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Poetry in song. The National Association of educational broadcasters presented by tape recording a series of programmes prepared song and narrated by Holbert Mitchell American concert artist and editor of the poetry and song Bulletin. These programs feature outstanding musical settings of poetry and the literary anthologies of the world. Thus integrating the fields of music and literature. Here now to give us poetry in song is Hobart Mitchell. The thesis that songs are human expression is easily demonstrated if we turn to the many songs that were created for specific uses. As we listen to song programs we are likely to forget that the lullabies were designed to soothe children to sleep. That work songs and sea chanties came into being to make work easier and to coordinate the pulling of many hands that songs were written to accompany dances. And that oratory Ozen can taught as were written to give praise to God. On Song programs we
listen to these songs as music but remembering their origin we should also listen to them as human expression wonderboy which is avery Robinson as arranged was first sung by the convicts in the Georgia chain gangs and it is one of a number of works songs in the literature of the Negro spiritual war. Oh I where ya at your door. Oh I oh I know you're a pain in the. Oh no it isn't. That's a ringer like it was unwinnable as a line on bus
fares from yeah all the way through. That's your first try. Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh. Oh Oh Oh Oh
Oh Oh whoa whoa. How much more recent vintages the other by horse and by morrow which Emily Brady has. Already sure to be
a lot. The usual Ark song is not meant to fulfill or accompany a specific task. Yet it
springs is inevitably out of human life. How can it be otherwise. Unless we are hack writing for money. We must as humans sing of our life and our reactions in our poetry and music. When Shakespeare wrote the willow song for Desdemona and off the album. He gave her words to suit her feelings of foreboding and sorrow and despair. Oh yeah.
Oh oh oh oh oh oh. Oh oh oh oh oh. For. Two years.
Oh oh oh oh. Oh oh. Oh oh. Oh oh. A houseman's words and thought and with through my heart is Laden which Samuel Barber
has said come out of life. How many of us when we look back on our youth are sad at heart for the lads and lasses we knew then and liked who are now gone or much changed. There's another guy out of the Rands 000 to boredom bairnie ower was near the time the barrios. Works for odd pairing of the lot of the day was where her was last year was way over. Oh oh. John at ease. Sweet was the song which he wrote in the early seventeenth century in honor
of the Virgin Mary and which Leo saw or be has arranged is a song that seems to partake both of a deeply mooted Christmas Carol. And the beloved. Oh I love lies
and yeah. Yeah there are loads in. There. Oh I love. The literature of Negro spirituals is filled with songs designed for worship or for work or for lullabies. And like the more general songs and song literature they all seem at their core to spring from a compelling need to express joy or ex saltation are heard. Certainly wait till I put on my crown which William Reddick has arranged is exuberant in its joy. Yes if you want to get to Heaven don't
you have a sin. Oh yes yes I love to see God. Oh yes oh oh oh yes. Yes yes. It was a war we Hessle always wanted to go to. Oh yeah. I don't want to say
oh yeah. Oh right. You have been listening to poetry and song. This has been one of a series of tape recorded programs especially produce song and narrated by Hobart Mitchell for the National Association of educational broadcasters. Mr. Mitchell formerly an English teacher at New York University is widely known for his concert programs of poetry and song and for his research in this field. He will be very happy to supply information concerning the songs heard on these programs to anyone who will write to him in care of this station. These programs are recorded in the studios of radio station WCAU al at seeing all of college in Northfield Minnesota. This is the end I ybe Radio Network.
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Poetry in song III
Purposes of songs
Producing Organization
WCAL (Radio station : St. Olaf College)
Carleton College (Northfield, Minn.)
Contributing Organization
University of Maryland (College Park, Maryland)
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip/500-5d8nhb2k).
Episode Description
How songs have certain purposes to best suit the intended expression, like work songs and lullabies.
Series Description
This series presents outstanding musical settings of poetry and literary anthologies, integrating the worlds of music and literature.
Broadcast Date
Media type
Host: Warren, Rich
Performer: Hagen, John P.
Producer: Mitchell, Hobart, 1908-
Producing Organization: WCAL (Radio station : St. Olaf College)
Producing Organization: Carleton College (Northfield, Minn.)
AAPB Contributor Holdings
University of Maryland
Identifier: 59-16-4 (National Association of Educational Broadcasters)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Duration: 00:15:02
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Poetry in song III; Purposes of songs,” 1959-01-01, University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 18, 2024,
MLA: “Poetry in song III; Purposes of songs.” 1959-01-01. University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 18, 2024. <>.
APA: Poetry in song III; Purposes of songs. Boston, MA: University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from