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Then I said Oh right here my dear fellow. Come come join us. Oh good thank you I want you company. You seem to story have an uppity friend tell me the worst. Is it a letter from our friend from Pastor. But surely that's good news. Ordinarily Yes but you know that he's trying to find out what he called Maxine valley beyond. Our ability to see. I suppose one should but surely if I said he has not contracted No no no but you know what he says. I have demonstrated I can render an animal immune to a baby use before it is infected by a bite or injection of disease. I am demonstrating now that dogs can be vaccinated or be made refractory to rabies after they have been bitten by mad dogs but that is good that is marvelous. Yes he continues. I have not yet dared to treat a human being who has contracted the disease but I am so sure of my results that I am much inclined to route them to the
test myself. The American hospital supply corporation presents march of Madison some episodes in the history of hospitals and people who work in them. Protect your health and mind our story for today. The soft hearted man. This is Paul Barnes. I am speaking to you from a hospital a place which receives the hurt the fearful the sick and treats them all with tremendous skill and knowledge and kindness the kindness the sensitivity to human suffering is part of the age old tradition of medicine but the skill and the knowledge are new. To testify to this. Let me introduce our guest a man of extensive experience in the field of medicine.
Dr. Henry records professor of medicine at the University of Chicago lonely past a French scientist with one of the giants of medicine. Actually he was a chemist not a physician at all. It was he who discovered that he whined to a point well below boiling killed the fermenting microorganisms that would otherwise turn it to vinegar at the same time as delectable taste was preserved. Today we pasteurized milk by the same method to render it free of germs and preserve it by these means untold numbers of people have been spared from tuberculosis typhoid fever and other diseases. Pastor's greatest contribution to medicine was his discovery that some microorganisms and viruses which ordinarily cause disease can be weakened by treatment with chemicals or by passage through animals and can be injected into other animals or into human beings who then become immune to attack by the original
variant organisms. This is vaccination paster developed a vaccine against anthrax a disease usually fatal to animals and man. Even more dramatic was his victory over rabies or hydrophobia. Thank you. One of the last great scientific problems which Louis Pasteur confronted in his long and brilliant career was that of investigating the disease known in animals as rabies and in human beings as hydrophobia to the ordinary layman of that day and place. It was Europe in the year 1884. There was nothing strange in the notion that the great pest stirred the Paladin of science should confront this horrible disease brought on by the bite of a mad dog a savage wolf a vampire bat a disease which meant death in agony but to some of pastor's scientific colleagues and especially to those who disliked him and his work. The matter was not so plain.
The clinician shared pity argued the man is a rare disease exceedingly rare. I have seen only talk cases in the course of thirty five years of hospital and private practice and all my colleagues in hospitals in the city as well as in the country count in units and not in ten years let alone in hundreds. There are cases of human rabies which they have observed. It is of course and miss your Pastore US interest to believe that the mortality from rabies in France is higher than it really years. But these are not YOUR interests of truth but what Michel pâté the city doctor believed was not what Louis passed stood the son of a country Tanna remembered the boy in the repast was the son of a tanner in Iowa. His great grandfather was a serf nearly a
slave who had bought his freedom from his master. The last year in 1763 Louis passed born 50 years later was to move from that world of feudal slavery. That little village where people fear the wolves to a modern world of laboratories and great cities and scientific debate in a real sense. He helped to make that new world. The. Much as I hate to interrupt this story of Louis pastor I've been asked to remind you how desperately hospitals need trained personnel. Incidentally I mean even our National Health is one of our most important assets. And in order to assure that asset it is necessary to fairly inquire into
every field which modern medicine offers. Let me give you an example. Medical technology is the microscope and test two branch of medicine through the performance of a wide variety of laboratory procedures. The technologist helps in the diagnosis and treatment of disease technologist. Our medical fact finders that count blood cells make blood groupings do chemical tests of body fluids prepare tissue specimens and identify microorganisms medical technologists have been called the helping hands of pathologists. Those doctors who specialize in the detection of disease by the laboratory method and to direct and interpret the work of technologists. Let me urge you to make inquiries as to how best you can make a rewarding profession for yourself in the field of medicine. This is Paul Barnes again hospitals these days are often centers of medical
research and standing here in a glass and steel room devoted to medical experiment. I thought about Louis pastor Pastor who at one point in his study of rabies was almost sure that he had the answer. The pastor who wrote a friend. I am so sure of my results but I am much inclined to put them to the test on myself. Thinking of this I turned to a doctor friend of mine and said. What would you think of a researcher who would infect himself with the disease he was studying. I'd say he was in the wrong business. He ought to be in Hollywood. I was thinking of pastor when he was working on rabies. Who or where. That was a long time ago. Research has changed that of course. After all the pastor was one of the pioneers. Do you know I was thinking of him is well ancient but he did that work on rabies about 20 years before I was born.
