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You're listening to music by Don give us brought you each week at the national educational radio network. On this the ninth of a series of 13 programs we'll hear two scores both of which are worked with soloists. The first is written for all boys and a small orchestra consisting of strings harp to last them for question. And the second is for piano and symphony orchestra and they are titled respectively five acre pond and the encore concerto. And the first work done Jaeger will be our oboe so last and in the encore concerto Joseph Kahn former pianist with the NBC symphony will be heard. Our program begins now with five acre pond a poem for oboe and Chamber Orchestra with Don Yeager a soloist under the baton of Dr. A Clyde roller with members of the orchestra of the University Division at Interlochen. Lie.
Low. Why
live on or oval and Chamber Orchestra with Don Yeager as solo was and Dr A Clyde roller conducting the members of the university orchestra at Interlochen. The title by the way is taken from the name of the old swimming hole near Cameron Missouri where I along with my brothers and friends used to go to swim and fish when we were kids and the MINUSTAH boyhood was the inspiration for this brief musical episode of the days of so long ago and Cameron. Now for the major work of our broadcast the on court concerto in one sense I'm perpetrating a slight fraud as I present it for a while it was originally written in the form you're about to hear of it later was rewritten and became the basis for the organ concerto the Concerto for organ and band. Since having done it for organ I'm convinced that I made a rather major tactical error in rewriting it and now I've gone back to my original concept of the piece and
intend to leave it that way. I don't know if you've ever been guilty of mistakes in judgement but on occasion I've made some rather king sized ones of which this one was one of the more kingly sized. I had written the concerto to try to fill a need which some of my piano playing friends had complained about. They needed they said a new concerto which could be combined with concerti of the link of the list or some of the Mozart's chords so that instead of having to play one for major length concerto when they appeared they would not be able to play two instead. So I worked this one out to play about 17 minutes and said Hey look everybody I've written a new short concerto. And would you believe it they received it with an eagerness. Normally reserved for a solemn walk to the gallows. Nothing. For some it was already too long and 17 minutes and for some it just wasn't quite long enough. I was rather astounded that no one ever questioned the musicality of the work. They seemed to
like it but its length was not right for their purposes. So after a single performance down in Corpus Christi Texas and after making the tape you're about to hear I shelved it. I'm presuming of course that you're all highly interested in this sort of thing. Listening to a composer talk about his music that is his music and his mistakes. At any rate I felt you ought to know that what you're about to hear was written with great intentions got itself converted over to another medium through a sort of frustrated in the no performance bracket. And now with common sense and middle age wisdom setting in it is now a backward started from for piano and orchestra and I needlessly add it still reposing and I highly unplayed condition on my shelf shelf which I set aside for compositions that don't get themselves played in the performance that we're going to hear now from my good friend Joseph Kahn rescued it from total oblivion by learning it and playing it was still another group of good friends in Washington.
Mr Khan by the way is a brilliant pianist whose career has been almost all together in radio for many years he was daffy as did NBC and a member of the famed NBC Symphony Orchestra and during his radio days starred on such shows as information please and the Chamber Music Society of Laura Basin Street a most versatile pianist. Indeed I think you'll agree. We'll hear him now. Joseph conn as soloist and the encore concerto on give us an. Ha a.
I am. I am. Oh oh
oh oh oh. I'm sure. I am alright. Alright alright alright. All right.
I am I if
anything. You have just heard the premier radio broadcast of the Encore concerto with the distinguished American pianist Joseph Kohn a soloist in a performance conducted by its composer Don give us earlier we heard the poem for oboe an orchestra of five acre pond with Don Yeager is solos in a
performance recorded at Interlochen and of the town of Dr. Clyde roller. Next week our broadcast is going to be a departure from the normal presentation. We'll have some music of course but the main feature of the program will be a little left handed lecture on composers and so the music which is all neatly packaged up for us with a rather zany story about a monster who was a composer. I call it music to be incidental by and your most cordially invited to join us to see what happens. Our featured work will be in a sense an almost ration of various types of them to their own music as we hear a story for a narrator an orchestra. The man who invented music. Two weeks from now will bring your Christmas program. We'll hear the coming of the King along with the setting of the night before Christmas. I do appreciate you're tuning in and for sending me your cards and letters along with your comments and criticisms. Music by Don give us is brought to you by the national educational radio network and this is done
give us saying so long until next week. This is the National Education all radio network.
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The music of Don Gillis
Works with soloists
Contributing Organization
University of Maryland (College Park, Maryland)
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip/500-gf0mxc11).
Episode Description
This program focuses on Don Gillis' compositions that feature soloists.
Series Description
This series features the works of Don Gillis; hosted by the composer himself. Most of the performances are conducted by the composer.
Broadcast Date
Media type
Composer: Gillis, Don, 1912-1978
Host: Gillis, Don, 1912-1978
Performer: Yeager, Don
AAPB Contributor Holdings
University of Maryland
Identifier: 64-24-22 (National Association of Educational Broadcasters)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Duration: 00:29:04
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “The music of Don Gillis; Works with soloists,” 1964-11-05, University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 8, 2024,
MLA: “The music of Don Gillis; Works with soloists.” 1964-11-05. University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 8, 2024. <>.
APA: The music of Don Gillis; Works with soloists. Boston, MA: University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from