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Into European Order Today we visit the church of perambulating Belgium. Note some facts of musical and historical interest. Music composed by men who were contemporaries of its build. Where. The organ to be explored today in the church of thought a baby gained one only by buying out jam was built sometime around 16 7 to find the instrument does not make it nor is it signed. Possibly the builder may never be known. It's a positive organ which originally was part of a much larger instrument belonging to the Priory of totem Bay irate which was under the supervision of Live Aid to be a lobby. Tunnel a this is a most interesting instrument as we shall see knob from a number of examples of the individual stops and there are several combinations. Our first
own example illustrates the eight foot board on. Now we will hear the somewhat brighter forefoot press tapped. Our third example illustrates the tone of the forefoot float in. Here again is the eight foot board on which we heard as all first example
combined with the sparkle of the two foot do but I. Was. In the next example we again hear the board on at 8 foot pitch combined with a two and two thirds foot stop the Quint and off unison stop which in combination gives an unusual effect. Our sixth tonal example combines another off unison stop. This time the one and
three fifths won't stop but tears with the eight foot board on again. The effect is somewhat unusual. Now we will hear the 5 rank cornet played by the right hand and used as a solo stop accompanied by the eight foot board gong and the four foot flute in the left hand. The atonal example illustrates the full organ effect without the reed stops.
We will hear the eight foot board on the four foot press stand and float the two foot do but the five right cornet and the three rank next are. Our total exploration of this small instrument includes as we hear the two reed stops the eight foot trumpet and the four foot Clara. We have now heard all of the 10 stops either alone or in simple
combinations of today's ancient European organ located in the church of totem Balej big Gene Wilder in Buffalo and Belgium. It's an instrument of one manual of forty eight notes and a pedal of 18 keys attached to the manuals by mechanical devices. There are 10 stops but 16 ranks of pipes. The pedal keys were added to the organ after it had been placed in the church of Torah. The first C Sharp of the manual does not exist but in this connection it should be noted that organ works of the seventeenth century were written in keys which did not require the low C sharp in all. The organ contains six hundred twenty eight pipes. They are made of lead except for about 21 which are of wood. Organist poem about Iran now plays those softer oh so Sato was a German born music publisher and composer of the sixteenth century who spent most of his adult productive life in the Low Countries. It made a considerable
contribution to music through the publication of a number of collections of contemporary works. Sort of a hero by so Sato. They're like. The brittle Arabs. They're the bad little blue little lib. There the bullet or the bullet. The Billabong. Little Old Lady.
The Arab little old little to a. Little. Sort of by the 16th century composer so Sato the next composition to be heard on today's broadcast of ancient European organs from the church of totem baby again is by the 16th and 17th century organist composer Peter Courtenay Courtenay was organist at the Cort chapel in Brussels from 15 93 until 16 26 and the list of expenses for the funeral of the Queen of Spain in December 16 11 shows that corn 8 was organized for that occasion. Your knowledge he took on a five hour sets on the Magnifique got they bad the title's saw they had a Gina they call mom aunts and I had a go at Clements and a prophy.
The end.
The end. The end The end. The end. And the end. The Eh. Eh eh. Eh and. Louis. Louis. Louis Louis.
I am. Louis. Louis. Thank you. Lou. And. With.
Peter corn A's Fiverr sits on the Magnificat organist a poet turns now to the works of the greatest of the North German organists of the late 17th century Dietrich books to hold up the organ we are hearing today was erected about sixty and seventy five books to who died in 1770 and therefore was a contemporary of the man who built the instrument in the church of totem Bay books to whose most famous position which he held beginning in sixteen sixty eight was that of organist at the St. Mary Church in Ribbeck. So famous was the OP and music and other activities of books to who to hear that both Handel and Bach journeyed to St. Mary's to observe. We now hear organist Paul but Opera form books too who has a few in C major. Her and her.
Room. The end. Louis.
I am. I a Louis Louis Louis. Louis. Louis. There has. To go. Fugue in C Major by Dietrich books.
Today's ancient European organ concert concludes with the work by an anonymous sixteenth century English composer. Went to jail up taken from and ontology for the organ. Life will have to be as well. When. No one. Know who. I am. I
am. I am. I am. The one her when her when. You heard one. Up one a Chela a composition by an anonymous sixteenth century English composer taken from an anthology for the organ by Pierre White B.
Thank you. I'm listening to another program on the series ancient European organs presenting instruments erected during the period from the Middle Ages through the middle of the 18th century. Together with facts about them and the structures in which they are housed. The
music performed on them by their contemporaries. Today's broadcast explored an instrument built about 16 75 by some unknown craftsman and instrument of one manual with 48 keys and the pedalboard of 18 keys attached to the manual with trackers. Their attempt stops some 16 sets of pipes. The instrument is housed in the church of quorum Balej begin in Wallonia Brabant Belgium. Materials for these programs are recorded by members of the European Broadcasting Union. Today's programme having been recorded by the French division of the Belgian radio. Especially the presentation in the United States by Member Stations of the NPR network. Programme was prepared and written by Honeywell over and produced at the University of Michigan. At her speaking and inviting you to listen again next week at the same time for another program of ancient European market. This is the national educational radio network.
Ancient European organs
Church of Thorembais-les-Beguines
Producing Organization
University of Michigan
Contributing Organization
University of Maryland (College Park, Maryland)
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Episode Description
This program features recordings of the organ at the Church of Thorembais-les-Beguines, Walloon-Brabant, Belgium. Performances include works by Susato; Cornet; Carissimi-Scheidt; and Buxtehude.
Series Description
Recordings of noted organs at various locations throughout Europe.
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Host: Fidell, S. A. (Sanford A.)
Performer: Barras, Paul, 1925-
Producing Organization: University of Michigan
Writer: Welliver, Harry B., 1910-2005
AAPB Contributor Holdings
University of Maryland
Identifier: 68-7-21 (National Association of Educational Broadcasters)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Duration: 00:29:50
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Ancient European organs; Church of Thorembais-les-Beguines,” 1968-04-30, University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 23, 2024,
MLA: “Ancient European organs; Church of Thorembais-les-Beguines.” 1968-04-30. University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 23, 2024. <>.
APA: Ancient European organs; Church of Thorembais-les-Beguines. Boston, MA: University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from