What a revolution he helped make. Well I suppose it's all right for revolutionaries to be a little dramatic. Perhaps it is. But Pastor though he helped make a revolution in medical research was no stereotyped figure out of melodrama. He was really a very complicated man. And boy. Now my idea at the end if you are to be your uncle you know is just a stunt. You would know some things about him. Yes Marie. Remember that your Uncle Hugh is capering he's a left armer that catalytic struggle which he never thinks of it so no no one else does. He only thinks of our work and Mary of chemistry is this old
but they remember that you must have been in for a mani with his comeback. I have sometimes wondered if you have wondered what on your wedding day. Is it true that is that I'm going to do where you had to be my date to the Levys level. So the deal with that being late doesn't read. I don't deny it my idea chide the ads. I hope that you will make you are right this happy as I have been very left at the church to aid you. He was working with Christopher said and it was a really very important keys. It brought back I have been very happy. There they have a. Book. Every version of Dr Ngo not have to be generous in your prayers there are
those who are late. My fault. Happily ever have led to so show me those new cultures of his. Ambrose you missed your song I think it is all right Uncle Louis. They haven't begun yet. Dr Foster good day. Back seat on the platform in particulars but of course an honor for files at Dr Senior telly MR. See if you see some eminent man in some English malodorous coming in just as I missed him after the second form. Here we are can we. I think this must be a seat belt commission pastor answer James Paget Sir James I must apologize I'm late. It interrupted your proceedings and at the worst time I fear the Primus or dust or the sun rose.
Surely there's an explanation. Could it be that writing somewhere after this very often my arms of a tree may rise but why sir. You're a modest man Professor Buster because they are voting for you. That was Louis pastor a complicated man to say the least of it. But there is one thing more which must be said of him he could not tolerate suffering either in man or animal. Let me show you about this through the eyes of one of his colleagues a man named Missy a past year in the course of out experiments on rabies came to
realize that an inoculation on directly into the brain of an experimental animal was necessary. But he would not permit me to make the operation. I took my courage in both hands and disobeyed him. And then one morning I said to him. This year I missed Did you. I opens the skull of a dog's this morning and inject is prepared by it is under the dura mater. The poor animal must have suffered. No I'm not sure he was. And this ties but surely the poor creature is in misery. Athol not at all nice here. Do you know do you hear us quite happily. I must see him. Margaret does it there boy. Yeah. My dear fellow I am so much relieved. I didn't know that you liked animals so much material I don't I don't. They
are poor creatures My dear all but to see them suffer. I had much rather submit to your saw and needed myself. And that was through all that would have made a bad doctor and the worst surgeon when his research demanded he went conscientiously to the hospitals and I went with him to collect those necessary samples of diseased tissue which alone would permit us to prevent suffering to wipe out disease to save lives. And I saw him Louis past. The man who would cheerfully have infected himself with the Vitalist disease in order to get at its nature and destroy it. I saw him turn white and sick at the spectacle of human pain and misery. This was the man who in the summer of 1885 was brought face to face with the terrible
