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A. Ernest Bloch's piano sonata performed by used by. Once
again Suzanne block. Seven years passed between blocks second string quartet and his third unaffected by this tour and success a second quantity created. He Cammy followed his lead of course writing as he felt not thinking of capitalizing on his renewed popularity only leaving his home and I did Beach Oregon to give some lectures and courses. The University of California at Berkeley. He would then return to his quiet spot to get back to simple life working on his property. Mushroom hunting and bringing up the innumerable kittens that would be born the blocks. Or was it cats wherever they lived. And there was a problem of fallen trees. This blog became a woodcutter song away and cutting lost his fireplace and when he composed and became stuck on a passage he would go down to a little shop where a polished I could see it from of the beach. This is a wonderful hobby for him. Accumulated a magnificent collection of lovely stones of all sorts which is toward an end to cigar
boxes. On impulse he would give them away or send them to friends. The late Queen Elizabeth of Belgian herself a musician and a friend of all the leading musicians of the times with whom I had lunch in 1958 was so fascinated by Nexus agates had made and world that from obvious hence received a whole cigar box of agates from Bloc which she cherished. The ground around his house was strewn with discarded agates. He felt were not good enough for polishing it at times walking about. He would bend over take one of these stones and mutter. This isn't such a Bedouin. Maybe I should try and polish it and see what comes of it. His evenings are spent in reading. This is done in special phases of one specific author. He went through a long siege of flood bear or about Zach. He spend weeks with the memoirs of Ceci Moe and months of the just oh you have ski hit a large library of books of philosophy books on science and was also interested
in several branches of medicine and genetics in this rich life the works of his last years were born and grew steadily during this last visit his life an agate beach. Here are 25 compositions most of the major works and so 1952 string quartet number three saw the light. This is his first quartet according to him was the most personal and subjective. And his second quote It was again according to him the most dry and impersonal. The third came as a surprise to us all again. At the age of 72 he wrote a work much fresher than the second incredibly full of vitality and also for the first time he deliberately use a 12 tone edge and not serially but only as his own personal means of expression. When you're wrong about this use of the Trafton idiom he said yes to those embassy of critics would not discovered this new departure in his music when it turned out differently since several people knew about it already for he had not been too discrete about
this. The Cata dinette out of the bag and macho never know whether the critics would have noticed on their own. Well the music is pure block I have a suspicion of the Fuca theme at the end of his quartet would have given all this away to any musician with an ear. The first movement opens the vigorous Allegro DIS-EASE 0 which gives almost a feeling of perpetual motion. It is closely knit. The magic material which is used as in sonata form. What is characteristic in this entire work is a use of descending fifths which come in pairs. The advantage or non troppo opens of the melancholy figure for the viola which recurs and unifies a movement this movement is in three parts the first is composed of a long said newest melody. The second like an auction is remet inexpressive the third brings back passage from the first movement in which is descending fifths are predominant. A typical box gets a follows this can see are never the jolly happy or shaggy contrasts I would expect after the
lyrical slow movements like sardonic humor is as ever obvious. Again there are three sections in the first one when he has two different themes one of which the second is almost act Erica. The middle part is an interlude warmer and less ironical but not for long. As a giant of the last section on which material of the beginning is brought back. The thing now and I grow is of great contrapuntal power and dexterity. Also this is where block incorporated 12 to material but without serial treatment. The bloc's own words. The essential motif for the finale has a somewhat related parentage with the start of the first movement. There are dissenting faiths also found in the second and third. But the whole motif is based on the 12 semitones of the scale only contrarily to Mr Schoenberg. It is not harmonized arbitrarily mechanically. And this is apparently a tonal motif becomes greatly almost outrageously tonal as you will see in this movement comes a few. I hesitated very much
to treat this material as a few on account of the finale of the second quartet which has also a few but it is so completely different and seems so obvious that I could not resist. It is again quite regularly constructed on the initial 12 tone row but you will see how it becomes more and more tonal and so acquires full musical significance. The theme appears inverted in the cello and then at the end there comes the triumph of tonality order organization from an apparently inorganic start. May humanity follow such a course. You were not here. And this blocks string quartet number 3 before by the Edinburg TX. Do. You. Think to. Hang. In.
There. And. You're.
Right. Yeah. Bringing. Him. To. The NG. And. You. Get.
Him. To. Do it and. Thing. Thank.
You. Man.
Man. Man. Man. Man. Man. HEADLEE. Lose. Lose lose.
Lose. Lose.
Ernest Bloch: The man and his music
Episode Number
Episode 12 of 15
Producing Organization
WRVR (Radio station : New York, N.Y.)
Riverside Church (New York, N.Y.)
Contributing Organization
University of Maryland (College Park, Maryland)
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Series Description
For series info, see Item 3659. This prog.: Piano Sonata (1935); String Quartet No. 3
Media type
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Producing Organization: WRVR (Radio station : New York, N.Y.)
Producing Organization: Riverside Church (New York, N.Y.)
AAPB Contributor Holdings
University of Maryland
Identifier: 68-39-12 (National Association of Educational Broadcasters)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Duration: 00:24:09
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Ernest Bloch: The man and his music; Episode 12 of 15,” 1968-11-25, University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed January 2, 2025,
MLA: “Ernest Bloch: The man and his music; Episode 12 of 15.” 1968-11-25. University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. January 2, 2025. <>.
APA: Ernest Bloch: The man and his music; Episode 12 of 15. Boston, MA: University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from