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In Maine each week at this time pace college faculty members present fame in the main word portraits of men and women past and present whose lives and careers have added to the wisdom comfort or beauty of the world with you today. Dr. Joseph F. sins are Professor of History at Pace College in New York. He discusses the fame in the name of Captain William Kidd. Here now is Dr. Asensio Blackbeard who would have refused to hire him as a second mate. He never did cut a throat nor forced a captive to walk the plank and even the pirates who's who. The register of famous Rovers of the open sea. Classifying him is amongst the second or even third rate masters of the craft of piracy yet the legend of Captain William Kidd as a cruel pirate who had hidden a fortune beneath the ground persists to this very day. Among Americans literally
thousands of tourists spend their vacations digging in the sands of Long Island to on Earth jewels and pieces of eight allegedly buried by Captain Kidd and his man and left untouched for this very day. A kid's life indeed as a pirate has been glorified by time. Captain Kidd's life however. Is one to be pitied rather than one to be envied. He was a highly respected merchant. He was a huge landowner. He was also a happily married man. Get one rash act and accepting a mission from a highly placed group of British lords cost him his good name and later his life. At the end of a rope with him kids Boyhood is unknown. Most sauces however that do mention Kate agree that his birthplace was Greenock Scotland the seaport town on the Clyde leading to Glasgow. And that he was born in the year 16:45
tradition also has it that he was the son of a Calvinist minister being born in a seaport town it is natural then that kid would have gone to see at an early age when records do catch up with his career. He was living in the English problems of New York the year was 69 and kid 45 years of age was a ship owner and if sea captain two years before in 69 88 war broke out between England and France the hostilities were actually part of a long war one that lasted approximately 100 years. This time William the son of William of Orange and now king of England was in conflict with King Louis the Fourteenth of France. King Louis embroiled him self at the time with most of the leaders of Western Europe. It appeared to them that France was out to destroy the independence of Holland to annex most of western Germany and to control the Iberian Peninsula.
We banded together a league of states. When Louis asserted his dynastic claim to German land us in 16 88. The War Of The League of Augsburg began French privateers ships privately owned but commissioned by the government to raid harass enemy shipping enter the waters of the New World English shipping and English colonies were poorly protected from these raids. A cry for help reached Palm and in London. Captain Kidd place to ship in the service of the English crown. He and his men cruised in the waters of the West Indies a trade route which had become profitable game for the French kid it is known for it in at least two engagements here for which he earned the reputation as a mighty man. Two years later in 69 he won
kids fame as a fighter and defender of the English crown which brought to the attention of King William Jacob a German living in the English colony of New York had led an insurrection composed of militia and lower classes against the accession of William and Mary to the throne of England. Many royal officials here in the colonies were suspected of being Roman Catholics. And there was also fear of a Catholic French invasion. Captain Kidd fought with the distinction against life and his son in law. They had established a new provincial government in the New York colony with themselves at the head. The lice was captured the fort at what is now Bowling Green strengthen its walls with a battery of six guns and proposed to preserve Protestantism for ever. Life's like govern the colony for two years. He was bitterly opposed however by the rich and the aristocratic faction of a colony
which Captain Kidd was already a member of. Finally in 69 he won William commissioned Colonel Henry slaughter as governor of the colonies. Troops under the command of Major rich in gold were dispatched to New York. Good Ship then joined the mages fleet in gold. Thus aided false to surrender the fort who was later vindicated was tried as a traitor and hanged in May 16 91 that same month on May 14th the General Assembly of the Colony of New York awarded Kidd an honorarium of one hundred and fifty pounds for all the many goods services done to this province. Two days after he received the award Kate applied for a marriage license. His bride Mrs. Sarah OT was probably the richest widow in the New York
province. The entry in the surrogate's office of the arc granting this license for this inscription Captain William Kidd gentleman obviously did not agree with this description. He had labeled Kidde only two months before as a blasphemous privateer Leisel I had bitterly complained against the poor treatment accorded several messages sent from the fort at Bowling Green to negotiate terms with major in gold to be Captain Kidd's ship had intercepted the messages in marrying this is all good and became probably the largest landowner in the New York province. MRS ART was the daughter of Captain Samuel Bradley a man of property. She had first married William Cox who died and left her as a state. She then married John Haught a sea captain who also died and willed her
his property. Captain Kidd too had means before his marriage. He was the owner of a vessel the end to which carried on a lucrative trade in the West Indies. The ship carried food wooden staves for sugar and rum barrels on the run south. The vessel returned to the problems with sugar rum and spices. All very profitable items. The kids occupied a spacious stone mansion out of what is now the corner of pearl and Hanover streets in lower Manhattan. The mansion stood on a large lot but then overlooked the East River. The lock ran back nearly 100 feet to the solute ditch the ditch is now be restricted and important banking and brokerage thoroughfare on the back lanes to the large size coach house three foot alleys separated the kids mansion from the nearest neighbor. The rebellious. Kids while
services are often sought by the Crown. The request for his help against pirates by the governor of the Leeward Islands in the West Indies and 16 91 was turned down by Gov. slaughter. Apparently the plea for help in June of the same by the governor of the colony of Massachusetts to suppress an enemy privateer now upon these coasts was heated. Cade brought him in on Aug. 17 16 91. Besides the mountain kid and his wife held considerable property in New York one address today would be 56 Wall Street which now houses the bank the rémy the Israel and which in kid's time had the distinction of being the first house sold. On the other side of the wall the wall which name now identifies Wall Street Protech did Dutch New Amsterdam from unfriendly Indians.
