too late to retreat. The soft complaining flute. In dying notes discovers the woes of hopeless love. Who's this was spared by the warbling. You. Shop violins proclaim they're jealous pangs and desperation. Frantic indignation. Depths of pains and heights of passion for the fan disdainful they.
Can teach what human voice can reach the sacred organs praise notes inspiring holy love. Notes the heavenly way to mend the choirs and. When to the breath was given an angel here and straight appeared. Was taking earth. For heaven. Perhaps the best way to think of the social uses of music is to think of all the tunes that we use on special occasions. The Chopin funeral march. Happy birthday to you all. For he's a jolly good fellow. Hail To The Chief and dozens
of others and most striking of all is perhaps the national anthem. Nowadays two of the signs of a civilized country are our national debt and a national anthem. Why do we stand up when we hear the national anthem played. Certainly not because we like the tune as a sign of respect to the music not to the music no the music symbolizes the country. We stand up as a sign of respect to the country. A national anthem in fact is a really fine example of a social use of music and some kind of tune that is specially revered it is characteristic of very many societies. We all know our own national anthem and we probably know the tunes of half a dozen others besides. But what do we make of this. This is African music. Does your group buy complicated and subtle rhythms. These are the Royal what to say drums the sacred drums which occur everywhere accompany the king of the Rwanda in the forest of the Belgian Congo. These drums are playing at the
Royal Court of good golly and the king himself and the provincial chiefs are playing the drums. The royal want to see drums are respected as the symbol of the King. In our societies we carry a national anthem still further. They are respected when the chief of state is not even present in person. But the point comes out again. Music like all the arts not only has an aesthetic value it has a social value a social value which is very often expressed with the voice. We have shown you some instrumental music but the truth is that in most societies the human voice is the heart of music in our own society almost every piece of popular music is a song and of the many societies that love to sing. Many love to hear voices alone on the island of Tahiti for instance the Pearl of the Pacific as it calls itself the first European explorers found elaborate music sung in two and three parts. Sometimes the Haitians used coconut shell drums
but sometimes the girls would just get together and let their unaccompanied voices carry the spirit of Tahiti. The human voice may be the heart of yours but the ancient Greeks told us of that too. You see first the accompaniment of the words of the poets. Secondly the accompaniment of dances and other exercises of the limbs and we're very well aware how closely music is connected with the dunce. I'm going to go to the dance on Saturday night. But I will be there. The girls got to go to an important dance like this one. Our social life is just jam. Never going to meet anybody. Playing hours is not the only society in which young
people meet each other it down says there was a time in fact when one special dance was particularly important. It was called The Coming Out dance and it was a polite way of advertising that the David dunt was available for marriage and that her family was ready willing and anxious to get her safely off their hands as apologists call that sort of social hint about getting married. A girl's puberty ceremony and such sort of unease are very frequently closely connected with music. Music as a social function. This is the squalid dance of the Navajo Indians of the Arizona desert. Sometimes this dance is called Enemy way for it was the ceremony of purification for those Navajo who had been polluted by contact with the enemy. Nowadays it's a ceremony to cure Navajos whose sickness seems to be the result of meeting strangers. But the main attraction is that the squab dance is also the debutantes coming out party.
The boys and girls turn up for the dance separately but it's the girls who choose their partners often with their mothers doing the coaching in the background. The social use of music as a puberty ceremony is very common in many societies. Indeed you might say hardly any ceremony is complete without music or any job either. Take Work Songs For instance work songs or songs to help you get something done. Sea shanties a work songs. So are marching songs so or so of the Scottish songs for stretching clubs. So if you like his dance music and modern industrial studies show that factory workers keep up a better output if they're able to hear music from time to time. Now perhaps you might call that real work music in the sense that the work isn't actually being done in time with the music with the music in short actually acting as a mechanical aid to doing the job. But here's a piece of real work music. It's a song to help a lot of girls pound bananas for cooking. You can hear the sound of the presses going.
These girls live in the great forest of Central Africa. They are the Bondi who live in French equitorial Africa. And they spend several hours a day beating up bananas both the fruit of the skin into a paste for cooking. It's a great delicacy. And this song is of typical African work song with the soloist improvising on the bites of the note banana while the chorus never to work songs are another example of the social use of music and indeed in almost every society nearly any kind of ceremony has appropriate music from a funeral to a wedding. In our society in fact wedding music is so firmly established and rigidly dictated that a girl can get some horrible surprises but. A great grandmother died before Mendelssohn was even. It wasn't even a wedding much we got to see it to the wasn't properly. To say nothing of Lohengrin and I love you literally end up because
music at weddings is rigidly prescribed in our society. It has an important social you and in other societies. Music for example is often connected with religion. Religious songs are common. Religious density is less so in societies familiar to our own though King David is reported as dancing before the ark of the Covenant and in the Greek Orthodox Church part of the wedding ceremony consists of a highly formalized and very stately religious death in our society. Music and church are so closely connected that Alexander Pope could say some church repair had knocked for the Doctrine but the music and music in church is perhaps only an extension of the feeling of our society that of all the arts. It is music that properly belongs in heaven. We all hope the painters sculptors and poets may be there and in quantity but we all know what they'll be doing when they get there. They'll be singing in the heavenly choir. For we regard
music as above all the heavenly art and in our view music is not only an important part of life in this world it is an important part of life in the next. So the Dryden fittingly concludes his great song for saints to see via's day with the triumphal declaration of what music will do on the day of judgment. As from the power of sacred lays the spheres began to move and sung the great creator's praises to all of blessed above. When the last and dreadful this crumbling adj. shall devour the trumpet so be it. The dead shall live the living doll. And music. The sky.
With Dr. Walter Goldschmidt of the department of anthropology and sociology of the University of California Los Angeles has concluded. But I know what I like. A study in the arts a program in the serious ways of mankind designed to show dramatically how human beings live together in different times and places. The script was written by a lister simpler and produced in the studios of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Toronto by Andrew Allen. Original music by Groucho I guess again. These programs are presented and distributed by the National Association of educational broadcasters. You're.
You're. You're. You're. You're. You're. A.
Ways of mankind
But I know what I like
Producing Organization
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
National Association of Educational Broadcasters
Contributing Organization
University of Maryland (College Park, Maryland)
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Episode Description
"But I Know What I Like" is a study in the arts and how artistic standards vary by culture.
Series Description
This series is an exploration into the origin and development of cultures, customs and folkways in various parts of the world.
Art and anthropology
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Composer: Agostini, Lucio, 1913-
Producer: Allan, Andrew, 1907-1974
Producing Organization: Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
Producing Organization: National Association of Educational Broadcasters
Speaker: Goldsby, Angela
Writer: Sinclair, Lister
AAPB Contributor Holdings
University of Maryland
Identifier: cpb-aacip-f40d60a4365 (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Duration: 00:50:00
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Chicago: “Ways of mankind; But I know what I like,” 1952-07-10, University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed January 16, 2025,
MLA: “Ways of mankind; But I know what I like.” 1952-07-10. University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. January 16, 2025. <>.
APA: Ways of mankind; But I know what I like. Boston, MA: University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from