suffering of little Joseph my stare. This is Eve Arden again and delighted to briefly make you aware of the current needs in our modern hospitals in the world of tomorrow many opportunities await those choosing careers in medicine and science. One of the most rewarding if less known is medical technology. This is a comparatively new profession that has come of age since World War 2. In the not too distant future medical technologist will play an increasingly important part in the fight against the diseases which lead to the conquest of cancer heart and vascular disease tuberculosis multiple sclerosis and even many of the mental illnesses in
preventive medicine. An important part of the medical technologist work is the processing of the batteries of laboratory tests which are more and more becoming part of the routine medical checkup. Why not find out what tomorrow's world of medicine can offer you today. This is Paul Barnes. I am standing at the reception desk of a hospital. The visitors the relatives the friends of patients flow by me endlessly pick up their visitor's passes and walk to the elevators which lift them to the patients rooms. I want to say that there is no tragedy here. But I do say that modern medicine and the modern hospital bring a great defensive machine knowledge and
organization and skill to bear on the problems of disease and injury. And this is a new thing in human experience. To understand just how new. Let me ask you to imagine an Alsatian grocer named phone standing on the doorstep of Louis past one summer evening in the year 1885 with him a certain Madame Meister and her son George. Come in. Good answer. Madam this is the home of Professor Post. My neighbors phone. I must see him at once he cannot be disturbed MISS YOUR he is at work it is important I must say I'm sorry it is impossible. Professor Pastor cannot be disturbed. He looks to be just that. Yeah my son. Look at my soul. Oh my dear said Prof. Two days ago monsieur he was beaten by a mad dog by my dog. No when you do Professor plus two or.
Three. Times. But do you ever not. Think. This is only to ease the pain. No you will rest. He would be easy now. I see that the wounds are very deep. How did it happen. I am in a grocery store in mice and got in our thoughts. I have had this dog. Good dog you understand. Go on go on. Well the dog attacked a little Joseph here two days ago. I shot the creature or a veterinarian said the dog was rabid. My God my superstores that I should be the cause of harm to a child. I have worked on a vaccine against rabies for months for years. I can immunize
dogs against the disease. I can even prevent rabies in a dog which has been infected. But your child about Dime is not a dark. Now I can only say I don't know you know what they are. If you do not put it you know it's a three way he really guy. Is that not so. I think so. He has at least a dozen wounds and some of them are very deep. You must be infected. Great doctor. So even from God himself you are his only. Oh. Can you refuse to save my child. AARP Atlanta. I'll grant you you have seen the boy. Yes yes you are a doctor my friend what do you think. He is already dead. He has perhaps
a month to live among the baggage you are sure. You can be sure of anything. But if I had those wounds on my hands and arms I should welcome death tonight then what would I do. I'll give you the vaccine. What the see the rules I think perhaps but I have a great deal to lose if I tweet just have my stare and the boy dies. Your colleagues in the Academy of Medicine will destroy me and my work. And what if you don't treat him Louis. He will die and you will always remember that I tortured child and you might have saved him. Well my dear friend you seem to have the courage of my cum picture Monsieur Louis I am not a great man but I have some reputation as a position to lose. I will give the vaccination. If you wish I will also administer the vaccine to myself you are a true virus man. How good it is to know someone with stired.
Very well let us try to save yourself my star if God wills it. Nicer. You have been hurt a great deal. Now now I have to hurt you a little bit more but very literally want to stand just standing there. I have taken Joseph temperature as you ordered and it is it is normal completely normal. He has had the fourth injection temperature normal. The injection he has still well.
