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fb but during five years all of a lot of well this is that his holiness is where i can take everything i come here often in tune with the cleanup i don't have to make a bid for the next people and my friends and they're very comfortable in a large plant then i can just take off through the woods and it's this very comfortable and at home and i keep everything has many it's facing a quarter cent and that everything the stove and leslie button topics of the status kind of a lot then they keep them
foreclose that any show when i commented to bring information to fresh things for the ocean steve something cold feeling that big houses these days with a vu being in the field at this follows how isis out of your lungs i've lived in big houses the current self serve the needs of families and other circumstances planet that says home this is there are the roots of my shelter a year because that's where i spent the best part of my child's an amateur while but as far as a small space you actually don't use of the space all the time what kind of space to use for for cooking and for washington for sleeping it's its scale plant it's always the trade center of an amount at home and
an official chairman of discomfort and ivan watson became very small and you have indicated no yes for an amenity chair and it just it's a season of these heroes buildings are going up all over and here's one that he called the congress a very family conscious the building's great sins these days that would satisfy reason for acquiring this property over here because the border in this park visitors there again you could say it my voice now unlike many other veteran impossible just an hour you can almost repeat the question asked you say they're nowhere fast you have all the directors were already sick reasons to start with that
ok well as far as big houses thousands of the beauty of the big houses when you have artwork and things to look at that you're not actually using the space and if your if your artwork and you're your connection is is outdoors and you live in a beautiful place you need to be inside a big house just living space and in the old days when they opened the guy who built this cabin though the log cabin it was all in close the best for the view was covered up by it would pile that's where the storm for coming from out there and if he wanted to see the treaty went out the door and look at it i guess and as st louis or if you're in prison or windows so it is a life in time that's right oh gosh a couple of years ago
he savors values that has grown up so is there's very little zoning regulations and the finale and so many places and it now leavenworth values been discovered and a great many people are moving in that bill out of a lot of clearing in a lot of developing some of that good in and some of it has very much changed the character of the valley will this end of the valley in the canyon is on a national treasure the alpine lakes are and if their favorite non reclining area and there's still quite a lot of natural forest around here this forest for instance has never been a law with a few trees taken out and i've been a natural fires over the centuries that has never really been a lot when you walk around here you don't see stomps and you see a lot of different kinds of trade and the diversity of its becoming <unk> now
well there's bordering this property has been the church can't catholic church choir the land there or is that the sec he can't back in the early thirties and it's been it's been kept pretty primitive all this time seventy acres well the catholic church decided they had to sell it and it borders this property is right across the river and i had the opportunity to acquire it and the reason was i knew what would happen because a little be subdivided and close top developed and so i thought well i can i can prevent that by buying it and there it is it's a it's a conference centre in a financially beautiful chapel on so i'm now the owner of the church which is was not my wife's expectations but
there it is in the us that we're just little chapel and it's going to become law with them with a little re modeling its tent become a theater and then i hope we can build a theater around the same property for the community there's not an entertainment center here at the center of the valley it's a tourist destination that there's no one things for local people to do pole to perform and antle experience entertainers that come from other places so i wouldn't do that at the same time it's some it's a good place to restore lower the soul and defined and at the time the ground to get back to harmony with nature to wilderness experience when you can ruin just about iraq and it's quiet maybe hear birdsong right now and if i like this in this case millionaire anything and that's
a real estate company it's been an important that aesthetic experience as well at the time to think same think things over and make decisions that you can make a lot of people around well right now it is it's a conference under its primitive worth of things to improve its odds were comfortable with and for upgrading facility but now it serves hundred and fifty people and they have conferences there all the time and today to beautiful place for a conference and food assert their chant by the river and dc the chapel is used for a meeting of as well that the reason this event that small fear is that it's just
acoustically one of these very fortunate structures that they play the leavenworth handle quiet and there and you could hear every note there's no amplification the microphone and you can speak and you can hear the word everywhere you said in the church with a wooden the stone and for for certain kinds of music and voices is one where is your own doing well that's in the plan nationally that takes working together with a lot of people and maybe will it it's going to take the development of the other vision and an infrastructure in the valley if it was going to be like ashford has every potential and a lot of people think that it could be the actual started small he started and they live with one
building putting and shakespeare plays and shirley that something is this year mt i would love to see it happen you know that people love to come to leavenworth and this decides there's so much of that people live in leavenworth have to go somewhere else for them to go to seattle or spokane i went into summer because there's not even a movie house and leavenworth anymore and i needed to just get the basic services to buy sheet or anything you can really go to an energy and it would be something that kids can do and that families can do a head using both for the conference center and a performance hall the curves but as long as the church had it it was for church related things that this
is something that we can use for a lot of things and of course i see the environmental groups that i'm connected with will conference is that we've already hands on a small scale here i think they need places and there's very few places to teammate and work and thinking through and make plans and this is right in the center of the state it's ideally located and it's a good place to have teeth then working hard all day and i'm thinking situation high energy situation to go out and to know sweep the cobwebs out of your mind and let some creative voices come from areas that you use this place what does this media just thinking of the iraqi
state is now we're right now we're you know i guess if the world at in times gone by when i was in the publishing business i come over here to do all my writing and thinking and let's say anything that i didn't have to be in the office for any creative things that i've done that and usually then they're just be here some up tempo slows down as soon as i come in here they think pandas their feet in a sleek that is the land meetings and confrontation and for any of their home it showed that you're treated as homer hello