The kids also on the property now known as 52 to 56 Water Street 86 to 90. Pearl Street and a piece of land at the foot of East seventy fourth Street. The ladder property now houses the sprawling plant of Consolidated Edison the seventy fault Street property was originally a leather mill operated by two partners. They had you thirty eight and a half acres out of wilderness a long distance away from Dutch to Amsterdam. The power for the mail came from a stream which emptied into the East River at the foot of water is now the seventy fourth Street. It must have been a rushing current to be able to turn the wheels of the lever mill. There is no sign today of cause of the east seventy fourth street street. Most of the kids four years of marriage however were spent in the mansion on Pearl Street the mansion
was protected by a wall and had a full view of the great dock on the East River waterfront located a little to the south of the Kidd property the furnishings included a dozen took as cheap as three dozen leather chair as the first Turkish copper to be imported to the province. Five all the carpets for feather beds and four for all posters. And they had a nigger roommate Elizabeth Morris brought from England Captain Kidd's merchant vessel. She was indentured to a kid on July 14th sixty ninety five to four years in the mornings kid could see the shipping and the yanker age almost without getting out of bed after breakfast. He probably took the show off in pleasant walks to the heart of the business area. The statue a hall state house the customs house the warehouses and the walls.
Kid was an important man in this important and growing trade in seaport city of 60 95. His influence was even felt in New York politics for the sailors in this brigantine could apparently even swing an election in the colonial records for September 14th 695 is an entry which showed that the sheriff asked him to bring his men on land to vote in an election in support of the governor's choice. Captain Kidd's cooperation was also sought for another phases of civic affairs as he was asked to aid in the construction of various buildings. Records for instance of Trinity Church of which kid was a communicant and pew holder disclosed that he lent a runner and tackle for the hoisting up of St. during its construction. It appears that Captain William Kidd in mid 16 95
was captain of his fate and master of his destiny then an event took place which made kit a small pawn in the lap of fate. You have just heard Dr. Joseph F. sin's or Professor of History at Pace College in New York discussed the fame in the name of Captain William Kidd. He returns next week to complete his talk. The script was written by Dr. Charles Hugh going in. He's professor of English and Bruce Horrow producer of fame in the main free transcripts of today's talk as well as a list of other lectures given in this series may be obtained by writing to feign in the name paste College New York New York 138. We also welcome your comments and suggestions. This program was distributed by the national educational radio network one hundred thirty eight.
Fame in a name each week at this time college faculty members present fame in a name. When I had portraits of men and women past and present whose lives and careers have
added to the wisdom comfort or beauty of the world with you today is Dr. Joseph F. Sims a professor of history at Pace College in New York completing his discussion of the fame in the name Captain William Kidd. Here now is Dr. sins are. Captain William Kidd it was pointed out the last time we spoke together was a prosperous land owner in an important sea captain in the problems of New York. Kidd had married a wealthy widow and lived the life of a gentleman. He had fought pirates on behalf of the English crown and among his peers he was looked upon as a mighty man in mid sixteen ninety five. Captain Kidd indeed was captain of his fate and master of his destiny in the all important trade in sea port town of New York.
