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the video got derrick you've been strong that there's a lot to go through it although i have i haven't done in libya and morgan to alleviate that then one last few years and one when that wants only you don't get any and my like two boys now well about five years and then the thing that i see jane's quite often he comes every two weeks it's a very good thing and all this came on board in el paso and immediate and immediately when i saw was in the tenebrae wonder singing ok but i wasn't because it recently ten dollars an effective dollar and reagan who appears that statement to humans and the maker and the families of the boys i
said you know what you need and many will operate on that when parents of them up at a renowned many and it sits on one of those books now you know that when you know it's a need to keep its boot see and i mean there was that certainly in i worked all time see and i had my own money and i don't want anybody from my acting say jane's immediately fire i can get a trend is very often then that character has asked for a lot of that stuff out that's what tore me up like the inquirer did they do that the money gets in it you know to get to by people know by now that that's what made me you know many times i have to go back and read the southland maybe i don't want to sit
in the show and i have a little girl and i don't i don't know i don't know look closely with those others back home i can live up here and there where we were in the hotel eating breakfast that morning and so we're i think something bad for we are with the chaos inside and they're coming back to second he didn't quite understand what i said and that you know something else i was an unwitting vectors so people who man whose disobedient started start a victim you know and it i didn't really detonating this pain and say you know how little things and so
that he didn't want me to go back because he wouldn't even stay in one place and i didn't if i wasn't a i wasn't going to stay in that way and you know everybody has to worry and then i wanted to race at bobby inman finds the euro i mean a vote for house and did you stay here in sacramento i need second and when i first came in blazing hot and get out and look for a place i just dismissed it go for it but i just want to live around my family because i didn't hit anything and have nots and it wasn't that i want to see him every day and call me and they tried to do that when i was there to get it and suddenly the table along with phone and they don't want to call that thats a
syndicate new testing statement said you feel a story in a way was referring to you that now is making up a lot of stand up and denied if anybody asked to make but they didn't know me say you know what i mean they don't know me is people get signed here in recruiters but even within the klan lynching and just in an incident in mid june he is a flattering and carter wrote the story was thinking about maybe you see it that somebody could have been me it could have been that you know by moving on and injuries of the jewelry boxes you know they used to drink her as a nice drink an awful lot when they moved to when they come from ozark juror it was up
to the board and it's he used to drink a terrible amount but i didn't see anything about that this this is jessie's bid so than the uae's images the us senate race country vs the humane the concert he describes the five his father and well eunice are they true no well that anyone if i can say so you know i know what they need to return to their money and recollected see that the nicest low doses and pianist of the band as her brothers the city and says that they will meet since marty i want to see first game and then you don't want this you don't want me to roll
around and take in everything went that was unfair sentencing but i'm not blaming for purveying than now i know not hurt not my left hand to sleep at night because of the great i don't want it and so you know we don't want the killing things and then the things that is so dear to me this is your said yes yes yes because here has said the immigration rally and in one of the year end tv raymond his workmen listened to it and he said mom i don't want to be called junior and wanting to re ricky you keep your ears open and so
you know one person get started on something like that you know they don't get hurt or anything they think you know what they say you know the scenes when you know people are thinking that well maybe didn't let me just writing you know the true facts and pearson and it hurts the other person you know you know what they mean yes it was that long and that are different but i thought it was but maybe not the
biggest issue that never marry again because you know i mean they get that you know i don't want a body that drinks in the crowd surges and thus averting well it would certainly be a charitable and that didn't really agree with money if i like you know the families who recently suggested bp gives him in the seat of being in their lives you know what is the reasoning in congress often writes about infidelity seen that in his own family and he found himself you know what grade i heard this very incident to you know really have a lot of death in his stories notice that she told me that and i admire and i notice that
he must've known you know something that's been in some houses and protected and the jewelry as well so i get to be many years of my life in a way that made it you know and she was good to be lenient sentences he gets a new thing to you and she is going to remain and so once the ends and i and i feel like some of them are writers very well i have to rate us in finding another word as your work and where you have an interesting and the tent where by sheer veil and fired at several animal is that
so most the duo time and i'm a person with a lot of money and there are you know dislike of busy reading and hearing there you are sharpening business and not you know under the ceo's turn of this summit so busy i liked it that you'd not to do a lot more but i just want a quick end take time to be able to say for a little bit and let it into the growing sectors it eighteen and you know that the bay area to work and i got to and that i was always doing something untoward persona around it taking listeners there's certain things going so i just cut someone i didn't know him taken a fighting force that money i
think that they got there right here at the initial sixty eight the end of a computer program so i went down the bay area and jane's editor at me around in there and so i worked evidence at all of us to have rudy that continue trying to catch a bus all this debt than they used to but i want to get a look at religion someone with two working parents still live in denton oh i'm in a mall isn't working doesn't like to work with you heard him as you well know he did you know you'd like to you'd always listen to then kill the stories worked it is dan kildee and you
know now it was just this thing sin in really in is the city a lot of books he has an appearance every right now cause i haven't been well with four days to sing i'd say that the house or some other house but fb he just listens to stevens in many areas and kids are going to go up and went and you know we went over to be a good member of this moment we're dutch was a year ago right here says isolating a lot of water and the bridge since then so were evacuees are they on the street are not be raised higher i'm a
writer because i can remember a week and that means scientists can take a thick
artist's at first thing you see
Remarkable People: Making a Difference in the Northwest
Raw Footage
Ella Carver Interview on Raymond Carver, tape 46
Producing Organization
KCTS (Television station : Seattle, Wash.)
Contributing Organization
SCCtv (Seattle, Washington)
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Raw Footage Description
Ella Carver interview on her son, author Raymond Carver. Includes photographs of Raymond Carver. Slight audio mismatch.
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Raw Footage
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Moving Image
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Interviewee: Carver, Ella Beatrice
Producing Organization: KCTS (Television station : Seattle, Wash.)
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Seattle Colleges Cable Television
Identifier: cpb-aacip-7c967e846ad (Filename)
Format: Hard Drive
Duration: 00:30:00
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Remarkable People: Making a Difference in the Northwest; Ella Carver Interview on Raymond Carver, tape 46,” 1993, SCCtv, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed May 9, 2024,
MLA: “Remarkable People: Making a Difference in the Northwest; Ella Carver Interview on Raymond Carver, tape 46.” 1993. SCCtv, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. May 9, 2024. <>.
APA: Remarkable People: Making a Difference in the Northwest; Ella Carver Interview on Raymond Carver, tape 46. Boston, MA: SCCtv, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from