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terrible feelings related they were because i think the map commitments then it began to allow them as a lot of agreements with of the penitentiaries ladies you know in the house probably ten years
i have no idea but i think that is the power that the adventure is the village's neighbors though many prisons for wealthier than it emits i think probably what broke the stalemate is time when we first started the negotiations will start for that i think pretty well it was really difficult to be rational about it so i think that over the evening the war on as early as with lots of national basis tunnel people from that to some discussions on the work that have the y get shot it was the hostages were released we assured them of that and but it was kind of difficult because there were so many entities here that just is a
big helicopter flew over the country and these guys also break into the inner potential saying that we have to make their payment so was demented about an hour ago you're our winner and what i meant i would imagine that they would that that they become a little disagreement was insecure but like i tell you i was in there which is about is a water drop the oval cylinder an adult and then forty five minutes and only succeeded in killing approximately maybe a hundred feet because
these are lost their clothes torn into the walls and having a difficult time it would right now they're trying to reach certain portion of the potential are having a difficult time getting their general not all the tarp none that i'm all except maybe that was unreasonable force and in some you know individuals are resisting a little bit cleaned up what we will happen to it because that's eleven been sloppy in fact prevented they're there when we went down there that when i was walking with a scalpel bottom of the seven sixty seven prisoner while i don't think it is i think that all the leaders seated at the end or none at all but no more than that i don't know
why you were gods of this i imagine that pretty years ago right now islam a concern because it allows more dollar and it's probably been a few days because the smoke inhalation that we can do whatever we give the prisoners a blowtorch is a big upset over a novels the doors they couldn't do it just after that we finally negotiated be permitted to fire firemen to go into not the fire smoke this indoors so there may be some insulation that's in there it's probably about i won't really get a true can't until tomorrow with this very difficult going through their stark there's no electricity and it's still a very difficult circumstance or coarser bodies being conscious is you don't know what the situation is in the american press nominate i know while there was a need it was sure about what we were we negotiate or deal with the prisoners that were trying to get to the book torture and without a digital convince some of the leaders that innovation given that is given to
try to save some lives no idea while i was in japan firing them and i want police legislature would investigate some of the problems the security there and just as importantly some of the grievances that the inmates had and some instances the song legitimate on the discussions that we have the worst and then you know and so i think the legislature should look into somebody that as a state senator do you think anybody should be fired over this law or anyone in mind that you know was a matter of neglect many communities
that's because it's bad this morning people of course they were committed anything else you're right
secretary designate on the same hand when i live discussing the matter of one of the prisoners and this question was laughing hospitals secretary says the regional and respected that says here the day and last night i would say very much so because of that we give our words those individuals and families living up to meet right now panel this point and he's sitting in an office talking to see what is in that initial and
power he can say you know i think it is but it has been now right right
so did you have control over the government the push back
fb well we know
richard money the rest of the main ward there are likely to be given moment but really you should say that you wanna know even major coming and now they're in very bad shape grab he reads a bible
at the peak it came to the
point where they take you know they're still coming out of the police beat mr ross
we're looking for yes i don't know where all the doors are jammed a copy gets water rushing waters waters that water get this is right now they
are organized and they give you this busted you know is the things that are not yours and now we are securing so the areas that you know are moving through maintain the operation we are practically in charge and were very grateful to all of those that want stability and maybe rich rodriguez sectarian environment audio work very diligently and dying in our emails were the three trade negotiator they did a tremendous job in our e mail reporters were your me abandoned
mia operational despite place a place that's a lot of national guard with it very tremendous guardian weight it down write that the operation without firing a shot when modi and we are done and control and we have to be hot now shortly they are there they are well i might do so this only learned that day on and off mia sectarian of privilege not really cause i'm a new grads nor secretary rice trade off signs and the right near debrecen in my decision that they're what led to come down on show that led to get dark thank you need a well at the man i'd just the dodgers album out why it was a you know a lot of opportunity where you were trying to end
we are working to activate the players and we're just the line and that we have got that accomplished we are saddened by a number that low we get loans of a play some smoking some of the lines outside the county have up about twenty men are but it's not about any of the numbers that we had art but it's something along that number the us got a bad actor paul made all the local issues or when you're lying on a minimum security operation you have a number of hours that we might need out in that manner he'd always advocate bomb trains mr myron brilliant defined total control so your project friend well where always concerned we're more concerned about regaining the entire operation happened back under control i get to vote everyone out to out of date of like we conducted ourselves rightly want good advice
so we played where the wetland
Penitentiary of New Mexico Riot
Raw Footage
Community Response to Riot
Producing Organization
KNME-TV (Television station : Albuquerque, N.M.)
Contributing Organization
New Mexico PBS (Albuquerque, New Mexico)
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Raw Footage Description
This file contains raw footage of people outside the Penitentiary of New Mexico as the 1980 riot took place. The file starts off with audio only about how the inmates died during the riots, the hostage negotiations, and how the prison can be improved. The file then transitions to community members gathered discussing the riot and features an interview with three members of the community (audio is missing). The file concludes with a discussion of hostage negotiations with the media.
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Raw Footage
Event Coverage
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Moving Image
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Producing Organization: KNME-TV (Television station : Albuquerque, N.M.)
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Identifier: cpb-aacip-d484d59a6f0 (Filename)
Format: XDCAM
Generation: Master
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Penitentiary of New Mexico Riot; Community Response to Riot,” 1980, New Mexico PBS, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed June 28, 2024,
MLA: “Penitentiary of New Mexico Riot; Community Response to Riot.” 1980. New Mexico PBS, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. June 28, 2024. <>.
APA: Penitentiary of New Mexico Riot; Community Response to Riot. Boston, MA: New Mexico PBS, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from