Temperature normal. Well Darcy I gave you the last and most virulent injection two days ago Louis and he's perfectly well not a sign of any disease. Thank God. Perhaps one could say Danke passed through as well. Don't be blasphemous my friend. Remember what the doctor said. I treated the patient. But God cured him. No doubt no doubt. But I think there's little question that your vaccine is saved. Joseph meister. Would you announce it on the evidence of one case. Oh no no by no means
can't say it is not such haste that the cause of knowledge is advanced. You're right Louis as always. But what should we do now. How should we proceed. First we senators have missed our home where you came to us by chance and the good God permitted us to cure him. Now we must forget him and go back to the laboratory. There must not be a whisper of his cure outside this house otherwise. What is this. I've written you look Louis this boy at the door I could not send him away. Mon Dieu let me see your hands. What is your name my boy. It is cute. We are you but I am pastor. When were those wounds made. Six
days a girl Most year. I did not at first know that you could cure me. It is not that well known. You understand. I understand my boy. Sixty six days the woods are badly infected and are shaped. The vaccine may do nothing it may bring on the attacks it may make them worse. I don't know I know nothing. I must say because a boy with many good infected heads comes to my door. It will be a scientist I am not. What should I do. No my friend I am not God either. But I know what you will do. You will give the vaccine. Once again I'd like to interrupt this fascinating story of Louis pastor to remind you about the current needs in the medical field. Not only are more people using hospital facilities than ever
before but doctors are turning more and more to the laboratory for aid in diagnosis and treatment. Rapid advances in medicine have increased the number of useful laboratory tests many of the new drugs and treatments require a careful laboratory treatment step by step along the way as they are used. All of these add up to a steady need for a medical technologist during the next years. There were approximately 35000 registered medical technologist in 1963. It is estimated that today more than twice that many could be utilized if they were available. This is the Ryan urging you to carefully consider a career in medical research. Sure. Sure of the hundred
or. The boys who peed. Who had been so savagely bitten when he tried to protect some younger children from the attack of a rabid dog. Not only lived but was immortalized in a bronze statue which was set up on the grounds of the great pastoral Institute in Paris some years later and when public gifts were solicited for the Institute one of them came from Alsace from a young man named Joseph Meister Lester's last gift to humanity was not a scientific discovery but a few words which he addressed to the young man who might succeed him. The occasion was his 70th birthday when a great celebration in his honor had been planned. It will be a wonderful thing uncle that we no doubt no doubt. But I was always happier in the laboratory. I understand Sir Joseph Lister will attend here. Yes I create on no farms at all.
I shall have to speak but by proxy they could not hear my voice. But no matter. Write down my words as we are so they can be read for me. I wish to speak to the young men of France afterword. I wish to say to them young men say to yourselves first hocked have I done for my instruction. And as you gradually advance what had I done for my country until the time comes when you may have the immense happiness of thinking that you have contributed in some way to progress and to the good of humanity. March of Medicine promises a singer of the great moments in medical
history. March of Madison is brought to you as a public service by the American hospital supply corporation appearing on this program where Paul Barnes ilka new we don't ask got Norman got to rush Grosvenor rad disk and build risky this is Martin will only speak with her. There. If you wish to receive a copy of the script for this program or information on careers in medicine and health. Please send your name and address on a postcard to the health careers. Post Office Box four to seven Evanston Illinois I. All material has been authenticated by the Encyclopedia Brittanica. This program was distributed by national educational radio. This
is national educational radio network.
The march of medicine
Louis Pasteur: The soft hearted man
Producing Organization
WMAQ (Radio station : Chicago, Ill.)
Contributing Organization
University of Maryland (College Park, Maryland)
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Episode Description
This program focuses on the story of Louis Pasteur. It also includes a public service announcement by Eve Arden.
Series Description
Drama series highlighting important moments in medicine. Each program also includes a public service announcement related to medicine or hospitals.
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Producing Organization: WMAQ (Radio station : Chicago, Ill.)
Speaker: Arden, Eve, 1912-1990
AAPB Contributor Holdings
University of Maryland
Identifier: 67-4-2 (National Association of Educational Broadcasters)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Duration: 00:29:28
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “The march of medicine; Louis Pasteur: The soft hearted man,” 1966-12-13, University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 23, 2024,
MLA: “The march of medicine; Louis Pasteur: The soft hearted man.” 1966-12-13. University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 23, 2024. <>.
APA: The march of medicine; Louis Pasteur: The soft hearted man. Boston, MA: University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from