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The Schloss intra European orca musical and historical interest by men who were contemporaries of its builder. Mom is a small village in the heart of German lives among the gently rolling hills of the UK's river valley to the East German border not far from the old Bishop's town. The few houses of the village are all clustered around the majestic church are visible from miles up and down the valley. This magnificent church house is one of the most precious like a series of the German art of organ building from the era of the Baroque. This masterpiece was built by Heinrich Gottlieb helps genius contemporary with his fellow artist and
countryman cut free silver mine. When helps to build a director this organ Lom was a principal village in one of those innumerable small territories of which old Germany was comprised at the time the free lords of Lichtenstein held court here during the eighteenth century. This old friend Kone and nobility was blessed with its most important member. The brilliant wise Lord. I don't Heinrich got Club of Liechtenstein. His days as free Lord were conspicuous for their happiness prosperity and general well-being they brought to the community. This was the time when Johann Sebastian Bach was composing environment curtain and Leipzig and presiding over musical establishments of considerable importance and magnitude just as the great Bach had dedicated his music to the greater glory of God. So the young Free lot of Lichtenstein dedicated the musical activity of law. It was in 1789 at the free Lord called to his castle a young highly gifted musician by the name of
Johann Lawrence Bach the most enthusiastic pupil of his uncle Johann Sebastian Bach. You had Lawrence stated Lom for the almost incredibly long period of 55 years during which time he developed a practice of church music which someone at the time described with the words well regulated as can be expected. It followed very closely the example set for the young man by his famous uncle and teacher. Don't Laurence Bach was also a composer of considerable note of fact substantiated by the composition we are and are now about to hear regular listeners to this series will recognize it as the opening theme being used for the broadcasts of ancient European organs. Here now is organist Vilhelm Grumbach from the Schloss Cura in Lom Germany performing the present in d by Johann Lawrence Bach. Credited d by Johann Laurence Bach. The composition from which the opening theme
for this series of broadcasts of ancient European organs is taken and now a composition by Johann Sebastian Bach in the ground previewed Leapster gaze so obvious and here the organist is Vilhelm Grumbach. Leapster gave to the US and here a car out by the road by Johann Sebastian
Bach. The cornerstone for the Schloss character Angela where today's ancient European organised located was laid in seven hundred twenty eight. This large an impressive structure was to be a monument of gratitude to God by the Lord. I am Heinrich got a log of Lichtenstein in that same year he quote alarmed the organ builder Heinrich Gottlieb haps and thereupon have just moved from harbor shock to LA with all his employees and his entire family for years were required to construct the organ and erect it. Throughout this period the instrument was built with the church as well as into it. Such a procedure resulted in an organ which fits the structure in which it is housed with the same precision as the windows and the roof. Contemporary accounts telling of the first use of the organ on a Sunday of the year 1730 to credit the builder Heinrich Gottlieb have sed with having created one of the most important instruments of his time. Herbst a masterwork remains unchanged from
its original condition. No tonal changes or structural alterations were ever carried out on it. Only routine maintenance and repairs. It is still to be seen and heard from its location high above the altar and the Pope it placed there in keeping with old Lutheran tradition. From the organist Vilhelm Grumbach now plays Johan got called out by God on the phone. Boss got to it. Das is Bogota. The ground prank you had on last got to DOS was voted on a
composition by Johann Godfrey Voltaire and another composition by Voltaire trying by a. Historians agree that the organist Johann Lawrence Bach
called to the castle and church at Lom by Adam Heinrich got undoubtedly was instrumental in planning and placing the organ in the Schloss care for it when Lawrence and his uncle Johann Sebastian Bach maintained a fine and close relationship throughout their lifetimes. And from this positive fact historians conclude and with the help of other evidence of a concrete nature that Johann Sebastian played a major role in the design of the stop list and the voicing of the organ aplomb the selection the construction the voicing and the placing of the twenty nine stops of the schlocky of the organ are completely compatible with Johann Sebastian Bach known ideas on these subjects. All of Bach's favorite stops are incorporated in this instrument from the beautifully voiced viola da gamba and the distinctive ox Amana to the powerfully colorful says we are to rock and even the 32 foot trombone. In his letters Johann Sebastian Bach had often complained about organs which did not have the
32 foot trombone in the pedal division. Even the principal chorus reflects Bach's preference in voicing the stops of the chorus are voiced about midway between the powerfully sharp tones of the North German organ school and the wide almost flute soft tones of the South German organ builders. To demonstrate the powerful ensemble of this relatively modest instrument there are only twenty nine stops. We will now hear the pledge you would MC by Johann Sebastian Bach. It is from this composition that the closing theme for our series ancient European organs is taken in C by Johann Sebastian Bach. I am.
