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After all only has had one orgasm and she don't want to be multi-orgasmic without further stimulation I think that psychological stimulation of course is very important. You can have orgasms in dreams and without any overt kind of stimulation. It would be possible to go on to further orgasm. There are two things I'd like to say about multi orgasm. First of all that this is one of those ways in which women are tyrannized this feeling of inadequacy because you're not multi-orgasmic don't even know about it before Masters and Johnson describe it you know. And. The other you know who perfectly happy coming what's what you contend thought I was going to be happy and the other point that I would make about it is the problem that the timing orgasm that is the electric Mount Holyoke with your
gynecologist who gave a lecture made the point of saying how great it is if you have your orgasm simultaneously. I've seen more problems in patients who are you know searching to have the simultaneous long ASM and not happy because one has the orgasm the other has the orgasm simultaneous orgasm is something that made her moving out of her. It's part of the body's response if the time happens to be there it's there but you don't get any gold medal for having found pain is wrong. If she has intercourse before she has reached a plateau stage she may not have time to have an orgasm. If she has enough culture cultural socialization and holding her back she may not have it all. If there is a proper time setting relationship between the two
she may have an orgasm or she may not have learned to that point of her body's responding. Once again I'd repeat that for her to be perfectly happy in the relationship and so often this is true for college students that the woman is perfectly happy to have a sensation of sharing with her boyfriend fiance whatever the situation is and does not have to go on to orgasm to be perfectly happy on the other hand. It's I want to give all the guys in the audience the impression you know you can just walk or assume that girls can be happy not having you know as it may very well be that should be very unhappy just as you would be. Another question that I've been asked often is does it hurt the guy not to have an orgasm. Or does it hurt the boyfriend if you don't have intercourse because you know after all statistically half the girls have not had. And of course by the time they graduate from college and a lot of girls are saying well you know maybe we shouldn't is this hurting him and so on and so forth. And it really is
irrelevant. The important thing is the relationship that exists between the two. And if the two people involved agree that this is what is appropriate for them. And that's what's important. There is a very strong muscle that women have across the lower part of the vagina and if their muscle is tense and it's very difficult for a woman to have intercourse that. That this may be an important factor. Kasia only on rare occasion you find a woman where it's uncomfortable for it to have it closed because the opening in the hygienist is very small. That's not been my experience I've been able to examine 3 year old children and to do a Bajan examination and leave the hymen intact. So that and actually been able to examine infants in the nursery and see the wall of the time so that this is a concept that the openings would be too small. It could be a factor but it probably is more of a
factor of muscle tension rather than and actual and. Comical thing now in preparing this there were several resources which I think you ought to know about because there is good material in the literature and one of the major problems that we have in trying to teach sex education is that everybody has their own concepts and there's a lot of individual ization by teachers in terms of us standing up here and giving you ideas. And I'd like to say that what I've said tonight primarily based on the following and these are all books the sexual wilderness by Vance Packard that was the source of the study which showed the kinds of relationship that college students have human sexuality in medical education and practice. Clark Vincent that's a very fine resource in terms of all aspects of sexuality the Brecker and record book which we ask you all about to
buy to prepare for the course Masters and Johnson's human sexual response and a very fine and recent book called The person by Theodore and its ally D.C. for our next session. I'd like you to read the chapters in the good Marcus book on pregnancy and birth. Next time we have a baby and I'd like you can read chapters on pregnancy and birth in Dr. Marcus book. Human Sexuality the fourth in a series of seven classes given as part of a four college course in human sexuality sponsored jointly by Amherst Mount Holyoke and Smith Colleges and the University of Massachusetts.
In today's class Dr. Phillips aroud a gynecologist that Westover Air Force Base lectured on the physiology of sex responds. This seven part series on human sexuality that was produced by W. F. C. R. 5 College Radio in Amherst Massachusetts. But.
I am. And. I. Think. All.
This is the national educational radio network way. The relationship between the pill and cancer as of now there is
no definitive evidence that there is any relationship between birth control pills and cancer either cancer of the cervix the lining of the uterus in the meter. Or the breast. There is one study which you will read about Ladies Home Journal about a month from now she relays on her. Which will tell you that there is a relationship between cancer of the cervix and the pill. The evidence is very very skimpy. A group of pathologists who reviewed the material. Couldn't agree on more than a third of the cases but they were actually it was just the beginnings of cancer. And the paper is not going to be published by the doctors who thought they would publish it because they realize now that the work really really is not very good. There may be some evidence that the pill will help to cure.
Cancer of the lining of the uterus. Women in their 50s younger but usually an F-15 can develop a cancer of the lining of the uterus. It costs an arm on the enemy. A group at Harvard Dr. Kissinger has treated a group of women who had cancer of the lining of the uterus with the pill and Puritan. And he has his longest tenure follow up. On some of the patients and they've been cured of the cancer. Let's think of the different kinds of pill you could develop for a man. You could develop a pill that would shut off the going at a trough and so that sperm wouldn't be produced in the same way that the pituitary hormone is stimulating the ovary to relisten to release an egg and to mature and you have. A protein stimulating the testicle to develop sperm.