Then an event took place which made kid a small poem in the lap of fate. The British East India Company in sixteen ninety five petition King William the Third of England to send a man of war against the pirates in the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean. The pirates were disrupting their monopoly of trade with the East particularly India Company losses and ships men and goods ran high. William however had no man of war to send. They were all at sea fighting the French. His Majesty then decided that the necessary ship might be fitted out as a private undertaking. This was known as privateering and often done in time of war during the 17th and 18th centuries and even into the 19th century. King William also appointed Richard Cote Earl of Belmont as governor of New England with special instructions to suppress piracy. Although his commission was to take effect two years later the earl met in London
with Robert Livingston. Then a member of the New York Council and secretary for Indian Affairs to discuss what action could be taken against the pirates. As fortune would have it kid too was in London at the time to appear before the lords of trade. In a case dealing with a colonial election Livingstone attending the hearing was impressed by kids boldness and bravery under questioning by the laws of trade. He arranged to have Keat kid meet Earl Belmont. It probably wasn't too difficult for Belmont to sell the assignment to Captain Kidd. After all as we noted a kid already had experience as a privateer and would watch would probably influence any man is that his help was being sought. By the royal household itself. Articles of Agreement after all was signed on October 10 16 95 by Kidd in a group of royal sponsors
for Belmont agreed to raise four fifths of the necessary 6000 pounds for which he was to receive four fifths of the net profits. If there weren't any Bellemont would have his investment return. He also agreed to secure a royal authorisation for the expedition. All the share takers worser Edward Russell. First lot of the apple tree. So John Summers is Lord Keeper of the great CEO the Duke of Shrewsbury who was secretary of state. Lord Romney master general of the ordinance and the king himself the king by the way was to receive one tenth of the profits of the cruise. The fare takers the agreement certified and specified were to remain anonymous kid and Livingstone undertook to contribute one fifth of the expenses for which they would receive its equivalent in profits. Captain Kidd's crew of course
would receive payment before the ship take Livingston posted a bond for £10000 a considerable fortune even today to guarantee kids integrity kids credit standing must have been extremely high. The privateer was given two commissions one to attack and to bring in enemy ships and two to capture pirates. The crime was interested specifically in taking Thomas to John arland Thomas wake and William mace. All pirates on the high seas kid sold his own brigantine the take away. He then purchased a four month old galley. The adventure and fitted it with 34 guns. He sailed from Plymouth England on April 23rd six thousand ninety six for New York. The adventurer had bought a partial crew yet during the voyage to New York. Captain Kidd was able to capture a small French
vessel. The prize was used in purchasing supplies for the upcoming expedition against pirates. In New York kids collected together one hundred fifty five men reliable seafarers many of whom were married and had large families. The adventures set sail from Madagascar a well-known pirates haunt the England. This was kid's second mistake. His first mistake occurred in accepting the commission as privateers as he later admitted he was content in being a ship's owner as well as a land owner but had yielded to the pressures of law development Bellemont it seems had threatened to bottle up the entity in the Hudson River if he did not accept the assignment. Returning to England was an era he could have avoided but fate now seemed to be stacking the cards against him. For as he ended the Thames River his galley was directed to anchor by
Captain Stuart of His Majesty's ship the Duchess. Captain Stewart in the name of the Crown impressed his entire crew impressment was a car a common occurrence in the 17th and 18th centuries. Remember it was the impressment of American sailors by British men of walk which led to the war in 1812 between England and the young and independent United States. In place of his reliable crew Kidd was forced to hire riffraff from the streets of London. Men with low morals and mutinous tendencies. His mission could be called hopeless for a kid had to steer a cost between pirate and privateer at a time when it was hard work. To be honest on the high seas. The adventurer allegedly set sail for Madagascar on the eastern coast of Africa. Accounts however in various journals differ as to whether he ever reached his
pirate haunt where news of kid's whereabouts did reach England. The adventurer had reach the call Maryl islands on the African West Coast. One third of kids crew died here of cholera and the ship also began to leak almost a year had gone by since the adventurer had left London. Not one prize had been captured not one penny had been earned. Threatened by a mutinous crew kid now across the boundary between privateer and pirates he set upon a cost of plundering ships. He had been sent to protect the adventure on successfully attacked the moco fleet carrying the famous Arabian mocha coffee from the Red Sea port. He did capture However several small ships during September 16 97. One kid however refused to attack a Dutch ship. The following month a mutiny broke out on