I am. Fred you didn't see by Johann Sebastian Bach the source of the closing
theme on this series of programs. Our next composition is an arrangement of the Colorado gazer mine upright back by hand. This affords an opportunity for us to observe the use of the vox humana up in the tenor register contrasted with the opera voice played on the viola da gamba two stops considered unusually fine representatives of baroque voicing mine upright and by. A zoo mine affright and arrangement of the corral by hand o
featuring the Vox Humana and the viola da gamba stops. We continue with another corral Praed youd this one by Johann Sebastian Bach. To the era of priest in translation I call on you Lord Jesus Christ in this composition we will hear the melody played by Bach's favorite solo stop the sets we all to rock in it as in all organ stops. Bach's contemporaries found a deep theological meaning which establishes the relationship to the choral text. A clergyman contemporary of Bach put it this way speaking of this ask we all to read it. Cry often loudly and mightily comes through it too dear Harry A's are creased by Johann Sebastian Bach. If they are a gauge of creased by Johann Sebastian Bach
in which the mount of A was played using Bach's favorite solo stop the SEST. To conclude today's exploration of the organ in the organist Vilhelm Crum Bach turns to a composition by one of Johann Sebastian Bach. Johan Schneider we will hear his variations in a Schneider was born in 17 to not far from LA and it is not unreasonable to assume that it knew of this great instrument at the time of its dedication in 1732. He then would have been 30 years of age. This is a particularly appropriate composition to use because it demonstrates many of the tonal possibilities of this organ by Heinrich Utley perhaps the radiations an essay by Johann Schneider a pupil of Johann Sebastian Bach. Oh.
Variations in essay by Johann Schneider a pupil of Johann
Sebastian Bach. Listen to one of the series ancient European organ instruments selected areas of middle ages.
Middle of the 18th century gather with facts about them and the structures which their music performed on them by their contemporaries. Today's broadcast explored an instrument built between the years seven hundred twenty eight and seven hundred thirty two. I'm Rick Gottlieb errors and instrument to manuals and pedals and 29 stops wrecked it in the last year Coburg Germany presided over by Johann Lawrence Bach the nephew of the great Johann Sebastian Bach. Materials for these programs are recorded by members of the European Broadcasting unions a day's program having them recorded by the German broadcasting system actually presentation United States by stations of any our network. Programme was prepared and written by everyone of us and with you at first. Russian. Speaking and inviting you to listen again next week at the same time another
intern. This is the national education or radio network.
Ancient European organs
Bahn bei Coburg
Producing Organization
University of Michigan
Contributing Organization
University of Maryland (College Park, Maryland)
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Episode Description
This program features recordings of the organ at Bahn bei Coburg, Germany. Performances include works by Johann Lorenz Bach; Johann Sebastian Bach; Walther; Handel; and Schneider.
Series Description
Recordings of noted organs at various locations throughout Europe.
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Host: Fidell, S. A. (Sanford A.)
Performer: Krumbach, Wilhelm
Producing Organization: University of Michigan
Writer: Welliver, Harry B., 1910-2005
AAPB Contributor Holdings
University of Maryland
Identifier: 68-7-22 (National Association of Educational Broadcasters)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Duration: 00:29:58
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Ancient European organs; Bahn bei Coburg,” 1968-05-07, University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 18, 2024,
MLA: “Ancient European organs; Bahn bei Coburg.” 1968-05-07. University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 18, 2024. <>.
APA: Ancient European organs; Bahn bei Coburg. Boston, MA: University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from