Unfortunately the pill that. Has been developed shuts off all the pituitary stimulant. And so not only is the testicles production of sperm shot off at the present time but also the testicles production hormone and you can't take a man and shut off his production of testosterone because it will have a feminizing effect. We think that there was one very fine pill that was developed which worked beautifully in monkeys. It stopped sperm production alone. Unfortunately and it was very very cheap. I was one of the beauties of it. And unfortunately the pill had a terrible side effect and that when it was finally given to a group of. Human volunteers it did knock out the sperm and it was a reversible reaction. But the men could not tolerate alcohol. In any way. And well you see now if you have a culture where no one
drinks any kind of alcohol then you may have a method of birth control. There are new pills as one that's being studied now at Vanderbilt which seems to be very effective without the side effects. I think it is only a matter I didn't say much about the future because I think the male pill is something of the future. I think that. Immunization is something of the future that is that you could go and receive an immunization shot once a year and a booster shot every year so that the woman would be immune to sperm at the present time. Such immunization can be done but it's not reversible so it's become a method of sterilization and not a very widely used one. That's one method of the future one of the important methods of the future is Adi. After him to cost pills a pill was developed that yeah called The Morning After pill. Was used for 100
patients all of whom had intercourse timed to when they obviously did and they were given the pill the magic pill. Within four days after into COS and a girl. Who was raped or any girl who has had it cost. And realizes this is at the time of her relational it is a possibility pregnancy if she starts this pill within four days. After all. And costs will not carry a pregnancy pill is very simple estrogen. All estrogen around for 30 years and many of your mothers and then a pause will probably taking estrogen. Of course it was in a very large dose. A large enough dose so that many of the girls had nausea and side effects of bleeding but none of them became pregnant and we think that the estrogen did several things that affected the motel any of the two. It affected the lining of the uterus so that if fertilization occurred it couldn't implant.
Those are really the two main effects that we think of the estrogen and it may have affected the ovary so that it couldn't support a pregnancy. There is a real contraceptive failure rate in the use of the diaphragm. I think there are different kinds of problems. One is that the woman wasn't fitted properly. Another is that it wasn't used and stayed in the drawer. Another. Was that the woman didn't use contraceptive jelly with it because we're coming to think now that really the thing in the diaphragm that works isn't the diaphragm and the contraceptive telling you that. It was used for too long. Woman has diagrams you would have changed each year. Many women have had a baby and then gone back to the old are from U.S.. And the size of the vagina changes lots of different things. Now if they. In the case of the college girl came to see me today.
I said to her how often do you have an cos she said twice a week. I said well in the best method of birth control for you will be the pill because you haven't cost that often you need a method that's going to be working all the time. And she said to me that she had intercourse perhaps once a month. Or once in two weeks and I would have said to her. I don't think you want to be on the pill. The pill is a calculated risk risk of pregnancy versus the dangers of the pill and all that. Although the dangers aren't very great if your exposure is only once or twice in a month. First of all you can pretty much avoided the ocular Torii part of human if you can. And second of all if you use a diaphragm a contraceptive foam that should be adequate contraception. So in her case I would have said that was the incidence of frequency and cost. I would have said don't use the pill. I don't mean to play down dar friend because the dark room is a very important method of birth control.
Some of the cancer drugs agents that have been developed to treat cancer which treat rapidly dividing cells. What's thought to be a good idea for treating pregnancy after all. That's a very rapidly dividing cell. Cells a pregnancy and they do work. They will cause an abortion. But the toxic effects effects on the blood bone marrow. Are such and other facts that they're not practical at this time. But I should tell you that this is an area of investigation and people are looking for the Swedes thought that they did have. Such a pill. They called the M pill. They waited until the girls period did not come. So it it was 14 days after fertilization and then gave her the M pill. I've heard a very recent report by Dr.