the adventure. It was at this time that he flung a bucket at one of his mutinous gunners. The gunner died. Now was forced to embark on a career of crime on the high seas. On January 30 at sixteen ninety eight Kidd captured a rich prize an Armenian merchant men of forty five hundred tongues the merchant he sketched scuttled the adventure and now on sea worthy raised his flag on the bridge of the quay dock merchant and sail for Madagascar. Kid divided the booty among his men many of whom then jumped ship to join Culliford and Kelly two notorious pirates. The captain had been commissioned to capture kit also finally entered into friendly relations with the two maritime thieves. Business was so good on the high seas that within six months. Kid's ship was laden with loot from port to Stern
in September 16 98. He picked up anchor and sailed for the West Indies. He reached there several seven months later to discover that he and his crew had been proclaimed pirates. Within the two years in which he left London and anchored in the West Indies losses of English shipping to pirates was growing at an incredible rate. When news reached London 16 98 that kid had turned pirate a storm of protest engulfed the house of logs. A general alarm was sounded for his capture and a naval squadron was sent in pursuit of a kid. Kid decided to return to New England. He abandoned the key down merchant purchased a new ship the Antonio and an early anchored in Oyster Bay Long Island through a lawyer friend he contacted law Bellemont protesting his innocence
Delamont wheedled him into coming ashore promising him such a pardon. Kid landed in Boston on July 2nd and was immediately brought before Governor Bellemont and his counsel. Failing to produce a satisfactory record of his voyage kid and his men were in prison they were then shipped to London. He languished in jail for over a year waiting for trial. Members of the House of Commons fearful of the polypill logs who outfitted his expedition would successfully intervene in his behalf. The employees waited until the next session of parliament to examine kid. How do you given evidence against his fellow shed take as he might have been part good however proclaimed his innocence. His tongue otherwise was silent. Parliament voted that he be given an ordinary trial accorded those of low degree and high crimes. On May 8th he was
tried for the murder of William or the governor who died after he had been hit by the bucket thrown by Kit Kidd was found guilty of both murder and piracy. Two weeks later he was led to the gallows at execution dock in London. The first rope broke before his neck could be snapped it was finally high hanging from a tree still protesting his innocence. Whatever kids crimes may have been it is clear from the trials records that he did not have a fair hearing. If he had been tried today kids indictment would have been dismissed for a lack of evidence. The only witnesses against him for instance were two men from the adventure who had turned King's evidence the confiscated jewels gold and goods recovered by the authorities came to some £10000 stories persisted however both here and abroad. That part of Captain Kidd's
treasure was buried on Gardner's island off of Long Island. Some said that it was found in 699 but with time there came new stories of hidden treasure jewels and pieces of eight waiting to be unearthed along the north and south walks of the island that juts into the Atlantic Ocean 100 miles east of New York City kids widow later remarried. His only daughter died before her father's trial and his only son was killed in a battle and seven hundred and fifty. Captain Kidd himself became an legend the greatest pirate of them all. If you would have been born just 50 years earlier that kid would have been knighted for his work on behalf of the English crown. Rather than Captain Kidd's pirate he would have gone down in history as Sir William Cade.
Gentlemen you have just heard Dr Joseph F. Sims a professor of history at Pace College New York complete his talk on the fame in the name Captain William Kidd. The script was written by Dr. Charles Hugonin pace professor of English and Bruce Herero producer of fame in the May free transcripts of today's talk as well as a list of other lectures given in this series. Maybe obtained by writing to fame in the name paste College New York New York 138. We also welcome your comments and suggestions. This program was distributed by the national educational radio network.
Fame in a Name
#1 And #2
Producing Organization
Pace College
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University of Maryland (College Park, Maryland)
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Series Description
In each episode of Fame in a Name, a faculty member of Pace College gives a brief lecture on a significant individual throughout history or in present times. In addition to providing a brief biography, professors discuss the achievements and contributions of the person theyve chosen, and the individuals lasting legacy and impact.
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Producing Organization: Pace College
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University of Maryland
Identifier: 69-24-1 and 69-24-2 (National Association of Educational Broadcasters)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Duration: 00:27:57
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Chicago: “Fame in a Name; #1 And #2,” University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 21, 2024,
MLA: “Fame in a Name; #1 And #2.” University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 21, 2024. <>.
APA: Fame in a Name; #1 And #2. Boston, MA: University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from