because we're home and poetry and we started writing is the man remember because my mother brought us over here i do remember being too little with an older brother and sister who were allowed to content and trips and i wasn't allowed to cry now i'm really be good i would be any trouble and they went horseback and i love to go on the front of my most part that i remember the first year i remember when the launch was built because women are at one another choir to place their little log cabin on the place and he started out sleeping there and then she built a little house that was later can take his house and that's where we are when a veteran
of the city's strong sense of why are you so a new series and just be willing to put your welfare not sure entergy new orleans saints and he said yeah ready for classes i cry well of course it started feeling started in childhood and allegedly so unusual especially with anybody who lives around here it the northwest to think that to me and over childhood years were happy and they were happy here in other words there
was a lot of a couple of chickens i had a lot of freedom as icann board smiling as if and hear a bit of the nose alone artist with the family and never went to camp for instance an ever done a good things and it's good things with friends and it's quite sufficient standard a little victories to find are coming down the coming downriver among iraq's and i find i feel because all of my family upbringing to liars this country is really that the talks we've been very fortunate and when you see a place losing some of its quality because you want to take care of that maybe something that's
because it is home and a house isn't homes bought the land here is home and it's in that it's a passion a ditch with what stewardship is but it's not for generosity is completely self serving it saving place for a while and i think it's i think it's selfish and when they they call us in the environmental community elitists i think the ones who call those names have their own kind of elitism and i think within the conservative ones really because when i just doing it for ourselves that for many generations into the future another level whole lot more years but i would like to come to the end of my life with a feeling of of
harmony harmony with this place yes yes short term visions on the opportunism of making making equipment development the high tech developments that are really appropriate this isn't people are people taking advantage of of transportation the deterioration of transportation you wouldn't believe that when the valley had a fraction of the population that it does now the transportation whilst there you could take a train to take a train every day leave leave the coast when it was rainy and
drippy and gray overcast and it goes through the tunnel which was built for people originally because it was built to use and you'd come out of the tunnel under the scene like there you have to drive it's dangerous to drive and it takes a lot of energy and so it's risky in and you are forced to drive the bus services deteriorated to get a nun anymore there's no public transportation from leavenworth to the coast anymore and they used to be a perfectly good passenger train that now that says the railroads were given all this this land and from the generosity of our government a long time ago so that they could enable white settlers who live here and it was to carry people around another will carry people as one carried freight and we're but
there's an effort going on in town now go along to try to get a train back and it's late this have happened years ago they should never have stopped that's one thing for an eleven or the squad oh sure i get so it's an industry it's a tourist destination a long time ago they they decided they didn't want a polluting industry here there's all the industries had died the sawmill the arm of the minds in the railroad world gone and the leavenworth was there was a little tiny service economy and there was nothing for young people to do anymore except to leave without a little town planet in order to re inject son soon
strength in the economy they decided they needed an industry came out the tourism tourists were supposed to come to a place to spend a lot of money and go away again and not leave any impact right from the other the negative impacts of a very successful tourism are are mingled with the six less than levin was a prosperous times were wonderful and are wonderful people have been moving in and also some love some other people who want to take advantage and that are not looking for the half the life quality of the silly some divisiveness he thinks their kids to bed at night and we've lost along and i hope what we always done everything today you sent us for oil alone costs over here
in cincinnati or discouraged it was not until just recently i haven't been very involved and now that they have then a living all kinds of causes that were were involved and through you know through other groups and in another places that's a level or there's just a special place in my in my heart so actually i was delighted to see the trust for public land when they they won out on the land exchange appear on the ridge because that was threatening thing they log the whole top of the ridge and you can imagine what that would be like there's a little houses at the foot of the ridge and they didn't want that he be buried by landslides after launching operation and a lot of people who fight can a company aereo love to see the forest that no one be looking at equipment and they successfully one man says there's a trade
so their beginnings doing some good things that it's time it's awfully hard to turn population around well another fire water's running short you wouldn't think that water would ever run short here that greeks to come in about the hillside forever then everyone needed water before a couple of years ago everybody figures out a lot of a lot of bird that now people are people coming in and putting in wells and using more water than rivers have already been allocated to more than the capacity of the water that's in their ever evolving allegations were were to be used up their aversion to grab you all well seth had to be deepened and that's going to be and
that's a very serious issue in the next ten years that maybe limited role for the plan to use a lot less but to conserve water and even the quality isn't good and we're even and that's that's kind of tough to take command of what happened in seattle production of happen here for their own future
Remarkable People: Making a Difference in the Northwest
Raw Footage
Harriett Bullit Interview
Producing Organization
KCTS (Television station : Seattle, Wash.)
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Interview with Harriett Bullit.
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Interviewee: Bullit, Harriet
Producing Organization: KCTS (Television station : Seattle, Wash.)
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Identifier: cpb-aacip-983c12497b0 (Filename)
Format: Hard Drive
Duration: 00:30:00
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Chicago: “Remarkable People: Making a Difference in the Northwest; Harriett Bullit Interview,” American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed May 9, 2024,
MLA: “Remarkable People: Making a Difference in the Northwest; Harriett Bullit Interview.” American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. May 9, 2024. <>.
APA: Remarkable People: Making a Difference in the Northwest; Harriett Bullit Interview. Boston, MA: American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from