Angstrom who is the chief investigator at Callan sconce Spittal. And in his report in November they felt that it didn't work very well. At all. That was not a very good abortifacient. Now in Sweden they could do this because they have a rather liberal abortion or so and those women whom it didn't work they simply didn't abortion and then they could see what effect the pill had. They were a significant number of anomalies among the fetuses and so they're not happy about it. Well taking the pill increases the number of years a woman remains infertile remains for an increase in the areas you men's infertile time remains fertile and the answer is that there's no evidence for that. Now what about women at the menopause who are taking the pill. Because I see many many women who are between the age of 45 and 55 who are on the pill. And they say well how long do I have to take the pill. Well we know that
when the man appoints occurs. The true man and cause can last or at least the stage of men applies and it's it goes over a long period of time it can go over many years. That. During this time a woman may release an egg so that pregnancy can occur. Anyways up to two years after menopause all symptoms began. That women who will become. Finally reached the point where they are completely menopausal not going to release an egg will stop bleeding. In other words they won't continue to bleed in response to the pill they make for a while but then eventually they stop even though they're on the pill so that it apparently does not delay. The time of fertility very much. I think menopause is something we ought to say a little bit about how many of your mothers I'm an apostle. A lot. How do you put up with it. You see when a woman is meant to pause while she doesn't always realize she's menopausal and
the only symptom may be that she's extremely impatient or she's very nervous. It's everybody around her nervous. Sometimes she has hot flashes then she's got a classical sign and so she goes to a doctor and she's treated. Sometimes it's a matter of irregular bleeding. But very often it's the members of the family particularly the daughters who pick up the signals and you know just as it's hard for a mother to talk to a daughter about the facts of life as we've talked about them sometimes it's hard for a daughter to sit down with a mother and say gee you know you seem to have some of the symptoms I will mention to now of course about that other man applies. And that's one thing I you know I can't figure out why not. Because nowadays there are excellent approaches to treating the man the poise. No woman should have to have any more menopausal symptoms. And in fact the hormones that we give to treat men applause have other
effects that are quite important and quite good for a woman. Not only do they affect her skin and her hair. So that they don't go through a change of life. But there seems to be effects upon blood levels of cholesterol and the incidence of heart attacks upon their bones. And prevention of fractures. So that I think if you want to do a service at home maybe that's something that you can do if you pick up some symptoms. Is there a difference in the effectiveness of sequential pills. Versus combination pills that's just the kind of question because I didn't go into the different kinds of pills. Most of the pills combine the estrogen from the first part of a woman's cycle with the progesterone of the second part of a woman's cycle and it's not just grown it's a progesterone like compound. There are some pills and the most widely used a pill is called sequins and or a con. Which. Do not
do that. They don't combine estrogen and progesterone. They just have slightly altered levels of estrogen and progesterone for a little bit different period of time than a woman ordinarily puts them out so that they prevent pregnancy with these pills. By the way I think that the sequential is are very good kind of pill particularly for the girl who's anxious to become pregnant when she stops the pill. My experience has been with infertility patients that sequential can help such a patient to become pregnant. Take it with three for six months stop and then be able to become pregnant. One patient two I saw her last Monday. I said oh yes the sequence was great. I became pregnant. I thought it would take me six months to become pregnant and it took two weeks and I think she wasn't ready that quick. The question has to do with blood clotting and it has to do with whether or not you could detect ahead of time a patient who would be sensitive to the pill from the point of view of
developing a blood clot. At the present time the answer is No. However there is work going on now. Which is still unreported. Which seems to be pointing to certain blood types as that all of the patients who develop blood clots seem to be a certain blood type people doing the work and would even tell you what the blood type is. But and you see it's a very hard thing because if it happens so rarely it's pretty hard to collect any sizable group of patients at the present time we have no way of forecasting which patient would develop blood clot. Now one thing I want to say about intrauterine devices because I may have given the impression that it is a good method of birth control and that this is something for you to use. My experience with women who have never had a child have never been pregnant is that the loops fall out. So that. In and and even in
young women who have had one child. The loops fall out. In a group of 100 patients who I put loops into all of whom was 17 or under all of whom 17 or younger all of whom had a baby the loops fell out and 75 100 patients or so. And I won't put a loop into a patient or an interim device into a patient who's never had a pregnancy. There are one or two types of intrude on device that it is said they can be used by women who have never been pregnant but that's not my experience and most people have compared notes with. I feel the same way I do who've had pretty large experiences. What is the chance of infection and the entire entry device. There seems to be an increased infection rate in the lining of the uterus with untreated Rhein devices not significant. And when I say that. It's thought that most of the women who develop infections with the intruder and device had an
infection and it was just flared up it was just excited by the intrigue device being put in. However there is some evidence that that may be the worst way in which it works by causing a low grade infection. One of the other ways in which it's thought the interferon device works is by causing the tubes to shoot the egg through very fast and the third way is perhaps by affecting the pituitary release of hormone. Human Sexuality the sixth in a series of seven classes given as part of a four college course in human sexuality sponsored jointly by Amherst Mount Holyoke and Smith Colleges and the University of Massachusetts. Today Dr. Phillips aroud a gynecologist that Westover Air Force Base
discussed contraception. This is a seven part series on human sexuality. It was produced by W. APS-C our Five College Radio in Amherst Massachusetts. I am.
OK. OK. This is the national educational radio network.
Whew. And all I'm not sure if I mentioned this before and I probably will mention it again on Wednesday and
that is that the most common reason in Stockholm for girls to have a baby out of wedlock is because they can't get an apartment. It takes seven years to get an apartment in Stockholm. And if you haven't but if you have a child you move up on the list two or three years saying. Everybody talks about the promiscuity of the Swedish population but you know you have to understand that within its context our 8 percent is far out of wedlock births is far greater. The problem is we don't cope with it in any way with three million illegitimate children in this country are a far greater problem than the out of the children born out of wedlock in Sweden. Now the other answer is the Dutch where they just don't have babies born out of wedlock Hollands a very fascinating place they don't have juvenile delinquency and they don't have drug addiction and they don't have babies born out of wedlock and they have the lowest divorce rate in the world they have the best results of pregnancy in the world's rather fascinating country. Nobody nobody spends Biju New Year in Holland it's too bad.
Spontaneous abortion and a miscarriage. You know I like to use the word abortion because this is a course where we talk about all those things that are important that you're not supposed to talk about. So instead of saying miscarriage you know this nice neat term save washing that's what it is. And it is exactly the same as a miscarriage. Abortion is very expensive. I didn't emphasize that. If it's done in a hospital. The average cost for an abortion at Hopkins or Yale or Buffalo or Stanford or any one of a number of universities that have done abortions. It cost by the time you pay the psychiatrist by the time you pay the gynecologist by the time you pay the operating room and I was the Asian so it cost about $700 US now $700 worth of pills and a long way.
The physicians who are doing abortions for the clergyman's counsel Taisha Consultation Service are doing them for three to four hundred dollars doing the abortions for less money. As you'll read in that article and look magazine they're doing them for less money than it would cost in a university. That's not to say that once again this is a resource that may be cut off very suddenly and it's not to say that we should do anything that's illegal perhaps to make an abortion legal as worth going through the university I think self-will many patients and I think for many the exposure is not as bitter as it was for the woman in the case for many this is an important kind of care. And it's important to have this resource available. I think we need to do something with our university system because it is too expensive and it
is too time consuming and you know it can get out of hand in Copenhagen there is one center that does it sees all of the patients and all of the city of Copenhagen who are applying for abortions. They have 15 full time psychiatry suits who do nothing but see patients applying for abortion. You know most psychiatrists just as Most gynecologists don't want to spend all their time doing abortions most like are just a very unhappy about the situation and they've been stuck with it. You see they've got a clause on the life of the woman and you can say this is a threat to her life from a psychiatric point of view so they have to do this. What's holding back abortion reform the church. You say because the law of the Church Catholic Church feels very strongly that abortion in any size shape or form is a
criminal act. This is murder and societies don't approve of murder as a matter of fact in Poland where they have this very liberal abortion policy this is been the way to fight the church. You see I mean communism is in a terrible conflict with the Catholic Church and Poland and their strongest weapon is their abortion policy because here it says that women are entitled to the rights that they want. Women are equal to men and abortion on demand. A woman wants to end a pregnancy is her right and privilege. And of course the church is just the opposite. And in it you know the political factor of the church versus communism is extremely important in understanding why they have such a liberal abortion. Why did they develop it. And they certainly they need people. They have tremendous shortages of the workforce. They can't happen Hala
sees that diminish their population. Hungary is shrinking in size population wise and I mean there's got to be something that pushes such a strong element. And it's something just as basic as that. Human Sexuality the last in a series of seven classes in human sexuality be given as part of a four college course in human sexuality sponsored jointly by Amherst Mount Holyoke and Smith Colleges and the University of Massachusetts. Today Dr. Philips are out. I got an account of just that Westover Air Force Base discussed abortion.
This seven part series on human sexuality was produced by W. F. S. R. R. five College Radio in Amherst Massachusetts. I am.
I am. I am. I am. I am. This is the national educational radio network.
Human sexuality
Episode Number
#4 (2 Of 2) And #6 (2 Of 2) And #7 (2 Of 2)
Producing Organization
University of Massachusetts (Amherst campus)
Mount Holyoke College
Smith College
Amherst College
Contributing Organization
University of Maryland (College Park, Maryland)
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This series features lectures given as part of a class on human sexuality.
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Producing Organization: University of Massachusetts (Amherst campus)
Producing Organization: Mount Holyoke College
Producing Organization: Smith College
Producing Organization: Amherst College
AAPB Contributor Holdings
University of Maryland
Identifier: 70-SUPPL (National Association of Educational Broadcasters)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Duration: 01:00:00?
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Chicago: “Human sexuality; #4 (2 Of 2) And #6 (2 Of 2) And #7 (2 Of 2),” University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 6, 2024,
MLA: “Human sexuality; #4 (2 Of 2) And #6 (2 Of 2) And #7 (2 Of 2).” University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 6, 2024. <>.
APA: Human sexuality; #4 (2 Of 2) And #6 (2 Of 2) And #7 (2 Of 2). Boston, MA: University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from